Children Of Keeval-da: When Dreams Collide

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#5 of Children Of Keeval-da

I was originally planning to have this combined with the next portion but due to it's increasing size choose to separate it. When Dreams Collide involves Gri's plant, Gwen, and it's introduction into the series. Some might know Gwen from "Valda's Swim" where Valda is older and no longer recalls the dream making plant. The story does contain some smut as per my usual but both parties consent to it... Kind of.

I went back and fixed the typos and edited some of the lines in the upper half. The next piece I am working with comes directly after this one.

The sun crept into the window slowly as dawn arrived pouring it's warmth over velvety smooth vines. On the edge of a table in a second floor room of an old INN it grew. Shifting itself in a clay pot made by it's caretaker that had nearly become too small for it. "Good morning my lovely! My word! You have grown so much in a few days." said a young boy nearing twelve years of age. "I guess I should get you a bigger pot soon. You are getting crowded in that one, Gwen." He looked thoughtfully at the plant that seemed to wilt with sadness at his tone. His hands were on his chin for a while staring at the plant's oval shaped bulb before clapping his hands together announcing "I will make a bigger pot for you after I get what I need, my lovely Gwen.". The plant, Gwen, lifted it's oval bulb and wriggled it's small vines about.

The vines halted instantly when another voice was heard. "Gri? Is it morning already?"

"Yes, Valda." He looked back at his plant, Gwen, that seemed most apparently normal now.

"What do you think daddy is fixing for breakfast today? I bet it will be wonderful!"

"I don't know Valda." He kept staring at Gwen while he spoke to his sister behind him.

"Why do you like that plant so much? It's ugly and smelly." Valda stated matter of fact-ly.

His head whipped around swiftly as he hurled a book that had been nearby at her.

He had missed her but just barely. "Don't EVER speak about Gwen that way! She only smells like that because the Dream moss I bred into her!"

"I'm telling mom you threw a book at me!"

"I wish I hit your scaley face too!"

Valda looked appalled as she could for a nine year old before darting out the door screaming for their mother.

"Darn it! I think I am gonna be in trouble again." Gri said gently stroking the underside of Gwen's horizontal oval shaped head which craned itself up in appreciation.

Gri could smell the breakfast his father, Grim, was cooking downstairs. He heard his sister tell his mother, Keeval-da, her side of the events and knew the footsteps that approached the room soon after were not happy ones.

Keeval-da opened the door to see her son sitting by his plant looking at her gloomily. She tapped her foot a few times while he sat there quietly awaiting her punishment he expected to get.

"Well... Care to explain why you are throwing books at your sister? Or maybe you would like to start by calling me a scaley faced mother first?"

Gri's couldn't look her in the eyes. Shamefully his gaze wandered to the floor before he said "I'm sorry mom. But she..."

"Oh no! You won't get off that easy mister. You are going to apologize to your sister and then I am..." Keeval-da thought momentarily -What kind of punishment would effect a boy who only reads books or stares at his... - "...Going to take your plant away for a few days."

At the loss of his precious Gwen his eyes filled with tears so fast it surprised his mother.

"Please momma, don't take her away! I'll be super good from now on I promise! Please momma please!"

"I'm sorry sweety. You can't call your sister such mean things. It's not only offensive to her but to me too. You will have to learn a lesson of atonement."

"But she...!" He started but Keeval-da raised a hand to stop him. "You do something bad, you have to deal with the consequences." She reached out and picked up the potted plant. "I'll take good care of it till you get it back."

"But mom!" His tears fell rapidly on the ground.

"No 'buts' Gri. Don't forget to apologize to Valda during breakfast for calling her such names." As she left the room Gri could see Gwen's 'head' peak around his mother's figure. If possible, Gri would swear it had formed a tear shaped dew droplet in sadness just for him.


