Dad's Lesson - Saturday Morning

Story by RalvrWuff on SoFurry

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Hi there fuzzbutts!

Here comes the second part of Dad's Lesson! This time we see what happens on the Saturday morning after the Dobies' hot frotting session.

I really hope you all like reading it as much as I liked writing it.


A pair of big paws ran over Junior's body, caressing his sides from behind. he could feel something hot, big and pointy pressed agains his buttocks, leaking a slippery liquid whose scent made him long for whoever was holding him to put it inside. He felt a terrible need to be filled with seed. His cock was twitching like mad. His tailhole was lubed and sore from whoever or whatever was in him eralier, but he needed more. He was empty and would do anything to feel full again, to be complete again. Junior's tongue was lolling out of his muzzle, his gaze clouded in lust. When he heard a low, dominant growl behind his neck the reaction he gave was the most submissive whimper he could muster. The big paws got a strong hold of his hips and he could feel the big male's red-hot cock aligning itself to enter him and fill with its seed both his body and desire to be fucked.

He was finally making sense of whose scent it was behind him. His nose had to adjust after being submitted to so many males using his body to please them as much as he could.

The scent was lupine and musky and... familiar.

"You want some of this dobie?" asked the now familiar voice behind him as his rod touched Junior's tailhole with its tip. More whimpers followed, the dobie was unable to form any coherent words, too lost in the sensation of having yet another cock shoved hard into his ass. Junior's eyes were closed shut, and then he felt another body clinging to his front, a warm feeling emanating from it, it's soothing voice somehow stronger than the wolf's.

"Wake up Adam" it said. "Adam, wake up" it repeated.


The shout made his ears lower by instinct, the angry tone of the voice in front of him had been used many times before when he had misbehaved.

"Wha...?" was the only thing he could muster, his groggy eyes unable to focus after opening them to his father's face so close to his own.

"We have a small... well, not so small problem." came his voice with a serious tone. Once Junior's eyes adjusted to the distance, he saw that his father bore a stern look.

"What happened?" asked the younger doberman, as he tried to push himself away from his father. He couldn't get too far since a tugging pain on his chest prevented him from moving any further.

"Ow ow ow!" came the pained laments of the young doberman. His father had closed his eyes and bared his teeth to withstand the pain, no sound coming out of his muzzle.

"Should have started with telling you not to move... my bad, pup"

"What's with this? How did we get like this!?" Junior was starting to get distressed. He was used to being this close to his father, and the previous night's activities certainly made them closer, but now they couldn't separate.

"Clam down. You know how this happened. It's the sme thing that happens to tissues or towels you use to clean yourself after cumming." came the father's voice calmly, with a hint of irritation in his voice, more than likely a result of the tug on his skin.

Junior's mind started to go back to his solo sessions from when he was younger. He used to take advantage of having his dirty clothes hamper in his bathroom to quickly get a cleaning rag whenever he felt frisky, and that was frequent, what with him being a healthy young male with a high libido. When he got to wash his clothes, he would sometimes notice that the parts he used to clean his seed off were stiff, and when tugged they felt crisp. This is what had happened to them, except this time the cloth was their skin and fur. They were glued with cum.

"You're telling me that we're... This is..." his eyes grew wide at the realization of what had happened.

"Yes" sighed his father with a defeated look. They would have to think about what to do to separate them with the least amount of pain possible. He had gotten careless the previous night. The pleasure proved to be too much for both of them and now they were suffering the consequences.

"It's a good thing you woke me up earlier. When I saw that we were still the same way we were in last night I thought it was weird" Adam Sr continued.

"By the way, you sound very cute when you're having a nice dream. And it must have been a fun one from how hard you are. I swear, those whimpers of yours made me feel very horny. I was planning on waking you up another way, but, you know, this..." he said with a slight childish grin on his face. He had to try to make the situation less awkward.


Half an hour later, both men were finally separated. They were lucky that there were some parts where their seed had not fully dried and could pull away from each other more easily.

"We need to have a towel handy the next time we do frotting" The father was lying in bed, rubbing the parts in his abdomen that were still hurting a bit from the tugging. Junior was sitting on the edge, doing the same on his body.

"Definitely. That was not a very fun experience. Ever happened to you and grandpa?" The younger doberman gave himself a nice squeeze on his dangling orbs. They had been emptied last night, but only once. He still had a good amount of seed when they climaxed, and he was bound to have more after a night's rest.

"No, we didn't have this happen to us. I remember we did it mostly in the bathtub, and I can see why now. You just can't keep awake after a ride like that." came Adam Sr's answer with a small chuckle at both the memory and the situation they had just gotten out of.

Junior lied down next to his dad, both dobies lazily looking at the ceiling. It was Saturday, so they had no reason to leave the house. They could just stay in bed if they wanted to.

