Falling Snow: The Beginning of the End

Story by Hossyboy21 on SoFurry

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#1 of Falling Snow

Snow, as beautiful as falling snow. She was Snow, she was death, she was life, just for him. An assassin to his heart.

Chapter 1 -

"Treat others how you wished to be treated."

"Don't look to the past there's a reason it's behind you."

Those are two rules she lived by; she strove to be a better Furry every day and today was a knew day.

Streaks of sunlight fell onto a sleeping snow leopard, her white hair cascaded down from behind her two flattened ears. Long enough to touch the base of her fluffy tail. Which in the night had curled around her right leg, the other leg pulled upward out of reach. The Furry had kicked off her blanket in the night reveling black laced underwear the only thing covering her form. She had an hourglass figure that so many girls would kill for, large boobs, tiny waist, and round hips. Her lips were parted in the relax of sleep, the whisper of her breathing the only sound in the room.


With a sleepy scream she sat up in bed, instantly groaning once over the surprise of the alarm clock. She looked over and sighed at the time before stopping the annoying ringing. Standing up from her bed she stretched and purred with relief as her stiff joints popped. Once done she crossed her large earthy accented room to a brown door. Flinging it open she stepped into her giant ocean themed bathroom, stripping as she walked over to the glass shower.


Thirty minutes later the leopard was dressed in black baggy skinnys with longs slanted zippers across it, a white tank top with black lace designs and two gold earrings in her left ear. She raced down a spiraling staircase that wove down the center of the mansion, her bedroom was on the fourth floor, the highest. Once she reached the ground floor she grabbed her black combat boots by the two giant cypress doors leading outside. She slipped into them like she had done so many times before, the scuffing showing that they were her favorite pair. She hurried outside when a familiar honk grabbed her attention, smiling at her zebra friend Ronyee. To show off she leapt into the car through the passenger window, scaring her friend shitless.

"Don't do that Snow!" Ronyee shouted only to laugh and shake her head at the coy smile that spread across her feline friend.

"Just shut up and drive!" Snow sang causing the zebra to laugh again before her hoof slammed onto the gas, the car squealing before ripping away from the pristine house.

"Your parents out of town again?" Ronyee asked, her eyes never leaving the road, which Snow was thankfully for, he was a speed demon to but not like Ronyee.

"Ya, another business trip." Snow said her eyes on the blurry scenery that raced by.

"Watch this." Ronyee said a creepy smile spreading onto her face. with a glee laugh she jerked the steering wheel to the right, the car drifting into the other lane in front of oncoming traffic and then into the schools parking lot. Ronyee then straightened the wheel and parked in a nearby parking spot, turning to Snow with a huge smile on her lips. "Whad ya think?"

The snow leopard slowly looked over to her friend while she removed her claws form her seat. Her eyes shrinking from huge disks to thin slits as she glared at the zebra.

"Thought you'd like it." she said with a smirk, she then jumped out of her car before she got chewed out. Snow followed shakily behind, slamming the cars door to prove her fake anger at her friend. Glaring at Ronyee from over the roof of the car. Ronyee was actually a shy person, the only time she showed her true self was around her closest friends and behind the wheel, she drag raced on the weekends.

"Hey, nice entrance."

Both of the Furries turned to see a skinny lithe tiger striding across the parking lot towards them. She was exotically beautiful with her stride that made her whole body ripple nd move as if she were dancing with every step. Following behind her was a large brindle pit bull, one of his ears stood at attention while the other was torn and jagged. All though he looked intimidating with his scars and broad shoulders the cheery amber eyes and heartwarming smile said otherwise. It was Snows best friend, Izzy and her boyfriend Marc who was also Snows friend.

"Snowy!." Izzy squealed and dashed to her, leaping into her arms.

"Hey Snow." Marc said with a smile which the leopard returned from over her best friends shoulder. She then set the tiger down and smiled as she watched Ronyee and Izzy hug. They had fought over Marc at the beginning of the year, but he fell in love with Izzy and that was that. But with time and Snow they soon became friends again.

"Okay let's get out of this freezing parking lot, sorry snowy, we don't all have coats like yours." Marc groaned while quickly rubbing his the parts of his forearms that his checkered button up didn't cover. His short dappled fur didn't do much against the chilly breeze blowing through the parking lot. Snowy wouldn't had even noticed if her friends hadn't started shivering at the gust that stirred her fluffy fur.

The group of friends quickly shuffled into the huge brick school, pushing past the Furries clogging the main hall and found their way onto the patio in front of the cafeteria. Instantly Marc groaned at the sight of the cafeteria, Furries were packed inside backs against the row of glass windows at the front of the cafeteria.

"Come on big guy." Izzy laughed as she pulled on his muscular forearm. "I'll keep you warm." Snow laughed when Marc spun and picked up Izzy in a single movement a girlish scream coming from the tiger, after he kissed her to keep her from biting his head off he then carried her off to where they usually sat. A giant stone bench held up by to square pillars that met the roof across from the cafeteria.

