Love Potion #10 - Part 3

Story by Thakur on SoFurry

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#8 of Love Potion

Derek's first week in her new life.

I woke up and glanced at my clock. Shit, it was already 3:00! I'd slept my whole fucking Saturday away, when I could have been humiliating Derek! Or should I say "Slutpuppy"!

Groggy, I slid out of bed, stumbling over to my clothes. I didn't need to take a shower - I wasn't planning to go anywhere anyway. At least not with kids. Sure, they all respected me and laughed at my jokes, but we didn't, you know, hang out. A better arrangement than when I hung out with that dweeb Derek. Ha! Come to think of it, I really didn't have any friends anymore. My last one was a bitch now!

I could still hardly believe that magic had worked, but I wasn't about to question it. Derek Smith was so stupid and useless that this was an upgrade for him. Now instead of annoying me, he was amusing me. And more...I tried to pull on my jeans and noticed I had a bit of morning wood - or afternoon wood, anyway. Sure I'd always been a little turned on by all the random dogs fucking in the Smith's yard, but when I knew that it was Derek panting and humping beneath Pancakes, it was another thing altogether. I'm fucking amazed Mr. Smith didn't notice the huge tent I was pitching.

Thinking about it only made my hard-on worse. I needed to jack off, badly. I turned toward my computer and hit the button to power it on, when I heard ka-click! My sister's door closing! She wasn't usually around this late. Curious, I opened my door a peek, making sure to keep my boner hidden.

It wasn't Sarah, but Derek. I didn't think he - I mean, 'she' - could use a door with those paws. Probably Sarah just kicked her out of the room. That fucking dog was probably trying to spy on my sister, that faggot. I watched the German Shepherd for a minute. She was panting and licking her lips. Probably caught a glimpse of my sis's cooter.

Beep! My computer was done starting up. Wait a fucking minute. Why the hell would I masturbate? I've got a queer bitch dog now. I opened the door, and called, "Slutpuppy, come!"

She just glared at me. The nerve of that motherfucker. I bet he would, too, if his mother ever gave him the chance. But she wouldn't because even she knew how pathetic Derek was. Oh, and because she'd never ever see her son as a boy again. I glared back and said, "You want to go to the pound, fucker? Get in here!"

That did the trick. 'Slutpuppy' lowered her tail and cowered, then walked forward. I opened the door for her, and snapped it shut when she got inside, locking it. I wasn't about to risk my sister walking in on what was about to happen. The former boy still glared at me as I chuckled and sat on the edge of the bed, saying, "How was your first night of your new life, dogfucker?"

She sat on her haunches, not moving, just watching me.

"What's the matter? Cat got your tongue? Just wag your tail if you're happy." She didn't move her tail an inch. I clenched my fists. "Ungrateful little bitch! I know how much faggots like you love the cock, think about all the dog-dick you're going to be getting now! It would have been four hundred fucking years before some dude took pity on you and fucked your ass."

I was getting nowhere. The old Derek would have been bristling by now at comments like these, all but ready to punch me if he didn't realize how bad I'd beat his ass down. Slutpuppy, though, just took it quietly, not even fazed. This was no fun!

Well, I knew what to do. "Well, now that you're a working dog, time to get you acquainted with your new job - doing anything I want." With that, I unbuttoned my jeans and slid off both my pants and underpants, grunting as my hard cock entered the chilly air. My dad liked to keep heating costs down, and this was proving to be a pretty cold autumn.

That got Derek's attention. Her jaw dropped, and she was staring at my exposed dick. I knew she was a fag. This was going to be easier than I thought. "That's right, girl. You're gonna suck me off, and you'll fucking like it. And if you don't - or if you try to hurt me - believe me I won't feel sad for one second while the vets are injecting you full of poison."

Eyes wide, she began shaking her head back and forth, inching backward looking abso-fucking-lutely horrified. Good, Derek still wants to live. The day she finally gives up hope is the day I lose control of her. And the day she'll have to die - one way or another..

