Artwork and Soccer
Not for the eyes of young ones, sorry, there ish shexshuel content here, folk. No one under 18 should read this horrid smut! Heh..
As a sidenote, I'm extremely new to yiff and anthro stuff, so judge me kindly, please..heh..^^
Posie sighed as she idly scribbled on the page before her, absently doodling as she sat through the lunch hour, her blonde furred digits gracefully dancing over the page, her hazel eyes only half concentrating on even that. She started violently as a voice shattered the silence she'd imposed upon herself, that of a dear friend of hers, a coyote male by the name of Kayne.
"What's that supposed to be?" He lifted the paper to eye level, wrinking his maw as he squinted at the paper, "All I see is some odd little monster..I think."
Smirking, Posie snatched the page back, shaking her head as she folded the page quickly, shoving it into her jeans pocket and flushing a little beheath her blonde fur.
"Not likely, dorkus. For your information, it's for the art class I signed up for this semester."
Kayne rolled his eyes goofily and stuck out his long tongue, shaking his canine head as he lowered his gaze back to Posie's. He knew full well it had been an erotica piece, that of two canines locked in embrace. Whether or not it was for class he left unquestionned. He slumped down, tossing his laden bag on the floor next to Posie's as he absently questionned the picture, doing his damndest to embarass her.
"Yo, Pose, how exactly would one go about gettin' into that particular position?"
A joking wink followed this as he grinned broadly, white teeth visible in all of their canid splendour as he waited for the no doubt flustered reply. He teased her because he found her attractive, and no one else was as much a target as the cute collie femme. What Kayne got, however, was a bit more than he bargained for.
Arching a brow, Posie's light, gentle voice turned husky and suggestive, her deep hazel eyes half closing as she leaned in, her furred breasts pressing lightly up against her tank top.
"Well, if you can't use your imagination, I suppose I'll need to show you..."
Kayne leaned over to catch the reply, pointed coyote ears perking a little as he waited, then sharply lowering as he caught it. He stiffened immediately, clearing his throat as a deep flush passed beneath his dusty brown fur, his golden eyes wide with shock as he desperately sought his composure. He smiled almost nervously, reaching down to quickly grab his knapsack, yanking the hem of his blue t-shirt swiftly down to veil the sudden bulge in his shorts.
"Heh, uh..I gotta go now, Pose. See you after last bell."
He called back over his shoulder these words as he took off at a sprint, mumbling something about needing to see a professor about something.
Posie started a little, arching a blonde brow quickly before shaking her head, long silken fur settling after a moment as she turned back, jerking a bit to see another of her friends standing before her. The small mink squeaked a bit as she leapt back, icy blue eyes wide as she nervously laughed, sitting down with a clearing of her throat and observing Posie nonchalantly.
"Where's Kayne off to in such a hurry?"
"I'll be damned if I understand a thing about that boy, Mari. First he jokes about my newest drawing, then he darts off when I practically throw myself at him. Jeez, sometimes I gotta wonder about that guy."
Mari giggled a little, pushing her roan hued fur from her eyes as she smiled, small white teeth perfectly formed in her slight jaw. Mari wasn't the biggest furson, far from it, standing barely five feet tall, where even Posie was five seven. For goodness sake, Kayne was six foot, and Posie's step brother was almost six four. She was pretty though, the small mink, delicate of build and slender of frame.
"Posie, don't worry, he'll come around. After all, he's been after you for over two years now, hasn't he?"
"Huh?" Posie tilted her head a bit, arching a brow in confusion as she studied the small mink, "Mari, I have no clue what you're even on about."
"Mariposa blushed deeply beneath her reddish fur, though it was impossible to see through her coloring, "I just mean, you guys constantly flirt, Kayne obviously thinks the world of you, and if you're throwing yourself at him, apparently you feel the same way."
"You think he finds me sexy, Mari?"
"I far from dobt he was trying to hide only feelings, Pose. He had that bag pretty well placed." Mari giggled again and winked, cracking open a can of soda and taking a sip, turning her attention now towards her lunch.
