Chapter 5: Imprisonment, Escape, Going home, An Audience with Princess Luna, and an offer of Magic Lessons???

Story by Jake Shadow Wolf on SoFurry

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#5 of A trip to the land where equines rule

WOOT ALMOST FIFTY PAGES AND NO SMUT... yet. Anyway fifty pages almost and still I'm alive after writing this crap. This chapter we see you can't lock Jake Wolf up.

The guards led me down the hallway then to a door at the back. One opened it with his horn then they continued to lead me down another floor before leaving me in my cell. They unshackled me with one apologizing for the treatment then locked me in and walked off, leaving me to think on how to get out. I first studied the cell they'd given me, since it could quite possibly be the last thing I would ever see if I wasn't smart enough to somehow escape. It was about ten feet long by ten feet wide, which was a hell of a lot longer than the few human prison cells I'd seen, and it was about fifteen feet high. I silently wondered if that was so a Pegasus could stretch their wings a little bit.

I started studying the cell block as soon as I finished studying my cell and saw that it was similar to a human prison block, but all of the cells were pretty much like the one I currently resided in. I sighed and laid my head against the bar then yelped as a soft shock went through my forehead. I shivered and jerked back then mumbled "Well if a unicorn can't think when they touch the bars they can't exactly escape with no problems, can they?" I sighed and mumbled "The bars are out. That leaves going deeper, going up through the ceiling or using the side walls until I get out of the palace and its dungeon. Not a fun thought."

I grinned slightly and said aloud "Of course I could always find a way to make a key I guess. I mean I have a feeling the bars are attuned to magical beings, not magical objects. If that's the case, then I'll find out soon enough, it will just take a bit of effort." I touched one of the stone on the wall and started imagining a chisel then slowly started having it mentally chip at the block in question taking a large enough chunk out for me to work with. I started shaping it into a key for my manacles growling softly to myself. It didn't work on the first try so I reshaped it again this time it fit in the lock, but it didn't reach far enough so I lengthened it and started to slowly turn it. Midway through I fell to the floor coughing as my body ran out of energy to sustain the spell.

I sighed and brought my hands to my mouth then twisted the key to lock my manacles before pulling it out of the keyhole and shoving it under my pillow. I laid back on the bed as my stomach growled and I heard the approach of footsteps suddenly one of the guards walked up and slid a plate with some bread, water, and apples on it over to me. I nodded in thanks then walked over and picked up the tray before walking back to my bed and sitting down to eat. The guard studied me and said softly "Are you really the cause of all this trouble in Equestria." I blinked as I recognized the voice and said softly "Twilight?" The guard looked up and under the helmet were Twilight Sparkle's brilliant purple eyes staring at me.

I stared at her and asked "Have I once done anything to harm anyone in Ponyville, or Equestria in the time you've known me?" She shook her head and said "No, but that's the reason I came to talk to you. I came to tell you that the girl's and I are thinking about breaking you out with the help of Shadow Blade. He says he can't stand to follow a group of leader's who would condemn an innocent man who would not fight until he knew it wouldn't harm the innocent. The only problem is we don't know which guard has the keys to your manacles, or to the cell." I grinned at that and said "About that, I sort of let my magic out when I got here and started to make a key for my manacles." She stared at me and said "Really, Jake, Really?" I smiled innocently and said "I warned Blade I'd be leaving here one way or another before the execution."

She sighed and watched as I pulled the key out with magic then turned it in the manacles causing them to fall off before tossing it out to her. She stared at me confused and I said "Try shaping it for the lock, I'd rather not bust my way out of here, I'd like to escape as quickly as we can with as little trouble as we can." She nodded and started fiddling with the key using her horn's magic then slowly placed it in the lock checking its fit. When she was sure it was fit right she tried turning it. I listened and said "She a little bit off the body, it gets caught midway through." She nodded and pulled it out then thinned it just a bit and put it back in before turning it slowly.

