The Assassin

Story by dog455 on SoFurry

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#1 of The Assassin Series

Sorry about the long wait on a story. I had so much going on that is was hard to sit down and write, but I finally did it and wrote 6000+ words. I will probably make this a series along with Aeria. I am pretty excited to kick start 2013 with a bunch of new stories for all of you to read!

Please leave a comment on what I could improve on! Faves and watches are nice, but comments are where it's at.

As always, please enjoy.

Crimson Song I listened too: Spectrum of the Sky by Break of Reality

The Assassin

Beaming over the landscape, a bright moon shines its melancholy rays over two guards who walked silently by one another. Looking up towards the stars, one guard smiled which caught the attention of the other. The guard that smiled was young and lustful, each walk he made having a jump to his step while the other was older, and much more mellow yet still very wise.

"What are you smiling about? What is so interesting about this night more than the other hundred or so that we patrolled on?" The older one said in an almost irritated tone.

"The stars. Something is bound to happen. They never line up this way. The Assassin constellation has not been seen for a thousand years." The young guard said in awe as he starred up into the sky, not paying attention to where he walked as he bumped into several bystanders who gave him a strange look when they noticed he was looking into space itself.

"You still believe in that myth? No one will escape today. We have every jailhouse on lockdown. Magic or not, the constellation will not apply tonight." The older guard said.

"Every thousand years, a man escapes jail when the constellation is high in the midnight sky. Every thousand years, he kills a Noble. What makes this year different?"

Grabbing a flask by his rapier he held on his belt, he unscrewed the cap, pulled it off with a disgruntled face when he noticed it was almost empty, and took a swig of the mysterious drink inside. The younger guard could smell the concoction though. It was defiantly alcohol from a plant that lived in the desert oasis's fertile lands.

After taking a long swig of the drink, the older guard licked his lips and said, "Because of security. There is no way someone...or something...can make it out alive this time without taking some form of injury. Plus kill a Noble."

"Who said that the prisoner who escaped would kill a Noble tonig-"

Silence followed after the sentence. The older guard turned around to look for his partner. He was only met with the sight of a wolf holding a knife to a man's throat. His other hand was covered over the guard's mouth so he wouldn't shout for help. His ruby red eyes and arrogant attire told the guard he was a Noble.

"Everything. Give me everything. My friend and I need to escape..."


An hour earlier in the damp, dark, and occupied cell, a wolf with moonlight blue fur and piercing yellow eyes starred past the bars in his cell. His mind flashed to memories of the past. In his mind, he remembered the lush forest that he once was settled in. Not the harsh, hot, and remorseless winds of the desert.

As he waited inside the cell, the window let in the streams of moonlight from outside which brought light to his environment he was jailed in. Being plain and simple, the walls of his jail were no means for the comfort of the person trapped inside. The walls were grey stone that blocked anyone in from escaping or from anyone getting in to help someone escape. Slick to the touch, they were impossible to climb for the average civilian. A window was up high on the wall and the bars that sealed it were rusted and worn. Claw marks were found on the iron which showed that someone tried to escape by climbing up the wall.

The dried blood that mixed with the rust told a story that whoever tried to break free of the confinement didn't escape.

Sitting on the wall by the window, a useless torch hung lifelessly, the oil at the end of the stick dried and out of use. Not one guard bothered to relight it because of the risk of being strangled from the prisoner behind the bars. It was the night of the Assassin consolation. No one wanted to take a risk.

A guard stood watch in front of the wolf's cell. The ever vigilant guard held a musket rifle with a bayonet in his hand that was clutched very loosely. A snore echoed throughout the holdings and the guard shifted in his chair. The guard wore a simple outfit that blended in with the desert attire. A long cloak covered his body to protect him from sand and debris in the harsh desert. A hood covered his head and a spot for his ears was present to allow the canine's ears freedom. A chuckle equally ran through the hall.

"Fast asleep as always..." Said a distant voice in the hall that didn't become so distant.

Another wolf, bigger in demeanor then the wolf inside the cell walked forward. He wore a grin and a crimson robe adorned him. A hood over his head covered his face like the guard he was walking up towards. The leather gloves he wore clutched a dagger so professionally, it was like he killed a thousand times. Armor covered his shoulder to prevent damage to that important ligament while the leather pants he wore allowed his movements to be stealthy and quiet. His boots muffled his steps and allowed a silent approach.