In the guys washroom, Kayne was leaned back against the wall, eyes tightly shut as he continuously banged the back of his head against the wall, teeth clenched as he stood in the stall, one hand placed over the crotch of his pants as he cursed his nervousness.
"Yo, Kayne, when yer done beating the shit out of yourself, I need a word with yah."
"Goddamn it, Fang! What the Hell do you need to talk about?!"
"Get your scrawny ass out here and talk to me, Kayne! I have to get to the gym for soccer practice soon. We have a game tonight."
Grudgingly, the coyote again pulled down the hem of his oversized shirt, peering cautiously out at the large Doberman male before him, Posie's step brother, Fang. Imposing son of a bitch, though the coyote as he stalked wordlessly out of the stall.
Fang, or Jonah, as his family knew him, was an impressive specimen, standing a strong six foot four, his sleek black coat gleaming, what was seen of it anyways, his lean form build for speed, his eyes so dark thay'd make a killer think twice about fucking with him. Jonah also dressed to impose, having donned this day a form fitting black t-shirt, the phrase, "If you don't like it, turn tail and take it like a man" scrawled brutishly in red over the chest of it. A pair of baggy black jeans were his lower half, a set of silver chains jingling from their pockets. To add to his almost frightening form, Jonah sported, almost always, a set of studded bracelets about either ankle and wrist, as well as a spiked collar about his lean neck.
Kayne wasn't quite the same type, should one bother to look. Lean, thin, streamlined, though far from imposing, the strangely colored coyote male was a tad friendlier to the eye. Each paw was encased in a black, furred sock, his chest a pale grey, the rest of his slim form dusty in hue. More often than not clad in a loose, ill fitting set of clothed, Kayne had more the look of a punked out clown than anything. His choices today consisted of a loose set of blue jeans, and a navy t-shirt, several sizes too large. His face was kindly, the nose narrow and almost fragile looking, his eyes slanted ever so slightly, giving their honey hued depths a rather exotic look. Kicking the wall absently, Kayne lifted his eyes to Jonah's, trying his best to look unenthused at being addressed by the step-sibling of the girl of his dreams, albeit the wet ones.
"You need somethin' Fang?"
"I was just wondering if you've talked to Mari lately."
"Nah, I saw her headed towards Posie when I left her earlier. Any reason?"
Jonah's large, uncut ears drooped minorly, his maw doing the same as he juggled the black leather sack on his back, "Nah, not really, just wondering if you could do me a favour and give her this." Jonah quietly produced a folded envelope from his jeans pocket, handing it to Kayne wordlessly before turning away, long black tail swishing once as he moved from the stall door. Scrambling a little, Kayne took off after him, grabbing him by the wrist and breathlessly speaking.
"By the way, you ever hear Posie talk about me at home?"
A slight smirk passed over the tall Doberman's maw as he quirked a brow thoughtfully, "Any reason?"
Kayne cleared his throat a little, shaking his head and doing his best impression of someone who couldn't care less, "Nah, just wondering, she said something odd at lunch is all."
Jonah nodded a little, smirking a bit more as he again turned, long, muscled legs moving him out the door as his deep, strong voice called back, not even turning around, "She may not talk much at home, but ask to see her studio and see how she reacts."
Cocking his head a bit, confusion wrote itself plainly over the coyote's features, a shrug showing it all the more as he collected his knapsack, tossing it over his shoulder as he padded off towards his next class, a glance at his watch showing he'd be late if he didn't hurry up.
Mari and Posie sat side by side in their next class, coincidentally, art. Posie always had thrown herself heart and soul into her works, Mari tended more to gossip in the slow moving class. The task of the day was to sketch one or more nudes, oh the calamity.
Mari was lazily moving her pencil over the large sheet before her, slowly but surely coming up with something to her liking, while Posie was bent intently over her page, each stroke of pencil to paper made with perfectionist tastes, meticulously drawing out the form, fleshing it out in greatest detail. Glancing idly over to her friend's page, Mari smirked and nudged Posie, whose long fluffy tail had started a furious wag behind her.
