Chapter 3: Reunion

Story by Arcanum Lupus on SoFurry

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Chapter 3 of my Naruto series^^

Story by Flamon. ^^

The only character in this story that is mine is Cassie.

Chapter 3: The Reunion.

Naruto slowly opened his eyes as he heard Cassie whimper as he snuggled closer to him. Naruto smiled as he held Cassie close to him. He really enjoyed lying like this with Cassie; it felt nice to feel the other's warm body against his.

Naruto kissed Cassie on the cheek before getting out of his bed carefully, so he wouldn't wake up the boy. He let out a yawn and rubbed his messy locks, memories from last night racing through his mind. Naruto blushed a bit and smiled, he was really happy that Cassie felt the same way. As he was about to go to the bathroom he noticed that Cassie had his hand on his belly; he decided to explore the boy's body as he slept. Naruto grinned teasingly and moved down to Cassie's belly and started kissing it gently. He could hear Cassie let out a few moans as he went further down with his kissing. He got to the waistband of his underwear and remembered that he hadn't seen Cassie completely naked. Naruto giggled as he slowly pulled down the underwear; what he saw made him gasp out loud. He hadn't suspected anything like this at all.

"C-Cassie... Y-you're a-a male herm?" Naruto whispered as he stared at the vagina. Blushing deeply as he pulled up the underwear again, he decided not to tell Cassie that he had taken the liberty to explore his body as he slept; knowing Cassie might get angry at him for it.

As he stood there dumbfounded, he heard Cassie whimper; having a nightmare. Naruto rubbed Cassie's belly and smiled warmly as he leaned down and kissed Cassie on his cheek. "Don't worry, I won't ever let anybody hurt you" He whispered in a caring voice.

Cassie murrs happily as has he slowly opened his eyes. Naruto and Cassie exchange looks before Naruto helping Cassie up from the bed. Naruto giggles as he looks at Cassie; who blushes deeply as he feels some strained cum on the side of his cheek. Naruto smiles warmly and moves close to Cassie and licks his cheek clean. Cassie teases him by making moaning sounds. Naruto growls in a dominant way and begins to tickle Cassie.

"You're such a naughty boy, you know that?" Naruto smirked as he saw Cassie move his hand to his mouth and pretend to suck his dick again. Naruto growled a bit as he felt his cock harden as he thought about how good Cassie's mouth had felt around his thick cock; It felt amazing to have something to tight and warm around his cock. Cassie giggled as Naruto finally stopped tickling him. He sat on the bed and nuzzled his head against Naruto's belly and smiled happily.

"I really loved yesterday Naruto-Kun... It felt so good and you taste so amazing..." Cassie cooed; a blush seeped over the younger blonde's cheeks again. Naruto grinned at the praise he just had received. Naruto told Cassie that his own cum tasted really sweet, which made the boy's blush deepen further.

Naruto just chuckled as he left the bedroom, wanting to take a shower. He could feel the warm sun shine through the window as he suddenly realized that it was noon already.

"Wow, we must really have tired each other out last night" Naruto grinned proudly as he stepped into his shower. The warm water felt quite relaxing against his body as he almost fell asleep again. He shook his head as he felt his heart skip a beat when he heard the melody that Cassie sang the day he met him in the forest; god he felt so happy whenever he heard it.

Cassie stood in the kitchen and prepared some ramen for them both; when suddenly Naruto stood behind him wearing nothing but some tight underwear and nuzzled his head against the younger blonde's neck; whispering sweet nothings to him, in the sweet voice Naruto usually used whenever he talked to Cassie.

"K-Keep that up Naruto-kun and I might have to kiss you again" Cassie blushed deeply as he threatened Naruto, turning his head around to look at him with a tender smile. They could feel the each other's breath as they smiled lovingly at each other. Naruto and Cassie stared at each other for what seemed like eternity as Cassie finished preparing the ramen without even noticing it.

Naruto and Cassie sat casually on the couch as they both ate their ramen. They sat like a young couple; Cassie sitting on Naruto's lap while he ate his delicious ramen. They had gotten really close to each other, despite only meeting 2 days ago; Naruto's heart beat faster whenever he was with Cassie. As they finished their ramen; Naruto pulled him close and snuggled him lovingly, while rubbing his belly. Naruto had learnt that Cassie liked having his belly touched; he figured it was because Cassie wanted to have kids. Naruto smiled warmly as he thought about Cassie having kids; tiny small children that were just as beautiful as the blonde he held in his arms.

