Wedding bells & the alarms of war

Story by Rustic_King on SoFurry

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#8 of A Gentleman's Journal

The long awaited wedding is here!

I wandered around the streets of Ponyville trying to decide what I should buy as treats for Milky, Lightning and Octavia. On my way home I had decided to stop off and buy them gifts for being so understanding (and to apologise). I knew I wanted to get something sweet for them, but what? In the heat of the day, I was slightly regretting wearing my blue pinstripe three-piece, but I did look good, and the straw Trilby hat and John Lennon sunglasses made me look rather classy, even if I felt like a pig in a blanket.

I passed by Sugarcube Corner, baked goods wouldn't be easy to keep in good condition on the journey home. Besides which, I knew that a certain hyperactive pink pony worked there, and I had no energy to deal with her today. So, that not being an option, I turned down another street, and I saw a sweet shop.

'Perfect!' I thought aloud, the moment I saw it

A bell rang as I pushed the door open, and I was greeted by a filly with a bright red curly mane, large glasses and a pale coat.

'Hi there mister, come to buy some thweets?' she asked, smiling up at me

Oh bless, she had the most adorable lisp!

I pulled off my sunglasses, and carefully slipped them into my top breast pocket.'Ah, yes, I've come to choose some sweets for my fiancées.' I replied smiling back, accidentally showing my teeth, but to my surprise, she wasn't scared, and merely grinned even wider.

She turned around, showing her cutie mark of two candy canes forming a heart, 'Mom! You've got a customer!' she called out in the direction of what was clearly the stock room.

'Coming dear!' came the reply, and moments later, a unicorn mare with almost the same colours came out of the back room. 'Oh!' she gave a slight double take when she saw me, but soon recovered, I guessed she still wasn't used to humans.'How may I help you today?' she asked with a shopkeepers smile.

'I'd like to buy my fiancées some sweets as presents since I've been away on business in Canterlot, leaving them alone in - shall we say "delicate condition"?' I said, so that the young filly would be out of the loop.

Her mother however gave me a knowing nod, 'We have an excellent range of candies and chocolates that any mare would love to receive.' I was shown around the shop and the young filly trailed behind, pointing out certain sweets to me.

'Oh, oh! Try those truffles!' she exclaimed eagerly as we passed by a container marked "Chocolate truffle"

'Hmm, are they real truffles?' I asked her mother

'They sure are! Black truffles from right here in Ponyville!' she said brightly 'The Apple family lets us borrow one of their pigs to sniff them out - and they're very good at picking only the very best ones!'

'Well then, I'll take a box of them! Good suggestion kid.'I added, with a smile at the filly

I knew that Octavia, with her refined tastes would love truffles.

Soon,my eye was drawn to some Turkish Delight, and I knew that Milky loved Turkish Delight 'I'll take a box of that, please.' I said, pointing it out to her

Finally, for Lightning Dust, I picked out some caramel squares, which were her favourites. 'That's all for now.' I told the mare and we returned to the counter.

'Hey Mister, wanna try some candy canes?' the young filly asked hopefully, pointing at a jar of peppermint candy canes 'I made them myself!' she added, smiling cheerfully

My heart was melting at her cuteness and enthusiasm.

'Come on now, Twist, don't bother the man so!' her mother chided her

'Oh, sorry.' she said softly, her smile fading

'It's okay ma'am, it's no bother at all.' I looked into the now hopeful face of her daughter 'You say you made these all by yourself?' I asked, in a tone which I hoped showed I was impressed, which I was.

She nodded so forcefully that her glasses slipped a little, and she paused to push them back on her muzzle.

'Yep, it's my spethial talent!'

I smiled at the way she pronounced "special", it was too precious!

'Well then "Twist", was it?' I asked, pretending I wasn't sure of her name, and she beamed at my use of it, 'I'm sure they're delicious, I'll take four.'

'Really? Thanks!' she cried, jumping a foot in the air with glee

I chuckled, 'How much do I owe?' I asked her mother, who was looking a little annoyed at this point, it seemed she was a bit of an overbearing mother. Not cruel, but very concerned with "proper" behaviour, and, despite my assertion to the contrary, she clearly felt that Twist was "bothering" a customer.

