Sirras' Greenhouse

Story by Raul on SoFurry

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So this was originally a gift I wrote for a friend. He wasn't quite expecting it to be as explicit as it is, so he asked me to change the characters from the original version. So this is the edited version! I hope you enjoy some Snake-on-Dog sexings!

The sky was rapidly darkening, the grey clouds threatening a storm. The wind was picking up as the sun set, the occasional drop of water falling from the sky. Blue hurried through the park, glancing up at the sky. The dog shivered and sped up, not wanting to get caught out in whatever the sky was planning on dropping. He didn't have his raincoat or an umbrella, and he didn't really fancy getting soaked. Of course, when the weather had been glorious during the day, you would be forgiven for expecting a pleasant evening.

This was England however, and the English weather enjoyed dicking people around like that. Blue glanced at the sky again as the first raindrops began to fall. Like his name suggested, Blue was blue. Well, not actually blue, more of a steely grey in colour, but considering how the etymology of fur colours worked, he was 'blue'. In terms of species, he was... well, he was a mutt. Nothing particularly spectacular or exotic. His mother was a husky and his father was a border collie. Not that his pedigree (or lack thereof) ever really concerned Blue. Right now his concern was on the rain that was steadily increasing in volume and force. He was already pretty wet by the time he reached the edge of the park.

This part of the park was the old Victorian part. It had a large duck-pond (with no ducks) and a large Victorian style greenhouse. The greenhouse had never been open to the public as far as anyone could remember. Apparently it was used for some kind of research but nobody really knew what, nor did they care. The bottom windows had been covered so nobody could look in, and the glass at the top was usually covered in condensation. It was a pretty large greenhouse, with a large and rather elegant dome in the middle.

Blue hurried past the greenhouse without giving it a second glance. He slipped on the rapidly forming mud, but managed to regain his balance. He paused, before continuing on his way. He was completely soaked through, and thoroughly miserable by the time he reached the gate leading out of the park. He gripped the wet bars and tugged on them. The gate moved, and then stopped. Blue frowned and tugged the gate again. Then he saw the chain and padlock.

"Oh come on!" he cried, tanking on the gate. It rattled, but that was it. Blue took a step back and looked up at the gate. He could barely see anything now. The sun had well and truly set. He knew the park well enough though. He knew this gate was set into a fourteen-foot high brick wall. The wall ran all the way around the Victorian part of the park (which was most of the park, to be slightly more specific). The nearest gate that would probably be open was on the other side of the park to Blue. So when it started hailing, it was understandable that he started swearing so much.

Turning from the gate he looked back and saw a light on in the greenhouse. He broke into a run, heading for the building. If someone was in there, they could at least let him out of the park, if not let him stay in the greenhouse until the hail had stopped. As he drew closer, he saw the normally closed door was standing ajar. Dim light illuminated the hailstones, and Blue was sure he saw the tip of a tail slip through the door. Skidding on hailstones and mud, Blue arrived at the door. He knocked loudly and called out.

"Hello? Anyone there?"

No answer. Blue shrugged and pushed the door open, stepping into the greenhouse. Carefully closing the door behind him, Blue turned around. It was like someone had found a section of rainforest and transported it to England. The air was hot and humid. The few lights that were on provided just enough illumination to see by. Blue looked around and counted at least ten types of flower he didn't recognise. Not to mention all the other plants and small trees that filled the carefully cultivated beds. Blue made his way down the tiled path that wound between the plants, noting how there were no raised beds anywhere.

"Hello? Is there anyone here?" he called again. He was met with silence. He continued wondering through the dense foliage. The inside of the greenhouse seemed to have been sculpted so that there were small hummocks and little paths branching off from the main one, vanishing into the greenery.

Blue eventually found himself in the center of the greenhouse. The thunder of the rain and hail was somewhat lessened by the large glass dome he stood under. Not that he could really see the dome. This was because, right in the middle of the greenhouse, was a large circular patch of mulched earth, covered in leaves. Tall spindly trees grew out of the center, forming a sort of semi-circle. They were raised right up to the dome, their leaves filling the glass cupola. Long vines hung down from the ceiling, trailing along the floor and running along the glass ceiling. Blue shook his head and shivered. Despite the warmth of the greenhouse, his wet clothes were not helping anything.

