The Pokemon Journey -- The Fountains of Cerulean City

Story by Hermes12 on SoFurry

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#11 of Mike and Kelly's Pokemon Journey

Mike, Kelly, and Naryawen make it to Cerulean City. There, he begins to train Naryawen and then trains Kelly and Naryawen together. Finally he challenges the gym leader of the Cerulean City gymnasium.

Pokémon © 2002-2013 Pokémon. © 1995-2013 Nintendo/Creatures Inc./GAME FREAK inc. TM, ® and Pokémon character names are trademarks of Nintendo. This story is a Fan Fiction, and as such should not be considered a challenge to the copyrights of Nintendo, or Creatures Inc. or GAME FREAK inc. Necessarily, because it's a fan fic, this story is copyrighted.

Mike (c) by me.

Kelly (c) by me.

Naryawen (c) by me.

The trio -- consisting of Mike, Naryawen, and Kelly; had made it to Cerulean City. Mike was wearing a white leather duster with a black trim to protect him from the cold. Kelly's girlish, slim, yet toned figure was covered in yellow fur. His eyes had irises the color of flames, and his head vulpine. His body was that of a vulpine humanoid except for the nine tails that sprouted from the lowest part of his spine. He walked on Mike's right, just behind him.

Beside him on Mike's left was Naryawen. Naryawen had a reptilian look about her. Her face resembled that of a Dienonychus, except for the one horn sprouting from behind her head. She was covered in shiny crimson scales. She also had a humanoid body, with breasts, but lacking any nipples. Her feet were three toed like a dinosaur's. At the end of her spine sprouted a tail with a blazing flame on it. She was built like a woman who has moderate exercise. Both pokémorphs were naked except that Kelly wore a collar, and Naryawen wore a choker. It was only afternoon, they walked most of the morning. The storm had past.

"Here we are, gang," said Mike. "Cerulean City, we've made it."

"Cerulean City!" said Kelly. "It's wonderful as I thought it could be, Master!"

"Yes, Master," said Naryawen. "Lets go to the gym." Then Naryawen's stomach grumbled. "After we had lunch."

Mike said, "Yeah, I guess we are all a little hungry."

"Well, it could be worse," said Kelly.

"What do you mean?" said Mike.

"I'm a pokemon trainer, and I challenge you!" said a little kid. Then he saw both Kelly and Naryawen. "Nakies! MOMMMY!"

The little kid, a boy, ran off into town. "They're naked, naked, naked!"

"What got him up a bunch?" asked Naryawen.

"It's because you and Kelly are nude," said Mike.

"We didn't have any trouble in Pewter City," said Kelly.

"They are used to Pokemorphs competing at the gym, I guess," said Mike. "Or they have a nude culture there." Mike opened his pack and produced two pairs of boxer shorts and a shirt. "Here, try these."

Both pokémorphs put on the boxers. The boxers fit, just ending under their tails. Naryawen put on the shirt. "Alright, Master, but I don't like clothes," said Kelly. Naryawen said, "I don't like clothes either but I find the prospect of wearing Master's underwear exciting."

Naryawen pulled the shirt over herself and the three of them entered the city limits of Cerulean City. Kelly said, "Master, allowing me to wear a pair of your underwear is so arousing!"

"Put it a sock in it, you two," said Mike. "Don't cream in them, they are new pairs."

"Ooohhhh!" said Kelly.

Naryawen said, "A new pair of boxers!" Both of them looked like they were so excited that they treated wearing his boxers like they were gold. Mike led them, with both of them jumping around at wearing his underwear, like he was going to die of embarrassment. Of all the two pokemorphs that he caught, his best friend wanted to wear his clothes and their cook and cleaner was happy to be in them. He was beginning to wonder if they were addicted to sex.

Mike said, "Maybe I should get you some clothes that actually fit."

The Machoke still jogged, and when he found that his new trainer and his rival, along with the female charmeleon morph, went into Cerulean City, he stopped to take the rocks off his back and rest a bit. He was getting stronger, that's for sure. He played how the battle between him and Kelly was going to turn out. He would be able to use wrestling on him, turn him on his back and put is foot on the ninetales. After that, Mike would declare him the winner and catch him in a pokéball. The machoke closed his eyes and imagined other things as the clouds flitted by.

At the Poké Mart, Mike waited on his two morphs. They were trying on their outfits. Soon a young brown haired boy trainer approached him. "What are you doing here?" he asked.

"Getting clothes for my two morphs," said Mike.

"Would you like a battle?!" asked the brown haired trainer.

Mike said, "Not really."

"Oh, why not?"

"Master, we're ready!" said Kelly and Naryawen. They both came out, and to the young trainer's surprise. Kelly was wearing a shirt that was purposefully cut up to his sternum. He also wore the shortest lycra shorts. Naryawen came out in bunhuggers and a running shirt. "What do you think, Master?" they both asked.

"That's why I turned down the battle," said Mike.

"Both of them are fire types?" said the young trainer.

Mike nodded, "yes."

"Yes, we are both fire types!" said Kelly.

Naryawen said, "The one and only!"

