The Vixen 3: The Bath

Story by JacktheRabbit on SoFurry

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#3 of The Vixen Arc

Tabatha returns home with Jack, the two discussing as the feline attempts to calm him.

Written by myself, Pseudo, and Tabatha_Cat. Takes place the same Jaabir/Lichthia RP-world from my gallery. Paige is played and owned by Pseudo. Jack belongs to me. And Tabatha is played and owned by Tabatha_Cat.

Fuzzy bundle held tight in her arms, the cat would walk and walk, seemingly never tiring. The sun moving across the sky. The forest would become thicker and denser. And still she walked, picking out a path in the wild. Without warning, the trees would part. Suddenly, they were in the middle of a large sunlit clearing. Nut trees and fruit trees lined the border of the cat's property, while a garden full of carrots and lettuce and so many good things laid out before them. There was a house, a little cottage, quaint, clean and well cared for. To a civilized furre, it would have seemed quite small, but to a rabbit like Jack who'd never seen anything fancier than warrens and such, it would likely be beyond anything he'd ever dreamed.

The little lop would be resting through most of their journey. He was a curious sort, but the recent surge of emotions had left him quite drained. There would be one little thought that creeped up as they went. What would Tabatha's den be like? The python's, Jaabir's took him weeks to ever really get used to, and even still felt a little nervous when he stepped. The vixen's, Paige's. . . he was just glad he was asleep first.

Jack's nose would greet him first, long before his eyes, of their new location. He'd look around then. Was this where the cat lived? It didn't smell like a predator's territory. All those scents. . . they were really inviting, calming. His curiosity, looked to return. He'd take another big whiff, looking to her garden with a raised muzzle. It smelled like. . . food, but it was much nicer than the roots he usually dug up. And. . . what was that thing? His eyes looked to the small house they were approaching. Was it a cave? It didn't look like a cave. "Is. . . t-that your den?" he'd question soft, tilting his head lightly.

"That it is!" the cat answered, walking through the gate up a path to the front door. "My den. . . .and your den as long as you stay with me." Cradling the rabbit one arm, she'd open the front door with the other. "I'll show you how to get in and out later, but for now, let's get you cleaned up." Sun streamed in through windows, and the walls and the ceiling were light blue. It was furnished the way one might expect a cat might like. Clean, simple, but comfortable, with no hard surfaces except for the tables. The floors were covered in thick carpeting, and a large overstuffed couch dominated the room, complete with scratches. Comfortable stuffed chairs were set about, and there was a coffee table, while doors opened to other rooms, and there was a stairway that lead to the second floor. "Alright, let's get you cleaned up," the cat would say softly, setting the rabbit on the floor. Everything in the house carried the cat's scent. She'd place a sheet down, and fetch a brush, then lift the lapine into her lap, and began gently brushing out the worst of the gravel.

He'd blink. Stay? His den? He didn't expect that. Before he could question it, Jack would feel himself approach and near the door. . . and enter without so much as a shiver. Things would settle in a little afterwards. . the smell of cat no longer drowned out so much on the outside as it was on the inside. Her scent was expected, however, and he'd remain calm. His eyes slowly looked about at the strange cave. He didn't know what any of these things were. . . but it seemed nice. It wasn't at all scary, not like Jaabir's, or the vixens.

He'd raise an ear at the cat, as he laid down. The rabbit very quickly turned his head down, and raised and lowered his paws. That felt different. He'd lean his head down. Was it grass? He'd sniff, and tilt his head. Didn't smell like grass. His confusion was pushed aside, when he was raised. Still, he wouldn't protest or struggle, only looking up at her when he was sat down in her lap. Her mention of 'cleaning' him, and being laid on her. . . did make him a little nervous suddenly, his head drooping. She was a cat after all, and she was going to lick him. . . and taste him, with her tongue. At least, that's what he expected. He'd blink, wincing a little on reflex as she began to brush. . . steadily growing more at ease with it. He was still confused, but wouldn't question it, only noting that he was feeling a little cleaner already. "I. . . l-like your cave. . ." he'd say softly, looking up at her.