Blue unzipped his jacket and peeled it off. He walked around the trees and continued down the path, looking for something he could perhaps hand his clothes on. Spending five minutes exploring the greenhouse and finding nothing but neatly stacked gardening equipment in one corner of the (surprisingly) large hothouse. With a sigh he stepped off the main path and went down one of the smaller offshoots. He came to a group of plants that were tangled together with thick, woody vines. Blue hung his jacket on one of these vines and stripped off his t-shirt, wringing it out and hanging that up too. Peering around, Blue called out again. When there was no reply, he was satisfied he was alone in the greenhouse. He guessed someone must have just left the door open.

With his privacy probably safeguarded, Blue undid his belt, pulling off his trousers and hung them next to his t-shirt and jacket. Then he remembered this was the twenty-first century and he had a mobile phone. He reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone. It was rather soggy. He pressed the menu button and the phone's screen lit up.

"Oh joy. No service." Blue mumbled. He tried phoning the police anyway. As the phone had indicated previously, no service. Well that was that then! Blue ran a hand over his fur. He was drying out nicely though. The rain also seemed to be lessening. Maybe if he gave it an hour or two his clothes would be getting close to something at least resembling dryness and he could begin the long walk back across the park. Of course, finding something to entertain himself during that time would be the bigger challenge.

After about half an hour of exploring the greenhouse in his boxers, Blue was positively bored. Or not positively as was the case. Either way, Blue was bored and his fur was dry and his clothes were not. He was glad his fur was pretty short though. It did actually mean he dried out with a reasonable amount of speed. Too bad modern fibres didn't share this ability. He sighed and went back to where his clothes were. And immediately freaked the fuck out when he saw they were gone. Then he told himself off for not looking under the plant to where they had fallen. He bent down to pick them up, swearing at himself. That was when the snake grabbed him.

Blue yelped in surprise, as his leg was suddenly no longer supporting his weight. He collapsed into the soft, warm dirt. His nostrils were briefly assaulted by the scent of earth, before his was flipped onto his back. Surrounding him was a large quantity of snake. The huge animal had formed a circle around him, its huge coils shifting and sliding over each other with a smooth rustling sound.

"Behind you."

Blue looked over his shoulder and saw the head of the snake. It was watching him with brilliant emerald eyes. The snake looked oddly feminine for a feral creature, and its voice was definitely female. Wait... its voice?

"Ssuch a handssome puppy." she hissed quietly. Blue slowly got to his knees, facing the big snake. She was a reticulated python. Her golden brown scales and patterns gave that much away. The emerald green eyes were a little bit of a conundrum though.

"W-what do you mean?" Blue replied cautiously. Clearly not a feral snake, or he probably would be in her stomach by now.

"I mean you are handssome, ssilly boy." The snake replied. Her long thick tongue gave her a rather cute lisp. Although the lisp would have been cuter were it not emanating from a truly massive snake. Blue glanced nervously at her coils. At their widest point he guessed they were nearly as wide as his torso. Her head was also the same size, or perhaps even larger than Blue's own bonce.

"O-oh... well thanks I guess?" Blue replied, licking his lips apprehensively.

The snake chuckled.

"You are quite welcome." She replied. Her voice was soft, almost soothing.

Blue yelped in surprise when his arm was grabbed by something and pulled behind his back. He reached around with his other hand to try and free it, but that was grabbed too! A thick coil wrapped around his body, pinning his arms by his sides. He was suddenly in a sea of writhing muscle and scales. The pressure on his wrists was released as he struggled in the grip of the massive snake. He felt coils tighten around his legs, pulling them back and spreading them wide.

"What are you doing?! Let me go!" Blue protested, his back being forcibly arched. He was now knelt on the ground, his body trapped by shiny, smooth snake coils. He felt suddenly vulnerable, trapped and bound, his crotch thrust forwards as it was.

"Why?" the snake chuckled quietly "Why would I let sssuch a handssome puppy go?"

"Who are you?" Blue asked through gritted teeth as he struggled in vain to release himself from the bondage he found himself in.

"Sssirras. Although you will sssoon know me as Missstresss Ssirrass."

Blue wasn't entirely certain what she meant, but he was fairly certain it wasn't anything good. Sirras lowered her head, her tongue flicking out towards Blue's crotch.

"H-hey! What do you think you're doing?!" Blue stammered, colour rising in his cheeks.

"You don't need thessse..." Sirras hissed, raising her head so her eyes were level with his. There was a tearing noise, and Blue felt a warm breeze blow over his genitals. Blue glanced to the side and saw Sirras tossing his torn boxers aside with her tail.

