Arctic Wolves Preview Two

Story by Andrew Wolfie on SoFurry

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#2 of Arctic Wolves

The second preview of my story... It's longer than the last one at least. If you see any mistakes, please tell me.

I woke up in a daze, wondering why my dad had got me up so early. Then I remembered where I was. And I knew I would be in deep shit if I didn't get down to the training deck A.S.A.P. See, the rules of this army are simple: you don't have to wear cloths on your base if you are over the rank of staff sergeant, (which many officers take advantage of) unless you are in the barracks (which many recruits take advantage of, I mean, we are still animals) ; you don't have to wear armor; you can have relationships (In fact, it's encouraged) as long as they don't compromise the safety of any units; just as long as you follow the other rules, you follow orders, and you get the job done. I quickly got out of bed and ran to get to roll call on time, sprinting past confused guards, and shoving younger soldiers out of the way as I came barreling past. I made it there at what I thought was just in time.


"Here!" Cried a young tiger, most likely a private.


"Reporting!" Yelled the dragon captain, a veteran of the war, and my boyfriend (yes, I'm gay, get over it). He looked over at me and winked, also thinking I was off the hook for almost being late.

A few more names were called before, "Andrew?"

"Sir!" I called back. That's me, Andrew Wolfie; I am a twenty four year old male blue wolf, fourth oldest brother of seven. Yes, it is ironic that I'm a wolf-and my name is Wolfie. And no, I don't get that from everyone I tell my last name to (I hope you know I'm being sarcastic). I was at the moment a training officer for all new recruits. My father and almost all of my brothers are in the military; Jason is a twenty seven year old green wolf and is a Commander in the Sixty Second Coloradan Regiment; Kyle is a twenty eight year old grizzly bear (don't ask), and is a navy seal (the irony of the fact that there are actual seals in it now) on the U.S.S. Sparrow. Cameron is a twenty eight year old hawk (Don't Ask), and is a the pilot of the "Legacy Overlook", Major General Tyro's (a forty one year old tiger) personal V- TOL. Also, there is my brother Eric, who is a twenty six year old dragon- wolf mix, and is also in the air force, and is the main gunner in the AC- 180 gunship "Perfect Silence", which is an odd name considering how loud those things are. Finally, there is Salem, a twenty year old wolf- tiger mix. He is a Gunnery Sergeant in the Marine Corps. And, of course, there is my father, Jason, a thirty nine year old gray wolf, and is the lieutenant general of the Forty Fifth "Dynasty of Charon" Battalion. Then there are my other two brothers, Canis and Lupis. Canis is an eighteen year old red wolf. He is not yet involved with the military. Then there is Lupis, a seventeen year old blue wolf, and a fanatic of music. Out of all my brothers, he is the one I am closest to. He is also not affiliated with the military. And that's my family tree that I know of. And out of us all, I somehow managed to be the tallest (Side note on Cameron, while one of the Mammalian military's biggest enemies are the avian, my brother has proved time and time again where his loyalties lie).

Anyway, as we were dismissed to go train, and I was about to walk through the door, ready to meet the newest wave of noobies, I was pulled aside by the main training officer that I was assisting, Captain Ansin (a thirty year old female hyena.). I had prepared for almost anything, but I wasn't prepared for what he said.

"Andrew, I'm worried about this behavior. This is the third time you've been late to roll call."

"Sorry sir." I replied in a submissive tone as I looked at my clawed toes.

"It's fine Andrew; I know how stressful it is to be a military photographer, being one myself. I am aware of how it drains the life out of you to record the horrendous effects of this war. It's just, if you ever want to be a successful soldier, you must have discipline. I know it hard to focus, with all you've been through. I also know that if you push yourself, you could be a very efficient Were- Wolf Squad Commander. In fact, I think you could go as far as being in an Arctic Wolves battalion."

With that, my head rocketed back up to stare at him. I couldn't believe it. An arctic wolves division! Ansin didn't mess around. Like most hyenas in the service, she lost the stereotypical laugh that goes with their forgive- and- forget nature. Hyenas never hold grudges. However, ever since the war started, the aura of happiness that surrounds each of them has dissolved. They have become extremely uptight. So when she said that to me, I knew she wasn't joking.

"W-what?" I stammered.

"You heard me son." She looked towards the exit, back at me, and pated me on the shoulder.

"I've kept your recruits waiting long enough. We'll talk later."

I brushed past her and walked to my area of the camp. There I meet the new soldiers; we talked a bit about training, yada yada yada. That's not the point. I was so excited that immediately after the training I increased my exercise regimen. I had been training for weeks to try out for a Were- wolf squad. Many would say that my dad's notoriety would help me get in, but it is quite the opposite.

"I only saw you do four hundred and ninety seven pushups, LT. Wolfie. I guess we have to do another five hundred and three to even it out."

This was met with groans and hostile looks directed at me, except from Johnson, who looked at me with a sad smile.

The only good thing was that I finally had enough hours of training to join the Were- wolf special forces.

Let me just tell you, being in the W.W. is incredibly hard to achieve. You have to train daily on your marksmanship, physical fitness, and mental focus. But finally, all that has paid off [Andrew puts his hand slowly over the camera and says, "Aaand flash back."]

Two months later...

"Alright men, today you get your first mission." Our General, Davik, said. "You'll be working with senior Were- wolf teams, Delta, Bravo, and Foxtrot, along with Orca teams red, orange, and green."

Just then, out of the water next to us, leaped an orca (I managed to get a picture of him in the air with my helmet cam). He landed next to Davik and spoke in his ear. He then leaped back into the water with a splash.

Davik sighed, "Boys, we just got an update. Apparently our target has entered a bunker, and has covered himself with anti- ground defenses. Better yet, the bunker is surrounded by a gauntlet of trees. We'll be inserting by air and water to take him out."

I was assigned to Echo as team sniper. It was going to be a rough mission, but I was hoping for the best and success (one of the Wolfie family mottos).

Three days later...

"Get ready men, we will be over the drop zone in ten minutes." General Davik yelled over the A-A fire. We flew a while longer before, out of nowhere, a cannon round went into one of our back rotors. Davik yelled for us to get out of the airship. Some of jumped out as the pilot yelled that he couldn't pull up to regain altitude. About half of us where out when the world exploded and became darkness and the start of my life as a Special Forces commando.