Fatalis Rules

Story by Tatsu Aikuchi on SoFurry

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The night was dawning yet no setting sun shun its last rays over the horizon, neither did the moon glow its first aura so to saturate the land in its silvery silence. Instead the sky burned as if cindering charcoal & seemed blood stained the air with its black & red colouring. A volcano spurred its siring song that burned her audience & struck fear in the on lookers' harts. This was an unforgiving place, a harsh place, a lonely place to be. Fatalis perched on a mountain peak holding on with his hind legs & slowly flapping his wings so to keep himself upright. The black dragon with his snake like form holding his front feet by his chest, he let his pallet tongue run across his muzzle so to lick his lips & the mighty dragon looked across his land. He was king. All he saw was, prey this day, like all the days & nights that had come to pass. None grew worthy to be his mate. He had never seen another of his kind, not even his mother, only the lonely reflection in his water hole full of ash tasting black gooey liquid in witch he drank, alone. The black dragon secede his search for the day.

"Tomorrow could be the day" He thought as he kicked of & took flight that day, just as he did all the days & nights that had come to pass.

In a land far from the rule of Fatalis, the setting seemed the opposite of the baron & polluted wastelands. The sky golden in the suns wake, the land lush & green, the creatures, at peace, flourishing. In the wide open land both lumber & graceful animals strode to the water hole that veined through the green landscape. All knew happiness here, all but one. Hunters had come, monsters had come, they came for his scales & claws, but they found her instead. The mighty silver Rathlos came to a landing in the narrow clearing of his domain, a place the monster hunters called, area 9 of the forest & hills in which he had always lived. In a small pool of murky water laid the remains of a golden Rathine, his dead mate. Only scales, claws & bones remained in the now black pool. Any other of his kind would have begun the search for another on the day of the loss, for the natural need of merely passing on his blood. But this Rathlos just couldn't let go, he cared for love not blood. He watched the days in lonely agony pass & his mates corps decay into the discoloured dim shell it is today. Now he was looking upon a horrid carcass, all the remains hung down from the backbone like a rotting tent. Today, he would begin his search for another. One final gaze into what was ones her eyes, and one final nuzzle against what was once her snout, then with a heave of his lungs, a blast at point blank range extruded from his mouth, the fire engulfed the Rathine shell, burning and melting, scale, bone and the rocks around. With a final look he took of and held the gaze for as long as he could as he flew.

As he left her be that night, her melting bones, claws and scales of gold oozed into murky pool hissing and fizzing as the goop cooled in the water. That night the once mighty golden wyvern became a dazzling pool that glittered and shun, for all eternity she would be the bacon to those around, the flair of life to those who needed it. That night the once mighty golden dragon became a mighty glow that lit up all of what the monster hunters called area 9.

With closed eyes the black dragon drank, not wanting to look upon his lonely reflection in the scummy pool. As he turned he raised his body so to avoid the site of his image in mucky water. Why even try, today like all the others in his life, all he would see, is prey to him, none of his own kind existed here, or anywhere for that matter. He would never carry his blood forward, he would never be the one to further his kind, the last one, said to be evil, in truth, alone, scared, and hunted. Life is nothing to one with such a hole in him. There is no more, but it wasn't the end of his search, so his blood line ended here, but his life will go on for hundreds of years to come and he intended to live it. There is nothing of a mate in a baron land of volcanic blaze, both wings snapped open and whizzed down giving him instant lift, then another thud after another and he was sawing, to his new life, his new search for a mate any mate worthy to be at his side, and his first place of search, the forest and hills. He wanted a mate, it didn't matter weather it could carry his child or not.

The silver Rathlos came to a land on the peak of his nest, just on the rim of its aerial entrance. His silver scales were radiant in the new morning, they reflected the suns first rays in all directions. He gave an ear splitting roar making all aware of his presents, at the screech many of the herbivores below ran for cover, some armoured and trotted with a great deal of effort, others waddled, the rest gracefully leaped and bound to safety. With the area clear of beasts, he let loose a different call, one he hadn't used in about a hundred years. A growl that slowly grew louder, it started just a normal growl, but grew louder and deeper, so loud and deep it span for a distance of many grass plains, many fields, maybe as far as the gold earth that meets the blue seas. He awaited a reply... nothing. Another cry louder than before, this was so loud the fleeing animals shrieked in pain... still nothing. He would keep up his efforts all day if necessary, until he left consciousness, fall into his nest and continue after half his sufficient rest, but he wouldn't ever give up.

