(D.X.) 1. A Stall With a View

Story by JACster on SoFurry

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#1 of Dynamo X


This is yiff. That translates to 'pr0n' in leetspeak, and that translates... to you being of legal age before you even think about reading the rest of this. Thank you, and have a nice day.

_Author's Forward: "Dynamo" is a series amalgamated from my childhood love of "TMNT", "Power Rangers", "Thundercats", and the like. I HAVE YET to write that story, but along the way, the characters became by outlet for other things.

Long story short, I was writing yiff before I knew the word for it, and out of that grew "Dynamo X". (The "X" being the standard adult rate and such... *snickers like she's clever* ) All you need to know is that "X" happens AFTER the original.

Okay, NOW you're set. X3_

  1. "A Stall With a View"

Jade woke up slowly that morning. Her sensitive ears could hear every car, every trash truck and almost every single person on the street. And ever slight decibel of it has stung like daggers in her brain... The sun had decided to beam into the window by her bed extra strongly, the glinting sunshine. Probably off of the business building across the street. Mirrored windows; enemy of the apartment-dweller.

Not that it wasn't a good sleep. The deepest, most restful she had ever had. Just a bad and blinding way to wake up if one just so happened to have been drinking the night before. Which she had. Like a fish.

The lioness groaned a muffled cuss, jamming a stray pillow over her head.

'What... the... hell,' she thought defiantly. Her head pulsed with her first heavy hangover, then it all came back to her; four pitchers of beer with the members of her mixed-martial arts team and a 'car bomb' to top it all off, that was 'what the hell'.

She rolled out of the bed and onto the floor with a flop. More like stampeding or earthquake to the couple in the three-bedroom down stairs below, but Jade could care less. She squinted as she climbed to her feet. She had literally got up on the wrong side of the bed and got a face-full of the evil 'Mister Sun', her life-long foe...

'Good MORNING, Miss Sunshine!' it seemed to yell in a shrill chortle, 'This is what you get, ha-HAH!!'

Staving-off the rest of her over-active imagination, she shut the blinds and dragged herself over to the fridge to see if she couldn't eat her way out of a hangover...

It wasn't that large of an apartment. Couldn't have been more than fifteen-square-feet in total of one-room efficiency. She vaguely remembered her father offering to buy her one of the larger two- or three-room places in the same building. Jade smirked, lightly shaking the carton of chocolate milk she snatched from the fridge, opened it's lips, and knocked back the last of it; she had staunchly refused and threatened to move back in.

In one side of the wall she faced was a modest kitchen, complete with freezer and refrigerator. A toaster oven hummed, toasting bread of course, and a pan warmed some butter for eggs and bacon on a peculiarly small oven range. Jade sighed... 'Hurry the hell up...' she told it mentally.

To her right was her bed, a foldaway that went right into the wall, and to the right of that was the tall window that the wretched Mister Sun decided to come in on. (Not that there was any other window.) Behind her and opposite of that was her 'entertainment center'; an old boudoir dresser with three sets of three drawers. One could plainly see the added holes in some of the fronts, leading wires out to various gaming systems and the stereo that dominated most of the space atop the large dresser. The only other room was the bathroom, which sat adjacent to the door out and kitty cornered to a closet.

Soon enough, Jade had a plate of breakfast and carefully tipped toed over her scattered dumbbell set and sat on her bed. She gulped down her food, licking the jelly from the corners of her black-lined mouth. Not very lady-like. She wasn't very lady like to begin with, not in her mind. Jade preferred to be 'one of the guys'. Respected for her strength, and liked for her ability to fight and fight well. Table manners was not a priority.

After dishes and some tidying-up, Jade began her stretches.

"Oooo! I should wash up!!" she cringed, catching the mix of alcohol and BO embedded in the fur of her underarm.

She trotted her lithe body over to the closet, chose a grey t shirt and a matching pair of sweatpants, and tossed them on the bed along with some underwear. Then she grabbed a washcloth and a towel, and went into her tiny bathroom.

She hurriedly brushed her teeth and washed her face. She gargled and spat out some mouthwash, then moved to undo her bra. As she struggled with the clasp between her breasts, a voice giggled at her fidgeting. A little silly. But deep. Male. Sensual...

Jade flung open the bathroom door and checked her front door, her jet black hair flowing out with her. Nope, still locked. She then glanced the other way. Nope, no one but Mister Sun, still shining against the closed shades. The lioness sighed, called the voice a pink elephant, and returned to disrobing.

