
Story by tiger-stripes on SoFurry

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#3 of Smexy Fur Boys-Wlcome to the family

Killer felt groggy as he slowly awoke from his chemical educed sleep. His head pounded like a jack hammer, his stomach felt like it was turning, he felt like he was wobbly. Through his hazy vision he glanced around seeing cases of beer and other liquor stacked neatly against a wall, he could loud music coming through the walls and shouting like a party was going on. A hard slap across his face brought him back into the world, his eyes focusing to see his worst enemy, Axe, grinning at him like a Cheshire cat. "Time to get up, Killer, nap times over" Axe said giving a few playful, but hard pats on Killer's face, "you wouldn't want to miss your going away party, would you?"

"Fuck you, prick!" Killer tried to lunge at the grinning pit bill but was held back by two Herculean twin grizzlies.

"Sorry but your not my type. I like em cute and feline, ugly trash like you don't do a thing for me. Glad you think you think so highly of me though." Anger boiled inside Killer, he hated Axe with every fiber of his being. Axe was cocky, walked around like cock of the walk, an arrogant prick. He was scheming and often used his power as Diesel's right hand man to his own advantage using his position to force others to do the work while he sits back; he never truly got his hands dirty. Unlike the other guys in Diesel's crew Killer was the only who called the cocky, arrogant pit bull out and often they had verbal and physical sparing matches.

"I'll fucking kill you, you dirty fleabag! I'll tear you to shreds!" Killer said angrily trying to break free from the twin's steel hard grip to lay a few good right hooks on the pit bull, "you are dead! If I break free, I'll cut you a new one, asshole!" Axe didn't reply to the threat, they both locked on each other with angry, icy, battle ready stares when they heard someone coming into the storage room. Axe gave one last tap on the mastiff's cheek before moving off to the side. Killer felt a cold, darkness creeping in the room as Diesel appears with someone he'd never seen before, a raggedy looking, burly, black bear with a large scar over his left eye from a recent bar fight. Killer felt the one of the twin brutes pull his arms back and tie his wrist with rope and was pushed to his knees with a painful thud. Killer could feel the eyes of the sharply dressed Diesel burn through him, they were angry, cold; unforgiving. Killer felt an ominous, cruel, aura coming from him. The bear stood a foot shorter then Diesel and wore a white t-shirt much too small and a leather vest. He had a slight beer gut but otherwise in descent shape, his jeans faded and worn. "Killer, so glad you're awake, I hope you're well rested for tonight's festivities." said Diesel as he stalked toward him along with the black bear, they now stood over him, the single bulb that lights the room was almost blocked by the pair.

"F-festivities?, what festivities?!" said Killer his voice shaky; he never felt such terror before in his 29 years of life. Born and raised in the heart of the city's down town, high crime, rough streets made him a rock, fearless, but he was scared and unable to move.

"My old friend, Bruno, here owns this place. He wanted to throw a party to celebrate the anniversary of his 10 years in business and I thought seeing as I've known him for a long time now I thought I'd help him out a little...that's were you come in." Killer felt a wave a panic run through him, the cold wave seemed to blanket the room like fog.

"Not bad looking....a bit more muscular and older then I expected. When you said you got some entertainment I thought you meant one of your boy toys," said the black bear as he walked around Killer's body looking him over like a pig at auction.

"As if I'd subject one of my precious toys to that drunken lot, that bunch out there are much to rough for them...this one however is a different story," said Diesel giving Killer a pat on his head, "he'll do just fine as a backroom slut."

"I'll suppose you're right, a hole is a hole when you got a bar full of greasy, horny bikers and truckers needing to get off." Killer's eyes went wide as saucers and terror seeped in. He knew Diesel could be cruel, but part of him hoped he would reconsider.

"Please boss, don't do this to me! I'm sorry I disobeyed, please don't! I won't do it again!" Killer pleaded trying to get free from the grizzlies that hold him down.

"You should of thought of that before tasting forbidden fruit, Killer. I have a low tolerance for stupid, low life shit heads like you who think they can sneak under my radar. I had cameras installed to make sure nothing happens when my back's turned. I do remember one of you fuckwads sampling when I said the boys were off limits and you remember what happened to Carl don't you?" Killer remembers the ram named Carl; he too felt the cruel, cold hand of the lion. He snuck into Lance's room, a wolf/husky half breed and the first of Diesel's stable, while he slept. The ram tried to have his way with the unsuspecting half wolf only getting a hard kick to his balls and a punch in the face when Lance fought back, a wild boy that one is. He remembered coming into the boy's room after hearing a loud crash to see the ram standing over Lance kicking him hard in his stomach yelling at the half wolf, Lance was banged up bad. He remembered Diesel's furious blows as he whipped and beat Carl mercilessly until he was barely conscious. He remembered going with Diesel to the docs to an alley, and watched as Diesel threw the nude, hog-tied ram in front of some very rough looking males. He told them the gift he brought was theirs to do with as they pleased. He remembers a swarm gathering around Carl before leaving the scene and hearing a pained scream as he got into the car. Carl was never seen again and Diesel's crew never talked about what happened. "I'm not an unreasonable man, Killer, but you fucked up. Consider yourself fired!." Diesel's deep, throaty voice was cold and angry.

