Dreams do come true

Story by PhrostDragon on SoFurry

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Written by PhrostDragon

Dreams do come true

Please leave comments! I don't write a lot, but your opinion wouldreally make a difference if I decide to write again, thanks!

Also, if you only wish to skip to the bottom for the yiffy scene, don't rate my story. Thanks.

If there was anything I ever wanted out of life, it was to meet a Dragon for once. I would give anything, to die instantly, or to be stuck as a slave for life... It didn't matter to me. Dragon's were all I stood for these days, and I wanted nothing more out of life than this.

I have dreams in my life, but I don't share them with people I know, but I love Dragons more than almost anybody I know. Theres only a few things I wish for; To meet a Dragon, ride the night skies with one, live with one, BE one, and if I got lucky, have sex with one... (Don't laugh. =P)

A little background on myself to help this story make better sense; I'm a very kind person, but whether I hurt somebody physically, or feelings wise on the inside, I hurt twice as bad... I know it sounds stupid, but it kills me on the inside when I hurt somebody. I guess I may have too big of a heart, but I feel like someday I may be rewarded

for this.

It was a full moon, my room dimly lit with the black and white moonlight. It was almost 3:00Am, not a noise in the house, or the streets. Fog had over-run the entire city to where you couldn't see 10 feet in front of you.

I thought once I was visited by a dragon, but I didn't know what to make of it. All of the sudden, I heard a thump, and my eye's shot open, but it was a pillow on the side of my bed that had fallen over, so I forgot about it and started drifting off back to sleep; but just as I had started closing my eyes, I saw something hanging from my roof just outside my window, dangling. My heart was beating fast as I got out of bed to look outside my window to see what I was trying to look at, but it slipped back up onto my roof, making quiet thuds on my roof. I didn't know what to do, but my instincts told me not to stop now. I decided to open my window, and take the screen off, and try to look over the ledge of my roof, but it was too far to reach, so I started pulling myself back in, staring where the tail once was, and a large hand reached down. I couldn't tell what color it was, but I froze from several thoughts rushing through my head at once. I knew what it was, but I was frozen with fear for some reason. Soon, the hand brought itself back up, and a head lowered back down, and leaned towards me, leaving only a few inches between our faces, and looked me in the eye, it's face expressionless. My heart was going mad, but my mind was relatively calm, though I was still unable to move. Suddenly, began to hear an ominous voice in my head, a male's voice for sure though. "Is something wrong, Phrost?" My real name wasn't Phrost, but a name I used on everything that dealt with the internet; a nickname if you will.

I was unsure if I could talk back to him telepathically, so I spoke quietly, not to awake anybody. "H..How do you know who I am?" He grinned at me, and replied "All dragons have gotten word about you more than once, Phrost. You may be human, but you have the personality of a dragon, and more. Humans like you are very rare, and revered by most dragons alive." I was beginning to feel a lot calmer, knowing he wasn't here to hurt me, but for what reason, I was yet to figure out.

"I don't know what to say... But if you don't mind my asking, why are you here?" He tilted his head a bit, and smiled widely. I won't get used to that ghastly voice in my head for a long while... "I wanted to offer you a ride though the skies for a while, actually.. I've taken a liking to your company." I smiled and stared back into his eyes; almost mesmerizing. I was excited, but I was shivering with curiosity, but I swallowed what little fear I had. "It would be an honor to ride with you. I'm guessing I should dress warm?" His eyes opened up when I replied, as if he hadn't expected me to agree or something. "Yes, dress as warm as you can. The warmer, the better." I stripped myself of my night clothes, down to my boxers, while the dragon continued staring at me, I was almost certain I was blushing. I put on a pair of sweatpants, then my best pair of jeans, and 2 shirts and my coat, and my boots, and walked back to my window, and nodded. "Is there anything else you may want to take with you?" He made it sound like I'd never come back or something, but even if that were so, I wouldn't care. "No, I'm ready." I was still a bit shaky with excitement, but I didn't care. "Take my hand and I'll pull you up." He reached his hand out towards me, and opened his fingers a bit. So many things were going through my head. I sat there for a moment with a large smile on my face.