The cat smiled, brushing the rabbit rhythmically. "Why thank you," she'd answer, "I'm quite proud of it." She'd brush gently, not wanting to cause the rabbit any discomfort. This would get the big stones and clods of dirt out, and then he could have a bath for the rest. "So, Jack," she'd continue conversationally, her casual tone giving no hint about how her next question bothered her. "How did you get so much dirt in your fur?"

Jack would smile back, just barely, a great testament to how quickly the cat's presence and actions were easing his trauma. His head lifted when she spoke to him. . . and he'd soon frown really low. "I. . ." The rabbit's head would droop, that simple question appearing to be quite upsetting. "T-the f-fox. . ." He'd breath a little quickly, shut his eyes for a moment, and try to relax. "S-she chased me. . . and I found t-that hole. . . and I hid. " He'd look up, still frowning. "S-she talked. . . a long time. And. . . s-said she was going to go. . . t-then. . ." Jack would cringe, nearly look to cry! "S-she pushed d-dirt on me. S-she was going to b-bury me. She w-wasn't going to stop. . . t-till I came out." He'd sniffle. "I g-got scared. . . and let her pick me up." The rabbit looked up to her eyes, large, soft, and brown. "T-thats when you came. . ."

As the rabbit grew distressed, the cat would set down her brush and hold him in both paws. She'd pat him as he worked to recount what distressed him so much. When she told him the end, she picked him up placed his on her shoulder once again, where shd could stroke him with her cheek. "Oh Jack, I'm so sorry," she'd say, holding him tight. "That's just awful." her chin would stroke up and down his neck and her whiskers would tickle him. "i'm a huntress myself, but that's something I'd never do. Prey need to be able to feel safe in their burrows. When one gets away from me, I let them go, it would be cruel to do such a thing." She'd hold the rabbit tight, rocking him back and forth, comforting him. She was, perhaps, a little less upset with the fox than it seemed. Paige was a wild pred of course. Unlike Tabatha, a missed catch could be the difference life and death. She understood that. And she'd try to stay on good terms with the fox, if only as a matter of principle. Still, she doubted she'd ever have any warm feelings towards her.

The rabbit would push his head close to her, when he was raised once again to her neck. Those strokes, rubs, and kind words brought him to nuzzle as before. .. though Tabatha would find her fur a little wetter this time. He was certainly still very upset and troubled by the experience. He'd been chased into his burrow before. . . but never had something threaten to close him inside and fill it with dirt and rocks. He'd listen quietly then, letting himself be rocked. Jack knew that Tabatha was a predator, he'd even seen her eat once. She almost ate him once too. Still, the way she spoke, he thought the cat was nice. . . even if she hunted. He'd raise his head, finally calming down. "I. . . t-tried to dig deeper. . ." He'd sniff. "there were too many rocks. . . it was too hard." The rabbit brought his head to rest again. "It wasn't my burrow. I f-found it when I was running. "

The cat was still holding the rabbit and rocking him gently. "It doesn't matter," she'd answer firmly. "It was a hole in the ground, and it was deep enough to protect you. She should have just left you alone after that, that's what I would have done." Not that very many prey had made it to cover after being chased by the cat. As she spoke, she'd set the rabbit down again and continue brushing. "I'd certainly never threaten to bury a prey, that's just wrong!" Brushing rhythmically, she'd continue her questioning. "You said she convinced you to come out?"

Jack wouldn't be one to argue, and he'd nod gently to her. Settling himself in her lap, he'd look up. "S-she s-said it was the only t-thing I could do. S-she knew I couldn't dig. . . s-said I could only go up. She wasn't going to stop putting in more dirt. I t-told her to stop and I'd c-come out."

"Hmmmph." The cat would snort. "That's just awful." She'd sigh. "Still, it'll be alright, we'll get you cleaned up." As she spoke, she'd put down the brush and get up. "Ok, that's as much as I can do with the brush. We're going to have to give you a proper bath." She'd disappear through a doorway, and there'd be the sound of running water.

