Chapter 1, the villain within

Story by ilovecheese1 on SoFurry

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Authors Note: Sections contained within asterisks (*) are thoughts by the referenced character. also, there are some jokes that involve basic physics knowledge, sorry if not everyone gets the references, but the message is pretty clear ;D, this will also be a somewhat short series, please read, rate, and review.

Characters are Copyright to their creator, myself, any similarities to real life people or other characters on this website is pure coincidence.


But I love you.

Chapter 1

Melony walked under the calm elm and oak trees, it was a bright spring day on her usual path to school. She was admiring the lush green gardens with freshly bloomed flowers, creating a sweet aroma that enveloped her, being next to the quiet suburbia street, its black asphalt adorned with potholes creating a fitting contrast to the natural beauty around her. She always liked walking this way, as it was quiet compared to the main street to her school, and the people on this street were known and friendly, often waving with warm smiles and open doors as they went about their mornings.

She paused for a moment under a shady elm as a breeze caught her. It was an unusually cool morning, she noticed, as the wind tugged at her school uniform; a tight white dress shirt that fit almost too snug around her vixen curves, as well as a short black skirt that reached just short of her red furred knees. The gentle breeze became a gust, and it swept over her every form like a thousand tiny, grubby fingers. She squeaked as she held her skirt from billowing in front of her, which would have revealed the dainty pink underwear that she was wearing. If her fur wasn't already a deep shade of auburn, her blushing would be bright as the noonday sun across her face. Also, it seemed that her awkwardness was not complete until Melony realized that the cold wind was making certain parts of her body stiffen through her shirt and bra. She squeaked again, and said to herself as she looked down at the new peaks that were atop her shirt covered mountains, "Oh no. Well... maybe no one will notice."

But she soon realized she was deceiving herself as she poked gently at the stiffened caps. She sighed sadly, her face turning to a sad frown that would make the numbest war veteran weep, as she looked up to the sky, shielded by the tree; the faint rays glimmering through the leaves like tiny rays of heaven, shining through the spring air and finally reaching her bright blue diamond eyes. Their motion erratic, searching randomly for the answer to the question she voiced aloud to the forces above.

"Can this day get any worse?"

Suddenly a rough slap to the back sent her stumbling forward. After catching herself just short of falling she turned angrily to see the tall, dark grey wolf she knew to be the perpetrator. He was wearing the same school's uniform, but it was the boys' outfit, which wasn't much different. Simply exchange the skirt for a pair of dress pants and add a blue green plaid patterned tie showing off the school colors and the transformation would be complete, except that he was wearing a white jacket that fit his toned features nicely. His hand was applied to his forehead, upturned in laughter.

"Max you son of a bitch! That hurt!" she scowled with her eyes, now molten balls of blue fire, showing off Melony's quick temperedness. Max was standing pleasantly on the sidewalk, continuing to laugh aloud to the results of his quick prank on his childhood friend.

Both Melony and Max were then seniors in Calis-Darma High, named after the founder that fiscally supported the school entirely for the 30 years she was its principal; considered one of the toughest schools in the state, exclusive and restrictive, famous for their pride and practices. Students were always seen as perfect examples of citizenship, and attending while appearing otherwise was more than merely frowned upon. There was a time under principal Darma that was spoken of as "the reign of terror" by the alumni, when even stepping too loudly in the halls was merit enough for detention, so much so that both teachers and students openly admitted suicidal thoughts afterward. Although policies had loosened since then, it was better to keep a closed mouth than to have one open enough to shove a foot into.

Though Max and Melony kept tight lips at school, they had been close friends since elementary, sharing cookies and climbing trees in the backyards of their houses after class. Now a day, though, they shared their time studying for Physics and advanced calculus tests more often than not. With their transition into CDH, they often walked to school together, being close enough to do so and not having to worry about driving. Throughout the years they have considered each other close friends, but nothing more... at least... for now.

As Max's laughter died down, he couldn't help but notice his friend's obtrusions sprouting from her shirt. "Woo... Uh, hey Mel, you might wanna cover up there." He said slyly with a wink. He chuckled as she squeaked and cupped the front of her shirt with her hands. "Hey, where's your jacket... and your bag?" he asked quizzically with an upturned brow.

