First Time: Introductions

Story by CanadianWusky on SoFurry

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#1 of First Time Series

First entry into my new series "First Time". No action yet, but that is coming in the next chapter. Gotta introduce the characters, setting, and idea of a plot. More to come as fast as I can write!

Hey to all my furry readers and friends out there.

This is the first chapter in what I hope to be an ongoing series, so you'll forgive me if I don't get down to the hot and sweaty right away. In addition to our much loved furry encounters, I hope to have at least some little side plots to make this story keep going.

Of course, to say there won't be action in almost every chapter would be a lie... (*wink*)

Anyways, bear with me as I attempt to make my mark here on SF.

All characters and descriptions (excluding Renfear) belong to me. Please do not plagiarize.

The crisp spring air tickled Glauron's snout as he made his way onto the grounds of his destination. That destination being the Ivalice Academy for Gifted Peoples, a rather exclusive school nestled in the woodsy outskirts of the city of Caldonis, a bustling metropolis on California's sunny coast. At first glance to anyone NOT of this planet, one might think that the "gifted" part meant the existence of all the anthropomorphic creatures mulling around on the campus. However, since the existence of anthro creatures (sometimes known as "furs") became a global issue some few hundred years ago, and now accepted as part of life here on Earth, there was an entirely different kind of "gifted" individual that gained admittance to this school.

Namely, those with magic.

Yes, magic. The "Devil's Art", or whatever those uptight monks called it back during the Crusades. For as long as there have been scholars to study life on earth, there has been the knowledge of magic. Often hidden, even shunned because of the unpredictability of it, magic has been a part of the life force here on the planet since its birth many, many eons ago. Granted it is a very rare gift, but like the introduction of furs to the face of the Earth, one that has become understood and accepted by the people.

Now, naturally, one with magic cannot simply go to a normal school and hope for everything to be peaches. Hence the existence of such academies all throughout the world. Those with magic are capable of things regular people are not, and as such, those with the knowledge saw the need to educate others so that accidents remain as rare as getting hit by lighting. Well.....natural lightning anyways.

Only about one in 10,000 people have the ability of magic within them, and then, less than a fifth of that number have any real power. With most, it is a simple adaptability to whatever element they are attuned with. Maybe they are more comfortable in cold weather than someone else, or do not get burned quite so easily from fire. You know.....nothing remarkable.

But for those very select few, the power to access the elements, to shape them and use them to their will......well, that's where the Academy comes in.

On your 18th birthday, an instructor from the closest academy would come to your high school or home and administer a few simple tests. Ever since the founding of the first academy centuries ago, these tests were designed to see if the person being tested did indeed have the gift of magic within them. Everyone turning 18 would have these tests performed, so that those with the gift received the proper education on how to control their special powers. The idea that someone was running around with untested and uncontrolled magic was unthinkable. No one wanted to hurt others (at least those that were sane), but with something as unpredictable as magic, you could never be sure.

As Glauron made his way onto the campus, he clutched the straps of his backpack a little tighter. It was bad enough having to make his way through his normal school every day while avoiding trouble. Now, he had to start an all-new school, where he knew no one, and would probably be as big a social outcast as before. Sighing to himself, the dragon willed his feet to move him towards the administration building.

At 6' 2", Glauron was by no means an imposing figure, despite being an anthropomorphic dragon. His golden scaled hide hugged his lean frame, detailing his very average body quite thoroughly. He had never really been into sports or fitness, but neither was he lazy. He was just...well...average. His wings tucked against his back snugly, almost seeming to blend in with his plain dark green shirt and jeans. He kept his rich, brown eyes focused on his path (and mostly on his feet) as he shuffled through the small crowd at the main entrance.

