Pins and Needles, Part VII

Story by Radical Gopher on SoFurry

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#16 of Patterns of the Grand Design

The following story is a work of fiction. It contains adult themes and situations and should not be read by anyone under the age of eighteen. The characters depected are copyright Radical Gopher. No character in this story is under the age of eighteen.



Alyssa left about twenty minutes later. Sapphire went into the kitchen and fixed breakfast for herself and Victor. She placed it on a tray and took into the bedroom. When she came in the todd was sitting out on the porch steps with several blankets wrapped around himself. His back was pressed up against the railing and he was staring off across the back yard towards a nearby line of trees. The vixen placed the tray down on a small table and went over to sit next to him.

"Are you okay?" she asked.

Victor turned his head and looked at her, his eyes distant and tinged with red. "I don't know." He replied. "How should a person feel, after something like yesterday? I really didn't have much of a chance to think about it until now, with all that was happening. I guess I'm slightly conflicted. Or more specifically my feelings are."

"What are you feeling?"

"Anger, sadness, helplessness, guilt... a whole bunch more things I can't put a name to."

Sapphire took his hand in hers. "Why guilt?"

"Because it was my fault it happened."

"Your fault?" she asked. "How could being raped be your fault?"

"I should have been more careful being around others while giving off this dragon's musk. I should have realized how much of an impact it had or how powerful it could be. Nothing would have happened if I'd been paying attention." He dropped his eyes in shame. "The worst part is my carelessness not only turned Dr. Aryan into a rapist, it almost caused Gwen to be raped and possibly murdered by those Human League scum and I broke trust with you. I don't know how I can ever apologize or make things right again. I just feel so... so... lost."

Sapphire leaned in against the todd and gently draped an arm around his back and across his shoulder. "Silly fox," she whispered warmly. "Whoever said you should take responsibility for what other people think or do?"

He looked up at her. "But..."

"But nothing," the vixen replied. "Okay, you have a bit of a problem handling this dragon musk thing. It isn't something you can master overnight. It takes time and you haven't had it long enough to learn its power or subtleties. After all, you only have to deal with it three days a month and this is... what, only the third time we've had a full moon? So you can stop feeling guilty on that count. As for the others, it was the Human Leaguers who cause the problem, not you. The same goes for Dr. Aryan. Dragon musk is potent, but it doesn't totally steal a person's will. She did what she did because she wanted to do it. Why she wanted to do it is another matter, but that's her lookout, not yours. You are guilty of nothing more than being a caring, sympathetic and loving soul who was in the wrong place at the wrong time. As for breaking trust with me..." Sapphire tenderly kissed Victor on the mouth. There was some hesitation on his part, but he slowly started to respond to her attentions.

Smiling playfully, the vixen traced several patterns across the blankets he was wrapped in. There was a soft, bluish-white glow and they unwove themselves. The djin quickly wrapped herself around the todd. The threads magically rebound themselves together into a single, thick blanket that covered both Zorrs. She slowly pushed him back until he was lying flat. Several more blankets wafted through the air enveloping them. Pillows slid down the sheets and strolled over to them, nuzzling up against Victor until they had worked their way under his body and cushioned him against the wooden slats of the porch.

The todd could feel Sapphire's breasts pressing up against him, her nipples stiff in anticipation. Both her robe and his sweat pants had vanished and he could feel the velvet smoothness of her fur brushing against him. His tail flicked along her thigh as his arms enfolded her. The vixen tenderly licked her way down his neck to his chest. Reaching his nipples she ran her tongue around them.

She continued kissing her way down his body, occasionally nipping gently at him. She reached his sheath and began licking his sack, holding it in her hands and gently massaging it. Victor's shaft began to peak out and he softly hissed in pain. Sapphire stopped and pulled the blanket back to better see what was wrong. As the todd's penis lengthened she noticed that there was a slight purplish mottling along it. She looked up questioningly at him. "What...?"