"Hmmrr... no ssheath, uncut... I like." Sirras murmured with delight, looking down at Blue's now exposed cock and balls.

"H-hey! Don't..." Blue spluttered

"Ssssshhh..." Sirras interrupted "Ssilly puppiess sshouldn't talk. They sshould relax and enjoy."

"Enjoy? Enjoy what?!"

Sirras sighed

"I will jussst have to... lower your resssistance then..." she hissed.

Blue gasped as he felt something soft and warm wrap around his flaccid member, reaching down to his furry balls and giving them a gentle squeeze. His cock twitched as the pressure increased slightly.

"Puppy liiikesss!" Sirras hissed with delight, her eyes shining.

"N-no..." Blue denied, his cock getting harder.

"Don't lie to Sssirras... Ssirras knowss the puppy likesss being bound... likesss being played with."

Blue could feel the heat of arousal rising in his loins. Part of him took comfort in the fact the massive snake didn't appear to be interested in eating him. That was a small mercy at least.

Of course, that didn't change the fact that Blue's erection now throbbed hard in the grip of Sirras's nimble tail. Sirras laughed her surprisingly gentle laugh and let go of his cock with her tail. She licked her snout, making it shine with thick saliva.

"D-don't you dare..." Blue warned, briefly wondering what he would do if he could do anything (which he couldn't)

"Ssssshhh... no more talking, puppy. No more talking unlesss I sssay sso!"

And with that, Sirras gently slid her tail into Blue's mouth. Blue gulped and gagged on the prehensile length as it gagged him. He could feel the massive coils sliding against his body as Sirras shifted her position.

He shuddered with unstoppable delight. He felt something wet slide down his shaft. Craning his head down he saw he was leaking pre-cum out of his cock. Sirras opened her mouth and gave his erection a long, luxurious lick. Blue moaned through the tail that gagged him, despite his previous protests.

"Puppy likesss a lot!" Sirras said with glee, before sliding her tongue around Blue's turgid member and pulling it into her mouth. Blue had thought her big, wet tongue had been pleasurable. It was nothing like her mouth. He could feel the wet, slimy folds of her maw pressing down on his cock. He cried out around the living gag. Sirras coiled her tongue around his member and began to gently suckle on it.

At the same time she withdrew her tail from Blue's mouth. Trailing saliva, she wrapped herself around his neck, squeezing gently. Blue gasped and wriggled. Sirras began to slowly squeeze Blue's erection with her tongue, while sucking with her mouth. The sensation was exquisite making Blue pant and groan. He could feel warm saliva dripping onto his balls too, adding to his already intense arousal. He squirmed in the snakes grip, causing her to add more coils to his 'restraints'. His body was now almost completely entombed in her coils. The smooth scaly lengths rubbed and massaged against his body. It felt far better than it should have done.

Blue clenched and unclenched his paws, desperately trying to fight the burning desire to orgasm. He panted and whined, unable to move his body an inch. The lewd slurping noises coming from his crotch got louder and the pressure and sucking grew in intensity. Blue arched his back and his mind went white as his orgasm thundered through him. His mouth opened but no sound came out as he pumped his seed into Sirras's waiting mouth. Spot's of light danced in Blue's vision as his body slowly relaxed. Sirras remained latched onto his cock for a few moments after, gently suckling on Blue's cock, causing him to shudder and pant.

There was a soft slurp as Sirras let Blue's cock fall out of her mouth. The air around them felt positively cool as it washed over Blue's slime covered genitals. He blinked and looked down at his crotch. Thick ropes of slightly milky saliva hung from his cock. Sirras raised her head and smiled. She made a point of looking Blue in the eye, and then swallowed. Blue felt his cock twitch at the sight.

"Did puppy enjoy that?" Sirras hissed. Blue could only look at her and pant. Sirras frowned, and squeezed Blue's neck rather hard.

Blue choked and spluttered, nodding his head quickly.

"Y-yes!" he gasped.

"Good. Becaussse now the real fun beginsss!"

"What do you mean the 'real' fun?" Blue asked, once again dreading the answer.

Sirras just chuckled.

"Here... let me sssshow yooou..."

Her emerald eyes seemed to shine with a strange inner light. Blue found himself suddenly transfixed. No matter how hard he tried he could not look away.

"Nng... wha..." he mumbled, before his mouth seized shut.

Sirras's eyes began to swirl, or at least look like they were swirling. Maybe different bands of green were rippling over her eyes, making it look like they were spirals. Either way Blue was enraptured.