Keeval-da went to her room with the plant. -I can't understand where Gri would get the idea to call her "scaley face". To think her brother would use a term on her for being more Argonian!- Setting the plant on her nightstand she realized the plant was a bit large for it's container. "Goodness, I thought Gri crafted that pot only a few days ago." Sitting on her bed she looked at the plant curiously. -It smells like cinnamon! Valda must think that smells bad, hahaha no wonder she can't cook.- Keeval-da became suddenly sidetracked. It was as if she was in a trace while she stared at the plant and Just when she had reached out to touch the plant's 'head' a voice called out "Pretty eyes! Breakfast ready!". Her trance broken by Grim's voice she froze a moment before she walked out of the room. Keeval-da couldn't help but look back before she closed the door. -What an odd plant he has grown-


Grim had served a variety of deliciousness for breakfast. Still warm fire toasted bread and fresh eggs and tender ham awaited his family and the few INN customers all who quickly charged the table as Grim put down the plates.

"Grim has made another fine breakfast, come and enjoy it!" Grim said smiling. All around the room he got compliments and 'thanks' from the customers but he only cared about sitting with his family right now.

"Pretty eyes is not hungry?" Grim asked while his wife idly pushed her eggs around.

"Hmm? Oh, I'm sorry love. Just thinking." She stopped to eat a bit before asking. "Gri, what kind of plant is that?"

Gri held a stern glare at her before sharply answering "Gwen, is a special breed of plant I have grown."

Grim beamed at his son as he leaned in on the table and asked "How plant special? Gri grow it, Gri is special."

"The 'plant' has a name dad. 'Gwen'."

"Gri, you're silly for naming a smelly plant! Besides a girl plant would smell better." Valda stated obnoxiously.

Keeval-da glanced sharply to her daughter. "Valda! Don't talk about your brothers hobbies that way. He doesn't mock you for your hobbies. Besides, I think his pla... I think 'Gwen', smells just fine."

While jabbing food with his fork, not looking up, Grim stated "Grim doesn't like plant.". Everyone stopped at his solemn stated fact. Grim likes almost anything and hearing otherwise made them all stop.

"Grim must tend to counter now. We have new customer." He got up to serve the hooded man who entered the INN while his family sat silently.

"Gri?" Keeval-da questioned. "Didn't you want to say something to your sister about earlier?"

"Valda, I'm sorry I threw a book at you and called you a bad name. I didn't really mean it."

"Yeah... I forgive you, I shouldn't have spoken bad of that plant knowing you like it so much."

"Gwen." He replied, correcting here again.

His sister only rolled her eyes.

"Well now that you two have made up how bout you go outside and play while I help Wieladel clean the tables."

"Okay mom, hey Valda! I found a little burrow near the woods wanna check it out with me?"

"Can we go swimming in the creek too? Please?"

"Alright, but let's hurry!"

After they left Keeval-da went to help Weiladel clean the tables. "So, you ever going to go hunting down that family you said you have out west?"

"I wonder more about it every night whether I desire the adventure and the risks involved. You and Grim have helped me so much. Your actions saved my life, I intend to repay it with my time here."

"Don't get me wrong Wieladel, I can use the extra help since Reynolder passed away. I just want you to know that you can go anytime your ready."

"I know that Keeval'." The elf caressed her Argonian cheek lightly "But how would I pass the time during my days off if I left?"

Smiling Keeval-da cupped the soft hand that grazed her cheek. "You're working today. Behave, at least in front of the customers... we're getting stares." She nodded to the side where a man sat slack-jawed at the rather affectionate display shared between the elf and Argonian.

Weiladel turned to the man and said "A real show will cost you more then just your attention." Causing him to blush and look away.

"Weiladel! Don't offer them shows!" Keeval-da hissed in low volume at her while playfully swatting her shoulder.

"Just kidding around Keeval." Winking, she moved off to cleanup the other tables.


Well beyond the local town borders and into the wooded countryside Gri and Valda were running about, jumping over hedges and brush. "Come on slowpoke! I thought you only got slow when it's cold out!"