Afternoon was nearing and Naruto realized that as went into his room to put on his usually orange clothes. Naruto told Cassie that he had promised Sakura and Sai that they could spar this afternoon; leaving Cassie all by himself in the house. They had told him to bring Cassie with him if he wanted but Cassie refused; he wanted to speak with Tsunade. Naruto looked at Cassie questioningly as he wondered what he would talk to Tsunade about, but by judging the look in Cassie's eyes it must be something very personally. Naruto took his weapons and kissed Cassie on his cheek; telling him to have a nice time while he went sparring. Cassie kissed him back and told him to greet their friends as they parted.

Cassie went inside of his room to change; he wanted to wear his fighting clothes. He put on some tight, but soft black pants and a dark blue jacket which he left open that reached his thighs. He put his hair up in a bun, making sure it wasn't in his way if he had to fight somebody. He looked at the scroll beside of his bed; "Now or never Cassie..." He told himself as he grabbed his scroll and bag as he went through door to his room. He made sure he had everything he needed before he left the house.

The sun shone brightly in the afternoon sky as Cassie went to Tsunade's office to question her about the last couples of Zetsus; having heard of them at Naruto's birthday party.

Tsunade looked at Cassie curiously, asking him why he wanted to know about the zetsus, and why he was wearing a fighting outfit. Cassie looked at the floor as he decided if it was worth telling her. He knew that Naruto trusted her, and that was good enough for him; he had to tell her what he had planned.

"Tsunade-sama, I suppose you have the right to know about my plan, but please, what I'm about to tell you mustn't be told to others.... Please... "Cassie looked at her with pleading eyes as he sat in a chair in front of Tsunade. The blonde woman looked troubled, like if she was trying to figure out what he was going to tell her. Tsunade sighed as she nodded and looked at him with a friendly smile. "I promise I won't tell anyone about our conversation Cassie-chan"

Cassie focused at the Uzumaki mark on his clothes and sighed; "here goes." He thought to himself.

"I'm going to kidnap the remaining Zetsus and use them to resurrect Kushina Uzumaki and Minato Namikaze, honored hokage" Cassie explained as he bowed his head politely for Tsunade. He tilted his head up and saw Tsunade's expression; Utter shock. Tsunade stood up from her chair as she shouted towards him.

"H-h-how can you resurrect them? It isn't possible to resurrect Minato Namikaze because his soul is in the Death God's stomach; you can't possibly recover his soul! It's impossible!" Tsunade yelled in a stern voice. Cassie gave her a reassuring smile that told her that he hadn't explained everything to her. She sighed and sat down in her chair again, allowing Cassie to continue.

"I know very well that his soul is in the Death God's stomach Tsunade-sama, but that doesn't mean anything to me due to my blood; I'll be able to extract his soul from him. I know how to do it; just trust me Godaime hokage"Cassie explained with a smile and a happiness shining in his blue eyes.

Tsunade sat in her chair and looked dumbfounded, as she let the words burn themselves into her brain; she couldn't understand how Cassie would be able to extract the Yondaime's soul from the Death God, but she sighed and nodded towards Cassie.

"I understand; I don't know how you'll be able to do it though, but I understand, and I wish you good luck Cassie Uzumaki" Tsunade replied as she smiled warmly at Cassie; Happiness shining in her eyes as she really hoped that he would be able to bring them back to life.

Cassie listened very carefully as Tsunade explained where the last Zetsus where hiding; they weren't more than a few hours away from the hidden leaf. Cassie nodded as Tsunade wished him good luck as he left her office. "Shizune come here! I need you to get me Yamato" Shizune nodded towards Tsunade and excused herself; going to look for Yamato.

