My Horse

Story by Darkness Rising on SoFurry

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My Horse

I love my horse and everything about her. She really opened up a whole new world for me in more ways than one. This story starts in a little ranch house on the edge of a small town while I was heading to college for laboratory science. The house had a small two stall barn with a little pasture that connected to the house, so basically my backyard was the paddock for the barn. I chose this house because at the college all the dorm rooms are full and this was the cheapest rental in town. I'll admit it was annoying that there was a five minute drive to the nearest highway and then 10 minutes to college from there. The entire one bedroom house had one small kitchen one bedroom and a living room. The entire house was surrounded by a thick forest that was beautiful in the winter.

One evening the owner of the house pulled up in his large black ranch truck and horse trailer. The owner was lean of average build, was going bald, completely gray hair but all around a completely nice guy. His name is Jim and he is renting me the place for 80 bucks a month as long as I keep it clean and tidy which isn't usually a problem since I am a clean freak and usually gone at school.

"Hey sonny" Jim called out.

My name isn't sonny it's Clyde but Jim calls everyone sonny so it is ok with me. "Hey Jim, can I help you?"

"As a matter of fact, you can" Jim replied

"What may that be?" I inquired.

"Well I just inherited two horses from my late uncle and my ranch is full so I wanted to board them here."

"You can do what you want this is your property after all."

"That's the thing I don't have the time of day to come out here to feed them or to take care of them. I was wondering if you could do it for me."

"I don't know Jim I would love to help don't get me wrong but I don't know if I could afford it. I am always at school too."

"I will put 4 tons of hay in the barn that will last you a while and leave you with four 50 gallon drums of grain and all the tack you will need."

"I still have school to contend with."

"I will pay all bills from this place and you don't have to pay rent"

"Don't mean to sound like a cheapskate but are you sure about that?"

"Absolutely! For your great help I give you the mare. Her name is little Anne."

"Are you sure Jim? They were your uncles."

"Totally sure you need a proper lady" Jim said as he snickered.

"Alright Jim you win" I said as he handed me a push broom.

"Go clean out the stalls while I call my ranch hands to bring the hay and grain."

"Ok no problem."

"And close the gate to the paddock I am going to let them out of the trailer."

"Ok" I said as I walked off.

I spent the next half hour sprucing up the two stalls in the barn and then spent another half hour cleaning the tack room. About ten minutes into cleaning the stall I heard a clanking sound outside. I figured it was Jim fixing something so I ignored it. Sure enough when I emerged an hour later the small paddock was about six times the size and split down the middle and in one side a large black horse with huge muscles that rippled with every step and a long mane and furry hooves was in one side. Then I heard Jim call from the trailer

"That one is Smokey and this beauty is Anne" Jim said leading a similar height horse out of the trailer. If little Anne was a human, man would fall down and worship her as if she was a goddess. Her mane and coat was midnight black and don't know if it is possible but her mane and coat glowed and glistened in the afternoon light. The hair at her feet was also the same color. She was finely toned and if I was a horse I would say she was smoking hot. As if on cue Smokey nickered at her from across the field. Anne just shook her head as if to brush Smokey off, very similar to the way a lady would shake off a guy.

These horses are Clydesdales just like your name Clyde. That's what made me think of you. These two horses here are brother and sister so we can't have them in the same paddock or we get a little family love going on. We can't have them breeding together cause well one that's wrong and two these two are specially bred to look the way they do and we don't want to muddle the bloodline." Jim said

"Makes sense, well I gotta head into town I need groceries. I will be back in an hour or so. I will see you then. "

"We will be done by the time you get back so have fun and please take care of the horses."

"No problem Jim I appreciate it."

"Ok it's a real pleasure having known you."


I hopped onto my little Honda bike strapped on my helmet and took off for town. After I filled up my 6 saddle as on my bike with groceries I headed back to the farm. I was only gone for about 45 minutes but sure enough, true to their word they were done when I got back. There was a note on the barn door that read


We put the hay in the loft and the tools you need to cut it are up there. Give each of the horse's two handfuls in their feeders every morning and night. You can give each of them a handful of grain when they come in for the night. Call them into the barn at six pm and when they are successfully in their stalls you can give them grain. It shouldn't be hard they are well trained. Also at six in the morning they need let out to their paddocks.

