The Next Morning

Story by kaidkintell on SoFurry

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#5 of Awakening of One

"Are you two ever going to get out of bed?" Jake asked.

I opened my eyes to see Jake standing over the couch bed. I glanced at the VCR clock. It was after two in the afternoon.

"Sorry Jake, I didn't realize it was getting so late."

Cyin was awake, and she slowly untangled herself from the blankets. "Kaid, where do you take care of 'personal' needs?" She asked.

"Down the hall, first door on the left." I said, pointing at the bathroom.

Cyin got up and walked past Jake. I could see him turn his head to watch her stroll down the hall. I had to admit she had a great body, and it was fun watching her walk down the hall, her tail swinging lightly as if it had a mind of its own.

Jake looked at me as Cyin disappeared into the bathroom. "Where do I get me one of those?" Jake asked.

"You better keep your eyes in your head Jake. And don't joke about such things. She is as much a person as you are."

Jake shook his head and mumbled something about me having it in a bad way, as he made his way back into the kitchen. At that exact moment Cyin came back out of the bathroom with a confused look on her face.

"Ok I get the chamber pot, but why the water?" I started to laugh.

"Cyin it's called a toilet. You do what you need to in it, and then you press down on the metal handle." I was almost rolling off the bed, gasping between laughs. Jake came out of the kitchen just as Cyin walked back into the bathroom.

"What's wrong with you?" Jake asked.

"She didn't get how the toilet..." Was all I could manage as the toilet flushed.

"Wow! That's neat." Cyin exclaimed loud enough for the two of us to here. Then the sound of the toilet flushing a second time sent both of us into fits of laughter.

I got up to join Cyin in the bathroom. She was looking in the mirror. There was a sad expression on her face.

"What's wrong?" I asked coming up behind her.

"It has been a long time since I saw myself in a looking glass. I have gotten older." he answered.

"You look beautiful to me, why are you worried about age anyway, you can't be more then eighteen."

Cyin turned her head to look at me. "I am twenty-five Kaid."

This was one response I didn't expect. I thought she would tell me she was younger, not older, it reminded me that there were great differences between Cyin and I. Suddenly the person standing in front of me seemed very alien.

"What are you thinking Kaid?" She asked. I could hear the worry in her voice. I decided to break the somber mood.

"I was thinking we could both use a shower. You smell like you spent the night in bed with some strange man. And I smell like a wet cat." Cyin's expression went from one of confusion to a playful grin.

"Really, well maybe I did spend the night with a strange man; you were asleep almost the whole time." She retorted.

"Fair enough, but seriously let's get cleaned up. I said as I reached over to close the bathroom door." Cyin looked at me as if she was expecting something.

"What?" I asked

"Well how are we going to get cleaned up? Not in the toilet I hope." I had to stifle a laugh.

"No silly, just watch." As I said this I reached over and turned on the shower. Cyin just watched in open curiosity as I began making adjustments.

"How hot do you like the water?" I asked. Cyin just looked at me. Not wanting to take the time to explain what I meant I grabbed her hand and placed it under the stream of the shower.

Cyin gasped out in delight. "Is it too hot?" I asked.

"No it feels good, how do you do this. It doesn't feel like magic, yet..." I could tell she had no way to express what she wanted to say.

"Well I thought about that once. I guess when humans decided to stop using magic they had to find some way to reproduce the things that made life easier. Without the aid of magic humans came up with technology. Of course the way some of these things work I think it is magic; just magic that can be explained." Cyin just looked at me for a moment. "So this is technology?" She asked; stumbling over the word. It was the first time I could remember that she had trouble saying an English word. Her speech was always an almost purring flow, but this word seemed new to her.

"Cyin I never thought to ask, but do all Klamath speak English?" She started to laugh at this. I loved to watch her laugh; I could see the mirth in her eyes and feel the change in her emotional state. When she laughed it made me feel warm inside, she didn't just laugh to be polite, when she laughed it was a true feeling. Everything about her was like that. I guess that's why I liked being around her. Most humans try to hide their true feelings. Always putting on a face to disguise their true feelings. Humans never really let anyone see what he or she actually feels inside.

"No Kaid, as a matter of fact it took me years to learn to speak your language. Just like others from the brotherhood learned the language of the area that they were assigned to. Your world has come up with a lot of different ways of saying the same thing." She said in a matter of fact way.

For the first time it dawned on me. Of course she didn't speak English. Over half the world didn't speak English. It was kind of pig headed of me to assume that a completely different species, that has been out of touch with humans for so long no one even remembered they existed, would speak the same language as me.

"So what does your spoken language sound like?" I asked. Cyin looked at me for a moment, and then she let out a set of guttural growling and purring sounds. It was very odd, but sounded very natural coming from a cat-girl.

"What did you say?" I asked

"I said you are wasting water." She answered.

I climbed in under the water, reveling in the feeling of water streaming down my body. Then I took Cyin's hand, and helped her step in. I could see the delight on her face as the water soaked into her fur and ran down her body. Looking around I realized it would be best if Cyin used shampoo, seeing as she was covered in hair. As I opened the bottle to put some in my hand I saw her pull away.

"What's wrong?" I asked afraid I had done something wrong.

"That stuff smells so strong." She answered wrinkling her nose. I looked at the bottle I was holding, it was Herbal Essences. A very perfumed shampoo.

"I didn't realize it would bother you." I said washing the shampoo from my hand. I looked around the shower and found a bottle of pert plus shampoo. She seemed to like this much better.

I started by slowly rubbing the shampoo into the fur of her back, massaging as I went. I could feel her relaxing under my hands. The feeling of rubbing my hands over her leath body was starting to get me excited. I had to concentrate on working the dirt and crud from her to keep myself in control. I could tell where the wounds had been. Most of them were now little more then small red marks. I started working my way down her body, I quickly did her ass and moved down to her legs, trying hard not to think about how close I was to her private areas.