"Dr. Aryan was a bit, shall we say, vigorous, because of the dragon musk," he explained. "I think she might have been riding me continuously while I was unconscious."

"Gods! I'm sorry love. It must hurt something fierce," the vixen apologized.

"Not, really," he offered. "It was more of a dull ache until this moment. It only really stated hurting when I got stiff."

"Well, that's something I can take care of right now." She took Victor by the hand and stood, pulling him to his feet. She led him back into their room and sat him in her rocking chair. The blankets and pillows waited for a moment, then at a gesture from her followed the two back inside, rolling and slithering across the floor and back up on the bed where they ordered themselves neatly for the day.

Kneeling on the floor in front of the todd, she held both hands on either side of his fox-hood. Two blue spheres of energy coalesced in her palms. She brought them together so they enveloped his shaft.

For Victor the sensation was incredible. The sharp pain instantly vanished. It felt as if a hundred, velvet-winged butterflies were fluttering against his sheath and rod. He drew in a quick breath of air. Sapphire held the aura around his member for several minutes, smiling coquettishly as she watched the expression on his face.

The glow faded and she leaned forward, kissing and delicately licking at the opening in his shaft. Several beads of pre-cum oozed forth. She brushed her tongue along its length and slowly took it into her mouth. Her head began bobbing up and down, slowly at first, and then faster. One hand reached down to cup and stroke his sack while the other wrapped itself firmly around his knot and gently squeezed. The todd began raising his hips slightly to meet her downward plunge. The sensation was intense and could only last a few minutes. Sapphire felt his sack abruptly tighten and shrink then Victor exploded into her mouth, trembling as he released his seed. The vixen drank it all in, licking the few drops of cum that clung to her lips as she pulled off him.

Victor leaned forward and tenderly placed his hands on either side of Sapphire's head. He kissed her and their tongues danced together, fluttering passionately. He could taste some of his own seed on her tongue even as she rose and wrapped her arms around his head. Oddly, he didn't feel drained by her ministrations, he felt alive and energetic. He wrapped his arms around her scooped his mate up off the floor, and carried her over to the bed. He laid her across the mattress, then moved down to her mound and began vigorously kissing and licking her there.

The vixen moaned, wrapping both her legs around the todd's head even as his tongue dipped into her passage. His hands moved up to her belly and he began ruffling and massaging the fur there, taking pleasure in the slight roundness that hinted at the new life she carried. One of his hands reached under the djin and began stroking the underside of her tail. Sapphire gasped at the sensation and trembled with tension.

Pushing his muzzle ever so slightly into her slit, Victor licked and suckled both the nub and interior walls of her channel.

"Oh Gods!" she breathed. "What are you doing there? Oh... OH! How... How are you doing that? OH... Don't... Ah! Don't... DON'T STOP! DON'T STOP! Oh...Oh... OH!" Her body shuddered and bucked. She grasped him by the ears and tried pulling his head in closer. "NO! OOOOHHHH!" Sapphire clamped down on Victor's tongue and tremored heavily. Her juices flowed freely into the todd's waiting mouth and he lapped at her as she soaked his muzzle.

The vixen reached down and pulled him up to her face, licking at the moisture that dripped from his mouth and nose pad. She felt his shaft as it brushed against her stomach. Using both her legs, she wrapped herself around Victor, trapping him against her. They kissed even as he lightly thrust his fox-hood against her, parting the fur on her belly.

She felt hot to the touch, and the sensation of her fur against him caused him to stiffen until his member was swollen almost to bursting. He shifted position and carefully pushed into his mate, marveling at the tightness he found there. She bucked and pulled him in even tighter with her legs, moaning and yipping softly as he filled her.

Victor hilted himself within the djin, but instead of thrusting he held himself there as his knot slowly inflated locking the two of them together. He spooned against Sapphire, holding her tightly in his arms. The vixen moaned, breathing in the todd's scent and quivering slightly. She had told Gwen that Dragon's musk had little effect upon pregnant women. She was discovering however that when already aroused it could and did influence how powerful one's orgasms were.

