The Spyro Chronicles Chapter 23: Love and War

Story by NewLegend1 on SoFurry

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#23 of The Spyro Chronicles

Here is the 23rd installment of the Spyro Chronicles. I am happy that this one came out a lot faster then its predecessor. Problem is, I keep making them longer and longer and it is taking more time to type them. This one is relatively short, but I am trying to get these out as fast as possible.

WARNING: This chapter contains material not suited for people under the age of 18. It contains graphic depictions of dragon intercourse and should be viewed by a more mature audience. However, if you feel you can read this without being caught, then I cannot stop you. Just don't sue me if you get caught.

Chapter 23: Love and War

Spyro sat there, in his own dreams. He saw familiar faces around him, Sparx's, Ignitus's, and a few others. The one that brought happiness to him the most was Cynder's. Her face was so perfect and those eyes, they shown like two pits of joy. He heard her say something, it sounded like "Spyro..."

He opened his eyes and saw a figure above him. As his vision became focused he saw that it was a dragon, more then a dragon, it was Cynder. Cynder saw him awake and grasped him into a hug before he could even say hello.

"Oh Spyro... I missed you so much!" Cynder sobbed, grasping Spyro rather hard.

"Cynder... I missed you too! I was stupid to leave you like that, will you ever forgive me?"

Spyro felt a stab of pain as Cynder used to paw to slap him. He looked at her confused right before she locked him into a long kiss, their tongues leaving their mouths and dancing in sheer bliss with each other.

They both sat in Spyro's room, locked in their love. Spyro began to rub the scales on her back and got a nice murr in response from her. She began to moan seductively and Spyro started to smell a scent in the air. He smiled as he smelled it and started to nibble at her neck and massage her back. She gave him a low moan which was starting to get louder and louder.

"Maybe we should take this somewhere else..." Spyro whispered to Cynder who whimpered in disappointment. Spyro chuckled and lead her out of the room and over the forest.

As they flew towards the base of the cliff the temple was perched on, Cynder eyed Spyro hungrily. She wanted him badly, but she didn't want to be too dominating over him, though she wanted him BADLY. She had to have him. She could however, start off on her accord though...

She flew closer to Spyro and grabbed him in mid flight. He yelped in startle as she started to tickle him as he had before. He lost altitude as he began to laugh and struggle under Cynder's attack.

"No, Cynder, stop! Ah... please... stop!" He managed to say in between laughs. He finally lost enough altitude to where he hit the top of a mushroom and Cynder was knocked off of him and they both tumbled to the ground. Spyro looked up and clutched his head, for he landed on it. He looked over and saw Cynder lying on the ground. At first he was worried and dashed over to her. She lie face down in the grass and when he turned her over he found her laughing hysterically.

She launched herself onto him and they both rolled in the grass with each other, laughing. Finally they came to where Cynder was lying on the ground and Spyro was on top of her. Her arousal was really apparent now and Spyro himself had been yearning for some action. He chuckled above her and she shot him a seductive glance.

Cynder could feel something tickle her belly and she noticed Spyro's meat slipping out of its sheath and throbbing over her scales. She felt a wave of joy wash over her and she could feel her heart thump. She looked Spyro in the eyes and he did likewise. They both moved their muzzles closer and preformed a short kiss. Once they broke it, Spyro saw Cynder mouth the words "take me". He smiled and obliged her silent request.

She let out a small and mute moan as Spyro slowly slipped into her depths. He felt that all too familiar warmth engulf his member as it went to its full length inside of her. She sat there, her mouth hanging open as she adjusted to the feeling of Spyro being inside of her.

Spyro slowly slid his member in and out of her, slowly picking up pace. Cynder started to emit a low moan as Spyro continuously entered her from that position. Spyro fringed as he felt the pleasure rocket through his senses, his member was engulfed in the warmth of Cynder's sex. He too let out a moan as he continued to thrust into her.

"Oh... Spyro... don't... stop... agh..." Cynder whimpered as he continuously entered her over and over again. His pre was lubricating her insides and a trickle of juices began to flow from the scene. Their aroma was flowing from them and filling the air around them, much to Spyro's liking. Her stench filled his nostrils and he lustfully began to lick her neck and started to massage her belly scales. She started to breathe faster and a lustful smile was plastered on her face as their love engulfed them.