Again Melony's molten fury escaped with a quick and nearly violent, if somewhat juvenile, retort. "Shut up! I left my bag in class, and I didn't think I'd need a jacket..." she hesitated as she looked him up and down, her eyes still scowling with her mouth deforming into a worrying twist of muscle. "Can..." she hesitated again, gathering her words "Can I borrow yours?"

Max, being a friend and gentleman, immediately began to take off his jacket without a word after lowering his canvas and leather messenger bag to the concrete sidewalk below. He was about to hand his jacket to her when he suddenly realized something as he held it in his outstretched hands.

At their school, the uniforms they wore were mandatory; no jewelry was allowed, no watches for men either, no pins or ribbons, and especially no hats or masks. The only originality in fashion allowed to them was their jackets during the winter, since the school didn't have official ones. Because of this, someone's jacket was a part of themselves; it represented you, your personality, and your way of life.

*And for a girl to wear my jacket...* Max thought, but shook the last few words out of his head as he handed it over. But as she began to put it on with a small smile, her face finally taking on a happy tone, he couldn't help but ask. "A-are you sure?" he stuttered.

"Well I'd rather show up in your jacket than have it look like..." she paused as she aligned the zipper and closed herself into the jacket. It looked large on her, since she was definitely of smaller size and build, although the chest area was still well fitted. Its white padded style with a blond fur lining (donated, of course) accented her natural fur colors nicely. She looked very beautiful in her current lighting, the sunrays sparkling around her, creating an almost angelic aura, and with the atmosphere of spring and the welcoming smell of flowers and cut grass she appeared a symbol of beautiful youth. Unfortunately her feminine mystique was somewhat ruined as she pointed at her breasts, exclaiming, "With these sticking out like it was something worse!"

*I never thought about that...* Max said subconsciously, *but wait* he thought, while finishing the question aloud. "Who said we were gonna be late?"

Her smile was quickly thrown back into the fire of her scowls as she pointed harshly at him. "Because you're just standing there talking and class starts in five minutes!!"

"Oh, Shit!" Max said, alarmed, and quickly scooped up his bag and began running down the four blocks left to the school gates. With a few yells and curses Melony was right on his heels.

* * *

Their arrival at school was not heralded with gasps and shock as both Max and Melony had imagined, although they were late for their first period physics class and Mr. Cutler gave them a hard scolding. As the morning progressed, however, Melony could feel the other students' eyes on her, her own returning glares blocked by locker doors and shadowy corners. There was a definite mood of uneasiness in the hallway, with stares and glances accompanied by whispers and covered mouths. She almost thought about taking the jacket off, but most classes had the windows open in hopes of the day warming up, and she didn't want to risk her nipples showing again -which were surprisingly hard even after she kept the jacket zipped- She even breathed on them a few times inside the coat in attempts to warm them up, but strangely this had no effect. The second time she tried, she was breathing in from the coat more than blowing, as the inside smelled like Max, and she soon discovered she liked it; it was comforting and reminded her of the sweet, comforting young man she had grown up with.

She sat absentmindedly as she drifted in and out of coherence as she remembered and collected her and Max's fonder times -hanging out with friends at downtown coffee shops together; walking home together late at night after a party; sleeping over at each other's houses at age seven, afraid to be on the same side of the room because of koodies- like a basket of roses. Though every memory had the same thorn, the fact that Max and Melony were always comfortable with each other because of their history, that they considered themselves friends, perhaps even family, throughout life. Never once did she ever consider Max to be more than a friend, until perhaps today. She could feel something inside of her, growing warm and spreading through her, as she thought of Max. It filled her and at the same time made her tense, even nervous.

*This isn't right...* she thought, the warmth turning to a potent souring of her heart, filling her with a sadness and displeasure that made her want to rip into her chest and crush the source of the pain. *But why do I feel this way now? Every time I think of him I...* she was trying to avoid thinking his name, but even the very thought of him was sending pangs throughout her, turning the ichors within her to poison as she considered the negatives, causing pain and sadness almost unimaginable. She relaxed for a moment and cleared her mind. Just before the bell she was able to gather her thoughts. *I'll just... talk with him about it after school. Maybe when we're studying... I'll just talk to him, maybe hold his hand when I say it...* and with that the warmth returned, making her fur stand on end, and allowing her to jump at the shock of the bell ringing directly behind her.