I slid my pants the rest of the way off, until I was completely naked. "Come on, bitch, I haven't got all day!"

I guess I was surprised she really went for it. I know I'd rather die than lick another dude's cock. But then, I wasn't a fag like Derek. Though she cringed, she started walking toward me. "Good girl!" I praised, laughing.

She growled at that, which only made me smile wider. This was so awesome! I'm so glad my bitchy sister made us go to that dipshit's magic shop. Think of all the money that...Ruth?...could be making with potions like this? "Go ahead, keep growling," I sneered. "I always wanted a dog-skin rug..."

That shut her up. She stopped just in front of me, refusing to look at my exposed dick. "Pretty big, huh? Bigger'n your pencil dick, anyway. Oh wait, I forgot - you don't even have one anymore."

Derek didn't seem amused, but I was laughing my ass off. "Now get lickin'! I wasn't joking, you little homo."

Now, I put on a good show, that's for sure, but my heart was racing on the inside. No one'd ever touched my cock but me before, much less seen it. I wasn't gay, so I didn't go around showing it off to my old friends. I wouldn't even be doing this if I didn't know from rather close inspection that Derek was a bitch now. Besides, she wouldn't be telling on me. I was her master now, and I was going to take full advantage of that fact.

Derek hesitated a lot before she finally picked her front paws up and placed them on the edge of the bed between my spread legs. My stiffy was just inches now from her face. For a first blow job this was pretty weird: she'd been a boy the day before and now he was a dog, but she was a girl now, and she wasn't really a dog for real. So it wasn't really sick or anything.

"Come on, Slutpuppy," I said, impatient.

I was panting already, my blood pressure through the roof as I watched the German Shepherd in disbelief. She leaned forward, closing her eyes and taking a long, tentative lick along the base of my cock. Oh god! It felt awesome, but I couldn't help from tremble watching those sharp teeth so close to my pride and joy. Even before the first lick was done, leaving a thin trail of warm saliva, I grabbed her head in my hands. Immediately I felt better, like I was in control. "Faster, bitch," I encouraged.

She did lick faster, slathering the belly of my rigid cock. I pushed Derek's muzzle this way and that to reach just the right places. I thought it would be like masturbating, but it wasn't fucking anything like it. When I jerked off, I anticipated every motion, every sensation. Now, even with my hands guiding the action, I felt helpless. My whole body shuddered just from first few long, wet licks, watching Derek drop her jaw like a whore and wrap her huge, warm tongue around the base of my penis.

"Rrrmmm..." I groaned, slowly rocking my hips up and down against her tongue. "Gooooood giiiiiirl..." I managed to add. I pushed her muzzle up so she was lapping at my tip, which instantly began to feel numb, almost painful! Already I was leaking a few drops of cum, so I shifted my hips around, smearing it across Derek's nose. I'm not sure the fucking slut even noticed, still licking with her eyes closed.

One drop followed another, until my cream was spilling down my tip onto my shaft, but to my amazement, Derek just gulped it all down, finding every last drop and slurping it up. "Holy shiiiiit!" I groaned. It had only been a few seconds, but watching Derek go to town on me like that had me ready to explode already! She was licking faster and harder now, really getting into it like the cockfag I knew she was.

I tried to push the desperate bitch away to cool off and let the moment last, but she pushed forward, her tongue glued to my dick. "Ah! Ah!" I cried, shifting my weight to get a better grip on the bed. With my new position, I could finally push Derek away, but it was too late. "Ahhhh!" I cried, holding the German Shepherd's a few inches away as I shot all over her face. Two, thick spurts splattered her face, the strongest ejactulation I'd ever felt. The first smacked right into Derek's right eye, and the second landed flat in her open mouth. Even as I shuddered, I watched the horny bitch gulp it down.

God damn! That was -

"Ow, hey!" I cried, pushing 'Slutpuppy' away. As soon as I'd let her head go, she was back on my cock, slurping up the last few dribbles from my climax. It hurt! "Stop that!" I reprimanded, but she was still pushing forward to get a lick. She even whimpered pitifully, licking her lips, her eyes fixed on every drop of cum.

