For a Certain Furrets

Story by dontaskandiwonttell on SoFurry

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Rolling right along, here's my second fic, a request back from my days on the /vp/ board of 4chan. Bit rape-y, so caution to those not a fan of such.

Artwork (and I'm so glad it displays fully on sofurry!) is the work of Chibicyndaquil over on Deviantart, and I do have her permission to use it, as it was a request specifically for this story.

Once again, feel free to like, comment, etc., and if you'd prefer, I'm over on Furaffinity as "Iguessineedanaccount".

The light slowly seeped in through the open tent flap as morning dawned on the campsite. Typhlosion, as usual, cracked an eye open as the golden rays of sunlight fell on his face. Being a fire type, it became very hard to sleep after the sun rose. The sun invigorated him, made his blood rush. Careful not to wake his trainer, Typh slipped quietly out of the tent into the new day. The dew was cool against his paws as he walked through the grassy clearing in the forest. He stopped for a moment, bending down to stretch.

Typhlosion looked back at the tent. Hunter always was a late sleeper, which, Typh figured, gave him an hour or two to do as he pleased before he'd be needed for anything. After a moment's debate, he decided that exploring the forest around the campsite would be a relaxing way to start the day, and without another thought leapt deftly over a rock and into the dense undergrowth.

As he walked through the bushes and leaves, the dew sizzling on his back, he listened to the wildlife around him. Somewhere up ahead, many a bird had gathered to tweet their morning songs. The melodies lazily drifted their way through the trees, creating a sonorous echo of chirps. Typhlosion felt himself relax a bit; he had developed a great appreciation for music living with his trainer, who would listen to music whenever they had time to kill, be it classical, rock, metal, or ambient. He paused a moment, enjoying the sweet sounds drifting through the morning air.

As he stood there, Typhlosion realized he hadn't yet addressed his full bladder. He dropped to all fours, sniffing around for a tree with a good scent. Finding an adequate trail, he followed it to a nearby oak, where he once again stood up. A long time ago, he might have stayed on all fours and simply lifted a leg to pee, but years of domestication had led him to learn the methods behind proper toilet usage. He leaned forward, resting an arm against the tree, loosing a jet of yellow liquid against the mossy bark.

As Typhlosion stood there, enjoying the moment, he felt a change in the atmosphere. He was sure something was different; he just couldn't quite put his finger on it. As his stream tapered off, it donned on him: he could no longer hear the birds singing. The forest had grown deathly quiet. Which could only mean one thing-

He heard it hit him before he even felt the pain at the back of his skull. He fell forward, smashing his forehead into the tree. He rolled his body along the trunk to turn and face his attacker. However, he had hardly managed to lift his head up again before he felt a swift kick to the gut, forcing him to drop and arm to the ground to support himself. He doubled over, clutching his stomach with his claw. Through his dazed vision, he only managed to catch sight of a short brown and cream striped knee before it slammed into his forehead, knocking him onto his back.

Typhlosion laid there for a moment, bloodied, head throbbing, stunned that he had just taken such a beating, before he saw out of the corner of his eye that the brown and cream colored missile was sprinting up the tree he had been using. He concentrated, using his rage to fuel his fire. As he watched the Furret use a branch to propel itself at him, he ignited his back, using the concentrated energy to force himself up to his feet. The pokemon landed right in the wake of his flames, scalding its paws before leaping lightly to the side. Typhlosion backed up a few steps and managed to get a good look at his attacker: a furret, about his height, with brown and cream stripes running down from its midsection.

The furret sprinted at him on all fours before diving headfirst at Typhlosion's neck. But Typhlosion was ready this time. He deftly sidestepped the attack and caught the furret by the back of the head in mid-flight, grabbing the pokemon's lower back with his other paw. He used the momentum of the attack to drive the furret headfirst into the ground. As he held the furret down, he channeled his body's heat into his hands, singeing its fur. The furret cried out in pain. Typhlosion picked it up and threw it hard against the tree he had been using just prior. There was crunching sound as the furret's leg smashed into the trunk, followed closely by its chest and head. The furret emitted a sharp cry, then, stunned, slid down the tree into the mud at the roots, where it lay defeated.