Thanks, Jim

So I looked at my watch and saw that it was 5 45 and decided to get busy. I cut the hay in the loft and put the respected amount of hay in each feeder then went to call the horses as by this time it was 6 pm. I opened the gate that led to Smokey's stall and then opened the barn gate and called Smokey over. At first he was unsure but he soon came over and walked into his stall. After the stall gate was successfully closed I gave him two handfuls of grain. Anne was much easier she had seen what happened and was more willing to come over and receive her grain. The next few weeks passed rather uneventful.

Jim calls once a week on Sunday to see how things are going with the horses. The phone calls don't usually last longer than 5 minutes because I love taking care of the horses. We have a routine down. In the morning they get their hay at 530 and then get released at 600 when I have to head to the college. When I get home at approximately three pm I get all my daily work done. Work such as homework and chores like cleaning the house and barn. I love cleaning the barn. The smell of hay permeates the air better than any perfume. I make sure that the horses have a clean stall with a clean bed of hay. Over the weeks Anne has warmed up to me considerately. She has become my family, well both of them have. Anne follows me around the place, gives me someone to talk to and a partner to study with. Both horses are no longer weary of me and have my complete trust.

I have had the two horses for about three months and Jim has stopped calling all together saying if I need anything just give him a holler. The horses still look the same as when I got them except maybe their coats are a bit shinier. I looked at them like they were big beautiful creatures which I loved to death. It was only after I experienced a few things that my view of them began to change. First experience was I walked into the bathroom at the college to hear a couple going at it. Second experience was all my buddies at the college were talking about women they have laid and the women they were going to lay during summer vacation which was a week away.

That afternoon when I got home I stood at the fence to the paddock and Anne had her back to me. For the first time I really noticed her ass. I mean I have noticed it before but now I really noticed it. Her fine gluteus maximus that swayed with her every step. Her flanks which exert pure raw power into her rear end. And her pussy, her sweet little pussy that I saw in between flicks of her tail. With a raging erection in my pants I ran into the house booted up my lap top and researched horse sex. After I spent time looking at horse porn all over the net. I came across a site that taught you how to have sex with your horse. I got sidelined onto this subject and spent the next hour looking up how to have horse sex. I criticized myself on thinking of Anne this way but yet I wanted it so bad.

When 530 rolled around I decided I would try it or at least attempt to. I got the hay in the stalls and then got both horses in the stalls with their grain. It was now or never with Anne. I opened the gate into her stall and walked in with her and closed the gate after me. She looked at me questionably then resumed eating. I talked to her and then grabbed the hair supplies hanging on the stable wall and began to brush her. I talked about random nonsense to her while I brushed her coat. When I was just about done brushing her she finished eating. When I finished brushing her I hung up the brushes and if she somehow knew what was going to happen she went over and played down on the hay. That completely surprised me because I found out from the internet when I was searching how to take care of horses that horses only lay down when they feel safe. I went over to Anne and sat down next to her and pet her from the head down. When I reached her as she lifted her tail and looked at me expectantly.

I licked my fingers and then slowly rubbed her pussy and she nickered at me and then she winked at me. By winked I mean that's when horses contract her vaginal muscles to expose there clitoris and excrete some fluids over and over again. I massaged the loose skin folds under the vagina and got her to excrete more fluids and then I slowly massaged her opening of the vagina slowly massaging her clitoris cause her to release more fluids I slowly began to fist her. I found out that about a couple inches in she has a real sensitive spot down near the bottom and she began to whinnied I began to fist her harder and she orgasmed. Orgasming to a horse consists a lot of lubricants and some urine. I let her relax while I grabbed some clean hay and took away the dirty hay. I also grabbed a bucket and cleaned her genitals and then put away the bucket.

I stripped my clothes and hung then on a rail outside the stall door. By this time I had a raging boner that leaked a lot of precum from our last experience. I walked towards her slowly and went to pet her and she looked at my dick curiously and walked over to her and my dick was just at her head level. She sniffed my penis and then snorted then she did the unexpected. She licked my penis! She licked the precum off and boy it was erotic! Her tounge was slightly bumpy but it was wet so it felt good. She licked my entire shaft, all 8 inches of it, then she massaged my balls with her tongue and beyond all belief she lipped my balls. By lipped it's like taking them in your mouth but she did it with just her lips. My loins were on fire from this and I slowly laid down next to her while she lipped my genitalia. I laid down and stuck my head in between her warm and fuzzy flanks and began to give her pussy a cleaning with my tongue. As she became more stimulated she stimulated me even more. Her pussy smelled sweet like hay in the fall when it has been harvested and her pussy tasted like the greatest thing ever. I can't believe it; I am getting 69 from a horse!