But he was not an Assassin.

He was a Noble.

"Oh! It seems we have a spectator!" The Noble cried as he walked over to the imprisoned wolf's cell. The guard snorted in his sleep and stirred on the chair which made the Nobleman giggle hysterically.

He put a finger to his lips, looking back at the wolf behind the cell's cold bars, "Can't have him waking up. I suggest you be quiet." He whispered and then laughed again.

"I suggest you do the same." Said the prisoner in a gruff voice.

"Fare enough. I need you to come with me when I break you free." The Noble said as he slowly moved the blade of the dagger towards the lock like he was going pick the lock with the blade. The blade was elegant with a red ruby adorned on the bottom of the handle. The crimson red ruby shined like the brightest sun in the little moonlight that broke through the cracks of the prison's stone walls.

The wolf in the cell grinned and said, "I don't even know your name." He didn't trust the Noble talking to him. First because he was a Noble and second because he could tell from the type of ruby on the bottom of the Nobleman's dagger that he belonged to a Tribe.

Each Nobleman belongs to a type of Tribe or Table. Many outside of the Noble class call them Tribes because they act like tribes. When one becomes a Noble, they go through a process of being initiated. The initiation process determines which Table the Noble is suited for. Basically, a Table is a subclass of the Noble.

This Noble was part of the Nocturnal Tribe. One of the four. Etched into the ruby was the moon which was their symbol. The Tribe also only moves at night which makes them one of the most mysterious and blamed Tribes out of the four.

"You may call me Rogue."

The wolf behind bars snorted, "Fine Rogue. How can you get me out of here-"

But before he could comment on how dark, damp, and hellish the jail he was in, a loud pop sounded throughout the cell, and the lock flew off its hinges. The Nobleman grinned.

"I knew that enchantment would work! The magician thought I, a Noble, actually had to PAY! BAHAHA!"

The guard stirred on his chair, and awoke with a horrified look on his face. Then he saw the prisoner that was supposed to be housed in his cell starring right at him. He yelled loudly which woke all the other prisoners that weren't awake to see what was happening.

"Uh oh. It seems you woke the guard, prisoner. You can deal with him." The Nobleman said almost arrogantly as he threw the dagger to the wolf who was angered that the Nobleman would just blame the whole incident on him when Rogue obviously woke up the prisoner.

The wolf gave a devious smirk when he caught the dagger though, only wanting to deal with the guard that put him through hell. Reaching for his saber frantically, he finally had a grip on it, but it was too late. The once jailed inmate punched the guard across the face, knocking him out cold right when his knuckles made contact.

"That's for all the horrid food."

Rogue clapped loudly, and proclaimed, "Well done! Well done indeed! You will make a fantastic bodyguard."

Giving a fierce glance at Rogue, the prisoner walked up to him and grabbed him by the scruff of his collar. "What the hell do you mean bodyguard?! I knew there was a catch!"

"I wouldn't do that if I were you..."

With those words, the dagger released from the wolf's grasp and cut across his hand which sent molten hot pain through his hand. The prisoner howled, grasping the back of his hand that was cut and bleeding.

Rogue caught the flying dagger when it fluttered into its rightful owner's hand.

"What the hell are you?" The Prisoner asked as he held his hand.

"Your new boss." Rogue said as he let out a crackling laugh. His head flew backwards and he had to support himself on a wall.

"Now what can I-what can I call you?" He said in between tears from laughing so hard as he put a hand on the wolf's shoulder and squeezing tightly. Brick couldn't take his eyes off of Rogue's own ruby red eyes that shined like fire.

"You may call me Brick." He said as he brushed the hand off of his shoulder.

"Fair enough. Now, let's see if the stars are right!"


"Everything...give me everything." Rogue said as he pushed the dagger closer to the guard's throat.

Sneaking up behind the other guard unnoticed, Brick whispered in his ear, "Unless you don't want to see another day."

Feeling something incredibly sharp prod his lower back, the guard knew instantly he was also hostage as well. Brick had stolen a knife from a butcher's shop and was now using it to hold a guard hostage. Brick felt sick threatening the innocent guard, but if it made getting out of jail a reality, then he would do it.

"F-fine! What do you want? Take anything! Just don't kill me!" The panicked guard said.