Spyro inched closer to Cynder's muzzle as did she. They opened their jaws and their tongues came out and began to dance with each other, wrapping themselves in an embrace. Cynder let out a jet of hot fumes from her open muzzle as the pleasure rocketed through her very being, causing her to shudder every time Spyro rammed himself into her. She was in a state of sheer bliss. She never wanted it to end. However, there were other plans in store for her.

Spyro began to buck as he kept inserting himself into her. Her walls clenched on him and it caused him to feel pressure rocket through his member. He was nearing climax, though he didn't want this feeling to end. He was sure that Cynder felt the same thing, and he would try his best to keep it going as long as possible.

However, he felt his cock twitch inside of her and the next thing he knew, he was roaring as jets of hot dragon cum rocketed into Cynder's ready sex. She screamed as she felt the hot liquid fill her. She let loose her own orgasm at that moment, her juices gushing from her slit and onto Spyro's belly.

After a minute of recovering from the long awaited orgasm, Spyro pulled himself out of Cynder, his member slowly retreating into the protective sheath in which it had come out of.

"Oh... Spyro... that was... good..." Cynder managed to say in between breathes. Spyro smiled and kissed her on the cheek before responding.

"I'm glad you liked it... only for you would I do that..." He responded in a nice and seductive tone. She giggled and returned his kiss.

After a few minutes of basking in their afterglow, Spyro got up and Cynder quickly followed suit.

"Well, let's get cleaned up, I'm sure they are going to need us back right about now." Spyro said disappointingly.

"Right, we should get going..." Cynder said just as sad. They both smiled and Spyro and Cynder both went to the Silver River and cleaned each other's scales. Cynder started to massage Spyro but Spyro turned it down.

"We just did it, do you want another go?"

"Ah come on you horny dragon, can't I just massage you?" She asked jokingly.

"Yeah, but your claws feel so heavenly I can't help but get like that." Spyro replied. Cynder couldn't help but laugh at him. He looked at her as she laughed. They finished cleaning up and ascended back to the temple.


Lt. Wagner walked over to the balcony and saw Spyro and Cynder fly off into the distance. He didn't know where they were going but he had an idea. He had seen them flying off before and return with a certain scent on them. It was a faint one, but he could still smell the after effects of their time together.

He chuckled as he walked through the halls and to the CP which was set up in the network of tunnels that ran through the base of the temple. Many were natural, made by animals to access warm sleeping areas. Now they would serve as a nice, calm resting place for the Marines and Lakadors.

As Wagner entered the CP, he noted all the survivors. From Task Force 1, he still had Karson, Allison, Henderson, Linburg, Powers, Spears, Prozjowski, Ackmar, Bertan and Prince. Task Force 2, which they recovered from the crash site, consisted of Lt. Buckman, SSgt. Jason, Sgt. Malarkey, Pvt. Tamez, Pvt. Riley, Cpl. Anderson, Pvt. Picante, Pvt. Mclowsky and Pvt. O'Brian. Wagner was really excited about Jackie Mclowsky, she was a Corpsmen. A medic. That was what they really needed and now they had one. The Lakadors had four of them, including Yahade'. Sondohwa, Gardenah, and Mitinie made up the other three Lakadors. He still had trouble pronouncing the names of the Lakadors, but he knew he would get them some time.

They had at least 18 Marines, 4 Lakadors, and 2 dragons on their side. This seemed a bit better in odds with them facing possibly hundreds of apes and Plague. They had a better chance of surviving a "gorilla" war against them. Now their chances were greatly improved with the now recovering Spyro who was with Cynder having, ahem, fun.

Wagner walked over to a wall, sat down, and put his hands behind his head. For the first time in a while, Wagner could sleep with a peace of mind. Sure, they may still be outnumbered, but one who doesn't believe has already lost. They had a chance, and Wagner was going to make sure they made the best of it, for better, or for worse.

With that, Wagner fell asleep.

Spyro and Cynder flew back to the temple, entering the small passageways beneath and entering the caves in which the Marines were hiding in. As they walked in they noticed many of the Marines were either asleep or walking around lazily. Cynder chuckled and Spyro smiled at her.