The journey through uncharted territory was proving an ease for Fatalis, his high sense of smell detected unnatural fire witch told his instincts to rise higher to the safety and cover of the clouds. His eyes saw every blade of grass even from the cover of the clouds, he could even feel there life force, he herd the moving creatures on the ground and there assortment of calls from every individual being. All these made him invisible as his instincts took control. He suddenly dived down flapping his wings ferociously trying to get to something eagerly, as if tuning back in to his self, he realised he was following a noise, a growl so powerful he could feel it, it drove him on, he felt greater and more desperate than he ever thought possible, he felt as though his life so far, all four thousand five hundred years of it had lead to this point, and his remaining thousand years would pass in glory. The sound was so intense now it rumbled the muscles in his stomach. Soon he would be there.

Another cry seemed to drain the Rathlos of his breath, he had carried the sound to his lungs limit unknowingly. He tried again with out resting his lungs. The wyvern wanted to continue and didn't know why he was so full off desperation, then he herd it, a thud of air pressure in the distance, another dragon he thought. The thuds had a rhythmic beat which increases and then ceased with a slam which indicated something had landed. The Rathlos sniffed the air and smelt what was defiantly a dragon, but one he had never smelt before, the fire in this one was very prominent, and so was its pheromone scent. It raved his mind and the Rathlos couldn't help but leap to the ground and run at high speed to find its source, his instincts dragged him across the land. The scent grew stronger and the Rathlos grew more eager to find the source, the mere scent had driven him crazy. He flapped his wings so to speed his sprint, his claws dug into the earth as he propelled himself onwards. He was close, it came from the trees, beyond the trees, beyond ponds he leapt across the obstacles until he came to a skidding halt from around a cliff wall, and then he saw it.

Fatalis came to a landing on a grass plane atop a cliff, the noise came from around here, and he could scene a strong heart racing nearby. Extending his hearing Fatalis could make out foot steps, running, they were thudding across the land, tearing it to pieces. They stopped but noise still emitted from the source. His nose told him it was another dragon. Like a rolling boulder a silver and black object sped from around a cliff wall, it crashed to the ground and stumbled to get up. With lightning speed Fatalis was there his front claws held it down. The creature squirmed, kicked and screeched to get free but it worked none. It was a dragon unlike him, only two legs and two wings, its scales where metallic, but not as armoured as his own. He dove his mind into the creature's life force sensing what it is, as he would sensed his own life force. A creature that would live to only see two thousand years of witch a thousand had already passed. He would leave this world at the same time Fatalis will. A Rathlos, developed and mature, as strong as he would become, still no match for him.

Fatalis looked down at the Rathlos, it still struggled though it had tired now and it's cries to be released had faded to pants. Nothing but prey, it seemed everywhere he went there was no equal to him.

The Rathlos was pinned, he tried with all his strength to free himself with no success. His attacker was a mystery, all he saw was a black tail swaying in and out of his field of vision, a slender and talented tail with incredible black scales. He tried to turn and see but the claw on his head held him there. He could feel the creatures fire within him, fire so hot the Rathlos felt warm. With no way of seeing it he tried to identify the creature with scent. As he sniffed the air his blood was alight once more, it was the one he smelt before and the pheromone was in him now, as if the Rathlos was filled with new strength he thrashed.

Fatalis was thrown of his new prey just as he pared his jaws to strike, he stumbled back but regained balance with ease. The dragon turned towards him, his eyes looked not frightened or angry, but exited. Fire emitted from its muzzle and its movements were erratic. Suddenly the Rathlos charged towards Fatalis, he stood on his hind legs and fended of the Rathlos like an insect, a mere twitch of his tail brought it forth as a whip that sent the Rathlos stumbling back. Then it was back on his feet for another attempt, he charged again, this time he came within a few metres and then leapt to his side with tremendous speed, Fatalis was court of guard. The Rathlos rammed the black dragon's side like a bull sending him to the ground. He pounced and pinned Fatalis down with just one claw, his wings spread to the sides making him seem giant and illumines in the suns beams.