Cassie jumped gracefully from tree to tree as he picked up the pace; wanting to get there so he could capture the zetsus before they disappear. He jumped and ram for about 20 more minutes, until he could finally see them. He repressed his chakra as he hid behind a tree; otherwise he knew they would sense him. He pulled out 4 kunais from his back and threw about the 4 zetsus: capturing them in a force field, before they could even think about retreating. Cassie jumped down from the tree and made a lot of hand seals as he teleported them back to the hidden leaf village. Cassie stood on top of hokage monument when he felt a lot of chakra's coming his way; he forgot to repress his chakra to minimal when he teleported. He had never shown all of his chakra before so he understood why they were cautious. He stood by the force field and looked at the even sky when he suddenly heard a voice.

"Cassie-kun what are you doing?" Naruto asked him in a concerned voice. Cassie turned his head towards Naruto and smiled; He knew Naruto would be so happy once he had accomplished his goal. He looked past Naruto and saw all of Naruto's friends; Sakura, Ino, Hinata, Tenten, Shikamaru, Choji, Shino, Kiba, Sai, Lee, Kakashi and Tsunade.

Tsunade gave Cassie a reassuring nod; allowing him to start the ritual. Cassie did a lot of seals when the force field suddenly disappeared; 4 Zetsus lying unconsciously on the ground. Everyone besides Tsunade had curiosity written all over their faces. Cassie smiled warmly at Naruto before turning towards the Zetsus. He placed one Zetsu away from the others, and took a scroll, a kunai and a small bottle from his bag. Cassie sighed a bit; not wanting to hurt anybody, but he knew that Zetsu was evil so it wouldn't matter. Cassie opened the bottle and poured the blood over the kunai as he placed it on the scroll; suddenly marks appeared on the scroll and began to surround the Zetsu on ground.

Everyone looking shocked at him; they had realized what he was doing, but didn't dare to interfere. Cassie turned his attention towards the Zetsu as he whispered lowly; "Impure World Resurrection". Paper began to attach itself to the Zetsu, as he screamed in pain; only to be replaced by Kushina Uzumaki's corpse sitting in his stead.

Naruto began to tremble as he saw his mother's body; he didn't know if he should run to her body or not. Naruto heard everyone gasp as he turned his head towards Cassie; blood dripping down his left arm. The arm bled profusely; Naruto wanted to run over to bandage the arm, but he knew that he shouldn't disturb him as he continued with the ritual. Naruto felt a pain stab him in the heart as he saw Cassie's clothing turning red. Cassie had a few tears in his eyes due to the pain. He held the bloody kunai in his trembling hand as he opened another small bottle of blood and poured it the kunai; mixing it with his own blood. Cassie put the bloody kunai on another scroll and started Impure World Resurrection on another Zetsu. As they waited for the paper to attach itself to Zetsu they saw the sky turn dark, and a silence smothering their breathing.

Everyone looked in horror as the Death God suddenly appeared and pulled a soul out from his stomach; Only Cassie and Tsunade knew whose soul it was. Tsunade gasped in surprise as she watched; "So he knew a way to make the Death God abandon the soul" She whispered to herself as the Death God disappeared and the paper began to cover the Zetsu.

Zetsu suddenly got blonde hair as a muscular looking man appeared before them; everyone stared dumbfounded as they stared at the new corpse. "Minato Namikaze!" Kakashi exclaimed out loud. Everyone gasped in utter shock. In all of a sudden Cassie moved the last two Zetsus to Minato and Kushina's bodies. Cassie put his hands on the two Zetsus as blue light appeared; flowing from Cassie's hands to the two Zetsus as he whispered something to them. The blue light disappeared and Cassie began to tremble; looking very weak as he almost fell to the ground. Cassie turned around, smiling just before he fainted. He was about to hit the ground, when Naruto caught him. He held Cassie in his arms as they saw the blue chakra appeared again; the two Zetsus transferring all of the chakra to Minato and Kushina's bodies. Naruto looked at Sakura as she nodded to him; "One's Own Life Reincarnation Ninjutsu." They both whispered.

The remaining two Zetsus fell dead on the ground as Minato and Kushina began to move; opening their eyes for the first time. Tsunade and Kakashi went to Kushina and Minato's sides and helped them up. Minato looked into Kushina's grey eyes as she looked into his blue eyes. There was an uncomfortable silence as everyone looked at them.