"What's so funny?"

"Oh nothing, it's just funny that we are hiding down here that's all."

"I still don't see what's so funny..."

Cynder giggled again and Spyro gave her a confused yet funny look. This made her laugh even more as she closed her eyes and lowered her head during a semi-hysterical laughter.

"Alright wha-"a blast knocked Spyro off of his feet as well as Cynder. They both got back up and saw the Marines get up and ready themselves for whatever it was that was attacking them.

"What the hell is going on?" Buckman asked as another blast rocked the caves.

"Shit, the Apes must've chased us back here and are attacking us!" Malarkey bellowed as he placed a clip into his M74. The Lakadors stumbled to gain their footing as they grabbed their own guns.

"We are going to have to get out of here now!" Wagner said.

"But how sir, they probably have us surrounded!" One of the Marines argued.

"The Nighthawk is in an underground hanger, c'mon, this way!" Wagner explained, motioning for them to follow. They got up and stumbled through the caves as blasts rocked the caves and knocked dirt into the air. One marine tripped and fell onto the ground. Cynder quickly helped him back up and they were back on the move through the caves. As they went deeper in they came into a room that was circular in appearance and had been built as part of the temple, for it had the temple's architecture unlike the rock walls they had been in earlier.

As they entered Spyro and Cynder came to a halt while the Marines and Lakadors stumbled into the room.

"Where are we?" Spyro asked as he looked around. The room felt familiar, like at one point he had been in there, but he had never been this deep into the temple's structure before. The room had a pedestal in the center of the room, much like the pool of visions, yet this one seemed different. There was also a throne on the opposite side of the room. It looked like it was built to hold an egg. Whoever's egg was there, it must have been of great importance. Little did Spyro know, but this is where he had been the night of the raid on the temple about 14 years ago. This was the grotto.

"Sgt. Spears, take 1st Platoon and get that ammo from the lockers! 2nd, secure the exit and give them covering fire! Karson, open up the doors!" Wagner yelled to the men as they moved all about the rooms. Sgt. Spears took 1st platoon and went up a special ladder that had been built by the Marines for quick access. Karson went to another door to Spyro's right and he let loose a jet of flames on a pair of torches. The torches ignited and the door in front of them opened up, revealing a cavern that lead even deeper into the cliff.

"3rd Platoon lets move out!" Wagner yelled as he walked into the now open door. The Marines went inside along with the Lakadors and Spyro and Cynder reluctantly followed.

They went into the cavern for a few dozen yards before they came upon a large room with an opening into the cliff face. The Nighthawk was parked in front of it and the APC was next to it as well.

"Bertan, Prince, get that thing warmed up, the rest of you, get weapons and ammo out of the APC and load them on the Nighthawk, let's move!"

The Marines obeyed and grabbed ammo from the APC and loaded it on board the Nighthawk. 1st and 2nd Platoon came into the cavern and scrambled into the room. One of the men carried another on his back, one had been injured.

"Wagner! The Apes are pressing hard; there are also Plague inside of the temple! We have to go, NOW!" Sgt. Spears yelled as they stumbled towards the Nighthawk.

"Psi Company fall in! Spyro! Make sure no-one comes in behind them!" Wagner bellowed. Spyro went behind the retreating Marines and found the cave behind them covered in Apes. Spyro blew fire at them and used his earth to collapse the cave. It didn't work, but it delayed them. Spyro retreated back into the hanger and saw the Marines boarding it along with the Lakadors. Cynder was helping some of the Marines get inside with their gear. She finished and joined Spyro. Karson, Allison, Yahade', and Jason gathered with them as well, all ready for a fight.

"Let none of them through!" Spyro said, it took him a second to realize it, but he had just assumed command of the situation. After all, Rithul did say that Spyro was going to lead the chosen ones to victory, could this be his leadership showing? Whatever it was, it was going to have to help them stall the apes.

They all used their elemental abilities, cutting down the Apes one by one. They howled and swords clattered on the ground. The apes continued to come, only to get hit by several different elemental attacks at once.

"Yahade', Jason, get back to the drop ship; we'll take it from here!" Spyro ordered.