The silence was broken by a grumble coming from both their stomachs. They had forgotten about dinner last night, simply leaving it on the kitchen counter when they arrived from practice.

"Looks like we're thinking the same thing, isn't is pup?" The father gave a hearthy laugh as he got up from the bed and left the room towards the kitchen. They didn't have anyone coming over that day, so why bother with putting clothes on?

"Definitely. I'm starving!" Junior followed close.

"What do you want to drink? Soda? Iced tea? Water?" Adam Sr was looking into the fridge, getting condiments out.

"Why not some beer?" Junior said jokingly as he got their burgers and fries from the bags. Double cheeseburger with bacon for Junior and a double cheeseburger with mushrooms for his father. He set both burgers on the counter with their respective fries on the side.

The father came to the counter with two bottles of beer. His son's eyes grew wide when he saw that one bottle was placed next to his burger, an astonished look on his face.

"What? You said you wanted one. Plus, you're eighteen now, we're at home and it's frigging Saturday. Don't look at me like that for wanting to drink a cold one with my son. Even if it's barely nine thirty." Adam Sr was unwrapping his burger as he talked nonchalantly.

"Not complaining, just surprised you actually got them out." Junior stopped unwrapping the burger and headed straight for the cold bottle. He had been given his first beer on his sixteenth birthday by his father, along with a speech about how he didn't want him being a lightweight, but neither did he want an alcoholic.

Junior hadn't drank any alcohol since his birthday, so the sight was very much welcome in his book. He drank some of the bubbling liquid before returning his attention to his still wrapped food.

Adam Sr chuckled internally, with a thought of 'Youth' when he saw how fast his son went to grab his beer.

Like typical males, they didn't bother in heating their food nor using plates. They ate fast, taking big bites off their burgers and putting a handful of fries on their mouths. Last night's lesson had certainly drained.

They declared mealtime officially over with loud burps, Junior's going on longer.

After cleaning the counter, they talked for a few minutes about school and each went their separate way to their rooms. They met again in the living room, the father with a book in his hands and Junior with a laptop in tow.

Both of them knew that the week's lesson wasn't over yet, but they had to digest some food and regain their strength before trying anything else, especially Adam Sr, since he was going to be the one doing the most movement.

The father sat to read a few chapters of Dune while Junior browsed Facebook and other sites. The scene would make more than one raise an eyebrow, but they were used to being around each other naked in the house so much, that they didn't even bat an eyelash when either of them reached down to scratch himself or give a tug to readjust their business.

As time passed, Junior reached down to his balls and sheath with increasing frequency. His cock had not completely softened and hung out of his sheath as he closed his social networking sites and wandered over to other more interesting sites considering what they were going to do soon.

He saw the video thumbnails showing what each video was about, looking for one that had a position he found interesting. He was going to be the one doing the thrusting this time, and maybe he would even get to choose what position they would practice in. He opened a few videos in different tabs and went to watch each of them.

The fans in the laptop would kick in every few minutes, distracting Adam Sr from his reading. He took a glance at his son's form each time, liking a lot what he saw, even if a big section of him was matted in cum. They would go clean themselves after they were done, then just be lazy for the rest of the day.

His eyes then focused on the red cock that has hanging out of his sheath, partially engorged. He was looking forward to that morning's lesson because it meant that he would be filled with a real, meaty cock and not just a plastic toy like he often used to do before the lesson's started. He was not afraid of exploring himself anally, and he would make sure that Junior was just as comfortable as him with all of his body as he was.

Adam Sr's mind then wandered to future lessons, such as one where Junior would need to have a dildo in him as he took care of his father's rear, to show him how the prostate stimulation while thrusting could greatly enhance the pleasure he gets. Or the ones that dealt with using his muzzle to coax the creamy filling off a cock, and with some practice even his own. The father certainly missed being flexible enough to suck himself when a paw was not enough.

More thoughts flooded his mind. Picturing both of them in bed again, cuddling and just being there. It's not that he didn't like the sex that the lesson's entailed, but he enjoyed more the afterglow to them, being able to hold his son as carefully and lovingly as when he was a baby, sniffing in his scent, feeling his heartbeat when he placed a paw on his chest either to just leave it there or to play with a nipple, the warmth they felt when holding each other, and most importantly, how calm his son's face looked. He would never get tired of that face adn was inifintely happy that Junior had decided to stay in his father's room after their lessons whenever they happened there. Adam Sr would wake up earlier than his son just to see his face, sometimes whispering a soft 'I love you' that somehow made the young doberman seem to sleep deeper.

The father's mind returned to the real world when he felt something wet drop on his foot. He looked down expecting to see it, but he was greeted by his own erection, standing proudly and leaking a small amount of precum. Perhaps they would continue the lesson earlier than planned.

