Penchant: CH 3*: Rainbows

Story by Lord_Ike on SoFurry

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#3 of Penchant, Predilection

Ike races with Rainbow, a race that leads them to an 'adventure' in the clouds.

I trotted away from the still lake and my reflection looking at the amazing scenery around me. I could hardly believe that a world such as this existed, unmarred beauty and a kind people. It almost felt strange how fast that I had adapted to my new body. I felt alive and full of energy, something I hadn't experienced for a long time. Just what limits did my new form have?

I could tell from appearance that normal ponies or earth ponies as I heard them called were physically stronger than unicorns or pegasi. And Pegasus ponies had the advantage of flight and the speed that comes with it. But nonetheless I felt the urge to run, to gallop, and feel that exhilarating speed even if my skill theoretically lied with the magical arts.

The area I was in seemed quite vacant so I decided it was as good a time as any. I started out at a moderate pace, heading towards a field off to the side of Ponyville. As soon as I felt limber speed became my imperative. I ran for a good minute before noticing a shadow had descended over me. I looked up to find Rainbow Dash descending towards me. Slowing to a trot I allowed her to float along beside me.

"What are you up to?" she asked

"Just running." I replied

"Where to?"

"Anywhere I guess, I just wanted to feel what its like."

"I prefer flying." Replied Rainbow beginning to fly belly up somehow looking like she was reclining on the air "Its about 20% cooler. Tell you what, if you head in that direction," she pointed off in the distance " I might just race you to my house. You'll know it when you see it."

"Is that exactly fair?'" I queried, "You kind of have wings..."

"Then what if I didn't use them?"

"Sure, I replied not wanting to disappoint her." Besides I hadn't seen where she lived yet.

I took off almost immediately, not even giving Rainbow the courtesy of landing first. I let out a laugh as i heard her yell an indigent "Hey!" I galloped hard and fast but I could tell Rainbow was recovering from my head start quickly. She swiftly caught up threatening to pass me. Her expression changed to a grin, knowing that she had this one in the bag.

I wasn't about to lose so easily... I had an idea; I knew there was no way I was as fast as rainbow, even with her not flying but I could at least give her a challenge. It would be risky, but what's life without a little daring. I concentrated on my magic, feeling the power inside of me. I drew upon it and created a sort of wind funnel, nearly eliminating all wind resistance. This funnel displaced the airflow, cutting through and pulling me forward with greater momentum than I had expected. It took quite a bit of magic to make it work but I felt like I could keep it up for about a minute, maybe longer if I pushed it.

The effect was astounding, Rainbow had to flare her wings out as a sudden burst of wind and pressure change nearly nocked her over, the gust caught her wings and flung her into the air. She transitioned to flying to make up for m sudden lead. Using my magic wasn't exactly fair either so I didn't mind.

As I ran I noticed that the greater the energy I put into the spell, the faster I was able to sprint. The ground continued to zip by me and as I risked a glance back I saw Rainbow... well... dashing to catch up, flying inches from the ground. I pushed my limits, giving every ounce of power I could muster but she was steadily gaining. As she caught me something strange happened, my funnel faltered and in its last seconds transferred all of its energies to her. The wind and energy swirled around her as she passed me. But suddenly as if on a tether it stopped as she flew through it imploding upon itself. Milliseconds later the full force exploded outwards behind her.

Rainbow Dash was instantly sent flying forward in a shockwave of rainbow light. It lingered in the air almost tangible and I slowly dropped my pace as I walked through the strange marvel. I looked up at Rainbow who was flying nearly straight up to ditch some of the abnormal speed; a rainbow had formed behind her but ceased as soon as she slowed enough.

"That! Was! AMAZING!" she called as she swooped down towards me, the race completely forgotten. "I haven't ever done a sonic rainboom without the help of gravity before! Lets do it again!"

Sonic rainboom... a decent description I thought to myself.

"Sorry Rainbow, that magic was tiring." I replied, catching my breath. " But that was cool."

She looked a bit disappointed at this but got over it when she noticed something "Hey, looks like we got to my house already" said Rainbow. "You must have been going faster than I thought."

"Where?" I replied not seeing it.

"Pegasus ponies sleep in the clouds silly, well most of them." She amended in reference to Fluttershy who preferred her cottage.

I looked up, and my heart nearly stopped. Rainbow's house wasn't just some ordinary cloud; it was a friggin miniature castle, on and built into the clouds, with all the architecture in a pale white. To top it off there were streams of what appeared to be liquefied rainbow that turned into colorful waterfalls before dissipating somewhere between ground and the cloud.

"You gonna stare at it all day? Or are you going to hop in that balloon and come up?" Rainbow pointed. As I approached the balloon, which looked very much like an earth hot air balloon. "All you have to do is cast one teeny little spell. So you don't go falling straight through the clouds to your death."

