Strange Times, Preface-History(edited)

Story by Lucas Kale on SoFurry

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Strange Times, Preface- History

It is 2052 and the British government has been overthrown by a tyrannical government that is known as The Architects. The founder, a megalomaniac shadow dragon by the name of Kalseru,has taught his followers to believe that it was their destiny to bring peace to a chaotic world through fanatic militarization. He infiltrated the Buckingham Palace by disguising himself as an ambassador of foreign country, although the country is unknown due to the influence of Kalseru. As he earned the trust of her majesty Queen Aliana, a white tigress at the age of thirty-four, he turned many loyal subjects to the way of the Architects so that when he made his move he would have plenty of recruits defend him until he had absolute power.

Dukes, Lords, Ladies, and Royal Nights loyal to the queen started dying one by one in what appeared to be simple accidents. Over the course of 6 months over forty important figures loyal to the queen, as well as several that were known to be antagonists to the British government, had either died or disappeared. These were killed by the orchestrator of the accidents to keep suspicion at bay. Those that died were replaced by newer, inexperienced figures that were either loyal to the Dragon or would be useless in defending key points of the city. Everything was ready for Kalseru to make his move.

He murdered the the royal tigress at a planned dinner that had in attendance all the high officials that were still loyal to the queen. He had the chefs add a slow and painful poison that paralyzed the victims skeletal muscles within minutes of ingestion. The victims still could hear but they could not move any part of their bodies as they watched in horror as the ruthless dragon calmly slit the queen's throat. Soon the official's body systems began to shut down and the last thing that they heard was the cruel laughter of the diabolical dragon. Any force in Europe and its controlled countries that stood against the new government was eradicated by the loyal soldiers that followed every command that was issued by Kalseru.

Kalseru 's influence had spread all across the European, African, Middle Eastern continents before the other countries started resisting. Half of China and Russia had been overtaken by the Architect forces and were won back at heavy costs. All that these countries could do was to erect barricades to defend themselves from the Architect hordes. They established a truce with Kalseru to keep him from using his forces to invade Russia or China. As long as they paid a moderate tribute to him, he would let them live in peace of sorts. He kept soldiers patrolling the borders to remind the respective countries from getting any rebellious thoughts.The patrolling soldiers were also there to arrest any fur who tried to cross the border.

There was one group of soldiers who were special to Kalseru. These soldiers were the best of the best and each of the twenty-five furs had enhanced abilities. There were those who could levitate, conjure and control fire, teleport, and various other abilities. Those that were most valued were the ones with abilities to heal at a rapid pace, channel their own spiritual energy into their weapons, and were altogether smarter, stronger, and faster than any other of these special soldiers. These soldiers were known as Knights of the Dragon.....but there other names that they were known by and the most feared of these names was The Dragus.

This name was feared so because of the rampage that the Draguses did in the name of Kalseru. They destroyed farms, business, homes, and other things that belonged to those that got in Kalseru's way. Those that did get in the tyrants way were convicted of crimes against the the religion of the Architects and were sentenced to slavery in the various mines that supplied Kalseru with all the resources that he could ever need. They were also sent to places were small rebellions sprung up and completely destroyed anyone who had any connection to them except those that were young enough to learn the ways of the architect.

One such fur was a male kitsune by the name Damon Kale that was at the age of 5 but displayed the potential to be one of the strongest Dragus that ever existed. His abilities in spiritual energy already was that of a high ranking lieutenant. Damon was adopted by the leader of the Knights, who was a bull called Nickolai, and was raised to be one of the best. He succeed in this but something was always different about Damon. He spoke very rarely and when he did he was always very quiet and direct. His eyes were also odd. They seemed to swirl between sliver and black and no one could tell where exactly he was looking until he focused on something. All in all, Damon was a very unique individual.

It was a mission to the very same place that Damon was found that awoke suppressed memories and changed his life forever. It was a reconnaissance mission to discover if another resistance movement was being planned there. He looked about with a sense of Deja' vu as he entered the local inn. Something was very familiar about the place but he could not put his finger on it. He was about to head toward to the registration desk when something hit in the back of the head. When he turned around he saw a red fox tail trailing out of a closing door. He touched the wet spot on the back of his head pulled his hand away to discover that is was a tomato that someone had thrown at him.