Fatalis had been toppled, for the first time in his long life he had successfully been attacked. The attacker had his claw on Fatalis' lower stomach, he seemed as though in another world, oblivious to the danger he was in, it merely sniffed at him and studied him. Fatalis felt its claw slide down slowly over his penis slit, the feeling of being touch in such a way sent shivers through him, for the first time ever. Fatalis was going to destroy this creature, as prey, but now the dragon that stood over him was his equal, the one his life has desired, a mate, a... male. Such a thought had never entered him before, but it seemed this was the only one he saw to be worthy. Fatalis knew he may never get such a chance, an equal mate that was, still, sniffing him, now at his crotch. A male that was both equal and wanted him. The Rathlos was entranced by the hormonal radiance of Fatalis and so still oblivious to what he was doing, he now lapped his tongue over his penal slit and Fatalis threw his head back and arched his spine as the Rathlos lapped away at his now bulging and slightly open slit. Nothing so sensitive had ever come to pass with Fatalis, he looked down on himself and saw soft pink flesh on him, it was nothing he had ever seen before. Then his eyes were drawn to the Rathlos' crotch, a large red throbbing cock bobbed in the air, clear thick gooey substance flooded from its tip and attached to Fatalis like a string as more and more drooled on him, out of instinct he knew what it was and, he knew what to do. It was his turn now.

The Rathlos had left all behind, he no longer knew what he was doing, and the pheromone drove him to continue. Licking more not only increased the sent, but he could taste it now and he loved it, the dragon beneath him moved as if to get up but the Rathlos thrust his tongue as deep into the slit as it would go, Fatalis arched once more and his tail wrapped around the Rathlos bringing him in as close as possible and holding him there. The Rathlos could feel something within Fatalis growing, it started soft and fleshy, but soon grew bigger and harder, it grew inches per second, almost a full foot so fast it made the Rathlos gag as the cock reached the back of his throat, he backed of and surveyed its last few inches and then its gentle throbbing, it twitched slightly and was saliva coated, it dripped a little over Fatalis, as did his own pre. His crotch area was now soaked with all different fluids from both dragons.

The Rathlos wanted more. In an instant Fatalis jolted forward grabbing Rathlos and slamming him down to the ground as Fatalis was a moment ago. Fatalis had a hind foot on the Rathlos' inner thigh, there throbbing cocks pressed together mixing there pre. Fatalis held down the Rathlos by pressing down on his chest with one front claw, and holding him by the neck with the other, he growled and his tail waged playfully. The Rathlos felt as though he'd just been hit in the face as reality struck. What had he just done? He'd engaged sexually with another male, a male much stronger and superior to himself, now was this dragon angry? What would he do? The question burned Rathlos' mind. Fatalis still wagging his tail leaned down until his head was right at the noise of the Rathlos, he closed his eyes awaiting his fate of becoming the black dragons prey. He felt a slow, warm and wet pallet like object travel up his face, opening his eyes Rathlos saw Fatalis finishing a lick across his face, he licked again softly, the Rathlos didn't close his eyes any more, he just enjoyed the feeling of the wet across his face. As Fatalis lapped at him he realised just what it was he was enjoying. Now in reality and not controlled by the black dragons pheromone he was still attracted to the male atop him, for some reason he felt more attracted to this male than any other dragon he had ever encountered. Fatalis slowly released the grip on his neck and in that very second Rathlos jolted up and placed a lick across Fatalis' muzzle who was licking his own chops at that moment, the taste of his own penis transferred from the Rathlos' tongue to Fatalis.

The Rathlos was now completely free from the grip of Fatalis, he brought his wings up around the two of them as did Fatalis. His legs sprawled out to the sides and both dragons humped at one another as they licked at each other. Both for the first time locked eyes. Fatalis with his glowing eyes gazed into the Rathlos' blue and orange eyes.

