A2: Joel the Second

Story by Jarhyn on SoFurry

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#3 of A World In Motion

(note that the author does not recommend or condone breaking any law in any country, and if by reading a gay anthropomorphic story that includes scenes of rape and murder, you shouldn't read this, and the author refuses to take responsibility for those, or any other illegal acts which you may commit).

say for sure what insanity spawned this thing. It's not exactly what I expected to have sitting in front of me when I set out to write it, but as surprising as that might have been, the MORE surprising thing is that it worked.

My only real complaint with this particular chapter is that it's a bit shorter than I had first hoped, sitting at only 6500 words, instead of the previous 11000.

I also have to apologize over the fact that it's been so long since my last post. Part of that has a lot to do with the fact that I accidentally deleted my key files for my secure partition, and turned so much awesome secure data into so much worthless RANDOM data. The moral of the story? Don't fuck with regular expressions unless you know what you're doing. Especially not when mixing them with such useful commands as secure remove.

That act, needless to say, destroyed a whole bunch of porn, the beginning of an entire storyline (which may or may not come back), and all the notes I had typed up on Rowanan history and any story lines I was planning. If not for the fact I forced myself to post the first chapter HERE, even that would have been lost.

Just another reason to keep redundancies, I guess.

Finally, a word about this story. This is not a story expressly about rape. If you go into this boldly with dick in hand , while you may get something out of it, you will miss the vast majority of what it's about. This is about the lives of two pretty ordinary individuals who were thrown together in an extraordinary way. It's about their lives, their struggles, and as the series title explains, their world.

So join me for the journey, not the destination.

*Begin Joel the Second*

Sunday, bloody Sunday:

Joel followed Mark down the sun-lit street. From the looks of it, it could have been any normal neighborhood in America... but it wasn't. It took some getting used to the idea that the place he grew up in was as good as having never been, but despite that his only clue that he wasn't back home was the fact that his guide was a 6 foot talking gray wolf... and that he himself was now a 6 foot tall talking cat.

In the light of everything that happened to him, though, he felt oddly comfortable with it all. He didn't even really have any post-deployment jitters. He knew the bushes in front of houses weren't going to explode, and being without his weapon didn't phase him in the least. The people around him weren't terrorists with bombs trying to kill him, and the cars that passed by every so often were in fact not going to turn towards him and try to blow him up. It was like a mid-tour vacation that wasn't going to end.

"So you STILL haven't told me why you're doing all this for me," Joel told Mark as they padded down the concrete sidewalk.

"Well, you tell me. Would YOU leave someone to die in your back yard when you could do something about it?" The gray wolf said casually back to him.

"I guess not... but this goes a lot further than just being a good person," Joel commented, looking over at the wolf next to him, watching the way the gray-toned fur on the tips of his ears stirred in the wind.

"Does it really? I don't know how things happen where you're from, but I work in a bar. I see people put far more trust in others, with far less reason than I have to trust you. Besides, you're cute, and that goes a long way," Mark said frankly, looking back, his own golden eyes locking onto Joel's hazel greens.

Privately, the thought made Joel swell a bit. He had been called cute plenty of times, by plenty of women, in plenty of bars. Hearing Mark say it, though, felt damn good. Their conversation was cut short though, as they exited from the residential area and came out onto a large boulevard lined with old-style red brick buildings.

"Welcome to the University of Eldin at Cannis," Mark proclaimed, as he held his arm out towards the campus. The red brick university buildings stretched up and down the street for about 4 blocks in each direction, and from between the buildings, he caught glimpses of at the same red buildings several layers deep, connected by sidewalks rather than streets. Once they had made it across the boulevard and started getting into the heart of the campus, what was just previously a wall of buildings materialized into a magnificent array.

From within the center of the campus area, Joel saw that entire college was divided into four main areas, each flanked by dorm buildings, and crowned by it's own unique multilevel structure for whatever classes it housed. In the center of the area was a large plaza dominated by a garden in front of what was likely the administrative building for the campus. On the whole, the area dwarfed the small town campus Joel remembered attending back in his home town. As they walked, they made a beeline to the administrative center.

"When you get to the front desk, you should let me do most of the talking to start. There'll be a short interview, they'll look over your documents, and since there's a test this morning, they'll probably just squeeze you in with that group if you're lucky."