Rogue grinned at that statement. He knew he broke them. Now it was just a matter of getting what he wanted. Rogue thought long and hard of his plan before just barging into the small town of Quanz. He observed the guard's patterns. He knew which ones were rookies and which ones could kill in one strike.

Sneaking in everyday by using trading caravan's routes and jumping into one of the wagons that carry supplies to Quanz, Rogue knew he would not get caught. He would trade in his Nobleman attire with a more peasant look and acted like a beggar outside the prison. One time, he ended up in prison himself for bothering a guard too much. Of course, that only made scanning his environment easier for him. He broke out the next day.

Rogue was defiantly a fitting name.

The red ruby glared in the moonlight as he held up the unique blade to the guard's neck. He smiled to his panicked friend and calmly said, "Alright then. We need to barrow your clothes."

Giving a confused and humiliated look, the guard was about to protest, but was quickly knocked out by Brick when Rogue gave the signal. The Nobleman let the guard he was holding go, but the guard fell to the ground unconscious. The guard had fainted from the experience.

"Sleep tight. Hopefully, your attire is comfortable."

Dragging the two unconscious bodies over to an unoccupied merchant stand that was selling watermelons at one point, Rogue disrobed the two guards until they were in their underwear and placed them underneath the merchant stand out of the vision of late night bystanders. Rogue wore a vest that buttoned up and had the rapier that many guards wore during close encounters tucked away on his lower belt. Around his waist, a holster held a small pistol that shot a lead canister into the target pointed at. It would have to be loaded manually with gunpowder which would take a long amount of time. Accuracy was permitted with the pistol. Brick wore the same, but the clothes were dirtier due to them being used more often in the harsh daytime of the desert. One must have been a officer or commander due to the cleanliness of Rogue's uniform.

Brick now got a good look at Rogue. He had a slender body type of a thief yet had the brutality of a barbarian. His muscled body allowed him to take quite a bit of punishment from his different expeditions. Several bruises were evident when Brick watched him take off all his robes. His fur was crimson red while his chest was a snow white. His ruby red eyes matched the crimson fur.

Buttoning the vest he now wore, Rogue grunted in displeasure. "This shirt doesn't match these pants at all. Tsk tsk. Guards don't know fashion if it bit them in the ars-"

Brick elbowed Rogue in the gut which got a growl from the arrogant wolf, but quickly grew quiet when they saw two guards laughing as they walked by. One had an alcoholic beverage in hand. The other was leaning for support. His cheeks were red and his steps were miscalculated.

Rogue cleared his throat when he saw the two guards were drunk. Realizing they weren't supposed to be drinking on break, they froze like they saw a ghost and turned around to face Rogue. Giving a weak smile, one spoke up,

"Commander! I didn't know you would be patrolling this late!"

The other guard dropped the empty beer bottle and kicked it away. Rogue looked at his vest to see lettering etched in to the fabric on his right pelvic. It read "Commander and Chief."

Rogue gave a grin at the position he had the two in.

"Never mind that gentlemen. I will wave the charges if you bring a caravan here at once! I have important work to do in Sani." Rogue said in a fake voice while making rapid hand motions like this was urgent.

The two drunkards looked at each other like they won the lottery. The two guards nodded at the words and ran off, stumbling through the markets to look for a free caravan. Rogue just chuckled when the two left and looked back at Brick to see he was stunned at the trick the Nobleman pulled.

"Was that even ethically right?" Brick said.

"No. But coming from a prisoner, that shouldn't matter now should it?"

Huffing at the comment, Brick said with a tinge of anger that was quickly repressed, "You don't even know my charges, Noble."

Rogue smiled and walked up to him and whispered in his ear, "I don't need to. I know you want to be free. Now is your chance to get that wish granted."

"So I can be your personal slave?" Brick said with the irritation of not knowing the truth start to slowly bubble up in his mind.

"No. To be my personal BODYGUARD. There is somewhat of a difference."

Giving up on arguing with Rogue and using the excuse that no one is dead made him feel better about the situation and put his mind at ease for now. The two guards that were tasked with getting a caravan for Rogue came back with the trading vessel.

On two rickety wooden wheels and having a covering over the top to protect from sunlight, the caravan rolled forward near Rogue and Brick. The two guards pulled on the reins on the horses to slow them and were smiling in their drunken haze.

"Get in. We will personally escort you to Sani."