As we stimulated each other she cummed several times and I drank it all. I stuck my face in her pussy and stimulated her with my face and tongue and found every crevice when I felt like she was about to orgasm I was about to cum also. I pulled my face out of her pussy and continued to finger her she cummed all over the place as she opened her mouth as I cummed into her mouth. Damn this was one smart horse! She licked all the cum of my penis as licked her sweet wet and warm vagina.

I was instantly hard again and then I cleaned the dirty hay out again and then laid down next to her. She rolled over on her back and waited for more. "You dirty slut" I called out to her as I slowly entered her and grabbed the front of her flanks and slowly began to fuck her like a man would fuck a woman. She has excellent muscle control and with each push into her she contracted her muscles down on my dick giving me extra stimulation and as I speed up so the contractions. When I finally came inside her she clamped down on my penis and made me cum even more. I collapsed on her and fell asleep with her.

When I awoke I was curled up naked against the stomach of Anne. Luckily today was Saturday and I didn't have to go to school. I sat up and got my early morning boner like every morning and Anne just looked at me. So I turned around and began to finger her pussy again. She stared winking again and I looked at the barn clock and saw it was only 5:15

"Ok Anne just a quick fuck we don't have much time." I told the horse looking at me finger her.

I laid own next to her and inserted my penis into her and began slowly fucking her. Again she did the whole clamping on the penis thing and it was extremely sensual. While we were fucking she cummed a few times leaving me smelling like hay and urine and yet I still fucked her harder while she whinnied in pleasure. When I cummed I cummed a lot until my balls felt drained dry. I got up cleaned out all the dirty hay and gave both the horses hay and let them out. Smokey looked at me the entire time with a face that read you lucky bastard.

I grabbed my clothes and walked into the house threw my clothes in the wash and took a long shower. After I got out and brushed my teeth I stilled smelled of sweet hay and I liked it. I decided that I needed to study for my finals next week and so I went to my desk to study. After an hour of futile studying I gave up my mind was on Anne the entire time. I grabbed all my study materials and headed out to Anne's pasture. I was a bright sunny day and very warm outside so I sat down in the green grass leaning against a fence post that separated Anne and Smokey. I found myself at ease and could study better. After a while Anne came and laid next to me and then soon after Smokey did to. For the next four hours they would take turns lying next to me as I studied in peace. I got up after the four hours, made lunch and gave each of the horses a carrot and then I went back to studying. After about two more hours of blissful studying I heard the phone ring. I grabbed all my studying stuff and ran into the house, threw all my stuff on the table and snagged the phone as it was on its last ring.

"Hello" I said breathlessly into the phone

"Hi this is Professor Green from Marian University in Salt Lake City, Utah. I am looking for Clyde?"

"This is him" I said starting to catch my breath.

"Are you ok?" Green asked

"Yeah I am fine I just ran from the barn to catch the phone."

"Oh sorry I can call back later if you're busy."

"It's no problem I was just studying with the horses."

"Studying with the horses?"

"Yeah they help me relax and focus."

"That's awesome. I have a question for you."

"Go ahead I am all ears."

"My best friend is Professor Lane from your college. And she told me about you, and the fact you're her top student."

"Yeah I have professor lane as my teacher and I try hard to succeed."

"Well there is a genetics lab about an hour away from your town and I was wondering if you would like to go with my top students and me."

"How many people is that?"

"Only 4"

"Ok when is this" I said grabbing scrap paper and pencil.

"The week after next the 15th of June"

"Ok the week after finals I like that"

"Yeah your teacher thought you might she said you will get credit for it."

"Like I need the credit points but sure I will go."

"What dorm complex do you live in so we can pick you up?"

"Oh I don't live in a dorm complex. They were all full so I rented a house outside of town. "

"Is it hard to find?"

"Yeah kind of but I will meet you at the highway and follow you there."

"Ok if you want we can do that and we will be staying at the local motel the night before and after. "

"Ok sounds good"

"Cool I will call you the morning of the 15th"

"Sounds good"

"Ok bye now"

"Bye" I said as I hung up the phone.

