A New Brother

Story by XtigerX on SoFurry

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#1 of A New Brother

A New Brother

IMPORTANT: Please do not read if you are under 18/21 (local law). This story contains gay sex, if you don't like this sort of thing, please leave. If you are underage, leave, but don't blame me if you stay and get caught reading this, don't say I didn't warn you. . . .

Also, these characters are mine, if you want to use them, please ask me

PART 1: A seventeen year old dragon is shocked to find out that he may have a new brother

"Hey. . .mom?" Drake asked. He was a seventeen year old blue dragon, gold coloured underbelly, eight inch horns, but he had one blue eye and one gold eye, mostly since his father had gold eyes and his mother had green. Not only that, he was gay and he did have a boyfriend, a really muscled panther named Troy.

"In here Drake." Drake moved into the dining room to see his parents sitting at the table. His father, Aaron was a black scaled dragon, ten inch horns while his mother, Lily, was golden scaled and had nine inch horns. Worried he took a seat. His parents knew he was gay and had a boyfriend, so he didn't have to worry about that.

"Well, son, we uh. .have something to tell you."


"Your father and I are . . .well. . .you may become an older brother."

"What?! Are you. . .pregnant?!"

"No. We're thinking of adopting."

"W-Why?! Is it because I'm gay?! What about Camille? Does she know?" Camille was his older sister who was older than him and in university, studying and learning on how to become a doctor.

"Drake!" His father shouted. "Its not that your gay, in fact it has nothing to do with that."

"Well. . .what then. . .and Cam?"

"Yes Cam knows and she's happy about it. We want to adopt because you always said you'd wanted a younger brother."

"That's it?"

"No, Drake. . .you know that I cant. . ."

"I know. But why do you want another kid?"

"Well. . . .he's a good kid and he's very lonely."


"We're going to the orphanage at eleven. Go get cleaned up."

"B-But. . .Troy and I have a date. . ."

"Do a rain check. Come on, if your going to meet your brother then at least come along."

"How old is he?"

"He's only 13." With that Drake headed upstairs and called Troy.

"Hey cutie."

". . . .Hey."

"Honey what's wrong?"

"My parents have dragged me along to the orphanage."

"The orphanage, why?"

"Turns out I'm getting a new brother. And I have to meet him."

"Oh. . .and we were going to. . ."

"Go to the park. . .I know. . .I'll make it up to you, I promise."

"Okay, love you."

"Love you too." Drake reluctantly hung up his cell and decided to shower. However, he couldn't help but feel that he hurt Troy. He loved him and never before had he missed a date. Instead, he focused more on who his potential brother was. 'Hope he isn't a little brat.' Drake thought to himself.

At half ten, the trio of dragons got into the car and drove off and arrived at the orphanage in ten minutes. Once they opened the doors, they were greeted by a young racoon, in her early twenties.

"Hi there. Can I help you?"

"Yes. We're here to look over the adoption papers. Oh, I'm Mrs. Tennan."

"Oh, yes, my boss told me you'd be coming. Little Jamie is getting a bit nervous."

"Who's Jamie?"

"Drake, he could be your little brother."

"How long have you kept this a secret mom?"

"About a few weeks now, we weren't sure how you'd react." Drake sighed and the racoon led them into a office.

"Now, once you've signed you legally become his parents. Then, we will send someone along about two weeks afterwards to make sure he's settling in okay."

"Of course."

"Also, you'll get to see Jamie and talk with him." The conversation continued and the group left to the children's rooms. The racoon then found who she was looking for. "Jamie."

"Huh? Oh. . ." Jamie was a thirteen year old fox, but he was timid. Also, he had a good record, never got into fights or arguments. If he was to be adopted, it would be the third family.

"Well, they are here to see you Jamie."

"Um, hi Mr and Mrs Tennan."

"Hi Jamie." Jamie looked at them until he noticed Drake.

"Nice to meet you Jamie, I'm Drake."

"Uh. . .hi." The racoon took them back to the office and Jamie sat on the chair next to Drake's mother.