"And if I'm not lucky?"

"They set you up for an appointment later in the week. Usually that means you miss out on some of the better intro classes, but they save some seats back for undeclared scholarships. All the more reason to get a good score."

"Good to know."


Inside the administration building, their first stop was clearly marked; As they entered, the foyer emptied out into an open stairway that led up to the main floor of the building, bearing a large sign instructing students registering for freshman classes that semester to make a stop at admissions. on the wall as they topped the stairway, there was a set of directional signs, one pointing to the right that said "admissions", and one that pointed to the left that read "registrar's office".

"Admissions it is," Mark said as he led Joel down the hallway to the left, past an elevator, and a study area with computers and advertisements for tutoring on the right side of the hall. Around the corner, on the right hand wall there was an information window, with a large sign painted above it telling them they were in the right place.

The window itself was an old wooden frame set just above waist height, and was attended by what Joel could recognize as a female otter, her graying fur betraying her advancing years. Despite her age though, the deep set laugh lines told him all he needed to know about her at a glance.

"And how can I help you boys tod... Mark? Is that you? I haven't seen you over here since your father left us," She said, smiling up at the wolf, recognition sparkling in her eyes.

"Elra! It's good to see you again. This is my friend Jolan... he prefers Joel though. He wants to sign up for spring classes."

"Well isn't that so. Just have him fill out these forms, then bring them back to me. If you want you can both have a seat inside the office while you fill them out. Just let me open up the door." The otter said as she disappeared from the window. Within seconds, a side door opened down the hallway and a beaconing hand waved them forward. Shortly, Joel found himself standing in a cavernous office area that must have taken up the entire wall of the building. On the far right hand side of the room, there was a set of small offices that looked to be reserved for the interview process, and on the other end, there were several larger offices that probably belonged to the admissions counselors. In the center of the office, there was a comb of cubicles, with various secretaries working on their own parts of the office 'machine'. Next to the door, on the right, there was a long table, just taller than a coffee table, which was surrounded by deep cushioned leather waiting-room style chairs.

"Just have a seat right here and let me know when you're done." The otter said as she motioned to one of the chairs surrounding the table. Once Joel had taken a seat, Mark handed him documents which Joel instantly recognized as the contents of the 'identity box' from the other day.

"Fill them out with whatever you know. if there's something you can't find, just tell me and I'll come over and help. In the mean time I think I'm going to catch up with Elra." Mark whispered as he handed over the ream of papers, before walking over to talk with the otter at the desk. Once left to fend for himself, Joel dug into the paperwork.

At first glance, the multi-page document seemed as daunting as his military background check paperwork had been, but after looking over each sheet page-by-page, it wasn't that complicated at all. The first page was mostly just identification information; name, address, date of birth, ID number. Information that was mostly available just by looking at his ID card. Going through the stack of papers, he found everything else he needed to know as well, from grades in primary and secondary schools, to employment and reference information. There were even tax documents for a job at "Raul's Tavern", and opened bills. Once the forms had been filled out, he walked up to Mark and Elra with the clipboard.

"Ah, all filled out then? Just take a seat again and I'll get an admissions counselor with you right away," Elra said as she took the forms and disappeared into another corner of the office. When she returned, she brought another wolf with her, one with cream-colored fur that gave way into browns and grays as they advanced up his face and around his back. His eyes were a deeper golden color, closer to brown, and distinct from mark's more vivid golden hue. For clothing, the wolf wore a pair of expensive looking pants, and a light blue button-up shirt.

"This is Rick Dewclaw. He'll be your admissions representative. He's just going to take you back into an office and ask you a few questions about your application." The wolf confidently reached out to shake Joel's paw, which Joel returned with a firm and confident grasp. After a short trip between the rows of cubicles, Rick led him down the hall way at the end of the office and into a smaller interview room.

The interview room itself was dominated mostly by a smaller circular table, with a computer workstation in the corner. To the back of the office there was a window that looked out over the view behind the admin building. Rick gestured to a chair for Joel, then sat in a chair opposite of the feline.

"So why U of Cannis?" The wolf started off, once Joel had gotten himself as comfortable as he could get in the chair. Unlike the chairs in the lobby, though, these seemed to be designed specifically to make comfort an impossibility.

