LSC: The Dragon's Soda

Story by Krown on SoFurry

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I sat idly behind the wheel of the car. It was stopped, engine off at the curb on the intersection of Komodo Drive and Bakalakadaka Street, the shopping district of town. It was the usual bi-weekly trip for my mother here and I had been the one of my brothers that had no obligations that kept me from being our mother's driver. I tapped my fingers idly on the steering wheel, awaiting the return of my mother from the little book store across the street and at the same time pondering why on earth I decided to finish all my homework in study hall. If I'd goofed around with the guys in class, as I'd always done, then mom would've left me alone at the house.

I didn't hate going, there was nothing specifically wrong with going to town with your mother. But there were certain aspects of it that I did find particularly annoying. I stared at the store she'd gone into and thought about joining her, it was a book store after all so there had to be some redeeming quality to it. But then remembered it was cold as fuck outside and I didn't want to go anymore.

I leaned back in the seat, enjoying the creaking of the leather, and watched as a beat up Lincoln slowly, God it was slow, pull into a parking spot in front of the little costume shop at the end of the street. An elderly lady, Ms. Wilkerson if I remembered correctly, then walked up to the store's door and pulled keys from her little black purse. Once opening the door she waddled back to her car and opened the back door. Even from where I sat I could see the large box she was trying to remove, the thing nearly took up the entire back windshield.

My gut had a problem with me just sitting here watching this unfold, so I took a breath and left the car to give the lady a hand. To my surprise the temperature seemed to be rising since we left the house, despite the fact that the twilight hour was not far away. Though I did have the notion that this was due to me staying in the toasty car for pretty much the entirety of our trip to town, but either way at least it was tolerable to go outside now.

"Afternoon Ms. Wilkerson." I said, jogging up to her car. She looked me over, then back to the box; which I noticed had a large dragon stamped on its outward side, well, actually it looked more like a wyvern now that I thought about it.

"Afternoon back," She said. "Could you give me a hand with this beast?" I nodded and grabbed the thing, discovering quite quickly that I may've gotten myself into something I couldn't handle. Even when I threw my bodyweight backwards it only inched along. "I don't know why I got a box so big; it's normally no bigger than a shoe box," She paused, then chuckled. "But that's LSC for you. They always get something in the order wrong."

I had to take a break, the thing was only halfway out of the car and it had still managed to kick my ass. I stared at the beast on the box, imagining in my head that it was laughing at me with a big, memeish grin. But, I was not mad; it would be silly to become mad at a box. But I was certainly frustrated. I turned to ask Wilkerson a question but found her gone. I was obviously stunned that the old lady had managed to slip away unnoticed, but before I could piece anything together I saw her wheeling a dolly towards me from inside the shop: I noticed a 'gone to lunch' sign slapped to the front window as she passed it.

"I saw how heavy it was for you and decided perhaps I should go get this." She smiled at me innocent, and I nodded back and said thanks. However in the back of my mind I was wondering why she hadn't grabbed the thing in the first place. It was obvious that the box was heavy even if you didn't know what was inside, so why did she think she could take it all the way to her shop by herself?

I returned to trying, key word trying, to remove the box; which still only inched its way out. It took another few hard tugs before it finally gave away and slipped free of the car. I quickly placed the box on the dolly while momentum was still in motion, but in that brief span of a second I felt the full weight of whatever was inside; it was bone crushingly heavy. The dolly rocked back and forth as the box collided with its spine. I cringed as I heard the contents shift in the box and looked at Wilkerson with a meek smile. But she took it surprisingly well.

"Well, at least this means I won't be tempted to drink any of them for an hour. Come, I'll show you where to put them." She began to walk towards her shop. I shut the car door and pushed the dolly and its load of, apparently, some sort of drinks behind her; it was still heavy as balls.

I'd gone into the shop before, mostly to piece together costumes for Halloween, birthdays, or on the one occasion, a con, but it was mostly wall to wall fabrics and materials to make them. I'll admit you can get lost in a place like this, just looking around at the pop culture stuff on hand, or the miscellaneous costumes. I still had no idea where she found the energy at her age to run this place and make costumes on commission.

She had me put them beside her desk in the back office, which smelled old and dirty, unlike the rest of the store, which smelled of rubber and, well, what a costume shop smelled like. But I didn't mention it to her because I was interested in what sort of drinks were inside the box, because I had never heard of a drink company which had a dragon as their logo, at least not anywhere around here.

As she opened it, I saw several cylinders inside with a dark reptilian pattern, black scales with a green lining around them. I reached for one and discovered it to be a small six-pack of eight ounce cans with the words LSC: Dragon's Potion stamped in big bold letters on the side. Behind it, looking hammered drunk, was the wyvern that was stamped on the box. I couldn't hide my own amusement and thus let out a small chuckle.

