The New and Improved "A New Beginning" series. Chapter 1: First Love

Story by foxy101 on SoFurry

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Chapter 1 of the new and improved "A New Beginning."

"A Tale of two friends finding love"

Here's the basic usual warning. Yes, you should be 18 or older to read this story. No, I'm not held responsible if your underage. This story contains sexual scenes of homosexuality. So if you don't like it, you don't have to read it. All characters are devised by myself and are all copyrighted to me and cannot be used without my permission. If you have happy go lucky lawsuit parents and your still reading then they should really think about setting up some parental locks. Enjoy! :)

*Beep Beep Beep*

I turn my head to look at the alarm clock. As my eyes slowly adjust to the ambiance of light pouring into the room I see the clock read 6:00 a.m. Just as every other day I arise to a rude awakening from my little brother jumping up and down on my bed. As I sit up sending him flying across the room I stand up to help him to his feet, and tell him to go down stairs and wait for me to make breakfast. All that was audible was a swooshing sound and in the blink of an eye he was flying down the stairs.

I make my way over to my mirror; pick up my favorite brush, and begin straightening out my fur slowly admiring my sleek and well-toned body. Walking down the stairs I was much more cautious as I step making sure it wasn't a repeat to last summer's broken leg incident. I trudge a little as I make my entrance into the kitchen. Immediately I open up the fridge to see what I'd be making for breakfast. Taking a quick look around I grab some eggs, bacon, and bread brought it to the stove. Reaching in the cabinet I pull down a couple of pans and a can of Pam to get to work.

After the burners heated up I break a few eggs in one pan, and threw some bacon in the other. I load four slices of bread in the toaster, and begin whisking eggs, milk, and seasoning for the scrambled eggs, which is the only way while my little brother Kevin would eat them. After I finish cooking I grab two plates shovel some food on them and set them on the table. Kevin just sticks his face in the plate and starts lapping everything up before I could even bring him a fork.

The site of eggs bits clinging to his fur was humorous enough to bring a chuckle from me. Half way through my food I ask Kevin if he had anything planned for today. His response being a single, "Nope." That being said a long silence lingered as we finished eating, and then Kevin ran off outside to play before the school bus came. After clearing the dishes I make my way back upstairs to take a shower.

As I walked in the bathroom I saw a fox with reddish/orange and white fur and a long bushy tail about 17 and very handsome, then I notice it was just my reflection in the mirror. Laughing at how silly that was while I climbed in the shower and started to clean myself washing every part of my body with hot water just letting the stress flow out of me. I all ways enjoyed a nice warm morning shower. It was like starting every day out fresh. As I was washing my stomach fur I made my way down and began groping my semi-hard shaft and engorge testicles. I started to pump up and down until my cock was fully erect at nine inches. Moving my hand from the base of my shaft to the tip of the head then swirling around clockwise picking up the pace ever so slightly droplets of pre-cum began leaking out. I tried my earnest to picture Sally, this girl I liked at school, but to no avail I just couldn't get into it. My cock starts to get flaccid and I was unable to fathom as to why so I kept trying, but it just wasn't working. Just then thoughts of my best friend Alex and how sexy he looked the other day in the locker room after track started to flood my mind. Looking down I noticed how quickly I regained my girth, and looking back this might be the hardest it's ever been. Just thinking of Alex's smooth silky body was making me harder by the second. So I started pawing off imaging how good it would feel to have Alex's cock in my mouth suckling up and down that huge meat stick, savoring the taste as he shoots stream after stream of cum down my throat. This little fantasy really got flush, and I started stroking like no tomorrow. Pumping harder and harder until a river cum painted the shower.

As I lay there leaning against the wall panting induced by the intense orgasm I just had, I began to ponder why the thoughts of my friend got me so turned on. That was the first time I had thought about any male in that way so why now, why Alex? I was confused and a little intimidated about what had just happened, and I wasn't even sure if I could face Alex at school today. Standing up I regained my balance and turned off the water. I stepped out of the shower to dry off, but when I looked at the mirror all I saw was shame and sickened by myself, yet I couldn't help feeling that this was right.

I dried off and threw on some clothes to start my day at school. I went outside at 7:15 to wait with Kevin for our bus's to get here. After about fifteen minutes of waiting Kevin's bus got here I said my goodbyes and proceeded to wait for my bus, but after ten minutes of waiting Alex pulls up in his new car. Stepping out of his car he then approached me.

"Hey Jake, what up?"

"Hey man, well I was waiting for the, bus but it never came."

"Yeah, that's what I'm here for. The bus schedule changed and they don't come to the neighborhood anymore."

"What!! Man so how am I supposed to get to school?"

"Hey chill out I told you that's what I'm here for."

"What do you mean?"

"Yeah since I got my new car I was wandering if you wanted me to pick you up."