The bunny would nod again, still baring a bit of a sad frown. He'd look to lower himself at the mention of 'proper bath'. What did she mean by that? "O-ok. . ." He'd sit still where he was, looking around himself, taking in his new environment. Jack took that moment to inspect that strange 'grass' beneath his paws again. He'd look down, and raise a paw at it, before lowering in a dig motion. It didn't really seem to give. Maybe if he. . . Huh?! The bunny would startle, tensing and looking off. He heard a sudden noise, and wasn't sure what it was. And. . . was that water? He'd very quickly go from alert to confused.

The cat would emerge from the other room, and walk swiftly through yet another door. "it's going to take a little while for that to be ready," she'd call out as she moved. "So while we're waiting I'm going to wash myself. The cat seemed to move swiftly, but there was a grace to her step and she didn't make any noise. "After all, it won'd do any good to clean you, if I'm I just get you dirty again." She'd appear yet again, this time with a bowl, which she'd beside the rabbit. It was full of water, like the little shells Lichthia had put in their own burrow. "Drink if you're thirsty," she'd say softly, reaching down to pull her own shirt over her head. The rabbit had never seen her less than fully clothed before, and it would make her look a little wilder, her upper body lean, and covered in dark lush grey fur. She'd lap the back of her paw with her tongue, before bringing it up to wash her face.

He'd look to the cat as she came back in, still not moving from his spot. The rabbit continued to nod, still not really sure what was going to happen to him, and it did make him a bit anxious. His eyes followed her as she walked around between the rooms. As with so many things in this cave, he'd grow distracted when presented with something new. What was that thing? He'd blink, and pull himself back a bit, a first a little hesitant. The rabbit sniffed then, and saw the water. Was it just a big shell? He'd get close and sniff again, gently lowering his muzzle and lapping. His eye's went a bit wide. Before meeting Lichthia, he often was forced to drink from a dirty stream away from the cleaner river water, just to make sure he was safe. After that. . . he was able to drink fresher water more often, and even the serpent's pond was nice. This water though. . . it tasted so much nicer, and it was cool and refreshing to his tongue. . . especially after all that exertion. His eyes shut as he lapped. He'd look up to her with a wet chin, "g-gosh. . . thank you. . ."

He'd notice then that the feline had removed her clothing. Wearing clothes was not something he truly understood, but his mouse friend, Lichthia, wore robes: She liked to take them off some time too, so this wasn't much different he reasoned. Still, it was strange to see her like that and he'd sniff just to make sure it was the same cat. His eyes looked her over then, with an innocent curiosity. Jack would soon watch her groom, finding her methods similar to his own. It was then he lowered his head, and looked to grow more nervous. The rabbit still didn't know what was going on in the other room, what that strange sound and pouring of water was really for. But hearing that the cat was giving herself a bath first, and then he'd get his own. . . the rabbit gave a tiny whimper. "A-are you. . .g-gonna lick me too? . .. "

Still rubbing at her face, the cat shook her head. "I can if you like, but I wasn't planning to." She'd smile. "Nothing is as thorough as a cat bath. But I was going to give you a bath in water." Sh'e'd pause to think how to explain, while licking at her shoulder. "It's like swimming in the pond, only water is warmer and it smells of lavender." She'd chuckle softly. "I detest it myself, but I think you'll find it very pleasant."

The rabbit took a small sigh at the answer, one of relief. Being 'tasted' by a cat, or any predator, was a scary notion to him. He'd look a little uncertain at the offer, getting a 'cat bath' if he wanted it. He wasn't sure he would, however, he was also pretty certain he would never let a snake coil around him either. Jack would blink, and what did she mean 'bath in water'? His head tilted at the explanation. A pond? He wasn't sure why the cat didn't like it. . . but it sounded nice to him. "O-oh. . ." he'd reply softly, shaking his head. "I. . . d-don't think I w-want to be licked." he'd ease his head back and think to add politely, "n-not now. If t-that's alright." He'd pause, "the rest sounds ok. . ." His head leaned forward to take another drink. "What's lavender? . . ." he'd whisper between laps.