As I reached the heal of her foot Cyin turned around. Suddenly I was looking directly at her cunny.

"If I didn't know better I would think you are trying to tell me something." I said, only half joking.

"What do you mean?" She asked genuinely confused.

Not wanting to waste a perfect set up, I leaned forward and gave her cunny a deep hard lick.

"Oooo!" She gasped finally understanding what I meant.

I would have kept going but Jake started pounding on the door. "Are you two going to be done soon?" He shouted.

"Ya, just another ten minuets." I answered.

"I guess we will have to continue this later." I whispered to Cyin as I got up to quickly apply shampoo to her front. We both worked to get her lathered up, then we rinsed the shampoo from her body. I quickly soaped up, and rinsed off; trying to hurry before Jake came in to yank us out of the shower.

Fifteen minuets and several towels later Cyin and I were both dry. "Kaid I have to go back. I don't want to, and I know you don't want me to, but I must. I cannot stay here, the people of your world would not understand. Not yet." As she finished I could see the loss weighing on her.

"Cyin I know you have to go, Can I come with you?" Cyin looked up at me in uninhibited shock. "NO you can not! You would be a walking target. There are many things on the other side that would love to have a chance to kill a human."

I knew she was afraid for me. I knew that I should have been afraid but I wasn't. "Cyin I am a mage, you said it yourself. I can protect myself."

"Kaid, look, the mages who came over when reality was split didn't last long; and neither will you."

"Ok so what do you want me to do? I cannot fix things from here without you, and your brotherhood is splitting up, they will not let you come back. I AM GOING! It is the only way I can join the worlds back together. What's more important is that it's the only way I am going to be able to be with you. I have finally found the woman I have been looking for. I will not let you go that easy." I was in tears, I was rambling again and I knew it, but I didn't care. This was my only chance to stay with the girl I was in love with.

"Kaid there is one other option; you might just be able to do it." I could tell she was holding back.

"What is it?" I asked

"Well there is an island, the mages who tried to stop the division moved it, they put it in a pocket dimension. It is the island where all mages used to be trained. It is called Micana we have tried many times to reach it, but every time we try we fail."

I could tell this was a big deal to her. "How is this another option?" I asked.

"Don't you see, if you can build a path to Micana then you could show me how. We could meet there; you and I could be together. This is also the resting place of all the knowledge of the Mages of old. If the stories are true the island is not affected by the sleeping." As Cyin finished I knew we had to do this. Even if just to get to the knowledge stored there.

"Alright, we will try it." I said as I finished drying her off. We left the bathroom a bit wet and with only one towel in the closet.

"Damb you two, you took long enough. I hope you plan on cleaning up these towels? O, and don't you leave without me, I plan on seeing this island too." Jake finished.

"You were listing to our conversation?" I could hardly believe it, Jake had been ease dropping.

"Your damb straight I was, I've always felt there is something missing from this world, it's just too plan, too boring you know? Anyway I am part of this now, right?" After sharing a long look with Cyin and I, Jake closed the bathroom door leaving us both standing in the hall.

"I didn't see that one coming." I said as Cyin and I went to the kitchen to find something to eat.

After cooking some eggs and bacon Cyin and I went back to the living room. I could tell all the appliances in the apartment were new and odd to her. Cyin showed interest in the stove as I prepared the eggs, but a quick explanation was all it took. As we sat in the main room of the apartment I decided to turn on some music. Cyin almost jumped out the window as Metallica's 'Nothing else matters' started to play. She knew what music was, but until now she had never heard anything like this. I could tell she was quickly becoming a fan. Jake came out of the bathroom just as I was telling Cyin about how the flat shinny disk in her hand was where the music was stored.

He just game me an odd look and went into the kitchen to grab what was left of the eggs. "Ok so where are we going to go from here?" Jake asked.

"Well we need to get back to the clearing, it is the biggest nexus I know of. I just hope it will be enough to allow us to get to Micana. After that we will need to brake into the wizards keep." There was a short silence after Cyin finished.

"You didn't mention braking into any 'Wizards Keep' how do you expect us to do that?" Jake asked.

"Well if the stories are correct there are many rooms in the keep, most are just living quters, or training rooms. Only the rooms with books or magic devices in them will have shields. We will have to break the seals to gain access to what is inside these rooms. No one knows what's in the keep exactly, or what the inside of the keep looks like, we just know that it was put in a pocket dimension to keep it safe." Cyin explained.

"Why didn't the mages who split reality just build one of these bridges and go to the keep themselves?" I asked.

"Well they may have, but from what we are told all the mages who moved the keep killed themselves to keep the knowledge of where they put it a secret, all except those who chose to come to the other side of the boundary when reality was split."

"Cyin.... Do your people have a name for your side of the boundary? I find it hard to talk about without a name." I asked

"Yes we do, but it has no translation in your language. The best I can do is the 'Plane of Tears."

"Well that is a bit much to say, how about we call it Mordath?" Jake asked.

"Where did you get that name, what does it mean?" I asked.

Jake looked a little embarrassed as he answered, "Well it was the name of the bad guy's castle in a game I played once."

"Well it sounds good to me, Cyin?"

Cyin gave both Jake and I a strange look, then shrugged her shoulders as if it didn't really matter what we called it.

"Then it's settled, Kaid call your Dad and tell him you will be staying here again tonight, then we will leave for this clearing of yours." Jake said as he started to gather up the dishes. "O and get her some clothes, I know it will be hard to hide her face, but if she is wearing clothes she will be a little less noticeable." I could tell Jake was excited about this. So was I.