"Pose, I know it's about drawing in the fur, but keep it G-rated."
Looking a tad confused, Posie looked down to the drawing before her; a pair of canine anthros were engaged in what looked like a quite steamy act of physical lust. Almost squealing, Posie covered up the page, embarassment flooding her pale features in a hot red blush as she closed her eyes.
"Calm down, Pose, the Prof might like it. Very 'action oriented' as she might say."
"Good God, Mari, she'll know who it is, and you know how she likes to showcase my stuff, Kayne's gonna see this!"
"What's the big deal? He's seen your stuff before. How's this any different?"
"Look for yourself..." Posie discretely slid the page on to Mari's desk, where the reddish mink's eyes widened at what she saw. Right before her very eyes was a fully graphic drawing of Posie and Kayne, everything perfect, down to the birthmark Kayne had shown Posie on his right hip. Posie looked to be bend over a bed backwards, her long, slender legs crooked on Kayne's slim arms, his hips buried right between hers, expressions of sheer exctacy on the maw of each. Mari cleared her throat before looking back to Posie, eyes wide as she tried to joke about it.
"Pose, girl, you need to get yourself some cock soon, else you'll be drawing novels of this stuff."
"God, Mari, I need to get rid of this..." Posie quietly looked around for the Professor, hazel eyes wide in terror as she rose from her seat, stepping cautiously towards the trash can by the door, her scandalous drawing clutched to her chest.
"Posie, what have you got there?"
Posie near fainted as the Professor's furred paw lay itself on her shoulder. Stammering, she flushed deeply, eyes lowering, "O-oh, n-nothing of interest. Just a botched effort." Closing her eyes tightly, she knew the Prof wouldn't buy that.
"I bet. Mind if I have a peek before you scrap it?"
"Uhh, I'd rather not, actually..."
"I should hope you find me a kinder critic than that, Posie, dear," a white and black spotted paw was extended towards the drawing. Grudgingly, Posie swallowed her dignity and handed the paper over, turning her head a bit to avoid the gaze of her proffessor.
"Now now, this is precisely what I was looking for in this exercise. Very well drawn, gorgeous attention to detail. The young coyote in this picture must be a very happy young man." Without further word, the picture was handed back to it's creator, and Posie near felt her knees give out as she stumbled back to her deck, furiously red in the face. Mari forced a little smile and turned back to her own sketch, that of a young male canine, almost Doberman in look.
"I think your GPA is safe for now, Pose."
Kayne barely noted his various lectures passing him by as he walked in a daze through the afternoon, his thoughts on what Jonah might have meant by the studio remark. Turning his attentions to meeting Posie after classes, he found himself near euphoric as he smiled a little. The end of the day couldn't have come fast enough for Kayne, and he paced back and forth before Posie's locker for over twenty minutes before she appeared, Mari at her side.
"Hey Kayne, how yah doin'?" Mari grinned jovially and gave Kayne a little hit on the shoulder, watching Posie and him exchange glances before whistling a little, "Well, I better be off, need to go to the field, big game tonight for the soccer team."
Kayne arched a brow idly, cocking his head, "Since when are you a soccer fan, Mari?"
Caught in her adoration of Posie's older brother, the small mink cleared her throat, "Well, I need to watch the cheerleaders, I'm thinking of trying out next semester. Yaaay team!" Nervously, she laughed, striking a pose before grinning.
"Hey, before you go, I got asked to give you this, can't say by who though." Absently, Kayne tossed the envelope to Mari, who caught it after fumbling and meandered off with it, fighting with the seal as she wandered off towards the feild.
Posie grinned a little and snickered, "So, she's the one he had me paint that for."
Kayne blinked a bit, "Paint what?"
Posie laughed again, leaning against her locker and watching Mari wander out of sight, "Jonah, he had me do a rather impressive painting of himself for a girl he had the hots for. Let me tell you, if Mari's the one, she's in for quite a shock when they hook up." Grinning all the more, she pointed down with her index finger, indicating something Kayne would have done better without the visual of.
