Chapter 4: The Shock

Story by Arcanum Lupus on SoFurry

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Here's chapter 4 of my Naruto series: Cassie Uzumaki =^^=

Story made by Flamon. ^^

The only character in this story that is mine is Cassie.

Chapter 4: The Shock.




"Sai!" Naruto exclaimed at the raven haired man standing at the front door. "Hello, Naruto-kun. It's nice to see you" Sai replied in a warmer tone than his usual. Sai smiled softly at Naruto as he moved to the side, allowing Sai to get inside.

"Y-you're Cassie's date?" Naruto inquired, curiosity showing clearly in his voice. Naruto saw that Sai wore his usual clothing which annoyed Naruto a bit 'He could've at least have worn something else for a date' Naruto grumbled. Naruto saw the mirth in Sai's face and let out a sigh; 'I have to tell him that Cassie's upset and probably won't come out of his room'

"Yes I am, Naruto-kun" Sai replied as he looked around for Cassie.

"Is he not ready for the date?" Sai asked, a bit of concern showing in his voice. As soon as Naruto was about to answer him he heard footsteps at the stairs; both of them turning towards Cassie and nearly dropped their jaws.

"I'm ready, Sai" Cassie interrupted them as he went down the stairs. Naruto and Sai were speechless; Cassie wore such hot clothes that they couldn't stop staring.

Cassie giggled as he walked over to Sai and kissed the taller man on his cheek. 'They better start breathing unless they want to die of suffocation' Cassie thought.

"C-Cassie-Chan, y-you look" Sai stuttered as he looked all over his date; from head to toe. Cassie wore a red tight long sleeved shirt that reached his hips, while showing off his shape, and tight dark blue pants that made his body look really feminine. Half of his hair was put up in a ponytail while half of the hair hung down; giving Cassie's hip length hair the appearance of their mother's long red hair. His bangs fell just right into his eyes; showing off the beautiful bright blue color. Then Naruto and Sai notices the belt that Cassie wore around his waist; having the Uzumaki clan's mark on it.

Just as Sai and Cassie were about to leave, Kushina walked in and exclaimed in excitement; telling Cassie how pretty he looked. Minato came in with a camera in his hand and started to take pictures of Sai and Cassie; standing by each other and Sai swooping Cassie up bridal style. Cassie blushed softly as Sai lifted him. Kushina just giggled at the young couple, while Minato and Naruto tried their best not to send icy glares towards Sai.

"L-Let's go now, Sai" Cassie whispered gently as Sai put him down. He nodded and opened the front door. Cassie gave his family a weak smile before leaving; giving them some hope that he had calmed down.

"Have a good time, sweetie!" Kushina yelled in excitement before Cassie closed the door. She went to Minato and took the camera to look at the pictures; saying a lot of "Aws" as she looked them through. Minato smiled at how his wife behaved; loving the fact that they had 2 children now. Minato looked at Naruto and grinned, wanting to tease him.

"So, Naruto- 'chan'; when are you going to get asked out by a guy?" Minato chuckled while Kushina started laughing out loud. Naruto stared dumbfounded at his parents, his face turned scarlet red; before he fell to the floor, due to getting too embarrassed. Minato kept chuckling as he helped Naruto up.

" I'm not going to get asked out by any guy, dad; I am not gay!" Naruto exclaimed angrily at his father. Minato grinned and ruffled Naruto's spiky hair.

"I guess you took after that from me then, Naruto-kun" Minato chuckled and went back to the kitchen. Naruto smiled, knowing his father had only been teasing him. Naruto went into the living room to relax, thinking about Cassie and Sai's date while he waited for dinner.

At the sushi restaurant:

Cassie slowly ate his sushi; he felt quite embarrassed to eat normally because of Sai staring at him the whole time. Sai chuckled and just ate his sushi; complimenting Cassie the whole time. Cassie thought about how much he liked Sai's company; except the fact that the guy didn't say much. Cassie finished his dinner in silence, while Sai kept praising his beauty and personality.

Sai had tried to kiss Cassie a couple of times during their date; but he knew the raven's intentions and avoided it just in time, each time. Cassie leaned forward and gave Sai a kiss on his cheek 'hmm, warm' he thought as he pulled away from Sai; his cheeks showing a tint of red.

