Hypnotism Doesn't Work

Story by Biff_The_Blasphemer on SoFurry

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This story is written in the first-person, but is not based on reality... As much as the author might desire it to be otherwise.

I'd never actually tried to hypnotize someone before.

I knew how to do it, of course. I was practically an expert on the subject, having joined every relevant internet message board I could find, read numerous step-by-step guides and even loaned several library books. Unfortunately, the fine art of hypnotism is a bit like sex in that understanding the theory behind it doesn't guarantee one great success in the execution.

It was also a lot like sex in that I had never actually done it before. I planned to rectify both problems in one fell swoop.

"Haha! Why do you keep coming the same way?"

That was my friend Matthew referring to why I kept running down the same corridor in the video game we were playing against each other. Every time I did it, he'd blow off my character's head with a sniper rifle. The reason I kept doing it was because my attention was focussed less on the television screen and more on him.

Matthew was a 16-year-old fox with mischievous bright green eyes, who also happened to be the cutest guy in my class at school. We'd been friends since junior high, and I'd secretly perved over him for much of that time.

Now normally this sort of thing wouldn't have been a problem, except that I'm a 17-year-old male wolf, and I thought that I could just as easily admit to him that I was gay and single (hint hint) as I could enter his mind and make him fall in love with me himself.

In hindsight, the course of action I chose to take was desperate, silly and immature. However, try to remember what it was like when you were seventeen, in high school. Now try to imagine admitting to a friend that not only are you gay, but you're gay for *him*. One of the biggest problems, I guess, was that I didn't identify with the whole gay thing to begin with... I didn't have a lisp, and my hobbies and mannerisms were entirely heterosexual. (Well. Aside from perving over other men, of course.) It's not like I got harassed for being perceived as gay, as a lot of other kids did. I'd have so much to lose by coming out, and very little to gain, unless by some miracle Matthew felt the same way about me as I did about him.

"Blegh, I'm sick of this game anyway."

I hit the pause button on my controller and got up to get a coke from the nearby kitchen.


It was a Friday afternoon, and Matthew had come over to my place after school to hang-out as he often did on weekends. He was also going to sleep over that night, and probably the next. A third advantage to that particular weekend was that my mother - the only parent I live with - was in another state for a family wedding I wasn't invited to, and the two of us would be alone until Sunday. If your mind is as perverted as I think it is, I shouldn't need to explain why this situation was advantageous to my plans.

"You want a coke?"

"Sure, thanks."

We'd been playing video games for two hours, and the whole time I'd been trying to work up the courage to start the hypnotism process. I could really do it at any time - telling you that I'd been patiently waiting for the opportune moment would be as disingenuous as my pretences for luring Matthew into my home that particular weekend.

I figured then was as good a time as any, and so it began when I handed him his coke.

"Matthew, what do you think of hypnotism?"

"Hypnotism? Like that guy who came to our school last month?"

He was referring to a popular entertainment hypnotist who had given a show at our school auditorium. He was the sort of stage entertainer who would call volunteers from the audience and convince them that the rest of the audience was naked and such. All to great humourous effect. I had since learned that such stage entertainers did not make use of techniques which could genuinely be called "hypnotism" - certainly not the same sort of thing I'd be attempting to use on Matthew.

"That type of thing. Do you think someone can hypnotize someone else and convince them to do things they otherwise wouldn't?"

Matthew's expression was one of bemusement. He sat back on the couch opposite me and studied me with his bright eyes over an amused little smile. My heart thudded, and I dearly hoped that I sounded and appeared a lot more laissez faire about the subject than I felt.

He answered after a second or two of thought.

"I don't think you can get someone to do something they would never do. I think it's just that telling them they're hypnotized gives them an excuse to do silly things on stage. They'd feel a lot more stupid if they refused to do what the hypnotist said, and ruined the show, but I don't think they couldn't refuse if they really wanted to."

I was a little surprised at his assessment, which was exactly the explanation I'd got for 'stage hypnotism' from my research. Of course, I've already explained that 'stage hypnotism', and what I intended to do to Matthew, were not the same thing.

"Yes, but what about one-on-one hypnotism? What about when there's no audience, and no social reason for the person being hypnotized to comply with the wishes of the hypnotist?"