"Well, everything is in order. Just need your signature and then Jamie can go to a new home. Jamie?"


"Are you okay? You're more quiet than usual."

"Oh, just um. . .nervous."

"Quite alright dear." Lily said as she looked at the little kit.

"Well, I'm ready to sign." Aaron spoke up, mainly to break the looming silence.

"Me too." They signed and the racoon took the papers and made a copy.

"Well Jamie, you have a family now." The kit's face beamed and he kept saying 'thank you' over and over again. Drake couldn't help but feel happy, a part of him was glad he had a little brother and he couldn't help but think about how cute he looked.

Once Jamie packed what he had, which wasn't a lot, he got in the car next to Drake and they drove off back home. When they arrived, Jamie was extremely nervous, he was told about his new sister Camille and he was happy to be a part of this. They took him inside and shown him about.

"And this, is your room Jamie." It used to be a guest bedroom but it was totally different from what Drake remembered.

"When did you do this?"

"It was a surprise. In you go Jamie." The kit ran in and jumped on his new bed and smiled.

"heheh, its nice and soft."

"-whisper- Drake, we know Jamie well enough, why don't you stay with him."

"You have told him about me?"

"Um. . . .no. We figured you better do it."

"Okay." The older two dragons left and Drake walked into the room and Jamie got more nervous. "Hey. ..um Jamie?"


"You want help unpacking?"

"Uh, okay. . ." Drake chuckled, to him, Jamie looked really cute when he was nervous or ever blushed.

"So, if you're my little bro, I better show you a few things."

". . .o-okay."

"Heh, your cute when you're nervous." He wrapped and arm around the small kit and hugged him. "You know, I always wanted a little brother. Now I do."

"You. . .want me as a little brother?"

"Of course. Heck, why don't we have some ice cream or something."


"Here, I'll give you a piggyback." The fox wrapped his arms around the dragon and two went downstairs and they saw their parents give them smiles. After a few hours of playing and joking the two were called for dinner.

"And we played basketball. . .and. . ."

"Hehe, careful, don't choke kit." The fox smiled and ate his food. However, Drake realised that he forgot about Troy.

"Oh crap!"

"What is it."

"I haven't called Troy." He left the table and ran upstairs. Jamie however was just confused.

"Who's Troy?"

"His best friend."

Meanwhile, upstairs, Drake called Troy and to his relief, Troy answered. "Hello?"

"Hey hot stuff."

"Hello to you too."

"So. . . .you're not mad at me. . ."

"Why would I be mad?"

"Well, I've never missed a date with you and. . .I feel like I let you down."

"You didn't. So, did you meet your little bro?"

"Yep. His name is Jamie, he's a fox but he's so cute. He's having dinner right now."

"Well I'll have to meet this Jamie."

"Oh, I didn't interrupt anything did I?"

"Nah, just working out."

"In the nude?"

"How did you know?"

"Duh, your dad does to."

"Feels good anyway. Oh, sorry, mom's made dinner. Love you."

"Love you too." Drake hung up his cell and then headed downstairs to see his kit brother eating a bowl of vanilla ice cream. The rest of the night went pretty fairly, and it was soon time for bed.

"-Yawn- We played too much."

"You're that tired?"

"Mmhmm. Yeah."

"Heh, come on then." Drake went upstairs with his little bro and into his room. "Hey Jamie, just so you know, if you need anything, ask me, okay?"

"Okay." Jamie yawned and got changed into his PJ's and swiftly got under the covers, falling asleep moments later.

"Aw man, its two already?" Drake said as he looked at his clock. He couldn't sleep so he flicked through his magazines and watched all of his porn on his computer. Most of which were video's of Troy and himself they had recorded and edited. He was naked of course, slowly stroking himself and licking off the pre that flowed from the tip. He would have kept watching, but he heard footsteps from Jamie's room and then a door open. "Shit!" He quickly closed down his computer and put away his magazines and jumped under the covers. A few seconds later, his door opened and Jamie looked about.


"Yeah Jamie. . .have you been crying?" He could see tears in Jamie's eyes and where it had ran down his cheeks. "Jamie, what's wrong?"

