Hyperspace Love: The Finding

Story by TheVioletDarkness on SoFurry

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#1 of Hyperspace Love

A story written by The Phantom Fox and I over rpg. hope you enjoy!

Space was so damn boring. The Wolgon scout ship had been scanning the new solar system for months now with no sign of even microscopic life to be found. Korrin, the vessel's sole occupant tapped idly at the view screen as he listened to the drone of his ship's computer. "Sector 12 X... negative. Sector 12 Y... negative. Sector 12 Z... negative." Korrin let out a sigh and decided to get something to drink from the replicator in the other room. His race could create any food or drink out of the dust collected from space, yet they were doomed to die out slowly. The plague that had wracked their race had completely decimated the females of their kind, and the few that had survived were rendered sterile. It no longer mattered, there weren't any females left of his kind now. His job was to scan the unknown reaches of space in hopes of finding anything that was compatible with his kind's DNA so that they could repopulate their world. He just wished his job wasn't so damn boring. Odds were that he'd die alone in space and never even run into another living thing.

Korrin stretched his large, muscular frame, his wings extending out as he did so. His thick tail swayed behind him as he sipped his beverage, swishing it around in mouth before returning to the computer terminal. "I fucking hate space..." He muttered to himself as the computer continued it's predictable results.

"Sector 15 B... negative. Sector 15 C... negative." The Wolgon rolled his eyes. "Of course it's negative! There's not a damn living thing out there and my people are screwed cause we can't screw!" He shouted in frustration, the computer continuing to report the results of it's scanning. "Sector 15 E... match found." Korrin's sapphire eyes practically bulged in surprise and he dropped his mug on the floor where it shattered. "What!?!" He shouted. "Sector 15 E... positive match found. Awaiting orders." The computer stated in it's monotone voice.

"Plot a course for the source of the signal and activate the stealth systems. Whoever or whatever is out there might not be friendly... but we can't let that stop us now! Finally my race has hope to thrive again!" He said with a grin as he hopped into the pilot's seat and strapped the belt across his black furred chest. The ship did as it was told and changed course with Korrin making minor adjustments as his ship sped through the solar system. Planets, moons, and other debris sped past his ship and soon he spotted what had caused the signal. There was another ship out here! It was a design that he hadn't seen before and it was positively massive! He could only wonder at what awaited him as the behemoth of a ship took up his entire view screen. The Wolgon slowed his speed, not wishing to crash when he was so close to his goal now. "Begin advanced biological scans. I need to be sure of what's inside and if there are females." He stated, already knowing that any females on board were compatible with his own race's genetic makeup due to the first positive scan. He tapped his claws on the control console as he awaited the results.

"Twenty thousand females detected on board unknown vessel. Ten thousand males detected. The occupants appear to be in some sort of stasis, with a few exceptions." The computer stated. Korrin grinned that wolfish grin of his and howled with glee. It was almost too perfect! He piloted his ship alongside the other one undetected, latching onto the hull with his ship's grappler arms. Once his own ship was snug against the other he went into the small lab at the back of his ship to prepare a surprise for the unneeded males. He wouldn't kill them, no no that would be terrible! Instead he would change their biological makeup to match that of the females on the ship, thus converting the entire crew to females. It didn't take the machinery too long to compute the proper mixture and make up a capsule that would infect the entire crew of the unknown vessel. He sighed, wishing that this process would work on his own kind... but they simply weren't capable of creating a female of his kind without an existing and fertile female to use as a reference to work from. His preparations done he had his ship start slicing open the other ship's hull. He eagerly watched the progress as his ship cut through the armor of the other like a hot knife through butter. Soon there was a breach, but luckily no alarms went off. His ship was airtight against the other and he took his capsule of gas with him as he boarded the unknown vessel.

"Now to find their control center..." He mumbled, moving deeper into the alien ship.

