C-Boi's Diaper Day

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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A commission for Sigma on another site. I hope you guys enjoy it if you can.

Crinkle crinkle went his diaper as he rolled over in place, looking over at his alarm clock. The feline reached out and patted it lightly, turning off the alarm before it could go off, and slowly pulled himself upright. Sigma stretched his arms over his head, yawning softly to himself before rubbing his eyes.

"What a night," the king cheetah muttered under his breath, slowly getting up from his bed. "Well, time for the morning change." He shuffled towards the bathroom, feeling the soft, smooth exterior of the diaper rubbing against his thighs as he walked along. A small smile crossed his face at the feeling, but he ignored the urge to reach down and rub the diaper, just wanting to get in the bathroom and change himself.

The cheetah shut the door behind him, and slowly pulled the diaper off. It had a little wet stain inside. Not really surprising, he thought; he usually filled the diapers with urine before going to sleep and sometimes while he was dreaming. It was something that made it so he didn't have to get out of bed to use the bathroom, and besides, it was fun.

Of course, it was a little different now, Sigma thought to himself as he looked down at the space between his legs.

Yesterday, he had been a regular feline male. A simple cock, not too big and not too small, and good for anything he needed, had hung between his legs. It had been familiar, fun, and he'd never thought of having anything else there before.

Now, due to a new diaper that he'd tried yesterday, there was something quite a bit different down there. A pussy, a cunt, as some would call it. No sign of his balls or his cock or anything male remained below the waist, and he was still getting used to the lack of bulge that it left in his diapers and in his underwear. It didn't feel quite natural yet, and there was still this odd excitement looking at himself, like he was looking at someone else instead of him.

Sigma prodded at his pussy a few times, poking it, though never going quite so far as to sink a finger inside of it. "I really hope the store has some more of those samples left," he muttered under his breath. It really seemed like the only way that he would be able to change back, and even that was only guesswork on his part, but it was the only thing that he could think of. Peeing in the diapers was what caused the change in the first place, maybe doing it again would reverse it. He could only hope that was the case, otherwise he'd be stuck like this for who knew how long, and while it was fun so far, he didn't know if he really wanted to be a c-boi for the rest of his life.

Taking a piece of toilet paper and wiping his pussy dry, he reached into a cupboard and pulled out another diaper. It was one of his old brand, rather than the new kind, but it would do for now, he thought. After all, he wore diapers most of the time anyway, just in case he got the urge to have a little fun while out and about, not to mention the comfort that they gave him while he was out of the house. There was just something so comforting about the crinkling cloth around his groin and rear, something that made him smile while wearing it. Not that he'd ever tell anyone that, of course.

The diapers pushed against his new pussy in a very different way than they had his cock, and he realized that it was because he was wearing male diapers over female body parts. Groaning softly, Sigma tried to ignore the feeling of a gap between his new genitalia and the interior of the diaper, but it was almost impossible. It reminded him of when he had bought diapers that were way too big, and it had made him feel like he'd had the world's smallest dick while wearing them.

This wasn't much better. It constantly reminded him that he didn't have a male's equipment hanging between his legs, and while it wasn't so bad as thinking that he was miniature, it still made him very self conscious about what others might see. If the diapers fit this badly, how would his pants look?

He forced himself to stop thinking about that, and just tightened the diaper a bit more, pushing it upwards towards his pussy so that it was more firmly in contact with it. Pushing his legs together while he walked looked a little silly, but at least he could feel contact between the diaper and his groin. Comfort like that was worth looking a little silly, in his book.

After applying some deodorant, he walked back to his bedroom. It didn't take long to find some comfortable clothes, some jeans and a shirt, and pull them on. Sigma had a great deal of practice in making sure that his diapers didn't bulge in a way that showed them off through his clothes, and this time was no exception. After he was dressed, he posed in front of the mirror, checking himself out from several different angles. No matter which way he looked at himself, even he couldn't see the bulge or white of a diaper through the jeans he wore. A little smirk crossed his face. "Still got it," he muttered to himself.

"Well, off to the store." His wallet in his pocket and his keys spinning on his finger, he made his way through the house, and off towards the car. Every step he took was weird, as it ground the diaper against his new pussy, and it was a mix of pleasure and just plain weirdness for him. Shaking his head, he did his best to ignore it, but Sigma was pretty sure that he'd have a different sort of wet spot inside of his diaper than usual.

The car wasn't a lot better, he thought. As soon as he got inside, he could feel the vibrations through the seat. Grumbling to himself and trying to ignore the weird way that it affected his new genitals, Sigma drove out of the garage and took off down the road towards the store, pushing the gas a little harder than usual in his eagerness to try and reverse this.