"I. . .had a nightmare."

"Aw, you. . .wanna stay with me tonight?" The fox jumped on the bed and hugged Drake. "Hey, come on, its alright. You want to talk about it?" The fox shook his head and Drake held him tighter. "It was just a dream, it wasn't real, okay?"

"O-Okay." Jamie sniffled and asked if he could come under the covers.

"Yeah, come on. Oh, I uh. . .just need to get something."


"Well, I sleep naked. D-Don't want to freak you out."

"Oh, but. . .if your comfortable, I don't mind."

"You sure kit?" The fox nodded and got under the covers.

"Uh, my dream. . .it was about. . .you guys putting me back in the orphanage and leaving me. . ."

"Is that all?"

"I've. . .been in two other families, and moved from orphanage to orphanage but I don't want to. I don't want to lose this. I just want to stay with you. I want you as my big brother."

"Don't you worry. I'll make sure you never have to go back to that place. Cause you're my little bro." The fox smiled and hugged his brother tight, Drake returned the embrace.

"Thanks bro."

"And. . .Jamie. If you're going to be in this family, you should know something about me."

"What?" The fox tilted his head, which made Drake chuckle.

"You're really cute when you do that. But I better say it. . . .Jamie. . .I'm. . .your brother's. . .gay."


"I'm gay Jamie. I have a boyfriend and yes, I've slept with him."

". . . .who is he?"

"Troy. He's a panther, got huge muscles, he's really sweet and I love him to bits. You. . .don't hate me. . .do you?"

"Nope. Because you said you'd never let me go back to that place."

"Thanks kit." Drake kissed Jamie on the cheek, and they both blushed. "Oh. . .sorry Jamie."

"Its okay."

"So, didn't you have friends at the orphanage."

"No, I didn't. Not even at school. I'm the little orphan boy."

"That's just evil. If anyone gives you a hard time, you tell me okay?"


"We should get some sleep."

"Yeah. Hey, what's it like?"

"What's what like?"

"You know, being gay?"

"Well, I. . .don't really know what to say. I'm just attracted to other males, why'd you ask?"

"I'm 13 and curious."

"Heheh, anything else?"

"How do I know if I'm gay?"

"Well. . .are you attracted to anyone?"


"Well, do you like boys or girls, or both."

"I. . .don't know."

"Don't worry Jamie, you'll find out a little later on in your life."


"Now, for some shut eye. Night kit."

"Night." The two closed their eyes and Drake slowly fell asleep. When Jamie realised that his adoptive brother was asleep, Jamie decided to see what his brother looked like. Gently lifting up the covers, he saw his brothers sheath and sac and was tempted to feel them. Gingerly, he brushed a finger over Drake's sheath. No response, he brushed harder, this time with two, and again and again. Drake rolled onto his back and Jamie realised he was painfully hard. He carefully pulled off his PJ's and stroked his hard member. 'Drake was right, this feels good' Jamie thought to himself. He then turned his attention back towards Drake and this time, he licked Drake's sheath and balls several times. Drake groaned but didn't wake and Jamie continued. Slowly, Drake's nine inch cock appeared and Jamie couldn't help but stare at it. He touched it and then started to work his paw up and down the shaft. Getting a little more braver, he then licked the whole member from base to tip a few times before sucking on the head. He stroked his own member before gripping it and started pawing himself while sucking on his brother's dragon hood. He didn't notice that his brother was starting to wake up. He wondered what woke him up and he realised something warm was around his cock, when he looked he couldn't believe it.

"J-Jamie?!" Jamie stopped what he was doing and started backing off.

"I-I'm sorry. . .please don't hurt me."

"Hey Jamie, its okay." He hugged his terrified bother and kissed him on the lips in an attempt to make him feel more relaxed. "Something you want to tell me?"

"I. .didn't mean to, I was just curious. . .I'm sorry."

"Jamie. Its okay, but you could have asked."

"Doing that to you, does that make me gay?"

"No, you're only gay if you know you are. But, did you like doing it?"