He smiled at me and bent his head to one side slightly. He had an infuriatingly cute habit of cocking one black fox's ear as he did this.

"Why are you so interested in hypnotism all of a sudden?"

"Uh... I was having an argument on the internet about it."

"Well, I've never actually seen a hypnotism like that, except in movies and on TV. I don't know for sure, so I'm going to assume it's bullshit."

He smirked as he said this and took a swig of his coke. One of Matthew's quirks is his universal scepticism. Strong atheist - doesn't believe in ghosts, Bigfoot, aliens, God or the Loch Ness Monster. He is adamant that Oswald did, in fact, shoot Kennedy, and that Armstrong's pawprint is very much impressed upon the surface of the moon. I had actually predicted that his stance against hypnotism would have been stauncher.

Now it was my turn to smile at him.

"How about we give it a try?"

He smirked back.

"What? You gonna try hypnotize me? That could be fun."

Well, he'd agreed easily enough. I felt a small adrenaline rush, and I hoped to high heaven that he didn't know how anxious I felt.

The trick to hypnotism, you see, is that the subject must agree to be hypnotized. He must also be entirely secure and relaxed in his surrounds as the process initiates, or it won't work. For these reasons, shady G-men can't easily use it to interrogate people or convince them to kill foreign heads of state, and the like. There are more reliable means of achieving those ends.

I laughed, and hoped it would sound like a good-natured chuckle.

"I know how to do it, you see. Some random on a forum posted a guide, swearing that it worked, and urging the whole internet to try it for themselves."

Matthew laughed, and his did sound genuinely amused.

"Oh my god. Imagine if it did work."

"Only one way to find out."

Cheesy line. I expected Matthew to ridicule me for it, but he just smiled.

"Ready to try?"

He shrugged his shoulders to indicate indifference - he obviously did not think it would work, but I knew that he'd love an opportunity to make fun of me. It was something I'd have to watch out for - that he wasn't just playing along with a failed attempt, only to be really freaked out when I took the process to its intended conclusion.

"Okay. First you have to relax completely and empty your mind of all thoughts."

"That shouldn't be hard. I've been with you for two hours."

Droll. If my plan worked, he'd be laughing the other side of his face soon enough.

"Matthew, please. We might as well do this properly if we're going to do it at all."

He sighed and slowly settled back on the couch to indicate that he was complying. He shook his head and rolled his eyes, but he was complying, and that was the important thing.

"Close your eyes and calm your thoughts. Know that you are in a safe place, that I am the only other person here and that I am a friend who shall not harm you."

Not quite a lie, I don't think.

He snorted softy in derision, but closed his eyes and began to breathe deeply and slowly through his nose.

I kept talking softly, knowing that any silence at this point would raise his anxiety, as there was always the suspicion, on his part, that this was all a practical joke. Meanwhile, I fished my cellphone from my pocket and set it to play a very short, very specific beeping tone.

The tone sounded loudly and clearly, but Matthew did not react - as I'd hoped he wouldn't. I had set the unique sound to be my message tone for the last week or so, and so that is what he recognized it as.

"You are starting to feel very tired and very calm. You have no worries or concerns, and all you want to do is drift into a gentle, deep sleep. You know that it's safe to do so here..."

I continued to speak the soothing monologue which was intended to lull the subject into a peaceful, trance-like state. It appeared to be working; Matthew hadn't yet broken into fits of laughter, which is something I half expected him to do at any moment.

More important than the words, almost, was the tone which I regularly played from my cellphone. It shattered the silence with its distinct beep, but he didn't react at all. Unbelievably, my efforts appeared to be working.

"You know everything I say to be true. It makes perfect sense... You feel obliged to agree with everything I say."

The process finally drew to its conclusion. I couldn't believe that it might have actually worked, except that Matthew hadn't moved the entire time. Everything appeared to be working as it should.

"You will soon awaken, feeling refreshed and happy. You will not remember this conversation."

I played the tone from my cellphone, and this time Matthew opened his eyes and looked around - he appeared slightly confused.

"Whoa, dude. I just had the weirdest feeling. It felt like déjà vu or something."

Now, the question was whether or not the whole thing had worked, whether he was just playing along, or whether I only partly succeeded with the trance, but he wasn't actually hypnotized. I had to be really careful now.