"It's a kind of plant with a nice smell," she'd tell him. "You'll see the water has a nice smell. Its in there to clean you." She'd continue to lick herself as she spoke. "So tell me, Jack, how did you happen to be alone?" Again the tone would be quite casual despite the cat's concern.

"Oh. . ." he'd say again, nodding to her, and turning his head slowly toward the sound of the running water, already beginning to sniff. Jack would look back. "I. . . J-Jaabir was getting hungry, so Lichthia took me back to our burrow." He'd lower his head some at saying that, wondering if he should have. After a brief pause he'd start again. "He says. . . he doesn't want to hurt me on. . . act-ci-dent. Lichthia stays a little longer, a few days, she says. . . she knows how to act around him." He'd nod. "It was longer this time. I usually stay inside, we have lots of food and water." he'd lower his head, regretful, "I j-just wanted to go outside. . . and see the river. I think. . . I took too long. . . and the f-fox smelled me. I saw her coming. . . but. . . I c-couldn't run very well. He'd sigh. "I haven't ran in awhile. . ." The rabbit would bare a frown, "It was my fault. . . I'm sorry. . ."

The cat's expression would be careful neutral as she listened, grooming herself. Inwardly though, she wasn't at all happy to hear the rabbit. . .her rabbit!. .. .had been left on his own. She wasn't surprised, she'd known of the python's arrangement with the mouse, and they must have left him alone for this to happen. Still, she was angry. He was their responsibility, and the pair of htem would get an earfull when. no no. . . she reminded herself. Lichthia was prey, and so not responsible. How did she keep forgetting that. She of all people should never forget. No, Jaabir, would be getting an earfull. .. if snakes had ears?

Outwardly the cat would appear completely placid, none of her agitation apparent on her face or in her manner. If it had, she was sure the dear rabbit would feel guilty about making her angry, with Jaabir, that's just the way he was.

As he came to the part where he spoke of the fox, she'd cease grooming, and reach over to rub his neck as he spoke. It was a hard memory for himand so she'd comfort him as he recalled it. "i don't blame you at all," she'd tell him. leaving unmentioned who she did blame. "Of course you 'd want to get out." She'd smile. "But I'll forgive you, if it will make you feel better.."

"Now I'm sure your bath is ready by now." She'd slip her paws under the rabbit and lift him into the air. "So let's get you started."

The rabbit would lean into her rubs, his frown fading him. It was a bad memory, not as bad as getting buried alive, but still unpleasant. He'd turn to her as she spoke, raising his eyes. . . looking a little better. Jack had felt guilty he caused her a burden, so hearing the cat both was not upset and forgave him, helped. He'd nod to her gently.

At the mention of 'bath' he'd raise his head. "O-ok. . ." He'd ease back just a little when she reached for him and lifted. It was more from reflex, and the uncertainty of what exactly she was about to do to him. Still he'd go relaxed in her arms, head facing the sound of running water, his nose twitching.

The cat carried the rabbit into her bathroom, and set him down on a chair so he could see. There was a sink and a rack with towels and all sorts of odd things, but the most noticeable feature would be a big shiny metal tub against the wall. Water spilled into it from a faucet and filled it, clean water, which shimmered in the sunlight. He'd be able to see through it to the bottom. It was warm as well, a haze of steam rising above it, and it would indeed have a pleasant smell of lavender.

Jack look down from his chair, nose never tiring. He'd raise his head all around, certainly just as confused about this room as he had been with any other. This room though, was also quite 'sparkly', and the lapine always felt a facinatination to things that shined. And. . . that big thing, he'd look to it, head tilting back and forth. It. . . really did smell nice, but was a little intimidating just the same. Was she going to put him in there? He'd lower his head.

