The Perks of Peace

Story by Amil on SoFurry

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#1 of Falon and Rea

A dragon and his mate enjoy the post-war peace by enjoying, well... each other. Adorable dragons are adorable, and also very good with their tongues.

The sun had already warmed the stones surrounding the mountain den to a dull, pleasant heat by the time Falon returned, stomach full, scales washed, and wings stiff. He stretched out upon one, unable to restrain a groan of comfort.

This was how life was meant to be lived--let the warriors and politicians worry about clan politics and all the violence it brought. Peace was glorious and--

The click of Rea's talons as she emerged, blinking, from the den echoed faintly. She slipped past him, glancing his way with gentle laughter in her eyes, and lay upon one of the dozens of sun-warmed stones with a growling purr of her own. Her tail could barely reach his, but she lay it across the tip of his, sighing happily.

--sometimes had perks of its own.

"Morning, love," he murmured, eyes half-lidded in bliss.

Rea rolled upon the stone, allowing the warmth to seep directly into her rose-colored scales, and craning her head until the muscles in her neck trembled. Then she rolled once more, onto her side, and struggled to conceal a small yawn. Her paws dropped playfully askew, and Falon grinned.

"Morning," she whispered back, smiling widely as her eyes shut. Her tail stroked his twice, then fell still.

Falon watched her, basking in the heat and love that filled him. They'd been mates for four years now, but every morning was like the first, all over again. She'd walk out of the den, looking so beautiful and adorable and wonderfully feminine that it made him want to thrash around in happiness at his own good fortune. And shower her with every gemstone, meal, and valuable thing he'd ever laid his claws on. And tackle her to the ground and make love for hours.

Gods, what had he ever done to be this fortunate?

Rea appeared to have drifted off to sleep again. Her mouth was open the slightest bit, and her chest rose and fell rhythmically. He watched her, still smiling, and allowing his eyes to wander across the smooth curves of her abdomen, the way her legs tucked up against her body, the faint curl of her tail. If he cocked his head slightly he could just catch a glimpse of her folds--a narrow crease of dark red amid a sea of pale, peach colored underbelly. His gaze did not linger there for long, however. They had mated countless times, and as much as he loved that part of her, it was no longer an object of mysterious fascination. He much preferred to watch her face.

And so he did, shifting to a more comfortable position and allowing his mind to drift as he watched his mate. Her mouth twitched softly--talking in her sleep by the look of it--and he closed his eyes, dreaming of all the things she might be saying.

When he woke, if indeed he slept more than few minutes, Rea had curled up even further. She'd somehow managed to clutch one of her hindclaws with both foreclaws, like a youngling. He shook his head and laughed silently; it had been years and years since he was flexible enough to manage that--much less while asleep. The maneuver had a consequence, however; the base of her tail was absolutely exposed to him, her folds parted slightly by the position of her legs.

This time he allowed himself to stare. The mere sight recalled a thousand blurring memories of nights spent, wrapped in each other's wings and limbs. Of the way she'd cried out the first time he entered her. Of the way she shuddered and yowled as they climaxed together. His loins stirred in faint arousal as he began to grin.

He'd woken up several times, mostly in the first year of their life together, with Rea's muzzle buried between his legs, taking him cautiously in her mouth. Yet, he'd never had the opportunity--or at least the presence of mind--to return the favor. Quietly, he rose, silently slipping toward her.

He purred softly, nuzzling her neck affectionately, though gently. Rea sighed in her sleep, one wing twitching, but remained dead to the world, and in particular to her mate's intentions. With a smile, Falon crept into place, cautious to avoid brushing her tail with his claws or his own. He could smell the scent of her as he grew near--soft and pleasant like the rest of her--and despite the years of experience and routine, he felt his heart beat faster. Leaning forward, he placed a gentle kiss against her folds, exactly as if he were kissing her snout.

Rea's tail twitched, the claws on her unclutched hindpaw curling, but otherwise she did not react. Inhaling deeply, Falon nuzzled her with care, running the tip of his snout from the base of her folds up to the top. As his lip brushed across her clit, Rea's whole body spasmed for a split-second and he feared he'd woken her. But after exhaling a quiet moan, she remained motionless. With practiced tenderness, he began to lick, dragging the tip of his tongue across the outer edges of her sex. It flushed, the paleness of her flesh darkening as her outer folds swelled and spread further. From the corner of his eye, he caught sight of her hindpaw, clenching and unclenching, twitching fiercely all the while.

It would only be a matter of time before she woke, and growing slightly more reckless, Falon pushed forward, easing his tongue inside of her. The familiar taste met him--neither sweet, nor bitter, simply Rea--and he drove in slightly further, wriggling. Rea's walls tightened around him, and he pushed no further, simply allowing his tongue to push, first one way, then another. His ears detected a soft, half-conscious gasp, and he smiled in anticipation. His tongue withdrew somewhat, then slipped eagerly back in, deeper.