Wrinkling his nose in distatse, he started, remembering what Jonah had spoken to him of earlier, "By the way, Jonah said I should see your studio, commented on your talent, thought I might like something." Kayne shrugged a bit, averting his eyes as his Lit Professor strode by.
"He what?! That bastard! I'll skin him alive!" Posie's paws clenched into fists as she fumed.
Quietly blinking, Kayne arched a brow, "I miss something? You don't want me to see your work?"
Posie bit her lower lip a little, deciding whether or not she wanted to take this next step. Kayne had made the advance, it was up to her to complete the move, and she wanted to, though she didn't know just what her step bro had said, and swallowed a lump in her throat before speaking, "I want you to, but you might not like what you see."
Mari fumbled with the large envelope for a few minutes before managing to open it, and went wide eyed as she saw the full length portrait of Jonah, the soccer player she'd been idolizing for months now. Evidently Posie's work, though she spared no detail, and she meant no detail.
The painted Jonah was lain down on his side on a pile of white cushions, such a contrast to his own ebony black pelt, feathers strewn here and there over his fur, his large black eyes staring almost shyly out from the canvas. He wore nothing, which shocked her the most, he was entirely in the fur. Mari couldn't help but lower her eyes down towards the sheath between Jonah's thighs, where his engorged red member protruded prominantly, the thick knot swollen considerably in his evident arousal, one long fingered paw gracefully poised over the head, which was already stained with thick, oozing cum.
Shuddering in approval, Mari clutched the painted canvas to her chest, shaking in sheer adoration from head to toe, tingling everywhere at once as she dashed off towards the soccer feild, folding the malleable canvas and tucking it into her jacket.
Posie struggled to walk as she shook with anticipation, a few paces ahead of Kayne as she led the way to the art lab, where her Proffessor had given her her own private studio, a hazy place, where the lights were dim and the room a tad musty. Her long plume of a tail remained inert, she was frightened to near death at what she might be doing. She was opening her heart, her soul, her very being to Kayne, and she could be making the biggest mistake of her life by showing him her studio.
Following wordlessly, Kayne thought he had a pretty good idea of what Posie was about to show him. He'd seen many of her rough sketches, though none of the finished products, and many of them were rather yiffy, some of them right erotic. He'd lost track of how many times he'd gotten hard at the thought of Posie, clad in nothing but a nightshirt, stooped low over her drawing table, her eyes fixed on the latest project. He knew that it was Posie, and not the drawings, that aroused him thusly, though he'd always told folk it was her artwork. Kayne had, up until now, always had to paw himself off to thoughts of the lovely collie, and if he were right in his assumptions, and played his cards right, maybe he could tell her how he longed to touch her, feel her against him.
The blonde furred collie slowed her pace as she neared the door to her studio, the plaque over the door proclaiming her name proudly in black ink as it had ever since it had been dubbed her own. She shook from head to toe, her entire form alight with a fire she'd only known alone, in the light of her studio, where she nearly climaxed in the simple act of drawing Kayne's face, Kayne's body, everything about him arousing to her. Lost in thought, she barely noticed the touch of Kayne's paw to her own, the gentle clench of it over hers as he gently pulled her back a step.
"Posie, you don't have to show me anything if you don't want to. To be honest, I'm just happy to get the chance to be alone with you for a while. I...I have to tell you something, something that's been on my mind for a while now." He trailed off quietly, unsure of how to express his sentiments properly.
Posie turned then, hazel eyes locking on the coyote's narrow face as she watched him. She remained motionless for a few long moments, her every thought being of simply leaning over and kissing him, touching him in ways she'd only drawn, doing things her imagination had sent rampant through her. But he made the first move, firmly bracing his fingers on the back of her neck and pulling her to him, envelopping her mouth with his own, long tongue lapping against hers feverishly as he kissed her. Slowly, he drew back, licking her cheek as he pulled from the kiss, eyes opening as he gazed upon Posie, the femme he'd been enamoured with since sophomore year.