On it sat a few of their other friends, A slim muscular female cheetah named Levena, A huge reddish brown male bull named Dustin or just Dusty, a male lion named Ezzy (pronounced Eazy) for Ezinlale, an annoying hare named Coleman and a female lizard named Evelyn. Snow sat in between her good friend Levena and Ezzy her skin crawling when she felt a yellow furred weasels eyes on her from farther down on the bench.

Ignoring him she turned to Levena, "You ready for the track meet today?" she asked with a smile.

"Yes, omg I'm so excited!" she squealed and then laughed "You ready for it?"

"Of course!" Snow laughed, only to have it die in her throat when a shadow fell over her. Turned lifting her eyes to see Alex the tall yellow weasel standing over her, her ex. "What is it?" Snow asked a little sharper then she meant.

He flinched at her biting tone but spoke anyways, "This seat taken?" he asked. Snow just now noticing Ezzy had gotten up and left.

"Uhh." she really didn't want him to sit next to her but she didnt want to be mean either `Treat others how you wish to be treated' "I guess n-." she was cut of by a chirpy voice

"Yep, its mine." Izzy said pulling Marc behind her, the pit glaring at the weasel over his girlfriends head.

"Oh-h o-ok." Alex stuttered and shuffled off.

Snow sighed at her protective friends "You guys didnt have to do that."

"Yea we kinda did." Izzy growled before she turned and smiled at Marc. "Hey babe that bench looks really cold." she said giving him the big sweet eyes he couldn't say no too. But he just laughed and sat down next to Snow and pulled tiny Izzy onto his lap. "Really i don't understand why you let him of so easy, if Marc cheated on me I'd kill him.

"It's true." Marc said to her as well.

"What that Izzy would kill you?" Snow laughed trying to get off this topic.

"No, that you let him off to easy but it is true she would kill me." he laughed there at the end. Snow joined in with her own laugh while Izzy just hissed at the two of them.

"I think you let him off to easy too." Levena added, Snow glared at her out of the corner of her eye knowing the cheetah had done that on purpose. She just smiled at the snow leopard innocently before continuing "I mean I love Alex as a brother but that doesn't mean it's okay to let something like this slip." Snow closed her eyes to fight back the emotions that were coursing through her at their words. The wounds on her heart were still raw from Alex's betrayal, and their words were bringing back more bad feelings. With a snort she stood and walked away from the bench and into the one of the many halls surrounding the patio. She headed for her locker as the tears began, by the time she reached it she was full on crying. She put her hands onto the cold metal and rested her face onto it her sobs strangled sounding as she attempted to suffocate them not wanting to draw attention with her cries.

"I hate when girls cry." The deep voice made her jump which caused her to stumble backwards into and rock solid chest, two massive arms encircling her to keep her on her feet. Once she regained herself she squirmed out of the strong arms of the Furry who so rudely scared her. Turning her eyes found a red lettermen jacket over a black V-neck her nose inches from a broad chest. Taking a step back so she could see his face, her emerald eyes met two pools of baby blue, a hue much like the sky. Towering over her was a massive brown bear Furry everything about him was big, well everything she could see. He had a broad and handsome face, his chest was like two of Marcs, he had to be at least seven and a half feet tall maybe eight.

"I hate it even more when it's pretty girls like you, i bet smiles fit you much better." He said the frown on his face twisting into a smile.

A blush burned onto her cheeks, causing her to look away. "Shut up." she mumbled before turning back to her locker, viscously rubbing at her cheeks whether to rub away the tears or the blush she wouldn't say.

"Cant." he said leaning up onto the locker next to hers.

"Why not?" she hissed without looking at him, refusing to look his smiles, gravity pulling her own up. but she forced a scowl and glared at her poor locker.

"You haven't smiled yet." he said laughter in his voice.

"Go get lost jock."She hissed through bared teeth.

"Ouch." He said "You going to come find me if I do?"

"NO!" she growled while spinning in the combo.

"Then no thanks." he said

In annoyance and in her rage she threw open her locker right into his lowered snout. Flinching when she heard the impact and gasping when he fell on his ass with a loud thud. His eyes screwed shut, and his giant paws clasped around his nose.

"Are you okay?!" she shouted kneeling in front of him panic on her face "I thought you would move!" She began to reach out to him only to fall back when he jumped forward with a roar. She crossed her arms in front of her face expecting an attack only to peek around them when the rumble of his laughter left his maw. their her squatted laughing at her and she couldn't help but laugh too, in relief that is, only relief.

"See that looks much better on you then tears, you have a pretty smile." he said the smile never leaving his face.

"Whatever." she snorted looking at her paws as she tried to hide the blush on her face.

"What's your name?" he asked as he began to stand.

"Why should I tell you?!" she growled

"Okay never mind Miss Hiss Fit, I'm Ted maybe I'll see you around."

"Whatever." she said standing and brushing herself off. Ted just laughed at her sharp tone as he walked down the hall. Snow watched out of the corner of her eye, every movement until he stepped out onto the patio and disappeared from her sight. she stood ad calmed her racing heart.

'Mondays suck.' Was her only thought.

~Sorry For The Lame Ending Lol~