Par For the Course

Story by Kooshmeister on SoFurry

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Murder and incest; par for the course for Alex and Ben Fletcher.

"Be realistic, Chester," Benjamin Fletcher said.

The six-foot-two rabbit with long red hair circled the table like one of the many hammerhead sharks currently swimming in the ten-thousand-gallon aquarium that dominated one wall of the boardroom. His prey was Chester Paladin, a bushy-eyebrowed badger in a bad tie, currently hidden behind the silk bib he was wearing.

Chester was at the moment squinting through reading glasses as he looked over a document whose contents were known only to him, Benjamin, and Ben's son, Alex, who sat across from Paladin. They'd been eating dinner when Paladin had stopped to peruse the document, still chewing as he read.

Ben continued, letting his hand glide possessively over Alex's shoulder as he walked behind his son, a move that went unnoticed by Paladin. "As one of the most vocal members of the city zoning commission, your vote in this matter is of the utmost importance."

He passed Paladin, going over to where an ancient butler held a serving tray of wineglasses. He selected one at random. "Anything to the contrary could be interpreted the other board members as a lack of good faith."

Paladin looked up from the paper, frowning, taking his reading glasses off. "This is about more than a simple of matter of faith, Benjamin," he said, pocketing the glasses and indifferently setting the paper aside.

Ben frowned, looking at Alex, who mirrored his father's expression.

Paladin continued, "What you're proposing is absolutely ludicrous, and I'll have no part of it. And you'll be lucky if I don't report you to Cloverfield the moment I leave here."

Looking back to Paladin, Ben said, "Really, well, I'm very sorry you feel that way, Chester. I had counted on you to be a reasonable man, but now you force me to take drastic measures."

Alex turned and nodded at the butler, who returned the nod, then left the room. Paladin laughed and took another bite of his gourmet pasta. "What are you going to do? Kill me?"

"Yes," Alex said, the first time he'd spoken since the three had sat down to eat, and even as Paladin glanced up at him in shock Alex pulled a silenced automatic pistol from underneath the table and shot the badger twice in the forehead before he could react.

Chester Paladin made a sound that sort of resembled a squeak, tried to stand, wobbled, then fell over sideways onto the floor, overturning the chair. Alex scoffed and set the gun aside, straightened his tie, and resumed eating his own spaghetti as Ben shook his head and sipped his wine.

"That's what I call a hostile takeover," Alex said, spooning pasta into his mouth.

"Don't talk with your mouth full," Ben said, although his voice was soft.

"That was nice, Alex," he said. "A good clean hit to the head, twice, just the way I like it." He reached out and ruffled Alex's jet-black hair. He enjoyed watching his son kill someone. Contrary to what one might think, his loss of appetite upon Chester Paladin's death was not due to the death itself, but rather the frustration that he knew its aftermath would bring.

Alex smirked and began slowly unscrewing the silencer from the gun. Ben found himself focusing on Alex's fingers moving slowly over the cylindrical silencer, noting the apparent deliberate slowness. "Well, I was waiting all through dinner to use this thing. The way he was reading every little line in that document had me worried he was seriously considering saying yes."

God, he wanted him now, Ben thought. He didn't like to consider himself a sexaholic, but his oldest son was simply gorgeous now that he had reached adulthood, and become the type of ruthless corporate shark dear old Dad had trained him to be. A shark, just like the ones that swam behind them.

Ben finished his drink and set it on the table, then stepped over Paladin's sprawled form and went to the open door, and summoned Biff and Marty from the next room. The two brawny rabbits hurriedly came in and without needing to be told, grabbed Paladin, Biff getting his arms and Marty his legs, and hoisted the prone badger up.

"You know what to do with him, guys," Alex said, standing with some difficulty on account of his leg and straightening his tie. He walked over to his father. "I know that didn't go the way you hoped, Dad, but look on the bright side. Now all we have to do is replace Paladin with someone we know will vote our way."

Ben smirked. Alex was right. With Chester Paladin dead and soon to be fish food, they now controlled the entire board of directors of the city zoning commissions. Everyone except for Diggory Cloverfield, its chairman. He would of course vote "no" to Ben's proposal to "renovate" Harlem, but he would be outvoted. And if he made trouble....well, he too would find out the hard way that Benjamin Fletcher was not to be crossed. Now, though, as Biff and Marty carried the dead badger out of the room, Ben's thoughts returned to his son, who, at that moment, sliding his arms around the larger rabbit's waist and moved closer to him, the thrill of taking a life having gotten his libido going something fierce, as Ben had suspected.

