Ch. 1 - First Person Perspective

Story by Taki on SoFurry

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#1 of The Flash

What happens if two friends have their strangest fantasies come true?

Alex sighed as he sat down at the table in the corner of the college cafeteria. The person across from him looked up from her book. "Hey Alex. What's got you so down today?" she asked.

"Hi Jen. Got destroyed by a math test today. Making up for that later on is gonna suck big time," he responded, "Anything worthwhile in the food lines today?"

"Nope. You're probably better off just getting an apple or something to hold until dinner."

"I'll just grab something back at the dorm. You know, if we never actually get food, why do we still meet up here?" Alex asked. The two students finished class at about the same time most days, and had a standing arrangement to meet in the dining hall. They'd chosen the location earlier in the year, before they fully realized how dire the food on offer was.

"Centrally located?" Jen replied with a shrug. Lacking a further reason to stay in the cafeteria, they stood up and began the walk back to the dorm.

"It'll be nice to get back to my room. I'd like to do some writing to take my mind off the utter devastation that got wreaked upon me by linear algebra," Alex comments as they approach the dorm building.

"When are you going to let me read some of these stories?" Jen asks with a smile. She knew they were almost certainly furry-themed, as the two knew they shared an interest there. Jen had seen the wallpaper featuring an attractive wolf girl on Alex's laptop in a shared class. They lived on the same floor of the dorms, so she had been able to get him alone later on and ask him about it. Both had been happy to find someone else to talk to about such things, and they conversed well into that night about their preferences. Jen liked dragons and other fierce creatures, and Alex preferred the fluffier species. The shared interest had sparked a friendship, and they spent a fair amount of time talking in between classes. Still, Alex had never been willing to share the stories he wrote. Jen was fiercely curious, but didn't want to pry, partly because she had secrets of her own.

"Um...maybe one day," Alex said, his cheeks starting to turn red. "Anyway, I'm going to grab some cereal, talk to you later."

"Later," Jen waved as she headed down the hall in the opposite direction.

That night, Alex sat on his bed with his laptop as he outlined his next story. He had his back to the wall, as usual, since he didn't want his roommate looking over his shoulder. Darien had been Alex's roommate for a few months, and was mostly OK with Alex's interests, as long as he wasn't "too obnoxious about it". Alex, not being the type to look at hardcore furry porn with a roommate nearby, found this to be a reasonable request.

Regardless of how open he was about being a furry, Alex never let anyone know that he liked the kind of thing he was writing about now. At least, not in real life anyway. His stories were fairly popular on the net, but those people would rave about anything that wasn't utter trash--and some things that were--as long as it catered to their interests. He often wished he could get honest opinions from people he trusted, but that would mean revealing his secret, and that was too much to risk.

Alex's terrible secret was that he had a diaper fetish. Not that he wanted to wear them himself, of course. He just enjoyed stories about other people wearing them. Preferably female people, and preferably involuntarily. That was the kind of story he wrote, and he thought he was pretty good at it. If an author can be considered to be the god of their own worlds, Alex was a cruel god indeed.

His latest character, or perhaps "victim," was to be a skunkette in college who found herself having difficulty controlling her bladder. He'd have to come up with a reason for that eventually. Maybe it would be worthwhile to look up some medical conditions. Alex chuckled at that. The readers wouldn't care about realism; he could make up anything he wanted and they'd accept it as long as he kept the action coming. It was more fun to come up with new ways to humiliate her anyway. He placed a question mark under "Cause" and moved on.

This story would be a slow burn, with the girl's difficulties slowly ramping up until she had no control at all. He wrote down a few events to stand as checkpoints in the process: the first bedwetting, purchasing "protection", some sort of public embarrassment. He tried to put himself in the mind of the character, to decide how she would react to what was happening and fleshed out his timeline a bit. He was forced to resist the urge to dwell on some details to avoid getting interested in a way he couldn't resolve with his roommate present.

By the time he got the basic structure down it was getting late. Darien had an early class the next day and had already gone to sleep. Alex was luckier and didn't have to be awake until 10, but it was still a good idea to get some sleep. He stripped to his boxers and hopped into bed. Just as he was nodding off he thought he noticed a flash of light outside the window accompanied by a strange noise, but dismissed it as a figment of his sleepy imagination.