"I really enjoyed the dinner, Sai; but I think I should get home now, or else Minato might get angry at you" Cassie reasoned, as he stared into Sai's dark eyes. Sai's smile widened as he nodded his head in approval, remembering his conversation with Minato.

"Let me at least help you home Cassie-chan" Sai interjected. Cassie's blush deepened as he shook his head.

"You don't have to Sai-kun; I'd like to be alone for a while" Cassie smiled at him as he stood up from the chair. "I guess I'll see you later" Cassie waved his hand and walked away; leaving behind a smiling Sai.

'Damn...' Sai cursed in his mind as he adjusted his pants, thinking about how well their date went.

"So close..." Cassie whispered lowly as he walked through the empty streets, enjoying the silence.

'The village actually looks very nice in the moonlight' Cassie smiled as he looked around at the dark buildings. The light reflected by the moon showed off the buildings clearly in the dark night. He sighed and continued to think about how he would approach his family once he got back home.

"I-I'm home" Cassie whispered as he closed the front door. When nobody answered him he decided to talk to them tomorrow, and went up the stairs. He rubbed his eyes due to feeling tired all of a sudden. When he stepped onto the next step he slipped and hit his arm on the floor. 'I should be more careful' he thought to himself as he got up. When he reached his bedroom he could hear Naruto's snoring; 'So that's why nobody answered' He giggled and entered his own room.

"Cassie-chan, wake up sweetie, breakfast is ready" Minato shouted, while he knocked on the door to his room. He couldn't tell whether or not Cassie still needed privacy so he chose not to go in there. He waited for a while for Cassie to respond, and when he doesn't hear any answer, he decides to go down to the kitchen.

"I'm up dad, I need to change my clothes though and then I'll come down" yawns Cassie, his hand on one of his hips as he stands with morning hair and a loose shirt on; Minato just stands gaping at him, his cheeks turning red 'W-wow ...' Minato thinks as he looks at Cassie's feminine body, long and messy morning hair, loose shirt and tight pants showing off his legs_. 'He's definitely gotten his mother's body'_ Minato chuckles, and notices Cassie's smile and smiles back with a warm hearted smile; happy that Cassie is not mad. He nods to Cassie and heads down the stairs. Cassie giggles due to Minato's priceless expression when he saw him.

'If he's like that when I'm wearing my clothes, then I wonder how he'll react if he saw me naked' Cassie grinned as he went back to his room to change; putting on a long sleeved green jacket and removing his pants. He didn't care about having pants on; he wanted to see how Minato would react once he saw him half naked. As Cassie walked down the hallway he suddenly felt a cramp in his stomach_. 'Damn!'_ He screamed in his head as he fell to his knees, one of his hands clutching onto his stomach, as he gasps for air.

Naruto heard something in the hallway and opened his door slightly; when he saw Cassie on the floor he hurried to his side. "Cassie-kun; what's wrong? Are you okay?!" Naruto inquired as he helped Cassie back on his legs. Cassie leaned against him as he trembled for a couple of minutes, while he gathered his strength; sighing in relief as the pain subsided. He turned towards Naruto and smiled; thanking him for his aid. Naruto held Cassie close and told him that he wouldn't be able to forgive himself if he lost Cassie; leaving Cassie speechless. He had been thinking about leaving Naruto and their parents, so that Naruto could have the life he deserved with his parents. But now, he wasn't so sure if it was what Naruto really would have wanted.

"W-We should get downstairs; our mother and father have made breakfast for us" Cassie giggled as he kissed Naruto's cheek. 'Thank you for your help Naruto-kun. I don't know what happened, but it sure was painful' He thought as he held onto him. Naruto smiled and wrapped an arm around Cassie's waist and lifted him up bridal style; not taking any chances of Cassie experiencing cramps again. He saw the blush on Cassie's face and chuckled.

"I'll carry you Cassie-kun; I don't want you to experience pain again" He smiles warmly and kisses his cheek, before carrying him down the stairs.