"Stop making fun of me like that! You are half Argonian yourself, Tail-less!" Valda huffed chasing her brother.

Gri stopped abruptly to face her "Hey! Momma told you not to call me that anymore!".

"Did she? Like she told you to..." She ended her sentence short when she noticed a figure behind a nearby tree. "Gri." she pointed and following her finger Gri saw an older boy come out of hiding.

"Well well, looks like the lizard kids came out to my secret lair." Said a brawny young man possibly seventeen or eighteen years old. He had short brown hair beady eyes and a grizzled visage. Wearing his rope belted tan pants and neat white cloth tabard. "This is my lair and lizards aren't welcome!" he had stepped closer and shoved Gri to the dirt.

Gri stayed silently defiant. Getting up and brushing off he stepped back from the kid. "That's right belly crawler, get off my land!"

"Hey! Shawn, you big bully! Why can't you leave us alone?" Valda had soon wished she just walked away or stayed quiet like her brother. Shawn had smacked her across the face and when she fell down Shawn stepped on her tail. "AAAAA!"

"What was that? You want to lose the tail?" Shawn bent down and began pulling her along the dirt by her tail while she fidgeted and tried to hold her tail to keep it from pulling more painfully at the base. "Seems it won't come off. Maybe I need to pull harder!" as he prepared a hard pull There was a loud whack sound and Shawn's weight shifted to the side. Her recently freed tail ached and it was after a short delay when Valda noticed the blood dripping from Shawn's head. Gri then moved aside letting Shawn fall backwards in a heap.

"Gri! You killed him!" Valda screamed in shock.

Gri dropped the rock slowly turning to look at the unconscious bully. "I don't think he's dead Valda. He's still breathing. We had better go before he wakes up though." She nodded in agreement and they ran off. Once clear of the area they slowed to a walk along a carved out path in the wooded region.

Valda was holding her poor tortured tail close to her. "I am sorry I couldn't show you the burrow, Valda."

"Yeah... Thanks for teaching him a lesson though." She stepped closer to her brother and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Gri couldn't help but blush from embarrassment as they kept walking. "We can still go swimming too! That cool water against my skin...all around me." Valda sighed deeply thinking of the calming sensation she got in water.


The Hooded stranger that interrupted the meal he spent with Keeval-da and his children seemed to be no stranger to Grim. They spoke in length while his wife, Keeval-da, and Wieladel cleaned and served the others around the INN. Once Keeval-da had left the table with another serving tray full of ale the stranger and Grim resumed their private conversation.

"So, that is the plan?" Grim asked curiously. His voice was unlike his normal broken toned speech, instead he spoke rather clearly and with grace that did not comply with his rigid voice everyone else had come to know.

"I am afraid so my friend. She must suffer before she can become what we need her to be."

"The pain and shameful experiences... Can there be no other way for her?" Grim practically pleaded with the man.

"We foresaw no options with results as desirable." Upon hearing those words Grim bowed his head slowly. "I know she is your daughter but this matter is preordained and what pieces I know show this as the only course. It must live."

"Then I will continue my efforts in the background here with the others and ensure that outcome as best I can." He did not lift his head as the stranger got from his chair. "When the time comes my friend, we will be ready." Metal screeched lightly off the seat as the hooded man left it.


Grim had been talking with the new customer for some time already and their conversation ended whenever anyone else came around. Keeval-da could not help but feel uneasy knowing that a stranger could convince Grim, her husband, that she could not be informed of the topic. She never saw the man before but he was average build and height wearing a gray hooded cloak which hid most of his features. She caught glimpses of regal armor and chainmail underneath and at one moment she swore it appeared to be a pale gold. His face was nearly obscured by the over-sized hood but she could tell his complexion was a dark tan and his eyes were a bright blue. She only got that detail of him as he left the building. The heavy thumps of his sabatons made it obvious to anyone paying attention he was very well armored under the oversized cloak. Keeval-da wanted answers and did not hesitate to confront Grim.