Smiling that his wicked plan was coming into play quickly, Rogue bowed and then put a hand on his pistol and pulled it out to point it right at the head of the guard controlling the reins. Brick nearly lost it during that point. He didn't want blood to be shed. He just wanted to escape quickly and clean. Clearing his throat before speaking to the now confused and scarred guard, Rogue simply said,

"This is a trip involving only me and my friend here. We will resume without your services. I appreciate the kind gesture, but this is a private matter. I will let you go without worry. That is unless you retaliate."

He pulled down the back of the gun with a click,

"Then you won't be so lucky."

The guards, with no other choice, relinquished the reins to Rogue who said "Thank you." After handing over the reins, the guards looked Brick over with curiosity and wondered why the hell their own commander would point a gun at their heads.

The pair quickly remembered Rogue's words though and just gave a scowl at Brick before whispering in each other's ears. Brick give a weak shrug and climbed into the caravan's passenger seat, still thankful that Rogue didn't kill anyone yet.

Rogue tipped his beret and slapped the reins to make the horses realize it had work to do and his friend by him caught the motion. They slowly started to trot towards the main gate out of Quanz. Luckily, no one saw the whole event that unfolded since no one, but the guards are allowed on the streets after nightfall. Only the most daring ever go out on the streets while patrols are out. The patrols are usually the strictest during nightfall. If anyone left the town, a sandstorm from the Quanzian Desert could keep the people who snuck out lost forever.

At the front gate, two border patrols stopped the wagon and searched it with a pondering look on their face. Usually, not many people were allowed outside into the desert. With Rogue's Chief and Commander position though, Brick and Rogue could go where they pleased.

After a few minutes of searching, Rogue and Brick were allowed through the gate and Brick let out a sigh of relief when they were away from earshot. Rogue was grinning ear to ear knowing full well how easily he tricked the guards.

The pair sat in silence for quite a long time. The only thing worth seeing was the giant sand dunes that were on both sides of the beaten path many walked. The market town of Quanz started to get smaller and smaller. The only thing in the sky was a few vultures looking for their next meal. They circled over the top of the caravan thinking that if the two wolves die they would have a five star meal in the next hour.

Brick looked past the vultures to see a cloudless sky twinkling with millions upon millions of bright stars that shined light down upon them. Each one illuminated brightly and some were bigger than the other. Others could be connected to form a consolation. The Assassin was brightly shimmering in the sky. The dagger clutched in his right hand was ever present. Rogue caught sight of the consolation and shifted uncomfortably in his seat. He could be a target by The Assassin tonight if the tradition is true.

The sound of hooves on the road was relaxing to Brick. His mind started to drift off and think about other memories. He thought about his warm, soft, and welcoming bed. He thought about his wife back home, baking an apple pie. He thought about his two smiling children running in the forest, dancing, and laughing. He felt his eyelids slowly start to weigh down...

Then another barrage of hooves joined the ones that slowly put Brick to sleep. These hooves were moving faster and frantically like the riders were trying to catch up. In retrospect, the riders were indeed trying to catch up.

Hearing the sound of two horses coming, Rogue shouted, "Brace yourself, Brick! More guards coming!"

The guard pointed and shouted to the other. They must have noticed the two almost naked victims under the market stall and knew that the caravan leaving earlier was an imposter after they put two and two together.

Rogue snapped the reins which made the two horses neigh loudly before galloping. The two guards slowly caught up and one aimed his pistol carefully when he got on the right side. The other pulled onto the left side and aimed his pistol as well.

"Stop the wagon!"

Rogue gave no response with words, but instead stuck his tongue out like it was a playful game. Hitting the reins harder, the two horses sped up even faster and the two guards struggled to keep up. They were back behind again.

"Alright Brick, since you are so opposed to killing these fellows, how about you just trip them up? Check the back from anything you can kick out to slow them down." Rogue said loudly to make his voice carry over the galloping.

Brick nodded and hopped into the caravan. Inside, there were small baskets with assorted fruits that came from the cooler region of the southern planes. Apples, oranges, grapes, and an assortment of nuts were all available for the next person to buy.

That is if it made it to a market in the first place.

Brick picked the apple case filled to the brim and gave it a firm push with his foot. It tumbled out of the wagon, spilling its contents all over the road. The guard noticed and yelled to signal the approaching slip up, but it was too late. One guard got away, but the other was not so lucky.