I didn't find the words very encouraging...

Rainbow continued, "Twilight once told me it was something like imagining your hooves and body are as light as air and that the cloud under you is just like any other floor.

"How is it that you can walk on clouds?" I asked her.

"Pegasus ponies are just born like that, I guess it's why we're so awesome."

I laughed silently to myself at her self declaration of awesomeness.

I boarded the balloon activating the heat source, which I assumed was some form of magic, as it didn't look like normal flame. As I ascended slowly I thought deeply trying to cast the sort of spell Rainbow had described. It sounded like most of the power came from belief that it 'could' work. I wasn't sure but if Rainbow could do it naturally then it had to be possible.

"Come on, hurry." Rainbow said somewhat audibly before mumbling something else. "Once that balloon is up here no one else can follow...Ill have him all to myself."

"What was that?" I half shouted over the low roar of the magical flame that was powering my ascent.

"Oh, Nothing. Im just excited about giving you the grand tour of my place."

At that the slow ascent of the hot air balloon brought me above the cloud layer, Rainbow tethering it to a post to keep it from floating away.

I took one hoof out of the basket and gingerly touched the cloud. It felt strange, like pushing on a soft pillow, yet it was also reassuringly sturdy. I tested it out slowly bringing my full weight on one hoof onto the cloud. Surprisingly it held me and I left the basket completely. I decided to push my bounds and gave a light hop; the cloud immediately beneath me pushed down a little but resisted my downward motion and pushed me back up returning to its place.

"Sooo... you like the place?"

"Wow..." was all I could say. I was amazed at this new ability to walk on clouds and the close up view of Rainbow's castle made me realize it was actually a bit bigger than it looked from the ground.

"So, do you want the long tour? Or the one that detours to the bedroom right away?"

I sighed to myself before responding, "Rainbow, I understand what you are getting at... I know Twilight said I was fair game, but I would prefer it if you at least tried to take things slow. Ok?

"Bahahaha...."Rainbow Dash began to laugh, taking a moment to wipe a tear from her eye. "Rainbow Dash... The essence of speed... Take it slow?"

"Dashie, Please?"

"Allright. Long tour it is."

"I meant slow as in after a few dates, some nice long chats. Not toda..."

Rainbow cut me off by launching into an explanation of the artistic design of the courtyard, I sighed to myself. I would have to find another way out of this...

I followed her around for a while, finding myself paying more attention to her flank than her words. I realized why... She was hovering there, always in front of me... Giving me the perfect view of her...

no,no,no... I thought to myself, prying my eyes away as I felt a light twinge from below as my body instinctually started diverting blood elsewhere...

My eyes fell on a rainbow colored stream, most likely the same one I saw creating the rainbow like mist waterfall from the ground. I trotted over to a rainbow steam dipping my hoof into it. The stream swirled around my hoof depositing every color. As I pulled it out the rainbow like substance dripped off quickly separating itself by color back into the stream. I was feeling a bit thirsty so I asked Rainbow,

"Can you drink this stuff?"

"Yeah..." Rainbow stopped and answered, now noticing her failed attempt at seduction.

That's all the response I needed. I was a bit thirsty from the earlier run and I also felt like clearing my head. I took a quick breath and dipped my head into the flow, closing my eyes as the liquid flowed around me. Rainbow continued talking in the background but I couldn't hear her while my head was submerged.

"But its usually only consumed by Pegasus ponies and in small amounts as it acts like a mega energy boost...." Rainbows speech fell on deaf ears.

I pulled my head back out from the cascade, allowing the excess to drip away as I took several long gulps.

Rainbow paused awkwardly, noticing how I had gone ahead before hearing the whole thing "How much did you just drink?" She asked with a worried look on her face as I pulled my head up.

"Just a few gulps I replied."

"You're kidding me... Right?" she replied a deadpan look on her face.

"Nnnope" I replied with great emphasis on the p. That is when it suddenly hit. It felt like I had just drank a whole jug of espresso, espresso that tasted something like liquid skittles. My eyes shot open wide and I almost launched into the air at the sudden kick of energy. I was going to crash Soooo hard later.

"You know we have to get it on to detox you now, right?" Rainbow said completely straight-faced

"Really???" my eyes opened even further in surprise at her statement.

"No!" she replied now laughing extremely hard " I can't believe you actually fell for it."

Even though it was partially a joke I could tell that the idea had turned her on due to the raging Wingboner she had. She was probably just testing to see if she could make an advance.

"Well... I do have all this extra energy now... It would be a shame if it went to waste." I blurted. "Well that just slipped from nowhere... Does this stuff by any chance have magical properties?"