"Grim, who was that?"

"Old friend of Grim. Pretty eyes done serving tables?"

"Don't try to change the subject Grim! Who was that?"

Grim repeated innocently though a bit louder "Old friend of Grim."

"What is his name?" Her eyes narrowed looking into his.

"Grim not recall... Name him 'Hoody'." He nodded smiling stupidly.

"Hoody?" Her fierce glare got only another smiling nod in return.

Valda continued to press on, frustrated with Grim's replies. "Fine, What did 'Hoody' talk to you about?"

"Grim made old promise to 'Hoody'. Promised not to tell."

"Grim, I am your wife. You can't tell me?" She said as seductively as she could.

He grumbled holding back a speedy erection when she brushed up onto him. "I am sorry Pretty b..." Grim corrected himself quickly "'Pretty eyes', but Grim promised. Please, trust Grim saying he need to do things. Things Grim does not like."

"like what?" She prodded him again but to her surprise he brushed her off.

"Please... Do not ask me to break my promises." He had never spoken more clearly to her before and the tone hinted at peril. She had never been afraid of him like this since they got married. It was as if a command to obey was ushered out with his request. "Okay Grim." Keeval-da retreated back to her work awestruck at this new persona in his seemingly already abundantly occupied mind.


The two children both entered the doors and went straight upstairs with only a wave to Grim who smiled back cheerfully since their mother seemed preoccupied. When they reached the room they had to themselves Valda realized Gri's plant had gone missin.

"Where's your plant Gri?" Valda asked in confusion.

"Mom took Gwen away from me because I called you a 'scaley face'.".

"Well, that serves you right!"

"I said I was sorry!"

"okay, okay, I am sorry she took your smelly plant away."


"Whatever Gri." She paused slightly before looking at the doorway. "Want me to show you something? I think I can cheer you up."

"Like what?"

Valda moved to the floor and lifted a loose board aside. Gri looked over seeing a glowing pair of shoes emitting a few colors at once. "What are those?"

"Remember when I lost my last pair of shoes? They weren't lost. I made them like this." She lowered her voice before adding "With magic."

Gri's face curled at the word. "Mother said Magic is for bad people Valda."

"Nu uh! Magic can change things and heal people too!"

"I don't need magic to heal people or to change things." With an arrogant smile Gri beamed telling her how alchemy and potion making can do all that magic can and more. Valda listened but disagreed at every turn. Gri then withdrew his trump card. "My plant, Gwen, can grant dreams."

Valda stood in puzzlement. "A plant can't grant dreams Gri."

"Gwen was a special breed from Dream Moss, nirnroot, Death Blossom, Heart Vine, and Eastern Ivy. She grows fast and by touch she can give you dreams."

"You're a lier Gri. Plants can't give you dreams.". Gri didn't expect her to deny it when presented and thought only a brief moment before another idea came about.

"I'll show you. come with me to mom's room and we'll visit Gwen."

She asked why and he simply told her "To get you a dream." Valda skeptically followed her brother sneaking across the floor to thier parents room. There on the nightstand in it's pot was Gwen. It's 'head' was low and the vines drapped down over the stand's edge. When Gri announced himself it slowly rallied itself to look at him and his sister.

"Go on valda, take a vine." He motioned toward the limp vine.

"I think your plant is sick." She said almost without care. Valda reached out to the vine and once within an inch it reached out to meet her small scaled hands. As soon as her hand came into contact with the velvety vine she stiffened up immediately. Her eyes shifted rapidly and out of focus and her vision in the room darkened.