Meanwhile, Max was having a not so enjoyable morning, enduring the same stares, secret glances and giggles from the girls in the halls. By now everyone had seen, and his jacket was definitely unique, bought at a designer shop downtown with money he received for his 18th birthday. He could remember the first day he wore it in school; the stares he received were strangely similar but their message completely opposite, ones of secret praise rather than secret shock. His mind kept wandering in class, and he couldn't seem to focus on the worksheet from his physics class earlier.

*Did she plan this? Does she... does she have feelings for me? Is this her way of asking me to be... with her?* His ears twitched at the thought, it was as if something deep, deep within his brain suddenly clicked. Could she want me to be with her? The notion brought a grin to his face, and soft humming to a song he couldn't quite remember the lyrics to, that carried a warm loving tune to it. His every fiber seemed to be alive, ablaze with his thoughts. He could imagine her writing about him in her diary, the little pink book hidden under her bed that he found one day when they were children, its 'i's dotted with hearts and describing her innermost thoughts. The time he found it, he didn't mean to read it, but it was a long time ago, and he barely remembered what the details were of back then. These thoughts brought a joy he had not felt before, a growing warmth of gentleness, but also a tense, sickly feeling. The inevitable yang to the ying of secret affection, the need for secrecy; if Melony found out... the mention of it in his mind sent spirals of horror throughout his body. He had heard stories of friends dumped, and rejected, the insufferable agony of wanting to tear out your heart, to destroy something to avoid the pain. Although he soon returned to the gentler side of the double edged sword, and the warmth returned. These thoughts kept brooding in his head, and soon he found himself writing out his physics problems a little strangely.

1) Write the formula relating force to mass and acceleration.

F = Melony * ?

2) What is the SI unit of measure for distances?

Mel?ters, abbreviated as M?

3) Explain the relationship between an object's increasing volume and its effective inertia.

Assume Melony is smiling.

As Mel's smile increases...

The rest of the page is covered in scribbles and half minded answers, but as the bell rang for the next class he regained his attention. Embarrassed, he quickly shoved the paper into his bag and hurriedly ran out the door for his next class.

The reason that Melony and Max were drawing so much attention, you see, as well as their extreme views on each others hearts, is another tale in their history. In four years of school at CDH, and indeed her life before, Melony had never been in a serious relationship, or even flirtatious. It wasn't that she felt she was unattractive, indeed it was the opposite; Melony was one of the most sought after girls of her class. People would tell the story of Melony's sophomore year, on Valentines Day, when each member of the football team bought her a rose; but she turned them all away, lovingly turning every single one down, which the entire team later agreed on was worth their unified rejection. Her explanation for never having a boyfriend changed from year to year -there was one instance when a substitute teacher asked who her boyfriend was, and she replied by pointing to herself with a sarcastic grin- but mostly she just said that she didn't like anyone at the time, so it was no surprise that such a change of heart would cause the school to turn its head, if somewhat moderately. It's not every day that a pious wallflower takes up a man, and an attractive one at that, although anyone who could claim Melony to be theirs was to be considered the luckiest man in the school.

Max had nearly cleared his head when he spotted Melony in the hallway, still wearing the jacket. She spotted him and began to make her way over, a small grin on her face. His heart began to quicken its pace in his chest. His mind began to cloud with the warmth he had so recently suppressed. As she approached he could feel himself sweating, his heart beating at an alarming rate, ready to burst from his chest. It was a feeling of absolute joy and absolute terror, having such a beauty approach him.