"Good morning Naruto-kun and Cassie-chan!" Kushina shouted excitedly as she saw her two sons entering the kitchen. She noticed the way Naruto carried Cassie and giggled; 'How cute; they look like a married couple' Kushina smiled and shows them into the dining room, where Minato's sitting and waiting for them. Minato looks at Cassie and nearly drops his jaw, a blush seeping over his cheeks as his blue eyes widen. 'D-does he need to look so much like his mother!' Minato curses in his mind as he noticed Cassie's lack of clothing.

Naruto nods to his dad and sits Cassie down on a chair beside Minato. Cassie rubs his arm nervously and looks down at the table shyly, thinking about what to say to his family. Kushina and Naruto sit down on the opposite side of the table, facing Minato and Cassie. He looks at his parents and his brother and notices the happy expressions they have, he sighs to himself and thinks 'Let's just get this over with'

" I-I'm sorry about the way I acted yesterday. It's just... I didn't know how you would take it if you knew about my real identity... I-I didn't want to tell you because I want Naruto to have ALL of your attention... he deserves it more than me..." Cassie whimpers as he stares down on the table, not wanting to look them in their eyes right now.

"Cassie-kun; I want you in my life. Believe it or not I'm much happier now that I know that you're actually my brother. So please don't feel bad" Naruto told Cassie as he smiled towards him. Kushina and Minato both nodded in approval towards Cassie; telling him they felt the same way. Cassie blushed deeply and nodded to them, giving them a kind hearted smile. As they ate their breakfast, Cassie gasped out loud again; his hand clutching onto his stomach again due to cramps. Naruto hurried to Cassie's side and put his hand on his belly, while he let Cassie's head rest on his shoulder; as he cried out in pain. Kushina told Minato to get Tsunade, but Cassie signals him to stop. He sighs and pulls away from Naruto gently, the pain subsiding again.

"W-What happened to you, Cassie-chan?" Kushina inquires in a worried voice. Cassie thinks about it for some time and explains that he thinks it's due to still regaining his strength. Minato and Naruto nods in agreement. They all sigh and help Cassie up from the floor, continuing their breakfast.

2 Days pass since Cassie confessed his feelings for his family. Every now and then, he still kept getting these weird cramps without knowing what's causing them. The sun shone brightly through the curtains to Cassie's room. He rubbed his eyes gently as he sat up in his bed. He had been feeling more and more exhausted, although Tsunade had explained to him that he would have regained all of his strength by now. Cassie looked down on the mark on his stomach and wondered if it may have caused the cramps. He shook his head in denial 'No, that shouldn't be possible' he thought as he got up from his bed. When he went to his drawer he suddenly felt very dizzy. 'Ugh... what's happening to me' He wondered as he put his hand to his head, trembling, barely able to stay on his feet, just before passing out on the floor, with a thump.

"Cassie-chan; are you okay?" Minato asked in a worried voice as he went into Cassie's room, he heard a gasp and then a bang. He hurried to Cassie's side when he found him on the floor; shaking him gently as he tried to wake him up.

"C-Cassie, wake up... please wake up" He whimpered as he carefully lifted Cassie and teleported them to Tsunade's office. The blonde woman stared at Minato in wonder as he explained what had happened; that he found Cassie lifeless on the floor in his bedroom.

"Please help him, Tsunade" Minato begged the blonde woman as he held back his tears. Tsunade saw the sweat drops run down the side of Minato's face. 'He's definitely worried...' She thought as she nodded, telling him to follow her; she showed him into a room beside her office, where they put Cassie on a bed.

"I'll check him now, but please wait in my office in the meantime; it could take a while: and don't worry, I'm sure it's nothing serious" Tsunade gave Minato a reassuring smile and gestured him towards her office. Minato nodded and gave Cassie a kiss on the cheek before leaving him; he looked at Tsunade and told her that Cassie has been having these weird cramps recently. Tsunade frowned as she thought about what he had just told her; she nodded and closed the door behind him.