She arched her hips, trying to pull Victor deeper into her passage, trying to get him to thrust. She could feel herself building for another climax. She wanted him; wanted to feel his hot seed as it pulsed into her. Instead the Zorr simply held himself in her, kissing and licking gently at her face and muzzled.

"Oh you... you," she giggled, and gasped. "If you want... Oh! Want to play dirty then watch...Ah... Ah! Watch this!"

Sapphire brought her right hand up and whispered something. Both the index and middle finger began to glow softly. The todd knew what was coming next. All she had to do was brush her fingers along his sack and he would explode within her, allowing her to milk him at her leisure.

"No you don't," he chuckled. Unexpectedly he reached up and grasped her wrist, then guided her hand down so it stroked her own nub. Blue magic dripped from her fingers and flowed into her own slit.

"WHAT?!... Oh no... no... OH! You BASTARD!" she huffed "OH! OH! OH! Oh GAWD... You BAASSTAAARD!" Her body writhed uncontrollably as she was assailed by a series of long, intense, and powerful orgasms that lasted for several minutes.

Victor felt her warm ejaculate as it leaked passed his knot and dripped onto his sack. The walls of her vagina clamped down tightly on his staff and rippled back and forth, madly squeezing and pulsing against him. He tried to resist the overwhelming urge to meet her thrusts, but by her third consecutive explosion he found himself unable to do so. He ground himself against her, feeling the heat of her passage as it throbbed. She climaxed twice more and the todd finally released into her.

They held each other close, breathing heavily. Sapphire laughed and murred, nuzzling herself against Victor. "That is the last time I telegraph my moves," she panted.

Victor inhaled the honey and cinnamon laced scent of her hot breath and chuckled. "You know what they say... What's good for the goose is good for the gander. I was just giving you a taste of your own medicine."

"Next time you use my own magic against me, I'll cook your goose," she chuckled.

"Whatever happened to all's fare in love and war? Besides, it looked like you were enjoying yourself."

She laughed and the two lovers grew silent, luxuriating in the afterglow of their mating. Sensations of love washed away all doubt in Victor's mind even as they warmed and reassured Sapphire that he truly cherished her. Long minutes passed in silence, then the vixen spoke. Her voice was soft and warm.



"Victor? How do you feel about Gwen?"


"How do you feel about Gwen?"

He pulled back slightly and looked into her eyes. "This isn't one of those 'what would you do if I died?' kind of questions, is it?"

She chuckled and shook her head. "No... I was just curious to know what you thought."

Victor went silent for a moment. "I'm not sure... She's a good friend to both of us and she's your student."

"I know that... I was just wondering if you liked her."

"Of course I do. She's our friend."

Sapphire sighed. "Okay then, let's try a more direct question. How would you feel if she were to leave? Please be honest."

The todd went quiet for a moment or two, surprised by both the question and the sudden feeling of loss that washed briefly across him. "I would miss her if she left," he whispered quietly.

"A lot?"

He nodded then looked into his mate's eyes. "You're not asking me to make a choice between the two of you, are you?" he muttered, his voice quivering nervously. If you are then there's no question... you'd win hands down."

"I know that," she said smiling.

"So why ask?"

"What would you say to letting Gwen join us the next time we make love?"

"Gwen? Why would Gwen want to join us?" Victor asked.

"Because I think it would be fun to try a three way, and because she's deeply, passionately in love with you!"

The todd went silent. Unsure of what he was feeling; unsure of how to answer his mate, and more than a little scared. "How do you know this?" he asked.

"I accidentally walked in on her the other day while she was pleasuring herself. At the height of her climax she was moaning and fantasizing about you."

"Me?" Victor asked. "Why? I haven't done one thing to encourage or take advantage of her."

Sapphire kissed her mate. "Yes, I know that. Love is funny that way. I think you're the first male who's never been anything but kind to her and the first she's truly been friends with. That can create a powerful attraction. Add to that the fact you have bonded with her as her familiar. That too can be a strong influence."