The lock clicked open as she turned the key all the way to the right and the door swung open. I walked over and formed a small flame on my hand then touched it to the bars, instead of being injured like I thought I would, the bars turned red hot until I made the flames vanish. I smiled to myself and mumbled "So the enchantment is in the lock. When locked the front of the cell is magic proof, and of course there's a magical shield around the back and sides at a certain point that prevents people from destroying the walls too badly." Twilight stared at me slightly surprised I'd realized so much and I explained, "I was probing with magic all along the walls and after about a quarter of the way I felt intense pain. This place is built for magic users, fliers, and regular horses."

She nodded and said "Yeah though these dungeons aren't normally used. In all honesty you're the first prisoner this place has had in at least ten years." I sighed softly at that then said aloud "It'll have a lot more if that bastard Daros has anything to say about it. Do you know anyone who can get through to Celestia without us having to resort to force?" Twilight thought about it and said "I have a chance, but since I broke you out the Princess probably won't believe anything I say, Spike might be able to help, but she may think you tricked both of us, which leaves Princess Luna." I stared at her and said "So I have to talk to her sister, who controls the moon?" She nodded and I sighed then said, "Lead on."

She started slipping out of the dungeon with me following her silently. She glanced at me and said "I'm going to cast an invisibility spell on you. Don't make a sound until we're out of here." I nodded and watched as her horn glowed with silver light then laid a hand on her shoulder. She jumped a bit then said "Is that you Jake?" I smiled slightly and said "Yeah I thought it wise to touch you as a signal to keep going or stop. Stop when I squeeze, go when I rub your shoulder." She nodded and continued walking with me right beside her every step of the way. Suddenly we got to a crossroads and I gently squeezed her shoulder. She stopped and said "We go left from here, right leads to the barracks." I stroked her shoulder to let her know we could keep going as she explained and slipped along beside and slightly behind her.

As Twilight started to go left I grabbed her horn and pointed it right. She stared at where she assumed I was then sighed and said "Right, it is then." We walked down the corridor, with me silently wondering why the hell she wanted to go into the guard's barracks when we suddenly ended up at the very place I was thinking about. I prodded Twilight's shoulder and whispered "I thought you said left was the barracks?" She snorted and said "No, I said right, but you were determined to go right, so right we went." We walked out of the barracks, which were conveniently empty because the guards were hunting throughout the dungeon for me and right into a group of trainees, and their teacher. I blinked as their teacher stared right at me and asked "So, you were clever enough to use the guardhouse as an escape route." He then turned to Twilight and said "I can't believe that anyone would help a traitor to Equestria, let alone Lady Celestia's apprentice. I'm shocked; you must be such a disappointment to Queen Celestia."

Twilight glared at him her eyes lighting up with an inner rage and prepared to rush at him. I stopped her with a hand on her shoulder and said "Let me handle this pompous ass." I picked up a sword from a nearby weapon rack and slowly twirled it testing the weight and feel not realizing that I hadn't handled a weapon in a few years, yet it seemed like I'd never let one out of my hand. I smirked at him as he started to back away from me and said "I bet your teacher is ashamed that he had to train a coward like you. A real warrior wouldn't back down from a fight, especially when his country and homeland are under duress." Twilight stared at me as if I was a completely different person as the earth pony, wearing the armor of the night corps, charged at me with his eyes narrowed and his face curled into a grimace of rage. I stepped to the side of his first charge and slammed the blade into the side of his helmet causing his head to ring and enraging him further.

He lashed out with his rear hooves and hit me in the shoulder causing my arm to go numb as he knocked it out of the socket. The only thing that saved me from having a broken collar bone was I'd jumped back as he kicked, and he'd only nicked me with his hooves. I sighed as I glanced at my arm then spun the blade in my hand as twilight realized I was just trying to aggravate him to make him easier to hit and Twilight smirked at the two of us and said "Hey Lance, I can't believe you missed, I mean he was standing perfectly still!" Lance glanced at her with a murderous glare that said she was next on his list of people who deserved a good kick in the head. I slammed my sword into his helmet again as he prepared to charge Twilight, causing him to shake his head and glare at me shouting "NO FAIR!!!"

