Cold Night, Warm Bed

Story by DittyCoon on SoFurry

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This story contains scenes of a sexual nature (though not in grand detail, so if you're expecting gratuitous sex scenes, stop now. :p). If you are not 18+ years old, I ask that you please do not read it. If you are of a proper age, however, I hope you enjoy it, as it's the first story I've ever posted somewhere and I'm not too good and writing, especially sex scenes. ^.^;;

Any resemblence to any real people (or made up characters who aren't mine, for that matter) is purely coincidental, this is a work of fiction, folks. :D

A cold wind blew through the streets of downtown as a young-adult raccoon girl, going by the name of Kami, made her way towards home, holding her jacket tightly around her slender frame. Each breath the girl let out created a puff of 'fog' in front of her muzzle, which she watched dissipate as she passed by the tall buildings that created the 'walls' that guided her passage.

"I bet it's going to snow tonight..." Kami muttered softly to herself (a habit of hers) as she walked, picking up the pace a little now. Her ears flicked back then forward again, "Well, ok, probably not... but damn it's cold. I hope Deron has a log burning in the fireplace..."

Kami stopped when she reached an intersection with the 'don't walk' sign showing on the crosswalk indicator and she looked up at the moon and the stars, all shining brightly in the cloudless sky, and mused, "Well, at least it's a pretty night, even if most people would rather be bundled up than observe it."

The light changed color a moment after Kami returned her attention to it and she started walking again, glad to be moving once more. Only a few more blocks to go now, then I'll be home, she told herself. Further thought on that line was interrupted, however, as a weak whimper rose from the stairwell of the building beside her.

Ears perked, Kami turned her head and frowned at what she saw. A little wolf girl, no older than thirteen, at the most, was curled up as best as she could be beside the locked door of the building, shivering in the worn clothing she was using to try to keep warm. She was, apparently, asleep, but Kami felt that waking her to help her out was a better thing than leaving her to sleep the night out here and possibly catch an illness.

Kami slowly approached and shook the girl's shoulder to wake her then stepped back when the wolf opened her eyes. Smiling a little, Kami fished around in her purse and pulled out three twenty dollar bills and offered them to the girl, pointing at the hotel across the street with her free paw and murmuring, "Head over there... you'll sleep better. The manager's name is Chris and he's a friend of mine, he'll let you stay at a reduced price if you tell him Kami Dogawa sent you over. Use the change left over to get yourself some food in the morning."

The wolf tentatively reached out with a paw and took the offered money, her eyes wide, then she stood up slowly and murmured faintly, "Th- thank you... I can't rep-" Kami cut the girl off before she finished mentioning repayment and shook her head, "It's nothing, really... just go and keep yourself warm." The wolf nodded slowly and started to walk across the street, saying 'bless you' over and over as she went.

Kami smiled again and watched the girl go before continuing on her way home, murmuring softly to herself, "Mom always says I should follow that 'do unto others...' Golden Rule, and I listen to my parents." A few more blocks gone and she was home, taking a moment to reach into her purse and pull out the key that unlocked the main door into the complex.

Another moment passed then she was in the courtyard. A soft sigh of relief escaped her muzzle, creating another puff in the air, as she walked across to apartment 'D', entertaining thoughts of cuddling by the fireplace with her husband. She took out her key to the apartment and unlocked the front door when she reached it, opening it, stepping in, and closing the door behind her quickly so as not to let the cold into her home.

A pleased murr came from her as she felt the warmth inside the apartment surround her and ease into her chilled body. After removing her jacket and hanging it by the door, she turned and walked down the hall, into the living room, checking to see if her husband was there, but he wasn't. There was a fire going in the fireplace though, which made her smile. Her gaze went from the fireplace to the door leading into the bedroom and she wondered if Deron was asleep yet or not, and she started a mental debate about whether to go check on him or whether she wanted to stay here with the fire for a little while.

Eventually, desire to be with her love won over and she walked across to the bedroom door and opened it quietly, peeking inside when it was open enough to accommodate her head poking through. She tried to stifle a giggle but failed when she saw Deron sprawled out on the bed, sleeping peacefully in nothing but his boxers, and she murmured faintly to the sleeping canine, "Keeping the bed warm? You make it too easy for me sometimes, dearest..."

Kami opened the door the rest of the way and stepped inside, setting her purse down beside the dresser just inside the doorway before making her way over to the bed, shedding her clothing as she went and letting a playful grin spread across her muzzle. She planned on waking her husband, but not with something so simple as a shake of the shoulder.

Being very careful not to shake the bed much, Kami climbed up beside Deron and churred softly to herself before reaching down and, with a touch as light as a feather, tugged opened the crotch-hole of the boxers enough so she could lean over and slip her tongue inside to tease her husband's sheath faintly, trying to get him hard without waking him just yet.

Deron let out a soft groan in his sleep but didn't otherwise stir as his shaft slowly extended from his sheath under the careful, expert attentions of his wife. When she was satisfied, Kami drew back to admire the work she'd done for a moment, then she scooted closer and slowly straddled her husband, keeping her hips lifted enough so as not to actually touch the hardened shaft beneath her yet, however.

Once she felt adequately positioned, she moved her paws to Deron's chest and started caressing it lovingly, enjoying how it felt having the fur on her fingers. Just as Deron's eyes started to open she grinned and pushed herself down hard onto his shaft, tilting her head back and moaning loudly as it sunk to hilt inside her, knot and all.

Supprised, to say the least, Deron could only stare up at his wife, his eyes wide, and moan along with her as she pushed down onto him. Once the supprise wore off, however, he drew her down against him and nuzzled her lovingly, murmuring, "Mmm... about time you got home, honey..." To which Kami responded by starting to grind her hips lightly against Deron's and murmuring back, "Sorry I... nngh... took so long..."

Words from either of them ceased after that as Kami continued grinding against Deron, occasionally letting out soft moans as she felt his knot working inside of her. The two lovers' eyes drifted closed after a moment and both smiled blissfully as they made love, Deron's arms slipping around his wife and holding her closer. Soon, a soft whine escaped Kami and she felt herself beginning to tense. Deron grinned faintly and started bucking beneath her slightly, knowing Kami wouldn't last much longer and, truth be told, neither would he.

Kami was the first to reach climax, biting her lower lip and rocking herself urgently against Deron for a few moments then tilting her head back and letting out a passionate cry of his name, her body shaking as she her release washed over her husband's shaft. At the feel of his wife's sex clamping down on him while she climaxed, Deron let out a growl and gave a hard buck up into her, his paws gripping her tightly as his shaft pulsed then sprayed several spurts of his seed deep inside of her.

Both of them trembled and just rested with eachother as they came down from the high of their orgasms then, when both recovered, Deron rolled so they both ended up on their sides and snuggled close with Kami, who tucked her muzzle against his neck and murmured softly, "Now that we've said goodnight properly, I can feel alright about sleeping..." Deron grinned a bit then murmured back, "Mmhmm... goodnight honey..." They cuddled a little while longer then let sleep take them both.