"Granted," he replied, "but how do you know it's love and not infatuation? After all, I do have this problem with giving off dragon musk three days a month. How do you know she isn't responding to that?"

"After I discovered her little secret we spent quite some time talking. She was near crying over the thought I might be jealous and order her to leave. She finally admitted that she loved you. As for the dragon musk you have to remember it's an aphrodisiac, not a love potion. Anyone breathing it in will want to have sex with you, not love you. And then there's this morning..."

"What happened this morning?"

"You remember I told you she dream walked through your mind and that's how we found out what Dr. Aryan had done?" Victor nodded. "Well when the good doctor showed up at the door Gwen was downstairs and she punched Aryan in the eye."

"Gwen? Gwen hit Dr. Aryan?"

"Yes she did," the vixen chuckled. "You should have seen it. She left her with one hell of a shiner. If that isn't true love, I don't know what is."

"So you're saying because Gwen went all Mohammad Ali on my boss she's in love."

"It means she loves you so deeply her first instinct is to protect you, regardless of her innate passivity."

Victor took a deep breath and lay back against the pillows. He looked over at his mate. "You're okay with this idea? Sharing our bed with another woman?"

Sapphire leaned in and kissed him again. "Yes I am," she replied warmly. "Where I come from love... true love... is something to be shared with others. I love you, more than I've ever loved anyone else. Gwen is not only my student; she's become a dear friend. Why wouldn't I want to share the love I have for you. Besides, I think you care deeply for her as well. More deeply than you're ready to admit to yourself."

The todd lay quietly for several long moments running over things in his mind. He could see both logic and emotion behind what Sapphire was saying, but he wasn't quite sure where his ethics fit into the mix. He'd always been taught that fidelity to one person was the pinnacle of a loving relationship, but was fidelity something that was exclusive?

He looked across at his mate and kissed her, pouring his soul into that kiss. Pulling back he sighed. "I really can't imagine life without you. I want more than anything to make you happy, but honestly, this is something I really have to think about."

"Of course you do," the vixen smiled. "I don't want an answer now. Just mull the thought over. Let it settle in and consider what I've said. It's not as if we don't have any time to think things through. It a big step, and however you decide, know that I do and will always love you." She kissed him again and leaned in against him, enjoying the warmth and softness of his fur.

Victor held her for several moments then started chuckling.

"What's so funny?" Sapphire asked.

"I just pictured Gwen punching Dr. Aryans in the eye. It seems the more time she spends with us, the more self-assured she becomes."

"We are a corrupting influence," the djin chuckled. "Our timid Gwen decking your boss."

"Oh, I wouldn't exactly call her timid," the todd replied. "You should have seen her last night taking on those Human Leaguers. You would have been proud."

Sapphire smiled. "I'm rather surprised you didn't immediately rise to her defense."

"I did, though I would have acted a lot sooner if I hadn't been asleep. Luckily their leader woke me up when he reached down Gwen's shirt."

"What were you doing down her shirt?" the vixen asked with a giggle.

"Sleeping... like I said. Her bike didn't have any saddlebags for me to ride in, so I curled up in her shirt the way I do with you."

"I can imagine," she replied.

"Well anyway the jackass woke me up, so I bit him and that gave Gwen the opening..." Victor stopped when he noticed the vixen staring intensely at him. "What?"

"You bit him?"

"Yes... I hadn't planned to, it was kind of instinctive."

"How hard?"

"Well... hard enough to draw blood," he replied. "Why?"

"Do you remember why you can't control your transformations during the full moon?"

"I thought it was part of the curse I invoked," he responded.

"It is," Sapphire said. "Darling... do you know what a lycanthrope is?"

"Lycanthrope? You mean like in the Wolf Man? Sure I remember watching those old movies when I was a kit..." He abruptly stopped and looked at the vixen. All she did was nod.

"Oh Shit!"

To be continued...