The cat would would lift her paw above the magical stream of water that seemingly came from nowhere, twist it in an odd fashion, and the stream of water would stop. "Now, you may not like it at first. .. " she'd warn him, turning around to pick him up. "It may feel too hot, so I'll lower you in slowly, don't worry I won't drop you." She'd raise the rabbit above the water, and he'd feel the water vapor rising, comfortably wam. "But even if it feels too hot at first, once you get used to it, it will feel very nice. It will help you to relax. Now, will just dip your paws in so you can get used to it." The cat lowered the rabbit, as she said, just far enough to let him dip in hiis paws. It would be quite warm at first.

The rabbit would swallow, still eying the tub. He'd turn his head to the cat and her warning, unsure if he should be worried now. He wouldn't protest, however, as she picked him, and held him just above. That steam would already begin gently caress his soft brown fur. . . and tickled his nose with the smell of that flower, which was confusing in that he saw no flowers at all. He'd tense then, as the cat started to dip him, nervous now. When his paws suddenly touched that heated water, he couldn't help but flinch! His legs kicked below to hop away, an instinctive reaction to things that were scary.

"Oh!" The rabbits feet would catch the surface of the water, sending up tiny stream to splash against her head and chest. It was hardly anything, just a little water, but the cat would startle, averting her head. Yes it was completely irrational, and she knew it as well, and was even embarrassed, but she couldn't help it. She was wet! She'd lift the rabbit up an inch where he'd no longer be a danger, while she recovered her composure.

Jack wouldn't even realize what he had done until it had happened. He'd tense up, finding his legs out of the water and just a little damp. . . and the cat looking a little damp herself. The rabbit took a breath, relaxing himself and rationalizing that it was all just water, that nothing bad had actually happened. He'd face the cat, blinking. Did he. . . scare her too? The rabbit would frown, "sorry. . ."

Eyes nearly shut, the sound of the rabbit would help calm the cat. "It's quite alright, Jack," she'd answer calmly. "I just got a little wet." Ohhhhhhh, she could feel it dripping! She'd take a breath and smile, opening her eyes. "Alright, I'm going to lower you again. Can you try to relax and not to kick?"

The rabbit still looked to her, concerned. . . if for himself or for the cat was unclear . Finally he'd nod his head. "O-ok. . . I'll try. . . " His body began to relax, and he'd take long steady breaths to keep himself from reacting to his instincts; something he learned from the python Jaabir.

The cat didn't know about the python's lessons, but she was impressed as the bunny breathed and calmed himself. "That's it. . . . just relax. . . ." She'd lower him slowly, smiling to herself as it occurred to her that both he and she were now equally nervous about putting him in the water. She'd lower him until his paw pads traced the surface. "There. . " she'd say, "isn't that nice?"

Jack would shut his eyes, his breaths still slow and steady. He'd feel that warm tingle again, but this time he expected it. With both paws against the water he'd slowly open his eyes and look down, blinking. He'd move one of his feet, not a kick this time, just gentlg tracing the water. It did seem a lot like a pond. . . just warmer, and smellier. Not that the smell was bad, it was just strange, confusing. Maybe he'd get used to it? The rabbit looked up at the smiling feline. He got used to worse things he considered. Jack gave a little nod. "It's. . . not so bad. . ." he'd agree.

The cat smiled. "It will feel a little warm at first, but as you get used to it, it will start to feel nice and help you relax." Of course the cat was not talking from personal experience having never actually used the bath for herself. It's primary use had in fact been for guests, most of whom went on to be the cat's dinner. "Alright I'm going to lower you slowly. Try not to kick, and if it gets uncomfortable, tell me and I'll stop." And so she'd slowly lower the rabbit into the tub. It helped she didn't mind getting just her paws wet. . . . at least not too much.

The rabbit prepared him, though having decided the 'tub' was just a warm pond, he was already becoming more at ease. . . even as he was lowered in. He'd twitch some, but no struggles, no kicks. . . no splashes. He'd feel his body become enveloped by hot water and steam. . . nose ever twitching now from the smell. When she brought him down to the bottom, he'd take a long sigh, staring over the water briefly and looking back to the cat. It was. . . a really strange feeling. And. . . after a few seconds of adjusting, it felt very. . . very nice. "g-gosh. . ." he'd mutter, sinking down just a little. He certainly didn't seem scared anymore, at least, not about the warm steamy tub. If he knew of such things, he *might* suspect she could be stewing him, but fortunately the rabbit had so far been sheltered from that particular nightmare, instead he'd only go more at ease.