Thankfully, there wasn't a great deal of traffic on the way there. The lights were green, for the most part, and when he got to the parking lot, it was almost empty. A breath that Sigma hadn't even been aware he was holding was released, and he stepped out of the car with a small smile. "Please have more, please have more," he muttered under his breath, locking the door behind him before heading into the store.

With a wave to the cashier, he picked up a basket and set off down the aisles. His ears twitched and so did his tail as he forced himself to check a few other aisles, looking over different medications. A few things that he really didn't need and a tube of cream that he would never use made their way into his basket, just to make sure that it didn't look like he was here for just one thing. Even if most of the cashiers were understanding, it was still just a little bit embarrassing to him.

That didn't mean that he was slow getting to the diaper aisle, by any means. Compared to the other times that he had been in the store, he was pretty sure that he set a new record for getting his other shopping done before getting to the diapers. Sigma ignored the different ones that he had tried before, the old brands, and just looked for the sample ones that he had found yesterday.

It didn't take him long to find the display case, but when he looked inside for the boxes, he found that they were all gone. Not a single box remained, not even one sample case. His jaw dropped in shock.

"Excuse me, sir?" Sigma turned to see a tabby cat dressed in the store's uniform. "Can I help you find something?"

"Uh..." He paused, blushing, before continuing. "Well, I was here yesterday, and I picked up some of this new brand for a friend. They said that they really liked it, and were hoping to get some more. Do you have anymore in the back, or anything?"

"This brand? Oh, I'm sorry," the employee said, shaking his head. "It sold out in just a few hours. I don't think that we're getting another shipment in for at least another week or so, and that's if the company actually keeps making it."

"Why would they stop?"


Sigma looked down at the name tag. "Look, Cameron, I'd really appreciate it if you could tell me this? I really need to find some more of these; my friend was really insistent."

Sighing, Cameron nodded. "Well, the company seems to be having a lot of problems. We got a lot of complaint calls yesterday, and a lot of them were re-routed to the company lines, since we couldn't really do much about the product for them. But from what I gather, most of them are going to be trying to sue the company for how bad the product is or something. I didn't get much out of them, and they didn't seem to want to talk about why they were angry. But if they're half as angry as they sounded, I wouldn't be surprised if there's some sort of mass recall on these things."

He just stared at that announcement. His jaw tried to fall down, but Sigma was able to keep it from doing that, at least. A mass recall? That could leave him like this forever, if he didn't find someone that could actually help him. He could try going to a doctor, but he really didn't want to do that if there wasn't some other choice. And besides, what doctor would believe him if he didn't have some sort of proof.

Shaking his head, Sigma asked, "And you have absolutely none of them left? You're sure? Not in the back or anything?"

"Not in the back or anything," Cameron said, shaking his head. "Can I help you find a different brand? Maybe your friend could do with another one until we see if the new shipment comes in."

"N-no thanks, but thank you for offering," he said with a slight stutter.

Cameron nodded before walking away, and Sigma shook his head a few times. Well, this was not working out the way that he would have hoped. None of those diapers in stock at the moment, so he couldn't see if it might reverse things for him; there were a ton of complaints, so the company might not even make any more to send out; other stores would hear about it, and that meant that they'd probably never order it from the company either due to the controversy...

Well, it looked like he might have to get used to his new pussy for the time being, odd as the thought was. Sigma shook his head as he sighed to himself, leaving the display case behind as he looked over some of the other diaper brands. He had bought some just yesterday, but considering how wet his diaper had been this morning, he wanted to make sure that he covered until he had a chance to explore cures for his condition.

He mumbled under his breath as he stepped between the different brands, shaking his head a few times. "This is just ridiculous," he muttered. "Getting turned into a cunt boi, losing my cock just because I pissed in a diaper...whoever heard of something like this happening to -"


Sigma almost leaped out of his skin at the crashing clang of another stand hitting the ground, and did leap off of the floor in shock. Whipping around, he just caught sight of several pups running off towards another end of the store, leaving a collection of pill bottles scattered all over the floor. Their parents were running after them, shouting for them to calm down. He chuckled a bit, pressing a hand to his chest to calm his racing pulse.

However, as soon as he realized that the pups were responsible for the crash and it wasn't more serious, he noticed something else. There was a growing heat in his diaper, almost as if he was -

His eyes darted downwards, and went wide as he realized that he was pissing himself, and not intentionally either. It was just coming free, and it took all of his willpower to stop it. Even so, it took him almost ten seconds to stop the urine flowing, and he blushed as he rapidly looked around, hoping that nobody could notice. Not that it was all that likely that anyone could, considering how absorbent the diapers were, but it was still nerve wracking.