"Diesel, please...I've been loyal to you for years! Please don't do this...!" Killer plead only getting back handed by the lion with all his strength nearly cracking his jaws, Killer could taste the blood in his mouth from the intense blow. "Shut your mouth, you piece shit! You're lucky I'm being so lenient with you! I should have beaten you until you were black and blue and threw in a ditch to rot, be grateful I'm in a good mood!" Diesel roared he turned his head to Axe, his right hand man, "Strip him down and get him ready! Bruno and I will inform the crowd their entertainment is waiting." Diesel and Bruno left the room closing the door behind them. Killer struggled in his captures grip, but the grizzlies were a lot stronger then he thought. He cursed at the three crew members as they began to tear away his clothing, he was fighting as best he could but he was out numbered and out strengthed.

"Let go! Don't do this, you bastards! Let me go!" said Killer frantically squirming hoping to loosen himself free.

"Shud up" said one of the grizzlies. He was slammed face down on the table; he felt as if the wind was knocked out of him. One grizzly held him firm pressing his face against the wood surface while the other held his legs still.

"Stop, let me go! You assholes, I'm your fucking friend remember?! Don't let Diesel do this to me!" said Killer in a loud, scared, but threatening tone.

"You've brought this on yourself, shit head, you know the boss doesn't tolerate disobedience, yet you dipped your little prick where it didn't belong. Hold his fucking head still while I gag that dirty mouth." said Axe taking Killer's belt and underwear. He stuffed the underwear in his mouth and tied the belt around his head muffling his threats and insults. Axe told the other grizzly to join his brother and spread Killer's legs wide. Axe took over holding Killer's upper body down, pressing his face harder on the wood.

"Now ain't that beautiful, boys? Princess here is all ready for her court. Those biker and trucker are going to love you. Maybe one of em will take you in and make you his girl, now wouldn't that be nice? Better be a good girl." Axe said as the door flew open and four scary looking, burly, males came into the room, a jaguar, a Great Dane, and two hyenas. Killer squirmed frantically trying to break the hold his former comrades had on him, he was latterly struggling to save his ass.

"Holy shit, Bruno, wasn't kidding." said one of the burly males rubbing his bulge, "thought he was lying when he said he got some free ass pussy in the back."

"I've hadn't had any good pussy since the old lady got on her rag" said another.

"Gonna stuff this bitch full" another said. Killer felt the Jaguar kneed his ass hard, he groaned from the rough, painful squeezing. He felt the jaguar poke his bloated cock at his exposed tail hole applying pressure, cursing as he was denied entry. He groaned and whimpered in pain as he felt the jaguar getting more aggressive pressing harder to get inside the tight, never used entryway. Killer muffled a yell as the jaguar broke through his sphincter muscle, forcing his way inside and buried his member deep inside his dry hole. Killer felt as if a burning log was shoved up his ass, his dry hole was screaming in agony; he felt the pain shoot through every nerve in his body. The others gathered around watching the jaguar ram the unwilling mastiff. They watched as the hump happy Jaguar slammed hard and fast driving deep inside their entertainer's chute. Killer's eyes closed tightly as he felt the brutal assault, he groaned and screamed through the gag, and tears were starting to fall. To Killer this was hell, it hurt worse then when he was stabbed in the gut in his youth.

"Yeah this bitch got some tight ass, got us a virgin here boys....yeah feels so good" said the jaguar grabbing Killer's hips fucking him harder. Killer was shaking from the pain crawling up his body, he grunts and groans as his rapist continued his assault. The Hyenas and the Dane that wait for their turn had their pants unzipped and jacking their hard fuck sticks as they watch the jaguar drill the mastiff only thinking about his own needs. The jaguar moaned as he continued to thrust in and out the mastiff, pulling out and slamming back in. He was fucking the mastiff's ass with great determination, he hadn't any sex since his old lady went hormonal on him, combined with the lack of good tail elsewhere was getting to him. He didn't care if the hole was willing or not. He pounded the quivering opening like a mad man his thrust hard and brutal, for a moment Killer thought he would be broke in two by the hard fuck. The jaguar felt the cum rising as he thrust one last time roaring as he filled the unwilling mastiff full firing 7 shot of warm cream into him, "oh yeah time take my cum boy!" said the jaguar, Killer muffled a treat as he felt the creamy, thick, ooze fill him. When he finished he slowly pulled out his spend dong, slapped Killer's ass hard and called the next one to get some. The Dane, known as Big D, gave a few strokes of his dick and aimed at the cum stuffed passage. Before Killer could brace himself for another hard, brutal fuck he felt the Dane slam deep and hard, his thick, 9inch tool hurt like hell, painfully stretching him. The Dane started pumping hard; Killer grunted from pain in every hard stab the Dane was giving him. He felt the Dane's knot sliding in and out his abused hole adding to the painful discomfort.