Alex didn't even need to say anything. Ben could read his boy like a book. Leaning down, he closed his eyes and kissed his son softly on the lips. Their lips made soft smacking sounds as Ben slid his tongue into Alex's mouth, the younger rabbit gladly accepting it. At this point the butler returned, looking tired, and was not at all shocked to find his employer and his son in an incestuous embrace. Although kept (mostly) secret on the outside, within the Fletcher household, everyone knew that "Big Ben" Fletcher had been having sex with his son since Alex was only a child.

"Will that be all for today, sir?" he asked dryly.

The kiss continued uninterrupted for a moment longer before finally their lips parted and Ben smiled to the servant. "Yes, that will be all for today, Jonathan. My son and I will be upstairs. We're not to be disturbed."

"Yes, sir," Jonathan said, and left.

Ben kissed Alex on the forehead, then swatted him on the ass. "Upstairs, naked, in bed. Now," he commanded.

Alex gave a slight yelp at the ass-smack and hurried out of the room. Hearing a muffled splash, Ben turned and smiled as he saw Chester Paladin's body, slowly sinking to the bottom of the giant aquarium. The sharks were already circling the corpse eagerly, the little wafts of blood oozing out of the bullethole in Paladin's forehead getting them going. Normally he'd stay to watch the feeding frenzy as usual, but tonight he had other plans.


Alex, for his part, was already on his way up. He mounted the stairs in the grand hall of the mansion, with its draping tapestries depicting the stylized "F" symbol of the Fletcher family. Stairs were difficult for him, due to his leg, which he had to wear a brace for ever since he'd received a knee injury in college. But he was able to manage.

Once at the top he proceeded immediately to his father's bedroom. Arriving at the door, Alex went in, and immediately began slowly undressing, savoring the moment, the calm before the storm so to speak, exposing his modestly athletic twenty six year-old body to the empty room, allowing his shedded clothing to fall to the floor without care, having stripped down to nothing but his purple-tinted glasses and his usual style of underwear, high-cut black bikini briefs, by the time his father got there. His leg brace was in full view, a black and silver metal frame that extended from his ankle to just above his knee.

A few moments later, Ben entered and beheld the fruit of his loins in near-nudity, and smiled. He closed and locked the door behind him, and, undressing slowly until he, too, was in naught but his underwear, he approached Alex and wrapped his arms around him from behind, pressing his groin against his speedo-clad rear, the bulge nestling so wonderfully into the crack of his ass. He ground his enormous length against Alex's backside, making him gasp softly. The front of Alex's own briefs bulged obscenely with his massive erection.

"Oh, Ben," he said softly, calling his father by his first name, something he did only privately.

Ben pet his son's ears, stroking them gently with one hand while the other went around to slowly tug down the younger rabbit's briefs, Alex wiggling a bit as his father exposed his pert ass. "I want to feel your mouth around my dick, Alex," Ben whispered softly into one ear. "You're quite talented at that, lover."

Alex licked his lips at the very thought of his father's cock in his mouth. This meant kneeling, however. The powerful Benjamin Fletcher would not sit.

Wiggling free of Ben's arms, Alex pushed his glasses up onto his forehead and knelt. It took every once of his strength to ignore the pain in his leg, but he knelt before his father, the brace creaking noisily, wincing. Ben smiled down at him, kneeling there as if in worship of Ben's godly, masculine form. Alex eyed his pre-soaked briefs lustfully. Ben grinned and reached down to grip Alex's black locks, holding them tightly as Alex leaned forwards and nosed against the bulge. Indeed his son knew how to suck a cock, and loved to tease beforehand. The prodigous length of his father throbbed behind the fabric, throbbing in anticipation and want. His large scrotum swelled slightly with the load he'd soon shoot in a matter of time. Like a stripper, he moved his hands across his chest and placed behind his head, grinding his crotch against Alex's face, Alex letting out a soft moan. "Good start," he said.

Alex rubbed the bulge of cock against his face, causing his glasses to slide down, then be bumped back up again. Reaching, he slid his fingers into the straps of the speedo and slowly pulled it down, over and off Ben's manhood. His father's length, nearing a wolf's in size, flopped out against his face. Long and uncut, it was the symbol of might in the Fletcher family. Alex just sat there for a moment letting the hot cock lie against his face, Ben's precum getting into his hair. Scooting closer, he began to administer his affections, nosing the length up and down before slathering his drooling tongue along the underside from base to head, gently taking Ben's massive balls in one hand and massaging them softly as he lubed his father up and readied him for his blowjob.

"Don't make me wait too long, son," Ben warned, licking his lips in anticipation.

"Yes sir," Alex said, and then reared back his head and gaped his mouth wide like a shark about to engulf and swallow its prey. Sharks like the ones currently tearing into the remains of Chester Paladin downstairs. He had the perfect mouth, Ben's son. Neither too big nor too small. And his cock fit just right as he lunged forwards and took it into his mouth almost to the hilt in one move, sealing his lips around the middle.

