Am I Really...?

-sorry, i meant to continue this, I had some things that needed tending too, so i was off the computer for awhile :/- I slowly woke up, blinking and lifting my paw, rubbing my eyes as I looked down too see Abby curled up on my chest, chuckling...

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The Next Day...

-Ok, this one includes some yiff, so read at your own risk- I woke up the next morning late, mostly because I had smashed my alarm clock the morning before, yawning wide "Gawwwd... What time is it?!?" As I got up in my boxers and walked to my...

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Starts Here

-First Story, be nice... i had to rewrite this after i accidently clicked a wrong button T\_T- It all started on the first day of ninth grade high school, first year... The morning started with the alarm clock blaring in my room, I quickly swung...

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