Something stirred in the Rathlos, he wanted this dragon and it wanted him. Rathlos turned and walked signalling for the Fatalis to follow. Fatalis saw the Rathlos' spiked tail sway in front of his muzzle. The temptation was to great, he took it in his mouth and allowed the Rathlos to lead on. They both walked on, there erections still intact and throbbing.

As the two strolled on they passed the tracks the Rathlos had left behind in his desperate sprint to find Fatalis. They made there way through the trees and the Rathlos watched as Fatalis wriggled through the gaps and couldn't get over his slender but strong figure. As he reared up on his hind legs his erection came back into full view. Rathlos couldn't help but place a tongue on his thigh and run it up the snake like frame. Fatalis flinched and wriggled as the wet tongue traversed his body making his armour plate feel suddenly so sensitive. Wanting to get to his nest as quickly as possible the Rathlos gave Fatalis his tail once more who took a hold and was lead to this dragons lair.

For the first time in his long life, Fatalis was with another, not of his kind, but of his stature. A strong and proud creature that would be on this planet as long as he would. Fatalis watched Rathlos intently from behind. With his Tail in Fatalis' mouth he could see all the way up his spine, and he could see the dragons rump sway in front of him. Fatalis had never been with another, but thoughts flooded the black dragons mind, thoughts of grasping him, holding him close, and being within him. Then they stopped.

They had stopped by a rock pool, but it was like none he had ever seen, it sparkled golden, and the water looked pure and precious. Fatalis watched as his new mate took in water, but noticed a change in him. His life force seemed lowed yet his hart beet faster. He could hear it clearly, the drum within beat faster then ever. Fatalis joined him, that's when he noticed it. A strong smell of burning, rotting, but beyond that, another. His head jolted around in search of this other dragon, but the smell was week, extremely week, another scent, it was months ago that the scent was active. And yet it still remained. There in the rock pool. Fatalis saw it, the sparkling glory was the mystery dragon. Killed, slain, murdered, taken, taken from this Rathlos who stood alone, as did Fatalis before the two encounter. It was slain, it was rotten, preserved and then he let go, and she was transformed, now her remains would last forever, and bring the stuff of light to all around.

As Fatalis drank he noticed his reflection more than ever, above a lush forest canopy of green and bloom grew. He stood out from it. And the golden glare made him, detailed, never before would he have thought this but he was, beautiful. And not alone. His lonely reflection was added to, by another lonely reflection, of the Rathlos, it came into view. So Incredible, Fatalis had never seen another equal until this day, and now one stood by him. Nothing could compare. He remembered the last time he drank, alone and in a dark hostile land, now it seemed, he'd found paradise.

The Rathlos changed, his head drooped, his eyes sank. Fatalis could sense his dismal. The skeleton of a dragon similar to this Rathlos was preserved by its own melted scales, it would seem to Fatalis, it was an old lost mate. He thought what it would be like, to have something so precious and to loose it. He thought how hurt he felt to never have a mate, what it must feel like to have one and loose it in such a way, was a horrible thought. The black dragon did only what his instincts told him to. He nuzzled the Rathlos affectionately, from the two of them, a low rumble emitted. As the Rathlos nuzzled back, there tongues lapped at one another.

With there thirsts quenched, there other needs were yet to be filled, and they both knew it. As they went to take of, some bothersome black cats began meowing, Fatalis let a threatening growl loose that strung fear within them all. As they turned tail and fled, the Rathlos licked across his belly bringing back that incredible feeling of another body next to his own, it sent shivers down his spine and warmth to his hart. As the tongue continued to his neck all that thick heavy plated armour so perfectly evolved suddenly felt sensitive once more. Facing each other they snapped open there wings and took flight.