*It's alright, just stay calm, act natural and nothing wil-*

He was never able to finish the thought as Melony passed him and lightly scratched his arm, almost caressingly, with a passionate stare directly into his chocolate hued eyes. It was a conformation of his thoughts, of his dreams; within that one shining moment his entire life before seemed to be a dull, pale comparison. It was a total surprise to him, and the others in the hall, producing a number of stares and wide eyes. No doubt this would be the talk of the day, and of many more to come. Any notion Max had of retaining his 'single' status went flying out the window after Melony looked into his eyes with such a caring, loving intensity. Indeed, no one could publicly deny their status as an item after such a display of affection in such a strict and conservative place. If only they weren't at school, if only he could embrace her and tell her how he suddenly realized he felt. Max found himself thinking bitter-sweetly about the fact that he and Melony didn't share lunch shifts. On the one hand he wouldn't have to awkwardly deal with their implied relationship, but then again... he wanted to see her, he wanted her to caress him, to envelop him in her warmth. He could not deny it, he wanted to be with her, to protect her, provide for her, and be there for her.

A day ago this would seem alien and awkward to him, thinking this way about his childhood friend. Though now, today was the only day that mattered, his mind raced with possibilities and fantasies, until the final bell rang and he found himself heading out the front gate, a half minded smile planted firmly on his face as he stared into nothing.

"Hey max!" Melony called behind him, giggling softly as she ran up to him. She seemed to be happier than ever, her smile lighting up her face as she darted and twirled around max outside the gate, carrying her own messenger bag on her shoulder. Her soft laughing was almost melodious to Max; he wanted to slap himself for not realizing how cute and delicate she was, or at least for not realizing it until now. Max had to prepare the words a few times in his head before he could say them, and even then he did so with a crack in his voice. "Hey, are you free for studying tonight?" He would have to work on the nervousness if he was going to keep his feelings to himself for long.

Although Melony responded in a way that Max was hoping for, she seemed to be slightly distressed, "alright, can we study at your house? I need some help with some... things." She looked away slightly when saying 'things', as well as in a lowered voice. His head was firing off fantasies left and right, and he was barely able to speak, but he couldn't stand there in silence. There was a slight pause before he was able to barely cough out a "Let's go" and stiffly started to walk.

Their walk home was silent as they walked next to each other, Melony couldn't stop smiling for the first half of their walk, but as she glanced at him occasionally, his stiffness scared her.

*Could he know? Is that why he's acting so weird?* she thought, and as they continued in silence the doubt turned sharply to panic. *Oh god, he knows! He must know! What am I going to do? I'm going over to his house! No, no, NO! This isn't what I wanted!* she screamed hysterically inside her mind, but outside kept her composure. Thankfully she was able to calm herself before they reached his house, a small single story blue painted home in the middle of the block, with a large oak in the yard enclosed by almost tacky garden gnomes in garish porcelain clothes.

The walk up the stairs to the door never seemed more powerful to them as it did now, both worrying about the security of their feelings, excited and scared about what would happen in the next few hours as they remained in the house.

But if you asked either one at that very moment what their expectations were about the evening; if the story could be stopped, and their innocence reviewed, you could expect any sort of romantic comment about their perfect virgin evening together. Sadly all stories are not so comforting, and if the hypothetical question were asked, neither one could have guessed anything close to what was going to happen...

As they entered the house Melony was relieved when Max's stiffness suddenly released, as if a dam were broken by the river of his demeanor, returning to the natural flow she grew up to know. He slowly walked over to the middle of the living room, with its grey carpeting and white walls; it had a neutral décor that almost camouflaged him. He set his bag down on the floor in the usual study spot, right before the hallway on the right flanked by the end table with family photos and a lamp, as well as the dark green couch they had taken naps on during infancy. The hallway led to the deeper parts of the house, the bedrooms, bathroom, and basement. The kitchen and dining room combination were to the left in an open floor plan, making the house feel like one big room where everyone could relax and be at ease. Melony could see the yellow walls of the kitchen almost glowing as she sat down next to Max's bag, and started to organize the homework she had for the night. There were a few calculus problems and the Physics worksheet -she detested physics, and was continually struggling in the class- as well as a composition paper that she wanted to work over with him. It was almost strange how relaxed she became when she adjusted to the near nightly routine of doing homework with Max, who was currently heading towards the bathroom down the hall. She unbuttoned her shirt slightly but kept the jacket on; she didn't want to be without it now, even though it was making her uncomfortably hot. Max had just flipped on the bathroom light and fan, creating a mild buzz to drown out the sounds of impolite relief, when he turned and asked, "So, what's the damage tonight?"