His horse flailed as its footing was disturbed by the smooth, round, and apparently pursuer tripper fruit. Tripping and rolling over on its side, the guard was flung into a nearby sand dune while the horse tumbled until it stopped and huffed. The guard cursed and threw sand at the wagon's direction in anger.

Rogue smiled. "Good shot! Now time for the other one..."

Slowing down the horses to preserve their energy, Rogue was now face to face with the guard. The guard growled, telling Rogue to slow down the caravan, but Rogue just put a paw to his ear saying he couldn't hear him. That just pissed him off even more.

"Why don't you take care of this one too Brick? Sounds like a good idea to me." Rogue threw Brick a pistol that was inside a holster around his waist.

"Aim wisely."

Giving a sigh at the sentence, Brick decided it would be best to just go along with Rogue. After all, it would be good to please him since he is the one that broke him out of jail. Noticing a wolf pointing a pistol at him, the guard backed off quickly and rode from behind again.

"I heard you have quite a shot from word around Quanz. Prove it to me." Rogue said as he taunted Brick to actually do something.

Giving a grunt, Brick walked to the side of the wagon and leaned outward. He aimed the pistol carefully, making sure the sights lined up with what he was aiming at. The expensive cherry wood that the pistol was made out of had a sturdy metal frame on the sides to keep it steady while the curved shape added the stability. He pulled back the firing mechanism with a click. The flintlock shape and carvings on the side of the stock and barrel shined in the moonlight as he looked down the sights.

Taking a deep breath, Brick felt his lungs expand and contract as the cool night air entered and left his lungs. He put his middle finger on the trigger, stabilized his body for recoil, and fired. The spark inside ignited the gunpowder and pushed the ball of lead outward. With a loud crack and a burst of sparks, the distinct smell of gunpowder filled the air as the ball whistled out of the pistol.

The recoil was expected, and Brick factored it in to his stance. Finding its target, the ball sliced through the leather belt holding the saddle of the horse in place that went around the horse's lower belly. Small droplets of crimson fell onto the road as the ball sliced the leather straps. Scathing the horse, the lead ball only lightly cut the horse which barely harmed the animal.

The saddle slid off of the horse since they were traveling fast and the guard went along with the saddle. He equally fell into one of the many sand dunes. The horse ignorantly kicked at the air, thinking it was cut by a sword.

Rogue gave a chuckle, "You are an excellent shot! I am glad I kept you!"

Walking back to take his rightful place, Brick sat by Rogue again. The pistol in his hand still smoked from the violent reaction of pushing a bullet from its barrel. Brick instantly grew attached to the weapon.

"Where did you find this pistol?" Brick asked now knowing that they were free of guards. Rogue, slowing down the horses at the same time, spoke.

"I stole it from the guard we knocked out from earlier. Chiefs and Commanders are very well equipped. That pistol is no exception. Consider it a gift for all the hard work you have done for me, prisoner."

Thanking Rogue for the gift, Brick pocketed the weapon in his trousers which disgusted Rogue. He gave a strange look before saying,

"Take the holster too."

Brick thanked Rogue for that as well. Feeling the weight of the pistol on his waist as he slipped it in its rightful place, Brick felt secure that he now had something to defend himself. After a quite a while of walking, the moon shined its full melancholy color over the sky and Brick yawned loudly which got the attention of Rogue.

"You may sleep. I don't believe they will risk anymore guards for just an escaped prisoner and a Noble." Rogue said simply as he watched the road in front of him.

"What about you?" Brick asked before he hopped into the back with the fruit.

"I wish to be ready when the assassin attacks tonight."

Brick nodded and took a step into the back of the caravan. The wooden frame made it appear smaller than it actually was while the flaps flung in the breeze. Brick walked to the back and closed the flap before muttering a simple incantation.

He learned the spell from another prisoner a long time ago to patch up cuts. The guards enjoyed whipping when they grew tired and bored of their job. Brick still had several scrapes on his back to prove the horrors of what a whip can do to a man.

Feeling a probing at the back of his mind, Brick concentrated on the feeling, prodding it with his mental energy. The energy awoke at the back of his mind and Brick felt like his mind was going to burst in one part, but it was so concentrated it just felt like a precise headache.

Brick then let the energy go, releasing the wave onto the fabric. When the energy from the spell reacted with the cloth, it closed shut like a Venus fly trap on a bug. They sealed, and Brick pushed on it with his hand to make sure.