I smirked and said "All's fair in love and war, and with an ass like yours we could always have some fun when this misunderstanding is cleared up." He suddenly brushed so brightly it actually showed through his helmet and shouted at me "WHA-WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY???!!!" I smirked and stuck my tongue out at him then jumped out of the way as he rushed at me seeming to be both embarrassed and angry at this point. Twilight fell over laughing then suddenly started blushing as she ended up with the image of the two of us together in her head. Both Lance and I glared at the blush and Lance yelled "TWILIGHT SPARKLE DON'T YOU DARE THINK ABOUT THAT YOU PERVERT!!!!" I took that opportunity to jump into the air and slammed the blade down onto the top of his head harder than before causing him to twist around slightly and mumble "What the hell is wrong with everyone."

I stared in amazement at the fact he was still standing after a blow like that then Twilight walked up and gently prodded him with her foremost left hoof and watched as he fell over. She then turned to the trainees, who were all obviously only young colts and fillies, and said "I think you should take your commander to a medic, and please don't leave out that he fought bravely." I snorted and said "Yes, but he failed." My words had the trainees scurrying over to pick up their fallen teacher and running off to tell their story, which I had a feeling by the end of everyone would think the practice yard was haunted. Suddenly Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash flew down into the courtyard, Fluttershy with a worried look on her face, and Rainbow with a curious grin. Twilight took the spell off me and Rainbow asked "What the hell happened?" Twilight sighed and said "Jake just knocked out my old friend Lance, who happens to be the head of Luna's personal guard. With that said, I think it's safe to say, we should leave."

Fluttershy was nodding enthusiastically at that and said "Apple Jack, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie are waiting for us at the front entrance to the castle." Rainbow Dash looked at me and said with so much cheek I was amazed her actual cheek wasn't bleeding. "Heh you seem to be spicing up our little group's lives and changing our boring old routine. I'd never peg Twilight as the type of person break into the jail, let alone break someone else out. Also Fluttershy wouldn't have agreed to come with me if you weren't involved, Apple Jack's been acting different since you showed up, and Rarity seemed to be determined to make Celestia release you even if it meant making an enemy out of the court. How in the name of Cloudsdale do you do it?" I snorted at that then heard the sound of hoof-steps and said "Right, time to go." Before grabbing the three of them by their manes and dragging them with me inside the palace.

Rainbow glared at me and started to ask what the hell I thought I was doing when I covered her mouth and mumbled "Ixnay on the chatteray." She stared at me confused until she heard the sound of metal jingling past the door we just went in, and voices talking about my recent escape. When they passed she glared at me and said "What's the big idea yanking on a girl's mane like that?" I stared and said "Would you have followed me otherwise?" She thought about it then said "Probably not without a good explanation, so I guess I see why you did that. Next time warn a girl though!" I snorted and said "Duly noted," before turning to Twilight and asking "Where do we go to get to the front entrance from here?" Twilight studied the hallway, which had a rich red carpet on the floor; several stain glass windows, and it was rather tall then said "I think we go down the corridor. I'll know more when we get to a part of the palace I'm more familiar with."

The four of us started wandering down the hallway, with Twilight occasionally changing our course as the terrain became more familiar to her, and I couldn't help but feel like we were being watched. I suddenly stopped as I heard the sound of footsteps approaching and motioned for the girls to hide in the room to our left; while I stood against the wall ready to jump around the corner and go after whoever it was. Suddenly I heard the sound of Pinkie Pie's voice and walked around the corner grabbing her by her hoof and tossing her in the room with Rainbow Dash, Twilight, and Fluttershy who hadn't said a word since we met up again. She seemed to be slightly afraid of me, and I honestly didn't blame her for that. I went back around the corner and stared as Rarity and Apple Jack looked ready to fight until they saw it was just me. I quickly grabbed them by the front of their coats and tossed them in the room with the other girls before slipping into the room and locking it behind me.