"Well, you taste. . .quite good."

"What else did you do?"

"I licked your sheath and sac, and your dick too."

"So, you uh. . .wanted. . ?"

"I was just curious, really."

"I believe you. Now, you wanting to finish up?"

"Well. . ."

"Its okay, I've been given tons of blowjobs before. Troy remember."

"Oh, well, can I? I mean, if its alright with you and Troy."

"Well, I don't know what Troy would say."

"Then I shouldn't do it."

"Are you sure." Jamie nodded his head. "Well, lets go to the bathroom and paw off."

"Paw off ?"

"You never pawed off before?"

"No, I wasn't in a great place to do it."

"Oh, right. Well, lets go." The two got out of bed and headed towards the bathroom. Switching the light on, Drake closed the door after Jamie got in.

"Okay, so what do we do?"

"Well, we get comfortable, then paw off like you did when you were sucking me."

"Okay. This is a little. . ."



"Its okay, I've pawed off with my boyfriend before." The two started pawing off and Drake couldn't help but smile at the little fox. Jamie however, was in a world of pure bliss but he wasn't sure if he was going to cum at all. Drake on the other hand was nearing his climax and shot his load all over his chest. When he looked back at Jamie, he decided to help his brother get off.


"You want a little help?"

"Uh. . .please." Drake smiled and began to roll Jamie's balls carefully and also squeeze his little knot. Jamie whined at the pleasure and Drake kept it going. He knew his little bro wasn't going to last much longer so he decided to leave him be. Jamie didn't even notice, he was too busy with himself. 'My balls feel weird.' Jamie thought as he pawed faster. His climax was about to hit and the next thing he knew, he cummed all over his chest. It wasn't a lot but he felt tired.

"That feel good?"


"Just do you know, its called masturbating. Or, simply pawing off."

"Okay. Should we clean up?"

"Yep. Here you go." Drake handed him a towel and the two managed to clean themselves. Once they were back in bed, Drake held the fox close to him. "Now, you're not going to wake me up again by sucking my dick, are you?"

"No, I'm too tired."

"Heheh, goodnight kit." He kissed his brother and Jamie returned it. When Jamie fell asleep, Drake couldn't help but feel a little guilty for what he did. 'What will Troy say?' Drake thought to himself. He shrugged it off and fell asleep beside his brother.

Morning finally came, but the two brothers were still fast asleep.

"Hey, Aaron, come look at this."

"Look at what?" The two older dragons looked in and Aaron smiled at the two. "Well, they should get along just fine."

"Yeah, I wonder if Drake has told him."

"Maybe, but let them sleep honey. Besides, I have to go to work soon."

"Damn. If you weren't working, we could have spent time together." Aaron wrapped his arms around her neck and started whispering in her ear. "You pervert!"

"Hey, you wanted to spend time together."

"Well yes, but not when the kids are around. Besides, Drake has had sex more times than us."

"Leave him be. Now, how about I whip something up?"

"Okay, just don't burn anything. Like last time." The two walked off leaving Jamie and Drake undisturbed.

-Yawn- "What time is it?" Drake said as he looked at his clock. It was already after ten thirty and Drake decided to get up. As he stretched he remembered about Jamie. "Should I wake him? Nah." He went into the shower and started to clean himself. Throughout it, he wondered how he should tell Troy, but he was afraid of how Troy could react. When he finished, he stepped out, dried himself and got dressed. Downstairs he met his mom who smiled at him.

"Well, you and Jamie are getting along fine."

"Yep. He's all fuzzy and warm. I'm going to see Troy today, that okay?"

"Well, you could stay with Jamie."

"He knows mom. I told him last night."

"Well that's okay then. When are you going?"

"Well I'll call him." He grabbed a slice of toast and got his cell from his room. Jamie wasn't in bed so Drake assumed he was in the shower. He looked up Troy's number and pressed call and after a few rings it was answered.

"Hey Drake."

"Hi Troy. Listen, you wanna go somewhere, since I had to cancel yesterday."

"Sure. We could go to the mall, the arcade or movies."