She instantly tensed, as it had been nearly half an hour since they had last spoken. Should she start with homework? Or should they have their talk? She decided to play it safe, at least she thought, by answering truthfully. "Uhm, I haave...." And she quickly reached for the assorted papers lying on the floor in front of her, "Calculus, a Comp paper, and Physics." She said while shifting to laying her stomach and proceeding to nibble on the end of her pencil to calm her nerves.

He nodded curtly and said as he started to close the door, "Alright," and stopped before the door was shut, remembering his work on the physics worksheet. He opened the door again and looked back at her, now having the perfect view down her shirt at the auburn cleavage bestowed upon her. He wasn't able to think when he said it, but he uttered blankly "Ok, I have physics done so I'll help you with it later." And shut the door.

Melony softly hummed as she reached over to Max's bag, undoing the straps and buckles keeping the expensive textbooks safe. She pulled out his calculus book when she saw his personal reading book, "COLD BLOOD AT MIDNIGHT" by Karen Ardentia. She remembered him telling her about it, a real man's mystery murder written in a colonial setting with an intelligent writing style and large vocabulary. It usually wouldn't be worth notice except that in between the pages she noticed an unusual bookmark; it was the unique green color of the Physics worksheets Mr. Cutler always assigned. She was curious why he put that in there as a bookmark, so she grabbed the book and laid it out in front of her. Melony also remembered that Max said he was almost finished with the novel, but the physics worksheet was folded in half and placed almost randomly in the middle of the book, the page itself didn't have any story significance, some character development about a villain that liked to call everyone "Dear".

Max opened the door of the bathroom, and before exiting checked his fly as a matter of habit. Good to go. He exited the bathroom ready for serious studying when absolute horror grasped him. Melony was sitting on the floor, opening the book he stuffed the physics sheet into. Time seemed to slow as his mind raced with the options he was left with. His heart was screaming, desperate to protect the part of itself about to be revealed. He began to run towards her, at what seemed to be an impossibly slow rate; his steps were massive, like a giant walking across a plain, but still so slow, too slow. While his body seemed to be a slug, his mind was a cheetah, searching for an answer to the life threatening problem that was happening before his eyes. He was at the entrance of the hallway now, and bumped the lamp on the end-table causing it to tip precariously. One of the possibilities in his mind mixed with reality as he caught the lamp, the lampshade facing toward the floor.

Melony was just unfolding the physics worksheet, and noticed there was an unusual amount of writing on the page. At first glance she thought that meant it would be a long night, filled with lectures on theory and multiple complicated formulas to do a simple problem, but she noticed that the writing didn't pertain to physics... at all.

She read the problem that caught her attention most, one that was halfway down the page.

6) Explain the fundamentals of why an electric circuit creates a magnetic field when run through a copper wire.

And in big, scrolling letters across the entire answer section, was written:


It was then that she heard the snap as the lamp was detached from its cord, when she noticed the hastened steps, when she noticed in the fraction of a second that she looked up into the eyes of the wolf who loved her, now filled with fear as he raised the lamp above his head.

"What's g-"


It only took one hit, as Max was moderately strong, and Melony was out cold.

Something inside Max had snapped. He was in shock; it felt to him as if he was in a dream, as he stared at the limp body before him. She wasn't bleeding, which added to the surreal-ness of it all as he dragged her to the basement door. He opened the door and turned on the light as he descended, Melony lying still at the threshold of the stairs. He stopped when his face was level with hers above, relaxed and starting to show a large lump behind her left ear. He turned her head up with one hand to meet his, and he kissed her lovingly for a moment before heaving her awkwardly over his shoulder.

* * *

Melony awoke to a splitting headache and blurry vision, her ears were ringing too. It felt like she was hit by a truck. *A cold truck* she thought as some of her senses returned. She felt very cold, almost as if...

She was shocked as she realized she wasn't wearing any clothes, her body exposed as she sat against the cold cement wall of Max's Basement. She reached up with her arms to cover her mammaries and noticed that her arms were tied at the wrist with orange electric extension cords. Confused, she followed the trail of the orange snake like captor up to see that it was one cord, attached at each end to one of her wrists and looped around the rafters near the ceiling. She tested her reach, and as she reached past her natural arm length to the floor, the other arm was pulled up. This allowed her to sit naturally on the floor with no discomfort, but once she shifted even slightly to a movable position, her own body movement would cause her to lose balance and fall to her ass with a painful THUD.