Leena sat alone in the control room, her long dark hair pulled back in a braid as she gazed at the expanse of space. It was her job to fly the ship and lead it safely to their new planet. Her race had found a planet that they could inhabit, as their own was small and short on resources. She was the best captain of her kind and she was flying this huge cargo vessel to their new home. she was bored as hell though. The ship flew itself, headed for the planet, drawing energy from the suns it passed, only needing her aid if they encountered a malfunction. The control room was also her living quarters, with her bed to one side, a table, and a wide selection of videos she could play if she got too bored, thousands of books on command to her handheld screen.

She was currently reading a book of romance, a story of a prince and princess who fell in love but were not allowed to marry because their families warred. It was a beautiful story, but a sad one. they loved one another, and the female became pregnant but lost their child. They were forced to marry others and never saw one another again, though they loved eachother until the day they died. She turned off the screen and stood, stretching and looking around her room, her midnight black fur, dappled with spots like any panther shining a bit in the low light. It was supposed to be night for her sleeping cycle, but it always felt like night. She moved and laid on her bed, letting herself doze off, not seeing that the hull and been breeched and that they had another ship attached. She simply slept, her tail flicking lazily in her sleep as she dreamed of someone to love her as much as that prince had loved his princess.

Korrin made his way down the shimmering clean halls of the alien ship. He was wearing a black jumpsuit and black helmet, using the heads up display that was built into his helm to hack into the alien ship's computers and bring up a map. It was easy enough after that to find the way to the control room where everything was monitored and regulated. He had no idea of knowing that it was also the captain's quarters for all intents and purposes. He rushed down the halls, having to take a couple of lifts to move up the levels of the ship, so eager to unleash his capsule into the air supply of the ship he was no on. It would have no affect on him, being formulated to affect only the beings on this ship thanks to the advanced scans of his own ship. It took almost half an hour to reach the control room and he mentally growled at himself for attaching his ship so far away from this area. Yet it had to be done to avoid detection, and a mission of this type had no real precedent either.

Yet he reached the control room easily enough, the door whooshing open as he approached, just like every other door he'd come across on the ship. Thankfully he didn't need to hack each door he came across, that was a small blessing that he greatly appreciated. The Wolgon strode into the room, scanning the chamber for any sign of life. He froze as he spotted a form on a bed in the corner, not having really expected anyone to be in this room. It seemed she was asleep though... at least he assumed the creature on the bed was female, as he hadn't really ever seen a female of his own kind before but he'd heard stories about the large bouncing breasts of females. The figure on the bed certainly had some rather tantalizing tits on her from what he could see... but first things first he needed to contaminate the air supply.

He did his best to move as quietly as possible, his helmet attuned to the sleeping form so he could react to her in a moment's notice should she wake. Somehow he managed to locate the air filtration system that recycled and cleansed the air for the whole ship as well as the hibernation capsules on board. He hacked the console with the system built into his suit, opening up a small chamber used to disperse antidotes to airborne diseases that might occur. Instead of sending out an antidote though it was going to infect the entire crew with his special chemical cocktail. As the chamber opened he set the capsule inside and closed the door on the device. He heard movement behind him now, and knew that the female must be waking now... but it was too late to stop what he was about to do. He pressed a few alien symbols that his helmet translated for him and activated the device.

An alarm went off as the unknown gas suddenly filtered into the air supply for the whole ship and Korrin spun in place to face the female he'd spotted earlier, wondering if he'd have a fight on his hands.

She didn't wake when the being entered, and the shifting he heard was only her rolling onto her side and curling up. She didn't even wake when the warning message played, having heard it long enough to tune it out for well over a few hours. It could be longer with the exhaustion she had. She did wake though when she breathed in the chemical, slowly though. Her body started to feel tingly and hot, her breasts aching and starting to swell very slowly. Her pussy started to get wet, and in her sleepy state, she simply slid her hand down between her legs and started rubbing herself, moaning softly.