"Well, I heard it was the best. And it doesn't hurt to be right next to where I'm living right now," Joel improvised.

"Distance is always a major part I suppose. And yes, we do happen to be the best school in the country for Scientific and Medical studies. Not so much for English and fine arts, though." The wolf said as he looked down at the application with a stern face.

"And how long have you been in the area?" the wolf asked casually. As Joel listened, a hint of an unfamiliar smell reached his nose, the idea of which further adding to his growing feeling of discomfort.

"About a year now. I moved here after high school to get away my parents and small town life," Joel filled in with what he remembered of his documents. According to the documents, he was from a place called 'Greenstem', and had filled out as such in his housing history.

"And what exactly are you hoping to bring back from good old U of C? What are you planning to get a degree in?" The wolf asked, just as Joel caught another trace of the elusive scent. While Joel still couldn't place it, he didn't like it at all.

"I was thinking something in Computers or Physics."

"Then you are definitely in the right place. You would make your parents proud, I'm sure. I came from Greenstem myself, don't you know?" The wolf said, a slight smirk lighting his face. As the smirk blossomed, the smell reached Joel a third time. While it wasn't anything he had ever smelled before, his brain was already filling in what his primitive mind apparently already knew; something was wrong.

As the realization that the wolf may have already compromised his cover, Joel thought quickly, remembering a newscast from the previous day.

"You did? I don't suppose you heard about Stephen then. Such a pity." Joel complimented himself lightly for the feat of memory.

"Oh, I did. In fact he and Alex were good friends of the family. Not the only good friend of the family though. You know, I knew your parents too." As he spoke, the wolf's smirk evolved into a malign smile. Suddenly Joel realized that if the wolf was telling the truth, his cover was in ruins, only to be hammered home as the wolf continued to speak, "well enough to know that their son never lived long enough to make it back from the hospital... which brings me to the question of who the hell you are exactly."

"What do you want from me?" Joel asked the wolf, dropping the cover. Unconsciously, his tail tip started snapping back and forth, making a steady thumping noise as it brushed against the carpet.

"Nothing I'm sure can't be resolved with a little favor," the wolf said as he adjusted himself. Deep inside, Joel knew where this was going, and his cover was blown. "Just consider it part one of your Freshman Placement Test. You know, one good turn deserves another after all."

"And if I say no?"

"Well, identity fraud is a serious offense..." and the wolf didn't have to say more. Joel got the picture, and no matter how much he hated it, he knew he didn't have a choice.

"So right now, you are going to walk up to the door, and lock it." Getting up slowly, Joel did exactly as he was told. As he moved, anger began to froth up like a tide against the rocks. "OK, now just walk over to those blinds and shut them... wouldn't want people to get the wrong idea... or maybe the right idea? Gotta love these 'privacy protected' interview rooms" the wolf laughed evilly.

"What happens next is you get on your knees." Slowly the wolf adjusted himself again, standing up as Joel knelt down on the rough surface of the industrial grade carpet, tail flitting loudly against the floor. From his pocket, the wolf produced a large, hard plastic-looking ring with straps on it. "And then you put this in your muzzle. Wouldn't want those teeth getting in the way."

Brusquely, the wolf reached down and pulled Joel's jaw down, wrapping the straps around the back of his head so he couldn't spit it out. The large ring in his mouth made his jaw ache almost instantly.

"And now for the fun part..." As the wolf finished his last statement, he popped the front button on his pants.

Having not really seen much of himself while sober, let alone mark, he wasn't surprised to see, once the canine had lowered his zipper, that his organ was about as canine as the rest of him. From a large sheath protruded 4 inches of cock attached to a bulbous knot, not yet expanded, and then another inch or so of penis still covered by the sheath. As the wolf stood there, he grabbed Joel by the ear, and yanked it so as to position his feline muzzle against the tip of the dripping member.

As the deep pink flesh poked against Joel's nose, pre smeared across his face. With another twist on his ear, the wolf handled him so as to bring his nose up, and pressed the end of his cock into the orifice produced by the ring gag, shoving the length of it in right up to the knot. As the tip of the member poked itself against the back of his throat, Joel couldn't help but gag. For every motion that the wolf made, the ring seemed to put more strain on his jaw, until he felt almost sure that he was about to displace it, but some miracle at least kept the hinge of his jaw in socket as Rick started to guide Joel's mouth along the length of himself. Once he had already rammed his dick into Joel's throat several times, almost like a sadistic warm-up, the wolf grabbed the back of Joel's head with his free paw and started pushing his cock deeply into the warm muzzle, grunting as he went.