The cat smiled, the rabbit's reaction making her happy. "See?" she'd tell him. Of course she'd never stew a rabbit in the tub, oh no. That was what the big stewpot in the kitchen was for. The bathtub was to get her prey clean and palatable. She'd hold him like that for a while, then reach for a brush and begin gently scrubbing him.

She'd do this for a while, to let him get relaxed and used to the water. "So tell me," she'd say softly, "What else did Paige tell you?" Reaching over to scrub the other side, she'd explain "I don't want you keeping anything to yourself, if it would make you feel better to tell someone."

The rabbit would close his eyes as the feline brushed and scrubbed. The action seemed less in fear than in comfort. It felt nice for all that dirt to come off. The dirt he was almost buried with, by. . . Paige. The rabbit frowned, and raised his head. At first he'd go a little quiet, only looking to the cat with lowered eyes. "Ok. . ." he'd answer soft with a sigh. The rabbit paused again, in thought. Finally he'd gather his words. "We. . . t-talked for a long time. When. . . I was in that hole. She. . . asked me things. . . and said. . . I could ask her things too." He'd blink at that thought. "K-kind of like. . . when I met you. . . but. . . d-different. F-first she asked me. . . if I could be a fox. . . w-would I, and. . . s-she said if. . . she was a rabbit, she w-wouldn't run. . . that she f-felt too good, when she hurt things. That it. . . w-would feel good to catch me" He'd lower his head at that. " S-she asked why I run. And t-told me what would happen if I came out. S-she said it was better for me. . . because other predators wouldn't. . ." he'd think for a moment, "respect me. . ."

The grey cat would mask her feelings as she listened to the rabbit speak. The purpose of this was to relieve his burden, not to add to it with any of the feline's own. Still, she couldn't help but feel conflicted, particularly when the rabbit compared her to the fox, even obliquely. What about her, what about the cat. Was she 'mean' to prey? Well of course she enjoyed teasing them,but that was different! Her misgivings subsided as the rabbit continued to talk, and the cat couldn't imagine herself saying any of that.

When Jack paused, she'd laugh softly. "My goodness, no wonder you're confused," she'd say light heartedly. "I couldn't understand half of that!" Her manner wasn't entirely sincere. She said what she said for the rabbit's benefit. She wanted him to see it didn't bother, so it needn't bother him. She wanted to see she thought it was silly, and since she was a strong smart pred, surely as strong and as smart as Paige, the rabbit could allow himself to think it was silly too.

Jack would nod his head some. He really didn't understand most of it, but had managed to get the fox's meanings on more than a few points, even though he disagreed. The cat would help him a little, him talking about it and her assurances. The rabbit sighed. "I told her I wouldn't come out. . . s-she said to tell her if I w-wanted to. . . but. . . it didn't mater. She s-said she'd. . . s-she'd follow my scent. . . s-she'd still find me." Jack cringed, with a low whimper. "I t-told her. . . s-someone else caught me. Then I. . . w-warned her. . . a-about Jaabir. . . that h-he got. . . r-real mad at the other fox. She didn't believe me. S-said. . . if it was true. . . and. . . i-if she caught me. . . s-she take care of me. . . before my p-predator knew. . ."

As the rabbit whimpered, the cat would set down the brush and scritch the back of his neck, comforting him being more important than cleaning him just now. 'Other fox'? she thought to herself. Oh, she didn't like the sound of that. Fox's of course were preds and not prey, but as she much as she liked him, the python wasn't civilized, and couldn't be depended on to be rational where his pets were concerned. She'd say none of this out loud though, and wouldn't ask Jack about this other fox. She was here to comfort Jack, not to grill him; this bit of news was unimportant, for now.