I held her there, panting, for a few moments, until I was ready. I let go of her carefully, saying, "Alright, clean it up." I swear, Derek's tail was wagging as she leaned forward and lapped up and down every inch of my cock. It still hurt a little, but at least it was clean. I wouldn't need a tissue this time.

"Jesus Christ, Derek," I said, accidentally forgetting to use her new name. "You really are a faggot."

* * * * *

What was I doing!? Sure, I didn't really have much choice but to suck Ben off, but I didn't have to enjoy it. But, just like with Samson, once I got a taste, my body lost control. My cheeks burned as I lapped at Ben's salty, musky cock, humiliated each time he called me 'girl' or dirty names. Even though I hated what I was doing and the last thing I wanted to do was please Ben, I couldn't stop myself. I had to have every last drop of cum.

Not that there was much of that to go around. I'd gulped up ten times as much from just the seed that spilled out of my pussy after Samson had taken me. Ben just gave two little spurts, and that was it, and he must have only lasted thirty seconds. I licked my chops, refusing to look at my former friend and his smug, pleased grin.

Ben got up and threw on some clothes, not bothering to shower even though I could smell the sweaty odor of his body from miles away. He did at least put on some deodorant, but it hardly covered up his aroma. Luckily, along with my super sensitive dog nose, like a dog, I didn't care too much about 'bad' smells. Smells were just smells.

"Come on, Slutpuppy," Ben said. "We're going for a walk."

I followed him, if only because I knew he'd force me to follow him eventually. How on earth was I going to get out of this? I couldn't talk, I couldn't write (very well), and if I started acting too weird, Ben could use that as an excuse to send me to a shelter. Even if I did write something in the dirt, in all likelihood, they'd refuse to believe it was me, and not some sort of prank (especially with Ben around). I could jump the fence (maybe) and run for it, but I didn't even know the magic shop's name. I'd likely end up in a dog-catcher's net.

Sarah was my best bet. I had to show her my intelligence, slowly, over time. Nothing too creepy to spook her, but building, so that she couldn't deny each individual step until she finally realized that I was not a mere dog. Then I could write for her. Until then, I'd have to be obedient...

Downstairs, Ben found the leash, and latched it onto my collar. Then, he saw the dog food and laughed. "You've gotta be hungry, huh, Tinkerbell? Let me get you some delicious kibble."

He used scissors to cut a hole in the bag, a rich, meaty scent wafting from the opening. He poured about a cup of meat cubes into the bowl and set it in front of me, saying, "Eat up!" condescendingly.

Jokes on him! It smelled delicious, and judging by my recent...change in opinion over tastes and smells, I knew it would taste delicious. Sure, it would be humiliating to eat out of a bowl like a dog in front of Ben, but nowhere near as humiliating as getting fucked by three dogs in front of him. Still, I decided to pretend like I wouldn't like the food, so that he wouldn't lose interest in feeding me. I know Ben had a lizard when he was eight and it died of starvation.

I took my first, crunchy bite, and cringed. But it was just acting - like I suspected, the meat tasted great, even if it was the brand-name brands that I knew were mostly soy and corn. And I was ravenous. I found it really difficult to slow down and keep up the appearance that I was disgusted. I tucked my tail between my legs, making absolutely certain I didn't wag and give the game up. Still, I couldn't help but lick up every edge of the bowl when done, to Ben's raised eyebrow.

"Come on, girl, time to show you off!" Ben grinned.

He probably didn't know I had already been for a walk. He seemed to think that I would be crushingly humiliated being walked like a dog, but it just reminded me of Sarah, which just reminded me of...what happened in her bedroom. Ben kept yelling "heel" and "sit" without much regard or sense, but I performed admirably. And, whenever we passed another person, Ben stopped and chatted them up.

