The Winter Night

Story by AlexeloVicSorra on SoFurry

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Got bored and did a short story. Let me know whatcha thinks.

On winter nights like tonight I can only imagine what you are doing. I blankly stare out the window hoping to catch a glimpse of something. What are you looking for? Your voice echoes in my head. *sigh* How long has it been since we had last seen each other? Has it been two, maybe three years? I cannot simply keep track of the days. Snow. Yes it is snowing outside but it is too cold for I. My den is warm and keeps out the cold. You use to love snow didn't you? On days like this we would head out and mess around in the snow. Your thick fur kept you warm. Now that I think about it, I had always envied you for it. Are you keeping yourself warm? Remember to put your jacket on. Yes, yes I know. I'm thinking about heading out to enjoy the white powder before the sun melts it away. My hat covers my ears and mittens embrace my paws. Hahaha. Your laugh still remains in our empty den, echoing when it becomes too quiet.

Heading out into the cold a breeze rushes right into my face. I thought the term is warm welcome haha. Alas, I guess winter has other ways of greeting. Walking forward the snow crunches underneath my footpaws. It is cold but I know I must keep going, in order to see you once again. Keep going honey. I can just imagine your smile, so warm, so bright, so... welcoming. My tail curls around my midsection to keep warm and my paws are stuffed in my jacket pockets. The wind blows snow all around me, its scent finds a way into my nose. It smells just like you. hehehe your so silly. What does snow even smell like? You... *sigh* As I proceed the light from my den seems far off in the distance. Come on hun, keep going. Turning away from the house I continue on my journey.

Your stone sits in the snow awaiting my arrival. Across the middle, your name is carved. Anya... Slowly I kneel because the bitter cold has gotten to me. I take my paws of out my pocket and remove one side of my mittens. Brushing off the snow I feel a presence behind me and turn around. Sadly there is no one there. You always take such good care of me don't you Rain. Tears have been swelling up in my eyes; I've been holding them back but I cannot anymore. They cascade down my furry cheeks and hit the snowy ground making wholes. As I weep, my paws cover my eyes. I want to scream out your name knowing no one will hear it. Anya, Anya, saying your name brings a special warmth over my body. It is too early to leave flowers. The dandelions you love so much are not yet in bloom. Dandelions are my favorites just because many others call them weeds. The day you told me they were your favorites was the day I would never forget. Anya... I am sorry.

RAIN DON'T WORRY IT WAS NOT YOUR FAULT. Your voice sounds so real but I know it is only a figment of my imagination and eternal yearning to see you once again. YOU ARE SUCH AN IDIOT! TURN AROUND. Turn around you say, why should I? I cannot take another disappointment... DUMMY! Not soon after hearing that a warm embrace falls upon me. Anya? RAIN. I'M ALWAYS HER YOU DUMMY... I COULD NEVER LEAVE YOU ALL ALONE IN THIS WORLD. Anya... Why can't I come join you in the next than? Her embrace tightens. CAUSE I DON'T WANT YOU TO COME TO THIS SIDE JUST BECAUSE OF ME. I DON'T WANT YOU GOING TO HELL. YOU DESERVE TO LIVE THE LIFE YOU'VE ALWAYS WANTED TO LIVE. Life without you is worse than hell and I cannot live my dream without you in it. I draw the blade from my jacket and hold it against my wrist. Just a single moment of pain and we can live together forever Anya.

The snow begins to stain red with my blood. The snowy wind has died down and for the moment everything is standing still. Even thought the chains of hell hold me captive I'll spend every waking moment with the girl I love. The sound of chains echo through the forest.



I embrace you and hold on tight. Oh, how I have missed the feeling of your embrace and the scent of your fur. Please never let me know days without you here with me.

As the sun slowly rises Anya your stone glistens and the red snow starts to melt. As long as I am here with you now, not even death can keep us apart. My chains rattle and your wings flutter. Secretly I whisper, I love you.

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