There were many different kinds of furs here. Canines, felines, lizards, equines, bears, aquatics, and even some smaller mammals. Looking around, Glauron felt his heart sink even lower when he failed to see even one other dragon in the scores of people across the campus grounds and in the main hall. Great, he thought to himself. One more nail in my social coffin. With another sigh, he looked up and managed to locate the sign for the admissions office, and tried to bump into as few people as possible as h made his way into the proper hallway. He narrowly avoided running into a large, brown bull with muscles the size of his head, and eyes that dared anyone to give him a reason for pain. Scooting around the large bull, Glauron hurriedly walked down the hallway to the kiosk in the distance.

There was already quite a crowd in the large lounge where the admissions kiosk had been set up. The smiling vulpine from behind the small table offered a wide smile to the shy golden dragon as he walked up, turning away from the small computer in front of her. "Signing in, dear?" the kind fox asked, her green eyes radiating warmth from behind her glasses.

"Um, yes please," Glauron answered softly, trying to return the woman's smile. She kept smiling at him as she handed him a small collection of papers.

"I'm Mrs. Collins, the librarian," she offered sweetly, clearly seeing the unease on the young dragon's face.

"Glauron Jackson," came the soft reply.

The older vulpine titled her head. "You know....I think you're only the third dragon I've seen today," the librarian said in a conversational tone. "In all my readings and books, everyone says that dragons are the most adept in the magical arts, but lately I'm wondering if it isn't all fanciful speculation." When the only response she got was a shy shuffle, the elderly fox tried not smile wider. "That was a joke, dear."


The soft-furred fox laughed gently. "It's alright. The first day here at Ivalice can be a little overwhelming." She noticed a tell-tale outline in the gold dragon's backpack. "If you are interested, the library is on the third floor, west of the atrium," she offered, taking a guess.

The smallest smile touched the young dragon's mouth. "Thank you."

"That's my job, love," Mrs. Collins chuckled again. With a polite nod, Glauron turned away from the kindly librarian and managed to spot an open chair a short ways away. Making his way over and sitting down, he fished around in his backpack for a pencil, moving around the several books within. Then, he set the small bundle of papers on the end table before him and began to read. It was more or less a standard Student Information packet, and Glauron began to fill it out. Name, birth-date, species....all the usual stuff that the school administration would need to know.

Next, came the abilities section, where one would fill out what elemental power they had, and any accomplished feats so far. Glauron checked the "Earth" box, and jotted down a few notes about his test earlier this year. When his day had come a few months ago, Glauron was taken to a private classroom in his high school, and the instructor had given him the brief, but mandatory explanation as to what was going to happen. The stoic-faced tiger had told him of the nature of magic, and that one would not really learn of their inherent gift (if they had one) until they prodded it into the light. He had then placed six objects on the table before the young dragon, each one representing one of the six elements. There was a lump of dirt, a bowl of water, a lit candle, a block of ice, a small pinwheel, and battery with its junctions exposed. These six items represented the known six elements; Earth, Water, Fire, Ice, Wind and Lighting. Glauron was instructed to focus on each on intently. If either item showed any change or activity not of its own doing, then it would reveal the person's ability towards that element.

In the end, it had been the lump of dirt that had been the symbol of Glauron's gift. The seemingly inert pile of soil had shifted under his concentration, forming a perfect circle. The instructor recorded these findings, and gave Glauron a sealed document for him to give to his parents. Later that night, his parents read of the document detailing their son's gift, and the preparations for his transfer to Ivalice began. Three months later, here he was.

Finishing the section on his magic, the golden dragon turned the page and was surprised to see an "All About You" section. It asked about his hobbies, his interests, and generally info about what kind of person he was. Shrugging, Glauron filled it out, then gathered his things and returned to the vulpine librarian. He waited until she was finished with a petite skunk girl, before stepping forward and handing her the papers. Mrs. Collins smiled and used the small scanner next to her computer to enter the information. Shifting on his legs, the young drake asked, "Um...what was all that stuff about our interests and things?"

Suppressing a slight chuckle, the kindly vulpine favored him with a sweet grin. "Its just a personality profile, dear. We use it to determine whom to house together."

