Kidnapped and Loving It Chapter 4

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#4 of Introduction+Chapter 1

I woke up with another headache but this one didn't hurt as much since my brain was only partially awake at this point, it definitely wasn't one of those huge headaches that made me cry but I think my body was starting to get used to what ever was causing them in the first place.

I was practically starving since my captures were barely feeding me at this point it didn't make much since usually in the 'Teen Baby' stories that I had read the captures would at least feed them bottles or baby food so what exactly were they planning to do starve him?

My throat was super dry and I needed something anything to quench my thirst.

I had even more drool than the last time all over my mouth and even some on the top of my sleeper since I was sleeping in a regular position this time.

My diaper was completely soaked and I shuddered as it felt cold, clammy and it just didn't feel right at all; I know this is what I wanted to be diapered and babied some but just because you are curious of wearing diapers that doesn't mean you will like "using" them.

I was both glad and curious that I hadn't 'messed' them just yet, my stomach was making noises which I could tell were not a good sign but I probably could not poop from lack of food in my aching stomach.

About two minutes later the door was unlocked and in came "Daddy" but Brad wasn't following him like last time which leads me to wonder where exactly does 'Daddy' keep Brad at during the day.

"Well good morning Tyler, today we start you're real training, the same one Brad went through when he first got here!"

I could tell this was going to hurt me; I just swallowed my throat hoping that he wasn't planning anything.. physical.

He walked over to me and unlatched the crib, "Daddy" picked me up and walked over to the chair that sat in front of the creepy giant TV.

He sat me down in the huge scary chair with the straps and sure enough I found my self bound to the creepy chair, not that it would have mattered in the state I was in, I might have been able to get up and walk back to the crib to get more sleep but that's about it, my body just couldn't take much more than that.

He flipped a few switches on the chair and turned the TV on, I could hear some noises coming from behind me which were extremely similar to the ones I get in my crib at 'night'.

He than pressed a few buttons on a remote control and a DVD menu popped up.

"Now before we begin I gotta make sure you're filled with the right drugs."

He walked over to the medicine cabinet and grabbed 2 syringes already filled and ready to go.

I couldn't believe he was going to give me more drugs, I thought I was going to faint if I had anymore.

"First some Sodium Thiopental, it may not work but it always helps to open up parts of the sub conscious which are essential to you're training"

He said as he quickly injected the liquid into my arm, I screamed which made 'Daddy' jump but pretty soon the pain went away but I didn't feel any different.

"And next more of you're special meds that you seem to like so much" After injecting me with both I didn't feel anything but I remembered they took some time to work.

The DVD menu was very plain and it had only two options on it "One" or "Two".

"The first part of you're training takes at least 3 hours so lets just click it and I'll see you in a little while" 'Daddy' claimed as he pressed play and left the room locking it behind me, I instantly closed my eyes as hard as I could not wanting to see whatever he had in mind for me.

I could heard various things going on, mostly babies and babyish things only the voices weren't exactly as high pitched as any baby so I assumed they were older like me.

Eventually the drugs kicked in and for some reason I felt compelled to open my eyes a little, I saw various teens of my age pretty much acting like babies at a day care.

I can't say it didn't excite me slightly but what got me worried was they were all boys leading me to think I was again homosexual; eventually I stopped thinking about it and just dazed on the screen barely even blinking my eyes, I can't exactly explain what was happening to me but it was like before when I was on the drugs only much stronger.

Drool started foaming from my mouth making more slobber onto my already messy sleeper.

The same stuff kept showing up on the screen but eventually some of the boys started kissing each other, two of them were even "diaper humping" each other like Brad did to that creepy teddy bear in the corner of the room.

Eventually it stopped and after a couple minutes I woke from my drooling trance wondering why the video wasn't playing anymore, I also noticed I had a slight tent in my diaper and I had more drool on my chin, which made me feel really embarrassed, I wiped the drool off as best as I could with these stupid straps on.

A couple minutes later another video started to play on the screen, all it showed was some multicolored waves that moved in an almost relaxing manner but other than that I didn't see anything no words, no pictures, no people and certainly no diapers like the other video.

I eventually got in the same trance just like the other video and I could of sworn I saw something other than those stupid waves but I wasn't exactly awake, by the time the video was my mind was basically in shut down mode, all I knew was that I had more drool on my chin and my penis was throbbing but I couldn't touch it and I was a little afraid to anyway.

Eventually "Daddy" came back in the room and the sight he saw seemed to surprise him.

"Oh Tyler this is going to be too easy, when I first showed Brad this movie he looked like he was going to rip my face off if he had the chance off course hehe."

He shook me awake and unstrapped me wiping the drool from my face, than he lifted me up and took me to the changing table that was next to my crib.

"What happened? What the hell was that video suppose to do?!"

"You're find out when eventually but it takes a while, I doubt it did anything at all so far, now lets get you changed and back in you're crIB: "

Daddy said as he unzipped the back of my sleeper and took off my very wet diaper, I was just glad to be out of it.

As he wiped me down my body shuddered as I almost gave in to the wipe touching my penis, at this point I sort of accepted it probably from the drugs and the fact that I hadn't masturbated in a couple days.