The others stared at me then suddenly gathered around me in a big hug surprising the hell out of me. Rarity glared at me after the hug and said "Why did you mess up my mane?" I stared and said "I thought we were about to be swarmed by guards, I don't know if you and Apple Jack heard, but I knocked out the head of Luna's guard." Rarity stared at me then pushed me away from the girls and said "Girl talk, go find something to do while you wait." I walked off and pulled out my phone, which still had battery life amazingly enough, but no signal. I sighed then shrugged and started playing solitaire plotting a path through the palace despite it seeming like I was doing nothing.

A few minutes later Twilight walked over and said "We're done talking amongst ourselves. The girls think we should split into two groups, but we're not sure who should go with you, and who should be the decoys. You have any ideas?" I shrugged and said "You, Rainbow, and AJ are the most useful for me. AJ is a help because of her strength, Rainbow her speed and you because of your magic. The others make a good distraction between Rarity's ability to attract a colt's eyes, pinky's loud cannon blasts, and Fluttershy's critters. I figure you guys already knew that though, and just told me because you want to see if I was smart enough to deduct the same thing you guys decided." She blinked and said "Wow... You really are smart." I shook my head at that and said "No, you just underestimated my knowledge of tactics. I really don't know all that much about this world or how you guys handle situations like this. I'm just going off what I know of you girls."

They all stared at me like I'd grown an extra head and I started to ask what was wrong when twilight said "You'd give my brother charming a run for his money on deduction, now to put our plan into action." I sighed deciding not to fight with them and replied "Fine, but I'm not leaving without every one of you. Understand? If so you know that means don't get caught." They all laughed at that then we split with Twilight leading AJ, Rainbow, and me, while Rarity and the other two took over guarding the door.

We walked through several spare rooms then Twilight opened a large pair of double doors as the sound of trotting hooves approached and we were forced to hide. I slowly turned to see a stunning beautiful mare with a truly blue coat studying us and nudged twilight. She followed my eyes and let out a soft eep then squeaked out "Hello Princess, I didn't realize this as your room." Apple Jack and Rainbow Dash both looked slightly sickened when they saw who it was and gave their greetings while I was a bit too enthralled in her beauty to say anything except "Bonjour."

She studied us then said "Twilight Sparkle, why are you here? Last I heard you were still at the crystal city with your sister in law and brother prince shining armor." Twilight swallowed loudly and replied "I came home when Apple Jack told me Blaze had dropped off someone at Sweet Apple Acres and wanted me to check them out. It turns out that was my friend Jake here. Jake, please introduce yourself to the princess, before we get in more trouble." I blinked and shook my head then slowly bowed before dropping to one knee and saying "Demon slayer Jake Wolf at your service milady. I'm sorry to cause your castle such a headache."

She raised an eyebrow then glanced at Twilight and said "Rather formal isn't he?" I smirked while Twilight and Apple Jack gave varying responses then she said "You may rise if you wish it Jake, although I'm amazed anyone remembers the old codes and to bow to a queen. You must not be from here." I shook my head and said "No I'm from earth. It's a long story that I'll let Twilight tell you while I try to sort out my brain if you don't mind." She nodded and Twilight started telling her everything I'd told the purple mare, as well as her own story and Apple Jack's. I listened to it all and when Twilight was Done Luna studied me and said "Then why were you imprisoned?"

I shrugged and said "Your guess on that is as good as mine. I was expecting to just meet the princess not be thrown in jail just for coming here. However I'm supposedly a cause of a hell load of trouble." She studied me and said "So you're the one who the new advisor blames for everything and smells of discord." I shrugged slightly at that and said "I guess, if he's the bugger that I met before talking with the judges." She nodded in answer then Twilight suddenly looked between the two of us before asking Luna, "Princess is it normal for non-unicorns and alicorns to have magic?" Luna looked at her questioningly and she said "Jake does, as we already told you, and that's about it as far as ponies or people as he calls himself without horns able to cast magic."