"Sure. Also, I need to tell you something."

"What is it?"

"Can I tell you at your place?"

"Of course. When you coming over?"

"Um, just when you want."

"Well, come over right now. And my parents are out and the door's unlocked."

"Heheh, okay." Drake hung up and told his mother what was going on and that he needed to tell Troy something.

"You're not breaking up are you?!"

"What!? No, god no. Just need to tell him a few things."

"Alright then."

Drake headed out the door and headed towards Troy's home. It didn't take too long for him to get there, less than twenty seconds since he could fly. When he arrived he went inside and called for Troy.

"Upstairs hon." Drake went upstairs and into Troy's room and smiled at what he saw. Troy was lifting weights and of course, was naked. "Hi honey."

"Hi, didn't know you were working out this early."

"Well, want to stay in shape."

"Heh, well, shouldn't you get dressed before we go out?"

"Yeah. Better shower too. Care to join me?"

"Well, I've already showered, but I can never be too clean." He undressed and went into the shower with Troy. Troy was about the same height as him, the main differences were that Troy's muscles were huge, about 15 inches, he had green eyes and his cock was 14 inches long and a good 3 thick, but then again, that trait ran through the family. As the two showered together, Drake wondered what he should say but decided to tell him after they finished showering.

"So, are you and Jamie getting along quite well?"

"Yeah. In fact, I need to tell you something."

"What is it?"

"Last night, I kissed Jamie."

"What?! You only knew him for a day and you kissed him?!"

"Well, he had a bad dream so I let him sleep next to me. I fell asleep but something woke me up, and I found Jamie sucking my cock and pawing off."

"What?! Oh. . .my. ..god!" Troy couldn't stop laughing and Drake didn't expect him to react like that.

"Hey come on. He was scared so I kissed him."

"Was he good?"

"Well, he's inexperienced. But he doesn't know if he's gay, he's young and still curious."

"He will be, so do anything else with him?"

"Well, I pawed off with him. It was his first time and I helped him along, but I didn't suck him."

"Wow, I've got to meet him."

"You're not angry at me?"

"No, why would I? I love you and do you honestly think I would shout at you?"

"No, I was just nervous and a. . .little afraid, that you might. . .have been angry at me. . ."

"Oh honey." He kissed his mate and cuddled him. "Well, now that we've cleaned up, you want to head to the mall?"

"Sure. Hey, you want to meet Jamie?"

"Sure. Say, how good was he when he was sucking you?"

"He still needs to learn but he liked the taste."

"Maybe, we could spend time alone with him?"

"Listen you, he's young. We don't want to scare him off, lets just see if he wants to play."

"Okay. So, ready to go?"

"Well, lets see. Clothes, wallet, yep." The two headed back to Drake's to see if Jamie wanted to go anywhere. When they arrived, he saw his mom reading the paper.

"Back already?"

"Where's Jamie, we wanted to see if he wanted to come with us to the mall."

"He's upstairs."

"Okay." The two headed upstairs and saw Jamie in Drake's room, playing the PS2.

"Grrr, damn bastard. What does it take to kill you?!" Drake laughed and entered the room.

"Hey Jamie, having fun?"

"Yeah, uh, mom said I could play it."

"Its alright. Now, if you want to kill him, fire at those glowing spots."

"Thanks. . .gah! No way, game over."

"Heheh. Well, now that your mind is off that, got someone for you to meet." Troy moved forward and Jamie bit his lower lip and blushed.

"Hi Jamie, I'm Troy. I guess Drake told you about us?"

"Yeah. God, your. .huge."

"Heheh. Well, I work out."

"Can I. . .feel your muscles." Troy smiled and flexed his arm, making his fur ripple. Jamie however was in awe and felt Troy's arm. "Wow. . ."

"Well, we were going to ask you if you wanted to come to the mall with us, but his nether regions are a little busy Drake." Troy said as he pointed out Jamie's tented pants.

"Uh. . ." Jamie blushed and smiled, but Troy hugged him and picked him up.

"I see what you mean, he is cute."

