Anissa Character Reference sheet

Story by Kino Jaggernov on SoFurry

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A reference for anyone who wants to write anything with Anissa in it... which is totally ok with me.

Anissa SandinAge: 25Height: 5 ft. 6 in.Weight: 195 lbs. Overweight by 56 pounds.Species: domestic cat (ginger)

Anissa can be seen here a lot MORE of her can be seen here ;) Anissa started out life in a fairly ordinary family; her father a mechanic, her mother a school teacher. Anissa was very close to her mother, mostly because her father was a little bit awkward around her; he was hoping for a son, someone he could pass on his skills to. He loved her, of course, but just didn't feel like he had as much to offer her. Progressive, he was not... so Anissa became interested in the same things her mother was at an early age, and gained an early respect for education. Her mother got her involved in after school activities, kept her young mind busy to instill a good work ethic. Anissa took piano lessons and karate to help her become creative and disciplined, though cancer took her mother when Anissa was 12, and her brother Greg only 6. Life became much harder for the family then; money was always tight and Anissa couldn't continue her outside classes.With music and athletic persuits cut off, Anissa turned her attention to anime; it provided an escape from reality and it was a cheap hobby. It got her also interested in doing karaoke, so when she wasn't holed up in her room watching bootleg copies of anime shows, she was out at the karaoke bar. It was her way of rebelling in her teen years. She put on a lot of weight during this time, and she was definitely not one of the popular girls in high school because of her weight and otaku interests. Towards the end of her high school days, she became interested in the wiccan religion, trying to come to grips with her mother's death and the sudden change in her life's direction. She wasn't even sure if she was going to attempt to go to college, the family's money troubles just seemed to make it impossible. Her ambitions had all but vanished, but Anissa's father came through with a trust fund that allowed her to go.

Anissa is currently the assistant manager of a comic book store; she works for the parents of one of her old college friends. It doesn't pay much better than a clerk's position, but it's enough for her to rent the upper floor of an old 2-story house with Melissa. Her room has a spacious bay window in it that she keeps a small garden in, and sometimes plays her guitar there. 

She is still writing music, and often turns them over to her college friend Brent for his band, Beautiful Agony. Anissa ocassionally will join them on-stage, but keeps to the back and always covers most of her body up with a gothic cape or shawl to hide her figure. 

Anissa has a pet praying mantis named Pocky who guards her little garden, especially her catnip plants, which she eats to relax, since it has no negative side effects. 

Skills:Anissa graduated with honors, her degree in music, and spent most of her minors on literature and computer courses. She can play the guitar and piano professionally, and her singing voice owes a lot to jazz; dark and silky. She knows how to fix some car problems, but she's far from an expert. Basic maintenance only--she can change a tire and oil, fix a tail light, but that's about it. Anissa can take care of basic computer maintenance; running regular virus scans, updating drivers, keeping the registry from getting bogged down with crap. Anissa can speak low-level conversational Japanese, but can barely read it. Anissa quickly discovered in college that she didn't have a gift for languages. Anissa knows her history and geography, but she probably wouldn't win a quiz show. Anissa knows a lot of useless trivia about manga and anime, and is an occassional cosplayer. She usually makes her own clothes, and can recreate simple costumes with good accuracy. Though Anissa is badly out of shape, she is still fairly skilled in martial arts; she earned a blue belt (about 3/4 of the way to a black belt) in kempo karate at age 13 before she had to stop taking classes.Physical attributes:Anissa gained a lot of weight during her teen years due to stress, turning to convenience foods that were high on calories and low on nutritional value. She's not in any kind of shape to fight anyone, but she does have fantastic reflexes, thanks to her feline heritage. Anissa is still a virgin, but she does own a few sex toys. If she had sex with anyone, it wouldn't hurt her, as long as he isn't any bigger than her toys (Which are average sized.). Anissa is fairly coordinated, swift with a needle and thread and very dexterous with her hands on the piano. Despite her looks, Anissa does have quite a bit of athletic talent, even if it is largely untapped.Anissa's measurements are Bust: 43EE, Waist: 36, Hips: 46.Personality:Anissa is shy and often relies a lot on her best friend Melissa to break the ice with strangers. She clings to her small circle of friends, and doesn't try much to expand that circle; it's not that she's not friendly, it's just that she's not had much experience managing a lot of friends, which is bizarre considering she wants to enter the music industry. Anissa also has a very strong guilt complex, and worries what people think of her a little too much; this can make her very easy to manipulate, especially if Anissa feels she should be trying to keep a person on her side. Anissa also shoulders a lot of responsibility, which makes her very lonely while at the same time reluctant to persue a relationship (she just doesn't think she could manage her time effectively enough to be a good girlfriend and shepherd at the same time.).Dreamscape form:Anissa is one of if not the most powerful Shepherd, and

has wrangled more than a few dangerous situations involving a Dreamscape fissure. Her Dreamscape form is a seven-foot, athletically built feline with huge, serval-like ears and oversized, almost kangarooish legs. This form is completely nude (no genitals visible, however) except for a couple of bands over her feet, a huge belt of beads which she uses occassionally as a weapon, and ribbons on her arms. When in this form, Anissa holds huge influence over the Dreamscape. Anissa also has a secondary, less powerful Dreamscape form, in which she takes on the appearance of a childhood hero, which looks like a cross between Wonder Woman and Xena with a light sabre.

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