Rekindling the Flames

Story by Mog Moogle on SoFurry

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Rekindling the Flames

by Mog Moogle

Paul set the draft beer glass with the small layer of froth in the bottom off to the side. He looked up at the door, sighed to himself and pulled his cell phone out of his leather jacket inside pocket. Pushing a button on the side illuminated the phone's face. The clock read 10:28pm. Most of the furs around the sports bar had left for the evening, leaving only a few of the high-top tables with groups around them. Most of them were finishing up meals and would probably be leaving soon themselves.

He stretched and yawned in an attempt to ward off the fatigue of the day and the boredom of waiting. His ears perked when he heard the small bell above the door chime and he looked at the entrance to see Brad coming in. The hostess went to greet him but he politely waved her off and pointed at the table where Paul was sitting. He walked over to the table as Paul stood up, when they met Paul wrapped his large arms around him and hugged him tenderly. Brad returned the hug and gave Paul's chest a subtle nuzzling before easing back away from him.

"Hi sweetheart." The larger rabbit said quietly.

"Hi Paul." Brad said with a smile and the two sat back down on the stools on opposite ends of the table facing one another.

"So explain to me again what's going on? I'm still kind of surprised ."

"To put it mildly." Brad laughed. "Karen and I have agreed to open our relationship. As a matter of fact, she's out for the evening with her secretary."

"And this all came about because you caught her sleeping with him?"

"Well, like I told you over the phone, it's a little more complicated than that. After she realized that I knew, she was certain I would be angry. I told her that I was happy for her because I knew I couldn't satisfy her the way she wanted to be satisfied. That's when she demanded I be angry with her and she tried to physically fight with me."

"Tried to fight with you?"

"Yeah. She hit me, then tied to hit me again. I stopped her, pinned her down, and then we came to a compromise."

"You mean, that's when you fucked?"

"Y-yeah." Brad coughed.

"I still am not entirely sure how all this came about, but if I had known getting to see you on a more regular basis just involved getting caught sleeping with someone else, I would have ripped your pants off right there on the alter after you said, 'I do.'"

"As I recall, you practically did. You had sex with me at the reception as soon as we, 'went to go get out of our uncomfortable tuxedo coats.'"

"Don't forget there in that little room by the baptismal where we were waiting before the wedding ceremony."

"How could I forget?" Brad rolled his eyes. "I was so worried that it was going to leak through my underwear and I'd have to explain to everyone in attendance why there was a big wet spot under my tail."

Paul burst out laughing, which caused Brad to sulk down as his cheeks and ears heated with embarrassment. Brad shook his head then covered his face with his paws.

"What's wrong, sweetheart?" Paul asked as the laughter waned.

"You're terrible to me." Brad said as he uncovered his face.

"I know what you like. It's the same thing I like."

"Speaking of terrible ..." Brad stood up from the stool. "... let's go back to your place."

Paul chuckled and shook his head as he stood up from the table. He opened his wallet, tossing a five dollar bill near the empty glasses and walked over to Brad and put his arm over his shoulder. Brad blushed a little as he felt eyes in the restaurant on their backs as they walked out of the door. The smaller rabbit looked up at the night sky and exhaled contentedly.

"Well, I guess I'll meet you at your house." Brad said and started to ease out of Paul's grasp, but the large rabbit held him close. "What's wrong?"

"You'll ride with me." Paul said as he looked down into Brad's eyes.

"But, what about my car?"

"It's a bar, hon. Cars get left here overnight all the time." Paul smiled as he saw the unsure look in Brad's eyes. "If we're going to pick up where we left off eleven years ago, then we're going to pick up where we left off eleven years ago. Besides, if anything happens to your car, I'll let you drive one of mine."

"But, all your cars are big and loud." Brad said in a feigned whiny tone.

"Yeah, ain't it great?" Paul chuckled and pulled Brad toward his car.

Paul walked Brad to the passenger side of the red Nova, taking his arm from around him to open the door to hold it open for his lover. Brad smiled and blushed softly as he climbed in and sank into the bucket seat. He was fastening the antiquated lap belt as Paul opened the driver side door and got in.