"At least now I won't roll out of the back when I am asleep." Brick said quietly to himself.

Sitting on the floor, Brick crossed his legs and started to think of the forest he was born and raised in. He thought about his family once more and his children back at home. He started to wonder if he would ever see them again. He sighed. He didn't even know what province he was at now more or less where his family is located. In anger, he punched the wooden floor which echoed around the walls. Rogue heard and looked back,

"Anything wrong, Brick?"

Brick shook his head, lying to Rogue.

"Suit yourself. If you feel hungry at night, help yourself to any of the fruit there in the back. I am sure the merchants this was going to won't mind." Rogue said smirking like a fool.

After grunting at Rogue's response, Brick crossed his legs and concentrated once more. He wasn't going to sleep on the hard wood, but he would be able to sleep by meditation at least.

He started to think of the forest once more...

As the desert night passed into the bright day, Rogue yipped in excitement which woke Brick from his meditation. Brick groaned as he started to get up. His mind was fully refueled, but his back felt it was going to snap in two. Meditating all the time in the prison cell defiantly didn't help his back.

He wasn't that old either. About 26. Brick cursed at the thought of the image of a hunched over Brick holding a cane to support himself at 30.

His feet wobbled from being crossed and his neck felt stiff as a board as well, but he was ready to take on the day. If he cast a spell, his mind would be fully focused. Slowly walking up to Rogue, Brick had to put a hand up to his face as the sun cast down upon him. In front of him was the great city of Sani and he was blinded by the sun.

"It is magnificent isn't it? So large and full of diversity. Terrible we Noblemen rule it with force." Rogue said with a shrill laugh. "But where would it be without us, right?"

"You're sick." Brick said as he took a seat by his boss.

"Without order, there would be chaos. Remember that, prisoner."

"Without freedom there is no purpose." Brick rebounded, giving Rogue a stare that could break glass.

"Well, think of it this way, at least I lived." Rogue said with another smirk. "Plus, I don't get involved with politics. If you want to blame someone, blame the other Noblemen."

"Who gave the order to attack my village?" Brick said.

"Ahh, you are a prisoner of that expedition..."

"Shut up and answer my question." Brick said in a hostile tone.

"I will tell you when you do what you are told. The assassins can still strike at any moment."

"I have been doing what I have been told!" Brick said with a snarl as he almost tackled Rogue right there. "I wish to find my family and this...

Brick glared at Rogue, "I mean YOU are getting in my way."

"Fine, fine, fine. If you are going to be persistent about it, I will inform you when you lose the attitude. Remember who got you out of jail." Rogue said wagging a finger in Brick's face.

"And remember who your body guard is." Brick said.

"Fair enough."

After they had the talk, the caravan was silent until they reached the main gate of the town. Getting in was simple since they both wore uniforms to hide themselves from the guard's eyes. Wanted posters were already posted on mostly every wall of Brick and Rogue's faces.

"Escaped convicts. Very dangerous. If you see these faces, warn authorities immediately."

The posters only needed to show "very dangerous." Quanz basically realized it didn't matter who the people were that did the crimes so long as they were caught. Rogue caught sight of one of the posters.

"Let's lose these disguises. Follow me to my home. I can get you adequately clothed there. Let's split up as well. The guards put two pictures side by side of our faces. The civilians will expect us to be walking together."

Brick nodded and walked to the right while Rogue swiftly started to speed walk to the left. Brick smelled the baking bread of the market district and could hear the footsteps of multiple people on the somewhat clogged streets. Many walked by Brick without a glance, but one kangaroo in sandals, a robe to protect from heat, and good vision eyed Brick suspiciously.

Brick just pretended he didn't notice the glance and ducked in an alley.

"Did you hear about the guards?"

"You mean the huge one whipping a prisoner?"

"Ya, the prisoner hit the knuckle dragger right in his jaw!"

"In public!?"

"Yep. Knocked him down cold. Guards are giving him thirty lashes as we speak."

Brick heard the conversation come to a close as he jogged into the alley. The two gave him a strange look before continuing on their conversation. Brick remembered the civil unrest in Sani due to the horrid treatment of prisoners. Some want to have change due to the unfair trials on court while others just want to get back at the guards for imprisoning a relative.