Typhlosion forcefully walked over to the downed pokemon and grabbed the scruff of its neck, dragging it through the dirt onto a nearby patch of grass. He tossed the furret onto its back in front of him, cupping a claw around its neck as he leaned over it. He took a deep breath, intent to ask the furret exactly what the fuck it was thinking, but stopped as he inhaled. He noticed, amidst the earthy odor blended with his own urine, there was another familiar scent: the one he had followed to the tree in the first place.

"Oh, so that was your tree, huh?"

His grip tightened on the furret's throat.

"Thanks a lot for those big fucking welts on my head. I hope I did a decent job returning the favor."

Typhlosion used his foot to put pressure on the furret's injured ankle, causing it to squirm uncomfortably and cry out in pain. The furret pushed its body against Typhlosion's, trying to force him off. Its thick fur brushed lightly against Typhlosion's lower body. Surprised at the sensation, Typhlosion relaxed his grip on the furret's throat, impulsively thrusting back into the furret. Realizing what he was doing, he breathed deeply to regain his composure, but the furret's scent, buried under his own musk, filled his nostrils, causing him to feel light headed. An idea occurred to Typh. He once again tightened his hold on the furret's neck.

"Alright, listen up and listen good. You caused me considerable pain just now, and now you're gonna help me feel better. The best part is, you don't have to do a goddamn thing. Just lay back and relax. For your sake."

Looking the furret dead in the eye, Typhlosion leaned forward, grinding his groin into the furret. The furret, still dizzy from the pain in his leg, finally realized what was happening.

"Wait, no, please-"

Typhlosion picked his head up and slammed it into the ground.

"You don't get to talk unless I say so. I beat you. I OWN you. Get used to it."

Typh resumed his grinding. The furret tried to squirm, even catch a glimpse of what was happening to him, but Typh held his neck firmly to the ground, preventing him from raising his head. Typh's cock slowly began to slide out of its sheath, bright red against the furret's alternating rings. As he continued his thrusts, his member swelled out and began leaving a slick trail of precum on the Furret's stripes. Suddenly, Typh felt the furret's stomach poke his sheath. Pausing, Typhlosion looked down to find another hard length peering back at him.

"Heheh. You're a guy, huh? Your fur was so thick I couldn't even tell. Well then, you might like this considerably less."

The furret felt the grip on his throat release as Typhlosion stepped back. He grabbed the furret's hips, lifting them towards his now fully erect member. The furret attempted to wriggle away, but bumped his foot on Typhlosion's arm, sending a jolt of pain up his leg. Typhlosion lined up his thick shaft against the furret's tail base. He carefully slid his length up through the thick fur on the furret's ass, enjoying the feeling as it tickled his member. After a bit of searching, he felt a small ring of warm flesh brush against his tip. Typh lined his member up with the furret's entrance.

The furret cried out, tensing up around the cock forcing itself into his opening. Typh moaned, pushing his member forcefully into the furret's backside. The warm passage pressed tightly against his length, making the Typhlosion's progress slow. The furret groaned in pain, and Typh stopped for a second.

"You know, this would be a lot easier if you'd relax."

The furret, wiping away a small tear, looked into the typhlosion's eyes. He saw, through the serious and vengeful nature, a small shred of compassion and understanding. Staring straight at Typhlosion, he nodded, then leaned back, letting his muscles loosen themselves.

Typhlosion, feeling less resistance from the furret, began to slide himself forward again, pulling the furret's hips up to meet his. The pre that had built up in the furret's passage eased the entry. As he slid the sixth inch of his member in, the furret moaned, unaccustomed to feeling so full. Typh kept pushing, sliding another inch into the furret. With one final thrust, Typh managed to bring his hips to rest against the furret's, burying all eight inches in his prey. He let out a grunt of pleasure, enjoying the warmth engulfing his member.

The furret, adjusting to the new sensation in his gut, glanced up once again at the typhlosion, looking for some of the comfort he had seen in that brief glimpse earlier. The typhlosion, glancing back at him, was caught off guard, blushing a bit. His cock twitched, causing them both to let a moan. He found it harder to regain his composure this time.

"Alright, here comes the fun part."

Slowly, Typh began to pull him member out of the furret. Both sighed a bit, feeling the pleasurable sensations from each other's warmth. Typh stopped, his tip the only part of him remaining in the furret's slick passage. He hoped the furret was at least enjoying this to some degree. However, he remembered, this was about him.