'That'll be twenty-five bits, please.' she said, ringing up the sale on the register

'Certainly!' I said and placed the coins on the counter 'And... here's five bits for the budding little confectioner!' I added, pushing five gold coins towards Twist Her mother opened her mouth to protest, but I cut her off. 'No, I insist! She was so very helpful and that deserves encouragement.' I said firmly

Twist looked from me to her mother, an expectant look on her face.

At length, Twists' mother sighed, 'Fine, go on - but be sure to thank the nice man.'

Twist gleefully scooped up her money 'Thanks mister!' she said happily as she did so

'You're welcome bairn' I said, using a Newcastle expression for "child" that my Nan had often used for myself and my brother

I picked up the basket that my purchases had been put in, and I left the shop. I put down the basket just outside the door and put my sunglasses back on. As I was about to pick up the little basket again, a pair of shutters in the shop wall flew open, revealing Twists eager face.

'Hey, erm will you be coming again?' she asked shyly, rubbing her fore hooves together

'Back to Ponyville? Most likely.' I replied casually, straightening up to face her

'Oh, and what about to the shop?' she replied, looking worried for some reason

'Of course, this is the finest sweet shop in town!' I ruffled her mane affectionately 'Tell your mother I won't shop anywhere else for sweets!'

I figured maybe her mum thought that she had cost the shop a repeat customer, so I decided to send a message to dispel that myth.

She was blushing slightly, but looked relieved 'Oh, good, then bye for now.'

'Goodbye miss Twist.' I replied, and tugged my forelock in an exaggerated show of respect before stooping down and taking up the basket.

She giggled, and I turned to walk away. A few meters down the road, I looked over my shoulder, and she was still hanging out the window, waving frantically. With a smile I continued on my way home.

As I walled down the hallway to my apartment, The strains of cello music reached my ears, and I felt at peace knowing I was home.

I opened the door, and in as hammy a manner I could, I called out, 'Honey, I'm home!'

Milky looked up from a book she was reading, and Octavia stopped playing and I noticed somepony was missing. 'Where's Lighting Dust?' I asked them

''She said she was bored, so she went for a fly. She shouldn't be too far away' Octavia replied, preparing to resume her playing

'Oh, that's good because I have some news for all of you.'

I walked over to the window, turned my head to face Milky and Octavia, 'You might want to cover your ears for a moment.' I warned them before I stuck my head out and put two fingers in my mouth, took a deep breath before giving an ear-piercing whistle. I then made a crude megaphone with my hands and bellowed 'Lightning Dust!' at the top of my lungs

'There, that ought to have got her attention, eh?' I asked them as I turned around, a grin on my face

Their faces were blank with shock, I don't think either of them expected me to be so...uncouth. I stopped smiling immediately.

'Don't worry, that's the sort of thing she responds to, that's all. I'm not actually that ill-mannered.' I said reassuringly

'Says you!' retorted Lighting from behind my shoulder

I turned back to see that she was hovering just outside the window, 'Hello darling, lovely to see you again, I missed you while I was away.' I told said, before kissing her on the nose

She blushed, and was so shocked that she almost fell out of the sky, but she swiftly recovered both her composure and her balance.

'Well, are you going to let me in or what?' she asked sullenly, and she had a point, I was blocking the window

'Sorry, yes of course I'll let you in.' I said, stepping back, allowing her to zip in as fast as... well, as fast as lightning.

I took a seat in my armchair, and cleared my throat, 'Okay my loves, I've got some good news, an announcement and... I come bearing gifts!' I finished with a flourish, holding up the basket of sweets as if it were a trophy.'

All three of them looked at me expectantly, so I continued. 'I passed on your message, and from all that happened at the meeting, I have good reason to believe that the potion will soon become widely available.'

The reaction was instantaneous, 'Oh honey! If you're right that would be wonderful!' cried Octavia

'I knew you could do it!' shouted Milky, smiling warmly at me

'Huh, you did good...I suppose.' murmured Lightning reluctantly, still pouting slightly

Not phased at her apparent lack of enthusiasm, I ploughed ahead.