Her fingers teased her clit, eyes closed as she rubbed herself furiously, her body hot and needy with pleasure as the gas sent her into heat, her back arching as she rubbed her puffy cunt lips, teasing her clit and thrusting two fingers into her dripping sex, not knowing she was being watched. She opened her eyes, seeing the masked figure, panting. Her chest heaved, her body humming with desire. "wh-who are you... wh-what did you do to me?" she asked, rubbing herself, unable to stop, needing something thick and hard and male shoved deep into her. there was a burning in her stomach, a need to be filled, her womb aching and craving cum to fill her and breed her. the gas was going to work, making her body put out more eggs than normal, ready and primed to be mated.

Korrin watched with fascination as the female's chest started to swell, that was an unintended side-effect of the gas... but one that he definitely approved of! The female didn't even seem to notice him as she started to finger herself, then her eyes opened in a lust glazed state and she asked him a question. His helmet quickly translated the words, then used those few words as a base for the female's whole language and managed to download the entire language into his mind all in a moment's time. The Wolgen removed his helmet then, revealing his wolfish features to the female on the bed. His bright blue eyes looked over her form with admiration, the scent of her heat causing a stirring in his loins. A smile formed on his face then, surely it would be in his species best interest to start repopulating right away. He tossed the helmet off to the side and undid the clasps on his suit to let it fall down and pool around his ankles, there was no other clothing underneath. He let the female on the bed drink in the sight of him for a few moments. He was taller than her, by at least a foot. His wings would probably have reached around twenty feet across when fully spread. His fur was a deep black all over his body, except for a little area near his groin that was pure white and it was easy to see the finely sculpted muscles beneath the fur. Korrin's tail was thick at the base and narrowed down near the tip like a reptile's but it too was coated in the same velvety midnight fur, though little spines stuck up along the ridge and along his spine though she couldn't see his back. What seemed to draw the female's attention at the moment though was the male musk coming from, and the large thick cock that was quickly becoming erect at the sight of such a needy female.

"I've taken over this ship." He finally answered with a light accent, not used to forming her kind's words yet. "All the males of your kind that accompanied you are turning into fertile females...and all the females are going into heat, perhaps a permanent heat." He said with a grin, running his tongue over his teeth as the female before him continued to finger herself.

"How about I help you with your problem? I bet you'd just love to be pumped full by a big strong male, and I'm the only one around for lightyears." He said as he took a couple of steps toward the bed, moving one hand down to stroke his massive member. It was easily two feet long and as thick as the female's arm. His balls were swollen with seed, just waiting for a fertile vessel to receive it all. "You want it don't you? Just give in to that desire..." He said in a smooth tone, leaning over the bed as he eased himself onto it.

She panted, looking at the male, only half listening. She was too distracted by the burning need in her body to listen. She didn't care if he took the ship, she just wanted him to fuck her, and fuck her good. She wanted a cock so deep inside of her that she could see its outline, and she wanted cum to paint the walls of her womb and make her pregnant. She watched as he pulled off his clothing, her eyes on his huge cock and balls, letting out a whimper of need, pushing her fingers into herself, panting, her tail flicking.

She looked at him, licking her lips, swallowing thickly. "I,.. yes I do... I want you to fuck me... put that huge cock of yours in me and breed me... I need it... please! I ache for you..." she mewled, rubbing her pussy lips. "what are you... and what is your name stranger..." she asked, leaning forward, pulling her hands from her pussy to rub and stroke at his magnificent cock, her mind clouded by her heat and lust, not caring that she would be his breeder for the rest of her life, just wanting his huge cock to be thrust deep into her, panting softly as she ran her soft furred hands over the massive breeding tool.