Meanwhile, in a room down the hall, Jen was once again thankful that she lived alone. Her roommate had dropped out halfway through the first semester and the college hadn't assigned anyone to replace her, so she got to enjoy having a single room for as long as it lasted. In this case, she had just finished a very satisfying RP session with an online acquaintance.

She played her usual character, a large, silver, powerfully-built dragon. When she had first gotten into the fandom, she played a male dragon, mostly to something different. She found she loved the power she could express as a draconic male, but eventually decided she enjoyed breasts too much to give them up. Fortunately, the fandom offered her a popular solution. These days her favorite character was a herm, with a delightfully curvy form along with some generous equipment between the legs. The options a herm character opened up when role playing were intensely arousing, and tonight she added a little something extra. Dragon-Jen now possessed powerful pheromones that would render any nearby male or female docile and aroused. The femme she had played with tonight had acted her part delightfully, and Jen decided this might have to be a permanent feature of her character.

Jen reflected with amusement that most people on the net probably thought she was a male, based on how she acted. She was content to let them believe that, since it made it more unlikely that anyone would connect her with her twisted online activities. She wished she was assertive enough in real life to talk with Alex about this. She wanted to get closer to him, but was afraid of how he'd react if he found out she had such bizarre fantasies. Maybe one day...

Being done for the night, she hit the bath room to wash her hands and retired to bed. She fell asleep quickly and didn't notice the flash of light illuminating her room.

Alex was not a morning person. Usually on days without morning classes he would wake up on his own at about 10, leaving an hour and change to get ready. Today though, he awoke early, his sleep disrupted by a variety of strange sensations. First, he was hot, even though he seemed to have kicked off his sheets during the night. He and Darien usually kept the room pretty cool, so he should have been freezing. Second, there was some strange weight resting on his back, like a heavy blanket. Attempts to shrug it off only resulted in a tugging sensation on his lower back. The last came from his chest, where it felt like he had fallen asleep on two Nerf balls.

With this trio of distractions, he decided he might as well get up. As he rotated to sit up in bed, he was shocked out of his usual morning drowsiness. The "blanket" continued to pull at his lower back, the Nerf balls pulled on his chest with extra weight, and a quick glance down revealed the source of his warmth. He was now covered in fur, mostly black but with pure white running down his chest. And it wasn't quite the chest he expected either; it was now graced with two distressingly large breasts. Alex's hands flew to them in shock, as if to verify that they were real.

"Oh fuck," he yelled, cringing at the new female tone of his voice. His gaze then whipped around behind him, to see the large fluffy tail laid out across the bed. The pair of white stripes running down it confirmed what he was starting to suspect. "Oh shit, I'm a skunk girl." Needing a final verification, he stuck his hand down his boxers. As expected, his male package was nowhere to be found, but what he hadn't foreseen was the dampness of his boxers and the bed below him. In fact, he seemed to be sitting at the center of a substantial wet spot on his sheets. He gasped as the final piece fell into place in his mind, "Ohhhhh shit. I'm my skunk girl."

Alex started to hyperventilate as she tried to understand what was happening. Since when do authors turn into their characters? Maybe it's just a dream. Why couldn't it have been another one of her characters, like the burly fox who was a sports god. Shit! She frantically searched the room for some sign that none of this was really happening, and spotted a note taped to her desk. She rose out of bed to check it and promptly fell on her face. New lesson: crushed boobs hurt, she thought. She glared angrily at her traitorous legs, which now looked substantially different from before. The distance between her toes and ankles seemed to be longer, and the angle of her joints implied she'd be walking on the balls of her feet. Of course, the fluffy tail hanging behind her didn't help her balance any. God damn tail and god damn digitigrade feet. This is going to be a pain in the ass to deal with.

She crawled over to the desk to avoid a repeat performance and checked out the note: "Hey man, you might want to check the news before you freak out too much. Catch you later. --Darien" Well that's encouraging, maybe there's some reason for this shit, she thought. She pulled over her laptop from where it sat beside the bed, avoiding the temptation to rest it on her lap, which was still moist from her newly-developed nighttime issue. Alex pulled up her browser and began to read.

