First Day of the Rest of Our Lives.

Story by coke on SoFurry

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OK, I know people have been waiting for me to write some more and I'm sorry for the delay. I still have a few other ideas for stories, but I don't know when I'll get around to them. We'll see.

This story hit me hard, though it is all a work of fiction the flashback part is based off a dream -- well more of a nightmare -- that I had a little while back. It shook me up so bad that I laid awake in bed and couldn't go back to sleep. I think the part that scared me the most was the fact that I could really happen, especially around where I live.

And for those of you not paying attention to my other stories. Jay is a 27 year old white gay Human Male, standing about 6ft tall, with about average build. Drake is a Black Lab/German Shephard mix with human like qualities (bipedal, hand like paws, capability for human speech) He's solid black with a white diamond on his chest. He stands about 7ft or so and has a massive chest and arms.

What's going on? Where am I? Slowly opening my eyes I realize that I'm lying on my side in an alleyway somewhere. I try to roll over so that I can sit up. A groan escapes my lips as I get hit with a blinding spasm of pain. Unable to roll over I settle back down on my side. Why do I hurt so much? What happened to me? Where's Drake? Wait, am I NAKED?! Trying to prop myself on my elbow on my side so that I can examine myself I get hit with another wave of pain. Moaning I give up on trying to move because of the pain it causes. There's not one part of my body that doesn't hurt, why? I wonder if I'm bleeding anywhere, what if I was stabbed? Concentrating through the pain I try to determine if I can at least feel all my body parts. Well at least everything seems to be there. God, I hope someone notices me soon; I don't want to die here. I need to get someone's attention.

"Help!" I try to scream at the top of my lungs but all that comes out is a raspy whisper. "HELP!" I can't scream any louder. "HELP!"

Slowly drifting back into unconsciousness I hear rustling coming from behind me. _What was that? Is my attacker coming back? _ After a second I hear the footsteps getting quicker and closer.

"Oh my GOD babe! What happened?" Drake exclaimed as soon as he saw me in my heap.

Tears flowing freely down my face. "I don't know," was all I could muster with my raspy voice.

Looking me over from head to toe he could tell I was in pain but didn't know how bad it was. Taking off his shirt and revealing his massively strong chest he starts to cover me up. As he covers up my body he notices something glistening down my ass cheek. He leans in closer and begins sniffing at my ass and the substance coming out of it.

"What is it?" I ask in my concern.

A terrifying growl is all I hear in return. I try to see what he's looking at but I can't move without pain. Suddenly he takes a step back and lets out the most horrifying howl like a wild animal. He jumps over me and races towards the end of the alleyway.

"Drake?!" I try to catch his attention with my feeble voice but he's gone before he hears me; if he could even hear me after that animalistic display. Even with his human traits when the ultra-protective Black Lab and German Shepherd take over there's no getting through to him. Scared and alone I slowly lose consciousness.

I don't know how long I was out but as I begin to come to I notice that I'm moving. Opening my eyes reveals that I'm in Drakes massive arms. I don't know how he picked me up without waking me, or maybe the pain of him moving me kept me unconscious. I reach out and try to wrap my arms around his neck to steady myself.

"It's going to be OK babe; I'm carrying you to the hospital."

"Hospital!? Why?!"

"Honey, you're hurt, and not to scare you more, but that wasn't my cum that I smelled on your ass."

Suddenly the realization of what he said hit me like a ton of bricks as the memories flooded my mind of what happened - It was a special event for us; a rare night where I wasn't on call or working and he felt like being in public. We decided we were going to go out to a local bar and have a few drinks, nothing over the top but some relaxing fun in a quiet bar. As the night progressed I got a little cozier with him and began snuggling up to my big dog as we had our drinks. After I'd had a few shots and some beer my bladder decided it was tired of being full and started demanding my full attention.

"I'm going to go to the little boy's room." I whispered as I got out from under his arm and started making my way across the bar.

"Don't be too long."

"I won't, I promise."