Tsunade checked Cassie's blood pressure and his organs; making sure that everything's working like it should, until she discovers the imbalance in his hormones. 'That's weird, his hormones are higher than they were last time I checked him' she thought before a thought crossed her. She moved her hands to Cassie's belly and poured her chakra on it. A smile appeared on her face as she removed her hands; she knew that Cassie was an m/herm and thought about the possibility of pregnancy due to the hormones.

Cassie opened his eyes slowly and looked at the surroundings; realizing he wasn't in his room. He turned his head towards a smiling Tsunade.

"Tsunade-sama, what's going on? What am I doing here?" Cassie questioned her; his eyes widened as he trembled slightly, as he suddenly remembered how much pain he felt this morning. Tsunade who sat beside him took his hand gently, trying to calm him down. Cassie looked at her in suspicion, curiosity written over his face; he was about to question her once more when she stopped him, Tsunade chuckled to herself as she saw at his expression.

"You're pregnant, Cassie-chan; Congratulations" She explained as she smiled warmly at him, her brown eyes shining brightly as she told him the news of his pregnancy. Cassie's eyes narrowed even more as if everything froze around him. He looked down on his stomach and placed a trembling hand there.

"Y-you're kidding right? I-I can't be pregnant... I've never been with anyone in my life..." Cassie stammered as he stared at Tsunade in disbelief. Tsunade frowned as she heard his answer. " What? That's can't be true Cassie; your baby is the proof of that" She told him as she put her hand on top of his. Cassie moved his other hand to his head and ran it through his messy hair in confusion. He sighed; not wanting to argue with Tsunade.

"How long into the pregnancy am I, Tsunade?" He inquired as he felt the flow of chakra developing in his stomach; believing her completely now. 'How come I didn't notice it until now' He wondered.

"From what I can tell about 3 weeks; 3 weeks and 4 days to be exact" She explained. She noticed his frown and gave him a motherly hug.

"You don't have to tell anyone yet if you don't want to Cassie; it's your decision, but sooner or later they will notice it." She smirked as she saw the blush appear on his face. 'Yeah... They will once my stomach starts growing... but that's not the problem... the problem is; who's the father?' He thought and hugged her back.

"Thank you Tsunade-sama; I'm very grateful that you won't tell anyone about this" He smiled towards her and giggled; the thought of Minato knowing of his pregnancy would send the older blonde flying through the roof of their house in an murderous rage, as he would search for the one that impregnated his young child. Tsunade gave Cassie a reassuring smile and asked him if it was okay with him to let Minato into the room. Cassie chuckled and nodded in approval. Minato almost flew through the room, as he hurried to Cassie's side; grateful that his son has awoken. Tsunade nodded to Cassie and began to explain to Minato what had happened to him; leaving out the fact that Cassie was pregnant, practically just telling him that it was a hormonal imbalance. Minato nodded his head in acknowledgement; thinking that it was due to his chakra. Cassie smiled and took his father's hand, guiding it to his belly without his father noticing it. 'You're going to be a grandfather, Minato' he thought as he placed his own hand on top of his father's.

"Tsunade-sama is right, d-dad; it has been the hormones that's been giving me cramps" Cassie giggled joyfully as Minato rubbed his belly gently "Hey it tickles ya know!" He laughed as he tries to remove his father's hand.

"Yep; you definitely take after that from your mother, sweetie" Minato chuckled and helped Cassie up. Tsunade smiles at what she sees; a loving father helping his innocent son. She felt her eyes get watery but then toughed up.

"Minato-san; I have to recommend for you to let Cassie relax and take things easy. It's not healthy for his body to be put under pressure yet." She describes before giving Cassie a weak hug and handling him a bottle of pills. He hurries to put them in his pocket and hugs her back, smiling joyfully. '_Thank you Tsunade; I don't know how I would explain it to my dad if he saw the vitamin pills for the pregnanc_y' Cassie thought as he took Minato's hand; winking to Tsunade before teleporting.

"Remember to come back for a monthly check-up! I have to make sure that his body has improved, Minato!" Tsunade shouts just before the 2 blondes disappear; earning a smile and a nod from Minato.