"hmm somebody likes this doesn't he? Well too bad we only allow that in special situations!"

He said as he taped a new diaper on me leaving my penis sticking out completely, than he zipped me back up and placed me back in my crib and left the room just as fast as he came.

"In what situations? What the hell does that mean?! What the fuck have I gotten my self into, he can't expect me to live like this and just turn into BRAD can he?!"

"Is that his plan, he just kidnaps more and more kids and babies them?!"

Ok I need to calm down; so far he hasn't hurt or tried to molest me at least. I said taking in deep breaths and trying not to feel dizzy from all the drugs and lack of nourishment.

"How am I going to get out of here though, I'm locked in this crib, he is constantly watching me, and I'm almost constantly drugged, not to mention the fact that I really don't have much energy to pull off anything since he has barely fed me so far."

"I don't understand the point of the videos he showed me, I can't really remember what they showed other than some bunnies dressed like me and I don't feel any different at all, it was like he was trying to hypnotize me but it didn't work!"

"Maybe things are finally looking up, I just hope I don't end up like Brad." I thought with a tear in my eye as I fell asleep within minutes.

I woke up in what I hoped was morning or later, again there was more drool than before and this time I got it all over my chest which scared me, I could smell my drool which sometimes turns me on slightly, it seems sick to get turned on by your own saliva but whenever I'm playing baby alone I suck my thumb and one time I rubbed it on my nose which made me realize that it calmed me down, it smelled nice and it made me feel like a "snot nosed brat", I had never had spit smeared all over me before though.

I felt completely embarrassed because my penis was out and pushing on my very soaked diaper, not because it was happening, but because I knew 'Daddy' could see all of it.

I knew it had to be morning because I was extremely hungry and my throat had to be the driest it had ever been in my entire life.

I had basically zero energy as I tried to get off my side but I just couldn't bring my self to do it let alone wipe any of my drool off of me.

A couple minutes later right on the dot I heard the door open and in walked 'Daddy', I was actually glad to see him even if Brad was standing right behind him sucking on a giant pacifier.

"Well Tyler I think it's time we fed you again since you're probably starved, than we will strap you in for more training and if you're good perhaps you wont go back in you're crib this time." 'Daddy' told me with that spiteful grin on his face, I didn't like the idea of going through more training but at least I could get some food in me.

He lifted me up for the second time in this mad house and quickly walked downstairs having Brad follow me, Brad looked so content and dazed with a giant pacifier in his mouth you could probably kick him and he wouldn't give a crap.

'Daddy' strapped me down into a giant high chair like before and brought over what was possible the worlds biggest baby bowl, it was huge and probably 4 times the size of the party bowl that he served me from before.

He placed it on my high chair tray and tied a big bib on me like before.

I just starred at the bowl filled with the green much intended for somebody 1/12th my size, the smell already hit me but before I could gag my stomach kicked in and made me just stare at the food with my tongue hanging out, my tummy was telling me "you had better eat that food OR ELSE".

So I just swallowed my throat and prepared to eat the nasty slop again.

'Daddy' took a giant pink spoon and stirred the baby food and took one giant spoonful and placed it to my face, my senses just took over and I gulped it down spoonful after spoonful, about half way through I was starting to get fool, but I didn't care something told me that I was only going to get this much food for a while though he knew it wasn't true and just decided to finish the bowl.

What was really strange was 'Daddy' had not given me a bottle of anything which is what came to my mind when I thought of almost every 'Teen Baby' story that I had ever read.

After the final spoonful 'Daddy' seemed disappointed. "MM barely any drops on you're bib, tsk tsk tsk you're not a very good baby ya know, well don't worry eventually these meals will be like a game.

'Daddy' said smirking to him self.

I was fool and my stomach hurt like hell but I didn't care I needed food or I think I was going to die or something bad was going to happen.

I just sat there with a small bit of baby food on the outer side of my lip and my eyes just staring off into space.

'Daddy' unstrapped me and brought me back upstairs to my Nursery, he strapped me into the 'Training Chair' and started the same process from before, only this time when it was done I remembered a lot more than last time and it scared me wayyy too much.

'Daddy' lifted me up and instead of placing me back in my crib he took me outside and shut the door behind him, he than took me into the "Play Room", I felt actually pretty happy since I could at least move around now after like 5-6 days, but I had no idea Brad was going to be there.

Kidnapped and loving it CHAP 03

I woke up almost 4 hours later with another throbbing headache but it wasn't as bad as the last one. My mouth was half way open and there was a thick string of drool coming out of it laying on the pillow that my painful head now lay upon. ...

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Kidnapped and loving it CHAP 02

I wasn't feeling sleepy but I definitely was not wide awake, whatever Brad injected into me had taken its toll on all parts of my body, from my head to my toes I was in a state of almost pure ecstasy. I was still scared to death with what Brad and...

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Kidnapped and lovin It

As I sat there locked in a crib designed for giant babies, wearing a blue sleeper decorated with bunnies portrayed as teens clad in diapers, I began to stare at my new plushies scattered about the crib wondering how I ended up in this mess with a...

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