'Next, I have an announcement to make. While I was away I did a lot of thinking. I began thinking about what is most important to me.' I said, looking at all three of them

'And?' they all said in near unison, looking expectantly at me

'And I realised that what is the most important to me is you three and our foals. So I've decided to ask Ever Ring to limit my clients from now until the foals are older. I know that you said you weren't going to ask me to stop, but I feel this it the right thing to do.'

All three looked like they wanted to speak, but I wanted to maintain the inertia I'd built up, so kept going.

'Listen, I know that things seem to be moving so fast lately, what with you all being pregnant, and having to arrange a wedding on such short notice, but I promise that I'll do everything I can to slow the pace - let us all catch our breaths so to speak.''

Milky was the first to speak up, 'If you think that's the right thing to do, then I trust you.' she said

I looked over to Octavia, 'I agree, I trust your judgement.' she said calmly, her face as serene as it usually was.

'And you, Lightning?' I asked, turning to face her

'If you want to, I'm not going to stop you.' she replied grumpily, alighting on my armchair

I guessed she was cross at me for showing affection in public, so I decided to give her present first.

'And now for the gifts! For you Lightning, I have some delicious caramel squares.' I said, pulling the box out of the basket

'C-caramel squares?' she stammered, a look of surprise on her face, 'Those are my favourite, how did you know?'

I grinned, 'Because you buy them every chance you get.' I replied, smiling knowingly

She blushed, and fixed her gaze on the floor.

To spare her any further embarrassment, I moved on to Octavia's gift.

'For you Octavia, I have some black truffles in chocolate, fresh from Ponyville' I said, and passed her the box

'And last, but of course not least, I have Turkish delight for you Milky.' I said and she gave a squeak of delight before taking the box by the ribbon.

'I also have something extra.' I said, presenting the candy canes 'These were made by the most adorable filly with a talent for sweet making, not to mention customer service.' I said, passing them out.

It was a week before the wedding, and we were heading to Trottingham to make the final preparations. Every RSVP had come in, and Octavia had done an amazing job of organising so much of it. We had flowers from Floreat, food from various stores including Sugarcube Corner, and the dresses were from Carousel boutique, which was owned by Equestria hottest up and coming fashion designer - or so I was told. As to accommodation, the four of us plus Mike and my parents would be staying in Milky's little cottage. It would be a tight squeeze, but we'd manage. The other guests would be staying at the Rose & Thorn . Eiderdown had given a very generous discount and we decided to invite her as well.

'Is that the last of them?' I asked, hefting a heavy suitcase onto the taxi

'That's the last of them.' confirmed Octavia, climbing into the carriage

Before we went to Milky's cottage, we stopped at Eiderdowns' bed and breakfast to give her the invitation

'Oh no! I couldn't possibly!' she gasped when we attempted to give it to her

'But Eiderdown, if it weren't for you, Milky and I might never have gotten together.' I pointed out, looking down at Milky with a smile

She looked a little unsure, but finally she took the invite in her mouth, and pinned it securely to her cork board.

'Thank you, this is just too wonderful!' she gushed

'You're welcome, it means a lot to us too.' Milky replied, smiling brightly

'We'll be going now Eiderdown, we'll see at the wedding - Half past three on the dot.' I said genially and Milky and I returned home.

It was the evening of the last day before the wedding, and we were still awaiting the arrival of Michael.

'Do you think he's going to come?' my mother asked anxiously, 'Can't have a wedding without a best man!'

'Of course he is, but you know what it's like at the portal, there are backlogs sometimes.' I replied, slightly peeved - she had been worrying and interfering almost constantly since she arrived.

Her first response to the flowers was 'Oh no, no no! They simply don't match the tablecloths at all!' When I pointed out that they were done by a professional florist, she moved on to the dance floor 'Do you think it's big enough?' she fretted when she saw it. It went on and on like that the whole day.

