~The Great Masquerade~

Story by LovePaws on SoFurry

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#2 of The World's Stage (Poems)

"All the world's a stage,

And all the men and women merely players"

-William Shakespeare

Come one, come all

it is the most magnificent show of them all

where fortunes are lost, and fortunes are made,

It is the Great Masquerade!

The angels are all singing in the choir

and I do believe that is Beelzebub on the lyre.

So sit down and listen to the siren's lusty call,

but beware that you, into her sultry enchantment, do not fall.

So shall you dance to the endless song

one who's melody you knew all along

Once you start you can not once pause to bend

for you know all to well what it means for this dance to end

There will be those you know whose bodies will falter and slack

only to be swiftly spirited away by the faceless one in black

In vain you purposefully twist and sway

determined not to be the next taken away

But alas this is a fate you can not hope to fight

although yours is quite an amusing plight

you believe you can outlast strangers, loved ones, all of those

but you do not understand... each song, each party, has it's close

Now it is night, yet still you remain

though things are not quite the same...

with each step your bones ache and creak

your body's much more old, much more weak

At the stroke of midnight you at last falter

have no regret for this was something you could not alter.

As you look up the dreaded black form comes into sight

and whisks you away into the waiting night.

A cedar wood box...

Look at the little marionette Dancing on those silver strings See the joy it's dance brings? With grace it moves across center stage It really was quite all the rage And the wizard behind the curtain, The grand puppeteer! It is for him the...

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Chapter one: The Dance of Death

Far to the south of Malaketh, over the snowy mountains and dark forests, lay the village of Kalel. The village was of moderate size, almost a town really, and had a year round local population of about forty. Unlike Malaketh, Kalel had no walls. Most...

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Mad Ramblings

It's the middle of the day yet outside it is dark but somehow I can hear the bay of the morning lark There is no one here but me except for everyone else here although I did never once see, their countless voices I still hear Outside...