Jeans, shirt, and underwear, all dirty and beer-soaked, piled on the floor of the bathroom. Jade flexed again, admiring the slight definition of her sides and what she could catch of her back in the waist-up mirror. Her chest wasn't as impressive as she'd like, an A, near B. Then again, anything C-cup and larger was a hindrance to a fighter, in her opinion. A genetic leftover felt from her lion heritage; the lither the hunter the better the hunt went.

She felt herself up, kneading her breasts until her nipples stood at attention. Then she worked her way down, her fingers hitting every cut muscle, every weight-sculpted curve. She liked how she had muscle, but she still looked like feminine. And if there was ever a moment where she felt like a lady it was alone time like this. Eyes closed now. Knees just hanging on to a standing position. But even as she started to feel herself down closer and closer to her quickly-wetting mound, she felt watched. Not sinisterly, no, just... watched. She blinked her eyes open, and saw no one. She didn't hear anything out in the rest of the room. She reluctantly shrugged it off and stepped into her shower.

Jade shivered in the cold water. She ducked underneath the shower's spray and tweaked the knobs again. She scooted back on her haunches to test the water on her back. 'Still too cold,' she shivered. She did this a couple more times until the water became warm and steamy, closed her eyes and stood back up.

With great care, she cleansed herself; first ruffling her fur without soap to get water down to the roots of her fur, then a second time with soap. Like outside the shower, slowly and meticulously she massaged herself. Most of her showers went this way, epically on days like this.

She smiled to herself. 'I don't' have to show up at that gym for a week. I could stay in here all day if I wanted... ... ...'

The gym. That thought echoed in her mind. The last time she was there, about three days ago, she was in the showers. Agis Gym was an older building, in the middle of renovations, no less. It didn't surprise her that there was only one shower and locker room. What surprised her was the lack of reaction from the guys. She was sure that they'd snipe at her... Of course, there was the one or two, "Hey, look who came to shower!", but she was otherwise respected. She could bend over half of them into pretzels, they had better respect her.

She knew that day that she had to be at an interview. (One-room-efficiencies, no matter how cheap, didn't pay for themselves.) And if she hadn't showered there, she would have been late. What she didn't know was how much of an eyeful she was about to get.

She had waited until the most of them had finished. Until there was only a sparse few stragglers left, dressing themselves and packing their gym bags. She undressed, keeping her head down, and kept it that way until she had found the warm spray and sound of the line of showers down there. When there, she started to hastily wash herself. A moment's relief lead her to look up and around. Just her luck, at the far end of the showers, was a lion. A new face, too. Well built; not overly muscled like the other lions there.

'Boxer?' She guessed, 'No, all the muscle tone would be in the shoulders. Swimmer? No, lions doing that cut their manes off..." ... A game that she played often with the others: 'What does the new guy workout for?'

She gulped at her next thought and where her eyes were going... 'Don't look down, don't look down, don't look down...'

Jade cursed and loved her eyes at the same time for disobeying the mantra.

There, dangling in the steamy air like a python in the mists of a jungle, was the lion's cock. Six inches, two inches around, and a tip covered in fleshy barbs. Beneath that, two spheres the size of racquetballs swung as the male moved, ducking in and out of her sight. She thought her legs would buckle underneath her. Somehow, she hung on.

Strange. She was already done. All she had to do was turn the other way, find her locker, get dressed and go. But she couldn't turn away... ... ...

Jade gulped deeply, falling back on the shower wall. The shower in her home. For a few moments, she was back at the gym, but now she was home. She blinked her eyes open. Just to be sure. She sighed as all she saw was the three enclosed walls of blue tile that made up her shower and the powder blue shower curtain that completed it.

'So, how long since you had a mate, Jade?' She smirked to herself.

"Aw, t' hell with it," she spat into the warm air. She closed her eyes and sent a paw down her body. The lioness purred loud and lewdly, almost as loud as the pounding water. Slowly, gently, she rubbed and squeezed at her mound. Her body reacted instantly, her back propped against that shower wall and her hips bucking and thrusting like a male's.

Most often, it was the way of self-control for her; No guys, not even in her mind, until the fight season was over. But it was turning summer, and that meant that her Heat would soon overtake her anyway.

Her eyes flit open as she pressed a finger in to massage her folds. She wanted to go slowly... Savor the feeling. After a few moments she'd stop, resting the paw on her belly, then she'd start all over again, bringing herself to a peak then coming down a little. It wasn't after too much of this teasing that she started to think about the showers again... ... ...

... ... ... There he was. Out for all to see. That of wonderful, well-cut piece of lion meat... and the lion it belonged to as well.

He didn't seem to notice her. The lion had his own lust in mind, snarling in the moist air and bringing a paw to his slowly stiffening phallus. He helped it along nicely, squeezing it at it's middle again and again. Making streams of pre-cum splatter wetly the wall in front of him.