"W-What happened to us? Why are we here?" Kushina asked in a gentle voice as she looked at her surrounds; noticing that this was the top of the hokage monument. Minato took Kushina's hand as smiled at everyone; having an idea about what might have happened. Tsunade took Cassie form Naruto's arms so that he could be reunited with his parents. Naruto gave her a heartedly smile and ran over to his parents, hugging them so much that he almost squeezed the life out of them. Minato and Kushina kissed Naruto's head and hugged him back; unbelievable happy to be reunited with their only son. Everyone smiled at each other and clapped; welcoming Minato and Kushina to the world of the living.

As they all greeted Kushina and Minato; Cassie coughed up some blood as he began to tremble, going into a shock. Tsunade almost gasped as Cassie coughed up the blood; noticing how weak he was now. She told everyone that she would hurry to the hospital with him to make sure his condition didn't worsen.

Minato and Kushina watched the boy worriedly as Tsunade ran with him; hoping he would make it. Minato looked at Naruto and saw the sadness in his eyes; he was close to break down into tears. Naruto told them that he wanted to be with Cassie; everyone nodded in agreement, as he hurried to the hospital, Minato and Kushina right behind him.

Tsunade looked at Cassie worriedly as he lay in the hospital bed; even though he had stopped trembling, he still wasn't out of danger. Tsunade heard some footsteps and looked at Naruto who walked through the door; having the most concerned eyes she had ever seen him with. Naruto took a seat at the chair beside Cassie's bed, and took his hand gently. Naruto moved Cassie's hand to his mouth and kissed it; whispering how grateful he was for what Cassie had done.

What Minato and Kushina saw made their hearts melt; Naruto seemed to care deeply for this boy. Kushina turned to Tsunade and was about to ask her if Cassie was Naruto's boyfriend; Tsunade shook her head as soon as Kushina looked at her. Tsunade gave them a weak smile and lead them out of the room; leaving Naruto alone with Cassie.

"He's an Uzumaki" Tsunade told them gently as they stood outside of the room. Minato's face frowned; thinking about the possibility of another Uzumaki being alive. Tsunade then told them that Cassie was from another dimension and had only appeared 2 days ago. Minato and Kushina nodded; they understood why Naruto cared so much about the boy. Minato wrapped his arms around Kushina and told her that they had to thank Cassie many times for what he had done for them, and for Naruto. Tsunade opened the door to the room and told them that she would check on Cassie later, as she walked away.

Minato and Kushina sat down beside Naruto and stared at the boy; they could see a lot of similarities between Naruto and Cassie; except the fact that Cassie looked like a girl and Naruto looked like a guy. Kushina rubbed her son's back to calm him down; she could feel Naruto's body tense due to being upset. Naruto felt a tear run down his cheek as he felt Cassie move his hand weakly; he looked at Cassie warmly, which didn't go unnoticed by his parents.

"Are you okay Cassie-Kun?" Naruto asked in a very concerned voice that made Kushina and Minato shiver. He loved Cassie and they could feel it.

"I-I guess so, N-Naruto-k-kun" Cassie stuttered weakly. Naruto saw tears forming in Cassie's eyes; he leaned close and kissed his cheek, trying to comfort him.

"Cassie-Chan" two gentle voices said; Naruto and Cassie looked at Minato and Kushina. Kushina looked Cassie in his eyes and took his other hand.

"Thank you for everything you've done for us, we don't know how we can repay you" Kushina said in an angel like voice, while caressing Cassie's hand gently. Cassie smiled warmly at Kushina; suddenly feeling stronger. Kushina let go of Cassie's hand and let Minato take it, as he stared into Cassie's deep blue eyes, almost getting lost in them. "We owe you so much Cassie-Chan... Would you like to live with Naruto, Kushina and me?" Minato asked with begging eyes, as he gave him a sweet smile; Cassie felt his heart beat faster when Minato smiled at him. Cassie thought about it for some time and finally nodded, giving them all a heartedly smile.

"I-I'd love that Minato-san" Cassie whispered as a soft blush appeared on his cheeks; Minato noticed the look of pain appearing and disappearing from Cassie's eyes. He didn't think too much of it and let it go.

They spent 30 minutes with Cassie as Minato and Kushina asked him questions about his life and himself; Everytime he answered, Minato noticed the look of pain in his eyes. He wanted to take the pain away and make the boy smile for eternity. Minato gave Cassie a warm smile and saw some of the pain disappear from his eyes. Cassie blushed deeply as he realized he had been staring at Minato; he turned his head towards the window and saw that it was already midnight.