The top stories all mentioned something people were calling The Flash. There had been an unidentified flash of bluish light visible from the western hemisphere at about 1 AM Eastern time. A significant portion of those exposed to it experienced some degree of physical change. Most were changed into what they considered their ideal appearance, with changes ranging from a loss of a potbelly to the complete alteration of body shape and facial features. There were sporadic reports of more "extreme" changes, but no details were available. People were urged to go about their lives as normal; no ill effects had yet been reported. Scientists were reportedly baffled about the cause.

"Extreme" is right, she thought, and it looks like I better get used to this for now. She was still confused about how she wound up transformed into one of her characters, when most people got their ideal physique. She certainly had no desire to be a bedwetting skunk girl. Suddenly her thoughts snapped back to the previous night, when she had put herself in the mind of the girl in the story. That must have been the most recent self-image Alex had pictured before the Flash came through. Oh wonderful, I did this to myself. And-- oh crap, class!

That was a harsh realization. The college had a reputation for never shutting down for any reason. It was often joked that they probably wouldn't cancel class if the Four Horsemen rode across the quad. A quick check of the school's website confirmed that everything was indeed starting on schedule, which meant she had to get ready. A mystery involving gender and species change could wait, but tests were always on time. A shower was an absolute necessity, given the state of her lower half, so she had to hurry. She grabbed her three remaining clean towels and shuffled toward the bathroom as fast as her disabled balance could take her.

Rooms in Alex's dorm were arranged in threes, grouped around a shared bathroom. Thus, there were only five people she had to worry about encountering on the way, and she was lucky to catch it completely unoccupied. She rushed inside and locked the door behind her. She peeled off the soiled boxers and spared a second to check her new appearance in the mirror. An extremely attractive skunk girl looked back.

Skunks had always been Alex's favorite species for anthros, so of course when he imagined one for his story she was well built. She had a thin white stripe running down her short muzzle, which picked up again just above her breasts in a little tuft of fur and continued down to meet another tuft right above her--moving on. Her large breasts rode high on her chest, and the white fur stopped short of covering her pink nipples. Twisting around, she noticed that the twin stripes on her tail extended up her back, joining together at the base of her neck, under her lengthened black hair. Her tail itself was about the same length as her upper body, and tended to ride up parallel to it, though she found she could persuade it into other positions with concentration. The girl blushed as she realized the show she was putting on, noting that the only redness visible was on the inside of her rounded ears.

She cut off the personal inspection and hopped into the shower. She wasn't prepared for the feeling of the warm water on her breasts, but she did her best to get the job done quickly without any distractions. It wasn't without difficulty. It's tough to wash your body while refusing to acknowledge that certain parts of it even exist. Shampooing a body covered with fur took significantly longer than she expected, even after allocating extra time to clean the bits that got extra dirty during the night. She was going to start having to buy shampoo in family size containers to deal with it. And was stuff designed for hair really the best to use? Was pet shampoo any different, really? She tabled the questions for later and rushed to dry off. In the end she needed all three towels she had brought to get dry. Guess I'll add a hair dryer to the shopping list, she thought as she rushed back into the dorm room.

Getting dressed also presented some challenges. Alex grabbed her usual loose shorts and t-shirt and set about figuring out how to make them work. The shorts were not designed for people with large tails, which meant they had to ride fairly low on her hips. A tight belt kept them from falling down. The t-shirt showed off her braless breasts a little more than she wanted, but it was far too warm outside for anything more modest. The final result was a bare midriff that Alex would have found hot on anyone else. Why do I always have to write them to be so attractive? she thought. Shoes were the only real problem. Her redesigned feet would never fit the ones she had, but the walking paths weren't safe enough to go bare. In the end she stole some bandages from a first aid kit and wrapped them around her feet. It would do until she worked out something better.

There was no time to properly clean the bed, so she threw the sheets in a garbage bag to deal with later. Thankfully all the college-supplied mattresses had a plastic covering, so it would survive with just a wipe down.

At 10:45, Alex left the dorm with just enough time to make it to Writing and Lit for the morning's test.

Back at the other end of the hall, Jen was just waking up. Her first thought of the day was confusion about why her feet were hanging off the end of the bed. And come to think of it, why do my shoulders feel weird? She opened her eyes and looked down at her body. What she saw was drawn straight from her favorite fantasies, from the generous breasts to the shimmering silver wings hanging over the edge of the bed. She looked with wide eyes from her clawed hands to the large phallus between her legs, which had also woken up at about this time. Jen let out a scream--which sounded much more like a loud roar--and passed out.

