The Legend of the Wark (full story)

Story by FlurryOfFurry on SoFurry

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"LEGEND OF THE WARK" is a part of A FLURRY OF FURRY volume 1 along with NINE other tales of nonsense, humor, m/m erotica, sci-fi, poetry, kink and more!Download the ebook at the SmashWords store!Download the book on iTunes!Download the ebook at Barnes and Noble's Nookstore!Download the ebook at the Kobo store!

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(written in the ancient language)

Wan daye theer waws a shark and a woulfe. Upon theyr dynner tayble there rested a rocke. Thee rocke was to be theyr meale. Thee shark spitteth roars at thee woulfe, for he hungereth verily. Thee woulfe snapped his teethe and jawes at thee shark, for he hungereth verily.

Each daye thys occurred. Upon thee wan-hundredth-and-forty-seventh daye, the woulfe sayeth, "NO MOURE!" and bit thee shark.

Thee shark, having his face inside of thee woulfe, sayeth, "AWAAAAAAAA!"

Thee woulfe founde thys to be of humour and guffawed. He laughed so hardily that he pyssed himself. Thee point where thee pyss and thee grounde met became fertilyzed and grewe roots.


The pi$$ $eeped into the groundwater and, amid$t that, began to $prout up a great bean$talk. The bean$talk had upon it a great pod. Nine-hundred-thousand years later, a wark came out and ate everyone on the world.

And they all lived happily ever after. In the belly of the wark.

Ninety-Nine Coyotes in the Blue Moon Light (full poem)

Ninety-nine coyotes in the blue moon light Howl and yip and play, all through the night. On the weekends they skinny dip in the lake. And the first Sunday of the month they all get together to circle-jerk. Who knows the thoughts going through...

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