Thankfully, nobody seemed to notice, and Sigma leaned against the nearby shelf, shaking his head. "What the hell?" he muttered under his breath. He wasn't incontinent, or at least he hadn't been. Why had he started -


He leaped again as another stand went over, and this time he felt the flow again before it could sneak up on him. The cat blushed heavily, unable to help himself as he continued peeing in his diaper, feeling it getting worse and worse, wetter and wetter inside of the diaper. Unlike the Super Soaker brand, these stayed wet inside of his pants, and he could feel that they were getting closer and closer to the point that they would start showing just how wet they were.

Taking off like a shot for the bathrooms, Sigma pushed aside the pups as he ran past them in another aisle, his face on fire as he felt the flow just getting stronger. Worse than that, he thought that he felt a different kind of wetness building between his legs, something besides urine flowing into his diaper and into his nether regions. The parents of the pups shouted at him as he ran by, but he ignored them, shoving the door to the bathroom open and running inside.

One of the stalls was open, and he ran inside, shutting the stall door behind him and locking it before sitting down on top of the toilet. There was no chance to get his pants and diaper down; all he could do was ride out the flow of urine into his diaper.

It just kept going, as though his bladder had not only gotten weaker but bigger as well. Already it had been a minute of urinating, and it was still going strong. Just a little bit was showing through the diaper, he realized as he pushed the waistband of his jeans out, but it wasn't quite soaking through to his pants yet. However, the white of the diaper had turned yellow, and he blushed at just how much it had expanded from being filled with his pee.

Slowly, the hot liquid stopped flowing into the diaper, and he sighed in relief, leaning back against the back of the toilet. That had been completely unexpected; one minute he had just been browsing through the diaper products, and the next, he was filling his diaper with more urine than he could remember having in his body since elementary school. All started by one big bang.


He leaned forward, head in his hands. Was the cause of the whole thing simply being surprised? It didn't seem all that likely, not in a way that would make him empty his bladder, but it was possible, he supposed; it was the only thing that seemed to connect the two episodes.

Well, he thought to himself, this was going to make things a little more complicated. If he was completely incontinent around surprises or loud noises, then he was going to need a lot more diapers than he thought, and that was just if he stayed in the house. If he went out and about, that would be another thing entirely.

But there was one other thing that had surprised him, and he was still blushing about.

Carefully, Sigma reached down to the buttons of his jeans, undoing them before pulling them off. The diaper followed after with even more care, not wanting to squeeze it or have any of the urine inside go flying over the floor. When they were both out of the way - and the diaper laid on the back of the toilet instead of on the floor - Sigma looked down between his legs.

Just as he'd thought, he was very wet, very puffy down there. His pussy was far more prominent than it had been this morning, and the lips were wet with more than just pee. Taking some toilet paper, he wiped it dry, but it was soon just as wet again. He blushed as he slowly started stroking it, remembering how it had started feeling all puffy and sensitive when he started peeing in his diaper again, and groaned, feeling a little swell of pleasure roll over him. It was...wow, that was just amazing feeling.

Despite being almost in public, he slid one finger, then two inside of his pussy. The combined feeling of hot, wet inner walls clamping around his fingers and the sensation of having something spreading him open felt incredible, slowly pushing him open a bit wider every time that they slid in and out, in and out. A small part of him worried that it would be a bad idea to keep pleasuring himself like this, but it was drowned out by the need to keep touching himself.

Fingers sliding in and out of his pussy like crazy, Sigma was only slightly aware of the world around him. All he could focus on was the building heat between his legs, so very similar to the feeling he had as he'd lost his cock. It was a heat, a need to be penetrated, a desperate need to be fucked. Right now, his fingers were barely doing the job, and he knew that he needed some relief, soon, or he would be begging people coming into the bathroom for their cocks, needing something more substantial than his fingers to get off.

He groaned, pushing his other hand down between his legs and rubbing his clit, the other forcing three fingers in and out of his pussy. It was just enough, and he could feel his pleasure building again, the tingles spreading out from the sensitive little clit he had, running up between his legs and down them. His muscles twitched in pleasure, and he moaned despite his efforts to keep quiet. The sound itself was almost a little feminine, and he blushed worse at that, hoping that there was no one else in the bathroom that might have heard it.

Thankfully, nobody responded to his moans, and he kept fingering himself, hard and fast, pushing his fingers in so deep that he could feel his palm slapping against his pussy lips. His mouth was held open by soft moans that refused to be stopped, and his other hand rubbed his clit in rapid circles. Both of his hands were utterly soaked by his juices, making his fingering louder.