Alex made it to her class just as the bell rang. She had managed to mostly get the hang of walking with her new feet, though it introduced a modesty-destroying motion to her hips and tail. She'd been able to spare enough attention to see how her appearance was received by the other students. Most looked on with confusion, but there were a few disturbingly appreciative looks from some of the guys. A couple people called out jokes about air fresheners. Great, I've been a skunk for three hours and already that joke is getting old. The people she recognized in the crowds looked mostly the same, with only the minor tweaks the news had said were common. The most drastic change other than her own was a girl she knew to have been small up top who was now sporting an large rack, with a smile to match. Nobody else seemed to be unhappy about their alteration.

The Flash was, of course, the main topic of conversation when she got to class. Alex sat in a back corner of the room to avoid having to discuss it with anyone. A girl started to approach with a curious look on her face, but a glare turned her around. The teacher--who featured a restored hairline compared to the last class--slowly brought the class to order. He passed the test papers out individually, pausing when he got to Alex's seat. "I'm sorry miss, I'm afraid I can't recognize you with Which of my students are you?" he asked.

"I'm...Alex Lawson," Alex said, averting her eyes.

"Oh, um, well, good luck...Miss Lawson," the teacher mumbled as he walked away. Alex sighed and started on the test.

An hour later Alex was walking back to the dorm, pondering what her next step should be. Her existing clothes were fine, if a bit unflattering, but some new underwear would probably be a good idea. The bouncing was already getting old, not to mention the lecherous looks. Maybe she could get Jen to help her shop. Speaking of which, I wonder if she got a furry change as well. It would be nice to at least not be the only one walking around here. She'd also understand the reason I look like this, and I don't have to tell her exactly what kind of story I was writing. The thought of the story brought back her previous anger. Because of some stupid fetish she was stuck wetting the bed. But wait, I've been assuming I'm the character as of the beginning of the story, with just nighttime trouble. Things get worse for her later on. Am I going to have to deal with that too? I haven't had to go yet today, is that good or bad? Dammit, I can't remember what was happening in the last scene I planned out last night!

Either way, she was going to need to make some preparations for the night. Waking up in a wet bed would probably get really old. Looked like some "protection" was on the shopping list too. Alex would prefer to drive across town to pick up such embarrassing items, but if there was no way she could manage her manual transmission car with her new feet. She cursed internally and diverted toward the college general store. She almost laughed out loud as she realized she was voluntarily recreating the events she had planned the previous night.

The general store didn't have the best selection for most products, and incontinence items were no exception. Alex had been hoping for something thin and discreet, but puffy and obvious was the only option. She grumbled as she stalked to the counter and presented the package. The young woman manning the register wore the smile of someone who had been granted her ideal body, which only fueled Alex's anger more. The girl apparently felt that Alex's scowl was an invitation to start a conversation.

"Oh wow, you look so cool. How did you come up with that idea? Have you always wanted to look like this? It sucks that you have to be buying those. How did you get such a cool change but still have to wear diapers?"

Alex just stared silently until the cashier rang up her purchase and meekly asked if she needed a bag. "You bet I do. Paper if you got it, layers of plastic if you don't. I don't want anyone seeing that shit." Thankfully, the cashier was able to produce a brown paper bag to mask her purchase for the trip back to her room. She probably wouldn't be able to hide it from Darien, but at least she didn't have to advertise to the rest of the college.

Back in her room, Alex decided the first order of business was to check her story outline to try and figure out just how much trouble she had caused herself. She tossed the bag onto her bed and sat down at her desk, opening up the laptop. She dug out her latest outline from the passworded directory and started searching for something to jog her memory of what scene she had been picturing the previous night. Unfortunately, it had been a late night, and she couldn't recall any specifics. The loud click of the door opening startled her out of her search. She slammed the llid of the laptop shut as she jumped up and spun to face Darien as he entered the room.

"Hey Alex, how's it going?" Darien asked as he dropped his laptop bag beside his desk. He turned to face the skunkette and got his first good look at her. "Oh wow, I saw the skunkiness this morning but you were laying on your stomach and I didn't realize you changed into a girl too. Have you always want-- er, are you okay?"

Alex had been preparing a biting response about how this form was most certainly not what she wanted, but cut it off as she noticed the concern in her roommate's voice. "Uh...mostly...why?"