As I made my way towards the restroom I noticed a man standing off in the corner casting evil glares at me as I walked past. Nothing new there, this homophobic state can barely stand two human males being together much less a human and a canid. As I made my way into the restroom and walked up to a stall to begin releasing my bladder; a blinding flash of light passed through my brain. I came too lying on the ground outside somewhere with that asshole from the bar standing over me.

"Gonna teach a faggot like you how to take a real man." He said as he began to unzip his pants. I have to get out of here. I tried to get up and get away but as soon as I began to move he lashed out with his big foot and kicked me in the side. I rolled over in pain toward that side and tried to protect myself by curling up into the fetal position. "Oh no you don't" as he kicked me again, this time in the back. "Lay on your back if you know what's good for you." Where's Drake, why hasn't he figured out I'm missing yet? I tried again to get away only to be kicked again.

"I said lay on your back boy; I wanna watch your face as I make you my bitch instead of that dog's." He reached down and pinned my shoulders to the ground. I struggled only to be elbowed in the stomach and then slapped across the face. Using his own legs he spread mine and rubbed his leaking cock across mine. He put one forearm on my chest and put all his weight against it forcing the air out of my lungs as I tried to scream for help. No one was listening and if they were they were ignoring them. Using his free hand he reached down and pushed his cock between my ass cheeks. Placing the head of his cock against my asshole and lifted my leg up allowing him easier access. "You're going to love this, bitch." Is all the warning I got before he shoved his massive cock balls deep in my ass. I tried to scream out but with all his weight on my chest it made it hard to breathe and all I could get out was a dull whimper. I felt his cock moving in and out of my un-lubed hole and it felt like he was pulling my insides out. "Look at your cock boy, you know you love it." My cock was hard, but it wasn't because I was enjoyed it, every time he pushed in he pushed against my prostate. I tried to squirm and get away but every move I made was met with more pounding or a smack against an already bruised and beaten part of my body. After a while with him still leaning on my chest and pounding away at my ass I couldn't struggle anymore, and at some point passed out from the pain and lack of air. -

Coming back to the present I see that parts of his fur are matted and look wet. "What is that?" I ask as I try to point to the wet spot.

"It's nothing, don't worry about it."

"Drake, where did you go? What did you do?"

"Don't worry about it babe, it's all going to be ok now."

Slowly it dawns on me what the only thing the wetness could be. "Is that blood?"

"It doesn't matter, right now getting you to the hospital my only concern."

"NO, you can't take me to the hospital like that, you'll be taken from me and I'll be scared and alone."

"It doesn't matter, as long as you're safe."

"How can I be safe if you're arrested or worse, killed like an animal?"

"What do you want me to do then?"

"Stop off at a public restroom and clean yourself up a little then you can take me."

"But what if you get worse if we wait?"

"I'll be ok, as long as you hurry."

"OK fine." I know he wasn't happy about it and I knew I was probably messing with things I shouldn't but I couldn't lose him, not when I didn't know what would happen to me. Carrying me to the corner he finds a small gas station with a restroom on the outside wall. Gently putting me down out of sight he goes in and cleans up. After what feels like an eternity he comes back and gently picks me back up. He takes off towards the hospital, me gingerly resting in his arms. Carrying me into the Emergency Room he stops by the reception desk of the un-attentive attendant. Finally catching her attention she jumps up and gets me rushed in and finds a doctor.

Taking me into my own room away from Drake, the doctor gets a rape kit and begins his examination of me. Scared and alone, the doctor pokes and prods me taking samples here and there trying to figure out what's really injured, what's broken, and what happened. Upon finishing his examination he leaves the room with his box of samples and lets Drake enter after being certain it wasn't him that caused the injuries, even though I explained it wasn't him to begin with.

Minutes turned into hours as we waited in the room, the nurse came in and checked on me a few times, the doctor ordered some X-rays of my chest to confirm a couple of suspicions he had and they started me on some medication for the pain. The entire time Drake was never more than a few feet from me, usually holding my hand or stroking my head like I used to do him while he was a pup.

Finally the doctor comes in. "I have some OK news, some bad news, and maybe some worse news. Which do you want first?"

"Start with the OK news I guess."

"There was enough semen left on you to get a good DNA sample, if we can catch the guy we'll have him pinned not only for your rape but the rape of several others."