Korrin let the female stroke his cock, emitting a low growl of pleasure at the feeling. He knew he was in total control now, and loving every moment of it so far. He indulged his new breeder, answering her questions. "Don't worry, I'll be sure to breed you as much as you like. You see I am Wolgen, and my name is Korrin. I was sent to discover a way to save my species... and I found your ship. All of you on board are capable of bearing our young, which will save my kind as all our females have died out. That won't happen to you though, no I'll make sure to keep you safe and full of young from now on." He stated as he put the tip of his massive cock at his new breeder's entrance and gently moved her hands away from his tool. He could feel the heat coming off of her and it was exquisite, gently pushing the head of his cock into her. The top of his length was ribbed with ridges all the way down to the base, and from the way the female before him was acting as he slowly sank into her it was driving her wild.

"So... ummmf!" He grunted as he pressed past some sort of barrier inside his new breeder, "So, what's your name... what is your kind called?" He asked, genuinely curious. Korrin wanted to know more about this sexy female and her kind. Perhaps the location of their world should this ship not prove enough females to save his race. He continued to slowly ease himself into her hot, tight sex. It was so much tighter than he ever would have imagined but the female didn't seem to be showing any discomfort at all to having such a huge cock pushed into her.

she cried out in pleasure as he pushed the tip into her, the ridges teasing her walls as he pushed into her. she gasped as he pushed in deep, pushing into her womb with ease, whatever the gas was making her body pliant to him. Their males never went that deep, and it was a sense of being filled she had never experienced. "My name is... Leena... I'm an Ochira...and i... I am of a race that is dominated by females.... we face a... similar problem with our males... they are dying... this vessel left to find a new more fertile planet for our kind to live on.... we are the last of our own kind as well..." she moaned, panting as he slowly thrust into her

"how.... how many young do... your females usually birth?" she asked, knowing that her kind had average litters of 8 to 10 cubs... they were born very small so that they could all fit into the mother without making her too large, but grew very fast. Maybe this male and his kind could be the answer to her ailing race. The males would be gone, but replaced by those like the fine male with her. she moaned and arched, panting softly, wanting him to move faster in her, mewling softly, overrun with the pleasure of it

Korrin felt a tad guilty that he'd effectively just changed the last males of Leena's race into more females... he hadn't know. Now it seemed the fate of their two races were intertwined more than ever. They both literally needed one another to survive now. That bit of guilt was soon washed away at the exquisite sensation of finally having a female wrapped around his fat cock. He bit his lip and closed his eyes at the sheer pleasure, pushing in deeper. When he opened his eyes he could see the outline of his member inside the Ochira, he didn't know if that was normal or not for her kind but she didn't seem to be in any discomfort at having him finally hilt himself within her quivering depths.

"I was told... umf... that my kind... would have... litters... of about a dozen... at a time..." He managed to get the explanation out, panting through the words. Even though he wasn't thrusting yet the female below him was squeezing his cock in the most wonderful manner. "I'm not sure... but... the gas... might make you... have a much larger... litter!" He groaned out in pleasure, feeling himself leaking pre inside of Leena. Even though it was just pre it was more than any male of her species would produce even with a full orgasm. "Oh Leena... that feels... so good!" He started to slowly pull out of her now, already seeing a bump in her tummy from the amount of pre he'd put inside her. He watched with fascination as the bulge of his cock was visible through her fur and flesh as he pulled out, then pushed back in. He couldn't help but marvel at how good it felt to finally have a female to breed with.

she moaned at the feeling of the warmth flooding her belly. She knew he hadn't released, but he had let some fluid into her, her belly rounding slightly with the precum leaking from his cock. "we have.. about 10... per litter... and more than 14 is too... taxing on the mother for her to... survive birth..." she said, panting softly. "it is good your litters aren't too large..." she mumbled, moaning as he slowly pulled back and pushed into her, arching off the bed, her arms reaching up to loop around his neck, her legs wrapping around his waist and pulling him even deeper into her.

"I h-hope not... I do... not want to die... giving birth..." she moaned, mewling as he moved in her, her walls clenching down in waves. Their males didn't last long, and being penetrated started the waves of pulling from the females, wanting to milk the male for all he could give before he pulled out and away. "you're so big.. our males... cannot grow so large... your kind... will make many females very happy.." she moaned, holding onto him, her tail curling around his.