"Mmm, remember when you used to suck me off on the long plane ride home?" Ben asked, smiling.

Alex began to suck as he thought of when he was just a boy and he accompany his father on trips to places like Europe and Asia, and, to pass the time on long plane rides, would blow him and suck his cock like a lollipo, just as he did now, working his lower jaw expertly, using teeth and tongue to stimulate the dick that created him as he slowly moved his black-haired head back and forth.

"And remember the sex club in Thailand, son?" Ben continued, demonstrating an amazing level of concentration for a man currently having his cock blown. "Where we had sex with other grown-ups and boys? That was something. That reminds me. We need to back there and have a little bit of the local quisine, don't you think?" He started to thrust into Alex's mouth a little bit.

Alex did indeed remember that club. Until then he'd never seen other adults and children having sex. Although Ben had taught him that it was perfectly normal, the Thailand boys' club was truly his first experience in true sexual exploitation, and the first time he'd had sex with kids his own age. This had been, of course, prior to his first trip to public school where he met his three lifelong friends Fabian, Biff and Marty.

Grinning and stifling a laugh, Alex deepthroated Ben very quickly before pulling off and smacking his lipsl. "Mmmm, but why would I want to eat their food when I've got such a delicious meal right here?" he asked.

Ben smiled and nodded. "Good boy," he said. "You always did remember never to ruin your appetite with takeout. Now, then, enough head for now, it's time for the main course. Someone needs to get fucked."

Panting, Alex nodded, and held his arms up. Ben smiled, took his hands, and pulled his son to his feet, knowing Alex would have difficulty rising on his own. Ben then helped him pull his underwear down the rest of the way, and Alex kicked them aside with his good foot. Ben then tackled him into a loving embrace and both rabbits fell into the king-sized bed. Grabbing a bottle of lubricant off the nightstand, Ben lubed himself up. Taking a moment to catch his breath, he positioned himself between Alex's legs as Alex spread them wide, exposing his love hole for his father. Ben wasted little time, rolling his foreskin back and starting to push inward. Alex threw his head back, glasses coming off his forehead, and he let loose a long, loud moan as he felt Ben's thickness spreading him open so wonderfully, wrapping his good leg around Ben's waist, using his heel to push against the small of Ben's back in an effort to make him go into him deeper, bum leg in the brace sticking out to the side stiffly.

"You feel great as always," Ben groaned, moving his length in and out of his boy easily.

"Unh, yeah," was Alex's reply.

He gritted his teeth as Ben pushed in deeper, spreading his anus without a problem. He laid back stretched his body luxuriously, giving Ben a good look at much his boy had grown up, if he worked out he could become quite muscular. His father wasted little time in beginning to thrust, his dick starting to slickly and wetly slurp in and out of his son's ass, Alex gripping his own thick meat and jerking it swiftly, squirting thick globs of precum forth onto his washboard stomach as his body bucked up and down with Ben's powerful thrusts.

"Mmmm, it's okay, son," Ben grunted, "if you need to cum, don't worry about drawing it out. Just let it fly for Daddy." He held Alex's hips, his speed constant, his hips true and his strength powerful.

"Oh fuck, yesssss! Aw, fuck me, Daddy," Alex said, jerking his dick faster and faster until he came in a thick, creamy fountain all over his chest and stomach.

His father rammed faster and faster, cumming along with him, making a face as he tensed up, his huge load, surely enough to fill a cereal bowl, beginning to pump into his offspring, Alex gasping, still pumping his cock even as it was shooting its load, feeling hot cum flooding his bowels. Father and son rode out their orgasms passionately. Feeling his flow trickle off, Ben gave a deep grunt and fell over onto of his cum-covered son, embracing him and kissing him lovingly all over, the both of them very hot and sweaty from their bout of lovemaking.

All at once, there was a knock at the door. Gritting his teeth, Ben growled. "Who would dare--?" he wondered aloud. Pulling out of Alex and getting out of the bed, he threw on a bathrobe and went to the door. He was still tying his sash as he opened it, all the way, to reveal Fabian standing there.

Alex sat up, completely unashamed of his nudity in front of his former schoolmate turned henchman. "What is it?" he asked, sounding annoyed.

"That guy Cloverfield is waiting downstairs," Fabian replied. "Says he wants to know where Paladin is."

Ben smirked a bit, and turned to Alex. If Diggory Cloverfield wanted to know where Chester Paladin was, then Ben would gladly show him. "Get dressed, Alex," he said. "I think our pets are getting a second helping tonight."

"I hope I do, too," Alex said, a sick, evil smile spreading across his devilishly handsome face.

The End