'Mike, hurry up and get here!' I prayed fervently in my mind, I don't think I could stand much more of her fussing and attempts to change things to her tastes.

Almost as if on cue, the sound of a motorbike filled the air. I listened as the engine slowed, began to idle and then shut off.

'That's him now! I'm sure of it!' I cried and rushed to the window, and sure enough, Mike was climbing off his motorbike. He was clearly visible because he had altered his bike and his riding suit so that he looked like he had stepped out of Tron, light tape covered various parts of the bike, and his suit looked completely accurate, even including a circle of light on his back where the ID disk would be.

'I was right!' I called over my shoulder and turned back to see Mike take off his helmet and wave to me.

I dashed from the window, flung opened the door and marched over to where Mike was securing his bike.

'Mike!' we embraced quickly and I took half a step back. 'How on Earth did you get clearance to bring a vehicle through?' I asked incredulously, as I surveyed his Ducati 2008 Sport Classic 1000. To bring in a vehicle for non-essential reasons, you had to fill in a form detailing what type of vehicle you wanted to bring, why you were visiting, and why you felt you should be allowed to bring your vehicle with you. It was a long and complicated procedure.

He shrugged, 'I dunno, when I got your invite, I wrote up my RSVP right away, an' then I got thinking I didn't want to go anywhere without my baby.' At which point, he stroked the bike tenderly, gazing at it with an expression normally reserved for a lover, or ones child. 'So, I printed off the forms, sent 'em in and next thing I know I've got clearance.' he said, a broad grin on his lips

'Well whatever the case, I'm glad you've made it - at least it'll give my mum one less thing to worry about.'

He laughed, 'I like your mum, she always has a good grasp of the situation.'

'Yes, so I've been reminded.' I said dryly, rolling my eyes as I showed him in

I sat him down in the cosy living room where everyone else was waiting.

'Mike, you've met my parents before, so allow me to introduce my fiancées, Lightning Dust, Milky Way and Octavia.' I said, pointing them out in turn

'A pleasure to make your acquaintance ladies.' he said, nodding to each of them by way of greeting

That night, he and I were having a chat outside so that he could smoke a cigarette.

'I thought you quit?' I choked, as smoke wafted across my face when the wind shifted

'I'm tryin' to!' he protested, 'I've cut down a lot recently.'

'So, have you got your speech written?' I asked, deciding to change the subject

He leaned back against the wall, 'Mostly, I think I'll wing it - add in some funny anecdotes. Hey Ed, remember that time in Blackpool, you -'

'No, I don't!' I said sharply, flushing red in the face 'And neither do you.' I added sternly

Mike chuckled, 'All right mate, don't get yer knickers twisted! I won't mention that.' and he grinned like a Cheshire cat

That bastard! it had been a wind up all along! I should have known he'd never tell anyone about that.

Michael took a drag of his cigarette, 'D'you think Richard will make it back from the Griffon kingdom in time?'

I sighed, I had no idea, only hope. 'I hope so, he said he should be back tomorrow at lunchtime, but who knows?' I shrugged

I yawned, and stretched my arms 'Well, I'm off to bed, see you in the morning.'

'Goodnight mate.' came the whispered response

Next morning we all headed out to Nutwood Common to finish setting up. The large purple and silver marquee had been set up with smaller tents adjoining it, bolstered with plywood with toilets nearby, and a cooking tent stood at a safe distance away.

I stood out side the park entrance, it was just an hour before the wedding, and I was still hopeful that my brother would arrive in time. He had directions, but mother was worried he'd miss the entrance.

'Go and wait by the entrance so he sees you!' she had nagged me, I had learned in my childhood it was best to give in without a fight, so I went.

I was half leaning, half sitting on the low rock wall that bordered the common, watching the guests mingle before the ceremony.

A low rumble reached my ears, and I looked towards it and saw a vehicle approaching, a faint dust cloud kicking up off the dirt road. As it got closer, I could see it was an army Jeep. It pulled up right in front of me, and Richard climbed out slowly, carrying his dress uniform on a dry cleaners hanger in one hand and his dress shoes in the other.

