Storm Brothers - Introduction

Story by Prince Seren on SoFurry

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Storm Brothers


May 4th 1999


My eyes were fixated upon the cartoonish puzzle that my mother had given me to keep me occupied while she worked in the kitchen, its pieces were bigger then my own small paws. Though even for a nine year old I had pretty big ones, but then again being a colt, almost everything was a bit bigger than some of his friends that lived next door. The weather man was talking gibberish on the television, though I really wasn't paying much attention even if my small mind couldn't comprehend what he was saying. The only weather I knew about was that loud thunder was outside, and every now and again the house would light up with a bolt of silver light which sort of frightened me.

"Auryn, suppers ready," called out his mother, a very beautiful young vixen who was wearing an apron that was splattered with grease and other cooking messes. I lifted myself up and started walking towards her.

"Is dad going to be home?" I asked as I sat myself down on my chair, which was smaller than my mother or fathers.

I hear my mother heave a heavy sigh as she looked towards me.

"He has late shift again tonight, he said that we'll be eating alone and he won't be back till midnight,' She said her ears lowering.

"But dad promised," I said whimpering crossing my arms over my small chest.

"I know sweetie, hey...what's that sound the TV is making?" She asked perking her ears.

I notice the sound too, it was a loud buzzing noise, a noise that only happened during one of them stupid weather tests.

My mother grabs the remote and turns it up as then a voice started to speak.

"A Tornado warning has been issued for the following counties, Dawson, Gibbon, Furnas,

Suddenly my mother's phone began to ring as she took it out of her pocket and pressed the green button and put it to her ear.

"Jason why is there a tornado warning on the...."

"A....are you sure, it's headed this way?"

"Okay...okay babe, get home soon okay, please drive safely," She said and then the phone hung up.

"Okay sweetie, we are going to have to get into the bathtub now, there is no need to panic she said walking towards me grabbing me and hoisting me up in her arms.

"But mom, its dinner time, not bath time," I protested.

"No time to argue, honey," For some reason my mother was having a hard time, she had worry written all over her muzzle, even her eyes showed it. She was trying to figure out a way to explain to me what was going on in a way that I could understand. Though I acted more mature then I really was, there were still things out there that I don't understand quite yet.

Suddenly a loud blaring sound began to blare outside.

"What's going on mommy?" I asked as then the door burtst open and my father stood there still in his uniform.

"GET INTO THE BATHROOM NOW!" He shouted slamming the door shut as best as he could because the wind outside was blowing harder then it usually did.

"Mommy, why is daddy yelling?" I ask with concern whimpering slightly my ears lowered. The only time daddy ever yelled at mommy was if they were in a heated argument, but they never did see each other at all today.

There was a loud sound that was erupting from the outside world, it was so loud that I covered my ears as my mother placed me into the bathtub and gave me my favorite blanket.

"For goodness sakes stay here!" She ordered me as then the sound of an explosion occurred, half of the entre house was ripped to shreds.

"Grab ahold of something!" My father's voice shouted as my father grabbed a nearby pipe.

I whimper tears flowing in my eyes obaying my mother I stayed in the tub watching them wishing I could do something for them. Everything was so loud, and the wind was blowing harder than ever.

"Mommy loves you, remember that!" My mother tells me as she looked into my eyes for one moment, and then the next, she and my father were gone, tossed into the wind like two pieces of paper being blown away by a fan.

"MOMMY!" I shout whimpering curling myself up as the rest of the house fell on top of me, causing everything to go into darkness.

Hours have passed, and I could hear voices from outside, I also saw sunlight filtering through the small holes that was provided from the walls that caved in around me. I notice a picture lying on the ground, I sniffle and try to reach for it, it was just close enough for my small paws to grab it, I look at it and see me and my parents.

"Mommy.....daddy," he said in a low whimper as tears stained my eyes.

"Is anyone alive in this house!?" came a shout from the outside. My ears perk as then the sound of ruble met my ears.

"!" I howled slightly with a low whimper. Just then the wall that was atop of me was removed, and there stood an officer a male stallion.

"Its okay son, we gotcha," He said reaching out for my paw.

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