"You know, you do this like it's your first time," the wolf said as he pushed himself into Joel's muzzle roughly, gasping lightly as he continued to speak, "Given how long you've been living with MARK though, I doubt that. Now do like a good little bitch-cat and grab the knot."

Every word that came from the wolf's mouth seemed to infuriate Joel even more. He knew there was nothing to do about it, and hid himself in the fact that at some point, the pain would end. Still, unconsciously he began to bite down firmly against the ring gag, and then he swallowed his rage long enough to do what was told. In the back of his mind, he began plotting exactly what he would do to the wolf if he ever got the chance.

"Yeah, That's it. Just a little more now and you'll have that admission in the bag, don't you think? or.... or... maybe just in your... muzzle. And you better... swallow it all... too."

Continuing to jam his dick roughly in Joel's mouth, his thrusts began to become erratic and the knot expanded in Joel's paw. Within seconds, he found himself choking down the wolf's bitter seed.

"Oh yeah... I wouldn't expect any less from a friend of Mark's... heh... And I'm sure you'll think that the admissions recommendation was worth it." Even as the wolf finished zipping himself up, Joel began working to take off the painful device in his muzzle. As he worked on it, the wolf produced a small aerosol can from his pocket.

"By the way... before you go..." as the wolf paused his sentence, he sprayed Joel's face and clothing down with a vile smelling vapor that made Joel cough as he finally pulled off the gag. Once the gag was off, Rick took his time to spray himself down as well, taking extra time around his groin, and then taking the gag and can and putting them both back in his pocket.

"After all, can't have you smelling like sex," the wolf said, explaining himself as he pushed his receding member back into his pants and pulled up the zipper. Even as he spoke, the vile smell cleared to leave behind no scent behind at all.

"Don't forget to be here for the Freshman Placement test in a couple hours," the wolf added with a grin as Joel opened the door and walked across the hall.


"Well, it looks like Joel is going to be a great fit for us here at U of C, just as long as he does well on his freshman placement tests to make the bar," Rick said as he handed Joel's paperwork back to Elra. Joel did his best to keep a pleasant face on as they discussed his admission to the university. Every fiber of his being wanted to utterly destroy the wolf, but he also knew it wasn't an option, so continued to keep his composure until they were done. When he got his ticket for the FPT, he was out the door with Mark in tow.

"OK, and this is the part where you tell me what the hell happened in there... And don't say nothing. You just got into college, but your face says rage, and your smell is blank and that's the first sign something is wrong." Mark asked as soon as they were out of earshot of the administration office.

"The fucker knew the people who were supposedly my parents. And then he used that to rape me. The worst part of it is I can't even report it, since he knows I'm a fraud." Joel said in a cool rage. In his mind he went over different ways to end the the life of one Rick Dewclaw. A whiff of shock and concern made it over to Joel, but that did nothing to stop the anger.

"I'd heard some stories about him... but I never thought... I'm so sorry..."

"Well, that's all good and fine, but that doesn't stop what he did, now does it?" Joel snapped, cruelty and rage dripping from his voice like water gushing from a faucet. As he spoke, fear lighted on Mark's face, and an acrid spike of anger pierced the air through the previous void of non-smell. When he saw the look on the wolf's face, though, his anger dissolved.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't be mad at you."

"It's OK. We'll get you through this, though, I'm sure. In the mean time, do you think you can do alright on your FPT?"

"Probably. I just want to get today over with." Joel said as he walked down the sidewalk with Mark.


He wanted to just stand up from the computer and walk out of the testing area, but his brain refused to let him. He had to do well on the test, if not to get into school, to prove he was worth something to himself. So as the count down towards the start of the test began, he gave it one last thought, and he was in the realm of the test. There was nothing. There was nobody. Then there was a question... and then an answer... then another question again, until it was done. And then he got up and left, and the world started again.

"So how did it go?" Mark asked him somberly, as Joel walked passed him, sitting outside the testing room.

"I don't know. I can barely remember it," Joel said as he took a seat next to the wolf. They sat in silence for the next hour as everyone else finished the test.