Paul's keys jingled as he put them in the ignition and then turned them. The engine cranked over until with an almost deafening roar it came to life. Brad jumped a little at the sound, remembering that it was loud but it seemed to have gotten much louder since the last time he had ridden with Paul. The larger bunny put his paw on a lever by the T-handle shifter on the floor and pulled it back. The loud roar instantly faded to a low rumble.

"Sorry about that." Paul said with a chuckle.

"What was that?" Brad asked as he tried to shake the ringing out of his ears.

"I Just put on exhaust cutouts. They dump right after the headers. Still getting used to opening and closing them."

"I have no idea what you're talking about."

"I know." Brad laughed as he put his car into gear and eased out of the parking lot.

Brad eased back in his seat as he watched the scenery pass. It had been More than five years since he rode in Paul's car. It held a lot of fond memories for him, but perhaps just the feeling of Paul being in control is what he liked the most. Brad felt so safe and secure when he was with Paul. He felt like everything fit together perfectly.

The night sky passed overhead as they worked their way through the side streets into the plat where Paul's house was. Paul drove to the end of a cul-de-sac where he pulled into a driveway of a one story house with a two car garage. The double-wide driveway had two cars covered by tarps on one side.

Paul reached up to his sun visor and hit a button on the garage door opener. The large door lifted with a mechanical whirr, revealing another car on the same side as those in the driveway, but it had no doors, deckilds or glass and it was primer gray. Brad had no idea what it was, but Paul had it in his garage since he bought the house eight years prior. The only thing he knew is it looked like it belonged in the 80's, instead of the 60's or 70's like Paul's other cars.

Paul pulled in and parked his Nova beside it and turned it off. The two got out and Paul opened the door that lead into the kitchen of his house. He waited while Brad stepped up and into the kitchen and then he followed. Brad looked around the kitchen as he stepped into an open area that would normally be a dining nook, but since Paul never really hosted company, he'd never put a dining table in it. The kitchen was cluttered but not unclean, much like everywhere else in Paul's house.

Brad felt Paul's large palm slide over his pert rump and he almost melted into a puddle. He was mixed with nervous anticipation and joyful expectation. He'd always enjoyed seeing Paul on the sly, but the thought of being with him the same way they were together more than a decade ago was nearly overwhelming him.

"I want you so bad." Brad whispered shakily.

"I know, sweetheart. We have all night to take care of that. There are some things I want to talk about first." The smaller rabbit whined audibly as Paul continued to play with his rear but denied him what he wanted. "Oh, don't be like that. I can almost guarantee you'll like the result."

Brads ears perked up a bit as Paul led him into the attached den and over to the couch and coached him into the seat. He eased out of his leather jacket and tossed it on the back of the couch, giving Brad a nice view of his black tucked in t-shirt and defined musculature that did little to hide it. Paul eased down into the cushions beside Brad and the little rabbit snuggled as close as he could as Paul wrapped an arm around him.

"There's something that's been on my mind a lot recently." Paul began as he rubbed Brad's shoulder with his paw. "It's something I've never told anyone before. When I was twelve years old, my neighbor next door had just turned sixteen. He was an athletic type, always playing some kind of sport in the street with the older neighborhood boys. I was always the young one but I was good enough to keep up with some of them, and the rest I was better than they were.

"I hung out at his house a lot in the summer. He always had the latest Atari game or some new computer game because his mother spoiled him a lot. Not that I blame her, he had a bad childhood. I was in his room one day and he was messing with something on his desk, and he suddenly looks over at me and tells me to come over. I walked up behind him and looked over his shoulder. He had a dirty magazine.

"I don't remember which one it was, and even though I'm sure he told me where he got it, I don't even remember that. I do remember the graphic pictures of large muscular furs, the ideal males, doing all sorts of things to small framed females that had the porn picture perfect bodies. It was the first time I ever saw anything erotic on that level. The thing that stuck out the most is that even though the women in the magazine were supposed to be the main focus, I was fixated on the men.