"Well, you want to go with us Jamie?"

"Sure. But, I don't have any money."

"We'll cover for you. Anyway lets go." The three headed out and walked towards the mall. When they got there, it was already busy but Jamie smiled and wagged his tail.

"Well Jamie, where do you want to go first?"

"Um. . . .the arcade?"

"Sure." The three of them headed into the noisy arcade and started playing all sorts of games. Drake went for the shooting games mostly, while Jamie played DDR with Troy, both of whom where not that good.

"Hahahah, god, that was funny."

"Come on then, lets have a driving game and see what tickets we've got." When they got there, Jamie found out he was a little too small and could only reach the pedals if he sunk down but he couldn't see the screen. Troy sat him on his lap and smiled. "I'll do the pedals, you steer. Ready Drake?"

"Yep." The race started and after finishing the laps, they collected the tickets. "I cant believe you two beat me."

"Heheh. Well, anyway, lets cash in our tickets." Troy took them to the booth and brought back a stuffed panther teddy. "Here you go Jamie."

"Thanks. Looks like you too, only not as buff."

"Well, I'm getting hungry, how about you?"

"I'm starved." They headed to a McDonalds and ordered a burger and fries.

"This is great." Jamie said, Drake chuckled and they continued to eat their meal. After leaving the restaurant, they looked around the shops. Jamie found a few games but didn't want to bug his brother.

"What you got their Jamie?"

"Oh, its Okami. it's a Japanese game, revolves around a wolf god."

"You interested in it?"

"I've seen previews, but I'm not sure." He put the game back and looked about but couldn't see Troy. "Where's Troy?"

"Oh, he's over there. Music section."

"Oh, I didn't see him there." Once they got back together, they headed outside and towards the movies and the park. Drake bought a few ice creams and they sat on a bench.

"So, Jamie, did you enjoy yourself?"

"Yeah. This is probably the best day of my life."

"Well, what do you want to do after this?"

"Um. . .well Dad's working, mom said she had to go shopping, so we could think of something at home."

"Yeah we could." They talked for more than ten minutes until Troy noticed someone coming up to them. It was a John, a badger, the same age as Drake and of course, he was a jock who hated gays.

"Great, figures he'd show up."

"Who?" Jamie asked, but Troy got off the bench and snarled at the badger.

"Well, well, well. Playing with cubs now you fucking shits?"

"Get lost or I wont hesitate to beat you to a pulp."

"Hey, kid. They pay you to fuck with them."

"Get lost, he's my brother!" Jamie said to him.

"Heh, yeah, sure."

"He is, so. . .go away!"

"What are you going to do about it?"

"Touch a hair on my little bro and I will throw your sorry ass in the water."

"Useless fags." John walked off and the two sat down.

"Figures he'd be the one to spoil a good day."

"Why does he hate you?"

"Isn't it obvious Jamie? We're gay, and not everybody likes us. He's tried beating us up before, and a few others don't even want to know us."

"Well. . .then they're just mean!"

"Should we head back?" Jamie nodded and carried his stuffed teddy in his arms and walked back home with them.

When they got in, Jamie ran upstairs and placed his new teddy on his bed and wondered what Drake and Troy were doing. Walking downstairs, he saw them in the kitchen.

"So, you think Jamie likes the toy I got him."

"Yep. Wonder where he put it."

"Well, he's probably all tired out now, and he could be playing the PS2, so, we have alone time."

"What did you have in mind?" Drake asked him. Troy moved forward, unzipped his jeans and sat on Drake's lap. He then took Drake's hand and placed it on his crotch and smiled.

"I was hoping, we'd have a little fun."

"Really? Yiffing while Jamie's around. Well, he's seen me naked, but I wonder what he'd say if he saw that monster of yours."

"Well, you couldn't believe your eyes when you saw it."

"Heheh, should we go somewhere a little more private." Drake started to rub Troy's crotch and the two headed towards his bedroom. Jamie however ran upstairs and into his room. When he heard Drake and Troy shut the door, he decided to see what they were doing.