Brick kept walking in the alleyway until he was stopped by a shirtless figure with a hood over his head. He held up a paw and stuck it in his mouth. Giving a high pitched whistle, Brick heard the sound of footsteps from above. Others started to join and archers with leather armor leaned over the side with their bows drawn and pointed at Brick.

The one that blew the whistle was grinning and slandered, "Money. Everything. Now."

The thief was a jaguar and his light blue eyes glared into Brick's. His muscles flexed on his chest and arms, but his slender body gave him the agility he needed to be quick and deadly. His midnight black fur shined brightly and he started to walk forward with his right hand on the hilt of a dagger.

Brick started to feel panic claw at his stomach. He was disguised as a guard, but it seemed the thief still wanted his coin. Then it was as if the Gods smiled on him. The sound of a foot hitting armor resounded in the air and a body came flying down yelling loudly. One of the thieves was kicked off the roof. Alive, but still injured enough to not be able to fight. Then the sound of a bone breaking, a yell, and silence could be heard.

In one quick rush, a tiger with a vest that was white and shorts that allowed him to be quick jumped from the air. Brick was too amazed to notice a jaguar charging at him.

He reacted quickly. Grabbing a bow that was on the ground, Brick realized it was dropped off the roof when the archer was kicked. Brick swiped it off the ground and blocked the charging jaguar's dagger.

He pushed back which made the jaguar stumble and spun around behind the thief. He used the wooden end and quickly put it up to the thief's throat to put him in a chokehold with the bow. He pulled and gagged the thief until he fell to the ground knocked out.

The sound of a slow clap could be heard and Brick turned around to see the tiger that kicked the thief off the building. He bore a stance that showed he was ready for action. The muscles he showed were the same as the jaguar before, but broader and more carved out. His fur was a dark orange while black stripes lined his chest that showed through the white shirt under his vest. The shorts he wore were torn in several places from cuts from the recent fight. A belt was around his left leg and a case for a dagger could easily be seen.

"Well done. You are obviously no guard."

Brick was surprised at the accusation thrown against him.

"I can tell because I have not seen your face patrolling the streets. By the way, a lot of people are talking about a wolf named Brick who escaped with a Noble out of prison. You look like him." The tiger said as he started to walk towards the wolf.

Brick started to back away until his back was against the wall. Brick didn't know who this random individual was. He could be a bounty hunter for all he knew. The tiger noticed this and stopped, "Relax. I am not going to turn you in. So you are Brick?"

Nodding, Brick didn't say anything. He still didn't trust the tiger.

"We could use someone of your skills, Brick."

"What makes you think I want to join you and what do you mean by we?" Brick said simply as he gave the tiger an inquisitive look. He was trying to study if this was a trick or not.

"That Nobleman you have been running around with causing trouble is Rogue. He is a liar and you don't want to get involved with him. He only looks after himself."

Settling down a bit, Brick felt a thousand questions fly through his head that he wanted to ask. Brick let his demeanor relax and decided to hear the tiger out, but one question stood out in his mind then all the rest.

"What is your name?"

"My name is Streipeian Undar. Many just call me 'stripes' for short."Stripes said briskly as he as well studied Brick.

"Well, you already know my first name, but my full name is Brick Shroud."

"A pleasure."

Stripes walked up to Brick which showed how broad Stripe's body was in comparison with Brick. Brick kept reminding himself that he wasn't as large anymore because of the prison food.

Holding out a paw to shake, Stripes waited for the gesture to be accepted. Brick accepted it and asked, "Why did you help me?"

Stripes released the small hand in comparison to his and said, "Because I recognized you. You are not just talked about in Quanz. You are talked about all over the continent. News spreads fast when a prisoner escapes with the Assassin consolation in the sky."

Nodding, Brick threw the bow over to the side knowing that he didn't need it. He was going to use it just in case the large tiger would be hostile.

"So people thought I would be the Assassin to kill a Noble?"


Brick started to laugh loudly in the alley which he was quickly muffled by the tiger's large paw. "QUIET! We don't want the guards to hear me speaking to you."

"Why is that?" Brick said through the index finger of the cat's paw.

"They are looking for me." The tiger said quickly.

Brick started to feel his suspicions arouse once more again and finally got a grip on the tiger's arm. He pulled it off and said, "Why the hell are they looking for you?!"

"Because I am an Assassin!"

And then Brick's life was changed forever.


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The Gate (Outbreak part 2)

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A Turning Point (Pacifism part 3)

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