She opened her mouth to scream, but her mouth was tied shut with a cloth that acted like a muzzle on her short snout. She began to claw at the cloth, but it was made of a strong towel and double square knotted, and she was unable to slip in between the knot to undo it, and it was far too strong and thick to break by flexing her mouth. Now she began to breathe heavily as panic was taking over. She was overwhelmed, she had no escape, and the heavy breathing seemed to be incurring the headache again, and her vision blurred slightly before she was able to slow her breathing.

A loud sound near the back of the basement caught her attention. The room was not well lit, with a single utility light attached near the middle of the ceiling creating an eerie interrogation room mood. The golden light from the lamp barely reaching where she sat, now teary eyed as she began to lapse into a frenzied panic, desperately searching for the source of the noise. It was Max, standing... naked at the back of the room! There were two chairs in front of him that he pushed into the middle of the light; they were simple wooden chairs that made loud groaning noises as they were slid across the floor. On the left chair sat Max's clothes, slumped messily and haphazardly on the chair; but on the right were Melony's clothes neatly folded, on the bottom was the jacket she caringly wore during the day, topped by her shirt and skirt. On the very top neatly laid out, as if on display, were her panties and bra, accentually holding up a white flower from the vase in the kitchen. It almost froze her, how much care max had put into folding them and arranging them like that. But the thought that Max had STRIPPED her made her eyes overflow. He slowly approached her, and she saw that his member was fully exposed, pink and pulsing in what she guessed was seven inches of length and likely four inches of girth.

"I see your awake, my lovely." He said as he kneeled down next to her, his member now pointing directly at her, like a different creature trying to lunge for her. She couldn't believe he was so big, as she heard most of her wolf friends joking about each other and their sizes being near four or five inches, and she always heard from her girlfriends the results of men that were... smaller than their personality implied. She backed away as he reached towards her, but his strong hand pointed her face to his, and she looked into his eyes. The eyes she saw this afternoon was not the ones she was forced to look into now, they were different, numb eyes. This wasn't the Max she grew up with, this wasn't the max that was introduced to her in a stroller at age 2, not the max that gave her cookies at age 4 when she was crying and he said "I'm sowwy, I tought girls wiked spidahs." No, that max was somewhere else, deep inside his own mind, asleep, this was the part of a man that resorts to his immediate desires when forced to survive. This was Max's primal id.

"I'm sorry you were out so long, my dear, but I provided every possible comfort for you." And he smiled an eerie, scary smile that was a perverted version of the one she knew. "I see you're having trouble standing. Do not worry, I shall help you." And with that he grabbed her by the hips and forced her to her feet, but the blood rush almost caused her to pass out. He seemed to notice this as she almost went limp in his strong and well toned arms. "Oh dear, it seems you're a small bit tired." And he looked her up and down as he held her on her feet. "Let me hold you closer as you regain your strength." He whispered as he pulled her in tight, bringing his shaft against her belly and poking into her just above her clitoris.

"Max, please come back to me" she tried to say through her towel muzzle as she hugged back. The tears streaming down her face by now, with his member creating a center of heat in between them. The only logic she could use to keep from going insane was that this was not her childhood friend, that someone had taken his body, and that she was the only person able to bring him back. They held each other for several minutes, max slightly shifting constantly to keep himself aroused by her stomach fur's contact. Finally max looked into her eyes again, and even though Melony hoped he would naturally revert to the normal Max, those blank pits of an alien stared back at her. He broke their embrace and moved behind her, while holding her on the shoulders to keep her facing forward.

"What are you doing?!" she yelled through her prison, the muffled and garbled sounds making Max smile wickedly.

"Sorry dear, but it's time to have some fun." He said in a deep, lusty voice as he released her left shoulder and started to guide his cock nearer to her hole. Melony started to struggle, trying to push her hands behind her and stop the alien person from committing this unforgivable act, but as she realized earlier it was impossible to force both of her hands in the same direction as they were directly connected. She started to scream as he inched closer and closer to taking the precious virginity she had so closely guarded all these years, her lungs straining from the inability to force more than a small sound from her throat.