Already, Troy and Drake were in bed, their clothes all over the floor. They were mainly just making out but they didn't hear the door open and they didn't notice Jamie standing in the doorway.

"Oh. .Troy, what about. . .Jamie?"

"He's probably busy. . .with himself. Or. . ." Troy stopped, Drake turned around and gasped when he saw Jamie standing in the doorway.

"I'm sorry. . .just. . ." He was startled when Troy picked him up.

"he's excited Drake, can we?"

"Can we what?"

"Want to play with the big boys Jamie?" Jamie gulped but slowly nodded. Troy carried him to the bed and his clothing was quickly removed and a small fox cock standing at just under six inches was in full view. He gasped as soon as he felt Troy's paw around his member and his jaw dropped at what he saw.

"Y-You're. . . .huge!"

"Runs in the family." Jamie held out a paw and stroked the huge member and looked at Troy. "Go on." Jamie smiled and the licked the engorged shaft from base to tip before sucking the head, but since it was 3 inches thick, he couldn't take much more in his maw. "Oah. . .that's good."

"Told you." Drake then wrapped his arms around Jamie and started to paw Jamie. "You like this Jamie?" Jamie only muffled a response, he started taking more of Troy's dick into his maw, licking and sucking as good as he could manage. He then turned his attention back to the head and slipped his tongue inside the shaft.

"SHIT!" Jamie stopped and was immediately worried.

"I'm sorry!"

"No, its okay kit. That just surprised me."

"What did he do?" Drake asked.

"He put his tongue in my dick."

"I've done that to you before."

"Yeah, but Jamie's tongue isn't a dragon one."

"Good point."

"Keep going Jamie." Jamie smiled and started sucking the head and licking all the delicious pre that was flowing. Once again he pressed forward with his tongue and tried to go as deep as he could. "Oah. . .Jamie. . .deeper. . .please. . ." Troy could barely contain himself. Jamie tried going deeper but he couldn't go very far. He took his tongue out and licked his lips.

"Mmmm, tasty."

"J-Jamie. . ." Troy was panting, Drake however was pawing Jamie and he knew the little kit wasn't going to last much longer.

"Ugh. . .D-Drake. . ." Cum rocketed out his dick and landed mostly on Troy.

"How about you two play a little?"

"You sure honey?"

"Yeah. Just careful with your dick, don't swallow him.

"Heheheh, I don't think I'd manage that unless I was a giant." Drake walked out the room and Jamie rested on Troy. "You liking this Jamie?"

"Yeah, you. . .uh, wont swallow me. . .will you."

"No, unless I want to rip open my dick."

"Heheh, yeah. Can I try something?"

"Yeah, sure." Jamie smiled and started to lick the whole fourteen inches and then started sucking the head again. He was thinking about taking more but he wasn't sure if he could take it. He took the cock out his mouth and looked at Troy.

"I . .need you to cum first. . ."

"Just keep sucking me, okay?" Jamie nodded and started sucking again, but this time he was going faster. After sucking on Troy for a few minutes and licking the inside, Troy thought that he better warn the little kit. "Jamie, I'm going to. . .cum!" Jamie placed his paw on the head and he felt the cum splatter all over his paw and the cock, some of it dripping down the still rock hard shaft. Troy was now bathing in the afterglow and didn't noticed Jamie pressing his muzzle against his shaft. Slowly, his muzzle began to disappear inside Troy's cock, he felt the cock taking him, pulling him in. "Jamie!" He took his muzzle out after a few licks.


"I thought you were going to disappear inside me!"

"I'm sorry, I just wanted you to feel good."

"Is everything alright?" Drake asked as he entered the doorway.

"Your bro just put his muzzle in my dick. I thought you were going to try and get inside me!"

"I just wanted to make you feel good. Honest."

"Just be careful kit, if his dick was any bigger, your whole head could have been inside him. Unless, you want to dissolve into a pile of cum, I wouldn't try putting your whole body in there."

"Okay. I'm sorry." He was tearing up and Troy hugged him and kissed him on the cheek.

"We didn't mean it like that kit. We're just really concerned and we don't want anything bad to happen to you."