2 Months later.

As time went by, Cassie's baby bump began to be evident. His family had not noticed it yet, because that Cassie had begun to wear loose fitting clothes, much to Kushina and Minato's liking. Kushina noticed that Cassie was much more cautious than he used to be and decided to talk to him, to find out if it was because of some boy. Cassie and Kushina couldn't help but laugh each time that someone brought the subject "boy" up; Minato was very overprotective of his youngest son and sent murderous glares towards every boy who tried approaching Cassie; he even showed off all of his weapons, just to intimidate them.

'If that's how he is like whenever somebody tries approaching me; then I wonder what would happen if he found me kissing somebody' Cassie thought as he leaned back on the white soft couch. He smiled towards Kushina as she sat down on the other couch.

"Hey mom; what was it you wanted to discuss?" Cassie questioned her as he wrapped a blanket around himself, so that he could feel his baby bump without anyone seeing it.

Kushina smiled and ruffled her son's hair gently, giving him a soft smile.

"I've noticed the way you've gotten much more cautious lately, sweetie; and I can't help to wonder why, is it because of some..." She leaned close and whispered in Cassie's ear "Boy?"

The red tint on Cassie's cheeks deepened as he shook his head quickly. Even though he was shaking his head no to Kushina, his mind was saying yes.

"There isn't any boy, mother. But I would like to ask you a question of my own; how was it like being pregnant with Naruto?" He smiled and chuckled as he saw the frightened expression of his mother.

"W-well..." She began, rubbing the back of her head. " Well all I can tell you, is that it was the most painful thing I have ever experienced! But! Seeing my beautiful son made it all worth it" She smiled and giggled as she saw the fearful expression on Cassie.

'G-Good to know, mom' Cassie thought; shivering at the thought of childbirth.

Kushina hugged Cassie and told him that was all, leaving him alone in the living room. Cassie sighed and rubbed his belly gently; wondering whether or not he should tell his mom, knowing she wouldn't get mad. Cassie rubbed his head due to feeling dizzy, 'damn hormones' he thought as he shifted slightly on the couch so that he could take a nap.

A few hours later; evening.

Minato had just returned home from a trip to Tsunade's office. He rubbed the sweat off of his forehead as he went into the living room. Tsunade had taken a pleasure in teasing the previous Hokage; talking about all of the boys that kept staring at Cassie. He almost freaked out when Tsunade told him about a boy trying to kiss him. He sat down on one of the couches in the living room and noticed Cassie sleeping peacefully. 'At least he's safe and sound from all the boys in the village, for now' Minato chuckled as he moved closer, leaning in and kissed Cassie on his forehead.

Cassie let out a soft moan as his forehead was kissed. Minato pulled away quickly; a bright blush evident on his face. 'W-what just happened?' He thought as he sat on the couch again, trying to forget the sound of his son's moan... "Does he really sound like that...w-with that sweet and innocent voice..." Minato said to himself.

"Oh, hey daddy" Cassie giggled as he stared at his dad, noticing the red cheeks. Minato hadn't noticed that Cassie had slowly awakened, as he sat deep in his own thought. Cassie sat up on the couch and didn't notice that the blanket had fallen off.

"Cassie-chan; I went to Tsunade's office today. She told me that you requested not to go on missions anymore, for some time. What is all that about sweetie? It isn't because of some..." He frowned and clenched his teeth; letting out a weak growl as he spoke the word "boy".

Cassie shook his head gently and carefully got up from the couch, giving his father a reassuring smile.

"I'm sorry that I haven't been on missions for a long time, dad; I just don't feel like it at the moment" Cassie explained in a nervous voice as he avoided eye contact with Minato; he felt bad about lying, but it wasn't really a lie. Minato nodded and gave Cassie a hug. He rubbed Cassie on his back to calm him down.

"I understand, sweetie; you don't have to feel bad about it. I-" Minato didn't finish his sentence; his hand stopped when it suddenly felt the bump on Cassie's stomach. Cassie gasped when he realized where Minato's hand was and pulled away from him; stammering, not knowing what to say.

"D-Dad, I-I can explain-" Cassie tried but Minato interrupted him with his chuckling.

"It's okay sweetie; I know you've been eating more of your mother's food, but I didn't realize you ate THAT much more" Minato explained. Cassie sighed in relief; 'At least he doesn't suspect anything'.

