Am I Really...?

Story by Killer-Dragon on SoFurry

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#3 of Love And Deception

-sorry, i meant to continue this, I had some things that needed tending too, so i was off the computer for awhile :/-

I slowly woke up, blinking and lifting my paw, rubbing my eyes as I looked down too see Abby curled up on my chest, chuckling softly and looking over at her clock. 8:46PM, I quickly realized we were late for school. Poking Abby afew times with my claw "Meep... We are late for school..." she grumbled and rolled off me onto the floor, curling back up and groaning "Me dont wanna... you go..." I nodded and leaned over, kissing her cheek and sitting up, pulling my jeans back on.

Walking out of her house, picking up my backpack on the way out, sighing and making my way too school, running in and quickly shoving my things into my locker before stumbling into homeroom, growling lightly as my teacher looked at me and rolled his eyes "Your late" I simply nodded and sat down, Blinking as I noticed a fox across the room, not having seen him before. Waiting until we were ordered by the teacher to go to our next class.

I got up and walked over too him "Hey, whats up?" he smiled at me, giggling and smiling back, "Not Much, You?" I started to follow him as he walked out of the homeroom to the next class "Tired as hell" he chuckled, I continued to walk with him, blinking as I noticed I kept taking glances at his tailside, He looked back at me and winked, swishing his tail to the side alittle. I blinked and shaked my snout, stopping by my friends as we walked by them.

"Hey guys" Greg and Zach chuckled and looked at me, before going back to their conversation "Nah man... I heard he was gay... or Bi" I blinked and tuned in,

"Yeah... its been going around ever since he got here this morning" Greg said back to Zach, I looked around and back at them "Who?" they looked at me for a second

"Oh... the new guy, uh... I think his name is Blood, that fox you were just walking with" I rubbed the back of my neck thinking for a second. "Oh... Ok" I said back to him before starting to catch back up with the fox.

We walked to the next class and went throughout the day, As school ended, since it was Wednesday the afterschool program "The Bridge" was open, I walked over across the street to the building and went in, throwing my backpack aside and sitting down at a couch, looking at the large warehouse like inside. Noticing Blood was sitting alone on a different couch across the room, looking around and standing up, walking over to him and looking down "Hey..." he was looking down at the floor with a rather sad face,

"Yeah?..." I blinked and continued to stare down at him.

"Uhm... Is it true? that your gay? or Bi?" I said silently, so noone else around would notice, he slightly nodded, noticing his eyes were tearing up, I sat down beside him... Putting a arm around his shoulder, pulling him close gently. I have always been unsure about my sexuality, he rested against my side softly, I smiled and rubbed his back alittle "Something wrong?" he nodded "yeah... I cant find anyone else... if you know what I mean" I blinked and leaned down, licking his cheek softly, blushing deeply to myself.

"Awwr..." he turned to me and kissed me softly, I blinked and blushed out, murring softly and pushing back against the kiss, breaking it before anyone sees. I smiled and looked around, making sure noone saw, I licked his cheek and winked, getting up and walking to the bathroom, brushing my tail up against his thigh as I got up, As I went into the mens restroom I noticed he was trailing behind me, I washed my face in the restroom sink before turning around and giggling as I looked at Blood, smiling at him, blushing deeply as he leaned up against me and rubbed his paw around on my crotch, I let out a low murr feeling myself start to become heavily aroused and feel my jeans tighten up, he continued to rub and slide my jeans off, blushing bright down at him as he stroked my member slowly, I let out a moan and reached my paw over, locking the restroom door, he stroked and rubbed my member abit faster and harder, I moaned and murred deeply starting to buck up into his paw, starting to leak abit of my pre over his paw, feeling myself getting closer with each of his strokes.

He grinned and leaned down, opening his maw and licking slowly up my member, wincing and growling softly at the unexpected lick, causing me to release my hot seed into his maw hard, he giggled lightly and swallowed it down, licking my member clean and smiling at me, leaning back up and kissing me softly as I pulled my jeans back on "Hehe... what was that for?" he smiled wide and ran his paw across my chest.

"Not Much... I took your lil tail brush as a invitation..." winking to me and unlocking the restroom door and walking out, licking my pre off his paw as walked he walked to the food area, I followed close behind him and sat down next to him at the food counter, leaning against him lightly "Hey... can I get a soda?" I said to the tiger behind the counter, he nodded and got me a soda, I handed him a $1 for the soda and gave Blood a $5.

He smiled at me and hugged me as the tiger turned around for a second, I giggled and looked down at his wrist, at his watch "I gotta go... seeya tomorrow or some time... and thanks" I winked and brushed my tail up his thigh, alittle higher than last time, drinking down my soda and grabbing my backpack, walking home and laying down on my bed, thinking the day over and giggling thinking about blood, thinking to myself "he's pretty cute". Smiling and yawning, taking my clothes off and laying down in bed, quickly falling asleep.

-i think this one is alittle short.. oh well... more to come-