"I remember their oversized cocks stretching out the porn stars and in true picturesque form, their faces were contorted with expressions like that big dick was the best thing that ever happened to them. He turned to a page that was a series of photographs. It started with them stripping down, then there was some foreplay, and then anal sex with a copious money shot.

"Looking over the pictures, my glance trailed down and I saw T.J. squeezing a sizable bulge in his jeans. I swallowed hard as I watched him fondle himself through the denim. At some point, he caught me staring at him. He turned to me and asked me if he wanted to try it. I was so nervous, my heart was racing. I couldn't speak at all. He took charge and stood up, and pushed me back on the bed. He worked me out of my clothes ..." Paul stopped as he drew a shaky breath. "He's been the only one to ever really dominate me sexually ... more or less."

Paul looked down at Brad who was looking up at him and listening intently. The smaller rabbit had never heard him talk about his sexual experience prior to him. Paul chuckled and pulled Brad into a hug. Brad nestled in close and nuzzled against Paul's chest.

"I'd rather just show you the rest." Paul said softly.

Paul eased away from Brad, stood up and then he took his paw and helped him up from the couch. He led him down the hall away from the den until it ended and then he turned them into an open door on the right and into a sparsely decorated bedroom. Paul released Brad's paw and sat down on the corner of the bed.

"Strip." Paul instructed.

Brad smiled softly and grabbed the bottom of his shirt and pulled it over his head. Brad discarded it on the floor while Paul worked his own belt loose. Brad giggled aloud as he watched him unbutton and unzip his jeans.

"Keep going, bunny." Paul said as he looked up at Brad. "The sooner you're out of those close the sooner I can teach you some new tricks."

Brad perked his ears once again and then hastily fumbled his pants loose. He dropped them at his feet and stepped on the heels of his shoes one at a time as he pulled his feet free from the crumpled pile of garments. Paul had finished pulling off his boots by the time Brad was standing naked in front of him.

Paul took a short break from undressing himself to look Brad over. He had changed so little over the years. His tummy had filled out a little and his face had aged some, but he was still the same height, still had shapely slightly effeminate hips and his boyish package that did nothing to conceal his arousal in his naked form was the same as Paul had always remembered. Paul pulled his gaze away as he peeled his own shirt over his head and tossed it aside.

Paul rolled over and crawled up a little more on the bed. He rested on his paws and his knees, and his tail was lifted, giving Brad a full view of his pink opening between his cheeks. Brad's cheeks and ears heated with blush. He'd seen Paul's backside before but he'd never seen Paul present himself to him.

"T.J. Pulled my pants off and rolled me onto my stomach. He lifted my hips up and I was right there in front of him, just like this." Paul said with a soft moan.

"Paul ... I ..."

"Then he pressed his muzzle right up against me ..."

Brad let out a very audible whimper which elicited an amused chuckle from Paul.

"Get over here, bunny. Push your muzzle under my tail. I'll leave the rest to your imagination."

Brad nervously eased up to his lover and knelt down behind him. He inched his muzzle closer to Paul and his senses were overwhelmed by the masculine musk that usually put him on his knees for the larger rabbit. He closed his eyes and moved his face forward until his small pink nose pushed between Paul's toned cheeks.

He pressed his muzzle tightly against Paul and let out a shaky breath, causing the bigger rabbit to moan lustfully. Brad's heart skipped a beat as he heard Paul and he decided to try something a little more bold. He opened his mouth a little and brushed his tongue against the rough texture. Paul gasped sharply and grabbed his thick comforter in tightly balled fists. Brad's heart fluttered as he brushed his tongue against Paul's pucker again, and again.

"Fuck!" Paul hissed. "Like that, please more, just like that."

Brad could barely believe what he was hearing. He never knew this side of Paul even existed, and never thought in even his wildest fantasies just how much hearing it from him would turn him on. He brought his paws up to Paul's rear and spread his cheeks a little farther apart. Pushing his muzzle as tight against Paul as he could, he forced his lithe tongue past the muscle ring and into Paul's silky insides. The larger rabbit shuddered hard at the feel of his lover invading him.

"Keep ... keep going, sweetheart." Paul panted.