"You won't... die... during birth... I promise..." He stated through grit teeth, loving how tight the female felt around his shaft. A little smile formed when she complimented his size. It was good that the females would be happy. Korrin put his hands on Leena's hips, lifting her rump off the bed and pulling her toward him. This new angle let his cock ridges rub against her clit with every little movement, though he didn't realize it. "You know... your breasts... weren't so big... before the gas..." He commented, wondering if it was the gas that had done it to her or the fact that she'd gone into heat. "They look so... warm... and tempting..." Without really thinking about he leaned down and ran his tongue over her breasts, licking her nipples playfully while he continued his slow in and out motion. She was so tight that he couldn't really thrust into her yet! He'd never imagined that mating could feel so good!

"Mmmm... I can't wait to fill you up... we'll save both our races..." He commented before nibbling lightly on one of Lenna's pert nipples. "We'll take your ship... to my homeworld... all your females... will be happy... and round with child." He added with a moan.

She moaned, panting, shaking her head. She had seen females die in birth and leave a newborn litter of cubs alone without a mother. "Only...14... anymore.. and... we can't handle the weight or the birth..." she muttered, holding him close as he slowly rocked into her, mewling in pleasure as he rubbed against her clit, panting. She gasped with pleasure as he spoke, looking down at her breasts, which were much larger. They were a respectable triple D now, when before they had been a modest C, and still growing. She moaned as he licked her nipple, mewling as he sucked and licked and nibbled at the pert bud, arching a little.

She pushed her hips against his, dazed by her heat, but not overrun. "what if.. the female doesn't wish to... mate... do not.... strip us of our freedom...let them court and find their own mates if they want... or you will have to enslave our race... and this wonderful breeding would become rape... give my females... a choice...." she moaned, panting softly, pressing her face against Korrin's shoulder, panting, nuzzling close against him as their bodies slowly ground together. "it is so good.... the females will come willingly if the... situation is explained..." she moaned, panting against him.

"I won't... ah... rape your kind..." He groaned, it was true that he'd asked Leena if she'd wanted him. Perhaps it had been a bit underhanded to induce such a strong heat in her beforehand, but he'd still asked and she'd accepted. "My guess... is the rest of your females... will take mates as willingly... as you have." Korrin said as he continued to moan. His thrusting was finally starting to get a little easier now, his cock stretching Leena out to accommodate his girth. Her heat was clouding his mind with lust almost as much as it was clouding Leena's. "But we must breed... to save our race..." He added, knowing that it was true. If he had to he'd impregnate every female on the ship himself if that's what it took. The idea had a certain appeal to it, but he was quite satisfied with just having Leena all to himself. "I never knew... breeding could feel... soooooo good!" He grunted out as he started to move his hips a little more smoothly, starting to build into a steady thrusting rhythm. He started to suck on Leena's right nipple then, unable to ignore her huge breasts any longer. Those pert nipples, standing proudly erect seemed to beckon to him and he swirled his tongue around it as he applied a gentle but firm suction to it with his mouth.

She moaned as he started thrusting into her with earnest, her back arching and her body bucking to push him deeper, mewling and panting softly. "I am.... sure they will... come to your males.... willingly... how are...the numbers of your kind?" she asked softly, knowing that they only had 20 thousand females on the ship, not knowing if it would be enough for his race. It was all they had left though. "And we must... breed to save ours..." she moaned, panting, and holding him close, trembling below him as he started to move faster in her, mewling with pleasure.

"our males are small... there is little pleasure for our females... but this... this is heaven..." she moaned out, her claws curling into the thick fur at the back of his neck, her body pressing against his as she bucked under him, wanting him faster and harder and deeper. She wanted him to fill her completely with that big cock of his and put a big strong litter of both their kind in her belly.