"Such a beautiful girl!" one of our neighbors said, kneeling down to scratch behind my ears and pet me. It felt pretty good, and, come to think of it, I was pretty beautiful. The potion hadn't skimped on my new form - I was possibly the best example of a German Shepherd I'd ever seen, and dozens upon dozens had come to be bred in our backyard. Coupled with my intelligence, I could win every dog show this side of Paris. Wait, every dog show.

Somehow, I doubted Ben knew what a good specimen I was, or I'd already be registered. He would just love to enter me into shows.

After the fifth person he showed me off to, I think he gathered that I didn't mind the attention. His goal was to humiliate me! His best effort was to say, "This change has really boosted your popularity!"

I shrugged that off like so much water off a duck's back. Of course I was more popular as a dog. Who wouldn't be? Short of celebrities, I couldn't think of one person who wouldn't be more appealing if they were a canine. But I'd never strived for popularity, I'll take my hands, feet, and voice back, thank you very much.

Ben sighed, clearly not getting the reaction he wanted. Maybe I should have acted more ashamed (and I should have), but I was enjoying frustrating the teenager too much. He walked around the corner of the block until he reached the train tracks that run a short way behind our houses. He took off into the train yard, which was all but abandoned, these days. Trucks and boats carried most of the freight these days, and passenger trains were completely dead. A train only came through about once every week, thankfully. They were loud as hell running past our neighborhood.

Big fences lined either side of the three track system, to keep little kids from wandering out of their backyards onto the tracks, but there were gates with high latches to move in and out. No trains were running, and on the third track, old, broken train cars sat and rusted. I used to come out here to read or think, when Zack was bugging me too much.

I walked near Ben's left side, like a good dog, as we walked past our own backyards. I could hear Pancakes and Beefstick barking and playing behind our high fence. What were my parents doing? I'd been gone almost a full day now. They must have already called the police. Didn't Ben care about what he was doing to them, if not me? Zack wouldn't mind, at least. He'd always said there wasn't enough room for two boys in the house, and now I wouldn't 'hog' the X-box.

We passed my house, and then Ben's, still walking along the tracks, until the tracks split into four. I'd seen this place a few times before, and it was the old loading yard. Nobody came here anymore, and thanks to the large fences, we were as far from civilization as we could get while still being in the city limits. I glanced up at Ben, curious as to why we were stopping.

"Alright, Slutpuppy," he emphasized, even though we were clearly alone. Was he going to make me lick him off again? He lead me over to a post next to the old, unused track, and quickly tied me there. As he walked over to a nearby, rusted train car, he continued, "Let's see how well that smelly cunt of yours works." He sat down, pulled out his Playstation Vita, and started to play. It sounded like FIFA 13.

I stood there, all alone, while Ben played his video games. I looked around the yard, but not a soul moved. I think I saw a cricket jump. If he was expecting dogs to be lining up to fuck me, he was going to be sorely mistaken. Sure, I absolutely reeked of heat, but scent didn't travel on its own. Only stray dogs who followed our route here would have a chance of finding me, and unlike most bitches, I hadn't been peeing every ten steps along the way. Smiling, I sat down and watched Ben, making sure to meet his eye each time he looked up, disappointed.

My triumphant expression was definitely frustrating my former friend. A minute passed, and then an hour, when finally Ben shut off his Vita and said, "We're not leaving here until you've been fucked, if I have to do it myself!"

He wouldn't really do that, would he? I mean, a blowjob was one thing. Needless to say, his new threat wiped the smile off my face. The sun was just beginning to set, and Ben was pacing. I think he was trying to decide if he'd have to fuck me, just so he wouldn't lose face. For better or for worse, I never had to find out.

There, back along the trail we took, was a large, black dog. He looked like a mix between a Doberman and a black lab, judging by his floppy ears, wide muzzle, and bright, golden-brown chest. He was just a bit smaller than a full-grown Doberman. I could tell he was male by the shiny, red point sticking out between his legs. Ben laughed when he saw him, and gave me the best pinched up gloating face he could. "Let the show begin!"