He thrust his member back in quickly, causing the furret to cry out in surprise. Without missing a beat, Typh pulled back, bringing his member almost all the way out of the furret. He went in and out again, trying to bring his thrusting up to a comfortable speed. The furret, pained at being speared open so quickly with each movement, closed his eyes tightly, gritting his teeth.

Typh loved the warmth, the smooth walls of flesh sliding against his member with each movement. He bent lower over the furret, wrapping his arms around his furry partner.

"Hang on."

Furret, who had just been starting to enjoy the experience again despite the twangs of pain in his ankle, barely had time to react before a sudden heave upward lifted him into the air. He desperately reached for Typh's neck, which he managed to grab on to just as his hips came to rest against the typhlosion's.

After a moment, Typh resumed his rhythm, using gravity and momentum to increase the speed of his thrusts. The furret hung limply, his arms fully outstretched. He noticed in his increasing stupor that his own member was slapping against his gut with each push from the typhlosion. Typh, glancing at the furret's face quickly, realized what was happening. He slowed down briefly, moving one of his paws from the furret's back to his throbbing member.

The furret, shocked at the new sensation, tightened his passage around Typh's cock, causing the two of them to moan at the experience. Feeling his bushy tail rub against the typhlosion's calves, the furret lifted his tail up, brushing it against Typh's inner thighs and balls.

Typh felt himself drawing up at the new touch. Knowing he wasn't going to last much longer, he quickened his pace. His thrusts increased in speed and force, causing the furret, despite the pain in his ankle, to moan in ecstasy. Typh's ministrations to the furret's member picked up, using each thrust to guide his hand up and down.

Feeling himself tensing up at the extreme pleasure, the furret pulled himself up, hugging Typh, grinding his member between the fire type's soft stomach and his own. He felt a pressure building up in his loins, causing his walls to clamp down on the typhlosion's member.

Typh, tensing up, thrust one final time into the furret's hole, forcing the furry creature down onto his member as far as he could. He came, releasing a stream of cum deep in the furret's passage.

The furret, upon feeling the warm fluid coating him inside, cried out in pleasure as he let himself go, spraying his seed all over his and Typhlosion's chests. He hugged tightly to Typh, feeling every vein on the fire type's member pulse as it coated his walls.

Typhlosion's member continued to throb, filling his object of desire with his hot, sticky cream. The pressure of the furret's walls, the smells and the cries the furret in mid-throes of ecstasy all blended into a wonderful lustful sensation, coaxing every last drop of cum from his balls.

The furret, feeling his orgasm die off, relaxed, letting the typhlosion hold him up as he rested his head on Typh's shoulder. He felt himself slowly losing consciousness, the warmth of Typh's body and his own exhaustion causing him to drift off to sleep...

The furret awoke some time later, feeling himself bumping up and down with each step. Snapping his eyes open, he looked down to see the typhlosion's back as he carried the wounded pokemon.

"The way I see it, you weren't gonna make it too long out there with an injured leg. I'd give you a week tops. And, seeing as you're mine now, I figure it's my responsibility to take care of you."

As they entered a clearing, Typhlosion let out a call. The furret tried to turn his head to see what all the commotion was, but couldn't get a good view past his owner's back. He heard a voice call to the Typhlosion with a hint of concern. As the Typhlosion stopped, he heard several figures running towards them. Turning to the left, he saw a floatzel come into view, looking at him with a cocked head.

"Typh, what happened to that furret? Oh man, look at that leg...he's in rough shape."

More footsteps. Sneakers. He looked up to find a concerned human peering down at him.

"Alright buddy, I don't know what happened to you, but you need help. I'm sorry I gotta do this, but the only way I can get that for you is if I capture you."

The furret, surprised, looked down at the floatzel again, a questioning look in his eyes, before looking back at the trainer. He looked the trainer in the eyes, nodded once, and went limp again. He felt a tap at the back of his head, and then he saw nothing.


How long it seems since I first met you. You were just a little Cranidos back then; always bold and adventurous, never backing down from a challenge. The world was your oyster, and you took it head on. I remember once, about a month after I found you,...

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