The ct would give a sigh and gently rub the rabbit's neck. She'd be a silent for a long moment, and when she spoke, it was in a gentle voice. "I know this is hard for you to understand, Jack," she'd say softly, "because you're such a sweet innocent creature, you never wish anyone else harm on anyone, and you can't understand why anyone would." She'd sigh, and lift the rabbit up out of the tub, and place him on a towel.

"But some creatures. . .. like Piage. .. are just mean. They say things just to be hurtful." The rabbit set down, she'd hold up her web paws gingerly. Then, averting her face, she'd flick the water on the off into a corner, to taking care not to get herself wet. "You can't trust her," she'd tell him, drawing a towel to finish drying her paws off. "That sort will say anything they think might be hurtful. You can't trust anything they say." She'd pick up another large towel and begin fluffing and drying the bunny.

Jack would relax himself when the cat lifted, not making any further splashes. He would tense as that towel came over him, more confused than frightened. Given the cat was holding it, he'd just go relaxed, eyes shut, as she did whatever it is she wanted to do with him. His find his head and body free from the towel, and nod slow. . . before being covered by another towel. He'd speak under this one. "S-she said. . . s-she liked being mean. I. . ." he'd pause as she wiped his muzzle, "I t-told her. . . s-she couldnt help it. . . I d-didn't blame her." He'd frown, looking up at the cat. "She laughed at me. . ."

Oh of course he didn't blame her, the cat thought to herself as she dried him. He never blamed anyone. Why he hadn't blamed her, even when she'd been ready to take him. She'd finish drying him quickly, as he needed comforting, and picked him up placed him on her shoulder as before, where she could stroke him. He was only a little wet, after all. She could tolerate that. . . . it was only water.

"She was just being mean," she'd tell him softly, that's just the way she is." As she spoke, she'd carry the rabbit to the living room once again, taking a seat on an overstuffed chair that she loved. She'd look out the window, the sun was close to setting. Jaabir and Lichthia were probably fretting, she should go soon, but she had one more thing to say.

"Jack. . . ." she'd say softly, holding him. "You know I've told you, I can never lie to prey?" she'd ask.

The rabbit laid gently her arms, clean. . . and of a pleasent scent. His head had unburied itself at her neck, and slowly. . . his soft brown eyes raised to meet her own. "Yes. . ." he'd answer back, nodding lightly.

Tabatha looked down, and suddenly it was difficult to meet those eyes looking back at her, so innocent, so trusting. She'd take a breath. "I have many rules," she told him. "But that one is most important of all. I can never lie to prey. . . ." She'd stop, open, her mouth, "I can. . . .sometimes lie to a pred. In fact I told a lie to Paige today. But I can never lie to prey." She'd swallow. "I can never lie to you."

He'd regard her words, little nose twitching soft. The rabbit had heard that rule before, spoken to him the day they met, when she assured him he'd be let free, that she wasn't hungry. At the time he wouldn't think to believe her, but now, even when she had hunted him, he. . . very much believed her. He wouldn't understand what she meant about about Paige, but it barely entered his thoughts. Jack would only lean forward, raise up his head, and nuzzle. "I know. . ."

The cat would almost shiver at the nuzzle to her neck. She'd stroke his back, slowly. "Today. . . ." she began, the words difficult to say, "Paige asked me why I didn't take you. And I told her it was because of a promise I'd Jaabir. And I told her if I were ever released from that promise, I would take you." She'd swallow, eyes shut. "That was a lie."

Jack looked up to her, frowning some, but. . . not by much. He'd begin to nod, ready to tell her not to feel bad, that he knew she wanted to eat him. . . that it was ok. . . he forgave her. As she went on, as she finished those words. . . his eyes rose wide. "Really? . ." he'd whisper soft, blinking. The rabbit was unsure what to make of it all.