When he turned around, I saw that he had a large bruise around his left eye, and a deep cut, with stitches on his right cheek 'Richard, what the hell!' I blurted out before I could think of anything more sensible to say

'I'll explain later, come on and show me where I can get into this.' he replied tersely, lifting up the uniform to keep it off the grass

As we walked over to the large marquee, I noticed that he was limping slightly, but I didn't have time for questions right then.

'Right, through here.' I said, leading him to the men's changing area

'Thanks.' He said simply, and closed the curtain behind himself

Because I had nothing else to do, I stood outside the changing room where he was getting into his uniform.

I suddenly heard him give a muted cry of pain,'God damn pigeon!' he said, and I could hear the pain in his voice

I knocked on the plywood wall, 'Dick, you alright mate?' I asked

Another grunt of pain, 'Yeah Ed, I'm fine don't worry, leave that to auntie Jane.'

I didn't buy it so I opened the curtain, and what I saw shocked me. The left side of his torso was almost completely covered by a vivid purple and yellow bruise!

'Christ almighty, Richard, what the hell happened to you?'

'Nothing, I just got into a bit of a scuffle with a Griffon is all.' he said airily, as if fighting a griffon was as normal as a Saturday night brawl with some drunk loser.

'I thought it was supposed to be a diplomatic mission?' I said, stepping closer to get a better look

'It was, and a successful one too, but this one griffon and I didn't see eye to eye on certain matters and well, we had a duel.'

I was aghast, 'You actually fought a griffon?! He could have killed you!'

'Yes I did, and [i]she[/i] almost did, or at least she claimed she would have if the duel hadn't been broken up.'

'Jesus, any major damage?' I asked in wonder

'Na, just a bruised rib or two, I gave a fairly good account of myself - she didn't expect humans to be such good fighters.' he said smugly

I looked doubtfully at his injuries, 'If you say so mate. Do you want me to help you change?'

He hesitated for a while, I guessed he was weighing up between the pain of dressing unaided, and his pride.

'Yeah, fine.' he replied, and pointed to his shirt, hanging up on the wall 'Help me get into that for a start.'

After helping Richard dress, I went to go through the pre ceremony talk with the celebrant, a middle-aged stallion whose cutie mark was two hearts bound in golden thread.

I stood at the end of a long red carpet, my back to the main entrance, and when band began playing Pachelbel's canon in D, my heart began to hammer, and I had to take a few deep breaths to calm my nerves.

Soon I was flanked by Octavia and Milky and when I looked down into their faces, they looked simply radiant.

The celebrant cleared his throat, 'Dearly beloved, we are gathered here, on this day blessed by Celestia to unite three hearts in matrimony. The groom has written his own vows, which he will now read.'

I cleared my throat and began ' Before I begin the vows proper, I want to say that even though officially I am only marrying Milky and Octavia, I will also consider myself your husband too Lightning.' I said with a glance to where she sat next to my parents. She blushed bright red, but she also smiled, so I knew she was happy at being included

'My dear Milky Way, my darling Octavia, here, today, in front of our family and friends I want to declare that through any kind of weather I want us to be together. I want you to know I love you more than I thought a man could love. But more than love, I offer you fidelity, honour and my very life.

The celebrant gave me entirely too much credit when he said I wrote these vows myself. In a sense he's correct, but not all the words are of my own composition. However, a wise person once told me that what matters most is that the emotions behind the words one speaks are your own, honest feelings. That said, I want to quote "I will be here" by Steven Curtis Chapman.

"If in the morning when you wake, If the sun does not appear, I will be here. If in the dark we lose sight of love, Hold my hand and have no fear, I will be here.

I will be here, When you feel like being quiet, When you need to speak your mind I will listen. Through the winning, losing, and trying we'll be together, And I will be here. If in the morning when you wake, If the future is unclear, I will be here. As sure as seasons were made for change, Our lifetimes were made for years, I will be here.

I will be here, And you can cry on my shoulder, When the mirror tells us we're older. I will hold you, to watch you grow in beauty, And tell you all the things you are to me. We'll be together and I will be here. I will be true to the promises I've made, To you and to the one who gave you to me. I will be here."