Squeezing my hand Drake he gives me a look that I didn't fully understand.

"OK, what's the bad news?"

"You have a fractured rib, there's not a lot we can do about it other than give you some pain meds and recommend you get plenty of rest."

At that Drake spoke up. "Don't worry about that Doc, I'll make sure he's taken care of."

"I'm sure you will boy, I'm sure you will."

"OK, that leaves us with the maybe worse news. How bad is it?"

"Well, we'll have to confirm with a DNA analysis but because the M.O. is the same as the others we've seen the past few months it's probably the same guy. He is HIV positive and has been spreading it around by raping unsuspecting men. Now that doesn't mean you'll contract it but chances aren't good. We're going to start you on a prophylaxis regimen and hope for the best. We'll bring you in regularly for a while to test to see how it works."

Grabbing my hand even tighter I see a small tear escape Drake's eye. I know he's probably feeling like a failure for not being able to protect me. Trying to reassure him I squeeze his hand back. "It's not your fault babe; you had no way of knowing."

"I know."

"There's an officer here that would like to take your statement to add to the others to help build the case against the guy that did this."

"Thank you, doctor." Both of us chimed in unison.

Afterwards a detective comes in and asks us both a few questions, mainly about what I remember and if Drake happened to see anything, which he says he didn't. He also asked Drake about where he found me and what happened between finding me and the emergency room. Drake told him that he covered me with his shirt and then picked me up. That's all that happened. I explained to the detective that I was too far out of it to know what happened between me getting too the bar and now. To my relief he believed me and didn't push the subject.

The nurse returned with discharge instructions for Drake so he could take care of me during my recovery, along with my prescriptions for pain and antivirals, and the orders to come back in a month for another blood test. Explaining to the nurse that he carried me here and that the car was still at the bar, and that no one really knew where my clothes were she let him just pick me up, gown and all, and carry me out the door. He carried me back to the parking lot of the bar and gently placed me in the passenger's seat before folding himself into the driver's. He hates driving my little car but it gets much better gas mileage than his truck that we usually take it, but I drive, giving him the ability to push the passenger's seat all the way back and fold it down to help him stretch out a little.

Driving us home in silence was the worst. I reached my hand out and placed it on his thigh, despite the pain of having to stretch. All I really wanted to do was curl up in his lap and try to forget the entire night. Pulling into the driveway he brings the car to a stop and looks over at me. I give him a weak smile as I try to reassure him that I'll be OK. He gets out of the car and carries me inside. Taking me to the bedroom he lays me down on the bed and begins to get up and go back out of the bedroom. Reaching out I grab his tail, keeping him from leaving. He looked back in my eyes and realized that being alone was the last thing I wanted. He gently got into bed and, without actually cuddling up to me, managed to get me positioned in such a way that it didn't hurt me too bad but I could still feel his fur and his warmth. Propped up next to him I drifted off to sleep. Sometime in my slumber he managed to not only get out of bed but also went and got my prescriptions.

"I'm sorry babe, but I need you to wake up."

"Five more minutes."

"No, you have to take these now and we have to do this religiously in order for it to be effective."

"I know, but I'm so tired."

Giving me my pills he helps lift my head and presses a glass of orange juice to my lips. "I bet you are, you can go back to sleep after you take this."

"OK, but will you stay with me."

"Yes I will, for a while."

Weeks go by as we try to get on with our lives. I'm getting into the habit of taking my pills on schedule. Things have changed but not as much as I thought they would. I'm still scared of being alone sometimes, and I don't drink anymore but it's not like I did a lot beforehand so not much missed there. Drake still baby's me like I'm injured but he's getting better about that. I slowly feel my strength coming back and my ribs don't hurt as much anymore and that helps me feel more normal.

Out of the blue one day we received a call from the detective. What I hear on the other end both shocks and horrifies me.


"Jay, this is Detective Rogers from the hospital."

"Yes, how can I help you."

"Well this is kind of awkward, but I wanted to let you know we found a body. It matches the man that raped you."