Valda's dream began in an odd way. She was dressed in light blue robes in a long hallway. Looking more carefully Valda noted the ceiling was much shorter then normal. A quick glance at her hands then her chest revealed to Valda that she had grown to a full woman. -I'm an adult!- Valda groped her nubile mounds pleasantly finding them supple and firm. -I am even more beautiful then mom!- She looked down at herself pleasingly running her hands over her slim feminine hips.

From her stories and the books she found Valda could only guess from the robes she wore belonged to a mage. -And I am a mage too!- She chirped merrily spinning around. The robe danced about her hips slightly when she came to a halt. It was then she realized she was alone. -Where is Gri?-

"Gri?" No answer followed. After a quick check of her surroundings Valda began to walk down the hall of this stone structure. Odd shaped tables and statues lined the walls. Among the walls hung great tapestries and works of art. Every so often a large alcove would become apparent.

"Valda!" The voice was oddly familiar and it's tone sounded quite alluring to her. She turned in what seemed slow motion as a burly male with long golden hair and bright blue eyes wearing clothes she would expect only from royalty rushed to a stop mere inches from her taking her hands in his.

She could feel her heart racing as his warm tender hands cupped her cold scaled ones. "Valda my sweet, what joy is it that I have found you again." His deep gaze into her eyes melted her soul like nothing she felt before.

Valda could feel his breath being so close to her. His scent was influenced by her favorite plant, Lavender. He leaned into her giving her a tender kiss as he pulled her closer. She pressed her body to his moving her arms around his strong waist. She nuzzled her head against his muscular chest

"Have you reconsidered my dear? Won't you stay with me here? Forget about your past and let our love blossom through the ages."

-It sounds so wonderful. What would it hurt to stay a while? This man is so amazing and he is all mine!- Her mind reveled in happiness that seemed so familiar yet at the same time was not. Valda looked up at those silver eyes saying "Yes, I will stay with you. Darian. I don't know why I left before."

"And, your Mother? Will she consent?" He tipped her chin and gave her a quick peck on the muzzle.

"I don't care what my mother thinks anymore. I just want to be with you now."

"Then let us have our binding immediately." Darian said whisking her up into his hard arms. He carried her without effort down the halls sharing kisses with her along the way.


Gri watched his sister go into her trance from Gwen's touch never seeing it happen to another before. -I wonder what she is dreaming about?- "Hey Gwen, can you give me a dream too?" He asked expecting the plant to answer. The plant shuffled and twisted it's vines closer to it's self but Gri was not deterred and wanted to find out. Gri took a vine in his own hand and soon joined his sister in a land of dreams. He turned to face his sister in the new bright pinkish tinted world filled with flowers and trees all around them. She looked stunned.

"What is this place?"

Gri smiled at her ready to explain. "This is a dream. I never brought anyone with me before, Gwen makes great dreams for me." he looked around hurriedly.

"Gwen? GWEN?" he huffed taking a short walk about. "I guess she is playing a game."

Gri looked about the pink flowery dream and explained to his sister "Since it is just a dream you can imagine things and Gwen can make them happen! Anything, anything at all."

"Gri?!" Came the voice of an older girl behind him. What Gri saw when he turned around gave him a warm feeling in his loins. His little sister had outgrown her clothing in the dream world and attempted feebly to cover her now apparently nude teenage body. "What are you imagining this for!?" She screamed at him. Gri took a few seconds in awe before shutting his mouth and looking away.

"I didn't think that Valda! Gwen must have."

"The plant wants me naked? Are you certain it isn't... you who wants me naked?" He gulped feeling her arms drape over his shoulders and her bare chest pressing into his back.

"Gwen?" He asked cautiously with his sister's adult form rubbing up against his back. She giggled reaching down into his pants. His member was at full attention even being a young lad he was not what anyone would call 'small'. "I never had a full body idea before. This feels great!" Gwen, using Valda's adult form, stroked Gri's shaft in his pants.

"I was worried you were actually my sister." He thought a moment. "Wait, where is Valda?"

"Valda is in her own world. I got this idea from her." She stopped moving at the end of her sentence.