Was I frightened? Was I relieved? I knew that if Ben didn't find a dog here, he'd find some other, more horrible way to humiliate me. As embarrassing as it was to lift my tail to every passing dog, was I really dreading it? Pancakes, Beefstick, and Samson had all made me shudder, whimper, and moan beneath them. I had no reason to think this mutt would be any different.

Blackie was certainly forward with me. He'd no sooner reached where I stood tethered to the post then he'd poked his nose beneath my tail. His hot breath slathered at my swollen pussy, and my tail shot up. Instinctively, I felt like spreading my hind legs and taking him, but I knew better. Ben would think that I wanted it. Maybe I did? Regardless, I yipped and swivelled my hips away, snapping at my would-be suitor.

Ben laughed. "I don't think he's going to take 'no' for an answer, Slutpuppy."

He was right. Blackie chased me and I dashed back, until I hit the end of my lead with a yelp, forced by my collar to turn and face him. With nowhere else to go, I trembled as the large, black dog took his time, sliding up alongside me until his tail was wagging in my face. He snaked his nose around beneath my tail again, sniffing. I could hardly avoid seeing Blackie's heavy, intact balls, and just below that, his swelling cock. This was one virile, well-hung stray...

Whose size, if I didn't do something soon, I would experience firsthand. I considered attacking him, but he was larger and stronger than me, I was tied to the post, and I'd only been a dog for a day. I wouldn't know where to begin in a fight. I'd just have to make it impossible for him. I lay down, planting my belly on the ground with my tail between my legs.

Blackie whined, stymied for the moment. But he wasn't going to give up. He climbed over me, mounting me anyway, and began to waggle his hips back and forth. I could feel his slimy dick brushing through the black fur on my rump. Ben chuckled, grabbing his iPhone. "I've gotta record this - maybe I'll put it on Youtube!"

My ears perked up at that. This ordeal was bad enough without thousands of disgusting thirteen-year-olds watching videos of me being dry-humped by a dog online! I had to stop Blackie! Still, though, if I just stayed put, the horny mutt would have to give up eventually, and I'd manage to avoid a second fucking today. For what? So Ben could post a 'funny' video online, and then realize he needed a breeding harness to keep my hips in the air and get me fucked anyway? I had to stop Blackie and hope that Ben forgot all about recording me...

The dog's cock had grown considerably as he pounded my back. He might have gotten his smaller stature from a black lab, but his dick was pure Doberman. Judging by the sticky mess in my fur, he probably would have gone all the way, if I hadn't acted. I couldn't just lie there while Ben recorded us! Growling, I launched myself out from underneath him, spinning to face the Doberman-mix with a snarl.

Blackie looked startled, squaring off defensively against me, his glistening dick dangling beneath him. His knot was already half-swollen! Uncertain, the male tentatively moved to my left, but I headed him off, snapping my jaws. I wasn't about to let the mutt get around behind me again.

Frustrated, he began to growl, darting to my right. I would have none of it. I wasn't going down without a fight. Ben said, "You'd better give him what he wants, or I think he'll tear you up and then take it."

As if Ben knew anything about canine behavior. Still, I didn't have much experience with strays, and those teeth looked awfully sharp. I growled and held my ground. Blackie charged to my right, barking and snapping his teeth. I swear my heart folded in on itself, but I turned to face him and planted my feet. I could do this!

Except that the Doberman-mix had only been feinting. I darted right, and he pushed off to swivel to my left. Before I could turn again, he was behind me. I leapt and turned, but he turned with me, until my hips collided with the post, knocking the air from my lungs.

Blackie didn't waste one moment before he was on me, his strong, black paws curled around to hold my hips up in place. He jostled my spine with his fierce thrusts, his bony tip searching for my puffy entrance. I squirmed and jumped, but Blackie's grip was too strong - he'd caught me, and one glance at Ben was enough to show that the camera was still rolling.

"This is great stuff!" he said, excitedly, trying to keep his hands steady.