"Maybe... "

"Getting me magically intoxicated is hardly fair..."

"You already gave in, no take backs now!"

"Fine, we can do this as long as you agree to one date where I can get to know you better."

"Deal." Rainbow didn't want any more words, she didn't want any more deals. She wanted this, and she wanted it now.

Rainbow flew towards me at lightning speed, toppling me backwards into a shallow part of the multicolored stream.

As I lay there on my back, slightly stunned, she pressed her muzzle against mine. I accepted the kiss willingly and passionately. It lasted for quite a long while as she pulled herself closer. Unfortunately it had to end at some point so she broke the kiss. She must have noticed the raging hard on I had acquired during her sudden make out session as she winked at me as she got up.

I stepped out of the liquid rainbow stream and it all quickly fell off leaving me strangely dry. That stuff had some weird properties...

"Wanna take this inside, Lover colt?" Rainbow teased. I used my front two hooves to pick her off the cloud, she let out a small squeal as I did so, and used my magic to steady me as I carried her on only two hooves to the door of her house. "Oooh, such a romantic" she joked. I turned and pushed the door open with my back.

Since I had already, shamelessly, agreed to this I might as well enjoy it...

I walked into a nicely sized cozy living room and rainbow practically cried out in short increments "Right there. Couch. Ravish Me. Now!"

"Someone's eager." I replied to this placing her lengthwise on the couch releasing my hold on the magic that was balancing me. I decided even with all this energy inside, and the instincts that were surging forth once more inside of me that I could still hold myself at bay long enough to get a little teasing in.

I straddled her on the couch my member rubbing up against her belly. I heard her take a sharp intake of breath as my tip teased past her hot entrance. But I wasn't about to give it to her that easily. I sat further down, slowly tracing a hoof over her nipples to test how sensitive they were. My actions received a pleasured gasp and I smirked, knowing this made the job of driving her crazy all the easier. I slowly leaned my head down to tease them.

I let out a hot breath and let out my tongue to explore one teat. As I treated it I slid a hoof down, teasing her sensitive entrance. To this I received another pleasured intake of breath accompanied by a moan. As I moved my head over to her other nipple I found her clit with my hoof. Rainbow let out a squeal of delight at the sensation. As I finished teasing her breasts I pulled my head up, only to have her grab me and yank me over for a kiss.

I continued to assault her clit with short teasing rubs, causing her to squeal out between short breathy kisses.

"Please." Rainbow gasped out. "Take me" she said staring into my eyes.

I obliged, moving myself up to her. She lay there on her back waiting for me. I could just feel the heat radiating off of her hot center as my tip stroked against her.

"You ready?" I asked

"Its not my first time Ike, you don't have to baby me" Rainbow replied.

I wasn't really all that surprised at this revelation. She seemed like the adventurous type, In and out of bed. I readied myself, thrusting strongly into her. Her breath completely escaped her as I forced my way into her hot depths. I pushed forward, nearly to the point of hilting myself when her vaginal walls gripped me tightly as she reached orgasm.

"So. Big" She moaned out."

My earlier teasing must have been more effective than I thought. When she had calmed down a bit I began to pull out, gently thrusting into her. She pulled my head down with her hooves and leaned up to kiss me as I continued to thrust into her. She moaned into my muzzle as we passionately kissed. After a time she became distracted her muzzle pulling back, ending the kiss. She let out her now louder and un-muffled moans.

"No more of this teasing, take me hard, and take me fast!" She nearly growled out.

I drew upon the massive energy that the rainbow juice had given me, finally being able to properly use it. I grabbed what would be her waist with my hooves and powered into her. The force behind my thrusts now had the power to push her back and she slowly was shifted so her head was resting on the arm of the couch. I shifted to this new position as she braced herself under me receiving my quick and powerful thrusts with happy moans of pleasure. She quivered underneath me in orgasm yet again as I continued to thrust into her. With my speed and power I kept her just on the edge in a constant orgasmic state.

Rainbow squealed beneath me as I railed her, her hooves struggling to find purchase. She was so far into a state of pleasure I feared she might loose her voice from the noises she was emitting. I felt my time was coming soon and looked into her eyes. She nodded her head knowingly and I thrusted into her a few last times. My member jumped inside of her sending wave after wave of cum into her hot depths.

When it was all done I pulled out of her. She rolled to her side and I lay there with her staring into her eyes.

"Thank you. I... I." She whispered struggling to find the words.

"I love you too Dashie." I replied knowing she was the kind of pony that found it hard to truly open up and show her non-tough side.

To my reply she snuggled up closer to me as we lay there, giving small shivers of pleasure as I absentmindedly stoked the short fuzz of her coat.

Author's Note:

Thanks for reading!

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