'Poor baby,' she thought lecherously.

Licking her lips, she slowly turned away from the shower head she was under and leaned back against the wall. It was bold move, but she couldn't take it anymore: she was going to stand there and fap off with him... ... ...

The lioness screamed, not in the midst of orgasm but in her own futile efforts. Her shower was nice, but way too small for a sufficient self-yiffing.

Jade turned the shower off and whipped the shower curtain open. Back out in her room, the lighting had taken a darker turn. A cloud must've covered up her old foe.

'Good,' she thought, 'I like it dark when I do this...'

She flopped on her bed and lifted the duster surrounding it's bottom frame. A frame with different drawers and compartments. She opened one of the smaller drawers, and scuffled for a bit.

If one were looking over her shoulder, they would see an assortment of small gadgets and wires, and long, often brightly colored shafts...

"A-HA!" she declared, "Found ya'!"

Jade sat up, smiling at the dildo she had found. It was an expensive one, as 'animal' dildos usually were, but her fights had brought in more than enough. It was made of that rubbery latex that almost felt real, too. It was almost six inches in length and two inches around. The tip sported a slew of soft, rounded spines. It wasn't the lion from that day but it was close enough. She bundled up her clothes for the day and threw them off the bed to keep the aftermath of what she was about to do off of them.

She sighed. Stopped for a moment. Drank it all in. She didn't even notice the cool feel of the air on her naked form before. The lack of drag that nakedness brought. Jade smiled and brought the lion dildo to her lips. She first licked at it like a cub at a mother's teat, her tongue playing slowly over the barbs. Then she took it in with a moan, her other hand working on her mound again. She was not at it a minute when she closed her eyes and finished remembering her visit to the showers... ... ...

... ... ... 'Damn, he's REALLY into it!'

He truly was. He had begun to stroke himself, squeezing with every pass. She had lucked up on her view; he decided that his right hand (the arm and hand closer facing her) was better to fap off with and his left better to lightly knead his needy balls. The only thing helping him to stand was his head bracing himself forward on the wall the shower heads came out of. More and more she'd hear him moan, his voice young but deep. Jade would take advantage of this, letting out a few quiet squeals of her own as she started to press into herself.

The lioness remembered how her body shuddered as she fingered and shoved into herself. But for the showers raining down on their horny forms, it would have been quiet. Anyone could have snuck up on them. And that's what made it hard for her to hold back a moan. It was different. It was dangerous. It was the most exciting thing that she had ever done. And if it weren't for the mixed fighting league, she'd be bored to tears of... well, everything.

She looked back at him. The lion had slowed down, a smile creeping up his tan maw. She watched him slow his pace. He loudly huffed and grunted his pleasures out. Jade slowed down, too... timed her finger strokes... silently begged him to finish.

Just then the lion let loose a roar that shook the walls. She watched him coat the walls with his thick white cum, for a moment wanting to be the wall. The next moment she was swirling her fingers at her own dead end. His smell traveled fast; she closed her eyes, breathed it in, pretend to take it all as he roared again, his cum splatting a little louder now in the showers, the wet and the smell and the sounds... ... ...

She grit her teeth into the soft dildo. A no-no on flesh, but right now she needed to. An orgasm has finally crushed her conscious, rocked her hips, and sent the room spinning. She shuddered violently, her hand held still, her hips bucking into it, the little dots of light flashing dizzily in her peripheral...

Her shuddering slowly, slowly came to a stop. She left the dildo in her mouth for the moment, attending to her soaked pussy.

Taking a deep breath, Jade removed her fingers from herself, yelling around the phallus in her mouth. The slight gagging effect pleased her in a strange, embarrassing way. Her mind still reeling, she carefully lied back and let the afterglow send her into a blissful sleep.


Jade could tell that it was darker through her closed eyes...

'Let's see... I woke up around ten, so I must have been out all afternoon,' she pondered.

'That you were. You must've really needed that... ... heheheh...'

The new voice startled her. But it wasn't all that new; It was the voice she hear tittering at her earlier like a schoolboy. Which was also, she then realized, the voice that grunted and roared in the locker room showers.

Her eyes blinked open, and she started to speak... when she felt something jammed in her mouth and a little down her throat. She gazed into the darkness. She gazed up at a figure in the dark who's eyes gleamed like gems in the sparse light that could get in. She gazed up at him... and prayed that she wasn't about to get raped.

(D.X.) 2. Blue Eyes

**BORING STUFF FIRST** _[1]: If you're under 18 and on this site... wtf is wrong with you, go backs to 4chan... (like that's any better, but w/e... :shrug:) [2]: I suggest you read the first part, else you'll be really, REALLY lost. ...

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