Those eyes were like green whirlpools, pulling Blue slowly down into them. His surroundings slowly went out of focus. All he could see was those eyes. His body began to tingle. He felt light but also heavy at the same time. He drew in a deep breath and sighed, his body relaxing completely. It was like he was floating in a sea of green, those eyes filling his mind. He had no control, no desires, nothing but this incredible relaxation. Mind totally blank and open, Blue surrendered to Sirras.

"How isss my hypnosssisss, sslave?"

The green slowly faded. Blue's eyes were hooded, half closed and completely glazed over. Usually brown his eyes had also changed to emerald green. His mouth gaped slightly, a single strand of saliva hanging from his muzzle. Resistance destroyed by an incredible blowjob, he hadn't been prepared for the hypnotic assault. No thoughts entered his head. He was only focusing on Sirras and her beautiful voice and eyes.

"Good..." He murmered. It was true. He did feel good. His entire body tingled with pleasure where her coils pressed against his fur.

"You will refer to me from now on asss missstresss Ssirrass. Do you underssstand?"

"Yess...mistress Sirras." Blue replied slowly and quietly. Why wouldn't he understand? Her voice echoed in his empty mind, filling it slowly.

"I own you. You are mine."

"I am yours..."

"Good puppy. Did you know that while hypnotisssed asss you are... Your mind will make anything I sssay come true? You will feel it, sssmell it, tasssste it. Your body and mind are my playthingsss, and you will obey me."

Blue nodded slowly. Of course he would obey. Anything for his mistress! Sirras shifted her coils, pushing Blue down onto his hands and knees. He was now resting atop her coils, which quickly bound his wrists and ankles, spreading his legs wide. Blue gasped as he felt his crotch exposed. For some reason everything felt pleasurable and amplified. He felt Sirras's tongue flicker against his ear.

"Mmm... sssuch a nice bottom. But wouldn't it be better if it wasss more... sssenssitive?" Sirras whispered in his ear. Blue found himself hanging on her every word. He needed her to give him commands. His body still felt tingly, light and floaty. He needed something to latch on to.

"Your arsse iss becoming more sssensitive. You can feel it now. Feel it becoming more receptive to pleasure."

Blue trembled and moaned softly. It was true. His exposed asshole tingled. Just the warm, wet breeze washing over his rump made his hips jerk slightly. His cock was throbbing hard again, dribbling a small stream of pre-cum onto her scales.

"Your arssse iss ssssoooo sssensitive! Ssso sssoft and receptive of pleasssure! It'ss like a womansss pussssy." Sirras continued, a smile curling her lips.

Blue gasped when Sirras slowly brushed her tail over his sphincter. Pleasure radiated through him from a place he never really associated with pleasure. Sirras moved her head around to Blue's rear, piling her coils around him his trunk, pinning his arms and leaving only his head, legs and arse exposed.

"You like being completely dominated and bound like thisss. You love the feeling of being buried and wrapped in my coilsss. It makes you horny just thinking about it. Yesss it doesss."

"Yess it doesss..."

Sirras giggled, a sound that made Blue's erection throb hard. Wrapping the tip of her tail around his cock she began squeezing and stroking it downwards, like she was milking his dick. Blue's mind was trapped in a dense fog. The only things that existed in it were Sirras's commands and pleasure.

"You will be unable to cum until I sssay you can cum. Every time you come close, you will be denied... your own body will prevent you from releasing. Your seed will build up and you will only cum on MY command."

"Yess Misstresss..."

With that, Sirras lowered her head to Blue's ass, her hot breath washing over his exposed sphincter. With a wet slurp, Sirras opened her mouth and unleashed her slippery, thick tongue. She pressed its length against Blue's entrance and gave him a hard lick. Blue practically howled, his body quivering at the hot, damp touch. Sirras's open mouth dripped thick ropes of saliva onto Blue's backside, making him bite his lower lip and squirm. His body was wracked with ecstasy so intense he couldn't even talk. The second lick seemed to be less intense than the first, but the pleasure was not gone. It had changed into a throbbing, pulsating heat.

Every time Sirras stroked downwards on his cock, a thick rope of pre-cum squirted out, coating Sirras's scales with a glossy finish. Sirras was pressing her snout into Blue's behind, lapping at his hypnotically sensitive pucker. Blue could only lie there and drool, his eyes barely open as he was over taken by this tsunami of joy. The more Sirras licked his 'boy pussy', the more submissive he felt. He was her slave. Her toy. There was no other option for him.