"Yeah, I hate it when that happens. Hey, you want to have another game?"

He grinned maliciously at me.

"Ready to die some more, are we?"

Apparently he didn't remember the last ten minutes of being hypnotised. Either it had worked, or he was just playing along.

We played video games for a good fifteen minutes straight - if he was just playing along, I hoped that he'd mention the hypnotism, or else lose concentration and drop the act when I started suggesting things.

I decided to test him.

"My character is invisible."

I said it in a calm, conversational tone. Matthew didn't react - he appeared to be concentrating on the game.

I directed my game character to stand in the middle of a courtyard - where Matthew would have no trouble finding and killing him.

"Dude, where the hell are you?"

His character ran straight past mine without killing him.

"Seriously, where are you hiding?"

I shot and killed his character - who was now standing a few feet away from mine, looking wildly in every direction.

"What?! No way! Where the hell did that come from?"

We played another round, and again he apparently couldn't see my character.

"I'm right in front of you."


He shot wildly in front of him. Of course, my character wasn't there.

"What? Hacks and lies! That hit your head! Are you cheating?!"

"Heh. No, dude. I think the heat is getting to you. Don't you think it's hot in here?"

"Hot? Yes. Damn... It is hot in here. You wanna turn on the AC?"

"I don't have an air-conditioner."

There was actually one in the room we were in, but it wasn't switched on. It was summer, but not hot enough to justify turning it on. Apparently Matthew was convinced otherwise, though.

"Wow... This heat."

He dropped his controller and walked to a window, opened it and fanned himself in the breeze. It really wasn't particularly hot at all, of course.

"You should take off your shirt."

He looked at me for a second before agreeing.

"Yes. That would be cooler."

He quickly stripped off his T-shirt, but held it for moment in his paw - he looked slightly confused, as if he didn't know why he was holding it.

"Just drop it on the floor anywhere."

He complied, tossing it into a corner. He now stood shirtless in my living room. He had a slim athletic build. Lithe. He often did long-distance running for our high school, and was also into road-cycling. Most of his fur was a deep reddish colour, but the front of his slender chest and tummy was just off-white. His fur was quite short for a red fox, and one could just see the definition of his ribs and abdominal muscles move under it as he panted softly in response to the imagined high temperature.

My own heart thudded in my chest. I hadn't really believed that I'd be able to hypnotize him - at least not on my first try! Now it appeared as though I had... I had to make sure, though.

"It's still hot, though, don't you think?"

He looked at me again - A bit confused.

"Yeah. It is. Damn, you really need to get an air-conditioner in here."

I paused before issuing further instructions. If he obeyed what I was about to suggest, there could be little doubt that he was truly under my influence.

"Why don't you... Take off the rest of your clothes too? I mean, it's not like my mom's here. You might as well. You'll be much more comfortable in your underwear."

He looked at me, and for a good few seconds I was sure he was going to refuse and reveal that he'd just been playing along to my gag. His expression was very hard to describe... It was somewhat confused, but also appeared a little amused - his lips were curved into a small smile. I was sure he was going to burst out laughing and declare me a pervert at any second.

He didn't, though.

"Yeah. Why not?"

He promptly sat down on the couch again and removed his shoes and socks before standing up and dropping his jeans to reveal his slender fox's legs. The fur on them was red down to his ankles, fading into his black paws below. White fur was just visible on the insides of his thighs beneath his green silk boxers.

"Ah, that is better."

He sat down on the couch again and bent forward to grab his game controller from the table, now sitting in nothing but a pair of skimpy boxers.

Now, Matthew had always struck me as someone slightly self-conscious about his body, although he certainly had no reason to be. Then again, maybe the fact that I always wanted to see him nude made it seem as though he always tried to avoid it. In any case, he was now lounging on my couch in nothing but a pair of boxers. There was only one more thing to do to check that he really was hypnotized.

I pressed the button on my cellphone to play the tone I'd programmed into the whole process. It beeped, and Matthew immediately dropped his controller onto the couch next to him.

I waited a few seconds, but he didn't move. He sat motionless on the couch, staring into nothing.

I got up and bent down in front of him. His eyes were half open, and he was breathing slowly through his nose. I waved my hand up and down in front of his face, but he didn't react.