"I know, they look tacky but they are so rejuvenating and tasty." Ms. Wilkerson said in a manner that suggested she'd taken offence to my laughter, which had not been my intent.

"Oh no its not tacky, I-I just didn't think you would drink something as, um, obscure as this. I mean, I've never even heard of it before." She smiled.

"Well, the best things are often the rarer ones. I usually drink one of these a month and it keeps me going strong. They truly do pack a punch for such a small can. But it would appear that I've been given a wrong order, and I know I can't drink all this by myself. You keep that pack." She smiled up at me and I was needless to say shocked by her generosity, since normally she was very strict about prices for things in the store, and that her commission prices were nonnegotiable, yet here she was giving me six cans for nothing.

"Thanks." I said, looking over the brews in hand. "I'll try to drink one."

"Think nothing of it, but I will be surprised if I don't see you back here asking me for more later this week. They do pack a big punch. As I said, I only have one a month, so there'll be plenty to go around for some time." She smiles at me and I leave, after thanking her again and asking if anything else need be done.

I got back to the car to find my mother leaving Casanova, but completely empty handed. She looked confused for a moment when she saw the drinks in my hand, and for a moment I thought she'd make me get rid of them since she's on her diet and doesn't want any temptations around the house; it's been rather hellish this past few weeks at my house in terms of food and drink, so I instinctively clutched the drinks tighter to my chest.

She said nothing, pulling her cell phone out of her pocket and entering the passenger side. I grew hopeful that she had no problem with the surprise drinks, but something in the look she gave me suggested that she would dispose of them when I wasn't looking. I decided to place the drinks in the trunk before taking the driver's seat once again.

Mom was, from the looks of it, reading a book on her fPhony 3. She still remained silent as I put the keys in the ignition and started the motor. It was only when we began to head home that she said anything.

"Where did you get those drinks?"

"Mss. Wilkerson gave them to me." From peripheral vision I saw my mother's head whip around and stare at me with disbelief; I could understand her surprise. "I know how you feel. But all I did was help her get a box from her car to her shop and she gave them to me."

"Hmm, well then if you got them from her then I suppose you can keep them. So long as you don't rub the fact that you're drinking them in my face." I chuckled.

"Thanks. Did you get anything at Casanova?"

"I sure did." She said while tilting the phone towards me. "I saw this on the shelf in there and just had to buy it. The prices were wrong in the store however, because it was seven dollars cheaper on my phone than it was on the shelf. Sarah needs to keep up to date with price changes." Mom went back to reading after that, and I just kept my mouth shut and drove, trying desperately, so desperately to not say anything back to her. "Oh, tonight I've got a meeting in town with the school board with your father."

I nodded in acknowledgement, fearing that something bad might come out my mouth that would get me into trouble. I knew that my brothers would be out and about on their dates, but this was a new revelation to me. So I smirked and left it at that.

The TV flickered long into my dinner time, I hadn't really had an appetite ever since I was told I was going to be alone tonight; I would've gone out had my car not been at the shop and, as this was normally the day I did all my homework, my friends and I had planned to goof off tomorrow night. I called and asked them if they wanted to come over or something but they had made other plans. I wasn't angry, just disappointed.

I coiled spaghetti around my fork, held it in the air, and watched as it plopped back down on the plate. God I was board out of my mind, but at least my DVDs of Beast Wars was here for me. It sort of hit me hard that I really didn't have much of a social life outside of the one day of the week me and my friends do stuff as the rest of the week was devoted to school and working part-time. Images of the forever alone guy flashed in my head.

As I watched the old cartoon my eyes drifted to the full glass sitting beside my plate. Ice melted and cup sweating, the dragon soda still bubbled despite being opened twenty minutes ago. I'd been hesitant at first to taste such a foreign drink, and its apparent perpetual potency deterred me from trying it even further. But, I did have a thirst built up after eating the plate of leftovers without a drop to drink.

I picked it up and held it in my hands at a distance, sort of mesmerized by its bubbling properties. I ran my thumb around the rim of the glass, thinking to myself 'what sort of drink is this?'

"Ah fuck it." I drank the glass in one go, and almost spewed it all back onto the table as it tickled my insides as it went down. I shuddered and belched as the liquid fell into my belly, yet as the seconds passed I realized how incredibly delicious the drink had been. A little on the sweet side but all in all I had to give Wilkerson props, it was actually good. I looked back at the empty glass and felt a little disappointed that I hadn't considered it might've been worth savoring.

But they say hindsight is superior, so whatever. I paused the show, gathered my dishes, scrubbed them with hot water then placed them in the dishwasher; the habit of double working dishes came from my father, who insisted that the washer couldn't remove food. I said yes sir and have done it ever since. I took a glance at the clock and saw that it was twenty seven minutes passed ten and grew worried. Mom and Dad were never out this late normally, so I gave them a call.