I took a deep breath and braced myself. Just like the other dogs, Blackie didn't care whether I 'wanted it' or not. Now that he was on my back, I knew that what was coming was inescapable. I closed my eyes, lifted my tail, and tried my damndest not to think about Ben recording us. The bastard had moved slowly closer, lowering the iPhone and angling behind me to get a nice close up of what happened next.

Hump! Blackie launched himself forward, his full, throbbing cock burying between my legs. My wet cunt spread easily for him, slurping over and around his shaft. Ben laughed, catching it all on tape, even the loud splorch! when the mutt slammed his enormous knot against my tight, puffy folds. I was already gasping for breath, but the force of the collision knocked the air out of me again. He wasn't even close to fitting!

But the big, stray dog seemed determined to try. He picked up a steady rhythm, quickly withdrawing his dick only to ram it wetly back in, the steady slap, slap, slap of his blocked knot echoing across the old train yard. I struggled to free myself, but his grip was too strong. All I could do was drop my jaw and whine while he pounded me mercilessly. Why hadn't I just raised my rump to him immediately!? He was supposed to swell inside of me, not try to ram right through my aching pussy!

Ben walked backward for a wider view, making sure to get the whole picture: the Doberman-mix humping the German Shepherd's brain's out, his heavy balls swinging back and forth. "Good boy," he said, more to the camera than to Blackie. "Knock that horny bitch up!"

Unfortunately for Blackie, if I even was fertile, he was probably already too late. Pancakes and Beefstick had had the first crack, and if they failed, it would be Samson. I could only pray that the magic, though powerful, hadn't made me a receptive bitch as well. What would I do if I got pregnant? How could this all have even happened, that I'd be asking such a question? What if...what if Ben taped me giving birth?

In and out he thrust, and as much as the collision at the end hurt, I couldn't help but feel my insides slowly burning up, a building heat that threatened to overwhelm my mind. The powerful male's cock spread my eager vagina apart, rubbing almost painfully up against my trembling clit. I was Blackie's whether I wanted it or not, and as the seconds ticked by, I wanted it more and more, until my whines turned to moans and I waggled my hips up and down, whimpering.

He gave two quick shoves that sent me reeling, my triangular mound stretching noisily apart. I felt like I was being torn apart for several seconds as each, heavy pump wedged more of his swollen glands into my cunt. Whining desperately, I grinded myself against his rock hard cock, spreading my legs until my knees shook from the strain. I just hope Ben couldn't see my tail wagging just out of his view.

Blackie's hot breath washed over the back of my neck, a large dollop of drool splattering my fur. He gritted his teeth, and with a grunt, launched himself forward one last time, to a deafening SQUELCH! His whole, huge cock burst inside my quivering pussy, the massive knot making my mound bulge lewdly out. As much as I wanted to ignore my former friend, I noticed Ben moving his phone up for a close-up of the tie.

Blackie clung so tightly to my slender hips that it hurt, his claws digging shallowly into my abs. With a heady howl, he punctuated his short, hard thrusts with a piercing splurt! The fourth dog in less than twenty-four hours began to pump his bubbling cum into my tight little womb. I tossed my head back and howled too, my entire body leaping and squirming in sudden, blissful spasms. Again I had to wonder why I fought so hard to keep these dogs off of me, when their throbbing cocks made me cum so fucking hard. I was still rocking my hips and yipping like a puppy when Blackie turned around, his still pulsing balls squeezed up between our butts. I whined, my womb full and sloshing with his seed, wagging unapologetically in time with the mutt. Finally, our heavy panting was catching up with our desperate need for air.

Ben said, "Thus ends day one in the heat of Tinkerbell, affectionately known as 'Slutpuppy'. Look at that bulge..." He held the phone up for another close up, before scanning the device over to me. I glared at him, feeling the heat rush to my face once again.