Korrin reluctantly pulled his mouth away from the enticing breasts so he could answer his breeder.

"Last news from my world... was that my kind were dwindling... only around forty thousand... left on the planet... by now... probably thirty thousand left..." He said, a bit sadly. The plague that had killed off all the females of his kind had also ravaged the male population. They had eventually cured the disease but by then it's damage had been done. But that didn't matter anymore... all that remained of his kind were around the same age as himself, all quite capable of breeding. With all the females on board this ship they'd have a chance to rebuild their numbers! Both their species could live together and grow. It was about as perfect as a solution as he'd ever hoped for, and far better than what he thought they'd have to settle for if they'd found anything at all in the reaches of space.

"While I can't compare you to one of my kind... I must agree, this is truly heaven!" He grunted out, relishing the feeling of her pulling him against her. He leaned back some, pressing his hips forward as he strengthened his grip on Leena's hips. He pulled her against him as he thrust into her, pushing every inch of his throbbing dick into her tight tunnel. She was feeling slicker now, just a little less tight than when they'd started. Soon he was building them up toward a fevered pace. "I think... I think I'm getting... close..." He moaned out, not sure what to expect since this was his first time with any female.

she moaned, panting hard as he moved in her. it was an odd thing to do, have a conversation when mating, but she was curious, and even this amount of pleasure couldn't stop her curiosity. "we are... but twenty thousand... ten thousand of your males will go without mates... I am sorry..." she said softly, panting and moaning as he moved faster and faster in her, throbbing and huge and hot. His ridges slid against her clit, making her moan.

A pressure built in her lower belly and she bucked and arched below him, the feeling growing and growing. Ochira rarely experienced orgasms when mating with their males, so she didn't know the rapture in store for her. "i... I think so too... something is... building... in me...." she moaned, whining and trembling below him, letting out a scream of pleasure as she came, her release hitting her hard as she clenched and milked his cock, her body shaking she came so hard.

"You don't... understand... the chemicals I released... will turn the males of your kind... on this ship... into females..." He explained, feeling that guilt coming back once more. He hadn't known that their males were so rare before he'd released the gas, his ears drooped a little at the admission making him look a little like a scolded puppy... a massive puppy at least. Then Leena's orgasm hit her, her whole body writhing and trembling. The clenching of her inner walls as she screamed was more than enough to drive Korrin over the edge as well. With a loud roar he hilted himself one last time as his balls pulled up against his body, then he began to fire his fertile seed into Leena's unprotected womb. He had never imagined that such pleasure even existed and the feeling of his first orgasm ever had him holding onto the sheets of the bed and digging in his claws, his hips bucking forward as if of their own accord as he pumped his breeder full.

He noticed in his daze than Leena's belly was expanding with each spurt, even as some of his cum was leaking from around his shaft and out of her drenched pussy. The Wolgen's eyes stared incredulously as Leena's belly ballooned outward at an alarming rate. Was this normal? He wasn't sure, but it felt amazing! Leena seemed to be enjoying it too as her legs wrapped around him seemed to be trying to pull him deeper into her. Their mutual orgasm seemed to drag on for several minutes, and then spent, Korrin collapsed forward shifting them both so they were laying on their sides, facing one another.

"That...was... amazing..." He panted, still wide eyed from the sensation.

She moaned as she felt him hilt in her and whimpered as he started to shoot inside her, her legs holding him deep in her, gasping and panting as she held onto him. Her eyes went wide as her belly swelled, her chest heaving a bit as she put her hands on the swelling skin. She groaned, her black tail flicking, dark belly expanding as he continued to pump her body full of his hot cum. She moaned and laid back, panting as her belly swelled, first looking to be 5, then 7 and then 9 months.

She moaned as it finally stopped, her belly looking to be swollen with a full litter of cubs, her tail flicking and curling around his, her dark fur almost indistinguishable from his. she rolled over onto her side, her arms wrapping around him, her large belly pressed between them. "it... it was unlike... anything I could have imagined... our females will enjoy being swelled so fully with the seed of your kind.... it is not normal... but a pleasing feeling..." she said, nuzzling against him, kissing him gently.