To this day I know not why mom has elevator music as her ring tone, but I heard it play from down the hall, she'd forgotten it. I found that incredibly odd considering Dad's phone had died at work today and was plugged into the charger on the counter. I stood in disbelief at what I was seeing; they never did stuff like this, ever. But what could be done? I started to dial my brothers to see what was up with them but I suddenly began to feel hot, in more ways than one.

It felt like I was standing in a sauna as sweat began to form on my skin, in addition to itching like crazy. I thought for a moment something had broken with the thermostat and as I ran over there I realized I was sporting a proud erection, straining against my jeans and creating a more than obvious bulge.

"Tha fuck?" I said to no one in particular. I've heard of random erections, supposedly ghosts giving blow jobs, but I've never had one that made my knees buckle and collapse as a hypersensitive pleasure shot through me as it continued to grow. "The drink!" I yelled and half crawled, half ran to the fridge where I had stashed them; my hips began to hurt and my shirt grew tight against my chest and I could feel what I could only assume to be pre streaking down my pants. I couldn't help that I moaned loudly.

I ripped the door open and shoved everything to one side to find the cans sitting oh so innocently in the far back corner. I tore one from the plastic packaging and looked it over discovering to my horror that it had no nutrient facts or ingredient list. What had that witch given me? I couldn't move for my body was frozen by my frustration. Without any sort of acknowledgment or command I opened the drink and downed it all in one go.

As I held it aloft, scared at how my body was acting by its own accord, I felt the sensation in my loins grow ever stronger and my body trembled from this new hypersensitivity. Something in the back of my mind began to grow and grow, becoming part of me as it did. I watched like a passenger on a runaway train as my skin stretched and converted into diamond shaped wedges. As I watched them grow I found that I was yet again drinking another one of the dragon brews, and the moment it hit my belly the development exploded.

My clothes were ripped asunder as I grew double in size, and a tail shot out from beneath me, long and powerful as the wedges hardened to dark purple scales. My vision began to change as my eye sockets drifted apart on my reforming skull. I brought my hands to my face, clutching it tightly, wishing that somehow I could wake up from this nightmare. But that presence in my mind swallowed what I was bit by bit, whispering assurances that this was for the best, that I would become a god of creation if I were to continue. Another can disappeared into my gullet, surging along this time my lust.

I couldn't muster much of a fight at all against this intruding force in my mind, not with my thoughts so swamped in fucking great scaly haunches, kissing dragon muzzles and tasting every inch of my mate. Oh yes, to take up one of my own and burry my length into them as we dived through the air, and then take them again and again and again under moon lit nights. But I had no mate here; I was all alone here with a throbbing, achingly hard dragon cock. I was awash with my own musky scent that I began to drool, to lust after myself.

Licking my lips I made to take my shaft into my mouth, which I easily accomplished, and began to bob my head up and down its length. I wrapped my tongue around it, squeezing all around in a manner that sent waves of euphoria through my spine. Never as a human had I been able to experience this sort of self-pleasure, limited to only my hands and a computer to satisfy my desires. But now the god that I was had become a living, breathing embodiment of pleasure.

Every movement I made, every breath every I made, every touch the air gave me caused my tail to thrash and body to writhe in desire. I thrusted down harder, squeezing tighter as I felt myself nearing my climax, but I didn't want it to end, I wanted this state of perpetual satisfaction to be into perpetuity. And like a bolt of lightning in the dark I knew, somehow I knew that if I drank those last cans I would remain like this forever.

I didn't have time to reach for them however as my cock throbbed and drowned me in my own sweet and salty spunk. I swallowed as much of my seed as I could before I had to let go, but they geyser continued on, coating myself, the fridge, hell even the ceiling in cum.

I laid there, panting and tongue lolling out of my mouth in the glorious afterglow of the best climax I'd ever experienced. I began to lick away the cum from my lips, hardly aware I was doing it, again like a passenger as my body twitched and did as it wanted, like I was detached from it. I looked up at the still open door of the fridge and saw the two cans sitting alone, so terribly alone with no one to care for them.

Without a thought my tail reached in and plucked them from their cold perch and brought them to where my claws could reach. Oh I relished the sound of the cans' hissing as they opened, still in their plastic nooses. I poured them sloppily down my throat, taking some more of my seed with it. But, as I swallowed the room became bright and my vision grew rainbowy, until great lights prevailed over all, and that feeling of all-encompassing pleasure returned again in seven fold.

What was to happen now? I thought. Was I dead? Was this Heaven, or could I be taken to Hell? Either way who cares, not me because I'm a FUCKING DRAGON NOW! Then light turned again into something I could see.

There were great mesas with green grass all around, and tall waterfalls pouring their loads into a lake far below me. And above, oh above, dragons soared through the air. I had come home, and the mind of the human that had been dumb enough to drink my drink was nothing more than a memory in another world.

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