"Then I can beat you easily!" said the kid, and he left as he laughed. This left Kelly and Naryawen looking very sad, and then they turned their faces to rage. Kelly's eyes burned with rage, and Naryawen's face turned to anger.

"Come back here, we'll have a battle with your water pokemon!" both of them said.

Mike then commanded, "Kelly, Naryawen, stop!"

"Yes, Master," said Kelly. "As you wish, Master," said Naryawen.

"We aren't here to battle, we are here to get a cascade badge," said Mike as he paid for the clothes on their backs. "Lets go outside and lets test your abilities. The outside gym by the Pokémon Center would be ideal."

The outside playground, really, was like an obstacle course. What was strange that it was built for both humans and their water pokémon. There was pools everywhere, and sometimes water pokémon would jump out of them. Especially a magikarp. "Magikarp."

"Okay, show me what you can do, Naryawen," said Mike.

Naryawen agreed, "Right!"

Naryawen then jumped and caught the bar by the hands and flipped over and over. She then righted herself and jumped to another bar and then fell, between two bars. She then tumbled to the ground, grabbed a rope and swung over a pool full of sharpedoes. She then fell on the other side.

"You're very agile!" said Mike.

"Thank you, Master!" Naryawen yelled back.

Kelly said, "I can run this course, no problem."

"Naryawen must be a gymnast," said Mike. "That could come in handy, if she has agility. You use your agility in other ways."

Mike got out his pokédex and checked the sharpedo. The pokedex returned with:

"The vicious and sly gangster of the sea, it's skin is especially textured to reduce drag in the water. It can swim at over 50 knots." Mike then said -- "Show me ember!"

Using her flaming tail, Naryawen pointed her tail and shot out embers. The embers flew everywhere. "Now fire spin!" said Mike.

Naryawen started twirling around like a gymnast, her flame jetting out of her tail forming a circle, however the combination of her spin and atmospheric pressure formed a small cone of fire that jetted upwards. She stopped and the fire went upwards and dissipated. "How did I do?" asked Naryawen.

"Perfect," said Mike. "Flamethrower would be perfect enough. Now run over here."

In due course, by circumnavigating the playground, Naryawen was by Mike's side. "What's next Master?"

Mike looked at the trampolines at another part of the playground and had a wonderful idea. "Why don't both of you trampoline?"

"Yes, Master!" said both Kelly and Naryawen. Soon, the three of them began to jump on the trampolines. "Uh, why are we doing this?" asked Kelly.

"To strengthen your tendons and muscles when you jump," said Mike. "It's to make you stronger. Try to outdo each other in the next twenty minutes."

A young adult watched the young teenager train his pokémorphs. He had black long hair that was combed down, unlike his younger days when he would hide his hair with his hat. His brown eyes remembered younger days, when he was on his journey.

He watched the two pokemorphs jump on the trampoline, and try to outdo each other by doing acrobatic flips and higher jumps. Of the two, Naryawen was the most natural. He would smile, the way Mike trained his pokemorphs would make him a successful trainer some day.

"Ash, dear, lets continue to the Cerulean gym," said a young woman about twenty five years of age.

The young adult said, "Misty, that young kid is bringing back treasured memories."

"You think he could challenge the gym with just two fire pokémorphs?" said the young woman.

"He just might, Misty," said Ash as the pair left the playground.

A day later and the trio were at the Cerulean City Gymnasium. It looked like an Aquarium. Except everything changed, including the building. It was a ramp like structure built of glass and steel that lead into a concrete mound. The sea aquarium was built into the ramp like structure, with the slant facing south, so that the building always had sun. The aquarium had sharks and fish of every kind, including water and sea pokemon like Sharpedo, Staryu, Horsey, and Seel. There was also a separate aquarium that had dolphins.

"This used to be the home of the Sensational Sisters," said Kelly. "But they all went their separate ways."

"I wonder what happened to them?" asked Mike.

"One of them married Ash Ketchum," said Naryawen. Mike grumbled. She mentioned Ash Ketchum, it seems like he is always chasing Ash Ketchum. He opened the doors.

"My name is Mike and I'm here to challenge you in a gym match!"

A young woman with bright red hair and in a white swimsuit with blue stripes said, "I am Misty Ketchum, and I accept your challenge."

_Author's note: what a feral Charizard might look like. Not related to the story, so it's put down here. _

A second reproduction of a realistic charizard.

The Pokemon Journey -- Giovanni and Mount Moon

The rain was falling that fine October day. Mike had to return Kelly and Naryawen to their pokeballs. Mike is now accompanied by Felix, his Totodile. The rain was coming down, so Mike had to wear long pants and a rain coat. Felix danced around as he...

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The Pokémon Journey – the Pokémorph and the Pewter City Gym

Author's Note: Naryawen is a Noldor name from Tolkien's Arda Mythos -- the world of _Lord of the Rings_ and the _Hobbit_. It means fire girl. * * * Naryawen enjoyed running. It was a bright sunny day and Naryawen, a charmeleon pokémorph, was running...

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The Pokémon Journey -- Team Xaos and Pewter City

"You owe me a battle, ninetales morph!" said the machoke. "Why would I do that?" asked Kelly. "Because, for the past few days, I've been following you and your Master," explained the machoke. "I've been training really hard, making myself stronger....

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