"Are you sure, we could-"

"Yea I'm sure, go, now!" Spyro said, turning his head back to look at Yahade'.

"C'mon, Yahade'! It's time to go!" Jason urged, placing his shoulder on Yahade' who got up and went to the drop ship.

"Spyro, there's too many for us to hold off!" Cynder said to Spyro as they slowly began to back pedal to the Nighthawk.

"Cynder, take Karson and Allison and get back to the ship, I'll hold them!" Spyro said in his usual manner, his 'ready' face on. Cynder looked at him sadly but did as he said. Karson however didn't leave just yet.

"Spyro, I'll fight with you! I won't leave!" Karson said to him. Spyro only nodded to him. They both used their fire attacks on the apes as they advanced.

"Let's go Spyro, we have to go!" Wagner yelled from the Nighthawk troop bay. Spyro and Karson turned and sprinted for the Nighthawk as the jets flared, kicking up massive amounts of dirt.

As Karson and Spyro reached the ship, O'Brian got hit in the left leg by a rifle round. He screamed and fell over on the cave floor. Karson grabbed him and with the help of the Medic and Spyro pushed him into the ship. An explosion blossomed next to the ship and it started to fly out of the cavern from the shock. Karson, who was in the middle of boarding it, fell onto the ground face first. Spyro and Cynder flew overhead, pelting the apes as they tried to get closer.

"Karson!" Allison yelled as she saw him getting up. The Nighthawk was starting to accelerate and was leaving the cave. Karson got into a run as he tried to keep up with the drop ship. It was almost out of the cave and Karson still needed a few more feet before he could get on.

"Karson, JUMP!!" Allison yelled as she, as well as other Marines, held out their hands. Karson reached the edge of the cave and leapt over the edge. His hands caught the edge of the troop bay and he struggled to keep a hold of the fast moving ship. The others grabbed onto his arms but they were moving so fast they couldn't pull him up.

"Just hold on!" Henderson managed to say as he held onto Karson's right arm. They gritted their teeth as the stress from the ships movement worked against them.

Suddenly Karson felt himself being lifted up as he looked down to see Spyro and Cynder nudging him higher. They supported him as Karson let go of the ship and grabbed their hands. They hoisted him aboard and he managed to breathe a sigh of relief. He sat on the troop bay next to Allison and they both smiled at each other. Allison started to laugh as did he.

Spyro and Cynder flew alongside the Nighthawk. They flew out over the mushrooms and to tall plains. As they flew on, large pillars of rocks started to appear in front of them. As they came closer they gained altitude and broke the top of the clouds. A large forest waited at the top of the rocks. It was Tall Plains.

The Nighthawk flew over the forest and towards the temple. From inside of the cockpit, Wagner spotted several Ape weaponry such as turrets and other weapons. Crude as they may be, they were a threat to them landing, so instead of heading inland, they put down on the edge of a Plateau several thousand yards from the objective. As the Marines and Lakadors marched out of the Nighthawk, Spyro and Cynder landed and they set up a small CP.

Spyro looked around; they hadn't been to Tall Plains since they fought the Darkmaster. Now, he wondered what had become of the Atlowa. They may have gotten away from the Apes and Plague but he still wondered.

The place hadn't changed much, most of it was forest with a couple of temples and other structures the Atlowa had built. The tall grass swayed in the wind and the Marines slowly scouted the area. Sgt. Spears took 1st Platoon and scouted the area around the landing site and found a few Ape patrols, a few ape outposts and thankfully, no Plague.

Wagner was troubled though, it had been too easy getting up there. They had landed without a hitch and he was wondering why the Darkmaster hadn't paid them a visit yet.

"Wagner? What do you think we should do?" Buckman asked him.

"Well, let's get some sleep, set up a CP, and we will get a better picture of our surroundings tomorrow." Wagner looked up and noted that it was getting darker and darker.

"Right, ill put some of my men on watch."

"Good, secure a nice little area for the Nighthawk too, and find out how fuel and ammo we managed to bring with us."