"House together?"

"Yes," the older fox said. "Students are housed in paired dormitories. We find it helps increase social interaction among the population, especially for those not as outgoing." Her green eyes flashed with slight amusement as the golden dragon before her shuffled slightly. A small beep from the computer next to her, and it displayed the results. "Well Mr. Jackson, I'm happy to report that your information matches that which received from the administrator of your test." She began pulling several different papers from the printer as it spat them out. "Here is your class schedule, a list of supplies, a campus map, and a listing of some extracurricular activities." She handed him the small stack of papers, then reached into a small case to produce a key. "Your room key," she said, taking his hand gently and placing the key in it. "I'll have your things sent over right away."

Glauron looked at the key with the number 117-D on it, and felt a small twinge in his stomach. He wasn't sure how he would feel living with someone he barely knew. Heck, he was anti-social as it was in his own house! Now he was being roomed with a complete stranger?

Seeing his hesitation, the librarian offered helpfully. "The D-section dorms are across the courtyard, next to the gym." She offered him on last smile, trying to show some encouragement. "Classes begin after the weekend. See you then." Nodding distractedly, Glauron turned and left the nice vulpine to help the next in line as he made his way towards the courtyard.

A roommate? he groaned to himself, stepping out into the wide-open courtyard. There were fewer people here, but it still made the golden dragon uncomfortable as he skirted the area as quick as he could and moved into the dorm area. Next to the luck I'll get some jock. Glauron had no fond memories of the jocks at his old school, always picking on the poor drake who preferred books to sports. He had met many a locker face-first, and was not looking forward to sharing a room with someone like that. Echos of snarky remarks and jeers rang in his ears, and he tried to think past all the painful memories. The worst was that one time in gym class, where he had made the mistake of innocently looking down as some of the guys were coming out of the shower. It wasn't like he was trying to look, it just happened. But apparently, that was enough to get himself shoved in a locker and kicked to the sidewalk after school.

Glauron was pretty sure he wasn't into guys like that, but having never had a girlfriend (or any female friends for that matter) he couldn't say he was for sure into women either. He was "stubbornly undecided" as he creatively reminded himself, trying to rationalize his-


"Hey....look where you're going, lizard boy...."

Shaking his head to clear the few stars that had appeared, Glauron looked up from his place on the floor to see a mountain of bear looking down at him. The fur's muscles bulged against his tight shirt, evidence of either a love of football, the gym, or both. The bear looked down at the golden dragon with a sneer of contempt, his beefy arms crossed over his equally broad chest, and snorted in disgust. "Oh great, just what we need. A bookworm in the athletics dorm." On either side of the large bear morph, two lithe and muscular cheetahs snickered loudly.

Glauron tried to mumble and apology and collect his fallen papers, but a large foot suddenly pressed down on his hand. He was jerked upwards by the front of his shirt and before he could squeak in surprise, the dragon found himself nose to nose with the burly bear. "I think I ought to welcome you properly, meat." Glauron felt the thick fingers on his shirt tighten, and he could feel the bear's musty breath on his face. He knew he was in for it.

"Aww....isn't that cute? Big Benny finally came out. I said you should just go for it with someone.....though I didn't mean in the middle of the hallway."

Glauron stumbled back from the bear's vice-like paws and fell onto his rump as the large fur turned around to face the owner of the voice, growling. Looking past the mountain of brown fur, the young gold dragon laid eyes upon his timely rescuer.

Standing leisurely with a hand on his hip, a silver-scaled dragon eyed the group with a sly half-grin on his muzzle. He was probably only an inch or two taller than Glauron, but had a fair bit of muscle compared to the golden drake. His toned arms and chest placed him as a swimmer or runner, an assumption that was furthered by the loose shorts and sleeveless shirt he was sporting. But it was his eyes that caught Glauron's attention. Electric blue and dancing with energy, the silver dragon regarded the whole scene before him like some kind of joke. Unfortunately, others didn't hold the same idea.