"Excited already? Come and grab my hand, there's much ahead of us." With that, he winked at me. My eyes opened as wide as possible, and took his hand. He gently closed his hand around mine, cool, yet still warm. His hands were only so much bigger than mine, but I could feel the muscular strength behind them already. He slowly pulled me up, and put his hand under my armpit, and lifted me all the way up. His body was beautiful. "You're amazing..." He lowered his head a bit, like a bow of appreciation, and flexed his wings once. His wingspan was massive. His body alone was so unreal; it almost made my eyes tear. "Climb onto my back, just below my wings when you're finished gazing at me." He lowered himself onto his belly, and kept his eye on me the entire time. He had a very intent smile on himself. He seemed very kind and gentle.. He reminded of me if I were a dragon. I snapped myself out of staring at his hypnotic body, and slowly walked around to his side, and looked up at him, still gazing at me. "What name do you go by, anyways?" He looked into space for a moment, and looked back at me. "You can call me Elvarg." He looked back at me, and nudged me to get on with his head, so I did. "Wrap your arms around my sides as tightly as you can. The roughest part is taking off." I nodded in acknowledgement, and wrapped my arms around his body until they met underneath his chest, and held them together.

"Before we go, can you tell me how you've been speaking to me telepathically?" He stared at me for a moment, and spoke outloud for the first time. "It's easier than you think, simply look at me, and concentrate, and begin speaking." I now knew why he was always staring at me; I had thought he had 'other' intentions or something, and was actually hoping too. I looked into his eyes, and cleared my mind of everything except Elvarg. "I'm ready to go." He looked at me and smiled, and lifted himself off of his stomache, and flexed his wings, lowered himself back downonto his stomahce, this time cocking his legs, and he jumped atleast 10 feet into the air, and began flapping his beautiful wings with grace. As we started gaining altitude, I slid my legs behind his for a bit more security. Just as I was about to wrap them together, he took his hind legs and grasped my legs below my calf muscles, and held them firmly. I didn't know where he was taking me, but I didn't care. The presence alone was more than enough for me. The only thing that worried me, was if he was taking me anywhere, I'd guess it would be far from civilization, and it would be a long flight. "Please, if you get tired from flying, don't hesitate to land somewhere to rest." He let out a playful chuckle. "This is like a human such as yourself walking with a little extra weight." I was speechless. "Is it safe to let my hands go now?" The feeling of the chilly air was nice, and even though I dressed as warm as I could, I still felt the warmth of the dragon as well. I had always thought they were cold blooded, but I guess I was wrong. "It's safe now."

I slowly let my hands go from eachother, and sat up a bit to look around. We had already traveled quite a distance. The fog around my city was gone, and I could see every last star in the sky. I looked at Elvarg, and he was looking at the stars as well. He turned his head and looked at me. He had a angelic glimmer from the moonlight "They're beautiful, aren't they." I smiled and nodded. "I never get to see the stars like this back where I live. All the lights around make it impossible." He smiled and winked at me. Though I was unsure why, I could only wait and find out. With my hands free, and a full moon to light up the lands, I took a deep breathe through my nose, and enjoyed the scent of nature at its fullest, looking off into the distance to see mountains and trees to no end, all in black and white. Breathtaking. 2 hours or so had passed, and I had fallen asleep.