Through the air they flew with wings rippling in the wind, as the Rathlos ascended he lost Fatalis from his view. He searched in the clouds yet he detected no sign of life. From above Fatalis could hear the beating hart of the Rathlos. He could feel his heat and sense his presence from a few miles above. He aligned to dive and strike, a manoeuvre he had used on his prey many times before, and now he would use it for his own and, his mates, pleasure. With striking speed he dove down to his target increasing his speed with folded wings. The Rathlos oblivious to the attack looked around for his new found mate. A slam to his back answered his thoughts. It slammed and grabbed him, arms wrapped around him and pressed his scaly back into a scaly belly. There was nothing he could do but wriggle in its grip. Fatalis had him firmly and he, loved it. He nuzzled the black dragon's neck and at that came a lick to his nose, the wriggling obviously pleased him, so Rathlos continued this. The Rathlos pointed out his den by eye sight alone, they were on there way, faster than he had ever thought possible.

As Fatalis came close to the ground he let the Rathlos go, he dropped to the floor and walked to the padding of hay, and bones. As Fatalis came to a landing he was faced with a Rathlos laying on it's back, his legs sprawled open, wings to the side and head tilted. Between the legs he saw that bit of pink flesh and the Rathlos tight butt hole that puckered slightly. The sight brought that feeling once again. Fatalis shivered and crumbled to all fours as his cock slowly unsheathed. Just the feeling of becoming erect was an incredible sensation to him, he had never known the feeling until today. As he strode over on his hind legs the relatively small wyvern wriggled once more as he did when he was in the black dragon's capture.

The shapes he created enticed Fatalis so much, that rib cage that made curves from his wings to his thighs, and then the tail took over the waves. When he reached the wyvern the Rathlos froze in his position, one leg posed higher than the other, his tail was whipped to the side which opened up the access to the tail hole, the wings arched around them and so did Fatalis, the head was cocked to the side slightly it made him look delicious, it made him look attractive and it made him look, cute. Fatalis lowered down, he lowered until the Rathlos' dragon hood met his own. He let them rub against one another, he let the pre mix, with that they slid against one another with ease. The feeling of such heat from the soft, tender and sensitive flesh against his own limitless amounts of heat, softness, tenderness and sensitivity that came with the very first unsheathing. Fatalis all but collapsed with the intensity of the pleasure of it all. He fell into a barrage of licking, the Rathlos tongue lapped over his face. The feeling of another was unbelievable.

The Rathlos lapped more and as much as Fatalis would allow. All to soon that wonderful taste of the scales left the licking distance of his tongue. His wings wrapped around the black dragon, he pulled Fatalis to himself, he wanted the black dragon somehow. That is somehow, he didn't know how, he felt he was to submit something, he did the only thing he knew, he exposed the areas that were most venerable. The neck, soft stomached and the pulsing penis. He saw nothing, he heard nothing, he felt everything. A slithering tongue twirled its way down the penis, it lapped every now and then, so to extract the salty sweet pre. It touched the anus, for only a moment and then was gone. It was gone only to be replaced, the tip of the black dragons cocks touch, it slid in only a slight amount, he held it there and the Rathlos felt the slow pulse of pre that slowly leaked inside him. The pre leaked inside the Rathlos, deep inside. It was all the best as it aided what would come.

Fatalis knew what he was to do to this male. He pushed as hard as he could. His cock went inside the Rathlos with ease, he watched as the wyvern bared his teeth but continued. Looking down he was entranced by the look of the pink flesh expanding around his member, its tight wrap around him. It drove his senses crazy causing him to thrust the rest of his meet within the Rathlos. The wings came around him as the Rathlos brought him towards himself. For a moment the two just existed there, connected, one within the other. That moment was short lived. Fatalis began to pull out so slow. He was pulling out until he would leave the Rathlos entirely, he wanted so badly to feel his tip touch the tail hole, to wet it with his pre and to slowly slip inside feeling that tight ring of soft skin, all over again. But the Rathlos wouldn't allow it. He used those wings to keep him within himself. The Rathlos let out a roar of pleasure that echoed about the cave. With that a squirt of pre unloaded it's self into the Rathlos. With in seconds more and more were coming and before long Fatalis could feel it around him member slicking it and making his job easier.