"Yeah love a wet, hot, juicy hole" Big D said as he drilled hard as he could into the whimpering, groaning, Killer. He moaned as he felt himself getting closer to cumming and grabbed Killer's hips hard, his knot locked inside Killer's ass. Killer let out a muffled cry as the knot tore through his sore sphincter, he felt the dog fucking him pumping several hard short thrust as he howled and filled his ass with his cum. Killer felt the blast sting his insides, he felt like his innards were burning from the force of the Dane's blast. The Dane regained his breath, his knot slowly shirking; Killer screamed as the Dane pulled out to soon, he was riding in agony, he could feel blood and cum trickling down his nuts. The two hyenas moved in taking the gagged dog to the dirty storeroom floor throwing him down the dirty floor so he was on his back, one spread his legs and pinned them painfully back near his head, the other removing his mouth restraints. The one at his rear pulled hard on the mastiff bringing him closer to him as forced his bone into Killer hard and quick. Killer opened his mouth to cry out at the rough entry but the other hyena silenced him by thrusting his hard dick all the way down his throat. He had little control as his jaws were forced open and the cock pumped in and out his throat, Killer gagged around the invading pole making gargling sounds as he tried to breath. The hyena at his rear pumped in and out his sore hole; although the hyena wasn't long he was pretty thick The hyena pumped hard into him, as the one at his head thrust deep down his stuffed throat, he was groaning and chocking around the dick held in his mouth. The hyena moaned as he felt the tight throat, his dick coved by the dogs thick, warm spit. Squishing sounds could be heard all over room as cum was being fucked out of him, only to be filled again. The hyenas thrust one final time at both ends and moaned and grunted as they filled Killer's mouth and ass with their seed. As they shot their last burst into the mastiff four more came in to use him, a cougar, a dingo, wolf and a fat, mean looking polar bear. The polar bear kneeled and grabbed Killer, his back leaned on the bear's chest, the polar bear hooked his legs with his powerful arms causing Killer's stomach to crunch painfully and trusted upward in one hard, brutal motion. The wolf kneeled inserted along side the bear; both thick slabs of male stretched him to new limits. Killer gagged, and groaned from the painful thrusts around the cougar's long, hard tool as he pumped deep into Killer's ballooning throat, driving hard and fast. The dingo grasped the groaning, gagging mastiff's sheath and stroked him until he was hard getting whimpered moans and pained grunts as he jerking the stuffed dog until he came hard. For what seemed like an eternity both the wolf and bear became rougher slamming both their cocks hard into their cum disposal, they both grunted and cursed as they fired their load deep inside Killer's red, swollen tunnel. The cougar too gave one final thrust and spewed down Killer's throat, the tar like ooze slowly ran his esophagus. The dingo took over when the cougar withdrew pumping furiously into the canine's sore throat, he skulled fucked the canine pleasure tool for fifteen minutes vigorously fucking he withdrew from the crammed oral passage and moaned, shooting eight thick, hard spurts of dingo cum on Killer's face. More and more came into the cramped, dirty store room each taking over where the last withdrew, plowing their entertainer with hard, brutal, merciless thrust filling him to the brim with their pent up loads. For hours Killer was furiously nailed by every biker and trucker in the bar, receiving eighty loads or more, in both his mouth and ass, some dropping their load in him two or three times. It was sunset before the last hard up patrons finished their agressive pounding in Killer's ass and unloaded for the third time that day. The trucked zipped up and buttoned his leather pants and said "thanks for showing a guy a good time." Killer laid on the floor of the dirty storeroom, exhausted from his ordeal, his former crew members left him to be gang raped by the hard up gang of brutes. He was covered with dirt, and cum from head to toe, his hole was red, stretched to it's limits and wide open leaking heavy amounts of cum, his jaws and throat ached from the hard poundings he received. He was still, unable to move, barely aware of his surroundings, his breath shallow.

While Killer lay on the floor on the dirty storeroom floor, Axe and the twin grizzlies sit at the bar and finish their beers eyeing the last male leave the storeroom. "I think your new cum pig has finished for today, Bruno," said Axe finishing his beer and placing the empty bottle in front of him "so what you gonna do, make this a weekly thing?"

"I think so since the guys ain't fighting and recking the place, at least this'll stop their complaining about my rising drink prices. 'Sides I've never been this busy before." said Bruno taking Axe's empty bottle and placing it underneath the counter top with several others, "by the way where did Diesel go? He mumbled something, couldn't quite hear since the music was so loud."

"The new boy's buyer wanted to meet for a drink to discuss something with him. He's been busy dealing with Diesel's stalker problem. That guy won't give up," said Axe.

"That cop still hot on his trail huh? That Shepard is one stubborn guy. Thank Diesel for me; tell him if he needs a favor to give me a call." said Bruno as he rinsed out a mug with a wash cloth.

"No problem, man. You enjoy the new bitch, treat her good tonight" said Axe motioning the twins to follow him, "well boys we best be getting back. Take care, Bruno." The three left the bar to return to Diesel's home, leaving Killer in Bruno's hands.