Brad slid his tongue up and down inside Paul, letting it stroke over his insides. It wasn't long before his moaning and panting was rivaling the recipient of his ministrations. His paws squeezed the large rabbits backside as he began to throw some variation in his technique. His tongue would withdraw, brush the puckered texture then slither back in. Brad locked his lips against Paul's tailhole and gave it a passionate kiss.

"Mmmnf!" Paul exclaimed loudly and then to Brad's surprise he pulled out of his reach.

Brad blinked and then looked up over Paul's back. His head was tucked down into the comforter and he was panting and shivering.

"Are you okay?" Brad asked concerned.

"Fuck me." Was Paul's response as soon as he controlled his breathing enough to speak.


"Fuck me, sweetheart. Fuck me as hard as you can."

Brad was a little confused but he slowly rose to his feet and eased up behind Paul. His pre-dribbling erection pushed up between Paul's cheeks as he lined the tip. Brad drew a breath and pushed his hips forward. His head slid in with almost no resistance due to the well lubed hole and the pre soaked end. He awkwardly stepped forward and his limited length hilted inside. Brad exhaled in a moan as Paul's warm insides enveloped him. Brad slid his paws up to Paul's waist and then slowly pulled back until he was almost out of him and then gently eased forward again.

"Fuck me, Brad. I want it. I need it."

Brad nodded his head and stroked over Paul's sides gently before he leapt into a rapid pace. He held Paul's hips firmly and drew out until the ridge of his glans pulled from Paul's ring and then slammed himself back in. Loud slapping echoed through the bedroom between Paul's moans and Brad's soft grunts.

He kept up his rhythm while Paul reached between his legs and gripped his girthy member. His strong paw wrapped around his shaft and squeezed it hard, enjoying the stimulation to it while Brad's penis teased his tailing. Brad wasn't long enough to get very deep inside him, but the rubbing around his tailring felt wonderful to him.

Much sooner than Paul expected, he felt Brad start to tense up and his member throb. Paul didn't want the sensation to end, but the thought of his lover cumming inside his tailhole for the first time encouraged him to squeeze and release his muscle ring around him. Brad grunted loud and pushed as deep as his modest length would allow. Then Paul felt something he had not for a very long time.

Jet after jet of Brad's bunny spunk shot deep into Paul. He could feel the pulse of each squirt as it planted his lover's seed deep inside him. Paul squeezed his own length hard once again as his lover rode out his orgasm. After a few moments, the spray waned to a trickle and both rabbits panted loudly. Paul was about to ease down further onto the bed when he felt Brad suddenly shift. He looked back over his shoulder to see the smaller rabbit putting his foot paw up on the bed, and then the other.

Brad shifted forward inching with small steps on the soft mattress so he wouldn't lose his balance until he was straddling the larger rabbit with the insides of his thighs pressing against the outside of Paul's. Before Paul had a chance to ask what he was doing, Brad reared his hips back and slammed down into Paul again. His pace was frantic and animalistic. Paul's eyes opened wide in surprise at the sudden new feeling the different angle provided.

He thrust into him as deep as possible, causing some of the previous orgasm to ooze up in lewd squelches. Paul moaned deeply as began stroking his manhood fervently, driven by the influx of intensity in the sexual rut. Brad shifted his paws back and gripped the flanks of Paul's rear tightly, pulling his cheeks apart as he pistoned into him while his furry sack clapped against the wet crevasse he was holding open. With each thrust, a little more of his cum leaked out and slid down Paul's rear, causing the air to cool his skin at the base of his fur where it trickled.

The new sensations elated Paul. Even when he was young, despite the fact of being dominated by such a masculine figure, he'd never felt this kind of exhilaration in giving himself to another male. He would occasionally wondered if these were the feelings Brad experienced between white flashes of bliss.

Paul's attention was pulled back to Brad once again as he felt his paws squeeze his rear tightly and Brad's member pumped a second orgasm into his tailhole. Paul shuddered as he again felt each pulse and throb, each jet shooting deep into him. Brad held onto Paul until his orgasm subsided, then gave his surprisingly receptive rump a few more cum soaked strokes before he eased back and withdrew with a messy slurp.