He pulled out once more, those wings restricted his motion. The Rathlos wanted him in his tight butt badly. So he let the Rathlos have this power over him and pushed in again, he pulled out more and then back in. He would pull out half way and then his cock would tense and twitch, the Rathlos anus would be a gaping hole as if asking for more, then it would tighten again like a loving kiss. As Fatalis drove back in the tip of his cock would be running along a muscle wall of hot, wet and soft flesh. It almost pushed back at the penis, until he would find his cock within the flesh tube of the Rathlos innards. The walls hugged and seemingly sucked at the stiff and pulsing cock. It was at this point that Fatalis could feel the hot and strong veins of the Rathlos ring, his cock would pulse and then a pulse not his own would squeeze just that little bit harder where he was squeezed the hardest, at the base. These veins of the Rathlos contracted the Wyvern muscles more. The love feast was becoming greater and greater. Fatalis felt something stir within. a warmth and flurry of need. A need to go faster, harder and deeper. Fatalis pushed back the Rathlos. His silver body lay on the floor, slightly squirming, the legs slightly kicking. Fatalis sprawled out over him, his front paws placed on either side of the silver wyver's head. His own came to meet it, they lapped at one another. embraced in there dragon kiss the Rathlos gripped at his new mate, wings around him, legs clutching at the back dragons thighs. this widened the butt hole and made the Fatalis able to go deeper. The Rathlos pressed Fatalis against him, and humped. He humped into Fatalis' humps. the two were a writhing mass now, entwined greatly. Fatalis let his weight fall upon the Rathlos, all four legs wrapped around him. Fatalis' cock went ever more rigid, twitching inside the Rathlos' now well lubed ass. The black dragon felt it within, he felt he needed to go harder, he thrust more and more, the Rathlos thrust back. Fatalis was pulling out entirely now, pulling out and plunging back in. He went faster and faster. With every thrust the Rathlos was pushed down to the floor despite his own thrusts. there hips bashed one more time, then they pressed hard to one another, there body's trembled with the pressure they applied. Fatalis gave rapid twitching humps into his mate, he lined up there muzzles and thrust his tongue as deep as he could into The Rathlos mouth. A burst of joy, the greatest sensation he ever felt exploded in his cock. He felt heat build up and bust out in each second getting greater with each one. Fatalis came hard in thick spurts, they filled the Rathlos sending cum spurting all over the two. Fatalis didn't stop, he couldn't stop he thrust constantly, not stopping, but slowing. With there tongue still in each others mouths, they panted and humped less and less. When they finally stopped, they broke the kiss. for a while they lay there, Fatalis hard cock still in the Rathlos' ass. Eventually the two gathered energy, though still panting they look each other in the eyes and Fatalis lifted his hips. There was a wet plopping noise as the Cock came out. They were both still hard. Fatalis looked down, there wet cocks were touching at the tip. As he moved he saw a string of cum dangle between his cock and the Rathlos' ass. There was cum everywhere. the thick white goop stuff was all over Fatalis' cock and stomach, his inner legs, spread across his tail and smeared over his butt hole, Fatalis wondered then, feeling the wonderful feeling of cum on him, what would it be like to have this Wyvern cum in him? The Rathlos himself, had it seeping from his butt hole that was gaping wide, it was all over his tail and legs just like Fatalis, and on his stomach and shot across his chest, just like Fatalis. The black dragon brought his head down to the wyvern's tail, he let his tongue run hard along the tail, along in in the butt hole, cock stomach and across the chest, as he stopped at the chin, he realised that the cum on his chest was different, it was the Rathlos cum. The two licked at one another, leaving a thin smear on each other after each lick, the two were soon pasted entirely with a thin layer of cum, the biggest amount had now bin swallowed by one another. The two enjoyed the taste of cum. They enjoyed more circling around each other, they slid together in the nest. Soon they were entwined, together. the mates slept that night, in the morning, there strength had returned and Fatalis was wondering what it would feel like to have his mate fuck him.

The End.

Ash & Orca

Ash and Orca - Original story by Armorine Eronine - edited by Tatsu Aikuchi My first vore! Hope yall like. This one however is inspired by the dreams of my very good friend Armorine, the guy who showed me the light and introduced me to the...

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