"How long have I been out?" He wondered as he rubbed the bandage on his left arm.

"Minato-san would you please come with me" Tsunade asked him as she stood at the door. Minato nodded to Tsunade and gave Cassie one last smile before he exited the room.

"What did you want to talk about Godaime?" Minato questioned her worriedly; leaning against a wall, as he noticed the papers she was holding.

"I wanted to show you this Minato" Tsunade replied as she handed him the papers; Minato looked through the 2 papers and suddenly turned wide eyed. His face had turned white as he handed her back the papers.

"I-Is it true Tsunade?" Minato questioned her in a curious voice, with a hint of hope in it. Tsunade took the papers and gave him a warm smile and a nod.

"Yes it is Minato-San... Cassie is your and Kushina's son" She said as she gave him a comforting hug. Minato felt the tears run down his face; "my son... Cassie is my son", was the only thing he could think about as he hugged her back.

Minato smiled in glee as he went back to Cassie's room. On his way to the room he decided not to tell Kushina and Naruto yet; hoping that Cassie would reveal the truth to them. Minato smirked to himself, "So that's how he recovered my soul from the Death God; He sacrificed a lot of chakra and his own blood, so that he could summon my soul; using his own blood as an exchange with the Death God."

Minato smiled warmly as he walked through the door to Cassie's room; Naruto sleeping with his head lying on Cassie's thigh, while Kushina watched them, a sheer of happiness in her eyes. Minato went over to Kushina and hugged her. He kissed her lovingly and then told her that they would need to find a house for themselves; one with enough room for them and the 2 boys. "Our two sons" Minato thought as he smiled warmly.

"Already taken cared of Yondaime hokage" Kushina and Minato turned their heads towards the door and saw Yamato. Yamato smiled at them and told explained that Tsunade asked him to build a house for them a few hours ago; due to her conversation with Cassie. Yamato gave Minato a key and told them that he was glad that they had been resurrected. He told them where their house was and bowed politely for both Kushina and Minato; leaving the room. Minato and Kushina smiled heartedly at Naruto and Cassie before leaving the room, wanting to prepare their new house for when they could bring Cassie home with them.

2 days went by before Cassie got discharged from the hospital; not a single a single cloud in the sky as Cassie looked out the hospital window. Meanwhile; Naruto and his parents had been working on decorating Cassie's bedroom. Naruto knew that Cassie was quite girly so he had arranged the room by placing a couple of mirrors here and there; even moving the bed from the old house into the new, knowing how much Cassie liked his bed. Naruto just finished a shower; he had gotten paint on himself as he painted flowers on the walls of Cassie's room. As soon as they had finished decorating Cassie's room they decided that they should buy some clothes for him, knowing he didn't have that much clothes.

Kushina and Naruto went to buy some clothes; whilst Minato went to the hospital to meet with Cassie. Minato noticed Cassie walking down the hospital hallway and immediately went to him; chuckling sweetly as he approached his son.

"Hey Cassie-chan; it's really good to see you having regained your strength" Minato praised as he wrapped an arm around Cassie; the first time he ever held his young son in his arms.

"T-Thank you Minato-san" Cassie replied; a blush seeping across his cheeks as he looked away. Minato chuckled as he noticed the boy's blush and just held him close; his heart beating gently as he enjoyed the moment.

"Are you ready to see the house sweetie?" Minato cooed in Cassie's ear in an affectionate way. Cassie shivered as he heard his dad coo in his ear; it sent shockwaves through his body and made his heart beat faster.

After their close embrace ended, Minato held Cassie's left hand as they walked. Minato chuckled as he saw the way Cassie blinked with his eyes when they walked in the sunny afternoon weather; it was a very blissful feeling to walk in the nice autumn weather. Minato noticed the stares he received from Cassie now and then; but didn't mind it. In fact; he loved the way his son blushed whenever he looked at him. Minato closed his eyes and enjoyed the sound of people talking and working; a grin formed on his mouth when he could smell Teuchi's ramen.