Minato rubbed Cassie's belly once more and gave Cassie a kiss on the cheek. He smiled towards Cassie before he exited the room.

Cassie rubbed his belly gently as a blush formed on his soft cheeks, 'If he's that sweet towards me just because I've gained weight... Then maybe I should tell him the truth...' Cassie began to ponder

1 Week Later

Cassie sat on his bed, writing in his diary. Sometimes things were just too much for him, so he had to relieve some stress, and the best way to do that was to write everything in a diary.

He heard a knock on the door and put his diary under his pillow, and then went to open the door.

"Oh, hey Naruto-kun; are everything alright? Do you need anything Nii-san?" Cassie asked the older blonde, while leaning against the doorframe. Naruto smiled and leaned down, staring into his little brother's blue eyes.

"The old hag asked me to escort Gaara and his siblings back to Suna; and I wondered if you'd like to tag along, experiencing another city. Please, Cassie-Chan, it'll be fun!" The older blonde exclaimed excitedly as he waited impatiently for his brother to answer. 'And I'm sure that Gaara will be pleased to have you coming along too' Cassie giggled and nodded his head in approval, he couldn't say no to his brother.

Naruto waited downstairs when he heard a knock on the door. He got up from the couch and made his way to the front door.

"There you are, Hinata-Chan! Are you ready for the mission?" Naruto asked his girlfriend excitedly. Hinata smiled and kissed Naruto on his cheek tenderly.

"Yes I am, Naruto-Kun; but do you really think it's a good idea to bring Cassie-Chan? I mean, what if he doesn't feel the same way for the Kazekage?" She asked him gently, worry showing in her voice.

Just when Naruto was about to respond, they heard someone coming down the stairs. They looked up and saw Cassie. Cassie had changed to his mission garments. Naruto had anticipated that Cassie would wear his normal mission garments, but the clothing wore now, were much looser. He had a pair of green pants and wore a loose dark brown hooded shirt with long sleeves. Naruto giggled when he looked at Hinata's facial expression; she had never expected Cassie would go in such an outfit, nonetheless it suited him.

** "Are you ready to go or would you rather be standing there all day?"** Cassie asked with a big grin.

Naruto and Hinata blushed as they realized that they had been caught staring. Both nodded and followed Cassie out the door, towards their destination.

When they got closer to the gates of Konoha, they could hear Temari telling her siblings about a date she had with Shikamaru. They went over to them and greeted them

"Hey Kankuro-san, Temari-san and Kazekage-sama" Cassie bowed in front of the sand siblings. Kankuro and Temari seemed to bow back for him, but Gaara didn't. Cassie wondered why the Kazekage didn't, but guessed it was because he was a much higher rank than him. Gaara smiled and walked over to Cassie, looking down on him, due to their difference in height, and kissed Cassie on the cheek. Naruto smiled and whispered to Hinata, "It is funny how much Gaara grew since last year, won't you agree, Hinata-Chan?" The purple haired girl nodded to her boyfriend, as she moved her hair to her face; trying to hide the blush that was showing clearly.

"Well, well, let's get going!" Temari exclaimed. Kankuro went over to Gaara and whispered something to him, a grin evident on the older shinobi's face. Gaara turned his attention to Cassie; a tinge of red on his cheeks. Cassie gave Gaara a weak nod before following the others.

On the way to Suna, Gaara used every opportunity he could to be alone with Cassie. The Kazekage seemed to be very determined to win the blonde's heart. They had been walking for hours and the sun was starting to set, so they decided to set up a camp for the night.

While they set up the camp, Cassie listened to Kankuro and Temari's conversation. It wasn't until he heard what Temari said, that he realized they were talking about him.

"Men should be with men, and women should be with women. That way, they don't piss each other off."

The young blonde's face reddened significantly when he realized that they were talking about Gaara and himself. 'Gaara... Does he really feel that way towards me?' He wondered as he went over to Gaara to help him set up a tent.

The young Kazekage's face lit up when he noticed the blonde kneeling down beside him. "H-Hey, Gaara-kun; I-I was wondering if you would mind if I slept with you... I-I mean! I-In the same tent of course" The blonde's blush deepened as he heard the Kazekage's siblings snicker behind him. 'H-How embarrassing' He sighed.