One by one the prospective students walked out of the test room. Some looked happier than others, but nobody had exited the testing room until about 20 minutes after Joel. As each walked by, they took their own seat in the long line of chairs along the hall of the upper floor of the administration building. Once the last group exited, those who had timed out on every section, the test administrator followed shortly after with a stack of computer printouts. One by one, then fairly average looking fox handed each person their sheet along with an extra sealed in a manila folder.

On the paper he got, Joel couldn't make heads or tails. There was nothing but numbers with nothing to give them any meaning.

"Before we're done here, Let me take a minute to explain your test sheets. The test was divided into several sections, each testing your POTENTIAL to learn in several areas. On your sheet are listed the basic subject matter groups. It's divided up into six basic sections: English skills, history, arts, math, science, and medicine, from top to bottom, right to left. the scores listed are a general indicator of how well you would do in a given field." Looking at the test, Joel understood what he meant. The paper was broken down into 6 major areas, each with smaller areas inside; the main scores, though, were in large boxes near the headers of the categories.

"As for scoring, a score of around 300 is average in any category. The standard deviation for a score is 50 points, up to a possible upward deviation of 300 points. What this means to you is, the higher the score the better. Government selection for a subject begins at 450 points, which is around the 99'th percentile, give or take." While he didn't remember everything he learned the last time through stats, a quick look said he had made government selection standards in 5 of the 6 main groups, with everything but history above 480, which was at a dismal 328.

"Well, at least something about today isn't shit." Mark offered, as he looked down at the test scores. Hearing the wolf speak, Joel made a mental decision to let down his mental guard, and reached over and hugged him. As they embraced, Joel whispered a simple 'thanks' in his ear.

"and about that other thing... Well, lets just say I have some plans on how to fix that too," the wolf whispered back, giving a firm squeeze.

Joel released the embrace slowly, and smiled.


After lunch, things slowed down a lot. They paid a visit to the registrar's office, taking care to avoid Rick. According to the registrar, the entire government selection part would be handled by the university, and once that was handled, he would be set up into an "undeclared" option path that fit his FPT scores. His class schedule would be delivered to him as soon as it was available.

As they spent the day exploring the campus, Joel told mark about Earth, and Mark told Joel about Rowana. Neither really paid much attention to the campus. In the end there weren't too many differences between the worlds. In addition to technology, the same problems that arose between people of different races and cultures on earth were the same problems that arose between different species and cultures on Rowana. There were 20 longer 'hours' in a day rather than 24; There were 80 subdivisions in an hour rather than 60. While part of Joel was already aware, the conversation did well to keep his mood light, and his mind off of that morning. Whenever the topic of that morning DID come up, Mark was quick to change the subject, and suggest that he already was working on a solution to the "problem".

"By the way, if you actually looked at any of those papers I gave you, they say you've got a job at the same bar where I work. In fact, if you want you can start work tonight," Mark said, turning off of the campus sidewalk, and lead Joel back to his home.

"For serious?" Joel asked, remembering the tax documents he had looked over before. While the thought of an actual job hadn't crossed Joel's mind, it sort of made sense that he would need one, if not to help pay for his living arrangement, then to at least look normal. "Just tell me when to start, I guess."

"According to my watch, we have about two hours 'till we need to be there. Don't worry about how you're dressed, though. Based on the job offerings at the bar you should probably wear one of those tan shirts, along with those fatigue pants."

"What do you mean by that?" Joel asked as they came up to the house.

"Well, right now the only open position we have is 'bouncer'."


They arrived at "Raul's Tavern" at around 1300 Cannis Time, which Joel figured was around 1530 Earth time. When they got there, a rather portly feline resembling a Siberian Tiger was sitting behind the bar polishing the glasses and bar-top.

"So who is this new guy bring me here," the tiger said with a heavy accent as he looked up from the glass he was working on

"You remember that arrangement we made a while back, where I pay the extra taxes and you keep a guy on the records for me? Well this is him."

"Aha! It's nice to actually meet your friend. You know I never ask who I was doing this thing for, but now I can see why you would be asking," the tiger said, as he looked at Joel.