Both were close to tears, and much as she denies it, I swear to this day that when I next saw Lightning Dust, her eyes were a little puffy.

'And now, I ask both mares, do you, Milky Way, and Octavia Trebleclef take this man to be your husband? Do you vow to stay together in fair weather or foul, when the grass is green and when it is brown?'

'I do' choked Milky, her voice thick with emotion

'I do' echoed Octavia, with but a slight quiver in her voice

The celebrant smiled, and turned to face me.

'And now I must ask, do you Edmund Johnson take these mares to be your wives? Do you vow to stay together in fair weather or foul, when the grass is green and when it is brown?'

'I do' I replied

'You have the rings?' The celebrant asked Mike gently.

Michael held a velvet cushion on which the rings sat. They were more like bracelets, designed to fit snugly around a pony's hoof. The rings I had bought looked like simple gold bands, but had been magically engraved with their owners cutie marks that glowed white when worn.Taking the rings, I set them on the floor in front of my brides.

'With these rings, I declare my eternal love for you.' I said as I slipped it onto their hooves. As I did so, the marks appeared, glowing brightly with pure, white light.

The celebrant then cleared his throat, a called out 'If any pony has a valid reason why these hearts should not be wed, then I invite them to speak now, or forever hold their peace.'

There was a pregnant pause before the celebrant continued.

'Then I declare you mares and groom, you may kiss the groom.'

I knelt down on one knee, Milky Way and Octavia then kissed my cheeks simultaneously. I then kissed Octavia and Milky separately, this wasn't part of a normal polygamous marriage, but we had decided on a mix of Earth and Equestria customs.

'Ladies and gentlemen, fillies and gentle-colts, please join me in congratulating the newly-weds!' the celebrant called out.

The guests rose to their feet (or hooves) and cheered, clapped and stomped on the ground

From there we moved to the traditional cutting of the cake, and soon it was speech time. I tapped a fork gently against a champagne flute, and when silence fell, I stood up to address the crowd.

'First of all, my wives and I want to thank you all for coming to share this day with us. This past year has been one of the most hectic, and also the most rewarding I've ever had. I have made many new friends, and renewed old ones too. But more than that I have met three amazing mares, with whom I am happy to be building a new life with. I would ask that you join me in showing appreciation to these wonderful ladies.' I said, and began clapping, to which the guests joined in.

My dad spoke next, ' I'm not much for making speeches, so I'll keep this short. At first, I was shocked at the news my boy was having a polygamous marriage to ponies. But now that I have met them, I think my lad has found some wonderful ladies. Milky, Octavia - and you too Lightning Dust; welcome to the family!'

Next was Mike's speech, as could be counted on he was equal parts hilarious, and touching. He mixed funny anecdotes of our time at law school with personal observations on why I was such 'A good bloke, always ready to help anyone, even a young kid trying to refit into British life after five years in the states.'

The celebrant spoke into a megaphone, 'Ladies and gentlemen, please make way for the brides and groom as they take the first dance of the evening.' The band struck up and the singer began to sing "Love is the sweetest thing".

Love is the sweetest thing _ what else on earth could ever bring_ _ such happiness to everything_ _ as love's old story?_

We danced in a trio, since of course we couldn't dance exactly as a human couple would, but with my hand on their heads, and they keeping close to me, it felt just as romantic.

love is the strangest thing _ no song of birds upon the wing_ _ shall in our hearts more sweetly sing_ _ than love's old story_

'I just want to say again that I really do love you two.' I said softly as we danced.

whatever hearts may desire _ whatever lies may say_ _ this is the tale that never will tire_ _ this is the song without end_

'We know dear.' Octavia replied happily

love is the greatest thing _ the oldest, yet the latest thing_

As the last notes faded, the guests gave a round of applause

That evening, I walked around the common with Richard, the sounds of continued merriment wafted on the cool breeze.