Brad hugged Paul from on top of him and nuzzled into his back lovingly. The smaller rabbit slid off his lover and onto the bed on his back. Paul panted softly and then looked over at the white bunny beside him.

"Holy shit, sweetness. That was amazing." He said as he climbed atop him and looked into his eyes. "But I'm not near done with you yet."

Brad looked up at him quizzically, but his unspoken question was soon answered as Paul reached behind him and guided his member against his tailhole again. Paul lowered himself onto Brad's still erect member and it slipped in with ease, eliciting a moan from both rabbits. He shifted his legs until he was in a proper position to ride his little bunny properly, with his thighs around his midsection and his knees bent, and his large member resting against Brad's tummy.

Paul lifted himself up and then lowered back down. There was no friction at all from the cum lubed hole and shaft. Paul grinned to himself as he began riding Brad in earnest. Brad put his paws on Paul's waist and started to buck his hips against him when he came down. Paul's erection bounced against Brad's body but it was soon restrained in the larger rabbit's paw. He once again pumped his member roughly as he enjoyed the dual stimulation from both his rough pad and Brad's silky rod.

"Paul ... Oh God, Paul. I love you." Brad panted amidst the coital tryst.

"I love you too, little bunny." Paul replied with his eyes closed and his head back. "My little bunny. My sweetheart."

Paul picked up his pace and slammed his backside down as fast as he could against Brad. Cum nearly squirted from his tailhole as the gravity and sudden displacement of the cock in his ass did their job, causing the jism to seep out and coat Brad's sheath and furry sack before continuing onto the comforter. The scent of the carnal act was exhilaration to both of the rabbits.

Paul's paw was still stroking up and down his length when his orgasm unexpectedly overcame him. The tip of his member shot a string of thick cum all the way up Brad's body and splattered against his face. After the first surprise shot, the little bunny opened his muzzle to allow the subsequent shots of the powerful orgasm into his mouth. He was fortunate enough to catch the brunt of four more after the initial one before the masculine rabbit's earth shattering orgasm reduced to coating his lower torso.

Brad swallowed Paul's spunk with his usual enthusiasm, savoring the taste of his wonderful seed as it slid down his throat. Paul shivered and grunted as the intensely powerful climax reluctantly subsided. He slowly eased down on top of Brad, mixing his dry fur with his lover's cum soaked fur. Paul pressed his muzzle against Brad's and pushed his tongue deep into his mouth. Brad happily responded, returning the kiss. The two stayed locked in their kiss and enjoying the afterglow for nearly five minutes before Paul pulled away slowly.

"Thank you so much, sweetheart." He said softly.

"Thank me? Thank you!" Brad replied as he hugged the larger rabbit tightly. "That was the most passionate sex we've ever had."

"Mmm ... Just don't get it in your head that you're going to be in my tailhole every time we meet."

"I'll settle for once every other time."

"Look at the balls on this little bunny." Paul said with a chuckle.

"As long as we can be with each other, I don't care how the sex happens. All I care about is that it's with the man I love most in the world."

Paul nuzzled against the side of Brad's muzzle and then planted a tender kiss on his cheek. He rolled off Brad and onto his back so he could take a break from holding his much larger mass off Brad to avoid hurting him. Brad rolled over and nestled into his side, nuzzling and kissing his secondhand cum soaked chest fur. The smaller rabbit settled in and his eyes fluttered closed. The wonderful feel of Paul''s radiating warmth, the wonderful aroma of their mixed sensual fluids, it was like being wrapped in a veil of serenity. Consciousness was slipping away from Brad when Paul suddenly pushed him over onto his stomach and climbed on top of him, pressing his large member between his cheeks and up against his tailhole.

"No sleep for you yet, bunny." Paul said before roughly slamming his hips forward and sinking his entire length into Brad's opening. "I've got you all night, and now it's my turn."

Brad moaned loudly and shuddered as his tailhole eagerly accommodated Paul's impressive size. All night to pick up where they left off. All night to rekindle the flames.