"Are you okay Gwen?" He looked over his shoulder to see Valda's face blank with glazed eyes. The dream world flickered to black and white a bit then returned to color along with Gwen returning to her task.

"I'm sorry Gri. Never tried to host multiple dreams at once. Valda is very unique. There is a vividness and strength to her whims that I enjoy more then I expected."

"Can we both be in the same dream?" There was a pause before she answered.

"Yes, I believe I could do that in time. I want to know how it will feel as much as she does first."

"How what will feel?" He questioned. Valda's adult body turned Gri around and displayed for him Valda's nude figure.

"I want to know what sex feels like Gri. I have an idea of both genders from Vlada's and your thoughts but I want to feel the union between them." She looked at him begging. "I sense you feel odd being with your sister but I am only using her form, you want to know too. Don't you Gri?" He nodded while a raging boner already had precum forming from the mere sight of this eighteen year old Valda.

"Follow me then." Gwen gave a sway of her hips letting her tail drift across the floor occasionally showing off her ass between steps. She walked to a doorway Gri hadn't noticed till she shut it in front of him. Gri thought nothing of that since not only was this a dream but he was preoccupied with a young boner that needed a release. He opened the door to see nothing but her lying on the large bed shy and innocent looking wearing Blue mages robes. "Valda always wanted to be a mage." Gri said as he walked closer to his sister's incredibly sexy Argonian figure that lay just feet away.


The door swung open and Darian carried her into the room. The entire place was well light with unseen lights. White platinum and gold seemed to decorate even the walls of the elaborate bedroom. He walked her over to the Kingsized bed and layed her gently upon it. Vlada bit her lip in anticipation feeling his hands slide from under her. Darian layed beside her and stroked the side of her temple as if to clear non-existant hair from her pretty face.

He put a hand on her waist and ran it down along her outer hip. "I love you Darian." She said gazing helplessly into his bright blue eyes drunk with lust and passion. Their lips met for what felt like the first time and now by comparison all the kisses they shared previously had no feeling for her. He held the kiss while his hand moved with increased vigor to the hem of her robes.


Gri was kissing Gwen not for the first time in his dreams but this time it felt so much more real to him. His sister's smooth scaled muzzle was actually quite the delight. Where he had always thought Humans to be more attractive then Argonians now he felt that to be the opposite of truth. The kiss turned him on so bad that he eagerly moved his hand down under the hem of her robes. She gave a slight moan and her legs trembled as they shifted together shyly. "Don't worry, I won't hurt you."

Valda nodded in consent moving her legs apart for Gri's wandering hand. His fingers found her folds and he pulled back hesitantly looking at her for reassurance to keep going. She had to nod again before he touched her a second time. Her opening was traced with delicate light green scales and within them he found the soft slick tender pink flesh of her vagina. He pressed his finger in with effort wondering how anyone could possibly fit their dick into something so small. She gasped and arched her back before a small wave of tremors besieged her body. The power he felt in controlling her so easily had pre running down the tip of his shaft that throbbed at her side. Gri felt the warm interior tighten wetly around his finger as he pressed it deeper into his sister's cunt. "Darian!" The voice didn't seem completely like Gwen anymore to him.


Darian's finger worked it's way inside her giving her immense pleasure and when she couldn't stand the wiggling digit any longer she screamed his name. "Darian!" She pulled him messily into a hard kiss which stopped his fingering. He ended the kiss with a look of shock. "Valda???!"

"Of course it's me." She looked at the man who had his finger what seemed deeper then it should be able to reach inside her body to see a very confused look returned to her. "Darian?"

Gri Removed his finger quickly and backed up which removed the entire room in the process. He was on the floor next to his sister who had her panties down and her dress lifted. Her vent leaked a fine liquid onto her tail and the floor. The vine looped around her hand let go and almost instantly she sat up gasping at the sight before her.