Ben chuckled, "Ooo-ey does she look pissed. I guess she wants some 'alone time' with her stud. Stay tuned for tomorrow, when we'll meet the next lucky dog to jump Tinkerbell. Or will this one get a second turn?" With that, the teenager turned off the camera, and said, "You're going to be an internet superstar, how about that, Derek?"

I growled at him, but he was too far away for me to bite. He wouldn't really post these, would he? It wouldn't be against Youtube's policies, so the videos would be online for anyone to see, forever, even if I managed to change back to a boy. I wanted to think that Ben would never be that cruel, but here I was, tied and whimpering to the first mutt to sniff me out. Ben clearly had no decency left.

* * * * *

And so began my routine for the next week. Every morning I would undo my pants, slip off my underwear, and call Derek over. Say what you want about the little queer, but she was a champion cocksucker. I rarely lasted two minute before I came all over her face. I didn't have to order her to lick it all up - she did that herself.

School started up again on Monday, which was fucking torture, but I couldn't skip or my parents would get on my ass, and the last thing I wanted was to be grounded. The show must go on! The minute I got home, I put her on the leash and walked to our special spot in the train yard. The first couple of days, I had to wait a while, but pretty soon Derek's slutty scent was all over that place. Dogs would come from miles around to see 'Slutpuppy', and I made sure to record every lewd, messy fuck. Twice, a train came by right in the middle of a fuck session, and I can only what the engineers were thinking.

By the end of the week, I would get at least two recordings in before dinner, and another two after. The big black mutt seemed to make the train yard his home, always ready for another go. But there were plenty of others. Let's see, there was that big, mud-covered mutt that looked like a cross between a poodle and something with pointy ears. There was the husky with the collar...what was the name? Bonkers Pravacek. I wonder if the Pravaceks knew what (or who) their dog got into when they let him out. Then there was the pitbull. God, that fucking thing was smaller than Derek, but he just grabbed her by the scruff and forced her down in one smooth, practiced motion and proceeded to plow her like she was nothing. I wonder how many other bitches he'd treated the same. And the twins on Thursday. Two nearly identical black-and-white spotted dogs teamed up against Derek. One would hardly be done with her before the other grabbed her cunt again. At one point, one had been so impatient he leapt onto the wrong end and dry-humped Derek's face. There were more, I know I'm forgetting some.

I still hadn't posted the videos online, though. I needed to figure out a good way to do it anonymously. Maybe I could upload them at the library? Regardless, I wasn't in a rush. All that mattered was that Derek thought I was posting every video online. I'd even tell her some of the comments she was getting. "Animos312 says he never knew a dog could be such a fucking slut. Will she ever stop?" and "You just reached one million views!"

I was so caught up in video taping that I completely missed when the police showed up at Derek's house. I had to walk Derek past the police car to get to my house, while the policeman talked to Mr. and Mrs. Smith on the lawn. Derek saw them, of course, but she didn't so much as whimper at her parents. Was she forgetting her old life? Or had the little faggot grown to like her new life so much she didn't want to change back? Or maybe she didn't want her parents to look her over and notice the sloppy cum-stains gushing down her cunt.

The police questioned me too, but I wasn't worried. What could they do? There wasn't any evidence that lead to me, and they weren't about to accuse me of witchcraft. I just said I didn't know, said he'd had home troubles, and probably ran off. I gave them my best puppy-dog eyes which worked with my idiot parents every fucking time, and said, "I just hope, wherever she...he is, he's happy."

Unfortunately, I think she really was happy! She made no effort to alert the police, even as she stood beside me. Sarah seemed to like Tinkerbell, and took the dog for walks in the morning, and sometimes would take Derek to her room to read. I was already almost certain the gay-boy was getting off to her new life, and then today sealed the deal. It was Friday, two days after the police showed up, and we were in the train yard right after school.

The pitbull showed up first, and took the first turn, quickly subduing his submissive German Shepherd bitch. Too quickly. And then there was the little orange dog. I had to look it up: a Pembroke Welsh Corgi. He also had a collar and his nuts were fucking huge for such a short, stubby little dog. He could barely reach Derek's cunt when standing up on two legs! He was insistent, though, hopping up and down like a crack baby and slathering his tongue all over her pussy. But try as he might, the little Corgi didn't have a chance with Derek.