"I see that you've finally been discharged Cassie-chan" A voice said gently. Minato and Cassie turned their heads towards the source of the voice. Minato felt Cassie's grip tighten on his hand slightly; as they looked at the red-haired Kazekage.

"Y-Yeah" Cassie replied in an adorable cute voice; Minato noticed the shyness written over Cassie's face. He felt a stab of protectiveness wash over him when the red-haired boy walked up to them.

"Here Cassie-chan; I've wanted to give you these the day you would get discharged" Gaara explained in an affectionate voice; giving Cassie a bouquet of red roses, with a white rose standing out. Cassie blushed deeply and almost gasped when he saw the beautiful roses; his favorite flowers.

"T-Thank you a lot Kazekage" Cassie thanked him as he bowed his head. Gaara chuckled and took his hand gently; giving it a soft kiss, before he waved to them and walked away. Cassie stood dumbfounded and felt his heart beat faster.

"Seems like you have an admirer Cassie-chan; when are you going on a date with him?" Minato chuckled as he teased his son; the blush deepened on Cassie. Cassie finally snapped out of his trance and then smelled his flowers. He thought about Gaara as they walked through the city, thinking about the sweet smile the Kazekage had given him as he kissed his hand.

As they reached their house; they found a package outside of the front door. Minato went to the package as Cassie admired the giant house. "S-So big..." Cassie whispered as he looked at the house.

"Oh Cassie-chan; it seems like you have one more admirer." Minato cooed towards him. Cassie felt his cheeks darken as he went up to Minato. He saw that somebody had left a drawing and a note for him;

"I hope that you'll like the drawing Cassie Uzumaki; I spent a lot of time working on it while you slept at the hospital - Sai" Cassie's heart beat faster and faster when he read the note. His heart nearly stopped when he took the drawing; on the drawing he was wearing a white lose shirt that had slipped down on his left shoulder, his dark blonde hair a mess, but in an adorable way while he slept with a peaceful expression on his face. He could almost feel the details when he looked at the drawing; it looked so real.

Minato took the drawing and looked at it; his jaw nearly dropped. "I-Is that really my son... wow...h-he's" Minato thought as he examined the drawing. He felt a blush seep over his face but he hurried to brush it off; not wanting to think about how hot his son looked on the drawing. He chuckled and gave the drawing back to Cassie; whose face was filled with affection and a sheer of happiness. "Who wouldn't be happy to know that somebody had used to so much time just to draw them so detailed." Minato thought and grinned; he wondered who would invite his son out first; the Kazekage or the artist Sai.

Minato led Cassie into the house and showed him around; showing him the kitchen, the giant living room, the dining room, the bathrooms and all of their bedrooms; 3 bathrooms, and 5 bedrooms. He led Cassie down the hall way and showed him his bedroom. Cassie's blush returned as they entered the room; not believing what he saw. The room had been painted a light greenish color with roses on it. The ceiling had been painted a light blue color with clouds and a sun. Cassie smiled happily and felt a few tears run down his face as he embraced Minato; telling him how happy he was for the room. Minato's heart jumped when Cassie hugged him; he smiled warmly and hugged his son back.

"You're welcome Cassie-chan; we knew you'd like it" Minato chuckled and left Cassie to examine his new room. Cassie sat down on the bed; looking at the drawing in his hand. He could barely believe that someone had captured his beauty so easily. Cassie felt his heart stop when he heard Minato call out his name; wanting him to come downstairs. Cassie left the drawing on the bed and went over to a table in his room; putting his bouquet on it before going downstairs. When he reached the last step he saw the boy; Sai stand in the front door, talking with Minato.

"A-ah H-hello S-Sai-kun" Cassie stuttered as he went to greet them; rubbing his left arm nervously, not realizing he rubbed in his wound. Sai smiled because of Cassie's shyness; Minato chuckled and told them that he would be in the kitchen if they needed him.

"Hello Cassie-kun; did you receive my gift?" Sai smiled as he walked into the living room; Cassie closing the front door behind him. Sai sat down on their white couch and padded the space beside him; wanting Cassie to sit by his side.