"Kayne," she started, her cheeks flushed deep with color as she lifted her eyes to his, "I still want to show you something in my studio..."
Mari sat intently on the bench throughout the game, her quick blue eyes following only one being, Jonah, the tall Doberman male. From time to time, she'd catch his eye, and a smile would play over ebon features as he returned the glance, shyly averting his eyes after a moment or so to return to the game. Mari grinned, feeling her stomach bubble and twist within her as she watched him, knowing now that he wanted her as she did him. The small mink trembled with enjoyment of the sight of Jonah, his sleek black form moving quickly among the other teammates.
A crackling sound shattered the serenity of her thought as the announcer blared over the intercom, "And it's number forty three, Jonah "Fang" Stenson, advancing over the linesman with lightning speed, his footwork flawless, his technique amazing. There he goes, he's in the clear! He dekes one defenseman, then another, there's the shot! And he scores! Another brilliant play by the Wolven this afternoon, Stenson with two assists and three goals!"
Under her breath, Mari mumbled something about Jonah's scoring off the feild a bit later in the day. As he saw her wink at the word, his eyes widened and he grinned, throwing himself fervently into the game in order to have it done with all the sooner.
Kayne and Posie were locked in embrace even before she'd fumbled the door to the ill lit studio open, their hands all over one another as they engaged in fantasies unknown until this very moment. Closing the door behind them, Posie locked it silently before guiding Kayne over to the same pile of white pillows she's painted her step brother on, fingers deftly toying with his shirt before removing it altogether, casting it aside as if to be rid of it before resuming the kiss.
The coyote positively loved the feel of the femme's paws over his furred flesh, unable to stop the near instant erection that sprung beneath his boxers, not that he would have. Posie pushed him down into the soft cushions wordlessly, her mouth hungrily at his as she unbuttoned her shirt, letting it fall aside as well, revealing her lacy white brassiere beneath, her rounded, pert breasts straining at it with her passionate longing for Kayne. He reached up, his breath a gasping heave as he cupped her breast with his long fingers, squeezing firmly at the furred surface before lacing his fingers behind her, undoing the clasp after a bit of fumbling and freeing her round, firm mounds from their holds.
Reaching down, Posie began to heatedly fiddle with the fly of Kayne's jeans, undoing them and tugging his boxers down to just below his sheath and sac. She strained against him at the mere sight, her back arching in desire as she whined softly, her fingers starting to briskly stroke at the protruding part of Kayne's erection. He moaned, his paws dropping down to undo the fly of Posie's jeans, sliding them down her smoothly furred thighs, revealing the pearl of a slit, glistening in the low light in her desire. She aided as best she could, wriggling out of her jeans and panties before lowering herself down onto Kayne's shaft, letting the swollen erection thrust itself long, thick and hard into her waiting femmehood.
Kayne shifted position now, rolling Posie over onto her back as he again met her mouth with his own, his breath a gasp of pure pleasure as he started to swiftly knock his hips to hers, thrusting in a quick, almost mindless passion as he kissed her, her hips returning the action by bucking furiously against his, her very voice an incoherent moan of pleasure. Kayne could feel her hips slick with want, his own groin soaking with it as he continued to fuck her raw, and she continued to writhe and moan in sheer pleasure at it.
A scream pierced the air as Posie finally broke from the kiss, her mouth wide in a howl of pleasure, her climax striking with an intensity that near dislodged Kayne from her tightness. Her entire body convuled with the abandon of it, the primal feeling of ecstacy flooding her hips, her breasts, her spine, her head, everything was on fire, and she wanted more.
Another howl soon broke the silence as Kayne released himself inside of her, his knot tying them together firmly as he continued to cum inside of her tight, slick wetness, his cock throbbing with the feeling of simple release, a release of all things. He rolled back onto his back, pulling Posie atop him, as nothing could disengage them until the swelling disipated in his thick knot. His slim arms threaded their way around her, pulling her to him, holding her tightly, as if he were afraid she were going to be ripped from this bliss, this sheer afterglow of mated happiness.