"Hey you mean that?"

"Yeah I mean, what are best friends for?"

"*Heh* hey thanks man I thought I was going to have to walk eight miles to school every day."

"Alright, alright it's no prob, but we should probably get going unless we want to be late on the first day of school."

"Yeah I guess not. Let's go."

We board his new car and start the drive to school. Alex turned on the radio to power 96 which I was glad since there would have been a long silence between us, mostly due to the fact that I didn't want to say anything stupid since my mind was still on what happened earlier. After a few minutes of hearing a couple of our favorites songs there was either nothing good on or commercials so he shut the radio off again. Just as I thought, with no music all you could hear was the sound of the engine.

"Is something wrong you're being really quite," he asked in a concerned voice

"Um no, I'm ok really!"

"Oh alright."

We rode in silence the rest of the way. We pulled up to the school, got out and walk to the main doors of the campus. As we entered and started walking though the hallway a familiar voice could be heard echoing through the halls. It was another good friend of mine, a gray wolf named Phil. He came running up to us and we started conversing about what we did over the summer. To be honest I wasn't too interested in any of that, all I could think about was what happened earlier. We continued making our way through the school when we heard the warning bell ringing tell us to hurry and get to our classrooms.

Most of the day was uneventful until track. Alex and I were both going to try out for the team. When we got to the locker room to change I was suddenly struck with arousal from all the musk wafting in the air around it. I grabbed my bag and we went inside. I found my locker and as fate would have it, it was right next to Alex's. I watched him start to take off his shirt looking over his well-toned physique and joined him in undressing. As I was changing I noticed that I was starting to get hard again.

I pulled on my gym shorts trying to conceal my erection, but that proved most difficult. Then a large male bear came in shouting, telling us to move and get out on the track. When we got outside the coach told us his name was Mr. Sir getting a few snickers out of the class.

"Just for that you're all running an extra ten laps!"

*The class just moaned in response*

"Ten laps that's nothing, I see your ten raise you five." I said sure of myself.

"What was that boy?"

"Err, nothing Sir"

I didn't have a problem running a few extra laps I just wanted to make the team, and this guy didn't look like he cared for kids at talked back.

"That's what I thought. Now get to your position!"

As we began running I kept my pace at a mildly fast constant speed for the time being while Alex stayed right behind me then at the eighth lap me and Alex were the only ones left. I started to go a little faster while Alex just kept right behind me until the ninth la. I started sprinting the entire way. I looked behind to see if Alex was still there, but he was nowhere to be found. I faced forward again to see that he was speeding right past me even though I was at full speed. Alex was never this fast he must have been training really hard during the summer. We finished our laps and were greeted by Mr. Sir who handed us two T-shirts.

"You two are on the team congratulations."

Alex looked at me and smiled. I smiled back and we took off running to the locker room, a little extra spring in our step now that we were on the team together.

"Man you must have been working out this summer. I still can't believe you past me like that."

"Yeah, my Uncle has a track out on his farm so I was pretty much training all the time."

"So, you got any plans after school?"

"No, not really. Why, you got something in mind?"

"Huh, well I just thought you might want to come over or something. We can play some video games or rent a movie and order some food."

"That sounds great, let me just give my mom a call."


Alex started to undress when a sudden horror grazed my mind. I was going to have to shower right next to him. I've done so plenty of times before when we were on the basketball team last year, but now I just don't know if I can control myself. While I was busy contemplating to myself, Alex had already finished undressing and was on his way to the showers. I stripped down, grabbed a bar of soap and towel then hesitantly went to join him. I hung my towel as I entered the steam filled room. I started to breathe easy since I was barely able to make out anyone inside. "At least if I can't see him maybe I'll get through this," I told myself. I walked up to one of the shower heads, and started scrubbing. As I stood there cleaning myself I had an eerie feeling someone was glaring at me. I looked behind me, but there was so much steam I couldn't make anything out so I just tried to ignore it. It was again time to wash my private area which I tried to do quickly, but with all the images I had in my head from this morning's shower every time I brushed against my sheath I got a little more aroused. I thought to myself that if I can't see anyone else, no one would be able to see me, right? I started gripping my shaft a little tighter and bit my lower lip just enough before the words "Oh Alex" slipped from my mouth.

"Yeah, did you say something?"

At that moment I just dropped everything I was doing including holding he soap. I turned to my left and finally noticed that he was standing right next to me. I'm sure if there wasn't so much steam, and if my facial fur wasn't so long my whole face would have been bright red with embarrassment.

"Oh, um no I didn't say anything."

"Oh alright, thought I heard my name, and is that your soap I feel by my feet?"

"Yeah, sorry I just dropped the dam thing."