I looked at the clock on the wall and realized I spent my entire day studying and it was 530. Time to go feed the horses, also time to fuck Anne I dirtily thought to myself. I went out feed the horses and got them in the stall and brushed down both horses while they ate. When Anne finished eating she waited till I stripped out of my clothes and got in the stall to go lay down. I was leaking precum already with the thought of Anne. She looked at me and I walked over to her and she started to lick my dick again. I realized as she started playing with my balls that she wanted 69 again. So I lay down next to her and crawled in between her soft warm flanks.

I stuck my face in her pussy and when she winked her pussy I saw that the inside was a ruddy pink colour. That by what the internet said was that she was in heat. Either it was her time to be in heat or made her go in heat; in any case I loved it. I explored her pussy with my hands and fingers making her excrete liquids which I greedily lapped up like a dog. I stuck my fist in and out of her and she started the muscle contractions and pulled my arm in farther. I eventually had my arm in past my elbow and was touching her vagina cause her to shake with pleasure. She finally orgasmed, covering my arm in vaginal fluids and urine. I pulled my arm out and began to fuck her with my tongue and she began to fuck my balls and penis harder causing it to throb and feel like it was going to explode. After about five minutes of face fucking her sweet hay smelling vagina she orgasmed onto my face which I drank. Surprisingly her urine mixed with vaginal fluids was not bad. At that time I cummed into her mouth and she cleaned up my penis and made it rock hard again.

I moved over to her ass when she laid her head down and began to fuck her slowly. She was so horny by now she was contracting her muscles like crazy causing me to have a wild erotic sex drive that made me pump faster. I was going so fast that my balls slapped against her with each pump and made her go faster and spurred me on until I cummed out my entire sperm count into her orgasming pussy. When her muscles released my penis I was covered in horse urine and vaginal liquids. I quickly cleaned up the dirty hay put fresh hay in. then gave her some grain and said good night.

I went into the house took a shower and went to bed because I was so tired. After an hour of fitful tossing and turning, I realized that I needed Anne. I headed outside and went into Anne's stall where she was standing up sleeping. She awoke when I walked in. I talked to her as I petted her. As if she knew what was going on, she went over to her bed of hay and laid down. I went to curl up next to her but she started to pull my clothes off. so I stripped down to the nude, hung my clothes on the stall door and then laid down next to her with my head on her front legs. She rested her head on my chest and we both fell asleep holding on to each other.

I awoke the next morning to feel Anne alreading going at my balls and erect penis. When I looked at her doing this she stopped looked at me and lifted her tail.

"You really enjoy this don't you?"

I asked her as crawled between her legs and stuck my dick in her winking pussy. I held on to her as best I could and fucked her like I would fuck a woman. even though their vagina was meant for larger dicks so it was loose around my dick, the muscle contracts she did still made it very erotic and made me cum better than any hand job could do. I don't know if a woman could do just any better. After I had her orgasm two times she finally made me cum and milked my balls dry of any semen. I cleaned out the hay and gave fresh hay to both horses and then let them out before I grabbed my clothes and went inside to shower.

I grabbed all my study stuff and headed back outside to study. I basically spent Sunday like Saturday except Anne and I fucked in the middle of the field after lunch and during our little fuck I noticed Smokey had a huge hard on and was bouncing it up and down. I read on the internet this is the stallion equivalent of humans masturbating. Sure enough after a couple minutes he ejaculated and his sperm flew at least 5 feet. I thought to myself, that's why people don't see mare's orgasming, stallions don't last long enough. In the half hour Anne and I fucked in the field I got her to orgasm a few times.

I realized that this was going to become a habit for Anne and I. both of us needed to fuck each other and needed each other to sleep. So now I was going to live in the barn with Anne. I don't mind though. The next week during finals I flew through them like a breeze. Anne helped me study so much and I passed the tests with flying colors. I graduated from laboratory science with honors and was now out in the real world looking for a job.

I fucked Anne every night and every chance we got. I built up such stamina for fucking I could make Anne cum three times before I did and when I did I cummed a lot. Anne eventually came out of heat but still fucked hard and probably even better when she wasn't in heat. Probably because her body wasn't ready for the sex. When she wasn't in heat we could go for hours just playing with each other.