Mari waited anxiously outside the locker room door for Jonah to emmerge, her fingers pulling through her long reddish locks as she felt the butterflies in her stomach rise and flutter. She knew she wanted to talk to him, to see him up close, to touch and feel him near her. She cleared her throat a bit, rehearsing what she thought she'd say.
"Hey Jonah, I got that painting of you....No, that's too evident....Hey man, wanna go fuck?...Oh God, too forwards....Jonah, I really wanted to tell you that I want to see you more often...Shit! Why can't I get this right?!"
While her back was to the door, Jonah stepped out, rubbing his neck with a stark white towel, catching everything that came from the small mink's mouth, a smirk of amusement crossing his muzzle as he stood behind her, lightly laying his paws on her hips and pulling her to him, his chest to her back, "Uh, I'm flattered?...No no, that's too egotistical...Well, wow, if you're sure you want to so soon...So do I, Mariposa...And I think you did just fine."
Mari closed her eyes, leaning back into the tall Doberman quietly as she smiled, shaking from head to tip toe as she exhaled, even her breath a shaking force as she felt him enclose her in his lean arms. He nuzzled into her neck a little and smirked lightly as he spoke up again, padded fingers tracing down over her stomach as he tilted his head.
"Maybe we shouldn't just jump into fucking right away, sexy. Right now, I'd be happy with just this..."
Slowly and surely, Jonah's paw slid past the waist of Mari's jeans, fondling her slippery femininty a moment before lightly slipping into her, her hips arching up into the caress as she shivered, moving her own paw towards the crotch of Jonah's shorts, massaging the thick shaft housed beneath his sheath, erect and throbbing quietly, her head tilting to rest against his chest as she lowered her eyes to what she was doing. Jonah tensed a bit, arching his hips up towards Mari's digits as they stood in full sight in the hallway, no one to be seen, for now.
Mari pulled her fingers back slowly, turning to face Jonah and standing on her tip toes as she met him in a kiss that he needed to stoop for, her hand returning with a passion to his erect shaft as she started to quietly buck her hips against his finger, feeling him start to rather swiftly thrust his lengthy member up against her hand.
As the kiss deepened, so did the caress of Jonah's large fingers, his pace of rubbing the soft folds of Mari's pussy increasing as he felt his own orgasm approaching quickly. He moaned into the kiss, his throat seizing a moment as he lined his hips up to the small mink's, quietly lifting her up and grinding his needy cock up against her wanting slit through their clothing. Mari tensed after a few moments of this, her thin brows knitting over her round blue eyes as she disengaged her mouth from Jonah's, leaning up to his ear and cupping her small hand around it as she let out the most guttoral of moans, a flood of slickness finding Jonah's still moving hand as she came, her spent pussy relaxing after a few long moments as she gestured for Jonah to lower her to the ground.
Obliging quietly, Jonah let Mari slide down his stomach, over his crotch, and to the ground. Brazenly, the small mink smiled up at Jonah, her voice husky with pleasured glow as she whispered teasingly, "Well, we'll see just how adventurous you are now, won't we?"
Quietly moving to seat herself on a bench near the wall, Mari gestured for Jonah to approach. When he moved to sit, she shook her head, positioning him before her as her small fingers entrated entrance to his boxers, pulling his thick, swollen shaft from them, her small mouth slowly enclosing the head of his already dripping member, her own head starting a swift, deep movement against the Doberman's dick, sucking hard at the redness of his fat, thick member as she leaned forwards, eyes closed as she felt his start to shudder, the torrent of cum that flooded her mouth almost gagging her as she fought to swallow all of the salty, somewhat bitter solution, her tongue lapping at what remained before she leaned back, quietly tucking Jonah's member back into his trousers before standing up and winking at him playfully, "Well, we'll have to do this again soon, won't we, Jonah?"
Through the haze of orgasm, all Jonah could muster was a faint nod as he grinned dopily, his chest heaving with effort and exertion as he gently knocked his hip to Mari's, "Damn, girl, if I get this treatment every time the team wins, expect the team to do a Hell of a lot better."