"Do not worry dear, I will be gentle, but it will most likely hurt, and it will not be quick, I plan on enjoying my time." He muttered as he continually brought the gap between them closer.

"MAX NO! IM A VIRGIN!" she screamed at the top of her lungs through her nose.

Suddenly Max stopped, as he seemed to be in conflict with himself, as finally one of Melony's screams finally hit home. Melony could see it, and began to cry. He was still in there, still able to redeem himself.

But with a shake of his head, Max once again became the lustful id, and pressed himself against the tip of her slit.

She screamed again and again, as loud as she could, and Max retreated slightly as the conflict renewed. Suddenly a growl echoed from deep within Max, and it may have been resistance within him, or the lust of the id, but he moved his member to her tail hole and had no quorum with freely plunging in, causing unimaginable pain for Melony as his pulsing member penetrated directly upwards into her dry, unlubed anus. Her tears flowed as she could feel her insides clamping, clenching, reacting in ways she had never felt or wanted to feel, the worst was when she realized she was bleeding from the roughness of his entry. Max's shaft was indeed coated red in virgin blood as he slowly moved from full hilt to barely inside Melony, repeating over...and over... and over. Indeed he was not quick, he was almost deliberately slow with his thrusts. Her sobs did nothing to quench his lust as he growled deeply in pleasure as he moved agonizingly within her, her anus naturally trying to push the intrusion out by clamping systematically around the veiny cock at the tip and moving down to the base; creating a deep, almost magical sense of pleasure in Max.

She only looked back once, to make sure it wasn't the real Max doing this to her. But all she saw was a wolf with closed eyes, head back and moaning deeply as he started to thrust faster and faster into her as he held her hands to her round and supple hips. Without seeing his eyes, she wasn't sure any longer, and the last shred of hope she felt slipped faintly away. His pulsing and thrusting was increasing in it's pace, and Melony renewed her echoing screams and sobs as her breasts bounced up and down on the front of her chest.

"MAX, DON'T DO THIS. PLEASE." She pleaded, but to no avail. She could feel his thrusts becoming shorter as a knot was forming at his hilt. Her tears now dotted the floor as they had been "intimate" for nearly half an hour, and Max showed no signs of fatigue, though his knot had reached its full size. His grunts and groans began to get louder, until they were nearly as loud as her muffled screams that seemed to burst her lungs at the intake of every breath.

With a final howl and a deep thrust that threatened to lock them with his knot, he came, the impossibly hot semen spraying into her and making her feel disgusting on the inside, as if someone had replaced everything below her waist with the filthiest garbage and refuse. She clenched at the feeling as a natural reaction, and Max leaned in and nipped at her ear, making her muffle in terror repeatedly. "mmhmm. How did you like that, my dear?" he whispered sensually, as if the constant screaming wasn't enough. She stopped screaming shortly after though, as she was too sore to resist any more. She just wanted to die; she wanted to end the horrible feelings she had within her.

Unfortunately Max had other plans, for after around ten minutes he shortly announced to her "ready to go again?" and laughed loudly as he pulled his still erect member almost completely out of her. She wished he would retreat, she wished he would grab a knife from the kitchen and stab her through the heart, but she knew she would have to endure the pain for a while longer. As if on cue to that thought, Max began to wildly thrust into her anus once again, lubricated now by the juices he released inside her previously. This time, she didn't scream, she didn't resist, she just stood there as he bent her parallel to the floor and rammed himself impossibly fast into her anus. He came much earlier with his second shot, only after around fifteen minutes, which seemed to be an eternity for the both of them. This time he seemed to release even more than the first orgasm into her, and she strained to get away, kicking her legs in a final effort to resist as once again the burning liquid filled her. He laughed at her weak attempts. He slapped her tight, supple ass harshly and laughed again as he pulled out of her ass and she clamped impossibly tight. Max's member was coated with dried blood and semen, the remainder of both contained inside her, unable to escape because of her bodies defenses. He slowly undid her bonds and muzzle, revealing marks that would eventually become unseen bruises on her wrists and mouth, obscured by her deeply colored fur. She collapsed, helpless, on the floor and crawled back to the wall.