"Well, it's not actually like THAT... OK, maybe a little, but it's not like he's a mail order or anything crazy like that. Just a good friend, I guess you could call it... Speaking of which, Raul, do you mind coming into the back with me for just a sec? I need to talk to you about something." Mark said as he deftly jumped over the bar.

"You know, there is raising up part on the side," the tiger mentioned wryly as Mark walked past him and into the back kitchen area. Shortly, the tiger disappeared through the heavy wooden swinging door behind the wolf. After a few minutes, they both emerged, Mark wearing a stupid smirk and the tiger, Raul, nodding to himself.


After another half hour of work, the bar was ready for business. Mark walked to the door and flipped the "closed" sign to "open", and the first few customers of the day began filtering in. Given that it was a Sunday, business started out slow, but by the time 1600 had rolled around, there was a good collection of people filling the barstools and talking about everything from yesterday's lousy lay to the latest sports games. Above all, it was a pretty relaxed, quiet atmosphere. That was, until about 1650.

When Rick walked in, Joel couldn't help but feel the bile rise up in his throat. Not even 8 hours ago, that same wolf had extorted and raped him, and here he was again. As he walked by, the smug bastard even shot him a vile little grin, already smelling strongly of booze. It took everything Joel had not to remove the grin along with half of the wolf's face.

Joel watched and tracked as the wolf made his way to the bar, and smiled at Mark. As they chatted, Mark began making drinks for the wolf, and Raul came from behind the bar to talk to Joel.

"Mark is already with filling me in with walking piece-of-shit. Try not to be looking at them much. Just know that in 2 or 3 hours, you should be expecting to need to bounce a certain piece-of-shit. Just be trying to not be too rough. Trust us on this one, ya?" the tiger said in his heavy accent. Once he had said his piece, the tiger disappeared back behind the bar to the kitchen.

Over the period of the next hour or so, whenever the wolf looked away or got up, whatever drink he was working on was either refilled or replaced. From the looks of it, he was already too drunk to notice. By the time the second hour had rolled by, the wolf was so drunk that he couldn't even stand upright. Mark had let his glass empty one last time, and then proclaimed loudly that the wolf was too drunk to continue to be served, then bent over and whispered something else in the wolf's ear that made him shove his glass over the edge of the bar. At once Rick began to get belligerent and shouting heavily slurred insults at the younger wolf. Joel took that to be his cue as he walked up to end the dispute.

"Is there a problem here?" Joel asked the wolf, trying to be as calm as he possibly could.

"Nashi thars prob... prob... problumher. whydun ya tak yer lil slutself back ta yer ben... ben... Fukkit.. Leh th' reel men duke it out here, an by men, tha's jus me."

"Is that so. Well, I think you've pretty much hit your limit. I think it's time for you to leave." As the wolf began to try talking again, Joel pulled his arm around, and began half escorting, half dragging the inebriated and struggling wolf to the door, forcing himself to trust Mark and Raul. Shortly after managing to push the wolf out the door, Joel walked up to mark and proclaimed that their shifts were over, and that Tony, the snow leopard from the other day, would be in soon to help Raul finish up.


"OK, I think it's about time you tell me what was up with that creep tonight." Joel said, finally in the privacy of Mark's room back at the house.

"Well, you know how he walked in, right? Well, best I can tell, every Sunday, he hits up every bar on the street until he either gets to ours or gets laid, according to what he usually says when he comes in... 'Why can' there jus be more Hot little pretty things in any of these bars...'" Mark's impersonation of the drunken slurring voice, while less pronounced than Rick's actual drunk-voice, was pretty accurate.

"Well, the latter doesn't happen much, apparently, since he always comes in and orders another 5 or 6 drinks on top of whatever else he's drunk for the night. After about an hour or two of putting up with him talking about how sexy he is, and all the 'tail' he's gotten, he stumbles out onto the street and presumably walks home. Tonight, he drank about 20, mixed with enough energy drink to keep him from passing out long enough to get them down. After you threw him out, he probably made it another block, if that. I've seen it a couple times before, and I hear it's supposed to be a horrible way to go, dying of alcohol poisoning."

Indeed the thought of seeing the wolf appear on the news, and having his other victims come forward and further desecrate the wolf's name was appealing. Still, he had seen some people drink a lot of booze in the army and still manage to wake up the next morning, alive and kicking.

"And what makes you so sure that's what happened? I've seen some guys drink a lot more than that and come out swinging." Joel asked Mark as he got ready for bed himself.