I awoke on the 15th very excited and happy. I fucked Anne hard and long that morning. And then went into the house to get a shower after I fed them and let them out of the stalls. After I got out of the shower and was dressed I heard the phone ring.


Hi this is professor green.

Oh hello when you coming

We are on the highway now heading east towards the lab.

East towards green bluff?

Yeah that's it

Ok I am at mile marker 233 I will be waiting there to follow you.

Ok see you then

See you later" I said as I hung up the phone

I walked outside to see the two horses waiting for me at the fence. I walked back into the house and dug through the fridge for two carrots. I found two apples instead and brought them out to the horses. I pet each of the horses and licked Anne's pussy which was dripping juice and then strapped on my helmet pulled on my leather jacket hopped on my bike and took off down the road after I said goodbye to Anne. I pulled out at the highway next to mile marker 233 five minutes later. Three minutes later a green van pulled up along the side of the road next to me. A middle aged lady with dimples and short blond hair poked her head out the window.

Are you Clyde? The lady called

Yup that's me" I replied

I am professor green you can just call me green everyone does

Ok green I will follow you on my bike.

Sounds good to me. And with that she took off and I followed her for about a half hour to a small ranch of the side of the highway. We were greeted at the door to the house by a man in a lab coat. Something you don't normally see on a farm. He led us inside the farmhouse which on the inside looked like more of a lab. He informed us that the ranch was to get samples and the house was three layers and each layer was a different lab. He then proceeded to ask if any of had graduated yet. I was the only one in the group who had.

What did you graduate in?" the scientist asked me his name Malachi.

Masters of Genetical Science sir.

Good we need one more person in genetic science. Would you like a job here?

Well I don't have my resume with me

Nonsense. You just work here today and we will see what you think. Right now all we have is Rachel working down in the genetical science we need at least two people down there." he said handing me a white lab coat. Head to the 3rd floor and call out for Rachel. Tell her we will be there in about an hour.

Ok" I said as I put on the lab coat and headed to the elevators on my left.

I reached the third floor to see a lab covered in all sorts of genetical stuff our school could barely afford.

Rachel are you down here? I called out

Hiya!" a cute blond petite woman said as she popped out from behind a shelf. This woman was a goddess. Anne in human form if Anne had blonde hair. She had at least a triple d rack on a small beanpole thin body. She had a nice round ass to.

Hi I am Clyde, Malachi will be here in about an hour and I was just hired.

Hired? He didn't tell me.

Well I just got hired not even three minutes ago.

Well that explains it. She sniffed the air then smiled will you please follow me

Sure I said and followed this long blond haired goddess.

She led me to a secluded area in the back among a bunch of shelves. Then turned around grabbed me and pinned me against a wall. For such a small girl she was strong.

Wait what's going on I asked.

You smell like sweet hay in the fall and you smell erotic.

I thought to myself it must be Anne's pussy.

I want you to fuck me hard and don't say anything to anyone. She commanded me

Are you sure I asked

She answered by kissing me deeply and passionately and began to undress me. She pulled off my lab coat and then proceeded to unbutton my shirt. I was so turned on by the thought of how a woman feels after fucking Anne for a long time I was curious to find out. I started unbuttoning her lab coat while we kissed and when she took my shirt off she started to feel my muscles I earned while taking care of the horses. It was completely erotic and felt good. I slipped her shirt off to see her wearing a beautiful white bra topped with purple lace. We continued to kiss passionately as I removed her bra freeing her large breasts from their prison of cloth. They glowed in the artificial light. We stopped our kissing and she moved down to my pants and started on her beasts kissing and sucking on them making them hard. She dropped my pants and under wear down to my ankles and started giving me a blowjob. I still think my horse can do it better but she did a pretty good job massaging the ball and taking my shaft down her throat.

After about 5 minutes of this I stood her up and removed her pants and her white panties which were very wet about this time. I laid her down on the floor and started on her pussy which was extremely small compared to Anne's. I still used most of the same techniques I used on Anne. While I was playing with her pussy she wiggled around so she still had my cock. Let's see how this 69 compares to my horse I thought. It felt good but it wasn't like Anne. Her pussy tasted and smelled different. I still managed to get her to cum and orgasm several times before I finally pulled away and started to actually fuck her.