Morning arrived. I was still half asleep, the sun peeking over the mountains, slowly waking me up. "Wake up, Phrost." I opened my eyes slightly, to find myself on Elvarg's stomach. His scales were a dark navy blue, his underside a pale yellow. Now that I saw him in full light, he was only about twice my size, but still larger. He had landed in a small opening of grass, and put me ontop of himself, while I was nearly awake. "Sleep well?" He put a hand on my back and rubbed me a bit. I nodded. "Keep doing that, it feels nice." He laughed a bit and started using his claws a bit, scratching around my sides. If I could purr, I would. "Where are we?" He lifted his hand off of my back, and gently put his hands on my sides and set me onto the grass, and rolled onto his feet and looked at me charmingly. "This is where I live." I looked around to find myself surrounded by mountains from all sides, with glorious trees inside, with patches of grass and plains, and a small lake with a large waterfall falling over one of the mountains in the distance. "This is where we all live." I quickly looked back at him with shock. "Who's we?" He grinned widely. "This is where nearly all dragons live. Its secluded from humans, and it has everything we need to live peacefully." I thought I was dreaming. He walked up to me, and wrapped his arms around my body, hugging me and whispered: "Will you live here with me, please? Everybody here knows you, but they're always worried about visiting you, because they didn't want to be spotted by other humans, and Im sure they would love to meet you." I felt as if I were home already. I didn't really miss my old home anyways, no body really liked me back at my real home. Realising this, I wrapped my arms around Elvarg and began hugging him tightly. "I would love to live here with you." He hugged me tighter, stopped and looked at me, and brought his head to my face and quickly kissed me on the lips.

It felt odd being kissed by a dragon, but it didn't feel wrong at all. He slowly pulled away from the kiss and said outloud: "I'm pleased to hear that." I leaned my head into his chest. "I feel as if I could fulfill the rest of my life's dreams here, living with you and the others." He tilted his head and looks at me curiously "What dreams do you look to live out?" I looked up into his eyes again "I've lived out every dream except for two now. Die happy, and.." I heard a gasp in the trees, and looked to find another dragon staring at me. I was frightened already, but I still managed to wave a bit. Elvarg and the other dragon stood there for a few moments, staring at eachother as if they were about to duel or something, but instead, talking. It looked so unusual. After a few moments passed, they both looked at me, the other dragon slowly approaching me to sniff me. "Your the one known as Phrost?" This one's voice was a female's. I nodded my head. I didn't know why, but I felt it would be better to speak aloud. "And your name is?" She cocked her head back a bit, and replied outloud as well. "You can call me Ayana." I bowed my head slightly in respect. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Ayana." She was a stunning, white-scaled dragoness; the sun glistened off of her scales. I had seen pictures on the internet of dragoness' having hair, but I never had believed dragons really grew hair, but now I've seen everything, or so I thought. Her hair was astonishing; it was transparent, silver hair suitable for an angel from the heavens.

The feeling that there were dragons here that knew who I was had an odd feeling to it. I wasn't scared, but I felt like I had found where I really belonged in life. "Well, I'm going to show Phrost around a bit, he's new here, and I felt it would be in everyone's best interest if he got to know some of the others, as well as get a good feeling of being in Visudiem. He decided he would like to live here with us." Ayana smiled and looked at me, and bowed her head like I did. "It was nice to meet you, Phrost. I hope we see eachother real soon." She winked at me, and turned around, whipped her tail a bit, turned her head and stared at me for a moment, then walked back into the woods. Elvarg lowered himself to the ground, making a gesture with his head to get on his back. "Are we flying around here? I was hoping we could look around on foot instead." He let out a quiet laugh. "Thats fine, Phrost, hop on and Ill walk you around so you can get a good feeling for these lands." I walked up to Elvarg, and quickly took my clothes off down to my boxers, to redress myself in lighter clothes, but before I could get my shirt back on, Elvarg had his hand on my chest. "Amazing... Your as fit as a dragon, yet your still human. You really do carry many traits us dragon have as well. You truly are an astonishing human indeed... ..Is something wrong, Phrost? Your heart is pounding!" I was fine, but the feeling of Elvarg's warm hand on my chest felt nice... Soothing.., Then something inside me snapped. My instincts took control of me, and my hand placed itself on his, held it tightly, and gazed into Elvarg's eyes.