"You found his body? What happened to him?" I looked up and saw Drake standing there in the doorway to the bedroom with a concerned and slightly saddened look on his face.

"He was decapitated. It looks like he was attacked by a wild animal."

A look of extreme horror crosses my face at the thought that Drake was capable of such a thing. I mean he is my lover and I didn't think he could hurt a fly. Drake sees my face and tries to hide how shameful he feels.

"Is Drake there? May I speak with him?" I can tell by his voice that he knows who did it. I'm scared of what might be said or what's going to happen to him but I reluctantly hand the phone to Drake who takes it with a shaky hand.

"Yes. This is him." Only being able to hear one end of the conversation now I have no way of telling how it's going.

"I see, yes I understand. Thank you, sir." Hanging up the phone he looks at me with deep regret in his eyes.

"What did he say?"

"He said he knew who did it, but that because it looks like a wild animal attack they're going to treat it as such. But if something like this happens again that he wouldn't be able to cover it up a second time."

Gingerly wrapping my arms around his waist without hurting myself I asked, "Well, is it going to happen again?"

Returning my embrace, "No, it shouldn't have happened this time but did."

"Are you going to tell me what happened and why?"

"I guess," Knowing full well he really didn't want to, "but please forgive me for what I did; I only did it to protect you."

"I know you did, but that doesn't mean I don't want to know what happened."

"OK, we'll start from when you left to go to the restroom. I saw you walk towards the corner of the bar and saw that guy staring at you as you did. Shortly after you left the room so did he. I didn't think anything of it at first because coincidences like that have happened before and nothing happened. It wasn't 'til you were gone a little too long that I started to worry. I got up and went to the restroom but when I walked in there you were nowhere to be found. Luckily I know your scent well enough that I could probably track you through a blizzard blind folded."

"Yeah, that's not a bad thing."

"Anyways, I started following your scent through the back door and outside. I had to twist and turn through a few alleyways before I finally found you, but by that time it was too late, the damage was done. I tried to get you up but you were in too much pain so I decided to cover you up with my shirt to help with the shock. Once I got my shirt off and started covering you up I noticed the wetness from your ass, and once I sniffed it I could tell what it was. I could also still smell his stench moving away from you. Knowing that someone had done something like this to you just filled me with rage, so much so that I couldn't control it and took off after him. I found the man from the bar a couple of blocks down the way and forced him into an alleyway off the main road and attacked him. I had initially planned on just beating the crap out of him but the rage continued to build until I ripped his throat out."

Horror stricken I look up at my mate I can see true sorrow in his eyes as they well up with tears. "I didn't mean to kill him, honest, please forgive me, I just couldn't stand the thought of someone that hurt you getting away with it."

"I know you probably didn't mean to, but you did, and that's something you'll have to live with. It's not something that I can help you with. You have to be able to control yourself and even forgive yourself for what happened both to me and what you did."

Kissing him on the cheek I released him and left him in his own thoughts.

A few more days pass before the doctor calls to have me come in for my next blood test. Once at the doctor's office they draw some blood and go back for the test.

The doctor comes in and you can see it in his eyes. Drake and I prepare for the worst.

"I'm sorry Jay, we apparently weren't aggressive enough. The test came back positive for HIV."

"Damn!" I exclaim as the fear and memories come flooding back.

"Are you sure?" Drake asks while gripping my shoulder tightly.

"I'm afraid so. Now we'll get you started on anti-virals and we'll keep this in check. Though there's not a cure right now, it's not a death sentence either. With a few modifications you'll be able to live a fairly normal healthy life."

"I guess I should say thank you doctor."

"I understand this will be hard for you to get used to; but appears to me that you have a good support system in your boyfriend."

"That I do, he's always been there for me."

"He'll be OK doctor; I'll make sure of it." Drake reassured as he squeezed my shoulder.

Getting my new prescriptions filled and on our way home Drake never let my hand leave his. He was here for me and there was no questioning that. Pulling into the driveway he squeezed my hand and let go of it only long enough to come around to the passenger's side and lift me out of the car. Cradling me in his arms the way he did that night he carries me into the house and up to the bedroom. He leans down to kiss me just before plopping me down on the bed like a kid. He then climbs on top of me and our lips meet in a passionate kiss. It's obvious what he wants to start but I'm really not in the mood after the news I just received.