Luna studied her then turned and looked at me before turning back and slowly stating "I want to see him use magic before I take you at your word Twilight. Normally such a thing requires a focus, that's why only unicorns and alicorns can use most magic. Our focus is our horns. Do you understand what I'm telling you?" She nodded, as did Rarity, and Apple Jack albeit a bit slower than Twilight. Luna turned to me and said "Demonstration please."

I nodded and slowly focused on my first finger on my right hand and imagined a flame blossoming there. The flame slowly started to grow in my mind but I forced it down and made my finger more like a candle's wick. I refused to let it grow larger. Suddenly I heard a voice, almost as if from a great distance "Enough Jake. You've proven what Twilight said. Turn off the flame before it gets out of your control like it nearly did once already." I nodded my head slowly, almost as if I was trapped in gel and slowly released the image of a flame. As I opened my eyes the flame vanished from my finger and everyone was studying me.

Luna studied me and said "Would you like to learn to control the magic you seem so able to harness?" I started to nod then all of us gasped as the door burst open and the other three of the mane six fell in. Rainbow shut it quickly as Pinky Pie said "Hiya your highness!" I sighed and said "Yes princess I'd like to learn how to use magic safe and properly. Where do we start?" She smiled mischievously and said "How about right now," as she coated me in water from her horn. I blinked as the water coated me from head to toe and I swore softly blasting her with water of my own as someone started banging on the door.

She chuckled then stopped and said "Yes what is it?" The banging stopped and a voice from the other side said "Princess we thought we heard something strange. Are you alright?" Luna responded "Yes I'm fine. I was just talking with my sister's student and teaching her a new spell." The voices responded and said "Alright your majesty. We'll leave you to your teaching." She replied "Good." I listened as the hoof-steps faded away and silently smacked myself for letting the girls' way of talking infiltrate my thoughts. I looked at Luna and said "I think what with me being a fugitive, and everything else that's happened since shortly before I arrived, it's time for me to leave."

She nodded and said "When you return to Equestria I would like for you to seek me out." I nodded and said "Sure, hopefully we meet again under better circumstances my dear teacher." I focused on the door the girls and I had originally entered through as Twilight said "What exactly do you two mean by it's time for you to go?" I grinned and said "Well Twily, I'm going home for a while. You girls should probably come with me." She glared at me for using a nickname that Spike had said only her brother could call her by and mentioning that they should probably leave. She motioned for the other girls to gather around in a group huddle and they started talking about what they should do.

I on the other hand focused on the door and slowly started channeling magic into it as someone knocked on the other door and Luna started a conversation with them. After a few minutes the girls lined up behind me ready to go through the door once my spell was over and I opened it. I wasn't sure the spell would work, but so far the magic did what I wanted just with a problem of being too much. Concentration was the key, I knew that, but due to my schizophrenia I had trouble concentrating properly without a lot of effort.

Eventually the door started to glow blue as the other door started to open. I pushed it open and motioned for the girls to go through as a white head with a gold horn and beautiful mane stuck its way into the room and Luna tried to cover for us. The girls all went through the door quickly without looking back. I just smiled at Celestia and said "See ya around," before diving through the portal. I pulled it shut behind me and found that as soon as it was shut my hand was grasping nothing and I was flying through the air to land on top of six beautiful young women who winced and said "GET OFF!!!" I hopped to my feet and stared at them slightly taken aback and said "Did you girls see six ponies come flying through the air?"

They stared at me as I studied them then one with rainbow dyed hair said "Duh hay for brains, we're right in front of you." I blinked and asked "Rainbow?" She smirked and said "Yeah that's my name don't wear it out." I slowly fell back as Zero walked up and said "Welcome back."