Darien slowly raised his arm to point at her and replied, "Well," Alex followed his gaze down her body and finally noticed the growing wet spot on her shorts. The shock of being interrupted had caused her bladder to release, at last letting her know what level of control she could expect from her new body. The painful realization was the last straw for Alex and she dropped to the floor as tears filled her eyes.

Darien ran over and crouched next to her. "Whoa, I'm sorry I gave you such a shock. I know it must be weird for you to have such a major change, but we all got what we wanted, right? I'm sure you'll get used to it. And anyone that makes fun of you for wanting to be female is probably a dick anyway" he said, in an attempt to reassure Alex. Unfortunately, the reason he deduced for her breakdown was completely wrong, and she just started to cry more.

After several minutes of sobbing, Alex managed to calm down enough to explain the source of her change to Darien. She even identified the story as the reason she wet herself, passing it off as a bit of characterization rather than the main focus of the plot. Now in possession of all--or at least most--of the facts, Darien was more properly supportive. "Damn man, you got screwed pretty hard then. Are you going to be ok with this?"

Alex sighed and replied, "Probably, eventually. I don't have a choice, right? Nobody knows what caused this. Today has just been really messed up." She paused to gather her resolve. "I guess I should get cleaned up before I stain the carpet," she said as she stood and walked over to her dresser, getting out a clean pair of shorts and boxers. "Would you mind running down to the lounge for a few minutes while I take care of this?" she asked. Darien nodded and let himself out of the room.

When he was safely down the hallway, Alex made a quick dash to the bathroom to retrieve a damp washcloth, pausing briefly to make sure the area was deserted first. For the second time that day, she stripped off a wet pair of shorts and set about getting clean. The damage wasn't quite as extensive as her incident the night before and the job went a bit faster. She still tried to avoid thinking too hard about what she was cleaning, but it wasn't easy. Finished, she tossed the washcloth, shorts, and underwear into the garbage bag with the sheets. She moved to put on the clean clothes when the brown bag on her bed caught her eye. If this was one of my stories, it would be a good idea to wear one of those. She laughed out of sheer frustration. This might as well be one of my stories, given what just happened. Guess I have no choice. She walked over to the bed and pulled the package of briefs out of the bag, once again cursing the campus store's lack of selection.

She knew from researching for stories that there were options for incontinence that pulled on like underwear and were thin enough to be invisible under clothing. However, the only choice at the campus store was an "extended wear" model that was not discreet in the slightest. Worse, they fastened with tapes, which Alex had no idea how to do properly, the pictographic instructions on the package being of little help. She first attempted to lay on her bed put it on, but quickly rejected that plan as it left her with the choice of laying painfully on her tail or having it tucked under her butt and getting in the way. Further experimentation yielded the solution of leaning against the wall, tail tucked to the side, peering around her breasts to line up the tapes.

Just as she got the hateful garment on tight enough to satisfy her it would do its job, Darien knocked on the door. "Can I come in yet?"

"Just a second!" Alex quickly yelled. He may already know about her problem, but she wasn't ready to be seen in just a diaper. She hustled to put on her shorts, making sure to tighten the belt enough to keep them from falling down at all and revealing her undergarment. Satisfied that the loose shorts would mask it visually, she called out to Darien, "Ok, I'm decent."

"Fifteen minutes to get dressed," he commented, "Looks like you're starting to act the part of a girl." Alex shot him an icy look. "Hey, I'm just trying some humor to lighten the mood. You seemed pretty down before."

"Yeah, sorry. I'm just still pissed about this whole thing," she replied. The skunkette walked back to her desk and sat down, wincing at the loud crinkle that caused. She started her laptop back up and logged into instant messenger. Hopefully Jen got a decent change and could cheer her up. Even though Alex was hoping to talk to her, she wasn't expecting to receive a message from the other girl the instant she connected.

Jen: OMG alex thank god you're online i need help

Alex: What's up?

Jen: the flash thing. i look totally weird now. i cant leave my room

Alex: Why? What happened?

Jen: it's embarrassing. i look like something from my fantasies. i'm a total freak

Alex: I'm kinda with you on that one. How about I come over and we can talk about it?

Jen: ok just promise you wont make fun of me

Alex: Oh don't worry about that. I just want the same promise from you. Be right over.