The cat would open her eyes, look up at the rabbit, and nod. His expression made it easier for her to speak. "The truth of the matter," she'd begin, "is there was a time I could have taken you." She'd hesitate. "There was even a time when I was ready to take you." She'd swallow. "But since then, I've grown to care about you too much to consider doing such a thing." Another sigh. "I've grown far too fond of you to think of hurting you." And yet another. "It has nothing to do with Jaabir. You'll always be safe with me. As long as you live." There, it was done. The rabbit would never know how much those words had cost her. She might as well have told him she secretly ate babies. It was a breach of her second most important rule, never to play favorites with prey. But she had to tell him, he'd heard what she'd said to Paige, and she had to tell him the truth.She could only hope the results were better than Jaabir's infatuation.

Jack continued to stare, his muzzle even tilting to suggest confusion. . . that instinctive reaction to look at things from another angle. He had always liked her. . . she was the first one to ever say a nice word to him. Even when he knew she could still catch him. . . even after she almost did. The rabbit had thought her friend, but never expected, she'd think the same. At the words 'you'll always be safe', he shut his eyes, and press deeply against her. Just as in the tub. . . he got her wet. What was dry, kept. . . was no longer. He had stained her, if only just a little.

The cat held the rabbit close for a while. She didn't stroke him, didn't say anything, just held him close. It seemed appropriate somehow.

Sooner than she might wished, she'd set him down. "I'm going to have to leave you alone, just a little while," she told him. "I need to go find Jaabir and Lichthia, and make sure they know you're alright. She'd get up and disappear for a moment through yet another doorway. This time she'd come back in a moment with a plate and set it down. There were greens, cold to the touch on it. "Here's something to eat if you're hungry."

The brown lop was just as quiet, his only motion being to press in deeper. Worries. . . fears, they all but poured away. His eyes welled, but he was happy. . . so happy. Finally he'd feel her pull him away, place him down, and release. Normally he would be eager to escape the hold of a predator. . . but not this one. Still, he'd nod to her, his friends. . . his other friends, needed to know he was ok, needed to know he was safe. Lichthia should have came home today, she might even be looking for him. Jack looked up, giving a little sniff and watching the car walk away. When she left his sight, he thought she had already gone, a little surprised when she reappeared holding. . . what was that? His nose twitched strong, mouth parting. It never occurred to him that he was hungry, that he hadn't eaten all day, it didn't seem important at the time. He'd ease himself forward, getting just before the plate. . . pushing at the food lightly with his nose. It smelled so much nicer than the clover he was used to. He'd look up, just sort of staring, "thank you. . . Tabatha. . ." he'd whisper, before lowering himself to eat. He'd part his muzzle and take the smallest of bites. His eyes shut, and body twitched. "mm. . ." He'd take a mouthful, chewing slow with a blissful expression. "gosh. . ." he'd murmur.

"You're welcome," the cat answered, scritching the back of the rabbit's neck. Oh she was going to spoil him, wasn't she? It was inevitable. Still, she suspected his nature was too sweet to be corrupted. "Alright," she'd say, pulling on a clean t-shirt. "It may take me a while to find them if they're not at the nest, so don't worry if I'm out late. Later I'll show you how to get in and out of. . . ." Her lip would curl upward. ". . . my cave. In the meantime, just stay here, you'll be safe."

Between the flavorful greens and the pleasant scratches, the bunny would grind his teeth. He'd manage to raise his muzzle, a little leaf poking out. "Ok. . ." he'd answer back, watching her smile and. . . smiling a little himself. He nodded slow, taking in those words. 'Safe', he was going to be safe. . . forever.

The Vixen 4: The Day Ends

"I'm back." The feline's words would be the first sign the rabbit would have of her return. Her barefoot step was silent, and the door to her house well oiled, and the cat habitually did everything with a silent grace. It might almost seem she appeared...

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The Vixen 2: The Exchange

Much as the vixen wanted to, she avoiding nuzzling the fuzzy bundle in her arms as they approached. It probably wouldn't be such a nice gesture from a lapine point of view, and besides she really ought to not be teasing herself with the taste (though...

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The Vixen 1: Trapped

It was mid-afternoon and the sun hung brightly above the forest: Much to the delight of its residents, from the large to the small. One of the later, would be a brown rabbit named Jack, slowly emerging from his burrow. The lapine looked to be a little...

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