"I can't right now babe, I'm sorry."

"You know we'll be ok, and you're going to grow old with me right?"

"I know, but I just don't think I'm ready."

Dejected "I'm sorry, I'll stop. Do you want me to leave you alone in your thoughts?"

"No, don't leave me."

"OK, but I'm hornier than a horned toad. Do you mind if I rub one out?"

"No, I don't want you to have to resort to getting yourself off; I'll give you a hand job. How does that sound for now?"

"That will work for now I guess." Standing up next to the bed he slowly removes all of his clothes and then lies back down beside me. Placing one hand behind his head he wraps his other one around me pulling me into him. I place my head on his chest and begin rubbing my hand through the fur on his stomach, slowly making my way down to his sheath. Grabbing ahold of his sheath I begin to move my hand up and down its length. Not long after beginning that motion I'm rewarded with a small tip of pink poking out at me. I continue my work and I feel his cock begin to grow under my attention. Suddenly as I'm looking down at his beautiful cock I get hit in the eye with a squirt of pre cum. Not wanting to keep getting it everywhere I decide what the hell and move my face down his stomach and take the tip of his cock in my mouth, swallowing as it fills up. A gasp escapes his lips as I use my tongue to flick the tip of his still growing member. Feeling his knot grow in side his sheath I begin to push it back exposing the expanding portion of his cock that's normally intended for locking us together when he fucks me. Once it was exposed I grabbed onto it and kept it steady as I worked his cock over with my lips and tongue always keeping him inside my mouth to keep from him squirting everywhere. I hear a slight whimper as the squirts in my mouth become more salty and thicker. He's cumming full force in my mouth. Trying to keep up with the volume proves impossible and I have to pull off of his cock and let him squirt all over his body. Keeping a firm grip on his knot I position myself up next to him and begin kissing him as he continues through his orgasm. A few minutes later I feel his knot begin to shrink slightly in my hand I let go and continue kissing him.

"Fuck me Jay."

"I can't, we don't have any condoms."

"I don't care."

"I do, I'm not going to be like that man and infect anyone else, especially you."

Sounding completely depressed, "Does that mean you're never going to touch me again?"

"It most certainly does not! How could you think that? I love you and you'll always be mine. It just means we'll have to be more careful. If it makes you feel better I'll look through the nightstand to see if there might be an old one lying around."

"I would like that, I want you inside me."

Rummaging through the nightstand I happen across a condom. It's probably old but maybe it'll work. I remember buying a pack when we first started dating exclusively and hadn't yet got tested together. "Looks like you may be in luck." I hold the condom wrapper in my teeth and take off my clothes before climbing back in bed.

Reaching out and taking the condom out of my mouth Drake pushes me onto my back and begins to use his long and wide tongue to move down my body. Once he reaches my crotch he begins to lick from the base of my balls all the way up to the tip of my cock, making me hard almost instantaneously. Unwrapping the condom he puts it on me; then squirting a large dollop of lube on it before squatting over me. Slowly working his way down onto my cock he's all smiles. Going too excruciatingly slow for my taste I grab hold of his hips and thrust deeply into him. He lets out a sigh as I bottom out in him. "You've been waiting a month for this, haven't you?"

"Yes, I've patiently waited for you to be ready again."

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be, you've been through a lot. But now you're all mine again." He says as he starts working his way up and down my cock. After a few minutes of him riding me I motion for him to change positions. We repositioned into the proverbial doggy style with him in front of me on his knees as I push into him again. Pulling on his hips I begin to quicken my pace as I slam my cock into him. The feeling of his tail brushing against my chest as I push in helps stimulate my body more.

"I'm getting close."

"Then pull out and let me take care of it."

I pull out of him and lay back down on the bed. He positions himself over my body, with his balls in my face as he removes the condom from me and takes me in his mouth. He continues to lick up and down the shaft of my cock as I begin to give his balls a tongue bath. Shortly I feel the familiar feeling in my balls as climb the peak of no return. "I'm cumming!" Leaving his mouth wrapped around the head of my now throbbing member he sucks the juice from my balls as I unload my essence. He swallows it all eagerly. After he releases my cock he positions himself around to where he was lying beside me. I snuggle up to him and rest my head on his chest again.