Korrin draped one of his wings over them both like a sheet, feeling a sudden protective possessiveness over this female next to him. If all had gone as it should, then she would be holding the first litter of their children. "Oh my... you certainly look pregnant. I hope it took, though I'll be happy to try again if it didn't." The Wolgen said with a grin, nuzzling his nose against Leena's before kissing her. "The computer on my ship said your kind could bear my kind's young... but I wonder if some will be Wolgen and some Ochira. Maybe you'll be the first to birth a hybrid of our two races." Korrin said, simply wondering out loud. The computer hadn't been very specific, just that Ochira females could be impregnated by Wolgen males and bear young. It didn't matter to Korrin though as he was happy to finally have a mate. The news of this discovery would bring hope to his world.

"How do you feel?" He asked, rubbing Leena's belly lovingly. His wing draped over them was scaled on the outside, but the inner lining of it was soft and velvety. "Do you need anything? Food? Water?" He had concern in his voice, obviously new to being a father or even having a female that was close to him. The Wolgen wanted to do anything he could to take care of Leena and make sure her and their children would be healthy and happy.

She smiled, snuggling against him, curled around her large belly, rubbing the rounded skin gently sighing. "I hope it took.. it has been a long time since a healthy litter of cubs was born to my kind... and even then, the last litter was born 10 years ago, and none of the cubs made it past 5... they were too weak to survive... our planet was a harsh place to live on..." she said, nuzzling against him, smiling and stroking her belly, hoping that soon, children would be born to the two of them.

"hopefully they will all be hybrids... that way after this generation, we will be one people united... imagine little feline faces, but with wings and your thick tails... I cannot wait to meet our cubs Korrin... they will be beautiful..." she said, purring softly as she tucked herself into his arms, her tail curling around his, yawning softly. She had no idea mating could be so tiring, but she smiled at him. "no, I do not need anything... I'm perfectly fine to remain in your arms until morning...." she said, nuzzling her nose against his.

Korrin grinned at her words, finding himself agreeing wholeheartedly with her sentiments. He was glad that she didn't need anything at the moment either, except apparently some rest. "Then let us rest Leena, for tomorrow shall be the dawn of a new age for both our races." He said in a whisper, kissing her gently on the forehead. I just hope that I did the right thing... but what choice did I have? He thought to himself a moment before sleep claimed him, it was so comforting to have someone to snuggle with in his sleep and he actually dreamed that night.

The Wolgen's dreams were filled with Leena, her belly swollen with a healthy litter of children and they were both on his home planet. He felt so happy and everything seemed so perfect. He saw other children in his dream and knew they also belonged to Leena and himself, and they were playing with yet more children from another couple that had mated successfully. Their races were thriving, mingling their two species into a new hybrid race. The dream made him feel utterly content and he started to make a pleased noise in his sleep that was like a low growl, his tail thumping against the side of the bed repeatedly in a happy wag.

She smiled and nuzzled in close to him, her head leaned against his chest. "yes...we'll talk in the morning..." she whispered, nodding off peacefully in his arms, nuzzled up close to her male, her mate, her beloved. He would give her big strong cubs, and while they would be born small, she knew in a couple of years they would have a whole slew of playful children running around their home. her dream was similar, of a warm planet with lots of trees and grass, their children running and playing, her belly swollen with a litter of children. She dreamed that she leaned against Korrin and kissed him, happy to be in the arms of her mate, her tail curling happily with his as their children played in the grass. She could hear fresh water and feel the breeze in her dark fur as she stood with him, happy and proud as her race thrived.