Gaara's smile widened just enough for Cassie to notice that he was grinning slightly. He leaned in close to Cassie; so close that his breath sent shivers down Cassie's spine.

"I would like that very much, Cassie-chan" He whispered ever so gently with his voice.

Naruto and Hinata had just finished setting up their tent, when they noticed that Cassie and Gaara were setting up a tent of their own. 'So he is into Gaara, eh? Gaara, you lucky bastard!' Naruto grinned as he spied on his younger brother and friend.

Gaara and Cassie had just finished setting up their tent when Cassie suddenly told him that he didn't feel well. " I think I'm going to throw up..." He whispered and ran away from the camp. Hinata noticed the trembling blonde and decided to follow him; just in case that he needed some help.

Cassie leaned against a tree as he used a cloth from his pocket to clean his mouth. 'Damn, why of all times did I have to throw up while being with them? Now they might figure it out!' He wondered as he rubbed his stomach gently. 'But at least you're safe. And that's all that matters to me' He smiled happily. He waited for his stomach to relax before turning back to the camp. Hinata had been hiding behind a tree, using her Byakugan to make sure that Cassie wouldn't get ambushed by any hiding ninjas; when she noticed the weird chakra signature coming from Cassie. 'That's weird; that chakra signature reminds me of the chakra signature of a pregnant female' Her eyes widened as she remembered that Cassie was a male/herm and realized that she had indeed been right about what she saw. 'He's pregnant. How come he hasn't told anybody yet? I'm sure he already knows, but I'd better make sure' she nodded shyly to herself.

"Cassie-chan; I'd like to talk to you about something" She said softly as the blonde turned around to look at her. He smiled gently and nodded his head, following her away from the others, so that they could talk in privacy. Neither of them noticed the eye that had been watching them.

" What is it you wanted to talk to me about, Hinata-chan?" He asked with a smile.

Hinata rubbed her arm shyly, a blush evident on her face as she stared at him.

"I followed you when you had to throw up, and used Byakugan to make sure that you wouldn't get ambushed by any hidden ninjas; that's when I noticed the different chakra signatures coming from you. Cassie-chan... You're pregnant, did you know that?" She asked him carefully, not wanting to upset him.

Cassie smiled gently and nodded.

"I should have known that you would have been the first to discover it Hinata-chan. Yes, I know about my pregnancy, and I am very happy about it" He said as he rubbed his belly tenderly. He froze when she asked him "the question"; who's the father?

He shivered, and rubbed his head a bit, running his fingers through his hair as he sighed.

"I honestly don't know Hinata-chan. I don't remember ever being in bed with anybody. But please Hinata-chan. Please don't tell anybody about this conversation. I-I am not ready to tell anybody about the pregnancy. Tsunade-sama is the only one who knows; she was the one that discovered the pregnancy." He was whimpering now as she saw some tears forming in his blue eyes.

She gave him a gentle hug and rubbed his back soothingly.

"Shh, it's okay. I won't tell anybody about it. Just promise me to be careful. If you use chakra in your condition, you might faint or worse, depending on how much chakra you use. But it would be for the best if you don't use any chakra at all."

He nodded slowly, understanding her concern. He rubbed his tears away and smiled happily at her, telling her how thankful he was for her concern and that she would keep his secret a secret. He held her hand as they went back to the camp.

Cassie went inside of his and Gaara's tent to relax; lying down on his side of the tent as he rubbed his belly gently. He didn't realize that Gaara had entered the tent as he rubbed his belly. The Kazekage had a gentle look on his face, and some very happy eyes, like if he had been crying.

"Is something wrong Gaara-kun? Your eyes..." Cassie asked as he moved a hand along Gaara's face; he had indeed shed a few tears. Just as Cassie was about to ask him why he had cried, Gaara got on top of him and pinned his hands on top of his head, gently. Cassie was shocked at Gaara's actions, but nonetheless decided to let Gaara continue. Gaara slowly lifted Cassie's loose shirt, just enough to reveal his baby bump.