To make sure, he glanced at his son's groin again and saw that he too was sporting a full erection, the fans in his laptop going at full force and his gaze fixed on the screen. Whatever he's watching, must be good, the father thought after realizing what the young one was doing on the computer.

"Watching something interesting, Adam?" The father had put down the book on the table, next to the box that held the ring they used the previous night. The young doberman was startled at the sudden question, almost letting the laptop fall to the ground.

"Just some youtube videos dad, that's all" he replied as his paws were doing quick motions on the keyboard, closing all the tabs he had opened.

"Youtube or Youporn?" came his father's answer with a laugh and a blush on Junior's face. "I think we can go to the bedroom now. Want to go to mine or yours?"

"Well, the lube is ususally in your room, and I don't think it would be a good idea to get two sets of sheets dirty in one week, so let's go back to yours"

"Ok then pup, up you go and back to my room"

The father took point this time, giving himself a scratch on his butt, separating his cheeks a bit both to get rid of the itch and to rile up his son with the sight of his pucker, which would be used very soon.

They arrived to the father's room again, Junior heading to sit on the bed while his father went to his closet to get the lubricant. Since they started the lesson's a month ago, his father had gotten some big bottles of it so that they wouldn't need to buy constantly. According to his father, a bottle should last them about 3 months with weekly use. He took the first bottle with him to bed and set it between his pillows, then turning his attention to Junior.

"Lie on your back pup, you're gonna like this" The father had kneeled until he was behind his son and pulled him back from his shoulders, then helped him get all of his body on the bed.

Once Junior was on his back in the center of the king-sized bed, his father climbed on top of him, his face close to his son's groin and viceversa. He started to breath on the cock in fron of him, his own hardness' tip poking the younger doberman's chest.

"Try to follow my lead" The father then started to use his tongue to lap around the cock, careful not to let pink touch on red. He continued until he got to his son's heavily musky balls. He had yet to shower since practice last night, and the smell was so strong it was flaring his father's nostrils. He lapped at his son's orbs hungrily, first one then the other. He got the in his muzzle, squeezing them between his tongue and his palate, savoring the taste of musk and sweat flooding his tastebuds. He could see his son's cock leak more and more with each lap after he got to his balls, so full and ready to release that he might get orgasm from scrotal stimulation alone.

Junior wasn't silent while his father serviced him. He tried to follow what was being done to him between moans and groans. His tongue sometimes grazing his father's cock, making it twitch slightly. He got to his father's balls, bigger than his since he still had some development to do, and heavy. It seemeed they both had a good supply of seed stored in them, even after the amazing frotting session.

Junior's point of view also had access to his father's rump. He got it's scent as he licked and played with his father's balls in his own muzzle, careful of not using any fangs. His father's scent was driving him crazy. He stopped playing with father to get a good whiff from his tailhole. This was the first time he saw it so close.

His nose got closer and closer, inhaling his scent and exhaling a warm breath that made the little pink pucker clench at the sensation. Junior knew that he could lick that area of the body too, but he was content with just breathing on it's scent for now. That arousing, inviting scent that made his cock need to be buried in there. He couldn't lose himself just yet, as much as he wanted to.

Their bodies started to sweat from the heat they were emanating. The dried cum on their skin and fur regaining some of its slippery quality. The father stopped playing with his son's balls, and just stayed with his face next to them, breathing heavily.

He then made his muzzle go up his son's body, starting with his abdomen, licking alñ the cum that his tongue could reach, the salty flavor driving him madder and needier. He wanted to fuck, or get fucked, it didn't matter to him anymore, he just wanted to get off. His lusful licking on his sons' body made him move his body upwards, but he didn't realize how close his tailhole was to his sons's muzzle and the movement made him plant himself on it.

When the father pushed his pucker into Junior's muzzle he made the young doberman lose it completely. He grabbed his father's hips as strong as he could and began to furiously lick the small flesh ring. Lapping at it, sticking his tongue as far as he could into it, absorbing the new taste and sensation that it carried. His father sat up and arched his back giving a loud scream of pleasure, pushing himself harder on his son's tongue. Junior was determined to get as much of that taste as he could. That new taste that he felt could not get enough of.

The sound of lapping and slurping soon filled the room. The father trying to move his body but couldn't because of the stregth his son had. The pleasure was becoming unbearable. Junior was a natural expert at rimming, it seemed, expertly taking his father to places he hadn't gone to in years in a matter of seconds.

The father kept trying to pull away form his son's warm tongue, but he would pull him back with more force each time, getting his tongue deeper and deeper into his hole.

"Adam... stop! No.. stop!" he shouted at the doberman under him. The father was torn between the pleasure that was being given to him and his duty as mentor to his son, but with each lick one of the sides was getting the upper hand.