Alex put the laptop to sleep again and started to head out. "Be back later, don't wait up," she called to Darien. It was a short walk down the hall to Jen's room, but she was convinced anyone she passed could somehow see through her shorts and know what she was wearing. But of course that's ridiculous, and there's no way the crinkling noise was as loud as it seemed to sound. She began to walk a little faster. Arriving at the other room, she managed a single knock before the door burst open and she was roughly pulled inside.

Somehow, the knowledge that Jen had a preference for dragons hadn't prepared Alex to be confronted with the eight foot tall, well-muscled, silver dragon now occupying Jen's room. She let out a yip of fear and started to back away, taking in more details. The dragon was both imposing and seductive, with huge breasts and large outstretched wings, as well as fierce-looking claws on the end of her hands and feet. She also seemed to be wearing a toga improvised from a sheet, which didn't quite match the rest of the image. A look of confusion began to pass over Alex's face as the dragon started to speak. "Oh, sorry I scared you. I didn't want anyone to see me. Wait, is that you Alex?"

"Um, Jen?" the skunkette stammered. "You're...large."

"And you have breasts. Looks like we're about tied on weird shit."

"Yeah, I can explain that," Alex said, continuing on to relate the circumstances of why she had been picturing herself in the position of a female skunk. "And it gets worse. I know you've been wanting to read my stories, and I did have a good reason for keeping them to myself, but I figure I can't hide it from you forever." Alex pulled down the front of her shorts slightly to let Jen see what was underneath.

"Oh wow. I had no idea you liked to wear--"

"I don't!" Alex quickly interrupted, "Well, not personally. I just like the thought off girls in them." She looked away, blushing beneath her fur. "I know it's weird."

"Eh, I think it's cute," Jen said, "In fact, your whole new look is pretty attractive."


It was Jen's turn to blush. "Yeah. I've always been...equal-opportunity let's say, and you do have a pretty nice body there."

Alex's blush deepened. In fact, the attention was starting to get to her a bit. "Isn't it a bit warm in here?" she asked, trying to change the subject.

"Not that I'd noticed," the dragon responded. "But of course, we dragons care not for extremes of temperature," she continued, effecting a haughty voice. Both of them laughed. Alex fanned her shirt in an effort to cool down, the movement causing her to notice that her nipples had started poking into her shirt. That's new, she thought, and I thought that was supposed to happen in the cold, not warmth. She stopped the movement before it got too distracting.

"Anyway," Jen went on, "I can't make fun of you for anything. My house is kinda made of glass here."

"Oh please, dragons are fairly normal compared to what I have going on," Alex said. The sensation from her chest hadn't let up, and it was starting to affect her concentration. Probably just irritation from my shirt. I really should pick up a bra or something.

"There's more than that. I'm, sort of...fully equipped, down below." Jen's face got redder than before. "It was always just a fun idea to play around with. I didn't think I'd ever have to actually deal with it. I mean, I don't know how you used to walk around with one of these things. It's been demanding attention all day," Jen said, surprising herself with her own frankness.

The confession shocked Alex, who would never have suspected Jen of having such interests. However, she was having difficulty formulating a reply. The tingling from her nipples had migrated south, and she was starting to recognize it for what it was. She was growing aroused, and her focus was split between trying to determine why and cataloging the differences from the male sensation. Jen's commentary wasn't helping, and the girl found her mind filling with vivid pictures of what was under the dragon's toga. "Wow Jen, I had no idea. But hey, whatever y--hmm--you like is fi-fine with me, " she paused briefly. "I feel s-strange...."

Jen had looked away out of embarrassment as she told her story, but brought her attention around at the strangeness in her friend's voice. She saw Alex sitting with unfocused eyes, one hand moving under her shirt. "Alex, what are you doing?"

"Feel good. Warm...soft. W-why?"

"Oh no!" Jen shouted as she suddenly recognized the state her friend was in. "It's me. Being around me is making you ho-- Making you like this. I have a smell or an aura or something. It was a just a crazy idea I had last night. I didn't even remember it until now."

"Mmmm...sounds fun... No, no...this isn't right, m-make it stop," Alex said, attempting to suppress the new feelings.

"I think I can stop it from happening again, but now that you've gotten a dose of it there's only one cure."

"W-what's that?" Alex asked. She had managed to remove her hand from under her shirt, but it took all her willpower to keep it from diving back, and a rising heat between her thighs was petitioning for similar attention.