"Y-Yes I did; I really like it. You're an amazing artist" Cassie praised him as he tried to avoid Sai's gaze. Sai noticed this and moved his hand to rest on Cassie's; resulting in a gasp from Cassie. Unbeknownst to both of them, Minato hid at the door frame to the kitchen, listening in on their conversation. Minato suppressed a growl when he heard Cassie gasp; feeling the protectiveness washing over him again.

"He better not try anything..." Minato thought, clenching his fists in frustration.

"If you liked the drawing that much; then you probably wouldn't mind if I drew another picture of you?" Sai questioned Cassie as a smirk formed on his lips. Cassie felt Sai's breath touch his skin and froze; not sure if he liked to be this close to him.

"I-if you'd like to draw one more; then yes, I'd love that" Cassie replied with a smile, his cheeks flushing deeply as he looked at Sai. Sai moved in and kissed Cassie's cheek, whispering something; "Would you like to go on a date with me tonight Cassie-chan? Perhaps we should get to know each other a bit more?" Sai inquired; a tiny blush showing on his white skin.

Minato smiled when he heard Sai's proposal; relieved that he wanted to get to know Cassie beforehand. The protectiveness disappearing slowly as he heard Cassie accept their date. He joyfully went into the living room.

"I couldn't avoid hearing about your date; where will it be?" Minato asked as he smiled at the two boys" Cassie's face flushed even further while Sai only had a slight blush showing.

"I was thinking about going to place where we could eat some sushi. Of course only if you like sushi Cassie-Chan?" Sai asked in a curious voice. Cassie chuckled at this and nodded; he loved how Sai seemed concerned about his opinions.

"I'd love that Sai-kun" Cassie replied in a sweet tone, a blush showing clearly on his face. Minato chuckled at that while Sai's smile seemed to widen.

"I guess I'll see you tonight then Cassie-chan" Sai replied as he leaned in and kissed Cassie on his cheek; catching both Minato and Cassie by surprise. Cassie moved a hand to his cheek as his blush deepened; realizing that Sai put chan at the end of his name. Minato chuckled and escorted Sai out. He checked if Cassie was within hearing and sighed; before he closed the door he gazed sternly at Sai.

"Remember to give Cassie-chan a great time tonight Sai, and if you do ANYTHING to hurt his feelings, I'll make you regret it" He told Sai, as he gave him an icy stare. Sai smiled softly and bowed politely in front of him.

"I will Minato-san; don't worry, I'll never do anything to hurt someone as innocent as him; I'll do my best to make sure he gets an amazing time" Sai replied, having an affectionate gaze in his eyes. Minato's icy glare disappeared and was replaced by a cheerful smile, nodding at the young boy before saying goodbye, closing the door behind him.

Minato went into the living room, searching for Cassie, only to notice that Cassie had left. Minato left out a sigh; he was going to confront Cassie about the truth. He went upstairs and knocked on Cassie's door gently. Cassie opened the door and looked at Minato with a curious expression.

"Cassie-chan; I wanted to ask you if you'd like to spend some quality time with me?" Minato asked him with a really sweet smile as he held his young son close to him, while inhaling the scent of his young son. Minato chuckled; "He smells like strawberries and roses" Minato thought. He didn't know if Cassie suspected him to have discovered the truth, he hoped that he had, so that he would confess it to him rather than having to questioning him about it. Cassie gave Minato a reassuring nod and went into the living room with Minato.

He looked at Cassie's choice of clothing as they went into the living room; "I hope he doesn't wear that kind of clothing all the time or else he might get raped by someone..." Minato thought worriedly as he looked at Cassie from behind; noticing how fit his clothes were on him, showing off his curves in an adorable way. "But I have to admit he does look really good in feminine clothes" Minato chuckled to himself as he sat down on the couch, left for Cassie. Cassie looked at Minato worriedly; scared about what the older blonde wanted to discuss. He began to feel slightly distressed as he felt Minato take his hand in his, noticing how warm Minato's hands was, making him blush. "W-What d-did you want to discuss with me Minato-san?" Cassie asked with a shy smile, despite knowing that he was blushing softly.