"After you threw him out, Raul kept an eye on him from his loft above the bar. The guy made it about half a block, and then Raul, the good person that he is, went out to check on the 'poor soul' only to find that he had already died choking on his own puke. Tony's shift should be starting right about now. My guess is he'll see the corpse on the street on his way in, call an ambulance, and they'll rush deliver the sack of shit to the nearest coroner's office to find that his hip flask full of pure grain alcohol was good to the last drop." the wolf said as he pulled off his shirt. While part of Joel was a little shocked that Mark was capable of something like that, he remembered that he had killed before too, and with far less provocation, sometimes with none at all. Thus was war, though. As far as he was concerned, Rick was as deserving of a painful death as any terrorist he had ever met. He just had a different method of producing his terror.

"Um.. I know this probably sounds weird, but thanks. I guess it's good knowing there are still people around that are watching my back. And... I still haven't forgotten about last night. At least the parts of it I can remember."

"Eh, Neither have I. I was actually wondering when you would mention that again."

"Well, you know what they say... one good turn deserves another..." Joel said, walking up on the wolf.

"Hey, no need to pay me back. You may have me confused with another wolf you know." Mark said as he looked into Joel's deep hazel-green eyes.

"Not at all. And I know I don't really owe you anything. I just want to maybe get the taste of him out of my mouth finally..." Joel said as he slid down Mark's body, stopping as his muzzle probed up against the seam of Mark's pants. Reaching up his paw, he gripped the little tab of the zipper, pulling down to reveal the start of the canine's erection just peeking from the sheath. Sliding his tongue out of his muzzle, he gave the member a tender, slow lick.

With a pulse, the canine's length responded, a quiet gasp reaching Joel's ears when he opened his muzzle and took the tip inside. Where there was previously just the memory of violence and coercion, now there was also the possibility of intimacy and enjoyment, and he did indeed enjoy the taste as the pre slowly leaked from the tip of the still-hardening cock. As it grew, he took more into his muzzle, inch by inch, until the tip probed up against the back of his mouth. With a paw, he reached up and began gently massaging the knot as it pulled itself free from the sheath, and yet again had his muzzle filled with another spurt of precum, almost sweet as it shot against the tip of his tongue. In the back of his mind he wondered how what he was experiencing now could be so different from what he had experienced before. Even as he wondered, a paw graced his ear, this time massaging it, and rubbing it rather than yanking violently... and it felt good. And the other paw moved to the back of his head and long fingers buried themselves in the fur they found there, ruffling the fur ever-so-slightly... and it felt good. And as the wolf began to shudder and tremble, his knot started to swell, and before long there were hot sticky strings of coppery tasting seed shooting against the roof of his muzzle, which he did his best to swallow.

"You'd almost think you'd done this before..." Mark said, looking down at the feline.

"Not funny..." Joel replied as Mark put his paws against Joel's shoulders, leaning down onto him.

"Oh come on. I guess it's my turn now... You know what they say... One good turn, was it?" With a light shove, the wolf had pushed Joel onto his back to lay the feline out against the carpet. After a few seconds of fumbling with the buttons on the ACU trousers, the wolf had managed to extract Joel's barbed feline penis from his trousers. As Mark slid his muzzle down around the end of the deep pink flesh, Joel shut his eyes and entered a state of bliss as the thin canine tongue lapped up he length of his soft barbs, exciting him more each it rubbed past. From below, the quiet sound of muffled sucking could be heard, and again, sensation flared along the long rows of barbs. As the muzzle moved along the tip, a paw joined it on the shaft, and unconsciously, he moved his own paw down to rub the wolf's soft ears gently, enjoying both the feel of the soft muzzle around his cock and the soft fuzzy flesh in his paw, and as he did, he could feel the sensations of his own climax approaching, and as he climaxed and sent his own load shooting into Mark's mouth, he could feel a soft warm purr raising up from deep within him.

Once he had climaxed, the smells of his and Mark's satisfaction seemed to wash over him, and mark looked up to him. "If you want you can sleep in here," the wolf said, getting up and shifting over to the bed.

"I do think I'd like that." Joel said as he finished shucking off his pants and climbed into the bed next to the furry lump that was Mark.

*end Joel the Second*