"We, um, have to have sex," Jen sheepishly replied. She had thought the idea was pretty hot the night before, and it wasn't so bad now either. In fact, her friend's behavior and the growing smell of the skunk's arousal had her new dragonhood ready for action.

The skunkette had been half-expecting that response. It was the kind of thing she would have written if she did more straight-up porn. Besides, it wasn't that bad of a thing. She'd been wanting to get together with Jen for a while now, and there weren't any secrets keeping them apart any more. And wouldn't anything be worth it to stop the hot ache that was threatening to consume her? "O-ok. Do it," she stammered.

"Are you sure?" Jen asked, startled by the girl's rapid agreement. In response, Alex started to remove her shirt, only managing to get it above her breasts before the fog of lust descended again and she got sidetracked rubbing the hard points of her nipples. She moved her right hand down toward her needy sex, groaning in frustration when her tight belt restricted her access.

"Yes. N-now. Please," she begged, and Jen's last inhibitions fell away, followed quickly by her improvised toga. She called upon the part of her that came out during role playing, and took control.

"Ok, let's get you naked first. Arms up!" she ordered, putting all the authority she could muster into her voice. The skunkette was too far gone to consider disobedience, and moved her hands above her head to allow her shirt to come off. Jen rewarded her by pushing her down on the bed and licking at her nipples. The dragon used her long tongue to the fullest, lavishing attention around the furless aureole before attacking the rock-hard nub at the center. Alex moaned as the formerly-unknown pleasure filled her, and Jen moved a claw down to slice through her belt. With the strip of leather removed, Alex's shorts were loose enough for the other girl to pull them straight off, leaving her in just the diaper. Jen wasted no time with the tapes, instead opting to simply tear off the garment. She then stood back and admired the erotic sight before her. The nude skunk girl was writhing on the bed, inexpertly pawing at her breasts and crotch, desperate for relief.

The dragon knelt between her friend's legs and prepared to introduce her to more new sensations, noticing that the skunk's thighs were already damp from her arousal. "Hmm, looks like you're really worked up honey. Good thing you had that diaper on or your shorts would be soaked," she taunted. Alex once again begged her to continue, and Jen had no intention of delaying any further. She began to lick the moisture from Alex's thighs as she moved to rub her white-furred slit. Alex gasped and arched her back, trying to get more of the amazing feelings coming from her groin. Jen moved her tongue up to the junction of the other girl's legs, lightly teasing at first, enjoying the taste of the feminine juices the skunk was supplying in abundance.

Alex's mind raced beneath the fog of the dragon's influence. She had never felt anything like what was happening to her. If being eaten out felt this good, what would getting fucked feel like? She was simultaneously eager for the experience and afraid of how much she might enjoy it. Jen chose that moment to begin stabbing her long tongue deep into Alex's pussy. The skunkette's breath caught in a silent scream. White lights filled her vision. Her fur stood on end and her body went rigid. She experienced her first female orgasm, and it was glorious.

Jen smiled up from between her legs. "Enjoy that, did you?" she asked, licking her lips clean.

"Oh, God, yes." Alex gasped. Her thoughts were slightly clearer but she could feel the intense arousal already beginning to return. "Why don't I feel normal yet?"

"Silly skunkie, I told you. We have to have proper sex. Only my seed can put out your fire now," Jen answered, in a tone of confidence Alex had never heard from her before. "Now, on your hands and knees before I have to move you on my own." This was one of her favorite positions, and she never expected to be able to try it from the dominant side.

Alex obediently rolled over and raised herself up. "Tail up, girl. Don't hide from me," the silver dragon ordered. The skunk curled her new appendage above her back, and braced for what was coming. Jen noticed her stiffen and bent down to whisper in her ear, "Don't worry, I'll be as gentle as I can. I did notice that you were a virgin when I was down there, so it may hurt a little at first. Are you ready?" Alex nodded. The powerful arousal was taking hold again. Despite her fear, she needed to be filled. The large herm paused briefly to rub her dick along the smaller girls nether lips, drawing a small moan from her. "Ah yes, nice and wet still. Ok, here we go."

Jen slowly slid her length into the quivering girl beneath her, stopping when she began to feel resistance. She spared some time to make short strokes to let the new girl get used to her size and the feeling of penetration, then pulled almost completely out and slammed her hips forward, hilting herself in the skunk's tight passage.