"Have you ever thought about mating with a human before?" He looked at me with an odd smirk, turned his body towards me, and put his other hand onto my side, staring into my eyes. "It's actually one of the reasons I brought you here; I know how you've always been wishing to mate with a dragon for so long... I actually feel the same way towards many humans, especially you. That's why all of the other dragons here know you so well; they all dream of mating with you more than you can imagine." He continued admiring my eyes, my face, as well as my entire body, and stepped closer to me to give me a warm, intimate hug. For once I felt like I had truly found where I had belonged, somewhere where I knew people whom I could love, and be loved by, in more ways than one. He knew how I felt toward him on the subject. It was unmistakable.

He cocked his head back a few inches and moved his right hand from my side to the back of my head, and gently held it in place; I knew what was about to happen, and didn't fight it, but I was nearly shivering because I was so shocked from how fast it was happening. I stood there, paralyzed, staring at the large Dragon, and it happened. His mouth and lips were slowly closing the gap between mine and his. I could feel the pressure in my cheeks building up; I was beginning to blush, and he suddenly stopped. "You don't mind this, do you?" It was tough, but I managed to shake my head left and right just once. That was all it took. He grinned widely, and continued to draw closer, tilting head to the side a bit, and began pressing his lips against mine. I slowly closed my eyes to savor the moment. My heart skipped a beat as he slowly opened his maw somewhat, brining my mouth into his slightly and slowly closed his lips around mine. My legs felt as if they were going to collapse beneath me, but I managed to hold my ground. His lips on mine felt so much more differently than I though, yet still felt how I had always thought it would.

Suddenly, a long and damp snake-like muscle slid between my lips. I couldn't believe it, but I was glad he took the oppertunity. His tongue was soon tasting my own; my tongue instinctivly began to fondle the dragon's tongue with my own, tasting the raw flesh with my own. Within moments, his tongue retracted from my mouth, and back into his own as he parted his lips from mine, and smiled.

"That is very literally a taste of what I have planned for you later." He got up and turned around, examining the area for something. I was very anxious by this time, and I wasn't the only one, and not just Elvarg, either. My male sex was already beginning to grow erect at an alarming rate.

"Why later?" Just as he brought his head up and turned to look at me, I quickly grabbed my mouth with both hands and lowered my head in embarrassment.

He quickly turned around, smiling widely, showing the tips of his teeth. Now I've done it. He swiftly turned his body to face me, and began to approach me again, but stopped short and sniffed the air several times and stared at me again. "So thats why you asked why later..." He continued to approach me, and gave me the surprise of my life. Because my eyes were locked onto his, I had no visibility on his hands and feet, then it happened. He brought one of his hands to my orbs, and began to fondle them. I gasped and slowly sighed, unable to look away from his eyes. His eyes were staring deep into mine with great intent. I didn't feel ready for about doing anything like this yet, but it felt like there would be no better time.

Soon after he began to grope me, he brought himself within inches of my body and sat me down on a large, but flat rock and let me go. He sat down and rolled his body back on the base of his tail, revealing his underside to me, but that wasn't he wanted me to see. His dragonhood was beginning to emerge from it's hiding place.

Long and black, glistening and unremarkable. I couldn't take my eyes off of it, but one thing crossed my mind; how moist did their dragonhood actually get? I always had known that they had moisture, but I had always thought they would be rather coated. He slowly took his member into his hand, gently massaging the head of it, helping himself grow more erect; unable to stop watching, I quickly reached my growth limit already. I saw him moving oddly out of the corner of my eye, but I was hypnotized. He brought his hand down near his dragonhood, and signalled to me to come to him. This was it. I was finally going to live one of my most revered dreams that I thought to be impossible.