"You want a piece too, meat?" the large bear (whose name was apparently Benny) growled, advancing on the other dragon. He came right up to the drake and gave him a hard stare, flexing in a sign of intimidation. Although he had a good head or so of height on the sliver dragon, this seemed not to matter much as the drake simply smiled and stood his ground.

"Depends. Light meat, or dark?" he quipped.

The bear growled again, and clenched a fist. "That's it. You're toast."

The silver drake remained smiling, although his demeanor changed at once. Glauron looked on in shock as the dragon's eyes glowed slightly, flashing their brilliant blue color more intensely. "Try it, furball." Right away, Glauron felt the heat in the hall go up by a few notches.

Evidently, so did Benny the bear, for he took a step back quickly. "Fire types," he muttered, sneering at the silver dragon. "Bunch of freaks." With a grunt, he and his cheetah buddies turned and stomped down the hall, not even giving Glauron a second glance. The gold dragon was so transfixed watching them walk away, he jumped when a silver-scaled hand appeared in his vision.

Looking up, he saw the other dragon smiling down at him. But this was a genuine smile, and before he knew it, Glauron's hand was in his and he was being helped to his feet. "You okay, bro?" the silver dragon asked, stooping to pick up a few of the scattered papers. He handed them back to Glauron, who took them gently.

"Er...yes, fine." He managed to give a small smile in return. "Thanks"

"No prob-"


"Aw, crap," the silver dragon muttered, and turned to look towards the booming voice. Striding towards them, looking like he was ready to charge was a solidly built mass of bull. He had a whistle around his neck and wore a standard school-issue track uniform. "Hey, coach. Long time no see."

The bull stopped in front of the young dragons, looking a cross between amused and annoyed. "McKnight," he snorted. "You've been here less than a day, and already I know you far too well. Now, what does that tell me?"

"I'm a people person?"

Another snort, and the coach shook his head, although Glauron caught the hint of a grin on his muzzle. "Most people try to avoid ticking off every member of the football team on their first day. But you are apparently not most people."

"He was about to hit my friend. What was I supposed to do?" the silver dragon said simply, ignoring the startled look of his golden companion's face.

"Yeah...I saw that too," the coach sighed. "Look, just try to stay out of trouble for the rest of the day, huh?"

The silver dragon gave a cheeky grin, and the bull gave him a warning glare. "Alright, deal."

The coach grunted and trudged off in the direction that Benny had not a few minutes prior, leaving the two dragons alone in the hall. "Well, you seem popular," Glauron quipped.

The silver dragon shrugged, then offered his hand again. "Auren McKnight."

"Glauron Jackson." The golden dragon returned the handshake, noticing Auren's firm, yet soft, grip.

The silver dragon shot him another trademark grin, then nodded to his stack of papers. "Looking for your room?"

"Yeah, 117-D."

"This way," Auren led Glauron down the hall and past the entrance to the dorm's bathrooms and showers, before stopping at a door opposite them. "Here we are," he said proudly, opening the door for the golden dragon. Inside, Glauron saw the room as simple, yet nice. A small sitting area with a couch greeted them as soon as they walked into the door, with split off into to separate rooms. Each room had a bed, plus a desk for working, and a good-sized closet. A pile of boxes and suitcases were piled in the room on the left. "Looks like your stuff beat you here," Auren grinned.

"Yeah, I guess," the gold dragon said softly. "Hey, again for earlier."

Auren waved a hand dismissively, and flopped onto the couch. "No worries, bro. Every school has its share of morons. You were just unfortunate to bump into a big one." The silver dragon picked up a magazine and flipped it open, seeming to make himself at home as Glauron just stood there slightly uncomfortable.

"Well....I guess I should unpack," he finally said lamely. He watched the silver dragon relax on the couch, clearly making no move to leave. "You.....just gonna hang out there?"

Auren shot him a grin. "Thinking about it, yeah. Why?"