Just as the father was about to give in to his son's exquisite tongue ministrations he was let go. The young doberman lied panting hard, his tongue lolling out of his muzzle and his tired arms sprawled out. His father took the chance to get off from top. He turned around and sat on him, his back in full contact with the veiny cock of his son. As soon as he sat down, he darted to his son's muzzle, kissing him deeply, making him share the taste of that forbidden area.

After what felt for both father and son as years of kissing, they parted their lips and gazed lustfully at each other.

"That tongue of yours felt wonderful pup, you sure know how use it." said the father between pants. His son gave no answer, just continued to pant himself, his gaze unfocused.

"More... I want more" came his reply a few senconds later.

"You'll get more pup, in time. Right now, we have an itinerary to stick to, so get ready."

Junior had regained some force in his arms and was about to lift himself up when his father put his paws on him to keep him on the bed.

"No, you'll stay like that. What we'll do now is, I'll ride your cock as you stay there. It's a great way to let your partners be in control of their orgasms."

The father reached for the bottle of lube and got a nice amount of it on his paw and proceeded to apply it to his tailhole, not that it needed much after Junior's tongue left it all wet. Then he rubbed the rest on the precum-coated cock that was now under him. At the first touch of his hand, Junior's hips bucked up hard, as if ready to use them as pistons.

"Careful with that. You are supposed to stay still. If you continue to move I'll have to start with toy lesson's sooner, starting with ropes." The father said warningly to his son. His answer was a whimper of understanding.

The father lowered himself on his son, getting the tip inside him with ease. To play with his son, he clenched his tailhole as he went down after the first inch. The poor kid was clawing at the sheets, holding his arms, touching himself all over. Doing everything he could to stop himself from moving his hips.

When Adam Sr got his prostate touched by his son's cock his own cock twitched visibly and shot a sizeable amount of precum on his son's chest. For the rest of the length, he made sure that the hard flech would rub him in that special spot.

When he got down to the base, he felt how the young doberman's knot was forming. The father made his son give him a paw.

"Grab onto my cock, stroke it at the same time yours gets stroked" The father commanded.

Junior grabbed his father's cock at the base, feeling his knot forming in his grip. As his father started to lift himself up, he moved his hand along his length. When only Junior's tip was inside his father, his hand was also at his father's tip.

They continued this motion with a slow rythm at first, but as their knots became fuller, the speed with which the father was sliding up and down on his son was increaasing too. He was having trouble popping the knot in and out of him now, getting closer and closer to his climax. His cock had Junior's paw coated with precum, the paw sliding fast on his length and squeezing his knot whenver it got there. Adam Sr would not last long that way.

Not a minute had passed when he couldn't control himself anymore. He drove himself hard down on his son's knot, getting it inside and letting it expand to its full dimensions, the expansion sending him over the edge and coating his sons chest with rope after rope of fatherly seed, some of it reaching his face. The clamping of his ass on the cock made the orgasm even more powerful, the hot sensation of flesh rubbing all over his insides making him let out a howl of pleasure as he rode out his orgasm.

When his father howled and realized that he was covered in seed, Adam took the cue to lose himself again with his father. He interrupted the howl as he grabbed onto his father's hips with one hand and pushed him back with the other. Now that his father had cum, he could do as he pleased. He put his father on his back, lifted his legs and started to buck his hips wildly in him, his range of motion reduced by the knot. The sensation of his father's tailhole clamping on his length was overwhelming, but it didn't make him climax. He kept miving his hips, trying to get more sensations on his already overlaoded cock. When his father's orgasm finally died down, he was able to get his knot out of its fleshy prison, and piston it in again.

The feeling of being knotted again and again by his son made the father claw at the sheets himself, his over sensitive ass being rammed hard by a cock sending more waves of pleasure over his body.

With his full rang of motion, Junior was able to fuck his father's brains out for a while until he too climaxed. His knot inside his father's abused hole preventing any of his seed from leaving the warm insides. With the first spurt of Junior's cum came also a second orgasm from his father, now coating himself with his own seed and he was being filled by his son.

Junior let go of his father's legs which just slid down his sides. Completely spent, Junior collapsed on top of his father, merging both puddles of his father's seed between them.

His father wrapped his arms around his boy again, but didn't stay that way for long. He made them both roll to their side and moved so that his son's cock popped out. The father's tailhole was left a seedy mess and feeling empty. He would have loved for both of them to stay tied, but he couldn't risk what happened the previous night from happening again.

"We have to take a shower this time" he said as his paw caressed his son's side and looked into his drowsy eyes.

"Let's sleep for a bit first, dad" and Junior wrapped his arm around his father, drowsiness winning another battle on him.

"No, no sleeping Adam." he said and then looked at his son's face. The look of calmness in his son taking over. He knew they had to get up and clean themselves, but he couldn't make himself stop looking at that face either.

"Fine, we'll rest for a bit" The father put his arm on his son's side and just lied there, watching him sleep peacefully.