I lean over to pick it up when I noticed that my face was mere inches away from a fully erect canine cock. I reach for the soap when I got that feeling of being watched again. Through the corners of my eyes I look up and even though he was facing forward I could swear he had a big grin on his face. My face heated up again as I regained my posture. I quickly finished rising off left the shower and grabbed my towel.

I dried myself, got dressed, and packed up my stuff. I could see him starting to exit the showers so I just starting walking outside telling him I had to get a book from my locker for my next class. He just nodded in approval.

I went straight for my next class and sat down at my desk waiting for class to begin. About an hour and a half later I finished the last of my classes, and the final school bell rang. I met up with Alex in the parking lot and we left in his car. On the way back we picked up a movie and went straight to my house. It was about 3:30 p.m. by the time we got there. We walked inside and I saw my brother sitting in front of the TV watching cartoons. I asked him if he was hungry, and of course he was, so I picked up the phone and ordered a couple of pizzas. It took about fifteen minutes to get here. We crashed in the living room, and munched on the pizza when Kevin asked to go to his friend's house. I told him to go on ahead and make sure to call before he leaves in case it got to dark. After Kevin left I made some popcorn, and we went upstairs to watch the movie in my room. I put the movie in and we sat down on my bed. About two hours later we finished the movie, it was about 6:00 p.m.

We talked a little about the movie then there was a slight silence before he asked what I wanted to do now.

"Uh I don't know, we could talk about what happened this summer."

"Okay," he responded nervously.

"So, you get a girlfriend yet?" I asked kind of jokingly

"No, how about you?"

"No" a bit of relief in his eyes at my answer

*Silence drifted back in the room*

"How do you know if someone likes you?"

*I hesitate a moment a little surprised at the question.*

"Well you should just ask he---"

But before I could finish, he suddenly blurted out that he was gay, his eye staring deeply into mine with such hope.

I looked at him and waited a moment.

"Then you should ask him, you never know what he might say."

As soon I finished talking he leaned in and we kissed passionately, his tongue wrestling with mine rolling around in circles as my face heated once again. I bit his lower lip slightly as we continued to swap saliva with one another. The kiss seemed to last an eternity. When we broke the kiss, Alex and I just sat there face to face staring into each other's eyes.

"I love you Jake."

"I think I love you too Alex."

He looked back into my eyes so full of happiness and I took him back in my arms.

"Thank you I've been struggling with my feelings for you, and now that I know you feel the same it's such a relief."

I brought him into another kiss and embraced him passionately. He started to unbutton my pants and pulled them down over my ankles along with my boxers. My cock tip was already poking from its sheath. He quickly wrapped his hand around my sheath and pulled it all the way back. Soon after I shudder at the cool air hitting my exposed cock I feel his tongue lapping at the very tip of my head. He then slowly began taking my whole cock to the hilt within the confines of his warm and inviting mouth. I could feel tip of my cock rubbing against the back of his throat as he continued to suck up and down taking all that I had each and every time. His most snout brushing my groin fur sucking as hard as he could. Once pre-cum started leaking out he drew back quickly so he could savor the flavor lapping it up like he was licking a lollipop. I place my hand on the back of his head pushing him down and matching the motion with my thrusts. I start to pant as my actions were getting faster and more sporadic until I make one final thrust shoving my length to the back of his throat, shooting a warm sticky load of sperm into his stomach and coating his tongue. He gladly accepts it swallowing every drop before releasing me. We broke into another passionate kiss. The tingly flavor of cum danced on our tongues as we continued our make out session. After finally breaking the kiss we pull back, a single strand of saliva still connecting our lips, we stood there looking at each other panting.

"Alex I want you inside of me."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I've never been more sure about anything."

"Alight, if that's how you feel."

"It is"

He stands up while I spread out on the bed on my hands and knees. He unzips his pants and removes them along with his boxers, throwing them across the room. He began stroking his already hard shaft, and then lined himself up to my pucker. A sudden gasp escapes me when I feel the tip of his massive pole push against my virgin tail hole. He pushes in a few inches and lets me adjust to his size.

"This is going to hurt a little, but it gets better, okay?"

"Do it" I say lustfully as the thick, long member penetrates me slowly. I take a deep breath, and let it out as I unclench my tight sphincter meanwhile he slides his cock all the way in my depths, pain and pleasure surging through my body sending shockwave after shockwave up my spine. I shudder at the sensation traveling through my body as he starts to pump in and out of my ass, pre-cum aiding as a lubricant, with each thrust getting harder and faster. I try to keep up with his rhythm, relaxing as he pushes forward and contracting every time he tries to pull back, milking him for all he has to offer. It wasn't before long when I felt him lean forward and take me into a mating bite, slamming in as deep as he could go, his knot growing and tying us together, before filling my bowels with his cum, stream after stream filling me to the rim. I squeezed down on his cock with my ass making sure to collect every drop. We just lay there embracing the afterglow until we fell asleep in each other's arms.

To be continued...