Her dream man vanished as soon as his finger left her tight smooth scaled entrance. She looked around as the world diminished too. Like waking from a nightmare she sat bolt upright to find her brother's erect shaft inches from her face. She slapped it aside with a scream and trying to run off tripped over her lowered panties. With the impact of his sister's actual hand he jolted himself to the fact his pants were down and raised them rapidly.

"Valda, I... I don't know what happened!"

"You tricked me into doing something bad!"

"No! That was Gwen! I swear I was only helping." He retorted only to think how dumb that was. Hearing his mother call out if they were alright he quickly grabbed Valda's arm and told her "Mom can't know about this! We will both get in so much trouble! Pull up your underwear!"

Valda pointed at his rock hard bulge and said "Make that go away!"

"I can't!" He said darting into their room dragging her with him.


Finishing her shift Keeval-da had decided to re-ask Grim about the man 'Hoody' from earlier since noone seemed to know who he was. That is when she heard Valda scream from upstairs. She looked briefly at Grim who only waved and then called out "You alright up there?".

Keeval-da heard a thump and both of her children talking in a panic but she was unable to here the words till she neared the upper steps. She turned into their room and saw Gri sitting at his desk and Valda on the floor both looking at her with suspiciously awkward smiles.

"What is going on?"

"Nothing mother. I was just sitting at my desk thinking." She looked then at her daughter who was fidgeting.


"Mmm, yes momma?"

"What are you hiding?" Keeval-da half tilted her head and walked closer. Thinking quick to cover them from a more embarrassing result Gri proclaimed "Okay mom, Jeez Valda. Can't even keep your own secrets right. She has her old shoes under the floor board near her."

"GRI!!!" Valda stammered catching a wink from her brother which did not calm her since it was still 'throwing her into the dragon's den' so to speak.

"Sorry Valda but mom was going to get it out of you anyways."

"Gri is right, your mom is not going to let you get away with hiding things. Now which board is it or do I need to drill you for answers?" She tapped a foot and subsequently her tail along with it. Valda pointed meekly to her loose board and awaited the worst.

When Keeval'da lifted the board and saw the shoes her expression changed to wide eyed surprise.

"By the nine! Valda! Did you do this?!" She said holding the constantly changing rainbow colored shoes up.

"Yes momma." She said hanging her head in defeat.

"This is amazing! Where did you learn to do that?" Keeval-da was beaming with pride and astonishment at her child's apparently strong nack for magic. Valda stuttered to find words and was nearly as stunned as Gri who's jaw, if not attached to him, would have broken through the floor.

"GRIM! GRIM!" Their mother called from the door. Grim was all the way upstairs before she could turn back into the room. "What wrong! Grim heard Pretty eyes scream." He looked around like a predator hunting for prey then relaxed when he saw nothing that needed killing.

"Look what Valda did!" Keeval-da held the rainbow shoes before Grim and he took them in his hands and for the first few words his wife heard that regal voice again.

"Excellent work for a child your age." His voice then regained his natural feel once he noticed his wife's expression adding "Grim knew Valda special. I like shoes. Make some for Grim?"

"I thought you would be mad." Valda said.

"Honey no, where'd you get that idea?"

"You said bad people used magic on you long ago. That you hated magic."

She felt ill recalling the events but she forced through it after a few seconds of discomfort. "Sweety, not everyone who uses magic is bad Valda. There are many other uses for magic my sweet girl. Being so adept at it we really should look into saving up for the mage's college." the last portion directed to Grim.

"Grim will raise INN prices now to help!" he darted off before Keeval-da could catch him. "Grim no! stop, wait..."

"I can't believe I will get to be a mage!" Valda said still sitting on the floor forgetting about her wet crotch.

Finally resuming his thoughts, Gri looked down at his sticky finger. -I can't believe I fingered my sister.-

After another short pause he rethought it -worse, I can't decide whether that is disturbing or arousing.-