"It's true then; you really are pregnant?" the Kazekage asked sweetly. Cassie blushed softly and nodded, slowly. There was no use in denying anyway. Gaara leaned down and placed soft kisses on Cassie's stomach. Cassie moaned lowly as he shivered, enjoying the shivers that Gaara sent through his body. Cassie looks down on the Kazekage, just in time for Gaara to kiss him. Cassie's eyes widen in shock as he's kissed, but recovers from the shock and gives into the kiss.

It seemed like the kiss was never going to end, until Gaara suddenly pulled away; a few tears in his eyes.

"Cassie-chan; I-I'd like to know. W-would you want me to be the father of your baby? I overheard your conversation with Hinata." The Kazekage had clenched his fists in anger. 'He must think I have been raped' Cassie thought and smiled gently.

"I'd like that a lot Gaara and I'd like to be more than that." He blushed deeply as he continued. "Once we get to know each other" He explained the last bit with a bit of uncertainty in his voice.

Gaara smiled happily and kissed his neck tenderly. "I'd like that a lot, Cassie Uzumaki, the boyfriend of the Kazekage of the Sand" He replied as he noticed the blush deepen on his blonde lover.

"D-don't be so formal..." the blonde giggled cutely.

Gaara just smiled at him and held him in his arms as they nuzzled together. After a while, Cassie fell asleep. Gaara gently laid Cassie down and left the tent, to have dinner with the others.

A Few Hours Later.

"Don't worry Gaara-kun, we'll see each other again soon" Cassie kissed his cheek shyly. The red head only smirked when he noticed the grin on Naruto's face, as they said good bye to the sand siblings.

" That went pretty well, don't you think?" Cassie asked Hinata and Naruto, smiling the entire time.

"Yep, and I'm sure you'll have a lot more missions with the Kazekage now, eh?" Naruto grinned teasingly as his younger brother's face reddened. Hinata just kissed Naruto to shut him up.

"Don't tease him, Naruto-kun" She giggled and smiled at Cassie. Cassie wondered if Hinata thought the same thing as he did; that Cassie and Gaara were going to raise a child together.

The rest of the journey back to Konoha went pretty smoothly, until suddenly a series of kunais were thrown towards them. Cassie managed to dodge just in time as Hinata and Naruto went to attack their opponents. Hinata eyed Cassie most of the time, making sure that he wasn't attacked, because of the fact that he couldn't defend himself.

"Naruto, Look out!" Cassie yelled in fear as he saw somebody approaching Naruto from behind. But before he could reach Naruto, everything went black around him. He looked down and noticed some blood running down his legs.

'Oh god... Please don't let it be my baby...' He gasped as he put his hand to his stomach in fear.

Hinata had seen it all; as Cassie went to Naruto, a ninja appeared out of nowhere and kicked Cassie on the stomach, most likely trying to stop him.

Hinata hurried to Cassie as Naruto finished off the last Ninjas. Hinata had noticed the blood on Cassie's legs and lifted him gently.

"Naruto-kun! We have to get Cassie to Tsunade urgently!" She shouted for her boyfriend. Naruto finished off the last ninja and hurried to follow Hinata as she ran with Cassie, as fast as she could. Cassie had blacked out, either from pain or due to the shock.



And that's the end of chapter 4 ^^ I hope you all enjoyed it =^^=

Chapter 3: Reunion

Story by Flamon. ^^ The only character in this story that is mine is Cassie. **Chapter 3: The Reunion.** Naruto slowly opened his eyes as he heard Cassie whimper as he snuggled closer to him. Naruto smiled as he held Cassie close to him. He...

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Chapter 2: Flashback

Story made by Flamon. ^^ The only character in this story that is mine is Cassie. **Chapter 2: Flashback.** Cassie was running as quickly as he could after his father. His father shouted to him, that he had to hurry. Cassie tried not to...

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Chapter 1: Naruto's stalker

Story made by Flamon. ^^ The only character in this story that is mine is Cassie. **Chapter 1: Naruto's stalker.** ** ** Naruto let out a yawn as he rubbed his messy blond locks. "Huh, it's already morning?" Naruto quietly asked himself. He...

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