Sigma panted softly, wanting to stop before he was caught, but it was like his body was in the grip of a greater need, the desire to satisfy his building lust. It was all he could do to slow his fingering, and stopping was completely out of the question. All he could do was making it slightly quieter.

Finally, it seemed like he was about to go over the edge, and he panted, his hips thrusting against his fingers just as hard as his fingers slammed into his pussy. Hot juices splattered around his fingers and the toilet seat, soaking both with his lust, and showing just how close he was. Sigma groaned, half hunched over as he rammed his fingers into his body as deep as they would go, feeling his slit spreading out wide as it was stretched, feeling it twitching and sucking at his fingers like it might at a cock, begging for relief.

It exploded over him, and he gasped rapidly as he felt his pussy clamp down hard on his fingers, spasming in climax. So much juices squirted out of his pussy that it almost felt like he was peeing again, though this was far more pleasurable than that. He squirmed and jerked around on top of the toilet, feeling it run out into the toilet bowl below, his fingers unable to stop ramming inside.

Gradually, it subsided, and he was able to pull his fingers back. He didn't bother waiting to calm down, knowing that he could start feeling that heat build up again any moment now. Reaching down, he pulled his pants up without the diaper, buttoning his jeans and zipping them up, carrying the diaper with him as he walked out of the stall. He threw it into the garbage can - the janitor would probably figure it was a baby that had a diaper change - and hurried out into the store again.

The parents of the pups were gone, he saw with relief. Sigma hurried back to the diaper aisle, grabbing the brand he knew had the highest absorbency before running all the way to the front. His eyes flicked back and forth, constantly on edge for anything that might set him off; without a diaper, there was no way that he could hide his incontinency, and while he thought his bladder was just about empty now, he had thought the same before he started peeing in the aisles. He wasn't going to risk anything.

Cameron gave him a wave on the way up to the cashier area, and Tom from the day before was there to meet him. "Hey, find everything - "

"Yeah, yeah, found everything fine, just need this today, thanks," Sigma said, looking back at the store again, breathing hard. He'd take the embarrassment of buying diapers for now - he could probably shake it off later - but he didn't want to wait.

"Just -"

"Yeah, just this, ring me up, please."

The tom cat gave him a confused look before getting the diapers scanned and bagged. He didn't even have the chance to say what the total was before Sigma handed over the total. The cheetah even ran off before Tom could give him his change, too.

Sigma felt a little bad about that as he ran out the front door of the store. Tom was a good guy, after all, and very supportive of his diaper 'habit', but there was no way that he could wait. He almost leaped into his car, throwing the diapers onto the passenger seat before throwing the car into drive. Barely sparing a quick look around him, he threw the car into reverse, backed up, and then drove off at as high a speed as he could go without getting in trouble.

As soon as he was on the road, he breathed a sigh of relief. "That...was too close." At least out here, there was nothing big to worry about. No big surprises that he wouldn't see coming, nothing that would set him off before he could get a new pair of diapers on.

He drove out of the city, towards a more rural area. Considering that he was already on the edge of the city as it was, it wasn't that long of a trip, and soon he was driving past miniature farms instead of stores, and the stretches of road between each property and the houses on them got increasingly longer. Some people looked up as he drove past, but by and large they seemed to ignore him.

Eventually, he made his way towards an empty field a few miles out of the city. Pulling off the road, he drove towards the center of it. It was at least a minute's drive from the road to the center, where he put the car in park, and sighed softly, pressing his hands to his face. "Okay...should be safe out here," Sigma said.

Stripping off his jeans while keeping an eye on the road, he placed them on the passenger seat next to the box of diapers. All too conscious of how exposed he'd be if anyone got out here before he was dressed, Sigma unwrapped the diaper box in record time, pulling one of them out. He lifted himself off of the seat, laid the diaper down, and then sat down on it again. It didn't take much time to fold it around his hips and around his legs, and he sighed in relief again as he felt himself all covered and safe. "That should hold until I get home, at least," he muttered to himself.

As he reached out to start turning the car back on, getting everything set up, some motion down the road caught his attention. A huge truck was barreling down the road, heading towards the turn. The logo wasn't familiar, nor was the driver. He was far enough away that Sigma just shrugged and went back to putting his pants on, just wanting to get home.


The truck's honking horn pierced the air, and Sigma jerked at the sound, caught off guard. He groaned, already feeling the twin heat of his bladder emptying again and the burning of his pussy for some more special attention.

"This is gonna be a long day," Sigma muttered under his breath, blushing even as he felt his diaper soak again with his urine, moaning at the heat building between his legs. "A very, very long day."