"I know." he sniffled and looked at Troy and then Drake. "Can I at least try something?"


"I want to put my dick in his."

"Really now. Horny little fox!" Jamie giggled and gave a pleading look.

"Well, Troy, should we give him a rubber?"

"Will they fit him?"

"Hm. . .lets see. Um, try this kit." He handed over a condom and Troy put it on Jamie.

"Well, it's a little big, but it should be alright." This time, Drake stayed in the room and grabbed the lube. After rubbing along the kits shaft, Jamie pressed his cock against Troy's and smiled when his member started to disappear inside.


"Oah. . .oh. ..fuck. . . .keep going Jamie. . .Drake honey. . .give him a hand will you?"

"Of course. Jamie, start pulling your dick out and then push back in, slowly though. Its not his ass your fucking. And, as for your knot, put that in as well. Just go slow and gentle."

"Okay." Drake left to grab another condom and lube. After putting it on and rubbing a generous amount of lube to his cock and Troy's tail hole, he started to push his member inside Troy.

"Feeling good Troy?"

"Oah. . .god. . ." He was in far too much pleasure. Jamie was fucking his dick and Drake was fucking his tail hole. After a few thrusts, it didn't take too long for Troy to start getting drowsy.

"Hang on kit, if we keep this up, he'll pass out."

"Its okay, k-keep. . .going."

"No, not until I'm sure." Troy understood, Drake always cared for him and when he felt he was ready again, he asked for them to continue. Jamie started pulling out and pushing in again and he was loving the feeling. However, he was finding it hard to hold back.

"You can go a little faster Jamie." Jamie smiled and started thrusting faster causing troy to moan. After a few more thrusts he felt his second climax hit and the condom inflate. Troy found it weird, having a condom inflate inside his ass was one thing, but in his dick, that felt totally different. Jamie however was panting and took himself out and fell back on the bed. Drake continued his rapid thrusts causing Troy to moan. For the next few minutes, Drake continued his thrusts and Troy felt another climax approaching. "FUCK!" He shot his load all over the sheets and mostly on Jamie. Drake however just laughed and Jamie started to suck Troy's cock again.

"Easy kit, I think he's had enough."

"Are. . .you almost. . .there?"

"Yeah. . .just, ngh, a little more. God, I love fucking your ass."

"Keep going then big boy." Drake continued thrusting and reached for his boyfriend's balls and started to play with them, while licking the cats face.. "Oh Drake. .." He kept going until he felt his balls arch up.

"Ah!" He panted heavily as hot dragon cum filled the rubber. "Well Troy?"

"W-Wonderful. . . ."

"Hey, you two?"

"Yeah Jamie?"

"Can we go for a bath or a shower together?"

"Yeah. We have to, and I'll have to change the sheets." Drake removed himself and then he took off the condom and asked Jamie to give him it. Once he disposed of them, the three of them headed for the bathroom and filled the tub. It was big enough for a few furs at a time, so it wouldn't be a problem.

"You enjoy yourself Jamie?"

"Yeah, that was great!"

"Still the best day ever?"


"So Troy, what was it like, having your dick fucked?"

"It was. . .amazing."

"Well, if I were as big as you, I'd like to try it, but, your tongue should do nicely."

"Um, guys?"

"Yeah Jamie?"

"You think we'll do this again?"

"Maybe, but I don't know if we should tell mom or dad. Oh yeah, don't tell anyone what we did Jamie, okay?"

"Okay. I promise, I know why anyway."

"Anything else?"

"You think I will find someone?"

"Of course kit. And, I think, they should take your tail."

"Well, one of you could have taken it."

"I think I'm too big for you Jamie." Troy told him.

"Save it for your future boyfriend."

"Okay. By the way, what where you doing when you left me and Troy alone?"

"it's a surprise. Just look on your bed. Its next to your teddy."

Well, this is the first story i've ever submittted, so let me know what i can do to improve them, i currently have the next chapter written up, which i'll post when i can, and a little on the 3rd (more on that later) So, any advice would be great