I sighed and stood up. He really was hypnotized - no question about it.

I went into the kitchen and grabbed another coke. Now that I had him hypnotized, what was I going to do with him? My heart thudded as I imagined the possibilities. I had never thought I'd manage to get him to this stage so quickly - if at all. The guy I had a huge, obsessive crush on was sitting in his boxers on my couch, ready to do essentially anything I suggested to him.

I returned to the living room. Matthew was still sitting in exactly the same place, still in his trance. He'd stay that way until I played back the tone to release him.

I sat on the couch opposite and studied him as I drank my coke. His arms fell at his sides loosely, and he sat up straight. His eyes were half-closed and his head tilted to one side slightly. His slow, steady breathing caused his chest and shoulders to rise and fall slightly. His thick, bushy tail twitched involuntarily every few seconds, but besides that, he was motionless.

I got up and knelt in front of him again. I waved my hand in front of his face and snapped my fingers a few times. As expected, he did not react.

I took a deep breath, and gently ran my hand over the thin white fur on his chest. I could feel it rise and fall under my hand with his breathing. I ran my hand over his flank and under the inverted "U" of his rib-cage - gently stroking the soft fur on his tummy.

I stopped before exploring further down. It didn't feel right, somehow. My heart pounded and I felt my dick jammed hard into my pants, but I couldn't just have my way with him in this trance-like state... It felt like I was date-raping him, or something.

I sighed and returned to the opposite couch. I played the tone to release him from his catatonia, and he woke up... Looking confused for a second, but then focussing on me and smiling.

"Do you want to have another game," he asked me brightly.

I paused before replying. God, this was weirder than I thought it would be.

"Uh. No. I have another idea."

He tilted his head and cocked one of his ears. It was normally cute, but oblivious as he was to the fact that he was sitting in nothing but his boxers, it made my heart hammer in my chest."

"Why don't you come and do some push-ups?"

I didn't know why I suggested that. I suppose it was part of the novelty of having him obey my every suggestion, regardless of how arbitrary it might be.

He looked confused.

"Push-ups.. Wha...?"

"Yes, push-ups. Come and do twenty-five here in front of me. It's a good idea, don't you think?"

He still looked a bit confused, but it soon faded into a smile and he stood up and walked over.

"Yes. Yes, it's a good idea."

He dropped down in front of me and proceeded to do twenty-five push-ups. He counted softly under his breath as he did them. I watched his muscles move between his narrow shoulder-blades as he did. When he was finished, he smiled up at me and began to stand up.

"You should really do twenty-five sit-ups now too."

Again, he looked confused for a second, but then smiled again and sat down.

"Of course," he chuckled as if he'd forgotten something really silly.

He did the twenty-five sit-ups, and his abdominal muscles rippled gently with each one beneath his white fur.

I let him stand up after he'd finished the sit-ups. I really had no purpose in the things I was telling him to do, but I was starting to like the control I had over him... How he'd immediately obey anything I told him to do without question. I had my own happy, willing slave...

"It's probably a good idea to take a shower after exercise."

I got up, leading him to the bathroom. He followed me without comment. He was smiling constantly now... Beaming, actually. I had no idea what made him so happy, but I was glad that he was. It made me feel less guilty about taking advantage of him.

"Actually, wouldn't it be a good idea if we had the shower at the same time? Then I won't need to have one later."

"Sure. Why not?"

I stripped off my clothes and dropped them into a laundry basket. I removed my underwear to reveal my canine penis to be semi-engorged and hard. I hoped Matthew wouldn't mind.

I need not have worried, because when he removed his last small article of clothing, it revealed his own fox penis to be pink and stiff above its soft, white sheath. Good grief, this surprised me. No wonder he looked so happy. He just grinned at me and turned on the shower water - feeling for it to warm up. I didn't know why he was so excited, but I certainly wasn't about to complain.

He stepped into the shower once it warmed up. I gingerly stepped in after him. My mind was racing, and I found it difficult to think clearly. I wondered, for a second, if I should lock the bathroom door, but then remembered that we would be alone in the house for two days yet.

I slid the clear plastic door closed after me. Matthew was leaning against the shower wall opposite me - his arms folded casually across his slim fox's chest. He was grinning now, and his green eyes shone mischievously at me. His penis was now fully erect from its shaft, as was mine. For the first time, I wondered if hypnotising him had not been unnecessary.