He couldn't help but chuckle at the ridiculousness until he heard a cry of pain just outside of the inn. He rushed out to find Nickolai punching a female fox in the stomach. When Damon saw this, memories of his mother came back to him in a flash. The same thing happened to her and much worse, but hat was not the worst thing he remembered. No, the worst thing he remembered was that the fur who had did this to his mother was the very same one who had raised him for the past twenty-two years. Damon lost it as he shot forward and slammed his fist into Nickolai's face. Nickolai went flying into a building and did not get up again. The other Draguses that had come with Damon stared in awe at the sight if him in his full glory.

The female fox, whose name Seana, sat cowering in the street in front of him until Damon looked down at her and she saw that it was the same fur that she had thrown the tomato at. The pain that she saw in his eyes urged her to comfort kitsune in front of her. She got up tentatively wrapped her arms around him. Damnon's eyes widened when the warmth of another fur pressed against him. He looked down at the face of the female he had just saved and saw something that calmed him down. He saw a face that showed compasion for someone in pain and something he had never seen before. What he saw was something akin to love.

Seana looked up to see the same thing in the face of Damon that he saw. They continued to stare at each other until one of the Draguses ordered the others to arrest Damon. Seana saw the Knights coming and grabbed his paw and took off down the street. They turned several times and Damon would have gotten lost if he wasn't being dragged along by Seana. They came to a dead-end ant the end of an alley and the could hear soldiers getting closer. Damon was hit by another bout of Deja' vu as he stared at the wall. Seana was looking closely at but seemed a little agitated as she pressed her paw against several bricks but nothing happened. Damon reached out and pressed a brick 15 from the bottom and 8 from the right. A door opened up on the left as Seana looked at him with a questioning look on her face.

They looked around as they closed the door. They saw a lock on the inside of the door and quickly slid the bolt home. Seana began to question Damon about how he knew where the brick was. He began to tell her story as he looked off into the distance. He told her everything. About how he was the son of a fur who had started a resistance movement and was killed. About how he was adopted raised as a Dragus and how he remembered everything. By the time he finished, Seana had wrapped her arms around him and had laid her head on his shoulder. She look up and told him of her life. How she was orphaned by a group of soldiers at the age of 6 and how she had survived by thievery.

When she had finished, Damon stood up and told her what they were going to do. They where going to leave the town and start a new life together in some distant land where Kalseru held no sway. That is, of course, if she would come with him. Seana looked up and told him that he was crazy if he thought that she wasn't going to go with him. Damon and Seana made out of the town without alerting the authorities. As they traveled across the continent they got to know each other better end better everyday. When they finally made it to Spain, they quickly found a ship that was headed to the United States. Once they were on board they were finally able relax. Seana and Damon both looked toward the horizon as they finally made the escape from their past.


5 years have passed since the escape and things were going rather well. The power of Kalseru 's influence had spread across the globe and most of the world was either sworn to obey him payed tribute so as not to have their way of life destroyed instead of merely altered. The Resistance had sprung up almost immediately after Damon and Seana had escaped. They had bases all over world, usually hidden in plain sight. It was in one of these bases that a miracle was happening. Seana was in labor as Damon stood by comforting her as best he could. With what seemed like the final push, Seana gave birth to a silver furred, three-tailed fox. The fox did not cry out as a normal newborn would do but instead held out his arms to his mother. She began to reach out to the child when a ripple of shot through her. The doctor quickly returned to his post and loudly shouted that another child was being born. Seana made one final push before she ran out of energy. This fox child seemed to the opposite side of the first. He too had three tails but his fur was pitch black. this fox reached out to his mother without crying just as the silver one did.Seana held both in the crook of hers arms and named them both. She turned toward the silver one and named him Daren. She then turned to the black one and named him Lucas.She looked up at her husband who leaned down and welcomed his children to the world.

Strange Times, Ch. 1 & 2 - Arrest & Escape

Hi, this is my first story online so I don't how good this will be. I would like to thank lunar wolf for the inspiration I needed to get started. Here is the annoying disclaimer thing.....wait, this chapter doesn't need one. But just...

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