I found it hard to get myself to stand up again, as I couldn't take my eyes off of him, but soon snapped out of it, and slowly began to pace toward the dragon, and stopped a foot infront of him, and stared anxiously. "Don't be shy, I won't bite.. Unless you want me to.." I shook my head left and right ever so slightly, and crept foward a few inches and looked at him again. He saw that I couldn't do it on my own, and placed the hand that once gripped his member, and placed it on my shoulder. It was definatly moist, but not dripping. I looked over at the hand and took a sniff and got a strong whiff of musk. Normally, the scent of musk would only help arouse a Dragoness, but in this case, I was an exception. After exhaling the smell, my mind seemed to clear up somewhat, and allowed me to think straight again. "Since this will be your first time, I would like you to do as you please. I don't wish to force anything on you." I nodded and slowly began to close the gap of a few inches, and he released me. The scent of his musk was surrounding me, lingering. It smelt odd indeed, but now I wanted to taste it. He leaned back against a neaby tree, and awaited me. I couldn't wait.

I slowly knelt down a bit, and leaned foward, placing my face within inches of the still growing dragonhood, and worked up the courage to lick it's head once, then brought my head back a few inches to taste the new flavor. It had the musky flavor, and it really did taste rather good, but there was a hint of something familiar, but I couldn't place my finger on it. It's texture was definable, though; it tasted like slightly aged lubricant, it still had glide to it, but it wouldn't last for long. I needed more. His musk was as hypnotizing as his dragonhood alone; it drew me back to it. I brought my face back to his member, and slowly began to place my lips over the head of his cock, and he shuddered for a moment, then let a 'mm' slip from his throat. I now had full control. I continued to lower my lips over his head, and started to suck the air out of my mouth, leaving his throbbing member to feel nothing but my suction, then an idea ran through my mind. At this time, I was ready to try anything, especially the one position I wanted more than any other one with a dragon, but first he needed more moisture than just his natural to attempt anything unique.

I lifted my lips from his black cock for a moment, licked my lips and swallowed his juices, and replaced them with my own, and went back down, but this time, much further; I was now deep throating him. I always wanted to do this atleast once. I licked and sucked him for a few moments, then stopped the sucking and let all of the gathered liquids in my mouth to drip down his full ten inches.

"That felt as if a dragon were doing it.. Are you sure you aren't one of us already, Phrost?" I giggled and laughed. "Im sure, but I would like you to please me." He laughed to himself for a moment. "Tell me what you want me to do." I slowly got off of him, and began to peel my clothing off, leaving my eight inches of my own cock to stand proudly before him as he got on his hands and feet and waited for my orders. I had butterflies in my stomache, but that wasn't going to stop me. I got on my hands and knees, directly infront of him.

"Elvarg, I want you to mount me and mate with my as if I were a female dragon." He stared at me with an odd expression, mouth half open. "It would be an honor, Phrost." I looked underneath myself and watched as he positioned himself over me, and slowly rested his body on top of my back. "Just be careful, ok? I may be strong, but Im not unbreakable. "You have my word." Within moments, his legs were along side mine, and his arms and hands were wrapped around my chest and stomache, and his neck was running along my spine, where his head rested just beside mine, and he began to slowly slide himself foward, until the head of his cock met with my hole. "Are you ready?" I looked over my shoulder and looked into his submissive eyes, and nodded. This was it. I was going to live my second most favorite dream. To be traditionally mated with.

He smiled as I replied, and waited for me to look away, signalling I was prepared, and waiting. As I did, he began to slowly spread my virgin hole apart, sliding the tip of his cock into me, then soon his entire head, then stopped for a moment to let us both catch our breathes. The feeling was already breathtaking, and we had only begun. He began to slide his cock into me; his cock getting wider by the inch, but only so little; all I could do was stay still and quietly moan. He soon ran out of room to slide his body up mine, and started to press his entire pelvis to further advance into me. Only a few more inches. I was new at it, but I wanted more, and backed myself up slightly, and then stopped again, as he picked up the pace, and soon enough, his body was against me completly, and his cock was deep inside of me, throbbing. I could feel it inside of me; it was extraordinary.