'So married eh? You sure you're not making a mistake?' he asked at length

'Richard, I know that today must have brought up some painful memories, but marriage is - can be a wonderful thing.' I replied, leaning on a wooden fence next to a stile 'You shouldn't be afraid to love, your dad managed to find love again after the divorce.'

'I'm not afraid of love, I just don't have any time for it.' he retorted 'And I don't have any issues with my parents divorce.' he added, with an air of finality

'So why do you still use your mums maiden name? Why not change it back to Johnson?' I asked, looking askance at him.

He stared off into the distance, his gaze fixed on the orange glow showing at the horizon, the last light of the day.

He let out a drawn out sigh, 'Listen, Ed, can we not do this right now? I have something important to say.'

I blinked in shock, Was he being emotional? 'Sure thing Richard, go ahead.' I replied awestruck at him opening up like this.

He smiled weakly, 'I can't say too much, but when I get back to earth, I'll be returning to active duty. Something major is going on, despite the improvement in global security in the last five years, some places are still the same as ever. There are places that are like the Balkans before the first world war - they need just one thing to set them off. If that happens, Britain may find itself at war - or at least committing manpower.' I looked at him in puzzlement, what was he getting at? Did he really expect to go to war?

'Do you think Britain still has the capability to fight any more? I mean, we've expended so much in Afghanistan and Iraq...' I let the sentence trail off and looked at Richard, he had a look of deep introspection on his face.

'Tho' much is taken, much abides; and though We are not now that strength which in old days Moved earth and heaven; that which we are, we are; One equal temper of heroic hearts, Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.'

'Ulysses!' I said in amazement, I had no idea he knew Tennyson.

He grinned, 'You're not the only cultured one in the family after all!'

'Fair enough, I suppose... . Hey, hang on, I'll bet you nicked that from Skyfall!' I said, suddenly realising that I'd heard it in the latest Bond film.

Richard laughed, 'All right, you've got me bang to rights! But my point still stands, yes we're no longer an imperial power, but Britain is still great, and we will do our duty.'

I was genuinely in awe, he was being eloquent, philosophical and committed, all things I never thought he could be. The brief visit to the base on Neo Equinox gave me a hint, but this?

'That's probably the deepest thing I've ever heard from you.' I said truthfully

He laughed and looked at me once more, 'I may have to go into combat, and if the worst happens. . . if we never see each other again,' he clapped his hand on my shoulder and looked earnestly into my face, 'I want you to know that you're my brother, and whatever happens you always will be.'

I returned the gesture, 'Thanks Richard, I feel the same way, brothers forever!'

I considered the situation for a while then softly quoted From Henry V. 'Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more; Or close the wall up with our English dead. In peace there's nothing so becomes a man As modest stillness and humility: But when the blast of war blows in our ears, Then imitate the action of the tiger; Stiffen the sinews, summon up the blood, Disguise fair nature with hard-favour'd rage; Then lend the eye a terrible aspect; Let pry through the portage of the head Like the brass cannon; let the brow o'erwhelm it As fearfully as doth a galled rock O'erhang and jutty his confounded base, Swill'd with the wild and wasteful ocean. Now set the teeth and stretch the nostril wide, Hold hard the breath and bend up every spirit To his full height. On, on, you noblest English. Whose blood is fet from fathers of war-proof! Fathers that, like so many Alexanders, Have in these parts from morn till even fought And sheathed their swords for lack of argument: Dishonour not your mothers; now attest That those whom you call'd fathers did beget you. Be copy now to men of grosser blood, And teach them how to war. And you, good yeoman, Whose limbs were made in England, show us here The mettle of your pasture; let us swear That you are worth your breeding; which I doubt not; For there is none of you so mean and base, That hath not noble lustre in your eyes. I see you stand like greyhounds in the slips, Straining upon the start. The game's afoot: Follow your spirit, and upon this charge Cry "God for Harry, England, and Saint George!" '

Richard grinned from ear to ear, 'Quite.' he said, attempting to imitate my received pronunciation.

We looked at each other and our faces slowly morphed from serious, to mirth before bursting into uproarious laughter.

Once we had gained control of ourselves, we stood and watched the suns glow fade into the darkness of a crisp, clear night.