The Conqueror

The city's walls that had stood proud for generations were now mere piles of rubble. It was impossible to tell how many defenders had been crushed by the stones when they collapsed, but it didn't matter in the end. As soon as the walls had fallen the...

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Hyperspace Love: Homecoming

Korrin was feeling more nervous than he could recall in recent memory. They would be arriving at their home world soon and it was the day they'd agreed upon to wake the rest of the ship. The Wolgen got dressed in his jumpsuit, leaving his helmet off....

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Hyperspace Love: The Finding

Space was so damn boring. The Wolgon scout ship had been scanning the new solar system for months now with no sign of even microscopic life to be found. Korrin, the vessel's sole occupant tapped idly at the view screen as he listened to the drone of...

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In The Darkness

This is not a pretty tale. This is a story that is dark, and twisted. This is a story of sacrifice and fear and magic. You have been warned. Our story starts as such. Many years ago, in a vast forest, a town was built. It wasn't too large, but it...

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