Viscous strings of saliva dripped from his behind, pouring over his balls, and squelching between his cock and Sirras's tail. With a seductive gasp, Sirras withdrew her snout from between his buttocks.

"Mmm... puppy tassstess good!" She hissed with delight. Blue could only gurgle in response.

"Awww... doesss puppy like being milked? Doess puppy need to cum?"

Blue whined and nodded. Speech had been robbed from him. Snatched away like his free will. He was her puppy, her obedient little pet.

"Jusst a little more, puppy. Then you can cum for me." Sirras hissed softly. She let go of Blue's cock with her tail, causing him to whine pitifully. Sirras smiled wickedly, and slowly pressed her tail tip against Blue's sphincter. Blue's eyes widened as the tail slowly slid inside his rectum. He squirmed, writhed and cried out. He couldn't stand it. It was too much.

"Isss it agony, little puppy? Do you feel like you are burning from pleasssure?"

Blue moaned and nodded, his tongue lolled out of his mouth and his body twitched and spasmed uncontrollably.

Sirras carefully turned Blue onto his back, keeping her tail just inside his sphincter, teasing and tickling his rectum. Releasing his torso, she changed her grip to his arms, splaying them out above his head, wrapping them completely in her heavy lengths. She pulled his legs wide as well, sliding her tail a little further inside. Then she lifted up her tail, and about two feet from the tip, a slick, shiny patch of scales was revealed.

Droplets of Sirras's sexual fluids dripped from her opening and landed on Blue's painfully aroused crotch. His dick was throbbing and pulsing harder than it ever had before. Without any more words, the massive snake dropped her wet tunnel onto Blue's cock, and simultaneously pressed her tail tip against his prostate. Blue screamed.

Sirras was panting as she rode Blue. Her huge body quivered and shook, her tongue hung out the corner of her mouth. Her eyes had practically rolled up in her head. Blue writhed and trashed as much as he could. His body was on fire with lust. He had to cum. He needed to cum. He could barely breath, his vision swam and his brain had turned to jelly. Sirras squealed and squirmed, her love juices oozing from her, spreading slowly over Blue's crotch.

"So clossse puppy! Sssoooo cloooossse!" Sirras panted

Her hot, slippery walls clenched and squeezed Blue. He felt like his dick was melting inside her, melting with desire.

Suddenly, Sirras clamped down hard, sinking as much of Blue's member inside of her as possible.

"Yesss! Yesss! Cum for me! Cum in me!" she cried, pressing her tail against Blue's prostate as hard as she could.

Blue screamed again as he came. His cock practically exploded cum. He pumped rope after rope of hot, sticky cream inside the orgasming snake. He could feel his cock pulsing against her tight walls. He could feel his masses of cum squirting out around his cock and mixing with her cum covering his body. His back was arched as far as he could get it, and his mouth was wide in a now silent scream. This was true bliss. Mind erased by hypnosis and body fucked to breaking point.

Utterly spent, Blue slumped back against Sirras's coils. Sirras was panting as she slowly pulled herself free from Blue. With a lewd sucking sound, Blue's cock slipped free from her, followed by a small flood of cum. He lay there gasping for air. That was all he could do though. Sirras looked down at him and smiled. Blue's body was wet with sweat, saliva and cum, both his own and hers.

"O-ohh... yess... oh goodness..." She hissed, her voice coming out in short gasps, her body still vibrating with delight.

"I think I will have to keep you, puppy. Keep you nice and brainwassshed... keep you mindfucked and ready to be abusssed. You'd like that wouldn't you?"

Blue whined softly, unable to do anything else.

"I will programm you properly... but that can wait... you ssshould sssleeep now..."

Blue was unconscious almost before Sirras had finished giving the command.

Sirras raised her tail to her mouth, licking her own love tunnel, slurping up her own juices and Blue's cum. She was going to have fun sculpting this slave's mind. And maybe when she got bored of him, she could give him the ultimate ecstasy, a truly wild and slimy ride down her gullet. But for now, he would make an excellent fucktoy. Coiling around him with an obscene squelch, Sirras laid her head down next to his and went to sleep.

The Thief and The Assassin: III

A few hours later, Valerie and Donovan were really quite drunk. They were both staggering through the streets clutching bottles of very expensive wine. "Why dooo I have to carry the bag?" Donovan slurred, hefting the sack he had slung over his...

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The Thief and The Assassin: II

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The Thief and The Assassin: I

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