I wanted to please him, but I couldn't go unnoticed either. Since he was fully hilted inside of me, I took my only chance to take his hand into mine, and place it on my own cock, and set a pace for him to slide his hand across my cock at a slow pace. After this, I set my hand back to where it was, and coo'd once. I couldn't get enough of his cock throbbing in my ass, but there was more to cum. Come, Im sorry.. From this point on, we were both driven by nature itself. He slowly began to rock back and forth at the same pace I set him to masturbate me, and kept it up perfectly. I was in pure bliss. My dream was coming true by the minute. I had a beloved dragon mating with me. I was surprised by the lack of moisture on his cock, but the it surpassed all expectations. He continued to rock back and forth at the same pace for a few moments of pumping his cock into me, but soon picked up the pace by quite a bit, but I didn't mind. The feeling of my rim being flexed, the throbbing of his cock inside of me, his scaly body hilted onto mine... I was satisfied.

Suddenly, my balls tingled, and so did his cock; though it was throbbing already, there was a noticable twitch between the throbbing. We were both nearing our orgasms, and we both knew it. These were the longest ten minutes I ever lived. Our breathing came to panting, and Elvarg's pace was now fast enough to trigger both our orgasms. Any moment now. He continued humping me, as well as jacking me off. Soon, his humping was growing out of sync, and erratic; his thrusts were growing more forceful stronger but the second, and I couldn't wait to have his hot dragon cum fill my ass to the brim.

At last, he slid his body back a few inches, pulling himself half way out of me, then quickly slid himself back in, creating a loud clap sound as I felt his lungs fill with air, and he squeezed my cock in his hand, and brought it into my crotch, and began to conclude our mating session; shivers ran throughout his body, then seemingly transferred to mine, and the feeling of the heated ooze began to inject itself inside of me as I started to unload onto the grasss and dirt. There were a good five spurts in all, each delivering a large bulge of cum through my insides, until his cock slowly stopped throbbing and spewing his seed inside of me. Exhausted, I slowly lowered myself to the ground, Elvarg's cock still limp and inside me, slowly retracting.

A few minutes later, we finally cought our breath, and Elvarg was no longer inside of me, but his seed was. "Phrost. You still have one dream left, and you can live it right now." I was speechless. I had a lifetime oppertunity to become a dragon. I was ready to cry out of happiness. "I would do anything, Elvarg. What do I have to do?" He lifted himself off of me, and lay himself back on top of me, and brought his head toward me again, and began to kiss me like he did hours earlier. Within moments, a warm sensation began to rise throughout my body; his seed was using itself to transform me, and his kiss was the ignition.

After I had begun to transform, Elvarg quickly got off of me, and I slowly began to rise into the air and turned into a glowing light; my body began to change rapidly and flawlessly. There were so many thoughts going through my mind, I couldn't concentrate on anything what so ever. Moments later, I felt a tail beginning to sprout from my tailbone, and my back was pushing huge wings out, and scales were replacing my soft skin, as my own member disappeared without my notice. The whole transaction took a solid 10 minutes, and I had become the dragon I always wished I could; light blue scales on the outer areas of my body, and an even lighter blue on the softer areas, along with two long horns growing from the front of my head, extending past the back of my head. I was now a full-fledged dragon.

A few minutes after I fully transformed, I slowly hovered to the ground again, and had some trouble standing on all fours, rather than two. Elvarg quickly came over and gave me a hand standing up; it was like learning how to walk again. "Phrost, are you ok?" I nodded, and dripped a tear down my cheek. "I don't know how to repay you, Elvarg.. You have single handedly given me all that I have ever dreamed of having, and I have nothing to give in return." He nudged my muzzle and let out a quiet purr. "You already have Phrost." I looked at him in confusion. "You've agreed to live with me and the others. Thats all I've ever wanted, and you have single handedly given me that, as well. Were even." Hearing this, I practically pounced on him, bringing both of us to the ground, hugging him and smothering him with myself. I was where I belonged, and now had people who I could love, and knowingly be loved back, in more ways that one, which was more than I expected, but by far greater.