She woke slowly many hours later, curled up with him in the darkness of the cabin, her body having absorbed most of the cum in her sleep, a small bump visible from the little bit that had not been consumed yet. She yawned, stretching and snuggling closer into her male, holding him close as she rested at his side, happy to be in his arms. They would reach his home and her people would be delivered to his, a huge group of females to his males, and their races would save eachother and merge into one.

Korrin woke up when he felt something moving next to him, his eyes shooting wide for a moment in surprise but he instantly calmed down when he noticed it was just Leena. He felt a wave of relief wash over him that not everything had been a dream. "Good morning Leena." He said with a happy growl accenting his words, kissing her on the tip of her nose. "I was afraid that it was all just a dream... but we're still together here." He stated, staring at her as they continued to lay together on her bed. This close up he looked like an extremely happy puppy, his tongue sticking out just slightly as he smiled and his tail continued to thump loudly against the bed as it wagged.

"I love you Leena..." The Wolgen snuggled against his mate then, hugging her against him as he nuzzled her. "Mmmmm, you smell wonderful." He commented, simply breathing in her scent. Her scent was so different from his own, but so much more pleasing to him. "I guess we should do something more productive than just snuggle and compliment each other though. Perhaps it would be wise to send a message to my homeworld, then a plot a course for home." It would be both their races' home from now on, and he could only hope that the two races would get along as well as Leena and himself did.

Leena smiled, yawning sleepily and opening her golden eyes, chuckling at her mate as his thick tail thumped against the mattress. "I love you too Korrin... my wonderful mate... in 7 months time, we will be the proud parents of the first litter of our kind for many years..." she said, purring happily, snuggling up against his chest, kissing him gently and relaxing in his strong arms. her tail curled around his and she sighed, her fingers stroking the dark hair on the back of his head, her long white locks falling into her face.

She smiled at his words, nuzzling close and purring against his neck. "I am sure the computer knows of your planet... we can simply tell it to plot a course... then inform your people we are coming with thirty thousand females... before we arrive, they will be awoken and informed of our new situation... some may be opposed, especially some of the former males, but remember that you cannot force females into mating... let them choose males of their own volition.." she said, snuggling against him, purring softly.

"Yes, by the time we arrive you should be showing your pregnancy too. That sight alone should inspire hope in our two races." Korrin said with a grin, stroking Leena's back as they continued to snuggle. After a few more minutes though he finally got out of the bed, stretching a bit. His wings unfurled to their full wingspan as he rolled his shoulders and tilted his head one way then the other. Not caring to put his clothes back on he strode over toward the command console and started to input the coordinates of his home world. It took a little longer than he'd anticipated as the computer on this ship only knew of the star in his system but none of the planets. He quickly remedied that and soon the ship shifted almost imperceptibly as it changed course.

"At our current rate we should arrive at our home in four months." When we're closer to the star system I'll send out a signal so they'll know to expect us all. I just hope your kind will be as receptive to my kind as you were." He stated as he strode back to the bed and snuggled up against Leena again. "That should give us enough time to teach other more about our differing cultures... among other things." He grinned that wolfish grin again, kissing Leena on the tip of her nose and then nuzzling her neck.

She smiled and rolled onto her back, gazing at her male, purring happily. "4 months... we will wake the people a day before we arrive and address him... my pregnancy will restore hope among my kind... our children may not be all Ochira, or all Wolgen, but they will be live, healthy children non the less...if our bodies are compatable like your scans said, then we will have no issues with our young..." she said, smiling as he came back to her, laying on her back and rubbing her flat stomach slowly.

"its wonderful, to think that inside my belly, our children our growing... the first of their own kind... Ochira and Wolgen mixed... if each female finds a male, and each produce 12 cubs.... our numbers will reach well over 300 thousand very quickly... close to 400 thousand within a couple years if it takes a while for some females and males to pair up..." she said, rolling over and snuggling up close against him, purring happily. "it has been well over three hundred years since there were more than fifty thousand of our people... you have given us hope Korrin..." she said, smiling at her mate, twining her body with his and kissing him as her ship sailed towards their new home.