Minato sighed and decided that now was the time to tell Cassie that he knew everything. He gave Cassie a soft kiss on his hand and looked him deeply in his eyes; Cassie could see all of the love and affection that Minato held for him, just by looking into those beautiful eyes. Cassie felt his heart skip a beat as Minato started talking: He loved Minato's gentle voice. "Cassie-chan... I wanted to tell you that Kushina and I will always love you, no matter what'll happen..." Minato sighed as he continued "I know the truth Cassie-chan... I know who you really are, and how you are related to young son" Minato finished the last sentence with a happy tone on the word son. Cassie froze; He felt like if the time had stopped. He hadn't expected that Minato would find out about his paternity to him. Cassie started trembling and pulled his hand from Minato. Minato looked at Cassie worriedly as Cassie began to cry. As he was about to pull Cassie close so that he could comfort him; Cassie got up from the couch and ran up the stairs towards his room; Minato right behind him.

"C-Cassie-chan, wait!" Minato yelled in a concerned voice. As he was about to grab Cassie by the waist, he noticed the tears running down his face. He stopped following Cassie and let him run inside of his room; locking the door behind him. Minato just stood outside the room and sighed; knowing Cassie would need some privacy. He leaned against the door and heard Cassie make some muffled sounds as he cried. Minato moved his hand to his chest; he felt a pain stab through him as he realized he had hurt his young boy. He sat down outside the door; listening to Cassie's devastating cries. "I-I'm so sorry Cassie..." Minato whispered in silence; when suddenly he heard a voice downstairs.

"We're back!" Naruto shouted excitedly; he couldn't wait to show Cassie the clothes that he and Kushina had bought him. As Kushina and Naruto cheerfully went up the stairs, they noticed Minato sitting by Cassie's door.

"What's wrong dear?" Kushina asked gently as she placed a hand on Minato's shoulder; her expression changed from a cheerful to a concerned.

"Is something wrong with Cassie?" Naruto inquired in a worried voice, as he listened to Cassie's cries. Minato rubbed the tears away from his eyes and told them that he would explain everything to them downstairs. Kushina and Naruto nodded and followed Minato.

Once they had sat down in the living room; Minato began to inform them the truth about Cassie.

"C-Cassie-chan... he's more related to us than you think Naruto..." Minato explained in a low voice. Naruto frowned as he looked at his father.

"What do you mean dad?" Naruto questioned him in a puzzled tone. Kushina seemed to think about what Minato had said and suddenly gasped; remembering that he was from another dimension:

"H-he's.... isn't he, Minato?" Kushina stuttered as he looked at her husband; eyes full of compassion and utter shock. Minato nodded slowly and explained everything to Naruto. His expression changed drastically from utter shock to a nervous one; thinking about how they had fooled about a couple of days ago. "I-I had oral with my own b-brother...oh god..." Naruto thought as his hands trembled. "How are we going to get him out of his room?" Kushina interrupted as he looked at Minato and Naruto with anxious eyes.

"We'll have to give him some space sweetie. It seems he didn't want us to know the truth." Minato sighed and hugged his wife and son close.

"We'll give him as much time as he needs dad" Naruto replied with a soft smile, hugging his parents close.

"I'll make some dinner for us; he shouldn't starve in his room" Kushina giggled and smiled at her husband; who leaned in and kissed her. Suddenly there was a knock on the door. Minato turned towards their watch and sighed.

"You won't need to make any dinner for Cassie sweetie; He has a date tonight" Minato chuckled as he let go of them.

"Who asked him out?" Naruto asked curiously as he went to open the door.

"Oh you'll see son" Minato giggled and went to the kitchen with Kushina to prepare dinner. Naruto opened the front door and went wide eyed as he gasped out loud: "Sai!"

Chapter 4: The Shock

Story made by Flamon. ^^ The only character in this story that is mine is Cassie. **Chapter 4: The Shock.** _'Thoughts'_ **"Speaking"** \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ **"Sai!"** Naruto exclaimed at the...

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Chapter 2: Flashback

Story made by Flamon. ^^ The only character in this story that is mine is Cassie. **Chapter 2: Flashback.** Cassie was running as quickly as he could after his father. His father shouted to him, that he had to hurry. Cassie tried not to...

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Chapter 1: Naruto's stalker

Story made by Flamon. ^^ The only character in this story that is mine is Cassie. **Chapter 1: Naruto's stalker.** ** ** Naruto let out a yawn as he rubbed his messy blond locks. "Huh, it's already morning?" Naruto quietly asked himself. He...

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