Now, Glauron didn't want to be rude, especially to the one person who was actually being nice to him, but the other dragon's demeanor was puzzling. "No offense, but I'm not sure how my roommate would take somebody just lounging on the couch uninvited." Glauron had noticed during his quick look around the dorm that the other room had already been claimed, various belongings already unpacked, indicating his roommate had already been here.

The silver dragon simply shrugged. "When it happens, ask me. I'll tell you how I feel."

"How you'll.......wait," Glauron paused. "You're my roommate?"

"Guilty," the silver dragon grinned, dropping his magazine back to the table. "Apparently we both checked the 'yes I'm a dragon' box on the form." Then, for a split second, Auren's face grew serious and he actually looked as shy as Glauron felt. "I mean....if you're okay with it."

The gold dragon was silent for a moment, taking it in. His roommate, Auren's suddenly sincere demeanor, and the chance that he had already made a friend. "Er....of course," Glauron finally said, managing to give a true smile, making Auren grin in return. "In fact, I feel even better now that I got to know you. Y'know, what with you saving my rump and all that."

Auren chuckled and gave the gold dragon a friendly punch on the shoulder. "Hey, what are friends for?"

Glauron paused as he turned to go into his room. For the second time, the silver dragon had called him his friend, even though they had just met. Looking back at him, he studied the other dragon for a moment, taking in the small grin and the brilliant eyes. Was he really sincere, or was it just his way of being causal? He must have been staring for a few minutes, because the silver dragon blushed slightly and shuffled on his feet, causing Glauron to snap out of his trance. "Friends?" he asked softly.

"Well, I mean, if you wanna be," Auren said shyly, in almost complete contrast to his earlier relaxed attitude. He rubbed his arms, and looked uncomfortable, as if he was suddenly afraid of Glauron's rejection, and in that moment, the gold dragon realized he was looking in a mirror. Sure Auren seemed a little more outgoing at first, but at this moment, Glauron knew....he could feel....that Auren was just like him. He appeared calm and collect on the outside, but here alone, the silver drake was just like Glauron; shy, quiet and unsure of himself. Looking for a friend.

"Yeah....I'd like that," Glauron whispered, giving his first happy smile in a long time.

"Cool," Auren said, still blushing slightly. He motioned towards the other dragons room. "You...want a hand unpacking?"

The gold dragon shrugged his shoulders. "If you want. Its not much so I - hey, what's this?" He bent down to pick up a small black book from the floor, half hidden under the end of the couch. On the cover in gold letters was the title Book of Firsts.

"'s mine," Auren said shyly, and Glauron looked to see his silver face almost positively scarlet. Wordlessly, the book was handed over, and Auren avoided Glauron's eyes for a moment.

"What is it?" the gold dragon asked innocently, referring to the title.

The silver dragon grinned sheepishly. "Its....kinda a journal of sorts. My mother got it for me when I turned ten. Whenever you try something new, or something happens to you for the first time, you're supposed to write it down. Kinda like....a book of memories." The blush was still evident on his face for a moment, but Glauron simply smiled.

"I like that idea."

"Heh.....oh, speaking of," Auren grinned and flipped open the book to the newest page. Glauron saw the most recent entries in pen, things like 'Learned I have magic; Fire!', and 'First day at new school'. Grabbing a pen from the table, Auren scribbled something below the last entry, before showing Glauron and smiling past his still present blush.

'New friend.....Glauron'.

"I think I'm going to like this school," Glauron smiled.

So there you have it, the intro chapter of my little story. No action, I know....but that will come in time. Had to introduce the characters didn't I? Anyways, I do promise that there is some "development" in the next one.

Until next time!

Waiting for You

Just a random one-shot that came to me when I was in a lusty mood. No real ties to any other story. But I hope you enjoy it aynways! - - - - - - - - - - - - Prisoner. Slave. These words chilled Murtagh to his very bone. Why was his life such a...

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