"Yes sir, on it." Buckman replied before saluting the Officer and doing his appointed tasks. After they had found a nice spot, a small clearing surrounded by rocks and trees, the Marines and Lakadors settled down and started to set up camp. The Nighthawk had been made to look as if it had crashed, and it also was going to serve as a place to camp. Wagner had split up the assault force, 1st Platoon, and then there was 2nd and 3rd. 1st would be camped in the forest near the Nighthawk while 2nd and 3rd would sleep in the Nighthawk and around it. They would protect it and ensure that it didn't get taken by the Apes. 1st was the assault force so they were camped up ahead for Recon and for protection.

Spyro and Cynder slept near the edge of the clearing, they were part of 1st Platoon and were camping with them. The Lakadors were there as well, though they weren't part of 1st; they felt as though they should be there. Wagner didn't argue with them, he thought wiser of it.

As Spyro started to nod off he felt Cynder's warm breathe on his chest and he let out a happy sigh. Now they were together again and he loved every second of it. Her body moved a bit and he adjusted to her movements, giving her more comfort. Spyro opened his eyes for the last time and noted that the Marines were basically all asleep, minus the ones on watch. He too felt tired and was soon drifting into the land of dreams where he and Cynder could be together for the night as well.

Suddenly Spyro was brought back to reality when a shot rang out and something impacted a rock one inch from his own head. The Marines got up and dove into prone positions.

"Sniper!" One of the Marines called out.

"Anybody see it?" Another asked.

"No, keep your eyes peeled!" Another replied. The Marines kept their rifles pointed out as Spyro and Cynder scrambled and got into a position to attack. Obviously that bullet had been intended for Spyro and someone was trying to kill him.

Spyro scanned the tree line but could see nothing. He saw something shimmer and a muzzle flash as another shot was fired. This one impacted his right horn and shattered. The round didn't really do much harm to his horn, it merely scraped it. The round, however, shattered and Spyro felt pain as small pieces of metal peppered his scales and dig into his scalp. He ignored the pain as he looked for where the flash had originated from.

The Marines had seen it and fired on the position. The trees and grass exploded as automatic fire rained down upon it.

"Cease fire!" Wagner yelled, waving his arms in front of his face for the signal to stop firing. The gunfire stopped and the Lakadors promptly charged the position and once they were where the Ape had been, they fired their own rifles, filling the air with sizzling balls of dark energy.

"I said cease fire dammit!" Wagner yelled as he approached the Lakadors who were emerging from the brush. They ignored the human commander and walked to Yahade', who was standing next to Spyro, checking his wound.

"The coward ran, but we can chase if you want..."

"That won't be necessary..." Yahade' replied back to them. They looked at him with what seemed like anger, but it quickly faded. Yahade' turned his attention back to his brother who had a few cuts on his head. It wasn't serious, but he expected much more tissue and scale damage. It seemed as though something was healing Spyro faster, what it was, he didn't know and didn't have the time to ponder it.

"Looks like just a minor flash wound; it'll heal up in no time Spyro." Yahade' finally said to him. He smiled and walked off to his men who were gripping about not being able to chase the sniper down.

Cpl. Henderson emerged from the spot where the sniper had been and walked over to Wagner.

"Defiantly a sniper, used one of our rifles. Found two casings lying next to what looked like a prepared position. This sniper must have been looking to kill Spyro and had a good reason. Someone doesn't want Spyro to help fight." Henderson said while slinging his rifle over his shoulder.

"This seems too complicated for the apes, they must have a new leader or the Darkmaster might have assumed command already. Whoever is controlling the apes now, they defiantly know what they are doing." Wagner said, inspecting the Marines who were alert now.

Well tell the others on watch to take positions in the trees to keep anymore guests at bay; we need to get some sleep to get us ready for tomorrow. Tell the others to be ready at 0400 hours though, we need to take these guys buy surprise." Wagner said to the Marine who nodded and went to go tell the others.

They were going to have to split up, the one thing Wagner didn't want to do. They had to in order to prevent the apes from finding them as quickly and to guard the drop ship and set up and aid station. As Wagner sat down and started to fall asleep he wondered what the next day would have in store for them.

End of Chapter 23

In my opinion, this was a short chapter. But, it was a long awaited one I can tell. There is more on the way and I am hoping to finish this series by June 10th. That's my deadline and I'm hoping to get it done!