Closed Cases - FSF Archives - S-7BF Call 0-1 Officer Down
Closed case fsf archives injury and subsequent loss of officer jacob sinova - d-644 call-in 0-1 july 2nd, 2008 first-person account officer steven marks of sohten - s-7bf officer jacob sinova of sohten - d-644 reporting base - sohten 1 it
Daylight Case File – Part 2
The footage would be analysed in case the killer returned to the scene. i think it is a little unnecessary in this case.
Closed Cases - FSF Archives - D-6AC Call 10-10 M-97F Discharge
Closed case fsf archives call 10-10, m-97f discharge january 23rd, 1953 first-person account officer mark sitter of lar - d-6ac officer adam mahoney of lar - m-97f reporting base: lar city 1 i had just started my shift.
A Case Best Left Untouched Part 3
Sero was scared out of his wits and not being able to see his capture made everything more terrifying. The only thing going through his mind was Sora, he was quietly humming River Flows in You. The song calmed him down a bit and distracted him away...
Daylight Case File – Part 1
About eighty percent of their clients are cosmetic or fashionable augmetic cases. the rest are factory workers who've lost a hand and are needed back on the line asap, or repair cases on enforcers from downtown.
Daylight Casefile – Part 0
Looks like i have three cases to pick from today. lucky me. i wonder which i should take?
Daylight Case Files – Part 5
#6 of case files so, here is the latest part. as promised i've done 5 'official' parts of this story and will go back to time for a change for another 5 entries after this. or, more accurately, after i do something a little different.
Daylight Case Files – Part 4
#5 of case files sorry this one is a little late. the bank holiday threw me for a bit of a loop and i lost track of time. well, the easiest way to tell how legit this killer is will be to see if there is any record of his augmentation.
Daylight Case Files – Part 3
#4 of case files next part! hope people are enjoying this so far! this is a long one to give a lot more information, as requested. well, information is the key to breaking any case.
Therian's - A Case Study - Part one - Odocoileus virginianus (Whitetail Deer)
Therian's - a case study © cederwyn whitefurr 8thseptember, 2021 all rights reserved.
In Case of Reuniting
"Cedric's coming" Kieran said, turning the wheel to the right. "Good" Wes said, "Hope he found what he's looking for." Male Feminist: Everyone has their rhytmn. It's healthy for him to explore himself Alpha Chad: Alright, threesome! ...
A Case Best Left Untouched Part 1
"when will this case be solved?! do you have any clues to who might be doing this?!" the questions were relentless but the two agents calmly ignored every one of them. thankfully policed stopped them from getting closer to the crime scene.