"That was nice, thank you babe. But you probably shouldn't swallow me anymore either."

"OK, it'll be a special occasion thing I guess."

"I'm sorry babe. I know you don't like this anymore than I do. But I know from a little research that the chances of me giving it to you when you top me are slim to almost none, so it's up to you. If you really want to, I'll let you top me without condoms, but you're going to have to start a regular testing again."

Looking a little less dejected, "OK, I think we can do that."

"Good, because I need you to do it now, but do it gently."

Rolling over on top of me, "I think I can take care of that." Kissing me on the lips I wrap my legs around his waist. Slowly he begins humping against me. Feeling the warmth of his cock as it works its way out of his sheath and between my ass cheeks is heaven. Stopping for a second he reaches down between us and guides his cock into me. Starting his humping again he takes it slow, just like I asked him too. Keeping an eye on my face for any signs of pain or that I want him to stop, there weren't any of course. Feeling him begin to expand inside me I relish the warmth of his cock and pre-cum as it fills me up. Then the pressure on my ass begins to build as I feel his knot begin to try and work its way inside me. With a final push I feel it pop into my ass and begin to expand to its full size locking us together. Feeling the pressure on my prostate I can't help but get hard again. Reaching between us Drake grabs hold of my cock and starts to masturbate me. Between the pressure on my prostate and the stimulation on my cock I can't hold it anymore and have my second more intense orgasm of the day as I spray my cum all over my body, into Drakes stomach hair, some of it even hitting me in the chin. Drake then collapses on top of me and begins kissing me passionately as he continues to unload inside my ass, filling me with his puppy juice.

After laying there for a few minutes he begins to move us to the end of the bed. I wrap my arms around his neck like my legs were around his waist. Once his feet were on the floor beside the bed he reaches under me and picks me up. Carrying me through the house with his cock still lodged in me he makes his way to the bathroom. Kneeling down beside the bathtub he turns on the hot water and gets the bathtub nice and warm as I feel his knot slowly beginning to shrink inside me. Stepping us both into the bathtub he turns on the hot shower, shielding my body from the initial hot spray. Feeling myself relax more thanks to the heat I feel his knot shrink enough to escape my insides. Slowly lowering me to the bottom of the bathtub I feel his cum flow out of me and down the drain. Standing back up, still shielding me from the spray he moves it to the side wall so that the heat keeps the bathtub warm but it doesn't hit and burn me. Kneeling back down between my legs he lifts them up and inspects his handy work. "You're going to be sore after that aren't you?"

"Probably" is all I could muster in my relaxed euphoria.

Ever so slowly he lets my legs down and leans down to kiss me. Grabbing the washcloth from the side of the tub he gets it hot with the water and with a little soap begins to lather up my body. He starts with my chest and moves down my body paying close attention to my cock, balls, and ass. Once he's got me all cleaned up he stands above me and washing himself up. Staring up at his gorgeous body I can't help but fall in love with him all over again. He can't begin to understand what it means to have him there to protect me. Even if he couldn't protect me that night, I know it was only because he didn't realize I was in trouble.

Looking down at me after he rinsed off, "What are you smiling about?"

"Just thinking about how I fell in love with the right man."

"I think I did too." Turning off the water he reaches down and helps me to my feet. Stepping out he grabs the towel off the rack and begins to try me off. Once I'm dry he turns to drying himself off while I stand there in the cold watching him. Once he's dry he turns to me and rushes me, sweeping me off my feet and kisses me as he carries me to the extra bed. "I'll clean up our bed tomorrow."


"I'll be right back, I'm going to go make sure everything's locked up." He says as he's leaving the room. A few minutes later he returned and climbed in bed with me. Wrapping my arms around him I place my head on his chest, just like I do every night when we sleep. "It'll be ok babe, tomorrow's a new day."

Yeah, a new day all right, a day in which I'm HIV positive.