I chuckled softly and coughed nervously.

"I've never, uh... Actually done this before."

He cocked his head to one side, but continued grinning.

"What? Taken a shower? I know you can be flexible with hygiene, but I'm sure you aren't that bad."

His fur had become matted by the warm water, and now his lithe muscle definition became clearly visible on his slender body.

There was silence for a few seconds. He kept smiling, and if I didn't know better I'd swear that he was the one who was pulling something over on me.

I coughed nervously to break the silence.

"Uh... Since we're here to save time, why don't we also help clean each other? I can wash your back more easily than you can."

I swear he repressed a chuckle.

"Sure. That's nice of you. You wash my back, and I can wash yours."

I gulped as he walked a step or two towards me, and turned around to let me wash his back. He lifted his arms and held his hands behind his head, as if I was about to pat him down for concealed weapons.

I grabbed the bar of soap, and swallowed nervously again as I took a step towards him. His bum was centimetres away from the tip of my penis, which was by now throbbing with need. My sensitive knot was being bombarded by the hot shower spray, which didn't help.

I sighed, and began to rub the soap between Matthew's shoulder blades - slowly building a white lather in his red fur, which I cautiously began to massage in with my paws.

He didn't say anything as I continued down his back, moving my hands to massage the creamy lather into his flanks.

When my paws got to his hips, he slowly let his own fall from their position behind his head. He held my paws in his own, and gently guided them forward onto his tummy.

He silently pulled me forward so that I was embracing him from behind. I gasped as the tip of my penis, now oozing pre-cum, touched the top of his right buttock. I moved my head onto his right shoulder, and heard his own breathing now becoming deeper and faster. I felt his diaphragm rise and his chest expand under my paws as I continued to massage his front with the soap.

I let one of my paws slowly fall, and he gasped sharply as it brushed against his hot penis. I very gently encircled his knot between my thumb and index finger and tweaked softly. He inhaled sharply and groaned.

I fleetingly thought of asking him if he really wanted to do this, but there was no need... His own paw fell to squeeze mine, causing him to gasp with further pleasure.

I discarded the bar of soap in my other paw, and used the remaining lather on it to gently probe under his thick tail, which was now drooping and heavy with water. I felt for the warmth of his tail-hole, and slowly eased a finger inside, causing Matthew to groan softly and lean back against me.

Having lubricated his tail-hole, I softly pressed the tip of my penis against it and gently began to ease it in. I inhaled softly, and he groaned gently. I allowed my cock to penetrate its full length up to the knot, and then slowly withdrew it again.

I repeated this, gently squeezing his knot as I did so, causing him to moan softly. With my other paw, I caressed his chest and tummy, feeling his abdominal muscles tense and relax as I slowly inserted my cock.

I finally inserted my knot, gently applying more pressure until it popped in.


Matthew exclaimed either pain, pleasure or a mixture of the two.

"Shhh," I gently whispered into his ear.

I began to thrust, slowly at first and then faster. He groaned softly, barely audible above the falling water, and began to buck back against me as I thrusted.

I continued to manipulate his knot and penis as I thrusted, occasionally squeezing the knot, which caused his tail-hole to clench momentarily around the base of my own penis.

Ultimately he came first - I felt it spurt warm into my paw, and I also felt him clench tightly around my knot. It was too much, and I also came - releasing my seed deep inside him.

We held each other tightly as we orgasmed ourselves empty, and for a good few minutes after that. I gently embraced him in the hot water, and he held my paws with his own.

Eventually I popped my penis out after it was small enough to do so without being painful for him. He turned around in my embrace and looked into my eyes with his own emerald ones. Our muzzles brushed against each other.

He smiled mischievously again.

"You know hypnotism doesn't work."

I guess I did.

He chuckled softly.

"You could have just told me that you liked me."

I smiled back at him.

"My way cleanly avoids a lot of the awkward formalities, don't you think?"

He just chuckled again, and pressed his small black nose gently against mine. He let my tongue enter his muzzle, and we kissed - embracing each other closely in the warm water.

Baby Brendon 3

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Baby Brendon 2

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Baby Brendon 1

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