An audible, entirely conscious moan greeted him, and he gave a few final licks before withdrawing. Rea stared down toward his head, looking rather sleepy, but very aroused. She smiled, eyes laughing as always.

"Well, hell-ohhhh!" she began, voice shaking as he nudged her clit ever-so-slightly with the tip of his tongue. "What a wonderful way to wake." Her words were slow and heavy with lust.

Nuzzling her leg, Falon nipped playfully at the intersection of her leg and underbelly, making her yelp and spasm. "Falon!" she cried, trying to sound reproachful but failing miserably. She shook her head, rolling her eyes. "Come here and kiss me, you silly dragon."

He obeyed, pressing his snout against hers so enthusiastically as to be ridiculous. She laughed, and he nuzzled her, running the bridge of his snout beneath her chin, against her jowls, and kissing the ticklish junction of her jaw and crest until she burst out in squeals and giggles. Finally, he pressed himself against her, dropping his upper body lightly across her shoulders and flaring his wings into a tent about them. Rea lay beneath him, still giggling. "What has gotten into_ _you, Falon?"

He pushed forward, careful not to hurt her neck, and tumbled lightly to the ground beyond her. Scrambling, he stretched out his neck and kissed her throat softly. "I'm young, happy, warm, fed, and in love with a beautiful dragoness," he said.

Rea flushed, the rose-colored tint of her scales darkening almost imperceptibly. "We're not as young as we used to be," she cautioned, and kissed the tip of his snout.

Falon's eyes narrowed mischievously as he rolled to his feet and leaned forward to whisper, "That didn't stop you from getting all lubed up when--"

"Falon drak'Benali!" Rea shrieked, her cry equal parts mirth and horror. "What do you think--" He kissed her once more, this time passionately and without any hint of comedy. Barely able to keep the smile from her lips, she kissed him back, stroking his cheek with the thumb of her wing after a moment. After a moment he withdrew slightly, but Rea followed him, adding passion of her own to the kiss. "You're going to pay for that wisecrack, Falon," she murmured against his lips.

"Gods, I hope so."

With a seductive grin, she pulled back. Repositioning herself to the center of the sunning stone, she turned to look back at her mate, tailed raised. "It was also cruel of you...," she purred, easing herself down. " leave me so unsatisfied." She lifted a hind leg, advertising precisely how swollen and eager she had become.

Falon inhaled sharply at the sight and felt his loins begin to churn with greater urgency. He stepped forward, and watched as Rea rolled onto her back somewhat awkwardly, giving a noise somewhere between a purr and a gasp. Her wings half-folded as all four of her paws tucked up against her body submissively. She shot him a coy glance, face flushed and eyes wide with feigned virginal innocence and Falon groaned. She knew him far too well. His member stiffened, pressing up against his stomach, but he merely ducked his head and attended his mate's needy folds.

Now that he needn't worry about waking her, he had the advantage of being far more aggressive than he had been previously. He nuzzled her, covering his snout with her fluids and tugging gently on her outer folds, flicking his tongue across particularly sensitive bits of her anatomy and relishing the way she moaned and squirmed beneath his attention.

Years of experience had given him a keen eye, and ear, for his mate's proximity to climax, and he saw it drawing near now. He watched as she approached the edge, then pulled back his snout. Rea thrashed, desperately trying to draw his tongue back to her clit, but he ignored her efforts. Preferring instead to gently nuzzle and kiss the furthest edges of her sex. She moaned, whining out, "Falon, pleeeease!" but he ignored her, continuing his systematic teasing.

It took no more than two additional near-peaks before Rea became truly desperate. Her voice was a constant whimper, while her hips bucked desperately, straining for even the slightest contact to her clit. But no matter how she writhed, Falon deftly avoided her, his tongue lapping here and there just sufficiently to keep her on edge. Finally, she quit, simply lying still as her paws trembled violently.

"F-Falon, please," she begged. "Please stop teasing. Just l-let me cum. Please."

It was what he had been waiting for. Darting his head forward, he extended his tongue as far as he could. With a purr, he allowed it to stroke firmly across her clit, the tip penetrating her forcefully.

His normally reserved, if not outright shy, mate howled out a curse, her body quaking. His tongue continued to thrust into her, the wider base pressed against her clit, rubbing with the combined efforts of his ministrations and Rea's thrashing. Her cries rose in volume and pitch, until she was yowling and spasming about his tongue with pleasure. The rest of her body shook too, to the extent that her hips pulled clear of his tongue, her wings fluttered desperately, and her tail slapped uncontrollably against the stone. A small trickle of fluids leaked from her vent, now that his tongue had left it, and trickled down the base of her tail.

When finally the worst--or best--of her orgasm was past, she glared exhaustedly up at him, paws, wings and tail still trembling fiercely. "You..." she growled, a smile peeking through her anger. "You are going to pay for that, Falon drak'Benali."

With a soft smile, he leaned forward, kissing the tip of her snout. She wrinkled it as the fluids still coating his muzzle left a wet patch on her own.

"Gods, I hope so."