He sat next to her, propping his elbow on a knee, and said probably the most hurtful thing Melony has ever heard in her life to this day, into her ear.

"Remember to be a good girl from now on, you want to keep your virginity." And with that the primal id retreated to the dark recesses of Max's mind, and he collapsed on the floor, waiting for his main self to regain courage and control.

Melony had to do something before Max woke up, so she began to crawl across the floor to the chair, too tired to stand. She grabbed her clothes, trying desperately to garb herself, with her bra and panties feeling like they had been ripped to shreds as she put them on. Her shirt felt like a worthless piece of tissue paper, and her skirt fared no higher an opinion. As she was feebly trying to button her shirt Max stirred, and Melony cringed in fear as she retreated to a fetal position at the base of the chair, afraid of the other Max that had raped her.

His eyes rose, and Melony was relieved to see they were the natural Max's eyes, with the caring brown pools that helped her with her homework what seemed another life ago. He looked confused, wondering why they were in the basement and why his friend was biting her lip at him with such a terrorized expression. Max looked down, and saw the blood and semen coating the area around his sheath and testicles. Like a wave it hit him, he shifted to his knees and grasped his head between his hands as the last hour flooded through him. Not merely the memories, but the sensations, words, and expressions. Tears flowed onto the ground, and he looked up at her, his mouth quivering with his sadness.

I'm sorry... so sorry. He mouthed the words to a mirror face, a face of cried tears and broken feelings. He started to crawl towards her, and she retreated further into a fetal position, forcing her head between her knees, smelling the small amount of semen that was outside her anus with its pungent odor of shame. She attempted to crush her own head in between her knees, but she wasn't strong enough, physically and mentally. She felt a hand touch her foot softly.

"DON'T TOUCH ME." She cried with dry eyes, "NO ONE CAN TOUCH ME."

Max retreated, and after a short minute asked, "what... what did I do?"

"EVERYTHING!" she yelled furiously.

"A-are you still..." he searched his mind for the words "are you pure?"

"I AM, I WISH I WASN'T BUT I AM." She shouted, unable to lower the intensity and emphasis in her voice. The truly sad part was that Melony was telling the truth. Melony wished he had taken her virginity, not in the way he took her earlier, but in a warm bed with rose petals strewn about, and silk sheets covering their loving words that they would have spoken into each others ears as they gladly made beautiful love to each other. Now, however, she was broken, a doll who had her insides crushed, a victim of a brutal rape, possibly psychologically damaged and unable to have a meaningful relationship for the rest of her life.

She couldn't stand it any more. With the strength she gathered from sitting, she grabbed the jacket and ran up the stairs, once upstairs she forgot her bag and shoes, simply running barefoot down the three streets to her house, the large green corner house with its beautiful gardens cultivated by Melony and her mother during the summer months. Her parents weren't home, a blessing she had no time to give thanks for as she ran to her room, and swiftly locked the door. The entire time she had been crying, but no tears would flow, they were used already for max, she had none now for herself. It would be several hours before her parents returned home after sunset from their romantic dinner, to find her door locked and bolted, and in the morning they would see her wearing her school uniform, with the jacket clutched tightly to her chest, and she'd be softly crying and stroking the lump on the back of her head.

Max sat in the basement of his house for a long time... his parents also returned late; his mother entered arguing, and probably would be arguing for most of the night with his father. Maybe it would be violent again; maybe they'd forget about him again and leave him to cry himself to sleep in peace. This time it would be for more than one reason. He didn't know what he was going to do about it in the morning, but he had to try. It wasn't a mans way to quietly slip away, as much as he wanted to. He was sitting on the floor crying when a question came to mind, a question that made him sick for even daring to ask himself. Was he as bad a person as if he had raped her vaginally? Or was it slightly less of a crime that he didn't take her virginity?

Max didn't know the answer yet, neither did Melony. But they both asked themselves that question that night at some point, perhaps at the same time; but no one can say for sure. What can be said is that they would spend the next chapter of their lives discovering the answer.

To Be Continued.

PostNote: WHEW that was long, please take the time if you read the entire story to rate it and possibly leave a comment! Ideas and criticism are widely appreciated and accepted!