Until Derek rolled over. Right there in front of me, Derek whimpered, rolled onto her back, and spread her legs. I swear, I almost shit a brick. Here, Derek finally had a fuck-buddy she could actually say 'no' to, and she was saying 'yes'. I had to make it sting. I laughed, "Oh my fucking God, you really want it, you queer!"

What used to ruffle her fur had no effect. She just tossed her head back, moaning and humping her hips as the surprisingly well-endowed Corgi climbed onto her, missionary style. I kept the iPhone camera rolling, but she knew I'd been taping her all this time. She must have come to terms with it. All my best lines and I couldn't even make Derek blush! It was infuriating.

After the Corgi pumped Derek's sore little cunt full of dog cum and went contentedly on his way, the black mutt showed up, and I shit you not, Derek just stood up, spread her legs, and lifted her tail, looking straight at me the whole time. Impudent little bitch!

But that wasn't even the worst thing that happened today. Before he could shove his meat thermometer into Derek's cock socket, another dog showed up. He came from down the tracks, toward the old pine forest. At first, I thought he was another husky, but he was a lot bigger, and greyer, and moved like he ruled the world.

"Holy fuck, a wolf!" I yelped, scrambling backwards so fast I tripped over myself and hit the dirty, metal floor of the train car, hard. I clambered to my hands and knees, forgetting about my iPhone and jumping out the back side of the train. I ran for the nearest fence, and scraped my knee climbing over it. I landed with a thud on the other side, my heart thudding in my chest.

Was I safe? I didn't know, but I was sore everywhere, and out of breath. Over the fence, I heard growling, and then a loud yip and a canine running. What was happening!? Was the wolf chasing me? I stood up, and peeked over the fence, to make sure I was safe, and to check on Derek. God, what if the wolf was hungry? What would he do to a free hot dog tied to a post? I was so fucking far from being done with Derek.

I had to step to my right to see through the train car. The wolf was hungry, for sure, but not for food. I watched as the humongous wolf grabbed Derek's scruff in his teeth and slammed himself home into her cum-sopping cunt with a wet squelch. Derek yelped, trembling, completely at the wolf's mercy.

I watched, entranced, as the bloodthirsty beast pounded Derek into submission, using her like a fuck toy. She could barely hold her ground, digging her claws into the gravel and letting out an ear-splitting whine as his humps jostled her back and forth. He fucked her ragged while Derek yelped, her mouth and eyes wide open. Then she wailed in some combination of fear and lust as the wolf tied her, short, sharp thrusts jerking her around as if she weighed nothing. Almost at the same time, both canines tossed their heads back and howled, shuddering as they both came buckets.

I had to wait ten minutes before the wolf managed to tug himself free, and I swear, Derek was cumming the whole time, squealing each time the wolf's balls clenched and squeezed another heavy load into her swollen baby chamber. He just panted patiently, back-to-back with her, not even looking at the bitch he was seeding. When he was done with her, he simply took off for the forest, not once looking back.

When he was far enough I way, I climbed over the fence again, wincing at my skinned knee. I climbed into the train car and grabbed my iPhone, which had been recording the floor of the car the whole time. Derek was watching me, her tail wagging and her tongue lolling. What kind of expression was that? I said, "What?"

She glanced downward, and I followed her eyes, and then I saw. My pants were wet. I'd...pissed myself, and she was laughing at me. At me! I had a dozen recordings of her getting off to dog-fucking, and she had the gall to laugh at me!

I grabbed her leash and dragged her home, but the whole time I knew she was laughing at me. I'd show her. If getting fucked by dogs wasn't humiliating her anymore, I'd just have to take it a step further. I looked out the window at her old house, and saw Zack throwing a tennis ball for Pancakes and Beefstick.

I knew exactly what to do.