"Ungh!" Alex cried at the sudden intrusion. She felt a brief sting as her virginity was taken, but it was quickly buried under a new wave of pleasure.

"You ok?" the dragon asked.

"Yes!" Alex yelled, continuing in a softer voice, "Don't stop. Fuck me. Please." Jen smiled at the skunkette's vigorous assent, and did as she asked. She moved slowly at first, knowing the girl would be sensitive. However, the combination of the fulfillment of her fantasy and the excitement of dominating the girl beneath her was too much. The feeling from her new cock was amazing, somehow stronger and more focused than she expected. She began to increase her pace, grabbing the black-furred buttocks in front of her to increase the force of her thrusts. Yes, this was what she had always wanted. If she could do this again, maybe it would be worth looking like this for a while.

On the receiving end, Alex was having similar thoughts. She had never felt any desire to experience the female side of sex, but that didn't stop her from enjoying the unexpected lesson. The sensation of being filled, the weight of the breasts hanging from her chest as she bounced back and forth, the knowledge that she was not in control, that the dragon could do whatever she pleased with her compliant was all far more stimulating than she would ever have thought. She hadn't been a virgin as a male, but this was far better than any of her previous sexual encounters. When Jen had first slipped inside her, she was sure the huge cock would split her in two, but the discomfort quickly faded and now she reveled in the impression that every square millimeter of her was being touched at once. This might just be good enough to offset a lot of the pain of being turned into a furry with a weak bladder.

Jen began to speed up her movements as she got closer to finishing. The quiet yips and gasps from Alex implied she was almost ready as well. There was one final thing Jen wanted to try. After all, she didn't just have a male sex between her legs. Behind the large cock and matching balls she also had a dripping female sex. Without a male to take care of her, she had to get creative. Thankfully she had far more control of her tail than Alex had over hers, and she now brought it around to her hot slit. The spade-shaped tip slid easily inside her and she began to quickly piston it in and out. She was already on edge, and the completeness of having both sexes being satisfied pushed her over.

The dragon grasped the smaller girl's breasts and gave a final thrust forward, sinking her deepest yet into the skunkette. She roared, and came with surprising force. Alex felt the white-hot seed spill into her and moaned as stars filled her vision again. Her second orgasm managed to dwarf the first, and she screamed in ecstasy, clamping down on the invading cock. Her arms gave out and she dropped down onto the bed, her ass still raised in the air. Jet after jet of cum painted her inner walls, in what seemed a never ending torrent. She thought she had felt full before, but that was nothing compared to what was happening now. There had to be liters of semen being pumped into her and it began to leak out past the dragon's cock. Finally, Jen pulled out and collapsed next to Alex on the bed with a sigh.

"What did you think?" Jen asked, turning to face the other girl.

"Mmmm...," Alex moaned. The fog was rapidly lifting from her thoughts, and though she was expecting regret or revulsion to follow, they never seemed to show up. "That was fucking amazing. Why did nobody tell me it was like that for girls? And you could have warned me you were going to try to fill me up like a water balloon."

Jen chuckled. "It's probably only as good as that if you're under my influence. As for the other thing, you should have known better. Dragons don't do anything small."

"Well, I'm probably going to be leaking dragon cum for days after this. But hey, at least I'm already wearing protection for my other leaks," Alex said, managing a small smile at the weak joke.

Jen suddenly got serious. "'re not mad at me for doing this to you, right?"

"Nah, you didn't know it would happen. Besides, I didn't exactly hate it. In fact...if you ever wanted to do it again..." Alex said, the blush returning once more.

"Seriously?" the surprised dragon asked. Jen was sure Alex had been solely motivated by her musk-induced heat.

"To be honest, I've been wanting to ask you out for a while now, but I was afraid you'd find out about my other interests. I imagined we'd end up together eventually, but I didn't expect to be on this end."

Jen squealed in happiness, which was a surreal sound coming from a large dragon. "I was afraid of the same thing. I wanted you to ask me, but I was scared to make a move on my own."

"So, want to go out?"

"Aren't you supposed to ask that before we have sex?" They both laughed. "Yes of course. After all, you're going to need someone to change your diapers, right?"

Alex smiled and hit her with a pillow.