I stuck my dick in her very wet pussy and started slow. It was weird because women can't contract like horses can so it was very different. As I pumped her very fast she just gasped and moaned and orgasmed at least twice. I thought to myself gosh she is easier than my horse in heat. When I felt like I was about to cum I asked her if she wanted it in or out. She moaned that she wants it in. So with her orgasming for a final time I cummed inside of her, filling her with my seed. When I pulled out of her soft orgasming pussy, my seed leaked out and onto the floor. What I haven't realized with fucking Anne for so long is that I now ejaculate a lot more sperm in one orgasm than most men.

She leaned back and hit a shelf. A small beaker fell of the shelf and dumped on my genitals and shattered on the floor. Rachel stood up and looked at the green fluid all over the floor with a shocked look on her face. She then took a deep breath and told me that it was going to be ok. That beaker was a failed test. It was supposed to dye DNA but it never worked. That was a relief to me. Rachel got her clothes on then went a grabbed a towel I quickly dried off then got dressed then helped Rachel clean up the mess. It was just in time to because just then the elevators opened and Malachi and the group walked out. I leaned over to Rachel and said you realize it took us an hour to fuck each other. She leaned back and said you're that damned good.

The rest of the day past rather uneventful, I was hired at the job so I finished up work then headed home. When I got home Anne was waiting for me at the fence. She nickered softly as I approached her after I took off my helmet and parked my bike. I told her the good news, the fact I got hired. As if she knew what to do she turned around and flared her winking pussy at me. I fucked her with my fist causing her to orgasm three times in fifteen minutes. I pet her goodbye after that then went to feed them as it was five thirty already. I realized when I went to feed the horses I was low on hay for both the horses. I fed the horses then went into the house to call Jim.

After I called Jim and he agreed to drop more hay off the next day while I was at work I went and took a shower. While in the shower I was thinking about anne. I wasa thinking about how she would feel if I had a horse sized dick. When I was thinking about this my groin started to feel really weird. I ignored it and thought about wha if I had a huge dick like smokeys. I bent over to grab the soap when I realized something weird. Something extremely weird. I now had a horse sized dick that looked exactly like smokeys! I started to panic and freak out and then yell to my self.

Where is my dick! I began to yel at my self. Then to my amazement the dick began to shrink and turn into my old dick. I stopped and thought about this for a second. Wait if I think about a dick I can grow r shrink it. I told myself. So I put it to the test. I turned off the shower and cleaned the mirror of the fog and stared at my nude self. First I thought of a horse dick I seen on the net. To my surprise the more I thought about it my dick began to change until it was hat dick I was thinkin about. So then I thought about smokeys dick and my penis changd into that dick.

What I did next was kinda funny but I had to try it. I thought about smokeys dick but human sized and to my complete surprise I could do that to! I so wanted to try it out on anne but one thought kept me from doing it. I was wondering if the sperm was human or animal, I caame to the conclusion of testing it tommorow at the lab. As I was thinking about anne I thought how far could I take this.. I thought about rachels tight pusssy and before my vey eyes my human sized horse dick began to adhere to my body and move down towards my rectum. I felt a slight quesyness in my stomach as my organs began to move and the penis split open and became the lips of my new pussy and then the balls shrunk down and moved down to become my clit.

I now had a pussy that looked exactly like rachels in the lab. As I thought about rachel and her soft curvy body my body began to change untill I looked exactly like her. I wanted to take this farther so I thought about annes pussy. My hips grew wider and annes large pussy took th place of rachels. I was so horny by this that I decided to take it one step further. I walked out to the barn completely naked and grabbed a lead rope by the barn door and went into smokeys stall. I led smokey over to the hy stacks and tied smokey to a ring on the wall then spread a soft blanket I found in the tack room over the hay and layed down right where smokeys penis could enter me. No matter what I did I could not make him hard or wanting to fuck me. I then remembered something I read on the net, I quickly thought about annes winking pussy in heat and got my mare pussy a ruddy pink color inside and began to wink my pussy at him. This got smokey instantly hard as the smell of a mare in heat hit his nose and he bent down to investigate. He took one wiff of my pussy and began to lick it. I screamed in pure pleasure and orgasmed all over his nose. Smokey liked this and so he bagan to tounge me. As his large tounge cleaned my pussy in and out I screamed moaned and had full body orgasms all over his nose. Just as I was about spent he straddled the hay bale I ws laying on and inserted his massive penis into me.

To be Continued